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Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 356–367

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Characterization of flameless combustion in a model gas turbine

combustor using a novel post-processing tool
Ehsan Fooladgar a,b,∗, Pál Tóth b,c, Christophe Duwig a
KTH Mechanics, Linné FLOW Centre, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
RISE Energy Technology Center AB, Piteå, Sweden
Institute of Physical Metallurgy, Metal Forming and Nanotechnology H-3515 Miskolc-Egyetemvaros, C/1 108 Hungary

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Flameless combustion is a very promising technology for the future gas turbines. It is clean and
Received 24 September 2018 stable—without large oscillations, noise and flashback. To facilitate the adoption of this technology
Revised 17 December 2018
in gas turbines, advanced design tools are needed. In this paper, a recently developed unsuper-
Accepted 13 March 2019
vised post-processing tool is used to analyze the large amount of high-dimensional data produced
Available online 29 March 2019
in a series of Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of a model gas turbine operating in flameless mode.
Keywords: Simulations are performed using Finite Rate Chemistry (FRC) combustion modeling and a detailed
Flameless combustion description of chemistry. The automatic post-processing reveals important features of the combus-
Automatic post-processing tion process that are not easily recognizable by other methods, making it a complementary step
Implicit Large Eddy Simulation for the already established FRC–LES approach, and a potential design tool for advanced combustion
Finite Rate Chemistry systems.
© 2019 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction dilution of reactants, the reaction zone is distributed within a

very large volume as opposed to thin reaction zones in traditional
To reduce harmful emissions, the current trend is to design flames. Eliminating flame fronts where temperature peaks occur,
industrial combustion devices to operate in lean premixed (LPM) results in considerable reduction in NOx emissions and stable lean
conditions [1]. Owing to complete fuel burnout and low flame combustion without large oscillations, noise and flashback. Flame-
temperature, operating under fuel lean conditions leads to higher less combustion has been widely studied in industrial burners,
efficiency and significant reduction of NOx, hydrocarbon and CO e.g., [10,11], however, its application to practical gas turbine com-
emissions [2]. Unfortunately, achieving these improvements un- bustors is limited, e.g., [7,12]. Due to novelty of the technology,
der practical operation condition of combustion systems encoun- advanced design tools are needed in order to facilitate the initial
ters serious difficulties such as instability, noise, flashback, lean adaptation phase.
blowout and sensitivity to mixing [3–5]. Moreover, highly pre- In this paper, a numerical approach incorporating Large Eddy
heated air (a common method for increasing energy efficiency of Simulation (LES) with Finite Rate Chemistry (FRC) combustion
a combustion device) cannot be incorporated in a typical LPM modeling and a detailed chemical mechanism is used to study a
system since it gives rise to thermal NOx formation and risk of model gas turbine operating in flameless mode, along with a re-
auto-ignition [6]. cently developed post-processing method. The main focus of the
An attractive alternative for low-emission combustion systems paper is on post-processing the results of FRC–LES using an unsu-
is flameless combustion, also termed Flox, volume, or mild com- pervised automatic tool, which we believe is a missing link for the
bustion in the literature [7–9]. To achieve flameless mode, highly already established FRC–LES approach to become a design tool for
diluted (by inert gases such as N2 , CO2 , or H2 O) and pre- combustion technology.
heated (preferably above the self-ignition temperature) reactants The remainder of this paper is outlined as follows. Section 2 de-
are rapidly mixed into the combustion chamber. Due to the high scribes the numerical setup and procedure including numeri-
cal domains, boundary conditions, equations and closures. In
Section 3, first the results of the non-reacting and react-

Corresponding author at: RISE Energy Technology Center AB, Piteå, Sweden.
ing simulations are validated and compared. Then, two new
E-mail addresses: (E. Fooladgar), (P. Tóth), (C. Duwig).
0010-2180/© 2019 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
E. Fooladgar, P. Tóth and C. Duwig / Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 356–367 357

Fig. 1. (a): Drawing of the burner and snapshot of the heat release surfaces colored by temperature. (b): Numerical domain of combustor and mixer.

