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J . geol. Soc. London, Vol. 142, 1985, pp. 815-836, 14 figs, 1 table.

Printed in Northern Ireland

Indonesian fluvial cassiterite placers and their


G. J. J. Aleva
InternationalInstituteforAerospaceandEarth Sciences (ITC), Kanaalweg 3,
2628 EB Delft, The Netherlands
SUMMARY: Placer valleysystemsin the areas of Belitung and Singkep islands and in the
Tujuh archipelago,Indonesia,aredescribed with the use of geological andcontourmaps,
longitudinal sections and grade distribution charts. The main cassiterite concentration (>95%
of all minable cassiterite) in these deposits rests directly on weathered bedrock. Cover-layer
(Miencan)cassiteriteconcentrationsoccuratvarious levels,indicating continuedupstream
erosion and downstream sedimentation of cassiterite. The valley bottoms currently reach depths
below meansea level of -50 m;greaterdepths, down to -100 m,arerecorded on sonic
sections and can be deduced from wildcat drill-holes downstream from the mined areas. All
offshore and large parts of the onshore placers are palaeoplacers, which have been protected
against erosion by marine, littoral and paludal sediments. The stratigraphical succession of this
cover has been established in the Tujuh area, but a definite dating has not yet been achieved.
The collected data indicate a concentration process on the bottoms of fluvial valleys, which at
that stage contained only a thin sediment layer that was composed mainly of coarse, angular
clastics and heavy minerals. The distribution of cassiteriteonthe valleyfloors is locally
determined by morphology-at the lowest parts, in local depressions and behind obstacles-
whereas on alarger scale it indicatesa largely autochthonous or residual provenance, with
maximumfluvial transportation distances of -500111. In contrast, many of the W Malaysian
cassiterite placers are alluvial concentrations and found at various levels within the relatively
fine-grained sedimentary valley fill.

The Indonesiantin islands form the most easterly the tin deposits of Bangka and Belitung islands, based
exposure of the SE Asiantin belt, which starts in ondata available in the archives andon his own
Burma, 2700 km to the NNW. These islands are, from observations in both islands.
northwest tosoutheast,Karimun,Kundur, Singkep
(where mining recently ceased), the Tujuh archipela- The placer quartet
go, Bangka(containing by farthe most important
reserves) and Belitung (Fig. 1). In this study the termplacer is used in the widest
The many papers published on the Indonesian tin possible sense;thus, aplacer is amineraldeposit
deposits in the first halfof this century largely dealt derived from weathering products through mechanical
with the concept of the ‘kaksa’ or lag gravel deposits. concentration of weathering-resistant minerals of eco-
These deposits overlie the weathered bedrock of the nomic interest. There is no requirement of lateral
valley floor, and are composed of relatively coarse: transport of the concentratedminerals, alluvial or
weathering-resistant material, in particularangular otherwise,nor of the imprecise notion of surficial
fragments of quartz veins, coarse angular quartz occurrence or formation, and there is no restriction in
grains, and the occasional rounded granules of black the type of mechanical concentration, be it aqueous
tourmaline and light greenish bauxite pebbles in a fine (pluvial, fluvial, coastal marine), aeolian, glacial, or by
sandy to clayey matrix. A review of these publications mass transport (cf. Bates & Jackson 1980).
was given by Krol (1960). Batchelor (1983) provided The generation of placers is dependent on four
English translations for several of the Dutch language aspects: (i) the source rock containing the primary or
papers. secondary cassiterite, (ii) the liberation of the cassiter-
A new phase of geological studies started in 1948 in ite from the source rock without excessive comminu-
Belitung island, and during the following 10 years tion of the cassiteritegrains, (iii) the mechanical
many aspects of cassiterite placer geology were concentration of the now detritalcassiteritegrains,
addressed, including bedrockandplacermapping, and (iv) the protection of at least part of the
onshoreandoffshoreexploration methods, evalua- unconsolidated cassiterite concentration against attack
tion, and area1 distribution of deposits and tin grades by mechanical erosion.
within deposits.Severalexamplespresented in this From existing literature it appearsthatthe four
paper are based on data collected during that period. aspects listed are largely comparable in their influence
Osberger (1968) published an extensive paper on on the placer deposits formed in and offshore the ‘tin
816 G. J . J . Aleva


FIG. 1. TheIndonesian tin islands in relation to Malaysia, SumateraandKalimantan,andthedepth of the

surrounding seas.

