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CHAPTER 1 (1(a, b, c))

MARCH 2017
1(a) Provide 5 ways to overcome barriers to communication (5 marks)
5 ways to overcome barriers to communication is:
 Take communication courses to improve communication skills
 Learn about your audience/receiver
 Adopt an audience-centered approach
 Facilitate feedback
 Commit to ethical communication

1(a) List 5 type of communication (5 mark)
 Intrapersonal communication
 Interpersonal communication
 Small group
 Public communication
 Mass communication

JUNE 2018
1(a) Define non-verbal communication (5 marks)
Non-verbal communication is the most basic form of communication. Non-verbal
communication is a communicating without speaking. Interpersonal process of sending and receiving
message, without using written or oral language. For example, communicate using WhatsApp and

1(a) Briefly explain external communication (5 marks)
External communication is where you exchange of information and ideas with external parties or
outsider. External communication is included customers, suppliers, friends, competitors,
government officials, investors & community representatives. Example of formal external
communication is marketing and public relation. Example of informal external communication is
casual meeting or conversation.

JUNE 2019
1(a) Define communication (5 mark)
Communication can be defined as giving, receiving or exchange information, opinion, or ideas
by writing, speech, or visual means, so that the message communicated is completely understood by
the recipients.

1(a) Define business communication (5 mark)
Business communication is a communication that occur within an organization in the form of
verbal or non-verbal, formal, or informal in order to communicate effectively either internally or
MARCH 2017
1(b) Explain 3 different direction of information flow in a formal communication network of an
organization (10 mark)
 The flow of information flow in a formal communication can be categorized into 3 which
is downward communication, upward communication, and horizontal communication.
Information in downward communication flow from upper level to the lower level of an
organization such as from the manager to the employee. In this flow contain decision
and order from the manager to their subordinate.
 This flow provides information from manager and can help the employee about their
 In the upward communication, the information flow from lower level to the higher level
of member. This flow helps the manager to monitor the employee’s performance and
ideas. In this flow allow the manager to solve the problem that occur in the organization
and make wise decision
 The movement of information for horizontal communication or also known as lateral
communication is between individual on the same level to solving some complicated
problem that occur in their department. The example is manager from marketing
department ask about financial from finance department

1(b) Describe 4 basic form of communication (10 marks)
4 basic form of communication is:
 Verbal: Writer and oral communication. The usage of words arranged in some meaningful
pattern. Oral communication provides speedier exchange with immediate feedback, giving a
feeling of importance
 Non-verbal: Most basic form of communication. The communication without speaking and
interpersonal process of sending and receiving message, without using written or oral
 Formal: Aligned with the official structure of an organization. It defined by the official chain
of command and covers wide distances as organization develop & info travels over different
 Informal: A grapevine communication. No set hierarchy path and no rigid structure. That
contains mix of business and personal message of facts, opinion, and assumption.

JUNE 2018
1(b) Explain the 4 type of grapevine of transmitting information (10 marks)
4 type of grapevine in communication is:
 Single strand chain: Consists of one on one interaction. When A say something to B
who then relay it to C and so on. It is the least accurate of the four chain and with
the increase of transit points the chances of distortion and deletion increase.
 Gossip chain: Characterized by a group of people gathering to discuss matters of
mutual interest. When one person seeks out and tells everyone the news that
he/she gathered. It is used to relay interesting bits of news that may not be job
 Probability chain: Message is passed on randomly without direction or method. The
choice of recipient depends on the sender’s will, situation, or context. Sender is
indifferent to or not interested in the receiver he chooses
 Cluster chain: Most popular grapevine pattern. Information is passed on a selective
basis to a few members only. The first sender informs a few chosen individuals who
again pass on the information to keep the information to themselves. Choice of
recipient depends on the content and intent of the message as well as the
relationship between the members of the group

