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Mathematical Prerequisites

Shyam Sunder
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering

BITS Pilani
August 24, 2021
Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering
Mathematical Prerequisites 1 / 24
Table of contents

1 Motivation for the revision

2 Einstein summation convention

3 Kronecker Delta Function

4 Permutation or Levi-Civita Symbol

5 Indicial Notation Manipulations

6 Tensor Product or Outer product of two vectors

7 Gradient, Divergence and Curl

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 2 / 24
Motivation for the revision
We will encounter the equations governing the mass, momentum and
energy conservation for fluid flows
These equations are the so called Navier-Stokes equations in integral
and differential form:
∂ ~
∂t ρdV + S n~ · ρUdS =0
I ∂ ~ ~ UdS
∂t V 
ρ UdV + S
n · ρU = − S
P n̂dS
 2 + S
n̂ · τ dS
 + V
ρ~g dV
I ∂ ρ U2 + gz + U dV + S n̂ · ρU ~ U + gz + U dS =
∂t V 2
n̂ · k∇T dS + V ρQ̇ dV + S n̂ · τ · U dS + V ρ~b · U
~ ~ dV
∂ρ ~
∂t + ∇ · (ρU) = 0
∇ · ρU~U ~ = −∇p + ∇ · τ + ρ~g
∂t +

+ ∇ · ρU~ U 2 + gz + U =
∂t ρ 2 + gz + U
∇ · k∇T + ρQ̇ + ∇ · (τ · U) ~ + ρ~b · U~
We need to understand few basic concepts in order to understand the
derivation of these equations and their physical meaning

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 3 / 24
Einstein summation convention

Consider the following sum: S = a1 x1 + a2 x2 + a3 x3 . . . + a10 x10

We can write it as: S = ai xi
This is also valid: S = aj xj
The following is also fine: S = ak xk
Let us assume that whenever an index is repeated once, that is,
appears two times, it indicates a summation
Such an index is called dummy index
Under this assumption, the explicit use of summation sign is not
We can simplify the above sum as S = ai xi = aj xj = ak xk

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 4 / 24
Einstein summation convention

An index should not be repeated more than once under the

summation sign
Σai bi ci cannot be written as ai bi ci and must explicitly retain the
summation sign
In a 3D world, the summation runs over 3 dimensions:
ai xi = a1 x1 + a2 x2 + a3 x3
Summation convention can be written for double or triple sums also
3 P
P 3
That is, S = aij xi xj ≡ aij xi xj having 9 terms on the RHS
i=1 j=1
3 P
P 3 P
Similarly, S = aijk xi xj xk ≡ aijk xi xj xk has 27 terms
i=1 j=1 k=1

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 5 / 24
Einstein summation convention
Free index

Consider the system of equations

I x1 = a11 x1 + a12 x2 + a13 x3
I x2 = a21 x1 + a22 x2 + a23 x3
I x3 = a31 x1 + a32 x2 + a33 x3
Using summation convention we have:
I x1 = a1j xj
I x2 = a2j xj
I x3 = a3j xj
We can finally write the system as xi = aij xj with i = 1, 2, 3
i in the above equation is called free index

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 6 / 24
Einstein summation convention
Free index

Other Examples include

I ai = ~a.eˆi
I ai = bi + ci
I ai + bi cj dj = fi

With two or three free indices

I Tij = Aim Ajm
I Sijk = Bin Cjn dk

The following equations are invalid

I ai = bj
I ai + bk = Tjm

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 7 / 24
Kronecker Delta Function
Let us introduce the Kronecker delta function δij
1 if i = j,
δij =
0 if i 6= j
Notice that δ11 = δ22 = δ33 = 1
and δ12 = δ23 = ..... = 0
Using summation convention δii = δ11 + δ22 + δ33 = 3
Substitution property of Kronecker Delta
I δim am = ai
I δ1m Tmj = δ11 T1j + δ12 T2j + δ13 T3j = T1j
I δim Tmj = Tij
I δim δmj = δij
I eˆi · eˆj = δij
I ai eˆi · bj eˆj = ai bj δij = ai bi

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 8 / 24
Permutation or Levi-Civita Symbol

1 if i, j, k form an even permutation

ijk = −1 if i, j, k form an odd permutation

0 else

Therefore, we have
I 123 = 231 = 312 = 1
I 132 = 321 = 213 = −1
I 221 = 133 . . . = 0

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 9 / 24
Permutation or Levi-Civita Symbol

For a right-handed coordinate

I ê1 × ê2 = ê3
I ê2 × ê3 = ê1
I ê3 × ê1 = ê2
We can write these as: êi × êj = ijk êk

The vector cross product can be written as:

u~ × ~v = ui êi × vj êj = ui vj êi × êj = ui vj ijk êk
 − δ Identities
I miq jkq = δmj δik − δmk δij
I jkq mkq = 2δjm
I jkq jkq = 6

