Longirostris Movement and Behavioral Patterns To

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Nama : Jannati Aulah

NIM : 2020422002

Identifying spinner dolphin Stenella longirostris

longirostris movement and behavioral patterns to inform conservation strategies in
Maui Nui, Hawai‘i
Stephanie H. Stack 1, *, Grace L. Olson 2, Valentin Neamtu1 , Abigail F. Machernis, Robin W. Baird 2, Jens J. Currie
Pacific Whale Foundation, Wailuku, HI 96793, USA
Cascadia Research Collective, Olympia, WA 98501, USA

Behavioral pattern of Stenella longirostris in Hawaii are diurnal activity and rest time.
There is concern that human activity, such as swimming with and viewing wild dolphins from
vessels, is altering their natural behavioral patterns and preventing them from having adequale
rest. Research on Spinner dolphins has largely focused off Hawaii Island and there are
insufficient data from Maui Nui to inform appropriate management measures for the genetically
distinct stock thath resides around these islands. Using location data from 316 encounters
between 1996 and 2019, we identified 2 hotspots for spinner dolphins within the region, located
along west Maui and south Lana‘i. The predominant behavior observed was traveling, and there
was little resting behavior documented throughout the study period, with no resting behavior
observed along the coastline of Maui. Our findings revealed that spinner dolphins use a wide
variety of available habitat in Maui Nui and were observed resting both near the shore of Lana‘i
and in the channels between islands. Based upon these findings, the proposed lone area for
closure in south Maui is inadequate for providing protection to spinner dolphins during resting
hours, and we propose that the identified hotspots be considered as additional sites for closures,
in addition to an approach limit for vessels transiting Maui Nui.

KEY WORDS: Spinner dolphins·Conservation·Tourism·Animal behavior·Hawai‘i


2.1 Study Area

The study area was within the near-shore waters of Maui Nui, Molokai Lainai and
Kahoolawe. Surveys extended from leeward shores into waters approximately 20 km
southwest of lanai, the study rea covered 2102 km2.

2.2 Collect Data

 Data collect from June 1 1996 to August 13 2019, with supplementary photo-ID data.
 During each survey, a minimum of 2 observes and the captain scanned the wates by
naked eye, with crew member acting as the data recorder.
 When Spinner dolphins were sighted, a focal follow was initiated to confirm group size
and location and okkect photo-ID data and behavioral observations.
2.2 According (Lammers 2004, Thorne et al.2012), Nearshore water were characterized by
sightings that occurred outside the 50 m countour line (Figure.1) as this depth range is a
known predictor for spinner dolphin habitat use.

2.3 Data Analysis

2.3.1 Photo Analysis

Spinner dolphins were individually identified from potohraphs using the notches and
other natural marks on their dorsal fins (Hammond el at, 1990).

2.3.2 Spatial Analysis

All spinner dolphin sightings with available location data and survey efforts were
imported into ArcGIS v.10.7 (ESRI) and assigned the WGS 1984 geographic coordinate
system with WGS 1984 World Mercator projections.

Individual spinner dolphins that had at least re-sighting were used to determine the
amount of interchange between the 5 regions on Maui Nui. To provide a relative
quantification of the amount of movement within Maui Nui an index on interchange, aken
from Urban et al (2000), was calculated for each pairwise comparison of the 5 regions using
the following formula:

Interchange index = (M12 / [n1 × n2]) × 1000 (1)

n1 : Number of Spinner dolphins identified (marked) in region 1

n2 : Number of spinner dolphins identified in region 2.

M12 : The identified spinner dolphins matched between regions 1 and 2.

A high value for the interchange index can indicate that either (1) a small population is
present in the 2 regions or (2) there is a high probability of the same individual being sighted
within both regions. In contrast, a low value for this index reflects a low probability of re-
sighting due to either (1) a large population or (2) an unlikely interchange of animals between
the 2 regions (Urban et al. 2000).
2.3.3 Behavioral analysis

Behavioral data available for sighting in south and west Maui Lanai, and channel
waters. Behavioral states were classified into the following categories: (1) resting, (2)
milling, (3) traveling, (4) feeding, or (5) socializing. It is important to note that no feeding
behaviors were observed during the study period. Socializing behavior was observed
during the study period, but did not constitute more than 50% of the encounter. As such,
these 2 behavioral states were excluded from subsequent analyses (Table 1).

Time intervals for behavioral observations were adapted from Lammers (2004)
with the expansion of the early morning category to include 06:00-06:59 h, as follows:
early morning (06:00-10:00 h), late morning (10:01-12:00 h), mid-day (12:01-14:00 h),
and early afternoon
(14:01-16:00 h). No spinner dolphin sightings occurred later than 16:00 h during the
study period.

The observed behavioral patterns may indicate that, due to human activities, these
dolphins have decreased opportunities to rest during the day, forcing them to travel more
in search of appropriate places to rest. Throughout Maui Nui, there is quite a lot of boat
traffic from a variety of ferries, commercial and private vessels.

