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GE SocSci 5 

Module 3 
Learning Activity No. 1
1. Identify five (5) universal human values and explain each. Why are these values
necessary for human survival?

Five Universal Human Values 

💖LOVE 💖 

     Well, first is Love. What is love? and why is love that important to the lives of all human
beings? It is well known to something we, people can feel and can make us able to sacrifice
something big for someone who is truly valuable to us or something that we want to defend as
much as even offering our own life just to protect something you love. 
     It is also one of the foremost reasons why every individual has the key that lets them see the
entire picture of reality accurately, to understand, feel and become included in it, and also, love
can help us gain more self-realization, such as accepting who we truly are or arouse to the truth,
and love ourselves even more.
     Love can be very helpful for us, human beings as we explore more and continue our lives,
where we might encounter such challenges and many hardships, we need to remember love, we
need love for us to overcome our weaknesses and succeed in life, which is why love is
considered very important to all.


     As for Peace, we all know what is peace and why is peace also one of the essential things that
we needed to achieve freedom, but not only that, peace is also recognized for the absence of
hostility, dissensions, violence, or even war. And also, peace is when all people or individuals
can solve their conflicts without harming others or using violence. 
     For example, we can attain peace if we all work together for the betterment of our country,
like having a good and better correlation of all individuals, like uniting. Also, a nice
communicating ability will help us to socialize well with other people, and for that, we might
improve our relationship with others where we can avoid bad mutuality and help us enhance our
potential to interact pleasingly.
     Therefore, peace is a very important thing that matters, not only to all human beings but to all.
The world needs some peace for a greater and healthier environment and for the people who
deserve peace and for those who are fighting to accomplish what they truly desire.

       Truth, The truth is what is true. It may be everything related to reality or just a part of it.
Truth is the property of being in accord with fact or reality. In everyday language, truth is known
for typically attributed to things that aim to represent or explain what is fact or otherwise
harmonize to it, such as knowledge, propositions, and certain things.
     Truth also avokes us to something or for being true to ourselves, being true to ourselves is
like living in truth with each person in your life. It means refusing to say or do something that
you don't believe is right, sticking to what is the reality with other people means that you refuse
to linger in any situation where you are dissatisfied with the behavior of another individual as
refusing to compromise with it.
      Truth matters, both to us, to every person around us, and the society as a whole. As
individuals, being truthful means that we can grow and be mature enough to change ourselves
from our misbehaviors, learning from our mistakes and wrongdoings. For society, truthfulness
makes social bonds, and great interactions, lying, sanctimony or hypocrisy break them. No
matter what we do, we have no escape from what is the truth. 


     Nonviolence, nonviolence is the personal application or method of not causing harm to one's
self and other individuals under every condition. It may come from the belief or sayings that
hurting people, animals, or even the environment is considered redundant to establish a
satisfactory outcome and it may compare to disagreeable or unpleasant doings which may also be
considered as violence.
     Having a world with no violence or applying these principles to everyone's existence which is
nonviolence can reduce or lessen each person's anger, conflict, or difficulty in life and.
Nonviolence has l became and somehow recognized as a powerful and useful strategy for
students, communities, and whole societies in addressing and transforming circumstances.
     We can be able to accomplish a better world and a nice correlation to others, and each person
with no violence involved. Where a good relationship and much better cooperation and
teamwork is present so that we can expand, build up and grow our relationship with a stronger
and healthier bond for our world's improvement. 


     It is like having a good manner, good manners towards other people, which are about totally
respecting yourself as well as other people. They will create and make a life that is more
entertaining and enjoyable for yourself and for those you come in touch with. If you are
completely well-mannered, those people will be much more comfortable in your companionship.
People with good manners will normally make a forward-looking impression on those around
them and on those they interact with.
     Right Conduct is just like living in a virtuous and ethical way in the complete sensations in
preference to the excellence or quality of any particular time or society. It is also a behavior or a
nice action which is to do good to others, or that act for which someone or every individual
doesn't have to feel shame, embarrassment, or humiliation, which should never be done.
      Conducting right cost nothing but a person's
own will to do good. It can make us appear more confident and be self-assured. It can also help
us maintain and accept our genuine selves as who we truly are and as we do something righteous
and making things more accurately, we might gain someone's trust in us, which is also
conducting right, because we got a chance to acquire other person's good impression to us.

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