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FS 6


Field study 6 “On Becoming the 21st Century Teacher” is one of the Experiential Learning
Courses of the prospective teacher. It tells the journey of how to become a teacher as exemplified
in the Teacher Education and Development Map in the pre-service education is connected to the
core which is the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS). The updated
workbook is slanted towards OBE in Teacher Education as provide by CHED Administrative Order
No. 1, s. 2014

The teaching Profession and Community Immersion are the two subjects where FS 6,
maybe anchored on all experiential activities are related to the in-depth understanding and testing
of learned concepts through actual immersion and observations in real life situations that relate to
teaching learning.
Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle guides the process that every student should undergo.
The model presents the four elements which are:
1. Concrete experiences- activities that the students are asked to do in the school or
community setting
2. Observation and refection- concrete experiences through direct or indirect observation
trough data, reflections, and insights
3. Forming and affirming concepts through observation and reflection- validation of prior
learning’s, or forming of new ones to enhance prior learning.
4. Testing in new situation in the future. Forming plans on how to utilize learning when
student become students teachers or professional teachers.

FIELD STUDY 6- On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher 1

FS 6

Learning Episode

My Learning Essentials

What are some personal qualities of Good Teacher?

FIELD STUDY 6- On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher 2

My Learning Activities

Activity 1 Am I This Person?

Bilbao, 2010 (shortened version, 2014)
Below are indicators of personal qualities which may describe YOU. Place a check (/) mark in
Box if the indicator fits you most of the time or an ex (X) mark if the description does not fits you most
of the time. Identify your quality by choosing the appropriate label in Box C. Write the letter in Box B.
You may use the letter more than once for your answer; Just leave the item that you marked X.

Box B
Box A Match the checked mark
Personal Attribute with appropriate Label in Box C
Indicator Box C (write lett er only) Personal Quality Label
1. I am mentally alert. A. BOUYANCY/Buoyant
2. I very imaginative
for new ideas.
3. I like to try out new B. INTELLEGENCE/
things. Intelligent
4. I appreciate other
5. I am tolerant other C. SELF-CONFEDENCE/
people. Self-confident
6. I adjust to different
7. I look at the brighter D. COMPASSION/
side of life. Compassionate
8. I don’t consider
myself as better than

FIELD STUDY 6- On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher 3

Box A Box B Box C
Personal Attributes Indicator Match the checked mark with Personal Quality Label
appropriate Label in Box C
(write Letter only)
9. I share privileges with others.

10. I give personal time for the E. COOPERATIVENESS/

group. Cooperate

11. I make it a point to do the

job well.

12. I make quick solutions to

problems. F. FAIRNESS/Fair

13. I volunteer to do task for


14. I work for the group even

without affirmation in return.
15. I am calm in the midst of Emotionally Stable.

16. I am dependable on a given


17. I give equal chance to the H. INNOVATIVENESS/

others to be heard. Innovative

18. I am sure of what I do.

19. I hold my anger even when


20. I am punctual in attendance. I. RELIABILITY/ Reliable

FIELD STUDY 6- On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher 4

Activity 2 Personal Qualities of an Experienced Teacher Checklist

Personal Qualities of an Experienced Teacher Checklist

Personal Qualities Check Put Labels of quality

those observed
The Experienced Teacher:
1. Is mentally alert INTELLIGENCE
2. Is very imaginative INNOVATIVENESS
3. Tries out new things INNOVATIVENESS
4. Appreciates other people. COMPASSION
5. Tolerates other people. COMPASSION
6. Adjusts to different situation BUOYANCY
7. Looks at the brighter side of life. BUOYANCY
8. Does not consider self as better than FAIRNESS
9. Shares privileges with others COOPERATIVENESS
10. Gives up personal time for the group COOPERATIVENESS
11. Sees to it that she/he does job well SELF-CONFIDENCE
12. Makes quick solutions to problems INTELLIGENCE
13. Volunteers to do task for others SELF-CONFIDENCE
14. Works for the group even without COOPERATIVENESS
being affirmed return
15. Is calm in the midst of chaos BUOYANCY
16. Is dependable on a given task RELIABILITY
17. Gives equal chance for other to be FAIRNESS
18. Is sure of what he/she does INTELLIGENCE
19. Holds anger even when provoke EMOTIONAL
20. Is punctual in attendance RELIABILITY

FIELD STUDY 6- On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher 5

Portfolio Entry:

FIELD STUDY 6- On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher 6

My Reflection/ Insights

A. How do I use my personal qualities to become a good teacher?

Write in at least two (2) paragraphs.

B. How does the experienced teacher, utilize his/her personal qualities to

make him/her a good teacher? Write in at least two (2) paragraphs.

FIELD STUDY 6- On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher 7

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