1(b) Explain 5 characteristics of effective communication (10 marks)
5 characteristics of effective communication is:
 Provide practical information. It gives recipients used information that helps them
perform a desired action understand a new company policy
 Gives facts rather than impression. It used to concrete language, specific detail, and
information that is clear, convincing, accurate, and ethical
 Present information in a concise and efficient manner. Highlight the most important
information, rather then dumping everything the reader
 State expectation and responsibilities. It clearly states what you expect from the
audience members and what you can do for them
 Persuade other and after recommendations. It shows your reader precisely how they
will benefit from responding to your message

JUNE 2019
1(b) Briefly explain 4 factors that contribute to effective communication (10 marks)
4 factors that contribute effective communication is:
 Management foster an open communication climate. To make sure communication that
been use are effective management must use the open communication so that all
employee easier to communicate
 Employees understand the difficulties involved in intercultural communication.
Employer must use the easier language to make sure all employee include foreigner
understand the message
 Employees are proficient in communication technology
 All massage is created & processed in a timely & efficient manner. Make sure all
message that need to be sent to receiver must be short and easy to receiver understand
the message

1(b) Briefly explain 5 type of communication (10 marks)
5 type of communication is:
 Mass communication: Communication transmitted to large, wide-spread audiences via
 Public Communication: Communication by 1 or more people to a large group of people
 Small Group Communication: Communication between people involved in a group
where coalitions can form.
 Dyadic/Interpersonal Communication: Communication between 2 people.
 Intrapersonal Communication: Communicating with oneself.
MARCH 2017/ JUNE 2018
1(c) Briefly explain the communication process (10 marks)

 Sender: sender is the source that initiates the communication due to the need and desire to
communicate or a purpose for communicating is either formal or informal.
 Encoding: The sender transforms the idea into a massage before sending it out. Massage’s
form can be in words, facial expression and body gestures, length, organized, and tone and
 Massage/Channel: The sender transmits the massage through a suitable channel of
communication. The channel chosen depends on various factors such as urgency, cost,
confidentially and recipient (refer choosing a channel of communication)
 Decoding: The receiver gets the message and interprets the message. If the receiver
interprets correctly, the receiver will react in the desired way
 Receiver: The receiver reacts and sends feedback to the sender. It is a key element to the
sender. It is a key element to determine whether the receiver understand your intention and
responds correctly
 Noise: Four kind of noise is physiological noise that distraction caused by factor that affect
how we feel and think. Next, physical noise that interference in our environment. Other than
that, psychological noise that qualities in us that affect how we communicate and interpret
others. Moreover, is semantic noise that words are not mutually understood.


1(c) Illustrate 5 benefits of effective communication (10 marks)
5 benefits of effective communication are:
 Quicker problem solving: When ideas/problem/ instruction are understood by receiver, they
can take immediate appropriate to solve problem
 Stronger decision making: Effective communication grants and enhances the collection of
data and information for strong decision making
 Upturn in productivity: With quick problem solving and strong decision making, operation in
the organization can run smoothly resulting in increased productivity
 Clearer and steadier work flow: Top management’s ability to give effective direction to
workers ensures clear and steady work flow
 Enhance professional image: Ability to communicate effectively makes a person look
professional as he/she able to talk and give feedback without hesitation

1(c) Explain 4 barriers in communication (10 marks)
4 barriers in communication is:
 Different perception. The way people think may not be the same/ mental images are not
identical. Language that be use may be turn into a barrier of people define a given word
or phrase differently
 Restrictive environment. Companies that restrict the flow of information often result in
significant loss of message quality. That may affect lack of effective means of sharing
 Distraction. The information is difficult to understand. This may happen when message
overload and poor listener by the receiver. For example, physical distraction such as bad
connection and noise
 Deceptive tactics. The tactics to mislead message

