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Human Resource Management (MGT501)

Assignment 01
Marks: 10 (3+3+4) Due Date: August 2, 2021

Weightage: 7
Important Note: Before attempting the assignment, make sure that you have listened to the relevant
video lecture, read handouts and thoroughly understood the relevant concepts. Read all the cases
and relevant questions carefully.

Case 1: Error/Problem Justification.

In a small business, no formal Recent Behavior Bias Due to his recent error, the
appraisal system is placed. An supervisor gave his employee a
employee who completed all the low rating, without taking into
assigned tasks made a major account his overall performance
mistake just before the annual for the year. It would not have
appraisal. Consequently, his happened if there had been a
supervisor rated him negatively proper performance assessment.
and he could not get any
financial benefit. The employee
worked hard during the year and
was demotivated after the
performance appraisal.

Identify the error and explain.

Case 2: Central Tendency In this scenario, the supervisor

graded all employees on a single
In a project team, there are a average, regardless of their
total of 10 members including individual performance. Hard
the team lead. Three of them are employees become demotivated as
very enthusiastic, hardworking a result of this.
and ready to take initiative while
other members are somehow
reluctant in accepting individual
responsibility. One of the team
members did not work properly
throughout the project duration.
The project was completed
successfully within budgeted
time and constraints. In the end,
while assessing the individuals,
the team lead used the graphical
rating scale and rated all
members at an average
level. Identify the performance
appraisal issue and justify.
Case 3: Objectives How these features can help in
As a result, the Management by meeting the identified
The performance appraisal Objectives Performance Appraisal objectives?
system of XYZ has the following System will be properly The end aim will be easier to
salient features. implemented. grasp when employees and
Performance strengths & supervisors sit down to discuss
weaknesses are discussed semi‐ gaps in reaching corporate
annually during an appraisal objectives. Their efficiency,
meeting. Reasons for good/poor motivations, and efforts will
performance are discussed and increase as a result. Instead of
relevant guidance is provided at focusing on employee
this stage. The record of this evaluations, managers will
appraisal meeting is well‐ focus on achieving the
maintained for annual appraisal. company's goals.

Which of the performance

appraisal objectives can be met
with the help of above
mentioned features? How these
features can help in meeting the
identified objectives? Explain

24 hours extra / grace period after the due date is usually available to overcome uploading
difficulties. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above mentioned due
date should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.

Make sure to upload the solution file before the due date on VULMS.
Any submission made via email after the due date will not be accepted.


Use the font style “Times New Roman” or “Arial” and font size “12”.
It is advised to compose your document in MS-Word format.
You may also compose your assignment in Open Office format.
Use black and blue font colors only.

Please note that your assignment will not be graded or graded as Zero (0), if:
It is submitted after the due date.
The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt.
It is in any format other than MS-Word or Open Office; e.g. Excel, PowerPoint, PDF etc.
It is cheated or copied from other students, internet, books, journals etc.

Note related to load shedding: Please be proactive

Dear students! As you know that pre mid‐term semester activities have been started and load
shedding problem is also prevailing in our country now a days. Keeping in view the fact, you all are
advised to post your activities as early as possible without waiting for the due date.

Best of luck.

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