TUGAS 3 Bahasa Inggris Niaga Heriadi

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NIM : 042517765

 If the idea like Marshall Plan is implemented in many poor African countries, this
world would be a better place.

The Marshall Plan, also known as the European Recovery Program, was a U.S. program
providing aid to Western Europe following the devastation of World War II. The Marshall Plan
provided aid to the recipients essentially on a per capita basis, with larger amounts given to
major industrial powers, such as West Germany, France and Great Britain. This was based on the
belief of Marshall and his advisors that recovery in these larger nations was essential to overall
European recovery.

Politicians have long invoked the MP as a rhetoricaldevice, clamoring for Marshall Plans
in the Caribbean,East Asia, Egypt, and even in the Gulf Coast after Hurri-cane Katrina. British
prime minister Gordon Brown hastaken up the banner, calling during his chancellorship for a
Marshall Plan for Africa. 9 Prominent figures such as Bill Gates, Bono, and economist Jeffrey
Sachs havelikewise swelled the ranks. Unlike past advocates, how-ever, many of these new
Marshall Plan proponents use the phrase literally and call for vast increases in aid. It should be
clear from the above that the EuropeanMarshall Plan and post-independence aid to Africa
wereresponses to entirely different situations, so drawing paral-lels between the two is not
justified. Some fifty years ofaccumulated experience about outcomes for Western Europe and
Africa informs the contrast. Comparing the two ventures, the following factors stand out:

Initial Conditions. The initial conditions differedmarkedly between the two regions.
Western Europe was a highly developed region with a well-endowed humanresource base and
strong political and legal institutions.
The main lesson of the past is that aid should be mod-est, tailored to different countries’
circumstances, and fullyowned by the countries themselves. It is not enough toadopt the rhetoric
and solutions of grand plans from thepast. To do otherwise would be to subject Africa to
evengreater disappointment than before.

So, I am disagree to the statement that Marshall Plan is implemented in many poor
African countries, this world would be a better place. if all countries has many poor
peoples we don't have much water left for all of us.

Reference :


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