Achieve: /Ə Tʃi V.MƏNT/ /Ə Tʃi V/ /Ə Tʃi .VƏ - BƏL

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Vocabs – 1:

No. noun verb adjective meaning

1 achievement achieve achievable to successfully finish or do
/əˈtʃiːv.mənt/ /əˈtʃiːv/ /əˈtʃiː.və.bəl/ something you wanted to do

2 supply supply to provide something that is

/səˈplaɪ/ /səˈplaɪ/ needed or wanted

3 offer offer
to provide or supply something
/ˈɑː.fɚ/ /ˈɑː.fɚ/
4 tradition [c/u] traditional
truyền thống
/trəˈdɪʃ.ən/ /trəˈdɪʃ.ən.əl/
5 candidate [c]
/ ứng (cử) viên
6 industry [c/u] industrialize industrial
/ɪn ngành công nghiệp
/ˈɪn.də.stri/ /ɪnˈdʌs.tri.əl/
7 customer [c]
khách hàng
8 victim [c] victimize
nạn nhân
/ˈvɪk.təm/ /ˈvɪk.tə.maɪz/
9 clean clean clean
sạch (sẽ)
/kliːn/ /kliːn/ /kliːn/
10 volunteer [c] volunteer volunteer
tình nguyện viên
/ˌvɑː.lənˈtɪr/ /ˌvɑː.lənˈtɪr/ /ˌvɑː.lənˈtɪr/

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