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UDHC-(S-6-Chem (CC-13)

Full Marks:70

ioTime:2 hours
Answer from all the Groups as directed.
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate
in their
Candidates are required to give their answers
own words asjar as practicable

GROUP-A diot
(Objective Type Questions

. State whether the following statements are True

orFalse: 2x 10
spin angular
) In transition metal complexes, independent
momentum of an eiectron is
of its surrounaings.
temperature at which an anti-ferro-
(ii) The paramagnetic.
magnetic substance becomes
is calledNeel temperature.

(urn Over)
2) 3
(ii) Laporte selection rule of atomic spectra 2. Calculate the magnetic moment of d5 ion in
related with a change in spin quantum weak and strong field of octahedral complexes.
3. Discuss the orbital contribution to magnetic
(iv) For d' configuration the ground state term moment in the octahedral complex.
is 2D.

() Pi acceptor ligands behave as strong field 4. How a forbidden d-d transition becomes allowed
ligand. transition ? Explain.

(vi) A labile complex does not undergo to 5. What is spectrochemical series ? Discuss its
ligand substitution readily. importance.

(vi) Methyl lithium exists as (LiCH) 6. What are the possible ways in which a ligand
may replace another ligand in square planar
(vii) In metal carbonyls CO behaves as a Complexes ? D A
T-acceptor ligand.

(ix) Homogenous catalysts are not sensitive to the metal

7. Discuss alkene bonding in
steric effect. [PICLCH)I.
)In phosphazenes, phosphorous atom exists 8. What are carbonyls ? Draw the.structure of
in +3 oxidation state. mononuclear carbonyls formed by V, Cr, Fe and
(Short Answer Type Questions) 9. What are silicones ? Discuss the methods of
Answer any three of the following: 10 x 3 preparation and applications of silicones.

UDHC-(S-6)-Chem(CC-13) C LT (Continued) UDHC-(S-6)-Chem(CC-13) (Turn Over)

(Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any one question of thefollowing 20 x1

10. Explain origin of paramagnetism and dimagne-

tism. Discuss the effect of temperature on
magnetic character ofthe substances. ieo

11. What is Orgel energy level diagram ? Discuss

its significance. Draw the combined Orgel
diagram for d' and d' ions in the octahedral
and tetrahedral fields.

12. Explain thermodynamic stability and kinetic

stability of complexes. Discuss the important
factors which affect the stability of complexes.'

13. What is homogenous hydrogenation ? Discuss

the mechanism ofhomogenous hydrogenation by
using Wilkinson catalyst. Discuss the advan-
tages of homogenous hydrogenation.

UDHC-(S-6)-Chem(cC-13) 2 GK-600

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