JUNE 2019
1(c) Briefly discuss 5 ways to overcome barriers to communication (10 marks)
5 ways to overcome barriers is:
 Learn about your audience/ receiver: learn about receiver’s bias, education, age, social
status, style & point of view
 Encourage an open communication climate-less communication chain by modify the
number of organization levels
 Commit to ethical communication by give accurate info and not do plagiarize, misquote,
misrepresent numbers
 Facilities feedback by use survey & memo
 Adjust tools of communication according to audience/receiver. For example Instagram
and Facebook for teenagers, and email for professional
CHAPTER 3 (2(a))

MARCH 2017/ JUNE 2019

2(a) Describe 5 ways reports can be classified (10marks)
5 ways report can be classified is:
 By source: Voluntary reports prepared on own initiative. Authorized reports prepared at
the request of someone
 By frequency: Routine @ periodic reports submitted on a recurring basis such as daily,
weekly, and monthly. Special report presents the result of specific, onetime studies @
 By target audience: internal reports are use for within organization and less format.
Example for internal reports is memo. External reports are used for outside the
organization. Example for external reports is letter or manuscript format
 By length: long report examine problem in detail and require extensive research &
preparation time. Short report may use to discuss just one part of the problem and not
require formal research
 By intent: informational report is focus on facts & are intended mainly to explain or to
educate reader. Informational report are present data and fact without analysis.
Analytical report is designed to solve a problem by convincing readers that conclusions
and recommendations reached are justified based on data, analysis, and interpretations.


2(a) Briefly explain 5 purpose of report (10 marks)
5 purpose of report is:
 Disseminate information: it provides complete, accurate, and objective information
 Progress of work being carried out. It shows progress of work, monitor, and control
 Give findings of an investigation. To make sound decision and find effective solution on
specific issue
 Help management to arrive at a decision. Report supply necessary to manager to solve
 Provide recommendations based on the conclusion. For examples, give your own opinion
how solve the problem that occurred

JUNE 2018
2(a) Explain the 5 main items in introduction section in the report (10 marks)
5 main items in introduction section in report is:
i. Purpose of the report that must be provide an objective, aim goal or mission. For
example, you just came from computer exhibition and found a software package. You
are given a task of writing a report to the head account department and CEO to
recommend buy this software package
ii. Audience profile. The reader is head account department and boss
iii. Subject matters are the fact and data relevant to the purpose of the report
iv. Sources is the information given by the computer software agents, brochures, and
v. Format is a memo report or formal analytical report
2(a) Describe 5 characteristic of a good report (10 marks)
5 characteristics of a good report is:
 Accurate: the information presented in a report must be factually correct and error-
 Complete: it included all information necessary for readers to understand the situation,
problem, or proposal
 Balanced: it presents all sides of issues fairly and equally and includes all the essential
information even though the information does not support your reasoning
 Clear and logical: clear sentences structure and good transitions are important
 Document properly: be sure to properly document and give credits to primary and
secondary sources used in report
CHAPTER 2(2(b))


2(b) The table below shows the sales of book and magazines in One Bookstore between 2015 and
2016. Create a Bar Chart and explain based on the information given
Romance books 3500 2800
Humor books 1050 1800
Self-help books 800 1500
Cookery books 2500 3100
Travel magazines 5000 5500
Sports magazines 1500 4100
Others 1200 2100
 Membership cards introduced in 2016
 A sports center opened beside the shop in January 2016 (15 marks)

Sales of book and magazine







romance humour books self-help book cookery book travel sports others
books magazine magazine

year 2015 (ubit) year 2016 (unit)