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 10 / 24
Indicial Notation Manipulations
I Let ai = uim bm and bi = vim cm
I Suppose we want to write a in terms of u, v and c
I To put bi in the first equation, we have to change it to bm
I But m is already present. Since it is a dummy index, we have
bm = vmn cn
I ⇒ ai = uim bm = uim vmn cn
I This represents 3 equations having 9 terms on the right side

I Let p = am bm and q = cm dm
I pq = am bm cn dn (A dummy index can not appear more than two times)

I Tij nj − λni = 0
I Since ni = δij nj
I ∴ (Tij − λδij )nj = 0
Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering
Mathematical Prerequisites 11 / 24
Indicial Notation Manipulations
Contraction process
I Tij contraction ⇒ Tii = T11 + T22 + T33
I If Tij = λ∆δij + 2µEij ⇒ Tii = 3λ∆ + 2µEii
Vector Triple Scalar Product
I [~ ~ ] = u~ · (~v × w
u , ~v , w ~)
= ui êi · (vj êj × wk êk )
= ui vj wk êi · (êj × êk )
= ui vj wk êi · jkl êl
= ui vj wk jkl δil
= ijk ui vj wk
Vector Triple Cross Product
I u~ × ~v × w
~ = ui êi × (vj êj × wk êk )
= ui vj wk êi × jkl êl
= ui vj wk jkl ilm êm
= ui vj wk jkl mil êm
= ui vj wk (δjm δki − δkm δji ) êm
= (ui wi vm − uj vj wm )êm
= (~ ~ )~v − (~u · ~v )~
Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering
Mathematical Prerequisites 12 / 24
Tensor Product or Outer product of two vectors

Nonion form
u~~v = ui êi vj êj = ui vj êi êj
= u1 v1 ê1 ê1 + u1 v2 ê1 ê2 + u1 v3 ê1 ê3 +
u2 v1 ê2 ê1 + u2 v2 ê2 ê2 + u2 v3 ê2 ê3 +
u3 v1 ê3 ê1 + u3 v2 ê3 ê2 + u3 v3 ê3 ê3
The nine term sum is called a nonion form of a dyad
Matrix  Form   
u1 v1 u1 v2 u1 v3 u1  
u ~v ] = u2 v1 u2 v2 u2 v3  ≡ u2  v1 v2 v3
u3 v1 u3 v2 u3 v3 u3
A sum of dyads is called a dyadic
T = u~1 ~v1 + u~2 ~v2 + u~3 ~v3 + . . .

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 13 / 24
Tensor Product or Outer Product of two vectors

An alternate form of dyad product or tensor product

~a ⊗ ~b = ai êi ⊗ bj êj = ai bj e~i ⊗ e~j
Now how does this ~a ⊗ ~b maps or transforms a vector?
(~a ⊗ ~b)~
u = ~a(~b · u~)
 
= a2  b1 u1 b2 u2 b3 u3
  
a1 b1 a1 b2 a1 b3 u1
= a2 b1 a2 b2 a2 b3  u2 
a3 b1 a3 b2 a3 b3 u3
Compare ~a ⊗ ~b with the nonion form ~a~b. Both are equivalent

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 14 / 24
Tensor Product or Outer Product of two vectors

   
a1   u1
Therefore, we have: (~a ⊗ ~b)~
u = a2  b1 b2 b3 u2 
a3 u3
 
Thus the tensor product of two vectors is: ~a ⊗ ~b = a2  b1 b2 b3

Tensor product is also called outer product
A second order tensor T can be represented by the outer product of
two vectors, i.e., T = ~a ⊗ ~b

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 15 / 24
Properties of vector-tensor dot product

Let T be a second order tensor and ~v be a vector

T · ~v = Tij êi êj · vk êk
= Tij vk êi δjk
= Tij vj êi
~v · T = vi êi · Tjk êj êk
= vi Tjk δij êk
= vi Tik êk
Therefore, the dot product between a second order tensor and a
vector results in a vector

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 16 / 24
Properties of vector-dyad products
u~ · ~v w
~ = ui êi · (vj êj wk êk )
= ui vj δij wk êk
= ui vi wk êk
u · ~v )~
= (~ w
u~~v · w
~ = (ui êi vj êj ) · wk êk
= ui êi vj wk δjk
= ui êi vj wj
= u~(~v · w ~)
u~ × ~v w
~ = (ui êi × vj êj )wk êk
= (ui vj ijm êm )wk êk
= ui vj wk ijm êm êk
u~~v × w
~ = ui êi (vj êj × wk êk )
= ui êi (vj wk jkm êm )
= ui vj wk jkm êi êm
Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering
Mathematical Prerequisites 17 / 24
Gradient, Divergence and Curl of Tensors

A Tensor field assigns a tensor T (~x , t) to every location ~x and at

every instant of time t where ~x ranges over a finite region of space
and t varies over some time interval