islands'-Bangka, Belitung and recently depleted the island. The attitude of the bedding is vertical to
Singkep. The following discussions of these four steeply dipping either way. Several tight anticlinal
aspects are valid for the Indonesian tin islands or tin structures occur in Belitung.
belt as a whole, except where the name of an island is The igneous rocks comprise a suite of granitoid
specifically mentioned. rocks ranging from granodiorite to graniteand
i.The sourcerock is twofold: the sedimentary leucogranite(Aleva 1960). The intrusions are highly
country rock of Permian to Triassic age, and a limited variable in size, ranging from plutons up to 20x90 km
number of well-defined igneousintrusions dated by (Bangka) to small masses less than 100 m in diameter.
Priem et al. (1975) to be 216 f 2 Ma old.The Several of the igneousbodies, independent of their
sedimentary country rock is composed of a monoto- size, have their largest dimension parallel to the strike
nous alternation of rather pure sandstones and pure of the country rock.
mudstones, occasionally interbedded with conglomer- Primary mineralization is present in the intrusions as
ate and limestone layers, pillow lava and tuff horizons, well as in the sedimentary rocks, and the type, area1
and a radiolarian chert. The strike of the sedimentary extent and concentration is highly variable. In several
series is in general ESE and parallel to the tin belt, places higher grade primary mineralization has been
bending with the shape of this belt or with the shape of mined directly, either as unweatheredlodes,lenses,
Indonesian cassiterite placers 817
veins and greisen masses fromhard,unweathered occurred, as the area is at the front edge of the SE
country rock (mainly in Belitung island), or as Asian tectonicplate. The alternation of emergence
chemically weathered greisen masses, pegmatites (with weathering and fluvial erosion) and submergence
(Singkep) and pegmatitic veins (Bangka). Less spec- (with marinesedimentation or abrasion) has been
tacular is the disseminated mineralization found in the studied in detail in the Tujuh area. Table 1 summa-
granitic rocks and greisen masses. This occurs as fine, rizes the stratigraphy of the more recent part of the
reddish brown grains of cassiterite, and, in the Cenozoic-possibly only since the Pleistocene-in-
sedimentaryrocks, as small gash veins 1 X 10 to cluding the formation of the main offshore placers in
3 X 30 mm in size. They are composed of dark greyish that area.
cassiterite. iii. The concentration of cassiterite into placers is
The area1 distribution of the primary mineralization still under discussion; after a number of deposits have
closely follows the rules formulated by Emmons been described below, the formative process will be
(1933): in the granitic rocks near the contacts and in discussed in some detail. In the Indonesian tin islands
particular in the roof zone or ‘hood’,and in the there are three types of cassiterite placers, which must
country rock near granite contacts and above granite be clearly distinguished in any genetic discussion.
cupolas. They are
ii. The liberation of the brittlecassiteritefrom its -residual eluvial concentrations or kulit (Indonesian
encasing minerals has been efficiently effected by deep for ‘skin’) placers on the interfluves and on the valley
tropical weathering, which alters most silicates to side slopes;
kaolinite and removes alkalies and earth-alkalies out - para-autochthonous fluvial concentrations or kak-
of the system through leaching, but does not material- sa (Chinesefor clay-coarse sand) placers, i.e.the
ly attack cassiterite and coarse quartz. Granitic rocks fluvial lag gravel deposit directly overlying the mostly
are thus altered to a saprolite of plastic to tough clayey weathered country rock of the valley bottoms;
consistency composed of quartz grains in kaolin with - allochthonous-alluvial concentrations or miencan
many ghost structures and texturesretained.This (pronounced‘meenchan’, also Chinese)placers,i.e.
saprolite weathering mantle may reach a thickness of cassiterite concentrations interbedded in the
several tens of metres. It is mostly covered by a sandy sedimentary fill of the valley andtherefore often
surface layer without any retained primary structures. indicated with the mining-related term ‘cover-layer’
The sedimentarycountry rock weathers less conspi- concentrations; they are mostly of finer grain than the
cuously, largely because the component minerals are underlying kaksa deposit. It is estimated that less than
alreadyin equilibrium with the near-surface and 10% of the commercially produced cassiterite in
subaerial conditions. The decomposition in sandstones Indonesia is obtained from these true alluvial cover-
is no more than a falling apartintotheseparate layer concentrations.
mineral grains, while mudstones show a weak decom- iv. Protection of the unconsolidated placer is re-
position and leaching. The thickness of the weathering quired to prevent the destruction by later erosional
mantle on sedimentary country rock rarely exceeds a action.This is particularly necessary when younger
few metres. fluvial erosion occurs at a time that, or a place where,
Cassiterite is barely attacked by subaerial weather- no new cassiterite grains areadded to the fluvial
ing;larger crystal masses may disintegrateintotheir system. The more common protection is provided by
separate crystals, but the solution of cassiterite in younger sediments of finer grain size resulting from a
surface and soil waters is slight, and it does not general decrease in the fluvial erosional activity. The
materially influence the formation of cassiterite offshore palaeoplacers aroundthe Indonesian tin
placers . islands were saved from destruction by a transgressive
Weathering is greatly promoted by a hot and humid sea, effectively preventing any further fluvial in-
climate, whereas the subaerial condition requires that fluence. Both ways of protection are related to
the rock to beweathered is above sea level. The changes in climate or changes in sea level, or both.
Cenozoic has seen anumber of relative sea-level
movements of up to 400 m, and the climate has varied Methods
considerably throughout that era, culminating in
frequent and severe changes during the last few The geology of placer deposits can best be studied in
hundred years. Figure 2 illustrates and correlates these large open mines, such as thoseproducedduring
changes on a world-wide scale. Horizontal tectonic hydraulic mining operations. The shape of the valley
movements of theareaunder discussion must have bottom can be observed
mapped in detail,
been of minor influence on the climatic changes, as cassiterite concentrations can be seenin the mine
plate movements during the Cenozoic were limited in faces, and sedimentological observations on the valley
a N-S direction within a zone between approximately fill can be made on a daily basis. In practice, however
10”N lat. to 5”s lat. It is likely that vertical tectonic it is difficult to obtain sufficient systematic data of a
movements of local to regional importance have homogeneous nature and high quality, in order to use
818 G. J . J . Aleva
-.-.- W. EUROPE






60 50 40 30 20 10




-200 , , , , , , , , , , , I , , , , I , , ,, ,, , , , ,, , , ,
60 60 40 30 20 10 0
FIG.2. Graphs comparing the changes in climate (A, mean temperatures after Frakes 1979) with those in sea level
(B, world wide averages after Vail & Hardebol 1979) during the Tertiary.

