Uncovering Lying Detection Using Blood Volume Pulse and Electrodermal Activity

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Uncovering Lying Detection using Blood Volume Pulse and Electrodermal


Conference Paper · January 2013


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6 authors, including:

Ana Priscila Alves Hugo Plácido da Silva

Institute of Telecommunications Institute of Telecommunications


Andre Lourenco Ana L. N. Fred

Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa University of Lisbon


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Uncovering Lying Detection using Blood Volume
Pulse and Electrodermal Activity
Ana Priscila Alves∗ , Hugo Silva∗ , André Lourenço∗,† , Ana Fred∗ , Inês Montalvão‡ and Leonel Alegre‡
∗ IT - Instituto de Telecomunicações
Instituto Superior Técnico, Avenida Rovisco Pais, 1
1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Email: {AnaPriscila.Alves, hugo.silva, arlourenco, afred}@lx.it.pt
† Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa

Rua Conselheiro Emı́dio Navarro, 1

1959-007 Lisboa, Portugal
‡ Ciência Viva - Agência Nacional para a Cultura Cientı́fica e Tecnológica

Alameda dos Oceanos Lote 2.10.01

1990-223 Lisboa, Portugal
Email: imontalvao@cienciaviva.pt, lalegre@pavconhecimento.pt

Abstract—Biosignals have a wide range of applications; a well- computer algorithms are now being developed to score the
know albeit controversial use is on the polygraph test, where tests or verify the results [6], [7]. In the same perspective,
multimodal biosignal data is used by a trained inspector with we formulate this problem in a supervised learning approach,
the objective of detecting wether a person is telling the truth
or not. In this work we address this problem in a pedagogical using as a classification algorithm a decision tree [8], and
way targeted at entertainment, building a demonstration setup, explore different features extracted from the acquired signals.
where two persons play a game based on the lying detection. In this work we address this problem in a pedagogical
We present a preliminary approach to a supervised learning and way, building a demonstration setup, where two persons play
classification algorithm, in which the purpose is to detect when a game based on the lying detection. One of the players is
a lie occurs, with an accuracy superior to that of a human user.
Experimental results on real-world data enabled us to grasp the trying to fake (the Pinocchio) and the other (the Inspector) is
potential of biosignals for this task and draw several guidelines attempting to detect, from a set of answers, the one that is
for future work. untrue. The Pinocchio is being monitored and our goal is to
demonstrate the potential of the electrophysiological signals
I. I NTRODUCTION in uncovering the deceitful answer.
Biosignals can be generally defined as observations of Our paper is organized as follows: in section II we describe
electrophysiological, biomechanical, or chemical processes of the chosen modalities and the devised experimental setup; in
a living organism, ranging from protein and gene sequences, section III we summarize the extracted features; in section IV
neural or cardiac rhythms, to tissue and organ images. The we describe the classification algorithm used; on sections V
goal of biomedical signal processing is the extraction of and VI we present the evaluation methodology and preliminary
significant information from the collected biosignals, often, results; finally on section VII we draw conclusions and present
in a multimodal approach [1]. Electrophysiological signals, future research directions.
in particular, are records of the bio-electrical activity across
specialized tissues, organs or cells; their current range of II. E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP
applications is very wide, and through the novel trends towards From the polygraph test literature [9], it is believed that
biosignal-based wellbeing and quality of life products for end- deceptive answers trigger physiological responses that can be
users [2], [3], [4], it is now a rapidly growing multi-million distinguished from non-deceptive answers. These responses
dollar market. can be measured using different kinds of biosignals, such as
A classical and well known use of electrophysiological Heart Rate, Respiration and Electrodermal Activity.
signals is the polygraph test. The so-called ”lie detector” In this work, we concentrate our effort only on the physi-
involves inferring deception through analysis of physiologi- ological differences triggered by deceptive answers, using the
cal responses to a structured, but unstandardized, series of Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) and Electrodermal Activity (EDA)
questions. Typically, the instrument used to conduct polygraph signals. This choice was taken focusing on a non-intrusive
tests consists of a physiological recorder that assesses three setup, without requiring complicated instrumentation and in
indicators of autonomic arousal [5]: heart rate, blood pressure, an off-the-person approach. Figure 1 presents the devised
respiration, and electrodermal activity. The most common experimental setup, and the workfollow that we propose to
applications of this test has been done for criminal verifications automatically analyze the electrophysiological signals. The
and is based on the expertise of a good tester. However, BVP and EDA are acquired from the Pinnochio hand, using
the BITalino acquisition unit [10], which is a custom made The experimental protocol was as follows: a) the Pinocchio
