Recruitment Project 1

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Project Report


Recruitment & selection process



A Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Award of the master Degree in
Under the guidance of

LECT:-sujit ku sahoo

This is to certify that the project entitled a study on recruitment & selection
process at IFCAL submitted to Dharanidhar (auto.) college, Keonjhar by
GOURANGA BEHERA roll no. 099116008 as a partial fulfilment of M.B.A.
degree is a sincere work carried out by him under my guidance & supervision.
The result embodied in this project has not been submitted to any other
institute for the award of any degree.



I do hereby declare that this project report entitled “a study on recruitment &
selection process at ifcal” is submitted by me , under the guidance and
supervision of sujit Kumar sahoo, faculty in d.d. autonomous college, Keonjhar
as a partial fulfilment of mba programme

I also declare that this project report is a result if my own endeavour and this
work has not been published or submitted to any other university for any
degree earlier.


Place: Signature of
It gives me pleasure to present this report. It is an outcome of the study on recruitment & selection
process. It got support of many people. Without their support I wouldn’t have got success. I wish
to record sincere appreciation & thanks to them.
First of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank the D.D. autonomous college Keonjhar
for having sip as a part of the mba curriculum.
I would like to thanks Mr. Sujit kumar sahoo (guide) for undertaking this project work & help me
throughout my study & help me in analysis and interpretation of data preparing the final draft.
I record my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Bn pradhan, [manager hr] who had given me a chance
to do a project under his guidance at ifcal.
I would also like to thank sincerely from the core of my heart to all those persons who constantly
guided me & gave me the practical knowledge & materials of study.
I would also like to thank all the employees of ifcal for their kind cooperation & guidance &
support which led me to right direction of my research.
Finally I am very thankful to my friends whose cooperation & suggestion have helped me in
successfully completing this project.

PLACE: Signature of Student

Human Resource is a basic need of any work: to be done. ARTHUR LEWIS There are great differences
in development between countries which seem to have roughly equal resources, so it is necessary to
enquire into the difference in human behaviour’s

Recruitment and Selection are important for the employees for the progress and prosperity in every
industrially developed country like India, that without it, the country cannot progress one step
ahead, India being an underdeveloped country in such economically back ward country the workers
need several facilities from the management for its existence.

In the early steps, there was no Industrialization, so the need of recruitment and selection are also
not necessary. But as the country is progressing gradually towards more and more industrialization,
due to advancement of science and technology, the requirement of labour and their promotion is
required further progress of country. At the beginning stage starting from the Govt. to employer
and employee also not understands the value of recruitment and selection. But now in every step
recruitment and selection plays vital role.

The automatic attitude of employees and democratic fling of the employees put the industries
establishments in danger different countries follow different procedures to keep the employer-
employees relationship harmonious.

The project report is all about recruitment and selection process that's an important part of any

Recruitment highlights each applicants skills, talents and experience. their selection involves
developing a list of qualified candidates defining a selection strategy, identifying qualified
candidates, thoroughly evaluating qualifies and selecting the most qualified candidate

once the required number and kind of human resources are determined, the management has to
find the place where required human resources will be available and also find the means of
attracting them towards the organization before selecting suitable candidates for job all this process
is generally known as recruitment. Some people he term met for employment These two are not
one and the same recruitment is only one of the steps in the entire employment process. Some
other uses the term recruitment for selection. These two terms are not one a tee cither. Technically
speaking the function of recruitment proceeds and selection function and it includes only finding,
developing the sources of prospective employees and attracting them to apply jobs for an
organization, where as, the process of finding out the suitable candidate to up the candidates

It is said if right person is appointed at right place the half work has been done in this project l have
tried to cover all the important point that should be kept in mind while recruitment and selection
process and have conducted a research study through a questionnaire that I got it filled with all the
new recruiters' of IFCAL and tried to find out which methods and various other information related
to recruitment and selection and tries to come to a conclusion at what time mostly the manpower
planning is don’t , what the, various method used for recruiting the candidates and on what basic
the selection is done .

It is said if right person is appointed at right places the half work has been done in this project l have
tried to cover all the important point that l should be kept in mind while recruitment and selection
process and have conducted a research study through a questionnaire that I got it filled with all the
new recruiters' of IFCAL and tried to find out which methods and various other information related
to recruitment and selection and tries to come to a conclusion at what time mostly the manpower
planning is don’t, what the, various method used for recruiting the candidates and on what basic the
selection is done.

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