them for statistical purposes that could lead to a better The detailed area1 distribution of cassiterite and its
understanding of placer formation. relation tothe valley-bottom morphology can be
Drillholes may furnishalarge number of high determined by adapting the mining routine of bucket-
quality data, provided the drilling procedures are chain dredges,the commonly used equipmentfor
correct and maintained essentially unchanged through- mining larger onshore and most offshore placers. The
out the total period of drilling within one valley. All resolution may be as small as 3~ 10 m in surface area,
drilling data used forthepresent study are derived and 0.5 m in depth (van Overeem 1960b).
from Bangka-type drilling equipment. The tin grade of cassiterite concentrations is usually
Since the mid-1950s acoustic(sonic) geophysical expressed in the amount of tin metal or cassiterite per
data collection was added to the tools of the placer unit of volume, as during mining the total volume of
geologist. Modern offshore placer exploration is based the valley fill, from the valley floor upward, has to be
on acoustic subbottom profiling surveys; detailed removed for washing out the cassiterite.For kaksa-
interpretationand plotting is facilitated by using a type placers the grade figures so obtained are largely
rectangular crossing pattern of survey lines. Drilling in dependent on the thickness of the covering sediments,
selectedsites will furnish thesound velocity data which is dependent on the variable depth of the valley
required for detailed interpretation of the analog or bottom. For geological study of the cassiterite distribu-
digital survey log (van Overeem 1960a; Bon 1979). tion these grade values (T value = kg tin metal per
Indonesian cassiterite placers 819
TABLE1: The stratigraphic column in the offshore area of the Tujuh Archipelago
YSC or Younger . . Cover (Recent to
Holocene), composed of
-soft, greenish-gray marine mud with shell fragments, and
- silty to fine, sandy marine sediments with slight but persistent easterly dip to the thin bedding.
Soil formation afteremergence,reddish in colour,ontheUpperPlanationEpisodesurface withincision of a system of
shallow vaHeys;- their pattern is not related to that of older valley patterns.
UPE or Upper Planation Episode, probably a marine abrasion plain, truncating all older formations and cutting a bench into
the basement culmination; the elevation of this plain varies from -20 m MSL directly around Cebia island to -45 m MSL
approximately 30 km offshore; there are indications from the other islands that the plain is domed or cylindrical with the
long axis parallel to the strike of the island belt.
AC or Alluvial Complex, filling up steep-sided valleys incised into all older formations; also cutting through the gravel-filled
valleys into the now weathered granitic bedrock and elsewhere through the Older Sedimentary Cover into the underlying
Permo-Triassic basement, reaching depths of over -100 m MSL; the shape and pattern of these deepest valleys suggest an
origin as tidal scour channels (Aleva et al. 1973); the valley fill is composed of massive clays with minor, thinly stratified
sandy and clayey sediments with peat intercalations; the complex as a whole indicates frequent changes in the terrestrial
sedimentation environment.
IPE or Intermediate Planation Episode, truncating the older landscape and causing the AC valleys to find their own pattern
around the Cebia culmination, unrelated to the older landforms.
GFV or gravel-filled valleys, so far the only unit containing cassiterite-bearinglag gravels; these GFV,containing cassiterite in
approximatelyone-third of the valleys identified, are restricted tothe now weatheredsubcrop of granitebedrock;
sonograms indicate that the GFV incise the Older Sedimentary Cover near the granite contact, but cease to be discernible
on the sonograms farther downstream; the pattern of the GFV radiate away from the topographic culminations marked by
the present, granite underlain islands.
OSC or Older Sedimentary Cover, a massive and very extensive, sub-horizontal formation with bedding planes far apart,
composed of pebbly to coarse, sandy to clayey sediments with minor intercalated peat layers; the sediments wedge out and
slopeupwards against theCebiaandotherbedrockculminations; thicknesses of upto 60m have beenrecorded on
sonograms; during the IPE and the UPE the valleys of the sediment feeder rivers were destroyed by planation and the
upper parts of the sedimentary unit were truncated, hence it is not clear whether the GFV are an individual unit, separated
from the OSC by an additional planation episode, or whether they represent the youngest feeder channels of the OSC,
which locally incise because of minor relative vertical movements of the sea-level or changes in climate.
LPE or Lower Planation Episode, truncating the Permo-Triassic sediments with their 216 f 2 Ma old granitic intrusions; it
formed the regional basement topography on which the OSC was deposited and it was in its mature state dominated by a
number of culminations now represented by the tin islands.

cubic metre valley fill) are unsuitable.Kaksa-type completeness of thedataand for their illustrative
placers have theshape of a blanket of cassiterite- value with respect to one or more facets of the close
containing coarser grained sediments with a large to relation between primary source, the derived placers,
very large horizontal extension (50 X 1000 m to 500 and landscape development.
X 10 000 m) and with a very small thickness (0.1-2 m). The availability of a primary source is dependent on
Hence,the geologically meaningful measure is the the level of erosion in relation to the upperpart of the
amount of tin per unit of surface (the G value = kg tin granitoid masses, where the original primary deposits
metal per square metre valley-bottom surface). This G mainly occur (Fig. 3). Table I presents the strati-
value can be computedfora drill hole, for the graphic succession offshore of the Tujuh islands, with
3 X 10 m areas of.the bucket-chain dredge survey, or three planation levels, three subsequent sedimentary
for the surface area of a mining operation, e.g. for the covers,and only one set of tin-bearing valleys. This
monthly or yearly mining progress. succession of planation levels has also been found in
reconnaissance sonic surveys around parts of Bangka
and Belitung islands. However,adirectconnection
Examples with placers onshore or with the morphology of the
islands is lacking. This is largely the result of the
The main characteristic of the Indonesian tin placers, Upper Planation Episode that removed-through
particularly when compared with many of the Malay- abrasion or planation, or both-a fringe of varying
sian tin placers, is the limited lateral transport of width of the older landscape. In the Tujuharchipelago
cassiterite, and this feature is most conspicuous in the this fringe prevents, through its width and the age of
islands Singkep and Belitung, where the placers have a its formation, a correlation between the morphology
tin content that is less than half that of the Bangka of the presentlandscape andthe drowned offshore
deposits. land surfaces farther out. Around the otherislands the
The following examples were chosen for the relative available information is insufficient to be of much use.
820 J. G. J . Aleva
~ ~~