tools are introduced and utilized to characterize flameless was created at the first cell of all wall boundaries. Details of the
combustion. grids and inlet boundary conditions of the cases simulated in this
study are listed in Table 1.
2. Numerical setup and procedure
2.2. Equations and closures
2.1. Numerical domains and boundary conditions
Reacting flows are governed by the balance equations of mass,
The numerical setup of this study was based on the model gas momentum, species, and energy. The basic idea of LES is resolv-
turbine studied by Duwig et al. [12]. The model combustor con- ing large-scale turbulent motions in a flow field and modeling the
sisted of a plenum chamber, the flameless burner and a quartz effect of the small ones. The resolved contribution of a variable f¯
combustion chamber, shown in Fig. 1(a), with a diameter D of is obtained by applying the spatial LES filter to the instantaneous
0.1 m and length of 0.3 m. The propane/air mixture was intro- variable f. Filtering the instantaneous governing equations for re-
duced to the chamber through 12 equally spaced injectors with acting flows and introducing the Favre filtered variable, f˜ = f ρ /ρ̄
diameters d of 6 mm. The air (entering into the burner from the where over-bars denote spatial filtering, leads to the equation of
upstream plenum) and the fuel (coming from 12 × 4 fuel injec- mass,
tion holes) were premixed within the 12 straight coaxial tube noz- ∂ ρ̄ ∂
+ (ρ̄ u˜i ) = 0, (1)
zles over a distance of 0.025 m before the combustion chamber. ∂ t ∂ xi
For the numerical setup, one of the mixing tubes was simulated
at an isothermal condition in order to obtain the profiles of veloc-
ity, propane mass fraction, temperature and their variations with ∂ ∂   ∂ p̄ ∂  
(ρ̄ u˜i ) + ρ̄ u˜i u˜ j + = τ̄ − ρ̄ (u ˜i u˜j ) ,
iu j − u (2)
time for the 12 chamber inlets, see 1(b). The stored data was then ∂t ∂ xi ∂ x j ∂ xi i j
used to impose the inlet boundary conditions for the combustor. A species,
no-slip boundary condition was used for velocity at the wall with  
zero gradients for scalars. For reacting cases, the temperature of ∂  ˜ ∂   ∂ ∂ Y˜
ρ̄Yk + ρ̄ u˜iY˜k = ρ̄ D̄k k − ρ̄ (uY − ˜
u Y˜ )
the combustor wall is set to 10 0 0 K and a zero gradient boundary ∂t ∂ xi ∂ xi ∂ xi i k i k

condition is used for non-reacting ones.

The grid of the combustor domain (black region in Fig. 1(b))
+ w˙ k ; k = 1, N, (3)
consisted of approximately 5 (2 for the coarse grid) million hexa- and enthalpy
hedral cells body fitted with different refinement levels for react-  
∂ ˜ ∂  ˜ ∂ ∂ T˜
ing, non-reacting and far downstream regions in order to reduce ρ̄ hs + ρ̄ u˜i hs = λ̄ − ρ̄ (u
i hs − u
˜i h
the computational cost. The resolution inside the reacting region ∂t ∂ xi ∂ xi ∂ xi
was 0.35 mm per cell, yielding 16 cells over the diameter of each
jet. A boundary layer featuring 5 layers with a growth rate of 1.2 − (w˙ k h0f,k ), (4)
358 E. Fooladgar, P. Tóth and C. Duwig / Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 356–367

Table 1
Description of grid and inlet boundary conditions.

Case description Cell counts (million) Inlet BCs

None-reacting simulations
One mixing tube 0.6 Uniform
Chamber only 5 and 9 Mixing tube results
Full burner 5 (chamber) 7 (mixing tubes) Uniform
Reacting simulations
Chamber only 2 and 5 Mixing tube results

