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Health, Exercise Science, and Sport Management Department, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, Wisconsin;
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas; 3Department of Exercise
and Sport Science, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas; 4Department of Kinesiology, Mississippi State
University, Starkville, Mississippi; and 5Department of Biology, College of the Ozarks, Point Lookout, Missouri


Lyons, BC, Mayo, JJ, Tucker, WS, Wax, B, and Hendrix, RC. ettlebell (KB) training has become one of the
Electromyographical comparison of muscle activation pat- most popular fitness trends to hit the United
terns across 3 commonly performed kettlebell exercises. States in recent years. Described as a “cannon-
J Strength Cond Res 31(9): 2363–2370, 2017—The pur- ball with handles (11),” KBs can be pressed
pose of this study was to compare the muscle activation and swung in myriad ways with the goal of improving
overall body conditioning. Anecdotal reports regarding
patterns of 3 different kettlebell (KB) exercises using elec-
KBs reveal that they are easy to use, require little space,
tromyography (EMG). Fourteen resistance-trained subjects
are extremely portable, and are very efficient for those
completed a 1-arm swing (Swing), 1-arm swing style snatch
with little time to exercise. Also, KB training serves as
(Snatch), and a 1-arm clean (Clean) using a self-selected 8
an alternative to traditional weightlifting or powerlifting
to 10 repetition maximum load for each exercise. Trial ses- because exercises can be performed in all planes either
sions consisted of subjects performing 5 repetitions of unilaterally or bilaterally (11). In addition, the utilization
each KB exercise. Mean EMG was used to assess the mus- of KBs has resulted in transference of strength and power
cle activation of the biceps brachii, anterior deltoid, poste- to traditional weightlifting and powerlifting performance
rior deltoid, erector spinae (ES), vastus lateralis (VL), and, therefore, may be used to complement or augment
biceps femoris, contralateral external oblique (EO), and glu- training for athletes in these sports (9). It has also been
teus maximus during each lift using surface electrodes. demonstrated that KB exercises can be used to improve
The mean EMG was normalized using maximal voluntary postural control (7), and it has been suggested that KB
contractions obtained from manual muscle testing. exercises may be incorporated into the rehabilitative
Repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed a signifi- programs for injured athletes and patients (2,4).
cant difference in the muscle activation patterns of the ES Despite the recent reemergence of KB training, there is
limited scientific research on the topic. Interestingly, much
(Swing . Snatch), EO (Snatch, Clean . Swing), and VL
of the existing research has examined the metabolic cost of
(Swing . Clean) across the 3 KB exercises. We conclude
the KB swing. This is due primarily to the total body nature
that although the KB Swing, Snatch, and Clean are total
of KB exercise. It has been demonstrated that the metabolic
body exercises, they place different demands on the ES,
demands of the Swing provides a stimulus sufficient enough
contralateral EO, and the VL. Therefore, KBs represent an to meet ACSM guidelines for the development of aerobic
authentic alternative for lifters, and the Swing, Snatch, and fitness (4,5). However, at matched ratings of perceived
Clean are not redundant exercises. exertion, 10 minutes of the Swing elicited a similar heart
rate but a significantly lower oxygen consumption and
KEY WORDS electromyography, resistance exercise, fiber
energy expenditure than treadmill exercise (6).
activation, kettlebells
Mixed results have been reported when comparing the
use of KB training with traditional weightlifting (12,14). A
comparison of the KB Swing with the squat and squat jump
Address correspondence to Dr. Brian C. Lyons, exercises revealed that mechanical demands during the KB
31(9)/2363–2370 Swing were large and indicated that KB Swings might be
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research a useful means of developing the ability to apply force
Ó 2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association quickly, although the data also suggested that the KB

VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 9 | SEPTEMBER 2017 | 2363

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Kettlebell Exercises

Swing may not be optimal for developing strength (10). College of Sports Medicine, 2010) risk stratification (1).
Gains in muscular strength, power, and endurance were, Also, subjects indicated that they had completed 6
however, transferred well to traditional weightlifting after months of continuous recreational resistance exercise
10 weeks of KB training in another study (12). It has also training for no less than 3 days a week. The exclusion
been reported that both traditional weight training and KB criteria of the study were the following: (a) musculoskel-
training produced increases in strength and power over a 6- etal problems, (b) cardiorespiratory ailments, (c) meta-
week period; however, increases in strength were greater in bolic disorders, (d) blood disorders, (e) history of
the traditional weight-training group (14). psychological disorders, (f ) use of tobacco products, (g)
To date, only one study has attempted to characterize consuming more than 10 alcoholic beverages per week,
the muscle activation patterns of KB exercises. McGill and and (h) less than 6 months of continuous recreational
Marshall (13) quantified the muscle activity and spinal training. All experimental procedures were reviewed and
loading patterns during the Swing and Snatch exercises. approved by the Institutional Review Board before initia-
During the Swing exercise, modest spinal loads and tion of the study. All subjects completed the protocol.
peak muscle activation of 50 and 80% of maximal volun-
tary contraction (MVC) were recorded for back extensors Procedures
and gluteal muscles, respectively. No differences were Each subject reported to the laboratory on 2 occasions
observed in muscle activation between the 2 exercises. before the experimental trial with all sessions being sepa-
Another study compared the mechanical characteristics rated by 7 days. In the first session, subjects’ demographic
of the 2-handed KB Swing and the Snatch exercises information was collected, followed by familiarization with
and revealed that the 2 exercises were similar, and the the exercise protocol. Additionally, they were asked to
authors suggested that strength and conditioning profes- abstain from exercise 48 hours before the testing session.
sionals could use these exercises interchangeably with Subjects reported little or no KB training; so, the proper
their athletes (9). lifting technique was taught by a Certified Strength and
The purpose of this study is to further investigate the Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) who is an experienced KB
muscle activation patterns during 3 commonly performed instructor.
KB exercises using electromyography (EMG). Results In session 2, subjects were allowed ample time to practice
from this study will assist strength and conditioning so that they felt comfortable with each lift. Subjects worked
professionals to discuss KB lifting technique, prescribe with the researcher to determine a load for each individual
KB exercises, and to better develop training programs for exercise that could be performed for 8–10 repetitions with
their clients and athletes. a good technique. If subjects could not achieve 8 repeti-
tions, then a lighter KB was selected. If the subject could
METHODS perform more than 10 repetitions, then a heavier KB was
selected. An 8 to 10 repetition maximum was used to con-
Experimental Approach to the Problem
trol relative intensities across subjects, decrease the risk of
This study used a repeated-measures design. All subjects
injury, and to reflect the skill level of the participants.
performed Swings, Cleans, and Snatches with a standard cast
Subjects were not permitted to proceed onto the data
iron KB (Power Systems Inc., Knoxville, TN, USA) during
collection phase of the experiment until they consistently
a single testing session with the order of the exercise being
displayed a proper lifting technique per the approval of the
randomized and counterbalanced. Muscle activation (EMG)
CSCS instructor. Kettlebell weights used in the study
of 8 different muscles (anterior deltoid [AD], posterior
ranged from 4.5 to 32 kg. Subjects’ experimental loads
deltoid [PD], biceps brachii [BB], external oblique [EO],
varied across the swing (23.23 6 4.21 kg), clean (21.68 6
vastus lateralis [VL], biceps femoris [BF], gluteus maximus,
5.21 kg), and snatch (18.43 6 4.31 kg).
and lumbar erector spinae [ES]) was recorded during each of
During the third visit, before the experimental trial, each
the lifts using a submaximal load and was normalized using
subject warmed up by light pedaling on a stationary bike
a maximal isometric contraction.
for 10 minutes. Next, the subject’s skin was prepared by
Subjects shaving, abrading, and cleaning with a cotton ball soaked
Fourteen male subjects (mean 6 SD age = 21.5 6 2.03 in a 70% isopropyl alcohol solution. Eight separate bipolar
years, height = 180.87 6 3.76 cm, mass = 85.53 6 8.11 kg, surface (2.0-cm center-to-center) electrode (Noraxon Dual
and body fat = 12.86 6 3.32%) were recruited from the Electrodes, silver/silver chloride) arrangements were
university population, forming a convenience sample. placed on the right side of the body over the muscle bellies
Before the study, subjects completed a health history of the AD, PD, BB, VL, gluteus maximus (GM), BF,
questionnaire and signed a statement of informed consent. lumbar ES, and contralateral EO according to the recom-
To qualify for this study (i.e., inclusion criteria), the males mendations of Cram and Kasman (3). The EO electrodes
were classified as low-risk individuals as categorized by were placed on the left side of the body, as the left EO acts
the American College of Sports Medicine (American as a stabilizer for the muscles on the right side of the body.
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Figure 2. Endpoint for the swing.