106"IE 107 O I E 108O1E

m T U J U H A. L E G E N D
(fife/ GRANlTOlDS


1 100 km I


0 0



FIG.3. The main tin islands Bangka and Belitung, with the granitoid plutons and stocks and the distribution of the
main cassiterite placer deposits (in black)

Lenggang bedrock, resulting from humid tropical saprolitic

weathering,and gravity movement (colluviation or
Thecentralpart of theeastern half of Belitung tropical solifluxion) toward the nearest topographical
island contains numerous cassiteriteplacers of both low, i.e. the fluvial valley.
the eluvial kulit type and the fluvial kaksa type (Fig. In the eastern part of the map area the pattern of
4). In the western half of the map area of this figure worked out mines and existing ore reserves is in many
the strike of the sedimentary bedrock is indicated by places not related to the stream pattern. The present-
the direction of the valleys, i.e. around N 1lO"E. The day streams are consequent streams running in a sandy
black areasareworkedout mines and existing ore marine
depositional plain (presumably
reserves;they marktheweatheredand eluviated Sedimentary Cove-see Table 1) which covers the
primaryoccurrences (the kulit placers) on the in- older landsurface in which the placer-containing
terfluves, and the fluvial kaksa placers in the valleys. valleys are incised. The westernboundary of this
These kaksa placers locally overlie primary cassiterite uplifted young marine cover is approximately parallel
veinlets in the sedimentary bedrock, but must largely to,and 7 km west of,the presentcoastline. The
be considered as fluviatile reworked colluvium derived independence of the recent river pattern from the old
from the interfluves. The mechanism of the formation landsurface is bestillustrated by the course of the
of kulit placers and the transport of these eluviated main river (Sungai Lenggang) that crosses in N-S
deposits on the interfluves has recently been discussed, direction the main kaksa placer of the area, which lies
based on an example from this region (Aleva 1983). It on the bedrock floor of an older valley system, partly
involves the shrinkage (or slow-motion collapse) of a running parallel to the local strike (N 1lO"E) of the
thick (probablyup to 40 m)mantle of weathered bedrock.
Indonesian fluvial cassiterite placers 821

FIG.4. Map of the central eastern part of Belitung (Lenggang district), showing the present drainage channels (thin
lines) and topographic culminations (asterisks), the contact (heavy broken line) of small granite masses, and the
identified cassiterite deposits (black: includes worked-out deposits and reserves as of the late 1950s).

Figure 5 provides a part of the map for this large There are only a few production areas with G values
placer; it compares the distribution of cassiterite of less than 4. This large deposit gives the impression
grades (map B) with the bedrock contours in map A. that the main valley is incised across a zone of primary
The contour map is based on data from drill holes, mineralization, running parallel to the N 110"E strike
which over a large part of the area are ona 50 X 100 m of the bedding of the bedrock.
grid (and in many parts of the earlier explored areas
on a grid as close as 25 X 25 m). The grade values are
computed from mine production data. The tin values Air Raya-SungaiPering-TelokPering
shown are in kg tin metal per square metre surface Figure 6 gives a map of this fluvial system with a total
area (the G value). The bedrock contour map shows a mapped and mined length of 16 km. The system is in
relief of 15 m over a valley width of 1200-1500 m. In the
corner of Belitung island in
the upstream western part of the map area cassiterite sedimentary terrain. The fluvial system starts with a
is almost evenly distributed over the area above and number of small headwater rivulets onthe local
below the -10 m contour. In the central map area the culmination, the Gunung Kelapa Kampit, at a height
cassiterite is foundonthe high groundabove the of -140 m.This is the site of Indonesia's only
-10 m contour as well as in the deepest gully below hardrock, undergroundtinmine. TheAir ('brook')
the -15 m contour. The eastern part contains a rich Raya and its larger continuation Sungai ('river')
stretch,2000m long and 60 mwide,where the tin Pering do notrun parallel tothe regional strike of
value distribution is independent of the bedrock N 110-120"E as found in the Permo-Triassic
topography. High values are in the deepest (-20 m) sedimentary bedrock, but startout ina N 80"E
channel and on the local culmination marked by the direction and gradually curve to a N 25"E direction. It
-10 m contour. is presumed that the course of the valley is influenced
In summary, the N 15O"E-striking main valley, with by the commonfaultdirections as observed in the
a tributary valley striking N llWE, is incised into an mine: N 15"E, N 55"E and N 30"E. The movements
old regional planation surface, which slopes from 0 m along all these faults produce an apparent stretching of
in the west to-10mintheeast,and contains the sedimentary bed involved.
considerable amounts of cassiterite in values ranging Along most of the onshore length of the valley there
from 2 to over15 kg/m2, butwithouta distinct are old kulit workings onthe high ground (in-
geomorphologically controlled distribution pattern. terfluves). These kulit placers could have contributed
822 G. J. J . Aleva
to thecassiterite content of the rich A. Raya-S. Pering The farthestoffshore area shown in Fig. 8 illustrates
valley, but detailed
not available. The a similar arrangement of the high-grade cassiterite
bedrock contours drawnin theonshorepart of the patches. Some of the deeper valley stretches do not
valley are based on a relatively wide grid of holes contain appreciable amounts of cassiterite, whereas in
drilled afterat leasttwoearlierperiods of mining other places both the interfluves and bordering valleys
activity. The offshore part in the Telok ('bay') Pering are rich. There seems to exist arelation between
is well documentedthrough drilling and surveying bedrockmineralization with patches of (drowned)
during mining operations by bucket-chain dredge. eluvial deposits on the flat interfluves and high
The near offshore area in the map of Fig. 7 contains cassiteriteconcentrationsin the nearby(drowned)
cassiterite-rich patches on the flat bedrock areas at an river valley, with some downstream transport of
elevation of approximately - 15 m. In the centreof the cassiterite over a limited distance.
map area thereis a group of higher grade patches that The valleys originate from a time when the sea level
trends normally to the topography; the strikedirection was at least 3C-50 m lower than at present. The old
of this group of patches is again N 110-12o"E. The landscapecontainedkulit placers on the interfluves
sinuous course of the fossil S. Pering along the western and kaksaplacers on the valley bottoms. The wave
side of themaparea is extremely rich inseveral action of the later rising sea level must have swept
places, mainly in deeper holes, in bends, and where much of the kulit placertin intothe nearby deep
it crossespresumablyprimarybedrock mineraliza- valley, which atthat time was notyet filled with
eastern interfluve area
it youngersediments. Thus,the original cassiterite
thatthe richer areasare mainly inlocal, shallow distribution, related to the N 110-120"E-striking prim-
depressions. arymineralization zones,are bestpreserved in the