The bar chart shows the sales of book and magazines in One Bookstore between 2015 and 2016.
There are seven book and magazine that been sales in One Bookstore between 2015 and 2016.
Majority customer are loves to buy travel magazine in both years. This can see when travel magazine
successful sell in 5000 units in 2015 and in 2016 travel magazine are been sells 5500 units when
membership cards are been introduced. Next, the second most favorite book is romance book. This
can be seen when One Bookstore are success sells romance book 3500 units in 2015 and in 2016
One Bookstore are success sells 2800 units when membership cards are been introduced. The third
most favorite book is cookery books and sport magazine. This can be seen when 2015 cookery book
are success sell 2500 units by One Bookstore and in 2016, they success sells 3100 books of cookery
books because of they are introduced a membership card. The sport magazine also the most favorite
book among the customer because in 2015, customer willing to buy 1500 of sport magazine and in
2016, customer willing to buy 4100 units of sport magazine. This shows that even One Bookstore has
a new competitor in January, they still can run the business. The humour book are success be sells
3500 units in 2015 and in 2016, homour book are success sells 1800 units on book due to the
membership card. The others of book and magazine also shows a positive increase this can be see
when in 2015 others book and magazine are success been sells 1200 units and in 2016, they success
sell 2100 unit due to membership card introduced. The least number of book and magazine that
been buys from customers in 2015 and 2016 is self-help books where in 2015 they success sells 800
units and in 2016 they success sells 1500 unit but this book still shows the positive improvement
between 2015 and 2016

JANUARY 2018/ JUNE 2018/ JUNE 2019

2(b) The table below shows the percentages of online shopping purposes. Draw a pie chart and
explain based on the information given. (15 marks)
Purpose of online shopping Percentage (%)
Convenient delivery service 40
Better price 23
Time constraint 16
More variety 8
Do not have to worry about location 7
Others 6

purpose of online shopping

convenient delivery sevice better price

time constraint more variety
do not have to worry about location others

The pie chart shows the percentage of online shopping purpose. There are six purpose of online
shopping. Majority of them are said the most common purpose of online shopping is convenient
delivery service. This reason took 40% of pie chart. Next reason, taking 23% of the chart is the better
price. This is because by shopping online, customer can get the much cheaper price either they buy
at their shop. By time constraint is the most common purpose of online shopping. This reason took
16%. By more variety also the most common purpose of online shopping this is because when we
buy online, we can wee more variety of material and type of product instead buy from shop. This
reason took 8%. By do not have worry about location that took reason 7% are common purpose of
shopping online because when we shopping online, the personal shopper or the owner will post to
us and the others of purpose online shopping are took reason 6%
CHAPTER 4 (3(a, b))


3(a) To ensure that a meeting is successful and valid, it must be properly convened, properly
constituted, and properly conducted. Explain (15 mark)
1. A meeting must be properly convened
A notice must be sent to every person who is entitled to attend
- Adequate time must be given
- The notice must not misleading and creating confusion
- The notice must contain all the important details
- A notice must be issued by the secretary with the authority of the convening body
2. It must be properly constituted
- The chairman’s appointment must be valid
- There must be quorum to start a meeting
3. It must be properly conducted
- The chairman must ensure that the business dealt within a meeting is within the scope
of meeting
- The chairman must allow the proposal of a legitimate and relevant amendment
JANUARY 2018/ JUNE 2019
3(a) Ms. Vida the Marketing Manager of Sayang Sdn. Bhd was asked to be in-charge of the launch of
her company’s new line of cosmetic product on August 2017. Therefore, she plans to conduct a
meeting with her marketing team to discuss on the preparation for the launch. The meeting will be
held on Friday, 30 June 2017, 10 a.m at Meeting Room 1. As a secretary to Ms. Vida, you are
required to prepare and sent a notice and agenda of the meeting to the marketing team. (15 marks)

Saying Sdn. Bhd

Notice of meeting
The Board of Management Meetind will be held as follows:
Day: Friday
Date: 30 June 2017
Time: 10 a.m
Place: Meeting Room 1
All members are required to attend. Attendance is compulsory


Putri Khadijah binti Mohammed Shah

25 May 2017

The Board of Management

1. Chairman’s address
2. Apologies for absence
3. Minutes of the last meeting
4. Matters arising out of last minutes
5. Report of cosmetic product
6. Appointment of new staff
7. Promotion of cosmetic product
8. Any other business
9. Date and time of the next meeting
10. Close

