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Submitted to the faculty of Engineering and Technology

V Semester, B. Tech
(Autonomous Batch)




Under the Guidance of:

Asst. Professor

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science
(An Autonomous Institute under Kakatiya University)

Warangal (Telangana State)


This is to certify that PINAPAKA GAYATHRI bearing roll no: B19CS160 of the V
Semester B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Autonomous) has satisfactorily
completed the Seminar Report entitled “IMAGE RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY

Asst. Professor

Coordinator Convener
P.Sreenivas Dr. Kumar Dorthi
Asst. Professor Asst. Professor

Head of the Department

Prof. V. Shankar

I extend my sincere and heartfelt thanks to our esteemed guide, Dr. S.KIRAN, Asst.
Professor for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout
the course at crucial junctures and for showing us the right way.

I am grateful to respected coordinator P.Sreenivas, Asst. Professor for guiding and

permitting me to utilize all the necessary facilities of the Institute.

I sincere thanks to respected convener Dr. Kumar Drothi, Asst. Professor for supporting me
and to utilize all the necessary facilities of the Institute.

I would like to extend thanks to our respected head of the department, Prof. V. Shankar for
allowing us to use the facilities available. I would like to thank other faculty members also.

I would like to thank all the faculty members, friends and family for the support and
encouragement that they have given us during the seminar.


With the improvement of AI for quite a long time, there are some numerous Issues in
explicable, for example: picture acknowledgment and area location, picture order, picture
age, discourse acknowledgment, normal language handling, etc. Accordingly, picture
handling innovation dependent on AI has been broadly utilized in picture including,
arrangement, division and acknowledgment, and is a problem area in different fields. In any
case, due to the complexity of video pictures and the dispersion of articles in various
application foundations, the arrangement precision becomes significant and troublesome.

Page No.



1.1 introduction 01

1.2 objectives 02

2.1 Methodology 02
2.2 Image processing 04

2.3 Image recognition 04

2.4 Experiment 05

2.5 Merits and Demerits 08

2.6 Applications 09

3.1 Conclusions 09

3.2 Future Scope of Work 09


Fig. No. Title Page No.

1.1 Image processing 03

2.1 lisence plate recognition 04

2.2 Methodology 05

2.3 Fitness Graph 08

2.4 h1 recognition under fitness 09

2.5 h2 recognition under fitness 09

2.6 h3 recognition under fitness 09


With the improvement of AI for quite a while, there are now different issues confusing, for
example, picture confirmation and district region, picture demand, picture age, talk insistence,
normal language managing, etc. Accordingly, picture dealing with progression dependent
upon AI has been widely utilized in consolidate picture, strategy, division and insistence, and
is a trouble spot in different fields. Notwithstanding, due to the diverse nature of video
pictures and the dispersing of articles in various application foundations, the course of action
precision becomes basic and irritating. Artificial intelligence (ML, Machine Learning) is a
focal and fundamental issue in the field of picture dealing with , especially in the field of
enormous picture dealing with, AI strategies can be from complex data. The essential features
of the image are disconnected so that image affirmation can be reasonably applied in various
ventures and fields. Picture dealing with advancement taking into account AI has been by and
large used in picture portrayal, division, and affirmation. PC picture affirmation advancement
is truly the truncation of PC picture taking care of and affirmation development, in any case
called infrared advancement. The image is commitment to the neural association, and the
disaster work is restricted by using the forward spread and back- spread misstep computations
of significant learning. After the weight is revived, a prevalent affirmation type is gotten.
The course of pre-processing is essentially to disengage the picture area and establishment
district in the image to be seen, refine the image, overhaul the image binarization, moreover
work on the speed and adequacy of PC quick picture affirmation post-taking care of. To
restore the authenticity of the image and decline the fake components of the picture whatever
amount as could be anticipated, the clever components of the image can be conveyed in
numerical design Vehicle area is a critical piece of the reasonable movement of the traffic
really taking a look at structure, but expecting you really want to better recognize and track
the vehicles in the busy time gridlock association, you need to adequately segment the vehicle
and get the target district. The comparable is substantial for tag affirmation. This strategy
should be possible well by picture affirmation advancement. This paper perceives the tag
considering the AI procedure, and orders the test using BP neural association arranged by

innate estimation. Differentiated and the innate computation under different health, the plan
with higher precision is gained.


• To detect the licence plate image accurately using neural network based on genetic
algorithm, BP neural network and KNN algorithm.
• ML is particularly important for preprocessing of video images.
• Image processing includes compressing of image, encode the image, segments the
image , etc.

Image processing Figure 1.1



 Genetic Algorithm: (GAs) are adaptive heuristic search algorithm based on innovative
ideas of selecting naturally and genetics . The genetic algorithm is used to solve
complicated problem with a greater no of variables and possible outcome solutions.
Genetic algorithm helps in optimizing the solution to any particular problem.

figure 2.1 lisence plate regonition

 BP neural network: It is a multi layer feed forward network trained according to error
back propagation algorithm and most widely applied neural network models.

