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Carmela Jia Ming A.


BS Accountancy

Many people have different definition of what makes you to have a good life, but
what does it exactly mean? In today’s society, people are often misled and deceive on
what is the true meaning behind it. Is it helping other people all of the time and not
caring for yourself and vice versa so you act being very selfish and having no remorse
for others? Is it like other people that we see in the televisions, magazines and
billboards that being a rich and well known to the public is the way to go when it comes
to a good life? Is it having all the pleasures and being so greedy for all the things that
you want?

The first thing you should give focus is your health. If you're not healthy and not taking
good care of your body every day, you're on board for a visit to the underside of your
soul because as your body degrades, as you develop, all of the unhealthy foods you
have got been eating and also the months you have missed exercising will come to
haunt you as you grow older. Eating healthy foods and working out is very essential and
the cheapest way to maintain your good health. I believe in the saying that, when
people are younger, they usually use their health to get the wealth that they have been
dreaming off and when they become old and feel weak, they use all their wealth to get
back their health. It is a simple circular logical that needs to give priority. You can never
go back time and fix what you have been missed. Next, is the genuine happiness and
the peace of mind which you really deserve. Happiness and having a peace of mind is
really similar where you find it within your selves which is like an inside job that has
nothing to do with other people. It inhabits within you. It will start within you. For me, I
wouldn’t basically like to call it simply happiness, I would like to call it a fulfillment.
Happiness just an emotion and we, humans are emotional creatures that God has
created. We will definitely experience a whole variety of emotions throughout our life,
but a feeling of fulfillment will give us a natural self-realization. Having those can really
help us to make you more focus in your day-to-day activities and also can motivates you
to do better as time goes by. The third one is you should optimize love. Not just only in
your romantic life but as a whole. Having a strong and long-lasting relationship with
someone that you really love is very essential. They can help you to become the better
version of yourself. Building a powerful connection by other people will help you out to
proceed and move on through your dark times. Family and your closest friends can act
as your shoulder to lean on and a person you can count on. Lastly, accept criticism by
others. It will take a long period of time for you to discover people who know how to
come up with an useful criticism for you instead of telling you what is wrong with you or
whatever you’ve made mistakes. At some point in life, not everybody will like you and
that is normal. Accepting bad criticism by others is healthy but not to the point of
criticism that can lead to bullying and offensive thoughts. It can mold you to be aware of
what’s really mistaken in you. If you cannot accept constructive criticism by others, then
you are not open and ready to grow as a person. We all make mistakes. We are all
imperfect. Hear them out and focus on your self-improvement. It can save you from
doing wrong and it makes you brave to face what is needed to be done on yourself.

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