FIG. 5 . Maps of the Meranteh mining area, covering the large, central deposit depicted in black in Fig. 4. A, Map
showing the bedrock contours in 5-m intervals; datum is MSL. B, Map illustrating the tin grades (in G values) of the
worked areas, based on production data. Outside the worked areas only the higher grade drill holes are marked; the
whole area has been drilled on a grid at least 100 X 50 m in area.
Indonesian fluvial cassiterite placers 823
nearshore area where the marine influence was shorter tion of cassiterite in only a few, but rich, major valleys
and weaker than in the farther offshore area. is probably the result of the strong residual character
Generally, sea bottom contours do not reveal the of cassiterite. The occurrence of this mineralin the
course of the deep, drowned valleys. Younger marine main valleys might be a relict from the mineralized
sediments-sands and (sub)recent marine mud-fill all hood of the pluton (Aleva 1960). Most of the
valleys and are also deposited in a continuous cover of cassiterite now foundin the few major valleys was
a few metres thick over the fossil interfluves. Without originally liberated from that part of the hood situated
drilling or geophysical methods the fossil valley between the upward extensions of the present day
pattern cannot be discerned. major interfluves, at a time when the erosion level was
at least several hundred metres higher and the relief
S. Sengkelie Both main northwards-running rivers continue -2
The northwestern part of Belitung island is underlain km offshorewithout much changeintheirgeneral
by granites of the large Tanjung ('cape') Pandan direction. Figure 10 illustrates the eastern one of these
pluton. A map of the northern half of this pluton is offshore cassiterite
deposits belonging to the S.
presentedin Fig. 9, showing the kulit placers to be Sengkelie fluvial system. Thenorthern boundary of
much less abundant along the kaksa placer-containing the granite pluton presumably is close to the northern
valleys than was seen in the examplesfrom eastern boundary of the reserve and mining area (cf. Fig. 9).
Belitung. The map of Fig. 10 depicts the bedrock configura-
The explanation is twofold. First, the primary tion and cassiterite distribution in G values (kg Sn/m2)
distribution of cassiterite in the pluton may have been observed during mining. The drilling results were fully
irregular, as has been observed in many primary confirmed with tinplacers, grading between 4 and
deposits world-wide. Secondly, the peculiar distribu- 15 kg M m 2 , in the central and western area in a flat,

' 0

\. 0

0 .


O F o vp

824 G. J. J. Aleva

? '