Arduino board, at 1000Hz with 10 bits resolution. These would be presented with a set of objects placed before him
signals are then transmitted via Bluetooth to a computational in random sequence; b) the Pinocchio was asked to conceal
unit, where features are extracted and decisions are produced an object of choice; c) the Inspector was provided with the
using a supervised classification algorithm. initial set of objects presented to Pinocchio; d) sitting face-to-
It is known that emotional situations, such as stress, anger, face with Pinocchio, the Inspector would ask in turn whether
amusement, lead to variations in the heart rate, which can be the object was concealed or not; e) Pinocchio was required
obtained through blood volume pulse signals. to always reply with the sentence ”I have not concealed this
object”; f) in the end, the Inspector was required to guess for
which object was Pinocchio lying .
To increase the intensity and potentiate arousal in the
Pinocchio character, a movie-like environment containing an
oscillating light bulb and a sound clip was created. Ground-
truth annotations were performed using a manual record, and
the question transition events were marked on the BITalino
synchronously with the biosignal data using an analog switch.
In figure 2 we present an acquisition record of the obtained
BVP and EDA signals, and also the Heart Rate variation
Fig. 1. Experimental Setup through time. Each red timestamp indicates the instant when
the Pinocchio starts answering, while the grey region indicates
The Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) measures the variation the interval where the lie occured. This visualization tool
of the blood flow within the vessels surrounding the sensor allows us to better inspect the changes occurring through the
region, by emitting a light onto the surface of the skin, and different true/untrue answers.
measuring the amount of light reflected back to the sensor.
When the blood is pumped through the capillaries, it increases III. F EATURE E XTRACTION
the opacity of the finger, resulting in a higher amount of light The identification of particular variations in physiological
reflected back to the sensor, which decreases until a new heart signals can be done using pattern recognition algorithms. We
beat occurs. Thus, each maximum peak of BVP corresponds perform an initial pre-processing step, where, the input data
to a heart beat, from which the heart rate can be derived. is first reduced to a set of features representing information
The BVP acquisition is based on an optical emitter/sensor extracted from each signal. This process is called feature
combination, which is typically, placed on one finger. extraction and it involves carefully observation of the signals
Electrodermal activity (EDA) refers to electrical changes variations and most important characteristics, according to the
measured at the surface of the skin due to the variation of the classification objective.
perspiration on the skin. This is a result of the sweat glands The Electrodermal Response (EDR) is a particular measure
activity, and it is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. of the electrodermal activity, obtained when a known voltage
This can be a good indicator of arousal, since it is directly is applied to the body of the user, and the voltage drop between
related to emotional variations, and as such, is prone to be two terminals is measured. Its variation can be an indicator of
related with a lie. emotional alterations, possibly indicating deceptive answers.
The heart rate variability is also related to the emotional
responses to different stimuli.
To quantitatively determine the physiological changes
caused by true or false answers, we analyze individually each
answer. We consider that each answer is characterized by the
signal from 2 seconds before the answer instant until 5 seconds
after, as represented by the regions in grey in Figure 2.
Consider x the EDA signal corresponding to an answer, xi
the i-th sample of the signal, u(x) the mean value of the signal
and N the number of samples; we define rest, as the signal
corresponding to 2 seconds before the pinocchio answer, and
stimulate (stim), as the 5 seconds after start answering. From
Fig. 2. Result data visualization of EDA, Heart Rate and BVP signals; The signal x, we extract the following features:
red timestamps mark the instant where each answer is initiated, and the grey
regions indicate the interval where the lie answer occurred. • Kurtosis:
PN 4
i=1 (xi −u(x))
Kurtosis(x) = N
PN 2 −3
With these two biosignals, we expect to detect significant ( 1
N i=1 (xi −u(x))
variations that will allow us to detect true/untrue answers.
• Integral since it is a method simple to understand and interpret. The
PN classifier algorithm construct a series of test questions in a tree
Integral(x) = i=1 (xi − min(rest))
structure, based on the training data. In the binary tree, the root
and internal nodes contain test conditions to separate records
• Time Above: that have different characteristics, while all the terminal nodes
PN are assigned with a class label Yes or No. In our particular
T imeAbove(x) = i=0 stimi , when
stimi > N1 i=1 resti work, the terminal nodes will indicate if the answer was true
or false. We used the scikit-learn library [11] implementation
• Difference between the minimum and maximum value of of the CART (Classification and Regression Trees) algorithm,
the signal: which constructs a binary tree using the feature and threshold
