Atlas of Human Parasitology, 5th Edition: Twitty J. Styles

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of the evidence for and against these Address for correspondence: Marta Gwinn, with AIDS. This book opens new
hypotheses, which remain speculative, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vistas in helping to understand the
is evenhanded and up-to-date. His ac- 4770 Buford Hwy, Mailstop K89, Atlanta, GA global impact of AIDS and parasitic
counts of the human and social effects 30341, USA; email: infections. The glossary and current
of epidemic diseases and the origins references provide a ready resource
of public health are full of lively anec- for those interested in learning more
dotes and colorful detail. Interspersed about host–parasite relationships.
throughout are personal asides, clini- As an extra bonus, readers will
cal pearls, and lengthy tutorials on ba- find this edition a visual feast that inte-
sic science topics, such as DNA repli- grates science and the arts. This book
cation and gene splicing.
Although this book is far more
Atlas of Human is highly recommended reading.

information dense than are popular Parasitology, 5th Twitty J. Styles*

books for the lay public, its many Edition *Union College, Schenectady, NY, USA
shortcomings in terms of organiza-
Address for correspondence: Twitty J.
tion, depth, and documentation (in- Lawrence R. Ash
and Thomas C. Orihel Styles, Union College, Biological Sciences,
cluding surprisingly few references)
Schenectady, NY 12308, USA; email: stylest@
diminish its value to scholarly readers. American Society for Clinical
More than anything else, it resembles Pathology Press, Chicago,
an intellectually inspired but some- Illinois, USA, 2007
what disorganized professor’s medical ISBN: 0891891676
school lecture, which would probably Pages: 525; Price: US $200.00
be more fun to hear in person than to The 5th edition of Ash and Ori-
read. Meanwhile, those who are in- hel’s Atlas of Human Parasitology is
terested in a 21st-century account of a superb, up-to-date compendium of
the battle of the genomes may want to protozoan and metazoan parasites. It Food Safety: Old
wait. Rapid advances in genomic sci-
ence and technology are opening the
also covers vectors and uncommon Habits, New
parasites found in humans. The au-
way to better understanding of biol- thors present the material in a clear Perspectives
ogy, evolution, and medicine, but the and concise manner that encourages Phyllis Entis
full integration of these disciplines one to delve more deeply into the
is still at a relatively early stage. The structure and function of these unique ASM Press, Herndon, Virginia,
idea that genes of 1 species can influ- and fascinating organisms. It is a must USA, 2007
ence whole ecosystems, described by for persons interested in medical zool-
ISBN: 9781555814175
Richard Dawkins in 1982 as the “ex- Pages: 414; Price: US $49.95
ogy and geographic medicine. Labora-
tended phenotype” (2), is only now tory personnel, directors, and teachers Anyone who works in food safety
giving rise to new perspectives on who need a refresher course or addi- sooner or later discovers that one of the
community genetics (3). tional training will find the book very most valuable tools for prevention is
valuable. simply reading about and understand-
Marta Gwinn*
The Atlas of Human Parasitology ing how past outbreaks have occurred.
*Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
is an essential treatise for helping to Using major and frequently famous or
tion, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
protect our citizens at home, deployed at least newsworthy outbreaks, Phyllis
military personnel, and global trav- Entis in Food Safety: Old Habits, New
References elers from parasitic infections. The Perspectives illustrates how critical
quick keys to the identification of pro- factors come together to produce trag-
1. Ridley M. Genome: the autobiography of
tozoans, helminths, and arthropods are ic and largely preventable results. This
a species in 23 chapters. New York: Harp-
er Perennial; 2000. helpful for distinguishing pseudopara- nicely written reference book reads
2. Dawkins R. The extended phenotype. The sites from harmful ones. The labeling more like an engaging novel in some
long reach of the gene. Oxford (UK): Ox- of various stages of the color images ways, complete with bad guys (patho-
ford University Press; 1982.
with letters, numbers, and arrows is gens and sometimes careless corpora-
3. Wade MJ. The co-evolutionary genetics of
ecological communities. Nat Rev Genet. extremely useful. tions) and good guys (intrepid and re-
2007;8:185–95. Attention has been given to op- sourceful outbreak investigators). The
portunistic infections found in patients author’s unique style, usually avoided

960 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 13, No. 6, June 2007

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