Partial differentiation w.r.t. to time will be denoted by ∂t

1st partial differentiation w.r.t. coordinate xq will be denoted by ∂xq

Similarly, 2nd partial derivative is ∂xq ∂xm

For notational compactness these derivatives are represented by a

subscript comma
∂φ ∂vi ∂ 2 vn
∂xi = φ,i ∂xj = vi,j ∂xp ∂xq = vn,pq

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 18 / 24
Gradient, Divergence and Curl of Tensors

Remember that: ∂xj = δij
∂xi 1 if i = j
That is: ∂xj =
0 else

Nabla operator: ∇ = ê1 ∂x∂ 1 + ê2 ∂x∂ 2 + ê3 ∂x∂ 3 = êi ∂x


Gradient of a scalar: ∇φ = êi ∂xi
= êi φ,i

Gradient of a vector:
−→ ∂ ∂v
I Forward: ∇~v = grad ~v = êi ∂x i
(vj êj ) = ∂xji êi êj
= vj,i êi êj ≡ a 2nd order tensor
←− ∂vi
I Backward: ∇~v = gradT ~v = ∂x j
êi êj
= vi,j êi êj ≡ a 2nd order tensor

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 19 / 24
Gradient, Divergence and Curl of Tensors
 
∂v1 ∂v2 ∂v3
−→  ∂x
1 ∂x1
∂v3 
Forward velocity gradient: [∇~v ] =  ∂x21 ∂x2 ∂x2 
∂v1 ∂v2 ∂v3
∂x3 ∂x3 ∂x3
 
∂v1 ∂v1 ∂v1
←−  ∂x
1 ∂x2
∂v2 
Backward velocity gradient: [∇~v ] =  ∂x12 ∂x2 ∂x3 
∂v3 ∂v3 ∂v3
∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3

Divergence of a vector: ∇ · ~v = div ~v = êi ∂x i
· vj êj
I But êi · êj = δij
∂vj ∂vj ∂v1 ∂v2 ∂v3
Therefore: ∇ · ~v = ∂xi δij = ∂xj = ∂x1 + ∂x2 + ∂x3

The divergence of vector quantity is a scalar quantity

We used the substitution property of δij in the above equation

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 20 / 24
Gradient, Divergence and Curl of Tensors

∂ ∂vj
Curl of a vector: ∇ × ~v = curl ~v = êi ∂x i
×vj êj = ∂xi êi × êj
= ∂xi ijk eˆk = ijk vj,i eˆk
Note: The terms on the Right Hand Side above involves summation
on i, j and k indices, i.e. a total of 27 terms most of which are 0
because of the property of ijk
The non-zero terms can be evaluated as follows: ∇ × ~v = ijk ∂xji eˆk
∂v ∂v ∂v
First summation on i = 1jk ∂x1j eˆk +2jk ∂x2j eˆk +3jk ∂x3j ek
Now summation on j
I First term = 11k ∂v ∂v2 ∂v3
∂x1 eˆk +12k ∂x1 eˆk +13k ∂x1 ek

I ∂v1
Second term = 21k ∂x2 eˆk +22k ∂x2 eˆk +23k ∂v
∂x2 ek

∂v1 ∂v2 ∂v3

I Third term = 11k ∂x3 eˆk +12k ∂x3 eˆk +13k ∂x3 ek

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 21 / 24
Gradient, Divergence and Curl of Tensors

Now we could perform summation over k, but to save effort we use

the property of ijk
I First term = 123 ∂v ∂v3
∂x1 eˆ3 +132 ∂x1 ê2

I 2nd term = 213 ∂v ∂v3

∂x2 eˆ3 +231 ∂x2 ê1

I Third term = 312 ∂v ∂v2

∂x3 eˆ2 +321 ∂x3 ê1

Substituting the appropriate values of the  terms, we get:

I ∇ × ~v = ∂v ∂v3 ∂v1 ∂v3 ∂v1 ∂v2
∂x1 eˆ3 − ∂x1 eˆ2 − ∂x2 eˆ3 + ∂x2 eˆ1 + ∂x3 eˆ2 − ∂x3 eˆ1

= ( ∂v 3 ∂v2
− ∂x )eˆ1 + ( ∂v ∂v3 ∂v2 ∂v1
∂x3 − ∂x1 )eˆ2 + ( ∂x1 − ∂x2 )eˆ3
∂x2 3
ê1 ê2 ê3
∂() ∂() ∂()
= ∂x ∂x2 ∂x3
v1 v v
1 2 3
That is, we recover the usual definition of the curl of a vector

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Mathematical Prerequisites 22 / 24
Divergence of 2nd order tensor

∇ · T = div T = êi ∂x i
· τjk êj êk
∂τjk ∂τjk
= ∂xi (êi · êj )êk = ∂xi δij êk
Now, using the substitution property we get
∂τjk ∂τik
∇·T= ∂xj êk or ∂xi êk
i.e. ∇ · T = τjk,j êk or τik,i êk
We observe that the divergence of a second order tensor is a vector

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

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Thank You

Shyam Sunder Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

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