0 0
FI c
Indonesian cassiterite placers 825
local basin below the -15 m contour; additional the valleys indicatearecent rise in sea level that
deposits were found in the insufficiently drilled drowned the existing valleys farinland.Offshore,
southeastern local culmination, mainly above the young marinesediments completely mask the exist-
-1Om contour. Cassiterite occurs in an oval-shaped ence of narrow,deep fluvial valleys. The line that
patch with long axes striking N 100”E parallel to the marks the downstream ends of the reserve areas
strike of the numerous thin (1-4mm) greisen sheets coincides with the -20 to -23 m MSL bedrock
observed in the granitepluton on land. The highest contour of the interfluves, the valley floors being a few
cassiterite concentrations ( > l 2 kg Sn/m2) are found in metres deeper.
shallow basin-shaped depressions, whereas in several Atthe downstream end of the workable valley
places flat local culminations arebarren.The sur- stretch,the cassiteritecontent of the lag gravels
rounding valleys (with bottoms at -20 to below -25 m diminishes gradually overa short distance. The tin
MSL) are barren, with the exception of the valley in yields from one month’s dredging of three successive
thecentre of the cassiterite-rich patch.This valley areas of approximately similar surface area and depth
contains similar tin grades to the surrounding higher decreased from 0.5 to 0.005 kg Sn/m3. Drilling proved
ground. that this reduction coincided with the appearance of a
The cassiterite distribution resembles that found in well-consolidated, tough clay layer that acted as a
the ‘l. Pering outside the distinct deep valleys (Figs 7 ‘false’ valley bottom. Drilling established that this clay
and S). It can beexplained by postulating extensive layer, which could only be dredged with difficulty, was
original kulit placers on the interfluves, that have been underlain by the continuation of the kaksa placer
reworked by wave action of the rising sea. Cassiterite mined upstream in that valley. Evidently,after the
collected in the local lower areas while the local deposition of the tough clay, which can be correlated
culminations were swept clean. Lateral cassiterite with the Alluvial Complex (Table l), little transport of
transport was negligible; it did notevenreach the cassiterite from upstream sources occurred, and it did
nearby deeper valleys. not reach farther than 3 0 W 0 0 m downstream from
Thisoffshoredistribution is strangely at variance the upstream edge of the clay cover bed.
with the distribution observed onshore. This could be
related to the granite contact that is immediately north
of themaparea (cf. Fig. 9) and which places the
Tujuh archipelago
mined-out area in a position nearer to the mineralized The group of seven small islands is the subaerial
hood of the pluton. Another explanation can be found expression of a bedrock culmination along the strike of
in the ongoing weathering, erosion and denudation in the Indonesian tin belt between Bangka and Singkep
theonshorearea after the drowned part of the (Fig. 1). The largest island, Pekajang, is composed of
landscape became fossilized and buried under young arenaceous Triassic sediments, hardly weatheredat
marinesediments,obliterating the deeply incised the surface and slightly metamorphosed.Theother
valleys. Continuedweathering and erosion on land islands are composed of granite and theirbeaches
removed the surficial kulit placers and transported the contain the occasional cassiterite grains.
cassiterite down relatively steep slopes into the main The extensive exploration activities in and around
rivers, where it was incorporated in the lag gravels to this archipelago, including over 10000 line-kilometers
form kaksa placers. of continuous acoustic profiling, are the basis for the
stratigraphysummarized in Table 1 (see also Aleva
Singkep 1973 and Bon 1979). Figure 12 is asubcrop map
showing the granite contact and the gravel-filled (GF)
Figure 11 shows the central partof the eastern coast of valleys below the Younger Sedimentary Cover (YSC)
the island, the only place around Singkep where and the present-dayislands, while Fig. 13 is the
extensive offshoredepositshave been worked. The detailedsubcrop geological map of the rectangular
map area is underlain by granite in the west, and by a area marked on Fig. 12. Large areas of Fig. 12 have
Mesozoic sedimentary series in the east. The topogra- been surveyed by acoustic methods on a square grid of
phy is indicated by the line marking the present-day lines at 200 m intervals, thereby producing one of the
boundarybetween the valley flat andthe exposed best-mapped parts of the SE Asian tin belt.
upperpart of the valley slope.This line is at an The Tujuh culmination, composed of a 216 f.2 Ma
elevation between 0 and + l 0 m , at the most, in the old granite(Priem et al. 1975) intruded into a
map area. Permo-Triassic country rock, is surrounded by uncon-
Onshore, near the present coast, numerous eluvial solidated talus composed of its own transported
or kulit placers have been mined in the past. Several weatheringproducts. It merges with similar talus
became part of larger mines operating in the bordering cones around the othertin islands and forms aregional
valleys. The offshoredepositsseem to follow larger sedimentary formation, the Older Sedimentary Cover
valleys, although some offshore reserve areas are on (OSC), with thicknesses of at least 60 m some 30 km
the local higher interfluve areas. The configuration of out into the South China Sea, and resting on Mesozoic
826 G. J. J . Aleva
Indonesian fluvial cassiterite placers 827


FIG. 7. (Continued)
828 G. J . J . Aleva

A l I

FIG.8. Detailed maps of the far off-shore part of rectangle B in Fig. 6. A , Bedrock contour map; B, the cassiterite
grade distribution in G values.

basementrocks. Valleys with locally cassiterite- ments. This could be caused by dilution of the gravels
bearing lag gravels (the G F valleys) radiate away from with sand, making the mixture acoustically
the Tujuh culmination and are incised into the granite homogeneous with the OSC.
and itssurroundingsedimentarycountryrock. On A group of younger Alluvial Complex (AC) valleys
acoustic profiles the courses of these valleys generally also radiate away from the Tujuh culmination,
disappear, i.e. become indiscernible shortly after the represented by the island Cebia; their distribution and
valley bottomschange from consolidatedbedrock configuration-independent of the GF valleys-indi-
(granitic or sedimentary) into unconsolidatedsedi- cate their origin afteran
intermediate planation
Indonesian fiuvial cassiterite placers 829


FIG.8. (Continued)

episode (IPE); theycontainneithercoarse clastic values in kg Sn/m2) of these drill holes are given with
sediments nor cassiterite. The ACvalleys can be traced symbols in an exponential progression. Figure 14B is a
on acoustic profiles for several kilometres, forming a geological map (subcrop below the YSC) based on
dendritic pattern incised into the OSC sediments and acoustic profile interpretation (cf Bon 1979).
into all olderformations, including theGF valleys. Comparison of both maps indicates that the deeper
This relation between AC and G F valleys is illustrated AC valley is essentially free of cassiterite; the
in Fig. 14. Figure 14A is a contour map of the local cassiterite-containing drill holes in the AC valley are
basement (weathered granite),constructedfrom the only found at the intersection with the shallower and
drilling data of the holes plotted; the tin values (as G older G F valley. The GF valley contains abundant
830 G. J . J . Aleva

