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Good afternoon our dear panelists. I am Kim Ericka Bautista.

I am here to present my

topic proposal Lipa PNP’s Online Complaint System. Why am I able to think of my

proposed system. First and foremost, the police department has their obligation to

protect the city that they are serving. There is no better feeling for the citizens to be

protected and their complaints be heard in time. To belong in their home place where

they feel secured and safe. The police and the community ought to have a decent

rapport. The community expects the police department to "protect and serve," and the

police, in turn, need community support and collaboration to be effective.

With the past events that have happened, there has been a lot of focus being paved to

crime response and reduction. The Philippines is one of the countries with high number

of crimes. There are several types of crimes that can occur, necessitating response and

alertness that allows officers to rapidly determine what complaints needs.

E-Policing systems enable Law Enforcement agencies to be ahead of criminals in terms

of utilization of sophisticated crime prevention and reduction technology as well as to

enhance the security police records and could result in improved crime detection,

analysis, and investigation.

With the recent pandemic which started last year particularly March, the number of

crimes increased which has caused a lot of distress to our PNP and also to the citizens.

Lipa City known to be one of the fastest-rising cities. When the pandemic started, the

city has recorded an increase in number of crime rates. There has been a big clamor to

know how to file complaints and this has been a problem because of the lockdown

measures. The same questions has been asked, “How can we file a report without
going out of our homes?”. The same question and yet the funny thing about it is days

has passed and yet people can’t file their complaint without going to the police station

and this inspired me to think of a possible solution by which the citizens can be able to

file their complaints through online and to at least find ways for the PNP to take quick

actions. After all the PNP has that obligation to serve and protect their citizens.

So with the current issue, we have the online file complaining of the residents of the city

of Lipa, this is what we need. The future trend will be more crimes and more

expectations to the Philippine National Police because the more the crimes that occur

there is the greater need for police response. Good news is that we already have the

data base of the list of complainants together with their complaints and my proposed

solution is an Online Complaint System through web-based development.

Our objectives are to analyze the concepts of complaint system, database management

system and web based development. My second objective is to design and create an

online complaint system with the following futures:

a. allow the user to register and obtain their username and password to login into

the system and lodge in their complaints, view previous complaints and check

the status of their complaints.

b. provide ticket numbers to check the user’s complaint status

c. enable the police personnel to send e-mail notifications about the status of the

user complaint.

The next objective is to Test and Implement the system. And, lastly to evaluate the

system in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, quality, timeliness and productivity.

My beneficiaries are: This will help the city of Lipa particularly its residents because it

enables the residents to report crimes and complaints through online. The society will

have assurance that they are safer to file their complaints through the system without

going out of their homes. This will also benefit the Lipa PNP because they can manage

response with response strategy, available data and skilled workforce. And of course if

people will know that Lipa City PNP has this kind of software this will boost the integrity

of the organization. And lastly, for the future researchers, this will serve as an inspiration

or source in conducting relevant studies regarding complaint management and crime

response and also web based development.

This is the scope of the proposed system.

 It is a tool for accessible, effective and usable crime response and alert

support system

 It will be able to send notifications and warnings about the imminent or

announced crimes

 general updates to those personnel whenever crimes occur

 residents can report their complaints and the immediate security they


And this is the limitations of the system.

 Exclusivity to Web based System

 Send e-mail notification alert to only the responders email address and not

through mobile SMS

 shall be available for the residents of Lipa City exclusively

 Cannot process the penalties for the accused

I included this in my literature review because these literatures cited that existing

different platforms and infrastructure between the public service providers and the

Police communication infrastructure has equally resulted in lack of interrelated

communication channels.

In Database Management System literature review I also included these because they

give information about the Database Management which is relevant to the proposed

system. There are millions of DBMSs being used by organizations around the world.

They are running on various platforms and environments. Also, they provide various

services to users.

The related studies cited were all related to the proposed online system which adheres

to provide solutions on the existing manual crime complaint filing and provide the best

possible solution with the use of online complaint management system.

I synthesized the studies and it was observed that most of their systems had a lack of

Response Assessment which allows the police to make a response to the complaint

requests of the citizens to be digitally reported and recorded.  The studies system allow

the user to interact with the application both as first and third party reporters with the

goal being to create safe communities by nurturing trust relationships. And the

technology solution is the use of suitable tools like the online complaint system.
The technology solution includes the Front End which is the administrator of the system,

The back end which is the user. Community support with the help of the citizens

cooperation in coordination with the programs of the police organization and it is a

Cross platform because it is a website. ideally, they are accessible from any web

browser. It has quicker time to launch, cost effective solutions and synchronize updates.

The model used for this system is the Waterfall model of software development. This

model follows a sequential order which ensures that a phase is completed before

another phase begins. This system model emphasizes planning in early stages, is used

in projects where all the system requirements are known and in addition, its intensive

documentation and planning make it work well for systems in which quality control is a

major concern.

 Planning - In the planning phase, the researcher planned a strategic way for the

benefits of the citizens of the city of Lipa and the PNP by gathering information

through the means of the internet about the existing problem of the manual

processing of complaints.

 Analysis - In this phase, the requirements of the system are analyzed and the

focus is more on what the system should do and how it will work. The researcher

analyzed all the possible limitations of the system to make an improvement.

 Design - In this phase, the design of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) is

started. The purpose of the system design is to create a technical solution that

satisfies the functional requirements for the system of PNP.

 Implementation - After the GUI of the system has been designed, the

implementation phase will do some checking to all of the system’s modules. Unit

testing and integrated testing for the module is purposely to find an error of the

system and find ways to overcome it. (Next, the entire modules will be combined

and implemented. Test cases are used purposely to test the system and check

the system for an error.)

 Deployment and Maintenance - In this phase, the button, the validation process

of the system must be checked so that if an error happens to be found, it can be

repaired and the system will be updated from the previous one. The maintenance

process is important because if there is any found error, it can be corrected, and

thus, making sure that all of the processes of the system are functioning well.

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