Throughout the study period, 685 unique spinner dolphins were identified over 337
encounters, with dorsal fin identification photos available for each en counter. The number of
resightings for individual dolphins ranged from 0-18, with 337 individuals (49.2%) having at
least one re-sighting. Two in dividuals had re-sighting histories that spanned the entire duration
of the study period.

In total, 71% of all individuals with 2 or more sightings were observed moving be tween
at least 2 of the 5 regions throughout the study area, often be tween islands. Pairwise
comparisons between the 5 regions within Maui Nui found spinner dolphins sighted between
Kaho‘olawe and Lana‘I To have the highest value of interchange (14.08); The next highest levels
of interchange occurred between west Maui and Lana‘i (10.02), and channel waters and Lana‘i.
Spinner dolphin behaviors varied by location, with traveling behavior accounting for the
majority (61.8%) of observation time across all locations. Resting behavior was observed along
the south Lana‘i coast and in channel waters, and occurred mostly in the early and late morning
time periods. Traveling was the most prominent behavior observed in channel waters, accounting
for 100% of observations during the mid-day and late afternoon time periods. Resting behaviors
were not observed at any location in the early afternoon time period.

The overall trend in area use documented in this study differs from previous research on
spinner dolphins, which had indicated that these animals rest primarily in shallow bays and
protected coves, while areas outside of bays are used for transiting between the resting and
feeding areas (Tyne et al. 2015).


Our results are directly relevant to addressing the increasing tourism pressure on spinner
dolphins in Hawai‘i. Our research has shown that spinner dolphins rest both in the channel
between Maui and Lana‘I and along the shoreline of Lana‘i. Therefore, the most effective way to
offer protections to the O‘ahu/ 4-islands stock is by implementing an ap proach distance for
vessels in Maui Nui and instigating additional time-area closures for the 2 identified hotspots.
These changes will bring us closer to the ultimate goal of mitigating environmental stressors
from vessel-based tourism and allow spinner dolphins in Hawai‘i to co-exist with the humans
that are using these waters. Although survey effort was low near the island of Kaho‘olawe, our
sightings, combined with anecdotal data, suggest that this area is important for spinner dolphins
and warrants further investigation. Additional research into spinner dolphin habitat use and
behavioral patterns is needed Throughout all the Hawaiian Islands and, in particular, evaluating
the efficacy of the enhanced management measures after their implementation.
Migrasi dan kelimpahan lumba-lumba dipengaruhi oleh keberadaan makanan dan kondisi
oseanografi. Ketersediaan makanan dan kondisi oseanografi seperti suhu, salinitas, arus dan
pasang surut mempengaruhi kelimpahan dan migrasi lumba-lumba. Penelitian ini
mendeskripsikan komposisi dan distribusi lumba-lumba berdasarkan suhu permukaan laut, pH,
salinitas, oksigen terlarut dan total padatan terlarut.


Penelitian lapangan dilakukan di

Taman Laut Nasional Laut Sawu, Nusa
Tenggara Timur periode November 2015 Komposisi Spesies Lumba-Lumba
dan Maret-April 2016. Pengamatan
langsung cetacea dilakukan dengan metode
transek garis zigzag dan single
observer/platform (Gbr. 1). Kapal bergerak
menuju daerah pengamatan dengan
kecepatan rata-rata 7-8 knot. Pengamatan
dimulai dari jam 6 pagi sampai jam 6 sore,
tim dirotasi setiap dua jam (Kahn, 2014).
Lumba-lumba ini pada kedua periode
tersebut cukup dominan (baik pada bulan
November maupun Maret-April). Korelasi
antara kemunculan lumba-lumba dengan
parameter oseanografi pengamatan
penampakan menunjukkan bahwa suhu
permukaan air menjadi parameter utama
yang ditemukan dalam menentukan
perbedaan penampakan lumba-lumba di
perairan Laut Sawu.

