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Cost Of Quality

When it comes to making decisions, most managers speak money. The Cost Of
Quality theory provides the vocabulary to communicate between quality
professionals and their managers.

The Meaning Of "Quality Costs "

The term quality costs means different things to different people. Some equate
quality costs with the costs of poor quality due to finding and correcting
defective work. Others equate the term with the costs to attain good quality.
Others use the term to mean the costs of running the quality department. In
this site, the term "quality costs" means the cost of poor quality.

Normally, quality-related costs run in the range of 10 to 30 percent of sales or

25 to 40 percent of operating expenses. They can both be visible and hidden.
The cost of quality not only includes factory operation, but the support
operations significantly contribute too.

Most companies can avoid quality costs. However, these companies do not
assign clear responsibility for action to reduce them. Nor do they create a
structured approach for doing so.

Tips You Must Know:

The language of money is essential. Without quality cost figures, it makes

communicating poor-quality information to upper management slow and

Quality cost measurement (only) does not solve quality problems. Some
organizations publish it in the form of a scoreboard, but these efforts fail
because of lack of action.

Don't limit the scope of quality costs. Most people focus their quality cost
efforts only on the cost of nonconformities. Quality costs include other
unmeasured costs such as lost sales due to poor quality. We call this a hidden
cost because we cannot easily measure it.

Categories Of Cost Of Quality

1-Internal Failure Costs

These costs cover deficiencies discovered before delivery. We associate

deficiencies or nonconformities with the failure to meet explicit requirements or
implicit needs of external or internal customers.

Learn more on Internal Failure Costs

2-External Failure Costs

The costs associated with deficiencies found after the customer receives the
product. These also include lost opportunities for sales revenue.

Learn more on External Failure Costs

3-Appraisal Costs

The costs incurred to determine the degree of conformance to quality

requirements. For example, inspection cost is an appraisal cost.

Learn more on Appraisal Costs

4-Prevention Costs

The costs incurred to keep failure and appraisal costs to a minimum. For
example, product design or Poke Yoke costs are prevention costs.

Learn more on Prevention Costs.

The total cost of quality is the sum of the four above categories.

Creating an Initial Quality Cost Study

1. Review the literature on quality costs. Consult with others in similar

industries who have had experience with applying quality cost concepts.

2. Select one organizational unit of the company to serve as a pilot site. This
unit may be one plant, one large department, one product line, etc.

3. Discuss the objectives of the study with the key people in the organization,
particularly those in the accounting function. Two objectives are
paramount...Determine the size of the quality problem and identify specific
projects for improvement.

4. Collect the convenient accounting system cost data. Use this information to
gain management support to make a full cost of quality study.

5. The proposal should provide for a task force of all concerned parties. The
task force identifies the work activities that contribute to the cost of poor
quality. Use work records, job descriptions, flowcharts, interviews, and
brainstorming to identify these activities.

6. Publish a draft of the categories which defines the cost of quality. Secure
comments and revise.

7. Finalize the definitions and secure management approval.

8. Assign responsibility for data collection and report preparation.

9. Collect and summarize the data. Ideally, this should be done by accounting.

10. Present the initial and final quality cost results from the quality
improvement project to management. Request authorization to proceed with a
broader company-wide  program of measuring the costs and pursuing projects.

Clearly, the sequence must be tailored for each organization.

Capturing Quality Cost Tips

1. Established expense accounts. Examples include inspection department

appraisal activities and customer response warranty expenses.

2. Define an analysis for the ingredients of established expense accounts: For

example, suppose an account called customer returns reports the cost of all
goods returned. Some customers returned defective goods. Categorized these
as cost of poor quality.  Some customers return goods to reduce inventory.
These are not costs of poor quality. You must break the customer returns into
two separate expense accounts. To help distinguish the quality costs returns,
someone must study the return documents and classify all returns.

3. Improve accounting documents:  For example, some production department

employees conduct product inspection. By securing their names, the associated
payroll data, and inspection time you can quantify these costs of quality.

4. Include estimates: Input from knowledgeable personnel is clearly important.

5. Use temporary records. For example, some production workers spend part of
their time repairing defective product. Here you can create a temporary record
to determine the repair time and thereby the repair cost. This cost can then be
projected for the study time period.

6. Utilize work sampling:  Take random observations of activities. With a few

sampling, you can calculate the percent of time spent in predefined quality cost
categories. Ask employees to record the observation as prevention, appraisal,
failure, or first time work.

7. Improve allocation of total resources: For example, some engineers are part-
time engaged  in making product failure analyses. The engineering department,
however, makes no provision for charging engineering time to multiple
accounts. Ask each engineer to make an estimate of time spent on product
failure analysis. Do this by keeping a temporary engineering activity log for
several representative weeks. Categorized time spent due to a product failure
as a failure cost.

 Track unit cost data:  Here, the cost of correcting one error is estimated
and multiplied by the number of errors per year. Examples include billing
errors and scrap. Note that the unit cost per error may consist of
corrections costs from several departments.
 Utilize market research data: Cost of quality includes lost sales revenue
due to poor quality. Although difficult to estimate, market research studies
on customer satisfaction and loyalty can provide input data on dissatisfied
customers and customer defections.

8. Consider using 8D Manager, corrective and preventive action software, which

lets you assign quality costs for each taken action when the company
encounters quality issues. The software automatically calculates the costs and
creates charts for these costs.

What Do You Know About Cost of Quality?

Do you have experience (good or bad) with COQ? Or A question about COQ? If
it is a question, please let us know your answer / thoughts too.


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