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Carmela Jia Ming A.



Today, we are all suffering on how to survive on our day-to-day activities from different
subjects that we are enrolled right now. Most of students including me, experiencing a really
hard time to cope in changing the way on how our teaching styles was implemented by our
government. It is due to the fact of spreading the virus and we must comply to the rules and
regulations like this quarantine on our own home. We all don’t want this kind of set up because
we are all affected and suffering from it. It starts from us, our parents and also our professors.

Aside from adjusting in this set up, there are also a lot of things that we need to
appreciate. First, we tend to be more independent. Usually in to face to face teaching style in
school, we always tend to ask questions to our professors. We know that they are always there. I
am not saying that there is something wrong with that but now, instead of asking them one by
one we, as a student gives more initiative to make some research, read more modules and watch
videos that is related to the topic. We make ways just to clarify what we can’t understand and
what we need to learn about. Moreover, we know that communication is very important in
different situations in our lives. It is not a one-way process. It is a two-way process so that you
need to do your part. Giving the example is me, I am a student from IABF taking up
Accountancy. I must admit that it is really hard to study and compute every detail in our major
subjects specially accounting but we need to get through it and make different adjustments. We
don’t depend on what our professors gave to us. We need to learn from our own. Read more
books related to the topics and answer more online assessments to exercise our ability. Then, our
law subjects. We need to make more research to be sure of different details that was being
tackled to us.

This experience that I gain now will be my stepping stone in the future. I am proudly
saying that I know I did my best and give all of my efforts because I really want to learn and
education is very important to me. It can help me in my future career so that when I am working
on the field, I will not only depend on my colleagues. I know I can handle work on my own and
not depend in their presence. I will surely can stand on my own without asking if I did something
wrong. I will be confidently work and do my own researches in my chosen field. I will also
communicate with my heads and superiors if I have questions that I really can’t understand. It is
okay to ask for a help If you know that you can’t make it. It doesn’t make you weak, but it
becomes you more professional because you are willing to learn and be fed by others.

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