Figure 1. Initiating the swing.

3 cm lateral to the L3 spinous process. Electrodes were

also placed over the left EO muscle 50% between the ribs
The electrodes for the AD muscle were placed on the and the ASIS, immediately superior to the ASIS, and at an
anterior aspect of the arm, 4 cm below the clavicle, and oblique angle to run parallel to the muscle fibers. The
approximately parallel to the muscle fibers. The electrodes reference electrode was placed over the lateral clavicle,
for the PD muscle were placed 2 cm inferior to the lateral approximately 2 cm from the sternoclavicular joint. Inter-
border of the spine of the scapula, and angled at an oblique electrode impedance was kept below 2000 V by shaving
angle toward the arm so that they run parallel to the mus- the area and careful skin abrasion. The EMG signal was
cle fibers. The electrodes for the BB muscle were placed preamplified (gain 31,000) using a differential amplifier
over the longitudinal axis 1/3 the distance from the fossa (MyoResearch XP; Noraxon EMG and Sensor Systems,
cubit to the acromion process, starting at the fossa cubit. Scottsdale, AZ, USA, bandwidth 10–500 Hz).
The electrodes for the VL muscle were placed over the Subjects then performed three 5-second trials of a max-
lateral portion of the muscle approximately 33% of the imal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) against
distance between the superior, lateral border of the patella manual resistance from the researcher for each of the 8
to the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS), and angled to muscles. All MVIC trials were performed by the same
approximate the pennation of the muscle fibers. The elec- researcher and were based on standard muscle-testing
trodes for the GM muscle were placed 6 cm lateral to the techniques (8). For the BB, the subject was seated with
gluteal fold, 50% between the sacral vertebrae and the the elbow flexed to 908 and the forearm supinated. With
trochanter, and obliquely angled toward the hip to run one hand, the researcher stabilized the distal end of the
parallel to the muscle fibers. The electrodes for the BF posterior humerus at the epicondyles, while the hand
muscle were placed on the lateral aspect of the thigh provided resistance to the anterior distal end of the forearm
67% of the distance between the trochanter and popliteal while the subject attempted to flex the elbow. With the
fossa, starting at the trochanter. The belly of the BF muscle subject seated, the AD was tested with the glenohumeral
was identified by muscle palpation while holding the sub- joint abducted to 708 with 208 of flexion and the humerus
ject’s leg at 908 and having the subject flex against tester in slight external rotation. The research stabilized the
resistance. The electrodes for the ES muscle were placed posterior scapula with one hand and provided downward

VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 9 | SEPTEMBER 2017 | 2365

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Kettlebell Exercises

Figure 3. Midway of the swing style snatch. Figure 4. Catch phase of the swing style snatch.

