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Oxford Discover
Grammar 1
2nd edition
Second Term Booklet

Name: ___________________
Grade 1:_________


Grade 1 Teacher Vice Academic Director
Unit 7
A Year in the Wild

Present simple
Affirmative and Negative Statements with
She, He, and It
 Use the simple present to talk about things that are true.
 In affirmative statements with She, He, and It.
We add an –s to the verb.
walk + -s = walks smile + -s = smiles
write + -s = writes cook + -s = cooks
swim + -s = swims clap + -s = claps

1. The black bear sleeps for five months.
2. It eats plants.
3. She wakes up at seven o’clock.
4. My uncle is a doctor. He works in the hospital.
5. She cooks delicious food for our lunch.

Page 1
Date: _________________

Something to work on …..

Read the sentences. Circle the correct verb that can complete each sentence
and write on the lines.

1. Jana ____________ tea in the morning.

( drink, drinks )

2. My sister ____________ a guitar.

( play, plays )

3. The rabbits ____________ carrots.

( like, likes )

4. He ____________ football every weekend.

( play, plays )
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Date: _________________

5. My brother _____________ in the shop.

( work, works )

6. She _____________ to read comic book.

( like, likes )

7. Hala _____________ to the library every afternoon.

( go, goes )

8. She usually _____________ healhty food.

( eat, eats )

9. Kareem _____________ his teeth regularly.

( brush, brushes )
Page 3

Date: _________________

With She, He, and It

 We make negative statements with doesn’t.

1. he doesn’t talk

2. she doesn’t play

3. it doesn’t eat

4. she doesn’t study

5. it doesn’t rain

6. she doesn’t work

Page 4
Date: _________________

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in the brackets.

My parents don’t work at the weekends. We often go

on a picnic on Saturday. I play hide-and – seek with my

sister. My mother ________ ( draw, draws ) pictures

and my father ________ ( read, reads ) a book.

Our dog _________ ( like, likes ) running.

On Sunday I do my homework. My sister ________

( play, plays ) with her toys. We help mum in the kitchen.

Dad usually __________ ( wash, washes ) the car.

I love our weekends!

Page 5
Date: _________________

Write sentences using simple present tense ( She, He, It ). Write them on the

lines provided below.

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________

Page 6
Date: _________________

Unit 8
A Year on the Farm

Present simple
Affirmative and Negative Statements with
I, You, We, and They
 Use the simple present to talk about facts, habits,
and routines.

1. My parents work in the hospital.
2. They play football every weekend.
3. I plant flowers in my garden.
4. We make our favorite pizza.
5. They go to their favorite park.

Page 7

Date: _________________
With I, You, We, and They

We make negative statements with

don’t + verb .

1. My parents don’t work in the bank.

2. I don’t like fruits.

3. They don’t speak English.

4. You don’t listen to me.

5. They don’t love flying kites.

Page 8

Date: _________________
Something to work on …..

Write the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.

 1. They __________ going to the camp.
( like, likes )
 2. Malek and Wael ______________ to the same school.
( go, goes )
 3. You _______________ sad today.
( feel, feels )
 4. We ___________ a classic movie.
( watch, watches )
 5. You _______________ in the library.
( study, studies )
 6. We ___________ a strawberry cake for you.
( make, makes )
 7. They __________ in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
( live, lives )
 8. I _______________ in an office.
( work, works )
 9. Saleh and Adham ________ to the park in the morning.
( go, goes )
Page 9
Date: _________________

Complete the following sentences. Choose the correct pronoun from the

brackets. Then, write your answers on the line.

( She, They ) 1. _______ plant flowers in spring.

( We, He ) 2. My dad is a pilot. _______ flies a plane.

( I, It ) 3. _______ wrote an exciting story.

( You, He ) 4. _______ arrive on time.

( He, We ) 5. My uncle is a farmer. _______ works in the


( She, I ) 6. Kadi is in Grade 1. _______ is six years old.

( It, You ) 7. Snowy is my pet cat. _______ is white.

( I, She ) 8. _______ play a guitar with my friend.

Page 10

Date: _________________

Unit 9
My Collection

Simple Present of To have

 We use the verb to have to talk about possessions –
-things that we own.
We use has with singular subject pronouns.
She, He, and It
We use have with plural subject pronouns.
I, You, They, and We

1. I have a new pink dress.
2. She has two beautiful bags.
3. We have six periods in a day.
4. They have five goats in the farm.
5. He has a new toy train.