Putri Khadijah binti Mohammed Shah
25 May 2017
JUNE 2018
3(a) Explain 5 different types of formal meeting (15 marks)
5 different types of formal meeting are:
 The inaugural general meeting: it held during a society should be formed or not. Once it
is decided to be formed, the constitution and standing orders are formulated
 Executive committee meeting is to discuss day to day affairs such as to discuss to get
progress report of activities and to discuss particular tasks or project that has been
 Annual general meeting is to elect the executive committee, to enable official of EC to
present their report and to allow members to air their views.
 Sub-committee meeting is to discuss any task or project that has been assigned by the
main committee members and to update committee on progress of work
 Extraordinary general meeting is to discuss urgent matter which cannot wait for the
next meeting. For example, elect a new chairperson in the case of resignation or
sudden death

3(b) Describe the preparation for a successful meeting (15 marks)
 Decide the purpose: most meeting focus on 2 type which is information meeting which
involve persuasion and problem solving. Purpose must be clear and clearly communicate
to all participant for the meeting
 Select participant for the meeting: for information meetings where one person do most
of the talking, a larger group can be invited. For decision making meeting and problem
solving, invite only those who are in position to help the meeting reach its objectives
 Chose the time and facilities: decide whether the meeting is within or beyond working
hours, check the premise or room’s arrangement and give attention to other details such
as lighting, visual aids and others
 Set an agenda: distribute a written agenda to all participants, giving them the enough
time to prepare as needed
CHAPTER 6 (3(a, b))


3(b) Distinguish between chronological resume and functional resume (10 marks)

Chronological resume Functional resume

Most common way to organize a resume. Emphasis on skills and accomplishment and
Employees most prefers to use the format and concentrate on individual areas of competence
easy to understand. The advantages of or individual capability. It is very useful for
chronological resume are employers are someone who are just entering the job market
familiar with the format and the info can be or does not have any work experience. The
found easily. This format highlight growth and advantages are employers can see what you
career progression. Employees can know the can do for them and what contribution you can
employer’s contribution on the company. This gave to them without going through job
also highlights employment continuity and description. Employees can emphasis job
stability. From this format the employers can experience. Employees also can de-emphasize
know how long you work for every company any lack of the employee career progression
that you used to work.

3(b) Describe 3 parts of a job application letters. (10 marks)
3 parts of a job application letter is:
 Opening paragraph. It the opening paragraph it needs to have some information. The
information is you need to mention that you are applying for a position in the company.
The next information is you need to start your name, and which position is you are
applying. For solicited letter you need to tell how you learned of the opening. While for
unsolicited letter, you need to identify your abilities
 Body paragraph. In this paragraph you should convincing the employers the you are
right for the job. You also need to explain a little bit of your resume to the employers by
demonstrating your education preparation, work experience and the qualification is
relevant or not relevant to job requirement
 Closing paragraph. In this paragraph you need to have the confident tone and ask that
you need and interviews. You need to provide your telephone number to make sure
that the employers can contract you easily for an interview

JUNE 2018
3(b) Briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages of a combination format resume (10 marks)
The advantages of combination resume emphasize the abilities, skills, and accomplishment. It
will be presenting job chronology. next is, avoid the attention on lack of recent work experience. It is
easy to identify these skills while also conforming that the required work experience
The disadvantages of combination resume tend to be longer. It is because combination of
chronological and functional format is combining togethers and it takes a long time to prepare.
Another disadvantages, it can be repetitious. Repetition may cause another issue. It will affected on
behalf both employers and employee

3(a) Explain 3 advantages of writing resume using the chronological format (10 marks)
3 advantages of writing resume use chronological format is:
 Employers are familiar with it and easily find info. Employees can find info about
yourself very easy and employers are familiar with the format itself.
 Growth and career progression are highlighted. It can help employers to understand
your career progression. Employers also know when you started your career.
Employers also will know what your contributions that you did to your old company
 Highlights employment continuity and stability. Employers can know your career
stability and how long did you work on certain company. It will affect employer’s