FIG.9. Map of the northern part of the Tanjung Pandan granite pluton, Belitung (Pegarun district). Legend as
in Fig. 4;the Sengkelie fluvial system is marked S.

cassiterite-bearing drill holes, mainly in holes located cassiterite was not common at the lower erosion level
on the valley floor but also on the moregentle parts of reached.
the valley sides. The presence of cassiterite in
comparable grades on the floor of the A C valley where
it intersects and cuts through the G F valley illustrates Bangka
again the residual character of cassiteriteconcentra- This is the largest of the tin islands (Fig. 3) and the
tions. The available number of drill holes andthe cassiterite mining areasare clearly arranged around
limitedsurface area of these valley crossings are and on top of the numerous granite plutonsand
insufficient to establish accurately the effect of the AC smaller masses. The cassiteriteplacers are generally
valley on the tin grades in the GF valleys. either of the eluvial kulit type, occurring on both the
As shown above, the only cassiterite concentrations granitic and the sedimentary bedrock, or of the kaksa
found in the Tujuh area arein some of the GFvalleys. or fluvial lag gravel type directly overlying weathered
At the time these valleys were formed the erosional granitic or sedimentary bedrock. The majority of the
level must have been sufficiently shallow that primary larger and richer placers beIong to the latter category.
cassiterite occurrences could contribute to the valley The lag gravels of the kaksa-type placers are
fill, i.e.
the erosional level was still within the efficient cassiterite traps. The Belinyu district (Fig. 3)
mineralized hood as described by Emmons (1933). In contains the only known exampleinIndonesia of a
at least one of these valleys weathered granitic placer formed in a deep karst depression, probably the
bedrock with primarycassiteritemineralizationhas most efficient trap possible. The valley placer in
been observed and mined duringdredging. The question is of the normal kaksa type, directly overlying
younger AC valleys do not contain
cassiterite. weathered sedimentary bedrock. In a short reach of
Evidently,atthe time of theirformation primary the valley theoperators werenotcertainthey had
Indonesian fluvial cassiterite placers 831

IN kg SnIrn2
O L 8 1 2

1 300m

. / .

FIG. 10. Map of the off-shore part of the Sengkelie fluvial system (seeFig. 9); bedrock contours and cassiterite
grade distribution (G values) based on dredge survey data.

reached bedrock and a drilling programme was started reached. It also indicates that considerable longitudin-
Roever 1950). A steep-sided canyon-shaped al cassiterite transport occurred in this valley, situated
depression was found, measuring 600 X 200 m in area at thefoot of a now 700m high regional granite
and 85m deep, partlyunderlain by limestone and culmination.
filled with sand and clay beds, containing concentra-
tions of cassiterite,inlayers of variablethickness. Summaryand conclusions
From the drilling results it must be concluded that in
places the layered sedimentary fill of the depression is Most cassiterite placers in the Indonesian tin islands
locally tilted, sometime to a vertical position. These are lag gravels directly overlying the weathered valley
features point tothe formation of the depression, floor, which is composed of locally mineralized
through solution of a local limestonelensin the Permo-Triassic sediments and 216 f 2 Ma old granites.
sedimentary bedrock, during and after the period of The occurrence of these placers is clearly related to
cassiterite concentration; it is a fossilized karst placer. the local mineralization of the bedrock. This is obvious
The karst depression is proof of a water-table at least for the relatively low tonnage kulit placers, i.e.
85 m below the present level or around -50 m MSL cassiterite concentrations onthe interfluves, which
(present datum) at the timeitsgreatest depth was constitute the residual weathering mantle of the local
832 G. J . J. Aleva

SINGKEP 101030’E

5 km

FIG. 11. Map of the central eastern part of Singkep, showing the topography through the valley flat borders (thin
lines); legend as in Fig. 4.

bedrock. It is also true for the valley bottom, fluvial the absence of cassiterite concentrations in lag gravels
cassiterite concentration or kaksa-type placer, where on the valley bottom indicates the absence of primary
cassiterite concentrations can reach many thousands of cassiterite sources in the vertical column that existed
tons. above the drainage area of the present valley system.
Apparently, inkaksaplacers fluvial transport of The lag gravel concentrations or kaksa placers are
cassiterite doesnot occur over distances much in essentially of an autochthonous nature.
excess of 500 m; the mildly erosive environment of the Cassiteriteconcentrations at higher levels in the
lag gravels can catch all moving cassiterite of mineable valley fill do occur locally. These are the miencan or
grain size (over 0.07 mm) within that distance. The ‘cover-layer’ cassiterite deposits. They are usually fine
amount of fluvial comminution of cassiterite to below grained and interbedded with sandy layers higher up in
this grain size is negligible within the distance under the valley fill covering the valley floor lag deposits.
consideration (Kolesov et al. 1974). It is surmised that Their formation is related to erosion of older cassiter-
lag gravels under turbulent fluvial action can reach- ite concentrations,primary or secondary, located
intermittently but repeatedly-a fluid bed state, i.e. a upstream of the miencan deposits. The finer grained
state during which internal upwardpressures are valley fill sediments do not form an efficient cassiterite
created that open up the gravel layers, facilitating the trap, hence only the larger grains are trapped within a
incorporation of heavy minerals and the expulsion of short distance fromthe erosional zone.The finer
lighterminerals. The fine sandy and clayey matrix grains may travel over long distances before they are
filling of the kaksaplacer are presumably oflater concentrated inthinlayersin sites favourable for
origin and contemporaneous with the placer fossiliza- deposition, e.g. sand bars and stream bends.
tion and their covering by younger sediments. Hence, The erosional history of the Indonesian tin belt is
Indonesian fluvial cassiterite placers 833


