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race /reɪs/ one of the main People of many different

groups to which races were living side

people are often by side and running their
considered to belong own race.
lift sb up = build
sb up
integrity /ɪnˈteɡ.rə.ti/ the quality of being Mary treats everyone
honest and having with kindness and
strong moral integrity.
principles that you
refuse to change
compassion /kəmˈpæʃ.ən/ a strong feeling of Children need to be
sympathy and sadness teached about
for the suffering or compassion and
bad luck of others and understanding.
a wish to help them
ultimately /ˈʌl.tɪ.mət.li/ finally, after a series How you treat people
eventually /ɪˈven.tʃu.ə.li/ of things have ultimately tells all.
To suffer /ˈsʌf.ər/ to experience physical
or mental pain
humanity /hjuːˈmæn.ə.ti/ people in general We never know how
much a person is
suffering inside.
come into
contact with
equality /iˈkwɒl.ə.ti/ things with same Civil rights include
value freedom, equality in law
and in employment, and
the right to vote.
equity /ˈek.wɪ.ti/ giving what is needed a society based on
to be successful equity and social justice.
fairness /ˈfeə.nəs/ the quality of treating
people equally or in a
way that is right or

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