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Hello everyone, finally it's my turn today. Before I start, I want to share a poem to you guys.

( ppt)

As you may guess, my topic today is meditation I will introduce meditation in the following contents

1. What is meditation?

2. Why do we need meditation?

3. How to meditate

4. A Simple conclusion

What is a meditation?
So, what is a meditation. Basically, meditation is a training in awareness and getting a sense of perspective.
And it helps you to learn to observe your feelings without judgment.

Probably everyone has experienced meditation. When you focus on your breathing at night when you
sleep, and when you feel the wind when you walk, you are meditating in a way.

There are many kinds of meditation, such as Mindfulness meditation, Focused meditation , Movement
meditation and a toe more. Each meditation has its own unique function. Here are some meditation

Why we need meditation?

To be honest, I know you are very busy and you don’t even have time to sleep. So why do you take the time
to meditate? Let me prove it.

A survey of young people shows that 80% of people are worried about work, 60% are worried about money,
and 90% are stressed because of buying a house. I believe you must have other pressures. If I am right,
then you really need to meditate.

Because it really has too many benefits.

The first benefit, You may already know that mediation helps with stress reduction. In our modern
lives, we find that stress is more prevalent today than it ever was. Natural methods to relieve stress,
like meditating, is one of the most common reasons why people take on the practice.

Secondly, meditation can boost happiness. As they say, happiness is a state of mind.When you are
angry, it’s better to meditate. Meditation will eliminate your anger without causing any additional
problems in your life. For me, it's so nice.
The third, it will sharpen your focus,. When you feel that your focus is off-balance, meditation helps a
great deal. When you meditate frequently, you learn how to discipline your mind in many different

How to meditate
I can talk about the benefits of meditation for a day, but it’s time to start meditation. So how to meditate?

First, you need find a quiet spot, It can be anywhere, as long as it is quiet enough
Then, Sit Comfortably no doubt.
And The third step is focus on your breath, I mean really focus. feeling the breath going in and out.
Then notice thoughts that arise.
Finally return to the breath and practice for 2 or 5 minutes.

Easy, isn't it. In addition, I have some tips for you to improve your meditation.

One, Start small even just 1 minute is good

Two, pick your space Try to be consistent with that same location, That will help you get in the mood.
And the last one, Practice every day, you know practice makes perfect.

Finally, I want to quote Paulo CoeIho to finish my presentation

“What is success?It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace”.

So, try meditation after the class.

That's all, Thank you for your liestening

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