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Henri Fayol
Planning is an intellectual
Planning process.

• Planning is an attempt to predict the

future of the organization and to
determine the measures needed to
transition to this new state.
Planning is continuous, never
• Planning is a process of thinking; it is an ending, and a flexible function.
organized foresight, a vision based on
experiences and facts that is necessary
for an intelligent action. Planning bridges
the gap between where you are to where
you want to go. In short, it is a decision- Planning is the first stage of the managerial functions.
making process. Before planning, there will be nothing to organize
direct, and control.
Various Aspects of Planning

Planning is insidious and broadly covered.

Functions of Planning
Collecting and analyzing information. • Planning aids in adapting and adjusting to
changing environments.
Determining alternative courses of action. • Planning prevents hasty decisions. • Planning
Choosing the best course of action. Developing reduces the overall cost.


Implementation and follow up of the plan.

• Planning aids in improving the motivation and

morale of the employees.
Advantages of Planning • Planning brings unity through action. • Planning
• Planning equips you to face the uncertainties exercises effective control.
of the future.
Organizing Organizing Steps
• Organizing is the activity by which the
company receives everything it needs for
its operation - raw materials, tools,
capital, and personnel.
• Organizing is a system in which parts
work together and the two most
ingredients for organizing are parts and
their relationship. Parts comprise of
physical and human
resources. Organizing is a process of
establishment of authority relationships
among selected people, work, and
workplaces so that the group can work
together efficiently.
Making Making a list of all the activities to achieve the goal.Grouping Delegating authority and responsibility and
Delegating establishing a formal
reporting relationship.

Grouping work into departments.

• Commanding encompasses instructing
your team making sure that the team is
motivated to complete its task.
• The order aims to achieve the optimal
effect of the efforts of workers, in the
Designating the head of the department for each
interest of the whole organization.
Designating group and
assigning qualified personnel to work.
Aspects of Commanding

• Understanding and knowing your team members.

• Dealing smartly with incompetency among the teams.
• Being completely aware of the
agreements between the organization and the
employees; like- being cognizant of employee contracts
and human resource policies.
• Leading by example.
• Working together with other managers to achieve common and corporate goals.

Coordinating Controlling
• Coordination aims to ensure optimal • Control is designed to ensure
harmony between the various activities of compliance with everything that happens
the organization. in the organization.
• Coordinating is all about ensuring • Controlling involves examining progress
everything works well together. It is against management plans, with a view to
having the right resources at the right ensure adequate progress and
time and right place. satisfactory performance, recording the
experience obtained from the working of
these plans as a guide to possible future
experiences, and taking corrective
actions to deal with underperformance.
Controlling Steps

standards based on the
objectives of the

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