SALT NO.2 - Lead Acetate

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Page No.

****** * Date

S.No Experiments Observations Inferencee

oa0aluzesuan l t doccidicdasia eoal

Paimba ltment
Colors-Nata the asur o SaltAllrbe MC
ma eaose

Ci)Sol-Tok q pinch oat.cod Vinep lka Cccoas

toba betacn dinars.ttb drepStel be s e

ai)D Heatinaest- Haertac a pinch dColarss gesCHt,Coo

Salt in clean ad dy astt tuba acdtic.ocidmgy be
GVChorcomCav tast-Mace a smallBron son
boresbat ac be Orae
urty cn chacoal black attb
MixSmallamont o satt coth
deuble its qcntity O
Plkoa n qVtby qd moisteh catk
drop osTer aD cicba
ith boa pipe

Vohalt Ntcte Tsst-Not to

be N A z
osertion absent rasidkoe i0 choco
caNiytast isnt wnrte

Test-Ceanlet sire b DUl bluish Pmay be

vi2lane wbite dkmeprasent
taken eh axtch_
ldigpina in conc.H
Experiments Date..-. .
aass and beata Observations Inference
epaRa paSle uca tronal in Shme
Same isoher
op atn dsatt th cone.
F paste gass an hestta this A
io loop gihsh
Wat Test or
(Oil HaSO4test-To a
da adop oingh.csa,o
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added ewdeps c
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cons.HiSOcoeth yins-preran
heatta ike smell CHcooHeo

Copmirmtorst 5or CHco

C2Este est-kok a piosb cd atEribste CHCoo
concH2S4 t b CHiOH| is sana caimsd

aItar ertact |Rdaiso benCHois

Ci) e d tast-F e c - 3 5 u t i o n i t a t a nimad
en o h l diltecte and obtina obtaine
Cd adJaLAer to

Basio Reclical
let t
frepaletion af aS
Page No. Date.

Observations Inference
S.No. Experiments

Hrepate Os ofsalt in water

ast Jot Zeo GIUep
NOH tast-To a qien amount cNo Saop o
Salt adde e dops o NaoH ololva NH-obast
and beqta.

Tast GreoT:
Dilute Hc st-To 0s salt wbte ppt Garoup
adca aN drop od dil. Hcl oromed.
e t r a l hite ppt adissoluka
them ihot nater on dinida
the olton into Da parts.
Conirmqatoy Test Je PT:
2kItest-To a part cf aboe llon gg P i
t i c n , aded elany kt solutioh.ormed corirma

(LKCOy t-To the 2cond pe lD pppPOP is

absle soltio, ccbeo KCrOy Sotmeod, conirm

RESVLT:he qiven gatho ccddkal CHECooGod

hasic radical PZ
Thus thesaltis Phlchcoo)

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