Lumba-lumba spinner merupakan

spesies tertinggi yang muncul (± 401
individu pada November 2015 dan ± 518
individu pada Maret-April 2016) di seluruh
perairan Kawasan Taman Laut Nasional
Laut Sawu. Tingkat sebaran kenampakan
yang tinggi ini disebabkan karena spesies ini
memiliki sebaran yang sangat luas, meliputi
seluruh perairan tropis dan subtropis di
Samudera Atlantik, Pasifik dan Hindia
(Klinowska, 1991; Faizah dkk., 2006). pada bagian perut. Spesies ini sering
Spinner dolphin lebih banyak ditemukan dijumpai dalam kelompok besar yang terdiri
pada bulan November di Kabupaten Timor dari 5-200 individu bahkan sampai 1.000
Selatan Tengah, yaitu Kabupaten Kupang, individu (Kiefner, 2002).
dan Kabupaten RoteNdao. Penampakan
spesies ini ditemukan pada bulan November
di sekitar Sumba Kepulauan tersebut Hasil kedua periode tersebut
meliputi perairan Sumba Timur, Sumba menunjukkan bahwa daerah sekitar lumba-
Barat, Sumba Barat Daya, dan Sumba lumba Sumba Timur muncul hampir terus
Tengah. Suhu air pemunculan lumba-lumba menerus. Diasumsikan bahwa kesamaan di
spinner berdasarkan hasil analisis berada wilayah tersebut terkait dengan ketersediaan
pada kisaran 29.6-32.2 0C mangsa dan suhu air hangat di sekitar
wilayah tersebut. Hasil penelitian Rice pada
tahun 1967 (Salim, 2011) menunjukkan
bahwa komposisi biota yang termasuk
dalam Odontoceti memakan variasi nekton,
ikan bentik dan cumi. Lumba-lumba
sebagian besar adalah konsumen ikan,
meskipun mereka juga memakan cumi-
cumi. Lumba-lumba memangsa berbagai
jenis ikan dengan giginya dan menelannya
utuh, sedangkan lumba-lumba kecil
memberi makan ikan dan cumi-cumi sebagai
mangsa utama yang berada di zona
Lumba-lumba pemintal (spinner epipelagik perairan laut lepas. Beberapa
dolphin) pemakan merupakan gurita (Reeves makanan lumba-lumba adalah ikan dasar
dkk., 2006). jenis lumba-lumba dengan laut dan ikan lain yang hidup di dekat dasar
komposisi tertinggi selama pengamatan pada laut di perairan dangkal dekat pantai, teluk,
periode November dan Maret-April dan sungai (Weber & Thurman, 1991).
mencapai 35,9%. Menurut Rudolph dkk.
Dalam studinya di Laut Sawu Nusa
(1997), spasial Sebaran spinner dolphin
Tenggara Timur, Salim (2011) melaporkan
mencapai Laut Timor, Lembata, Laut Jawa,
beberapa Odontoceti membuat koneksi
Selat Malaka, Laut Seram, Laut Flores, Laut
dalam kelompok besar dan terkonsentrasi
Banda, Selat Sunda, Laut Sulawesi, Pantai
saat menggiring ikan gerombolan pelagis.
Utara Papua, Pulau Alor, Selat Sumba dan
Spesies lumba-lumba sebagian besar
Perairan di sekitar Taman Nasional
bergerak dalam kelompok padat di area yang
Komodo. Carwardine (1995) menyatakan
luas, spesies ini cenderung melakukan
jenis lumba-lumba spinner memiliki 3 (tiga)
komunikasi visual dan akustik dan
corak warna yaitu abu-abu muda pada
menggunakan klik ekolokasi pita lebar
bagian samping dan putih (putih abu-abu)
untuk mencari ikan yang berkelompok. Jika
ada kelompok ikan gerombolan, kelompok faktor yang sangat penting dalam proses
lumba-lumba akan menyebar dan beberapa fisiologi bagi semua organisme, baik pada
dari mereka akan menyelam di bawah ikan maupun mamalia laut. Suhu permukaan
kelompok ikan gerombolan sebagai air juga berperan dalam persebaran biota di
mangsanya dan membawanya ke permukaan perairan. Berdasarkan sebaran horizontal
dengan berenang dalam formasi padat di suhu air laut di permukaan, sebaran lumba-
bawah dan di sekitar ikan gerombolan lumba tertinggi ditemukan pada periode
(Evans, 1987; Salim, 2011). penelitian Laut Sawu pada bulan November
dan Maret-April. Daerah perairan ini
didominasi oleh suhu berkisar antara 29.6
Hubungan Antara Penampilan Lumba- dan 32.2 0C. Penampilan tinggi selama
Lumba dengan Parameter Oseanografi penelitian kebanyakan di pagi dan sore hari.
Penampakan tersebut diduga terkait dengan
Distribusi pH, salinitas dan DO kebiasaan mecari makan Lumba -lumba di
relatif lebih rendah jika dibandingkan pagi hari. Namun, mereka mungkin pergi ke
dengan suhu dan kandungan TDS yang tempat untuk beristirahat di sore hari
ditunjukkan dengan nilai standar (Yusron, 2012). Menurut Carwardine
deviasi<0,3. Kondisi Perairan Laut Sawu (1995), lumba-lumba dapat hidup di perairan
sangat dipengaruhi oleh massa Indonesian hangat dan suhu air laut dapat
Through Flow (ITF) dari Samudera Pasifik mempengaruhi suhu tubuh dalam beraktivitas
ke Samudera Hindia melalui perairan seperti menangkap mangsa.
tersebut, sehingga keberadaan ekosistem
yang kompleks, pola dinamis aliran antar
pulau dan aktivitas di wilayah kepulauan
memiliki pengaruh suhu, nutrisi, oksigen
terlarut, dan pH dengan pola distribusi pH
(Yusron, 2012). Hasil dari Cribbdkk. (2008)
pada perbandingan penampakan lumba-
lumba dengan membandingkan lokasi tanpa
kemunculan lumba-lumba di Australia
Selatan, menghasilkan bahwa pada perairan
dengan rentang DO 7,01-8,76 m/L frekuensi
kemunculan lumba-lumba lebih tinggi
dibandingkan dengan kandungan DO pada
rentang 8,76-20,1 mg/L.

Mereka hampir tidak menemukan

kemunculan lumba- lumba pada rentang DO
terakhir. Suhu permukaan air merupakan

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