where u is the velocity, ρ the density, p pressure, τ the vis- 1 1

κ= = . (7)
cous tensor, Yk the species mass fraction included in the chemical 1 + τ /τc 1 + Da
mechanism of N species, hs the sensible enthalpy, λ the thermal In the limit of Da  1, a well stirred sub-grid filter box is implied
conductivity, T the temperature, Dk the species diffusivity, w˙ k the and the PaSR model recovers the ILES closure. Da  1 is an indi-
species reaction rate and h0f,k the species formation enthalpies. cator of the validity of the ILES assumption. Using Eq. 7, it can be
Assuming subsonic combustion with low-Mach number, constant estimated that for a sub-grid segregation of κ > 0.9 (i.e., a nearly
reference pressure p0 may replace thermodynamic pressure in the homogeneous sub-grid field), corresponding to Da < 0.1, the ILES
equation of state to determine density ρ̄ = ( p0 /RT ), where R is the closure is valid [16]. The ILES assumption is verified using the same
ideal gas constant. The viscous heating term and radiation sink method reported in [17] with a PaSR combustion model detailed
term are neglected in Eq. 4 as they are negligible compared to in [18]. Segregation factor found to be well above 0.95 for the re-
the combustion source term. The species mass flux is described gion of interest as shown in Fig. 2 in the premixed case.
by Fick’s law in the first term on the right hand side of Eq. 3. Simulations were performed using a custom LES reacting solver
Dk may therefore be expressed as the ratio of kinematic viscos- developed under the OpenFOAM platform [19]. The filtered gov-
ity ν to the Schmidt number Sck , which is assumed to be constant erning equations, Eqs. 1–4, were discretised using 2nd order spa-
for all species in this work. The dynamic mixture viscosity μ = ρν tial and temporal schemes. Time integration was performed im-
and thermal conductivity are modeled by Sutherland’s law and plicitly using the PISO method, in which the pressure and velocity
considering the mixture as a Newtonian fluid τ̄i j = 2μS˜Di j where fields are decoupled and solved iteratively, with three PISO correc-
S˜D is the deviatoric part of the filtered strain tensor defined as
tors. The equations were solved sequentially, with iteration over
S˜i j = (∂ u˜i /∂ x˜ j + ∂ u j /∂ xi )/2. the non-linear source terms to obtain rapid convergence, with a
In this system of equations, the second terms in the brack- maximum CFL number of 0.2.
ets result from filtering the convective terms and contain subgrid
3. Results and discussion
flow physics. These unclosed quantities are modeled as follows.
The unresolved subgrid scale (SGS) stresses (ui u j − u˜i u˜j ) are mod-
νt 3.1. Non-reacting simulations
eled as 2νt S˜D , unresolved species fluxes (u
ij iYk − u˜iYk ) as
˜ ∇ Y˜k Sct
and unresolved enthalpy fluxes (u i hs − u˜i hs ) as Prt ∇ hs where Sct
˜ ˜ In order to evaluate the imposed boundary conditions and
and Prt are the turbulent Schmidt and Prandtl numbers, taken√to the grid resolution, Fig. 3 compares the non-reacting LES results
be unity. The subgrid viscosity is defined as μt = ρνt = ck ρ  k, with the particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements reported
where  is the filter size calculated as the cube root of the lo- in [12]. Isothermal simulations were performed for the whole
cal cell volume and turbulent kinetic energy is provided by the burner (chamber plus all mixing tubes) as well as only the com-
standard Smagorinsky formulation with dimensionless constants of bustion chamber using the inlet boundary conditions imposed
ck = 0.07 and ce = 1.05 [13]. from the results of one mixing tube simulation, see Table 1. Com-
The filtered species reaction rates, are modeled using implicit paring the results of both simulations at the measurement lines,
LES (ILES [14]) approach in which the closure for a species j, is z/D = 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7, shows that the imposed inlet boundary
given by conditions from the stored data reproduce the measured mean and
w˙ j (Yk , T ) = w˙ j (Y˜k , T˜ ), (5) RMS velocities well.
Figure 3 also shows a good agreement between the LES results
where the reaction rate is calculated using an Arrhenius expres- and the PIV data confirming that boundary conditions are correctly
sion. A skeletal mechanism with 38 species and 173 reactions is imposed and the flow physics is adequately captured by the solver.
used for description of chemistry [15]. The validity of Eq. 5 de- All LES grids well reproduce the size and strength of the recircula-
pends on the relative grid resolution and sub-grid physics. If the tion zones as well as the jet spreading and entrainment. All grids
grid resolution is sufficiently fine to adequately resolve the react- also capture reasonable fluctuations levels. The peaks of fluctua-
ing layer, Eq. 5 is an appropriate LES modeling assumption for the tion are seen in the jet shear layers for z/D < 0.6 and further down-
combustion source term. The ILES assumption corresponds to a stream, the fluctuation profile becomes relatively flat. The discrep-
perfectly stirred reactor (or LES grid cell) with a homogenous sub- ancies between the LES and the measurements are mainly seen in
grid species and temperature field and may be evaluated using the the jet region where the LES results are symmetric but the PIV
partially stirred reactor (PaSR) model. measurements show a net flow towards the negative values of y/D,
LES-PaSR model includes an estimation of the sub-grid scale see Fig. 3(c). Appearance of the net flow, that is seen at x/D < 0.5
segregation between reacting and non-reacting fractions, that is, and disappearing further downstream, can be associated with an
  unbalanced distribution of the mass flow through the jet nozzles.
w˙ j (Yk , T )
w˙ j (Yk , T ) = w˙ j (Y˜k , T˜ ) = κ w˙ j (Y˜k , T˜ ). (6) At x/D > 0.5, symmetry is recovered as the effect is suppressed by
w˙ j (Yk , T ) turbulent mixing in the combustor [12]. The overall good agree-
The sub-grid fraction of reacting mixture κ (or segregation factor) ment between the LES results and PIV data indicates that the com-
in PaSR is expressed as a function of the sub-grid mixing τ  and bustor grid resolution (5 million cells) is adequate as further re-
chemical time τ c scales such that finement of the grid to 9 million cells does not change the results
E. Fooladgar, P. Tóth and C. Duwig / Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 356–367 359

