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Group members:
1) John Kenneth D. Arellon
2) Andrei C. Palalay
3) Kenneth Guloy

According to critics Rizal was very lucky because he was born at the right time (19th century). For them being born at that time when the effects of the 4 Great Revolutions have
already reached the Philippines and changed the perspective of many people had a great impact on Rizal’s character and destiny. The effects of the said revolutions in a way
helped made Rizal the person that he is and propelled him to the pedestal that he occupies now in our history.

In this activity, choose your groupmates (3 persons per group), discuss among yourselves using the available platforms such as google meet, zoom, or messenger your answer for
the provided questions. Assign one member to collate your thoughts, and submit your output. Submit only one output for your group.

You can write your answers either in English or Filipino, stick to one language, no TagLish. Avoid plagiarism as much as possible by acknowledging the source of your idea if
you have copied a line or two from any resources whether online or books.


Events from 2000-2021 That shaped your Impact to the world Positive Effect to the youth Negative Effect to the youth
1. COVID-19 Pandemic World economy collapses and billions of Learned to adapt to a new environment Access to quality education became more
lives were put at risks. (new normal). difficult.
2. 2019 Higchschool Graduation Another millions of students moved to Those students became more responsible Some were less fortunate to continue
cities, boosting economy and creating and less dependent to families. higher level of education.
opportunity for future professionals.
3. Emergence of cryptocurrencies like Started the movement for decentralized Many became engaged and interested to Many were tricked by investment scams
bitcoin finance, and the acceptance of digital financial education. and some were addicted to trading, thus
currencies and payment systems. affecting their education.

If you were born during Rizal’s time (19th century) would you accomplish and achieve the same thing that he did ? Why, or why not? (Answer this question individually)

Group member 1: John Kenneth D. Arellon

Provably, no. First, many were also born during that time and yet only Rizal was able to attain such achievement. I think it’s not a question of time but a question of ability and
determination we possess that truly determines who we can be. Second, I may also have achievements and actions that can contribute to the nation but not necessarily to be the
same as Rizal did. Lastly, there are things that are not really meant for us and we are destined to roles different from each other. And who knows if I was born during that time,
maybe the legacy of Rizal may have never came to life and its my name that we are talking about today rather than Rizal.

Group member 2:

Group member 3:

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