resistance to the middle portion of the humerus while the surface of the table, the researcher stabilized the posterior,
subject attempted to abduct the shoulder. The position for lateral aspect of the low back. The researcher’s other hand
the PD was identical to the AD, except the humerus was provided resistance to the posterior thigh while the subject
abducted to 708 with 208 of extension. For the ES, the sub- attempted to extend the hip. A 60-second rest period
ject was placed prone on an examination table with the between trials was administered to avoid muscle fatigue.
hands behind the head. With the researcher stabilizing After all of the MVIC trials were complete, a 5-minute rest
the lower extremities, the subject raised the trunk from period was provided before the experimental trials.
the table and held the position. Because of the risk of injury, Next, the subjects completed 5 single repetitions for each
no manual resistance was applied. The VL was tested with of the 3 exercises (Swings, Cleans, and Snatches). Exercises
the subject seated and the knee in full extension. The were randomized with a 1-minute rest between each
researcher used one hand to stabilize the upper leg and repetition, and 2 minutes was allotted between the different
provided resistance with the other hand proximal to the lifts. The velocity of each repetition was self-paced, and the
subject’s ankle. For the BF, the subject lay prone on an exercise order was randomized. Completion of an exercise
examination table with the knee flexed to 708 and the hip condition occurred when 5 successful repetitions were
externally rotated to 208. The researcher stabilized the lat- accomplished. If the investigator deemed a trial unsuccessful,
eral hip with one hand and resisted knee flexion by placing subjects continued the protocol until 5 successful repetitions
the other hand proximal to the ankle. The EO was tested were completed.
with the subject supine on an examination table with the
hands behind the head. The researcher stabilized the lower Exercise Description. The Swing, Snatch, and Clean, are
extremities while the subject flexed and rotated the trunk. touted as whole-body ballistic exercises. They involve the
To minimize the risk of injury, this position was held and lower body, core, and upper body musculature; and they
no manual resistance was provided. For the GM, the are initiated with great force, and they culminate with
subject was positioned supine on an examination table. momentum. Thus, subjects were instructed to use their
With the knee flexed to 908 and the hip extended off the whole bodies and to explosively move the KB. It should
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Figure 5. About to initiate the clean. Figure 6. Catch phase of the clean.

also be noted that these KB exercises have a greater upper extremity elevated the KB by pulling it up close to the
concentric component and a lesser eccentric component body so that the elbow is high with the shoulder abducted
because of their ballistic nature. and the elbow flexed (Figures 5 and 6). The momentum gen-
The Swing was initiated with the KB in the right hand erated through this pull is used to facilitate the catch. Once
and feet shoulder-width apart (Figures 1 and 2). Starting the bell was pulled high, the elbow and hand “trade places” by
in a squatting position with a stabilized neutral spine, sub- quickly dropping the elbow as the shoulder externally rotates.
jects were cued to move the KB in the sagittal plane by The bell, driven by its momentum, flips over the hand, and it
rapidly extending their hips and knees. Subjects used the was caught posterior to the vertical forearm. As the hand and
momentum gathered from the lower extremity to carry elbow trade places and the bell flips, subjects were cued to
the KB to the chest level before it was returned to the absorb the force of the bell by flexing the hips and knees.
initial starting position. The lifting technique for Subjects were instructed to stand and recover (for 2 seconds)
the Snatch was similar to that of the Swing except that by extending the hips and knees, flipping the bell back to the
the bell was swung into a snatch position and caught over- front, and trading hand and elbow position so that the bell
head (Figures 3 and 4). The subjects were instructed to may drop down to the original starting point.
absorb the force of the bell by flexing the hips and knees as
they performed the catch. Subjects were instructed to Instrumentation. Electromyography data were collected using
keep the elbow extended, but not locked, and to hold the Noraxon Telemyo 2400T system (Noraxon USA Inc.,
the KB overhead for approximately 2 seconds before re- Scottsdale, AZ, USA). The EMG signal was telemetered to
turning the load to the starting position. a receiver that contained a differential amplifier with an
The Clean was initiated in a squat position with the feet input impedance of 10 MV and a common mode rejection
slightly wider than the shoulders and a stabilized neutral ratio of 130 dB. An amplifier gain of 1,000 was used, and the
spine. The subjects were instructed to reach down and grasp signal-to noise-ratio was less than 1 mV root mean square of
the KB with the right hand. From this position, a simultaneous the baseline. The EMG signals were then filtered with
integrated effort involving the lower body, core, and right a bandpass Butterworth filter at 15 Hz and 500 Hz. The

VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 9 | SEPTEMBER 2017 | 2367

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Kettlebell Exercises

TABLE 1. Mean muscle activation values during the kettlebell (KB) Swing, Clean, and Snatch.*

Swing Snatch Clean

Average muscle activation (%MVIC) SD SD SD Average muscle activation (%MVIC) SD

AD 45.4 21.7 47.1 21.0 47.2 17.5

PD 23.2 11.8 27.6 20.0 28.3 17.8
BB 34.0 20.3 35.4 20.0 41.9 21.7
EO† 15.6 6.0 20.7 7.7 23.4 10.1
VLz 56.8 27.4 50.0 33.8 40.9 36.1
GM 35.5 23.8 35.5 37.3 39.6 49.1
ES§ 60.9 24.3 38.4 17.7 51.0 18.4
BF 55.7 46.4 45.2 21.7 45.2 25.9

*MVIC = maximal voluntary isometric contraction; AD = anterior deltoid; PD = posterior deltoid; BB = biceps brachii; EO = external
oblique; VL = vastus lateralis; GM = gluteus maximus; ES = erector spinae; BF = biceps femoris.
†Snatch, Clean . Swing, p # 0.05.
zSwing . Clean, p # 0.05.
§Swing . Snatch, p # 0.05.

receiver was interfaced with a Latitude C840 computer RESULTS

(Dell, Round Rock, TX, USA). Disposable 4 3 2.2 self- Table 1 provides the muscle activation values for the 8
adhesive Ag/AgCl electrodes were used for data collection. muscles during the 3 KB exercises. The results of the
A sampling rate of 1,000 Hz was used for all testing. statistical analysis revealed significant differences for 3
Noraxon MyoVideo version 1.7 was used in conjunction of the 8 muscles. Pairwise comparisons revealed that for
with a DCR-TRV 140 digital 8 video camera (Sony Corp, the ES (F 2,26 = 12.015; P , 0.001), the Swing (60.89 6
Tokyo, Japan) to time match EMG data to each repetition 24.34%) elicited greater muscle activation than did the
of every KB lift. Electromyography files were then accessed Snatch (38.38 6 17.67%); for the EO, there was greater
and processed using Noraxon MyoResearch XP version 1.07. muscle activation (F2,26 = 11.196; P , 0.001) during the
Clean (23.36 6 10.06%) and Snatch (20.71 6 7.72%) com-
Data Processing. Raw EMG data were full-wave rectified and pared with the Swing (15.59 6 5.91%); and the VL was
smoothed using a moving window (50 ms) with a linear significantly more active (F2,16 = 5.786; P = 0.008) during
algorithm. The middle 3 seconds of the MVICs were used the Swing (56.81 6 27.37%) compared with the Clean
for data analysis, allowing subjects 1 second to reach full (40.9 6 36.14%). Effect sizes computed as partial eta
muscle activation and eliminating the potential effects of squared were 0.701 (ES), 0.630 (EO), and 0.630 (VL).
fatigue during the last second. For each subject, the mean Statistical power ranged between 0.952 and 0.990 for all
EMG during the MVIC trials was averaged for each of the statistically significant findings. There were no significant
8 muscles. Electromyography data for the 8 muscles were differences in the muscle activation of the AD (F2,26 =
then averaged during the KB Swing, KB Snatch, and KB 0.2224; P = 0.801), PD (F2,26 = 1.764; P = 0.191), BB
Clean. The mean EMG activity for the 8 muscles from the (F2,26 = 2.79; P = 0.08), BF (F2,26 = 1.588; P = 0.224),
KB exercises was normalized as a percentage of the MVIC and GM (F2,26 = 0.160; P = 0.853).
(%MVIC). Data were exported to Excel (version 2010;
Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA, USA) and imported to DISCUSSION
SPSS (version 20 for Windows; SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, Results of this study revealed that the Swing, Snatch, and
USA) for analysis. Clean do involve muscular contributions from the lower
extremity, core, and upper extremity. Contributions across
Statistical Analyses the 3 exercises from the 8 muscles tested were somewhat
For each dependent variable, the average muscle activation similar, but not the same. Conversely, McGill and
expressed as a %MVIC of each muscle was calculated for the Marshall (13) compared only the Swing and Snatch exer-
independent variables of Swing, Snatch, and Clean. Analysis cises and found no differences in muscle activation
of variance with repeated-measures and t-test post hoc anal- between the 2 exercises.
ysis were used to compare the effects of and differences The ES are important for postural stabilization and