Dif f M inM ax(x) = M ax(x) − M in(x) that yield the largest information gain at each node [8].
We constructed four classifiers, which differ in the set of
In what concerns to Blood Volume Pulse, it is mainly used features used. The first classifier, CALL , was built with all
to determine the heart rate (HR), which can be calculated by the features extracted, with exception of the binary ones. In
detecting the instants, thb
i , where peaks in BVP occured, and the second classifier, C2 , we tried a different combination of
apply the following formula: features, chosen according to an empirical analysis. It was
HRi = 60.0 constituted by:
i+1 −ti
• Mean Heart Rate increment of BVP (BVP.MeanHRI)
The features extracted from BVP were: • EDA Integral (EDA.Integral)
• Mean Heart Rate • EDA Time Above (EDA.TimeAbove)
PNb • EDA Kurtosis (EDA.Kurtosis)
M eanHR = N1b i=1 HRi
The third classifier, C3 , was composed of the features in C2
• Mean Heart Rate increment and the two binary features. Finally, the fourth classifier, C4 ,
PNb combined the two binary features with the Integral of EDA
HRI = i=1 (HRi+1 − HRi )
and the Mean Heart Rate extracted from BVP.
• Minimum, Maximum and Mean Amplitude: the ampli-
tude corresponds to the difference between the maximum
and minimum value in each BVP peak. From all the am- To evaluate the classification performance, three different
plitudes calculated, we extract the maximum, minimum tests were made:
and mean value. a) Re-substitution method: The prediction is made using test
Afterwards, we looked to each record and took into account data that is included in the training group.
the possible relation between the answers, considering that b) Leave-One-Out (LOO) method: Each learning set is cre-
only one could be a lie. The analysis consisted on the ated by taking all the samples except one, the test set
calculation of the first and second maximum of each feature. being the sample left out. This cross-validation procedure
We concluded that the false answer often occurs when: does not waste much data as only one sample is removed
from the learning set [8];
• the maximum (or 2nd maximum) of the integral of EDA
c) K-Fold Cross Validation method: Samples are divided
matched the maximum(or 2nd maximum) of the time
in K groups, called folds, of equal size. The prediction
above EDA feature
function is learned using K-1 folds, and the fold left out
• the 2nd maximum of the heart rate increment, calculated
is used for testing;
from BVP, occur
Based on these observations, two binary features were VI. R ESULTS
created, where the feature value is 1, when the condition The classification method evaluation was performed with
itemized occurs. 16 records, from which 9 were made using 5 objects and 7
with 6 objects. Each record contains the EDA and BVP signals
IV. C LASSIFICATION during the response to 5/6 questions according to the amount
The classification was based on a supervised learning ap- of objects. In all of these records only one answer is considered
proach, using labeled training data to predict the result with false, while the other 4 or 5 answers are true. The training
subsets of features. The training data consists of a matrix, data used to construct the decision tree was based on these
where each line represents one answer, while each column records, where each line of the training matrix represented
is one of the features described in the previous section. one answer. In every evaluation, the training data was divided
Associated with this matrix is a column vector with the labels, in two groups, corresponding to the tests with 5 and 6 objects.
that is, the ground-truth responses resulting from each record. Thus, the results of the classification are always evaluated
There are different supervised learning classification algo- separately.
rithms available, however, in this work we focused on binary The result of the 4 classifiers detailed in section IV are
trees, where in each node the value of a feature is tested, summarized in Figure 3.
This work was partially funded by Fundação para a Ciência
e Tecnologia (FCT) under the grants SFRH/BD/65248/2009
and SFRH/PROTEC/49512/2009, and by the Fundação para a
Ciência Viva under the project ”Mentir de Verdade”, whose
support the authors gratefully acknowledge.
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The lie detection is a topic that has attracted the attention

of many specialists; however it continues to be regarded as
a test with low credibility. In this paper we have created an
experimental setup to study this process of lie detection, using
only two of the electrophysiological signals present in the
real polygraph: Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) and Electrodermal
Activity (EDA). The experimental setup created allows to
acquire, non-intrusively, these signals, which will enable its
future use in a demonstrator to be used in a didactic exhibition.
The methodology explored in this work is based on training
data used in a decision tree classifier. The results presented are
preliminary, since the dataset available has reduced dimension.
However, it should be noted that the best performance achieved
was 71% of true negatives with the 6 objects experiment.
Future work will be focused on performing more record
acquisitions, which will contribute to further validate our
results. Moreover, the prototype used in this experiment will
suffer some modifications, which include a system to supervise
the ”false” answer, leading to a reinforcement of the training

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