 KNN algorithm: KNN algorithm is storing the dataset , when it receives a new data it
divides it into different sections that is similar to the new data and when it gets new
data, then it classifies that data into a category that is much similar to the new data. KNN
is a machine learning algorithm. It comes under supervised leaning technique.

 Heuristic: it may not produce best solution but it ill give near optimal solution in short


 Figure 2.2 methodology


Ordinarily utilized picture handling activities incorporate shading picture grayscale innovation,
picture improvement innovation, picture rebuilding innovation, picture division innovation,
smoothing and sharpness, the shading picture is first gray scaled before computerized picture
handling. By and large, the dark level of the grayscale picture is a dim level, and the brilliance
can be partitioned into 0 to 255 levels, 0 is the most obscure all dark, and 255 is the all white.
The changed over grayscale picture, similar to the portrayal of the first tone picture, actually
contains the relationship qualities of the unique picture's chromaticity and brilliance .The picture
improvement innovation can be generally ordered into two classes, a spatial area technique and a
recurrence space strategy, as indicated by various places of articles handled by the improvement
procedure. Histogram balance is a handling technique that improves the activity of advanced
pictures dependent on likelihood hypothesis. The histogram, otherwise called the mass
circulation map and histogram, is a measurable diagram dependent on the report. The histogram

of an advanced picture is a dispersion of the aggregate number of pixels of various dim qualities
in an image. According to the hypothesis of data hypothesis, when the circulation of dark upsides
of a picture is moderately normal, the measure of data contained in the picture is additionally
enormous, and the picture has a more clear impact from the visual mark of the human eye.


The picture innovation can be divided into three levels, which are:
1. picture handling,
2. picture examination
3. Picture understanding.

The innovation meets with PC vision, design acknowledgment and PC illustrations, and science.
Arithmetic, physical science, gadgets, PC science and different disciplines gain from one
another. Picture handling incorporates picture pressure, picture encoding, picture division, and so
forth. The improvement of picture acknowledgment has encountered three phases:
1. Text acknowledgment,
2. Computerized picture handling and acknowledgment,
3. Target acknowledgment.
Design acknowledgment is a fundamental human insight. picture acknowledgment innovation
has had the option to perceive moving articles. Its fundamental guideline is to process and settle
on choices on unclear picture data through keen module, and afterward acquire results with high
likeness, and afterward validate picture data through screening.
Old style picture acknowledgment model: LeNet is a prior CNN model (1994). It has three
convolution layers (A1, A3, A5) and two pooling layers (S2, S4) and one full connection layer
(F6). GPU is utilized for estimation, which abbreviates the time and cost of preparing.


These are used to calculate no of hidden layers

Fitness calculation formula

Form equations 1 and 2 are used to calculate the number of hidden layers ,where R is a random
number between 1 and 10

I represents dimension of input layer

O represents dimension of output layer.
Then, there is this decoding of chromosome generated by genetic algorithm, and the fitness of
the sample in the test set is tested directly.
The group fitness is large, we should choose a smaller cross probability when the fitness is small,
a large cross probability is used to speed up the search.

Figure 2.3 fitness graph

Learning rate=0.08
Final accuracy after traning =0.9756

The license plate recognition results show some differences with different degrees of
adaptation, 2,3,4.

Fig 2.4. H1 recognition results under fitness

Fig 2.5 H2 recognition results under fitness

Fig 2.6. H3 recognition results under fitness

the recognition result in the fig 2 is not that high and the target point is not been
captured accurately. The recognition of image in fig 3 is accurate and the fig 4 shows
the defect
2.5 Merits and Demerits:


1. Safeguard ourselves on roads

2. Decrement in accidents.
3. Provides officer detailed analysis
4. Discourage terrorism
5. Enhances the police presence on field
6. Preventing from increase of the people getting arrested


1. The images of the number plate is not been well captured during the motion of the vehicle
hence the blurred image reduces the chance of being match with the given database
2. Secondly, the technology often uses low-resolution images for which the images are not
actually visible properly in every case.


1. Parking
2. Medical imagining
3. Image recognizing and sharpening
4. Pattern recognition
5. Law enforcement and security



Generalisation accuracy of the classifier in the tag character acknowledgment, this paper joins
the hereditary calculation with the ideal arrangement search device. After trial confirmation, the
three arrangements with the most elevated wellness are gotten from the hereditary calculation.
The speculation impact in the wake of deciphering to the neural organization is generally great.
This is really an urgent requirement for automatic number plate recognition system in India as
there are problems of traffic, stealing cars etc.
Government should consider in developing this system as this system is very economical and
eco-friendly, if applied effectively.
This amendment will help in development of the nation.

3.2 Future scope:

The future extension is that the programmed vehicle acknowledgment framework assumes a
significant part in distinguishing dangers to guard is
Additionally it can further develop the security identified with the ladies' as they can without
much of a stretch identify the number plate prior to utilizing taxi or other services. The
framework heartiness can be increment assuming brilliant and sharp camera is utilized.
Government should look into fostering this framework as this framework is cash saving and eco-
accommodating, whenever applied viably in different regions.


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