... GRAVEL -

FIG. 12. Map of theTujuh archipelago, showing thegranitecontact (heavy brokenline)afterremoval of the
Younger Sedimentary Complex. The gravel-filled valleys (dotted) in the abrasion plain run consequent with respect
to thetopographicculminationsrepresented by the islands(solidblack forgranite,linedforsedimentary
bedrock).Map is based on acoustic survey(as discussed by Bon 1979). M indicatestheareasthathavebeen
mined. The rectangle northeast of Cebia marks the area of Fig. 13.

polycyclic and complex. There are at least three major gravels directly overlie valley floors (mostly composed
erosional events, as listed in Table I. In addition, the of weathered granite, -900 Ma old)in valleys that
interbedded nature of the regionally developed OSC incise areas with primary cassiterite deposits, either
and the interbeddedsedimentary fill of the AC valleys within the granite or in neighbouringcountryrock.
incised in the OSC, witness the cyclic nature of erosion The erosional history is complex, with at least two
and sedimentation on a smaller scale, both in time as phases of incision in many valleys, and also with a
well as in relative sea-level changes with their related transport distance of approximately 500 m.Cover-
changes in the level of erosional energy available. layer concentrations do occur as well, and again can be
The Indonesian cassiterite placers are not unique in related to younger, often almost recent, erosion
this respect. The tin placers of Ronddnia, Brazil, have upstream from thearea where the miencan placers
comparable characteristics. Cassiterite-bearing lag occur. In several places the present erosion level is still
834 G. J . J . Aleva

L E G E N D - - -- - - - - -
/ I l l


mG R A N I T E
m SAME ?
P - T r SDM

FIG. 13. Fragment of the map of Fig. 12, northeast of Cebia island, showing the detailed geology based on acoustic
survey data; the geological contacts are shown as visible on the abrasion plain (Table 1: UPE) after removal of the
Younger Sedimentary Cover. Note the narrow stripof sedimentary country rock (P-Tr SDM) into which the granite
intruded, and the Alluvial Complex valleys (AC) that cut across the older, gravel-filled valleys and the sedimentary
bedrock. The Older Sedimentary Cover (OSC)comprises the oldest sediments deposited after the Lower Planation
Episode (see Table 1). The rectangle in the southeastern part of the figure indicates the area of Fig. 14.

within the mineralized hood of the granites, giving rise cassiterite

deposition of sandy
to cassiterite concentrationsontop of stiff,tough sediments. The end of the Cretaceous and the Middle
sedimentary clay layers which act as a false bedrock. Oligocene are periods of drastic sea-level fall. Similar
The presence of such false bedrock layers also attests falls are repeated in the Middle Pliocene and at several
tothe variability in weathering,erosionand sedi- times during the Pleistocene. The period required for
mentationand, in general,to a cyclic change in saprolite weathering is imprecisely known, but a sandy
climate and erosional energy. sedimentary fill of Miocene and younger age, several
Future research into the Indonesian and SE Asian hundred metres thick, is present in the Belitung Basin,
tin belts andtheirnumerousand varying types of SSE of the island of that name. The history of the
cassiterite placers should direct special attention to the cassiterite placer genesis maywell extend back to
absolute timing of events controllingconcentration. Miocene and Pliocene times; at least, the unroofing of
The changes in world climates andthe world-wide the 216 f 2 Ma old granite plutons may have started
sea-level changes give only a limited number of during those times.
periodsin which the establishederosion levels can The upper time limit of placer formation is surely
have originated. The liberation of cassiterite requires a very young. In the extreme upstream parts of present
period of deep, subaerial alterationand saprolite day erosionchannels in Indonesiaand RondBnia,
formation, which mustoccur prior to any period of Brazil,present-daycassiterite-containing lag gravels
Indonesian fluvial cassiterite placers 835

L/ f>5. XL-;-*W #W.-

.... .\ -<.*+2:;:;::
X : ............................
. .................................
I ................................
............. ...........
- - ............

4. . . . . . . . . I
............ \
./. .... ;:\
...... ............
4. . . . . . . . ‘i

....... ..........
....... .........
........ :\
....... ........J 1 . . .A
....... U
....... F L O O RG F L



FIG. 14. Detailed map of the rectangle marked on the map of Fig. 13. A, Contour map of the granitic bedrock
based on data from the drill holes plotted; contours in m below MSL. B, Subcrop geological map interpreted from
acoustic survey profiles by Bon.The arrows pointdownslope;thelargeronesare in the gravel-filled valley
(GFV), the smaller ones in the Alluvial Complex (AC) valley.

canbeseenforming.Radiocarbondating could be theyearsthatledtoamostfruitfulamalgamation of

useful in the upstream cassiterite deposits, but for the experiencesfrommineandexplorationgeology aswell as
detailed study of themajor lag gravelsand the from geological research. Many of theillustrations in this
covering sediments an
dating paper are based on maps and reports on file in the archives of
based on palynological data, is still BIM. Thanks go to my many colleagues during these years,
in particular L. J. Fick and E. H. Bon and the late Dr G. L.
needed. Krol and Dr A. J. A. van Overeem, for intense discussions,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. This paper is basedon 30 years of exchange of ideas,andtheircontributionstothestudy of
involvement with cassiterite placers as anexplorationand cassiterite placers in Indonesia. I thank E. H. Bonforthe
research geologist employed by Billiton International Metals, critical reading of the manuscript and for his suggestions for
B.V. (BIM). I much appreciate the environment created over improving the clarity of the text.

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Received 15 November 1984; revised typescript received 15 February 1985

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