SalarySlipwithTaxDetails 2021 May

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Pay Slip for the month of May 2021

All amounts in INR

Location : Nanded
Emp Code : 367034 IFSC Code : UTIB0001371
Emp Name : Sameer Surendra Kulkarni Bank A/c No. : 919010072218817 (AXIS BANK)
D e s i g n a t i o n: Coordinator PAN : HEIPK0868F
DOB : 18 Jun 1997 DOJ : 11 Nov 2019 Payable Days : 31.0 PF No. : KDMAL02155190000037929
Total Days : 31.0 A r r e a r D a y ( s ): 0.0 PF UAN. : 101537978790
ESI No. : 2503887684
G r o u p D a t e o f J o i n i n g: 11 Nov 2019
Earnings Deductions
Description Rate Monthly Arrear Total Description Amount
Basic 7429.00 7429.00 0.00 7429.00 PF 1571.00
HRA 2972.00 2972.00 138.00 3110.00 ESI 122.00
ADHOC Allowance 5356.00 5356.00 307.00 5663.00 PROF. TAX 200.00
GROSS EARNINGS 15757.00 15757.00 445.00 16202.00 GROSS DEDUCTIONS 1893.00

Income Tax Worksheet for the Period April 2021 - March 2022
*You have opted tax option with investment

Description Gross Exempt Taxable Deduction Under Chapter VI-A Taxable HRA Calculation( N o n - M e t r o )
Basic 89148.00 0.00 89148.00 Investments u/s 80C Rent Paid 0.00
HRA 35664.00 0.00 35664.00 Provident Fund 18410.00 From: 01/04/2021
ADHOC Allowance 64272.00 0.00 64272.00 To: 31/03/2022
Cash Risk Allowance 200.00 0.00 200.00 1. Actual HRA 35664.00
2. 40% or 50% of Basic 35659.00
3. Rent - 10% Basic 0.00
Least of above is exempt 0.00
Gross 189284.00 0.00 189284.00 Total Investments u/s 80C 18410.00 Taxable HRA 35664.00
Tax Working U/S 80C 18410.00
Standard Deduction 50000.00 T o t a l D e d U n d e r C h a p t e r V I - A 18410.00
Previous Employer Taxable Income 0.00 TDS Deducted Monthly
Previous Employer Professional Tax 0 Month Amount
Professional Tax 2500 April-2021 0.00
Under Chapter VI-A 18410.00 May-2021 0.00
Any Other Income 0.00 Tax Deducted on Perq. 0.00
Taxable Income 118380.00 Total 0.00
Total Tax 0.00
Tax Rebate u/s 87a 0.00
Surcharge 0.00
Tax Due 0.00
Health and Education Cess 0.00
Net Tax 0.00
Tax Deducted (Previous Employer) 0.00
Tax Deducted on Perq. 0.00
Tax Deducted on Any Other Income. 0.00
Tax Deducted Till Date 0.00
Tax to be Deducted 0.00
Tax per month 0.00
Tax on Non-Recurring Earnings 0.00 Total Any Other Income
Tax Deduction for this month 0.00

Disclaimer: This is a system generated payslip, does not require any signature.

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