JUNE 2019
3(b) Briefly explain 5 components in resume writing (10 marks)
5 components in resume writing is:
 Important detail such as name, address, telephone, email address, and website address
if the page reflect your professional ambition
 Objective or summary of resume. To tells employers the sort of work you are hoping to
do. The objective or summary must be specific. For example, to obtain an entry-level
position within a financial institution requiring strong analytical & organizational skills
 Education. The new grands should be list education info 1st. the most recent
educational info is listed 1st. The education must include your degree, major, institution,
attended and minor. Add you grade point average if it is higher than 3.0
 Work experience. Give a brief overview of work that has taught you skills. Use action
words to describe your job duties. In work experience must include tittle of position,
name of organization, location of work, dates of employment, and describe work
responsibilities with emphasis on specific skills & achievement
 Other info such as key or special skills or competencies. For example, leadership
experience in volunteer organization
 References. Ask for permission before you give the names to potential employers. Do
not include reference info on your resume

MARCH 2017
4) You are the owner of a hair salon in One Shopping Mall in Kluang. Recently, there have been
frequent power failures and water cuts in the shopping mall. In addition, a snatch theft also occurred
last month in front of your salon. Due to these problems, your business has been adversely affected.
Write a complaint letter to the management of the shopping mall for the situation to be rectified.
(25 marks)

Dear sir,

Problem That Occur in One Shopping Mall.

With references to the above, I wish your attention the problem that had happened last month and
also the power failure and water cuts that happened recently in the shopping mall.

I regret to inform you that those problem had been affected my business because my shop is salon
so we need power and water to run our business. I hope the problem will solve within this month
because I need to run my business. As this is quite urgent, I hope that you will take immediate
action to rectify the problem.
Thank you,

Yours faithfully,
The owner of hair salon.
4) You are operation a stationery store at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Based on the quotation given by one
of your suppliers below, write a letter to the firm placing an order for stationaries and specify the
delivery address, date required and payment method.

Aramaiti Sdn. Bhd,

Unit 5-1A, Metrotown Commercial Centre,
88870 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

21 August 2107,

Mr. Tan Pi Tam

Pi Tam Stationeries, 9, Jalan Deshon 3,
88870 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

Dear Mr. Tan,


JUNE 2018
Thank you for your enquiry dated 27 July 2017. The following is a quotation on the stationeries that
4)you enquire

Quantity Item description Item price (RM) per unit

1 Double A a4 papers 8.25
1 Clear folders 1.20
1 Staedtler pencils (box of 20 box) 13.00

The prices quoted includes GST and are valid for 3 months from the date of this letter. We are able
to deliver 3 days after receiving your order. However, we may require a 20% deposit for any urgent
order of stationeries

We look forward to receives your order

Your sincerely,
Answer 4(JAN 2018)

Mr. Tan Pi Tam

Pi Tam Stationeries, 9, Jalan Deshon 3,
88870 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

25 August 2017

Aramaiti Sdn. Bhd,

Unit 5-1A, Metrotown Commercial Centre,
88870 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

Dear sir,

Stationery order
Thank you for your quotation on 21 August 2017. We would be glad it you could supply us the following

Quantity Item description Item price (RM) per unit

1 Double A a4 papers 8.25
1 Clear folders 1.20
1 Staedtler pencils (box of 20 box) 13.00

The stationeries that we have ordered should reach by 27 August 2017. Please deliver the stationeries to
address above.

We hope you will find these stationeries

Your faithfully,
Operating Manager.
JUNE 2018
4) You are working as a Marketing Manager in a SMF Global Cruise. Your department has received
the following letter.

Dear sir,

My neighbour, Mr. Rahman Yunus has recently recommended your luxury cruises to me. He and
his wife often take the SMF Global Cruise and speak very highly of them.

My wife and I are thinking of celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary in August on your cruise.

Please send me a copy of your current brochure showing the cost of your cruise together with
the departure dates.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Anas Maya

Please reply the above letter by giving all the relevant information and express the hope of good
business relations.