Fig. 2. Distribution of segregation factor on a xz-plane crossing the center of the chamber for the premixed case.

Table 2 simulations. A large recirculation zone (RZ) induced by the in-

Operating condition of the burner.
jectors can be observed at the center of combustor, as seen at
Air mass flow [kg/m3 ] Air/Fuel temp. [K] Equivalence ratio φ Re r/D < 0.3 (where U/U0 ≤ 0) in Fig. 4(a). There is also a corner RZ
0.01 823/293 0.35 110 0 0 created between the jets and the wall (r/D > 0.43) due to sudden
expansion of the flow at the chamber inlets. RZs are the main
mechanism providing rapid mixing of the burned gases and the
noticeably. Thus the combustor chamber with a 5 million-cell grid fresh mixture needed for flameless combustion. Temperature dis-
is chosen as the numerical domain for the reacting simulations. tribution depicted in Fig. 4(b) reveals that the temperature jump
(Tmax /T0 where T0 = 823) across the flame is approximately 1.8
3.2. Reacting simulations which is much less than the value for conventional flames (approx-
imately 7). Moreover, maximum temperature in the combustor in
Reacting simulations of the burner were performed for the op- both regimes is well below 1800 K, prohibiting the formation of
erating condition listed in Table 2. Combustion was initiated by fill- thermal NOx in the flameless mode. OH mass fraction (Fig. 4(c))
ing the combustor with the products at equilibrium condition and shows a large distributed reaction zone located downstream at
imposing uniform inlet profiles of the reactants and temperature. z/D > 0.4. This zone, created by merging jets, contains a very fuel-
Velocity profiles, however, are from the results of the simulation of lean, highly diluted, hot, mixture.
a mixing tube, leading to a perfectly premixed combustion regime, Oxidation reactions start closer to the dump plane for the pre-
denoted here as the premixed case. By imposing the spatially and mixed case, leading to the higher levels of temperature, OH and
temporally non-uniform profiles of reactants1 (and temperature), CO at z/D ≤ 0.5. Further downstream where the reactants are well
combustion becomes partially premixed, which will be referred to mixed with the hot products the heat releasing reactions begin
as the stratified case. for the stratified case, raising the OH and CO levels at z/D ≥ 0.5.
Figure 4 shows the distributions of mean normalized axial ve- Fig. 4 also shows that the results of the coarse grid match the fine
locity, temperature and mass fraction of OH, and CO at z/D = 0.1– grid with the maximum difference of 15% for CO. The deviation
0.6 for the premixed and stratified cases. To include the effect of is only significant at z/D ≥ 0.6 where grid resolution decreases and
all jets, mean values are averaged over 40 circles with uniform the grid is not fine enough for resolving species gradients.
radial intervals covering the whole combustor diameter. The re-
3.3. Characterization of flameless combustion
sults of the stratified case with a coarser grid are also plotted in
order to evaluate the adequacy of the grid size for the reacting
3.3.1. Combustion mode graph
As illustrated in Fig. 5, combustion systems may be categorized
These profiles were extracted from the results of the mixing tube simulation. into conventional, pilot assisted, high temperature combustion
360 E. Fooladgar, P. Tóth and C. Duwig / Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 356–367