between the 3 KB exercises across the 8 different muscles. dynamic movement of the spine. In this study, the ES made
The alpha level was set at p # 0.05 for all comparisons. a greater contribution during the Swing than during the
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Snatch. The contralateral EO ostensibly serves an important been done using KBs. This study establishes that the KB
stabilizing function of the spine mostly in the frontal plane Swing, Snatch, and Clean are whole-body exercises. This
during these 3 lifts. The contribution of the contralateral EO study also demonstrated that although the lifts are similar,
was greater during the Snatch and Clean than during the they are not exactly the same. Three muscles were
Swing. This can probably be attributed to subtle differences determined to have made different contributions during
in the KB movement paths for these lifts. During both the the 3 lifts. Therefore, we conclude that the Swing, Snatch,
Snatch and Clean, the KB tended to stay on the right side of and Clean, place different demands on the ES, contralat-
the body causing the contralateral EO to work harder to eral EO, and the VL. Kettlebells represent an authentic
counteract a lateral flexion to the right of the spine. During alternative for lifters, and the Swing, Snatch, and Clean are
the Swing, the KB tended to be brought up along the indeed whole-body exercises, and they are similar, but not
centerline of the body in front of the chin causing less lateral redundant.
flexion of the spine.
The VL is important for effectuating and controlling knee PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
activity. In this study, the VL made a greater contribution The results of this investigation demonstrate that KBs may
during the Swing than during the Clean. Because knee be an effective and alternative method for conditioning the
extension plays a meaningful role in both lifts, it is not readily whole body. Kettlebell conditioning has been used to
apparent why this was so. It is possible that the recreation- improve strength, power, and endurance (10,12) and may
ally trained subjects with minimal KB experience had not also serve as an interesting option for dynamic warm-up.
fully developed the capacity to fully engage their lower Kettlebell training has also been shown to produce transfer-
bodies during the Clean. ence of strength and power to traditional weightlifting (12).
No other statistically significant differences among the 3 Most KB exercises, like the 3 evaluated in this study, require
lifts for the 8 muscles tested were revealed. It is possible large muscle groups to be used in an explosive fashion. This
that advanced KB lifters may manifest different motor unit may increase the likelihood that strength and power will be
recruitment patterns and different patterns of intermus- transferred across lifting styles. Finally, coaches and practi-
cular coordination. In this study, the KB lifts started from tioners lacking the budget and the necessary space to per-
a static position so that individual repetitions of each form explosive barbell exercises with their athletes may
exercise were separated by a pause. Typically, these KB consider substituting the performance movements with KB
exercises are done continuously without pause. This exercises such as the Swing, Snatch, and Clean.
difference may have affected EMG readings and muscle
contributions. This study involved young adult male ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
subjects; female subjects may yield different fiber activa- No grant support was used to perform this study. The results
tion patterns. Future research should explore KB muscle of this study do not constitute endorsement of any products
activation patterns using different lifts with varying or techniques by the authors or National Strength and
intensities, more diverse subjects, and longitudinal de- Conditioning Association.
signs. Research should also focus on comparing KB
exercises with similar lifts such as cleans and snatches
performed with dumbbells and barbells.
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Kettlebell Exercises

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