SMF Global Cruise

24 Jalan Megah
Kota Kinabalu Sabah

25 July 2017

Anas Maya
No 23, Taman Jaya Perdana
70400 Seremban

Dear sir,

Information about luxury cruise

We welcome your inquiry 22 July and thank you for your interest with our cruise.

We have Princess Cruise we provide a luxurious amenities like mouth-watering meals, a romantic
outdoor movie theatre under the star or energetic street performer-style entertainment.

We sent you a brochure to shows the view and shape of our cruise. Our representative, Encik
Anuar will call you on Friday at 3 p.m

We hope the brochure that been given will convince you what exactly you want in your
anniversary. We look forward to receiving your order.

Your faithfully,
Marketing Manager
4) You are operating a company that sells shoes from many brands. Below is a complaint letter from
your valued customer. Reply to this complaint letter granting her request (25 marks)

Lot 2683
Taman Perumahan Wadi Sofianah
18500 Kota Bharu Kelantan

22 September 2018

Kedai Kasut De Rebana Sdn. Bhd

Kompleks Perniagaan Alpa
2300 Wangsa Maju
Kuala Lumpur

Dear sir/Madam

Order No BA4461

I have recently ordered a new pair of shoes from your website on 15 September 2018. I received
the order on 25 September 2018. Unfortunately, when I opened it, I noticed that the shoes were
in bad condition. The shoes had dirt all over it and there was a small hole in front of it. My order
number is BA4461

I would appreciate if you could refund my money by creating my account as I have brought a
new pair of shoes.

All these while, I am satisfied with your company’s service however this is my first experience
encountering a problem. I can be contact at 019-9887615

Your sincerely,

Hani Maisarah Irham

Kedai Kasut De Rebana Sdn. Bhd
Kompleks Perniagaan Alpa
2300 Wangsa Maju
Kuala Lumpur

26 September 2018

Lot 2683
Taman Perumahan Wadi Sofianah
18500 Kota Bharu Kelantan

Dear madam,

Your order: BA 4461

We have received your letter on 23 September 2018 in regarding to damage shoe, we are truly
sorry about that. We did not notice the shoe are in bad condition. Next time, we will check first
before we proceed sent to customer.

We will proceed with what you want. We will refund your money in the account as soon as
possible. Thank you for writing your experience towards our product.

Once again, please accept our sincere apologies. We look forward to serve you.

Your faithfully
Operating Manager
JUNE 2019
4) Your company has decided to implement ‘work-at-home’ concept for the architect personal on a
trial basis starting 1 August 2019. As this concept is new, the following guideline have been drawn by
management to facilitate the administration and day-to-day operations
i. Employees need to check their email daily and respond promptly to the people concerned
ii. Employees need to call their department once a week to get any latest news and task
iii. Employees need to submit their work progress to the person in change according to the time
iv. Employees are required to submit a monthly report of their activities to the Head of
Department and a copy to the Human Resources Department

As a Human Resources Department, your boss has instructed you to write memorandum to all
architect personnel in your company informing them about the implementation of the ‘work-at-
home’ concept and the guidelines. The memo also needs to inform the employees that the new
concept will be evaluated for 4 months before it is fully implemented (25 marks)

To: All architect personnel
From: Human Resources Department
Date: 25 July 2019
Subject: Work-at-home

Please be informed that our company has decided to implement ‘work-at-home’ concept starting 1
August 2019 until 31 December 2019. Thus, our company is emphasizing to all architect personnel to
follow the guideline when work at home.

These are four guidelines to all architect personnel:

i) Employee must check their email daily and respond promptly
ii) Employee must call their department once a week to get latest news and task
iii) Employee must submit their monthly work progress to person who charge according the
iv) Employee must submit their monthly report to Head of Department and a copy to Human
Resources Department

I hope all employees will not find any difficult to follows our guideline when work at home.

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