Fig. 3. Comparison of the non-reacting LES results with the PIV measurements.
E. Fooladgar, P. Tóth and C. Duwig / Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 356–367 361

Fig. 4. Comparison of the distributions of mean normalized axial velocity, temperature and mass fraction of OH and CO at z/D = 0.1–0.6 for the premixed and stratified
362 E. Fooladgar, P. Tóth and C. Duwig / Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 356–367

Fig. 5. Distribution of (a) premixed and (b) stratified samples on the extended combustion mode graph. The graph maps three combustion modes, conventional, pilot-
assisted, and flameless, with the addition of non-combustible and high-heat-release regions to the physical space for (c) premixed and (d) stratified regimes. (For interpre-
tation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

(HiTC) and flameless combustion modes based on mixture temper- from conventional to flameless mode as shown in Fig. 5(a) and (b).
ature Tc , auto-ignition temperature Tign , and the maximum tem- Small markers were colored by heat release in the cells from a
perature rise T = Tmax − Tc , where Tmax is the maximum product snapshot of a xz-plane crossing the center of the chamber. By con-
temperature [9,20]. In the original combustion mode graph, global sidering only cells with low heat-release, i.e., excluding red mark-
values of Tc and Tign are used, placing the burner in the pilot as- ers, one can identify the cells which are brought into the flame-
sisted mode of the graph for both cases as indicated by the large less regime mostly by the effect of rapid mixing with the products.
blue circles in Fig. 5(a) and (b). Note that the region of the strati- These cells are located downstream as shown in Fig. 5(c) and (d),
fied case is larger since Tign varies with mixture composition. plotted by mapping three2 parts of the combustion mode graphs
To include the effect of local mixing, we propose a new com- to the physical space. Non-combustible and high-heat-release re-
bustion mode graph by calculating cell-based values for Tc and gions are also marked in this figures. Therefore, mixture stratifi-
Tign . Auto-ignition temperature of each cell is calculated using cation (achieved by injecting fuel in the center of the jets) helps
zero-dimensional well-stirred reactor calculation using the chem- suppress the thin reaction zone observed at the inner shear layers
ical mechanism from LES. Initial composition of the reactor is set of the jets in the premixed case, increasing the probability of burn-
based on cell values and calculation performed for a residence ing fuel downstream in a distributed reaction zone within a large
time of 1 second at atmospheric pressure [9]. Tc is the cell temper- volume (i.e., flameless combustion).
ature provided that Tign is below the mean product temperature,
eliminating the non-combustible (very lean or already burnt) cells
from the graph. The resulting graph will be a collection of points 2
Note that no cell is located in the HiTAC part of the graph.
E. Fooladgar, P. Tóth and C. Duwig / Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 356–367 363

Fig. 6. Flowchart of the automatic post-processing algorithm [21].

