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Carmela Jia Ming A.



My Dream OJT

As an accounting student, I am very excited and motivated to what’s waiting for

me in the near future. Internship is very important to students who are nearly to
graduate due to the fact that it is a perfect learning experience as a young adult that can
be ready for the real work. It can offer a meaningful and practical kind of training for you
to become familiar what is waiting for you in your future work place. It can be a full time
or part time on the job training. Sometimes it offers with pay or without pay but the real
goal to this is in fact for you to be able to gain some work experience that can satisfy
your requirements for the qualification for your first real job.

My very first dream on the job training is the company of SyCip Gorres Velayo &
Company or what we called SGV Company. Many people are familiar to this company
because they are one of the Philippines’ largest multidisciplinary professional services
firm with eight offices across the country and the largest professional services firm in
our country that can provide assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. SGC
Company also assists huge number of companies all over the nation for them to convert
all their financial reporting system and turn into the International Accounting Standards
(IAS). They also focusing on auditing and different kinds of accounting. Since when I
was young, I always heard this company to my family. Most of them have their
professions as an accountant so that I am so familiar with it. They always telling me that
someday, I can work there and create my own name in the industry that I have chosen.
This is one of my motivation to do better at school because I want to work to my dream
Company and dream work environment. I also want to pursue this because I heard a lot
of good feedbacks and good comments about this company. Once you say accounting
firms, SGV Company always comes on my mind at first. It is very popular and well
known most likely here in the country Philippines.

Once I can start OJT in my dream work-place I will do my very best to retain in
my chosen work field. I can assure everyone that they can trust and ensure different
paper works on me. I can be the best accountant that I can be someday. I will make my
family proud and do everything that I can to maintain and keep me going. Many people,
not just me always dreamed of working in SGV Company specially accounting students
all over the nation. I can say that this is one of the very best accounting firm that was
established here. I can’t wait that when the time comes, I will be able to achieve my
goals and my long-term vision for myself. I promise to myself that I will be successful
accountant that’s why I will do my very best in every little step that I take.

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