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I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
0 The clarity of his speech improved after doing the drama workshop. CLEAR

1 In his ________ , the speaker said that we all need to become more eco-friendly. CONCLUDE

2 He thinks he’s so grown-up because he’s sixteen, but in fact he’s really ________ . MATURE

3 It’s totally ________ to believe that a spy is following you around school! RATIONAL

4 After ten years in prison, William was given his ________. FREE

5 It was ________ to lie to your mum about what happened yesterday. HONEST

II. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

0 We’re looking for confident and experienced ____ to take part in our show.
A persons B humans C individuals
1 I think that it’s really important to ____ respect for others.
A believe B accept C show
2 You will have to take ____ for your thoughtless actions.
A honesty B equality C responsibility
3 Kate is very ____ – she rarely comes to practice and she often forgets to bring her kit.
A unreliable B dissatisfied C irregular
4 What does this say? Your writing is ____ !
A illogical B illegible C illegal

5 Why do you never ____ my advice?

A follow B practise C learn

III. Rewrite the sentences using the words given. Use between two and five words, including the word

0 I’m not sure that your opinion is correct. MAY

I think your opinion may be wrong.
1 I’m sure she’s disappointed that she lost. BE
She ________________________________ disappointed that she lost.
2 It’s not possible for you to win all the time. EXPECT
You ________________________________ win all the time.
3 The final challenge is sure to be really exciting. SHOULD
The final challenge ________________________________ really exciting.
4 In your opinion will Helena win the competition? THINK
________________________________ will win the competition?
5 It’s possible that Justin will fail his end-of-year exams. FAIL
Justin ________________________________ his end-of-year exams.

IV. Choose the correct answers.

0 That presentation wasn’t very good, was it?/wasn’t it?
1 You went to the lecture yesterday, haven’t you?/didn’t you?
2 ‘Carl and Sarah are coming to visit.’
‘Are they/Do they? When?’
3 ‘You must be here very early.’
‘Must we?/Do we? Why?’
4 You take modern dance classes, take you/don’t you?
5 ‘Eddie really likes you.’
‘He likes?/Does he? Why didn’t he say something to me?’

V. Listen to five people talking about giving a presentation. Match the speakers (1–5) with the
list of important things they do before giving a presentation (a–f). You do not need one of the
a eat something light beforehand ____
b organise notes clearly ____
c learn your speech by heart ____
d ensure that equipment works correctly ____
e practise with an audience ____
f know how long your presentation is ____
VII. Complete each sentence with one word only.
1 On the ________ hand, I think that learning to drive isn’t very important because public transport is so
good these days.
2 On the ________ hand, most young people want to be independent.
3 ________ some people enjoy cycling or walking, others prefer taking the car.
4 In ________ to the concerns about pollution, people worry a lot about cost.
5 In some places driving lessons are quite cheap, but in ________ it costs a lot of money to learn to

VIII. Read the essay prompt and complete the task. Write your essay in 140–190 words.
How important is it to learn to drive today?
Write about:
• public transport.
• independence.
• your own idea.


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