Creating the local combustion mode graph could become very dimensional matrix Y, while preserving the similarity of X. This
expensive since auto-ignition temperature calculation needs to be is done by using accelerated t-distributed stochastic neighbor em-
done for all cells. Nonetheless, the local graph can be used to con- bedding (t-SNE) [22]. After post-processing the t-SNE output, the
firm if a combustor has a chance to burn in flameless mode. A pre- reduced manifold can be shown in a single plot with an automat-
dominance of non-reacting points in the flameless regime in the ically generated colormap and legend that represent respectively
graph, is a strong indication of flameless combustion. similar regions of the domain and their important features, see
Fig 6.
3.3.2. Automatic post-processing To generate the input dataset, the instantaneous mass frac-
What has been shown so far is obtained by post-processing the tion values for all 38 species and temperature on a clipped rz-
simulations using a traditional approach that is selecting a few im- plane crossing one jet (z/D = 0 − 0.7 and r/D = 0.25 − 0.5) are
portant variables, e.g., temperature, mass fraction of OH, CO, etc., re-sampled over a uniform 2D grid for 10 time steps with the in-
and comparing them in different cases or regions. This approach terval of approximately 0.25 flow through time for each LES case,
is established but error-prone as one might easily ignore the in- premixed or stratified. Results from a one-dimensional, freely-
fluence of many intermediate species and radicals involved in a propagating premixed laminar flame study, calculated by the Can-
complex mechanism. To avoid this, an automatic post-processing tera code [23] using same initial condition and mechanism of LES
tool, introduced recently for analyzing high-dimensional combus- premixed case, are also added to the dataset as indicator samples.
tion data [21] is used in this subsection to gain more insight as to This leads to an input dataset of roughly 105,0 0 0 samples (rows)
how flameless mode operates. and 39 dimensions (columns). By applying t-SNE to the scaled (us-
In this tool, a high-dimensional composition matrix X = [Ti , Yik ], ing the same input parameter mentioned in [21] and perplexity
where i is a cell and k a species index, is reduced to a 2 or 3- of 250) and shuffled input dataset, an output dataset with the
364 E. Fooladgar, P. Tóth and C. Duwig / Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 356–367

Fig. 7. (a) t-SNE map of the combined dataset consists of premixed, stratified and laminar samples. The same map with (b) stratified or (c) premixed samples are turned off.

Fig. 8. Quantized and labeled t-SNE map generated automatically by the algorithm.

same number of samples but 2 dimensions is obtained. Thus, it Feeding the output of t-SNE to the automatic labeling algo-
can be plotted using a scatter plot, called t-SNE map, to examine rithm (illustrated as the post-processing box in Fig. 6), the t-
the structure of the original data. SNE colormap and legend (lists of important features) is obtained.
Figure 7(a) shows the t-SNE map of the combined LES (pre- Figure 8 shows a re-plot of the t-SNE map using the new colormap
mixed and stratified cases) and laminar dataset plotted using the to identify the regions marked by I to V. Note that colors 3 and 5
two components of the reduced manifold. Figure 7(b) and (c) show can be considered as one color since their important features are
the same map while stratified or premixed samples are excluded. similar. This is caused by the normality assumption in the cluster-
As seen in the map, both LES cases follow the trajectory of the ing algorithm, Mean Shift [24], that is used for color quantizaion.
laminar flame marked with I and II. They also share some simi- Imperfection can also be seen in the small color leakage between
larity in the trajectory III as their samples are embedded close to close clusters. Color leakage is due to the applied clustering al-
each other.3 Other branches indicated by IV and V, however, con- gorithm for color quantizaion: while t-SNE assumes no normality
tain mainly premixed and stratified samples, respectively. in the data, Mean Shift clustering inherently does. In the current
application, clustering carried out in the t-SNE space is meant to
help human interpretability and, strictly speaking, is not the best
Although distance in the t-SNE map is the measure of affinity in the original technique for this purpose. We plan to identify a better cluster-
data for nearby points, larger distances between pairs of points may not quan- ing method or a possible extension of t-SNE to carry out clustering
tify the dissimilarity since the heavy tail of the distribution embeds the dissimilar
points as far as possible to make enough space for modeling similar points accu-
in future work. Region I is composed of colors 1 and 4, which in
rately [22]. the order given, indicate reactant premixing (high correlation with
E. Fooladgar, P. Tóth and C. Duwig / Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 356–367 365