Page 11
Date: _________________

Something to work on …..

Read the following sentences. Complete them by using have or has.

have has
1. It _______ two legs and a tail.

2. You _______ three apples and one kiwi.

3. It _______two ears and a short tail.

4. She _______ a small pet dog.

5. They _______ four books and three booklets.

6. My brother _______ a new pair of shoes.

7. Farah _______ a set of earrings.

8. Joud and Layla _______ sets of eyeglasses.

9. My aunt _______ a gray hamster.

1O. Adeel _______ a new mobile phone.

Page 12
Date: _________________

Complete the sentences. Use don’t have or doesn’t have.





1. Jamil ______________ a computer.

2. Jamil and Johara ______________ football.

3. Johara ______________ bicycle.

4. Jamil and Johara ______________ car.

5. Jamil ______________ a camera.

6. Johara ______________ a radio.

7. Johara ______________ an iPod.

Page 12

Date: _________________

Unit 10
At the Market

Simple Present of To have:

Yes / No Questions
 You can ask yes / no questions with the verb to have.
 In the simple present, use do and does to make
questions and to answer them.
1. Do we have kiwis?
 Yes, we do
 No, we don’t.
2. Do they have watermelon?
 Yes, they do.
 No, they don’t.

Page 13
Date: _________________

We have to use DO or Does before the Pronouns.
Something to work on …..

Read and answer following questions.

1. Does he have a new car?
Yes, __________________.
No, ___________________.
2. Do we have a quiz today?
Yes, __________________.
No, ___________________.
3. Does it have four legs?
Yes, __________________.
No, __________________.
4. Does she have a blue pen?
Yes, _________________.
No, __________________.
5. Do they have bicycles?
Yes, __________________.
No, __________________.
Page 14

Date: ___________________

Complete the following sentences with Do or Does.

1. _______ we have chocolate?

2. _______ she have a pink dress?

3. _______ it have long neck?

4. _______ they have big house?

5. _______ you have class today?

6. _______ we have bread?

7. _______ he have blue jeans?

8. _______ it have short beak?

9. _______ they have new phone?

10. _______ we have P.E tomorrow?

Page 15

Date: ___________________

Unit 11
Wants and Needs

Simple Present: All forms

 Use the simple present to talk about facts, habits, and
 1. Hadeel loves playing her doll.

 2. Raghad and Hana need their Grammar books.

 3. He doesn’t like oranges.

 4. We don’t have Science class today.

 5. The baby doesn’t want to drink her milk.

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Date: ___________________

 You make negative statements with don’t and doesn’t.

Something to work on …..

Read and complete the sentences with the words in the box.

has have doesn’t have don’t have

1.They ________ car. They _____________driver.

2. We ________ rice. We _____________ fish.

3. It ________ long tail. It _____________ have long neck.

4. I ________ paper. I _________________ pencil.

5. She ________ shoes. She ______________ socks.

6. You ________ sandwich. You ______________ juice.

7. We ________ milk. We _______________ sugar.

Page 17

Date: ___________________

Writing and drawing skills.

Draw about the things in your bedroom. Then, write sentences about them.

1. ___________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________
Page 20

Date: _________________

Unit 12
In the Arctic

Simple Present: Yes / No Questions

 You can ask yes / no questions with Do and
 We use don’t / doesn’t to answer.

1. Do you need your Grammar booklet?

 Yes, I do.  No, I don’t.

2. Does she like reading books?

 Yes, she does.  No, she doesn’t.

Page 21
Date: ___________________

Something to work on …..

Complete the sentences with Do, Does, Don’t and Doesn’t.

 1. ________ Wael play football with his brother?

 2. __________ your dogs eat sausages?

 3. When __________ you have shower?

 4. I ___________ like cheese.

 5. _________ we go for a coffee?

 6. Hassan _________ live in Paris?

 7. Waleed _________ know everything.

 8. My sister and I _________ study in the living room.

 9. ________ the teacher explain the Grammar?

 10. I _________ speak German.

Page 22

Date: ___________________

Read the sentences. Circle the correct answers.

1. Do you have fish for lunch?

Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

2. Does she have oranges?

Yes, she does. No. she doesn’t.

3. Do they have eggs?

Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

Page 23

Date: ______________________

4. Does it have long neck?

Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.

5. Does it rain?

Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.

6. Do we have watermelons?

Yes, we do. No, we don’t.



Grade 1 Teacher Vice Academic Director
Page 24

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