Fig. 9. Mapping the identified regions to the LES grid for the premixed (left) and stratified (right) cases. Time is normalized with the flow through time.
366 E. Fooladgar, P. Tóth and C. Duwig / Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 356–367

C3 H8 and O2 ), fuel decomposition and early low-temperature ox- quantization, should be considered before pre-processing the input
idation (high correlation with C3 H6 and CH2 O). Region II can be and analyzing the output.
identified as reaction zones (for LES and laminar cases) since it
comprises only color 2, representing chain carrier radicals, that is 4. Summary and conclusion
O, OH and H.
Other regions, namely III to V, represent the production zones In this paper, a series of Large Eddy Simulations were per-
as their samples are highly correlated with main products and formed to study a model gas turbine operating in flameless mode.
temperature. The difference is that region III (colors 3 and 5), The simulations were conducted using Finite Rate Chemistry com-
which is shared by both premixed and stratified samples, is not bustion modeling and a detailed skeletal mechanism for chemistry
associated with temperature and region V (color 6), which mainly description. In addition to validating imposed boundary conditions
comprises stratified samples, is still related to OH and acetalde- by comparing with PIV measurements, grid sensitivity analysis and
hyde. Premixed samples forming region IV are the perfect example flow physics description, a new combustion mode graph was pro-
of a typical production zone with a clear link to H2 O, CO2 and T. posed to include local mixing effects on the grid level. In the end,
Figure 9 maps the above identified regions to the LES grid for a recently developed automatic post-processing tool was employed
the last 4 quarters of a flow through time of the premixed (left) to compare the large amount of high-dimensional data produced
and stratified (right) cases. Spatial distribution of clusters discov- by the simulations performed for premixed and the stratified mix-
ered by the automatic post-processing algorithm complies with the tures.
flow physics surprisingly well. For both cases, well-preheated mix- Although both cases seem similar in terms of mean profiles,
ture (color 1) issued from the jet converts to the less stable in- the instantaneous data processed by the algorithm reveals that the
termediate species due to the initiation reactions (color 4). At the stratified mixture produces much larger reactive zones compared
regions depicted by color 2, high temperature chain branching re- to the premixed one. These large distributed zones release the heat
actions are initiated, generating an abundant pool of O, OH and H in a large volume homogeneously, eliminating the thin flame front
radicals and releasing most of the heat. Finally, regions with mainly observed in conventional combustion.
hot stable products are formed as indicated by colors 3 to 7 in the Overall, the automatic post-processing is found to be very effi-
figure. cient and to have many advantages over the conventional methods.
The product regions denoted by colors 3 and 5 are generally Therefore, it is suggested that it is employed as a complementing
distributed close to the chamber wall located at r/D = 0.5. This step to process and analyze the huge amount of data generated by
shows that the effect of heat loss on the final products is picked up the complex FRC-LES approach. The demand for this method will
by the algorithm. The still-reactive product region marked by color be more pronounced in the future as exponential growth in com-
6 is the final stage of the stratified case but can be observed in putational power makes high-fidelity FRC-LES of bio-fuels, with de-
a very small region in the premixed case before it is converted to tailed mechanisms incorporating hundreds or thousands of species,
the large (almost) non-reactive region 7 located mainly in the cen- feasible.
ter and downstream of the chamber. The evolution of identified re-
gions shown in Fig. 9 reveals that preheating and reacting regions,
denoted respectively by 1 and 4, are fluctuating much more in the
stratified case. This is associated with the temporal stratification The financial support of the Swedish Energy Agency (En-
ergimyndigheten) through the program “Computational Optimiza-
of the mixture caused by the turbulent flow in the mixing tube.
tion of Gas Turbine Combustors Firing Biomass Fast Pyrolysis Oil”
Overall, temporal and spatial mixture stratification significantly ex-
(EM 44110-1) is greatly acknowledged. The simulations were run
pands the reactive regions in the chamber, making the combustor
on LUNARC and HPC2N super-computing facilities within SNIC re-
more suitable for burning in the flameless mode.
source allocation.
In the end, there are a few points regarding automatic post-
processing worth emphasizing. First, the whole process is unsuper- References
vised which means that the algorithm needs no prior knowledge
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