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Wedding Rituals in an

Arya Samaj Ceremony

Arya Samaj weddings are known for their simplicity and grace and are
conducted by a priest at the Arya Samaj temple.
Arya Samaj marriage are also open to members of any other religious
order. We have put together a list of rituals that take place in the Arya
Samaj marriage process for you to do it right.

Varmala & Swagat Vidhi

In an Arya Samaj marriage, the wedding ceremony commences with the
bride and groom chanting holy Vedic verses and that is followed by the
garland exchange ritual where the bride puts the garland around the
groom first. This symbolises the public acceptance of their new
relationship. The Swagat Vidhi is the first step of the bride welcoming
the groom to the wedding ceremony in an Arya Samaj marriage. The
groom has to come to the Arya Samaj marriage temple to get the
ceremonies started as per the Arya Samaj marriage process.

Madhuparka literally is a mixture of honey, curd and cream. The bride
gives the groom water to sprinkle on his feet 3 times - over his feet and
body and then drinks it the third time. Then the groom repeats the same
ritual for the bride and then eats the pious mixture of Madhuparka after
he has offered it to the almighty. This ritual in an Arya Samaj marriage is
a beautiful gesture of love seen between the bride and groom.

Yagna & Kanyadaan

The groom in an Arya Samaj marriage is supposed to wear a sacred
thread tied by the priest around his wrist. This is symbolic of the
transformation of the boy to man, to a responsible householder. During
an Arya Samaj Marriage, the holy fire is worshipped and many Vedic
hymns like the Gayatri mantra are recited. It marks the transition of a
couple from Brahmacharya to Grihastha Ashram.

Havan & Godan

As non-believers of idol worship, in an Arya Samaj Marriage fire plays a very
significant role. The sacred fire burning in the middle of the mandap serves as
a holy witness. The pujari or gurukul brings along the elements that are needed
for performing the wedding rites. This ceremony is often followed by the Godan
ceremony which involves the gift of a cow or calf to the priests as alms.
Nowadays, the equivalent amount of money is gifted rather than a live cow.

Pani Grahan Sanskar

The couple performs this ritual together by holding hands and
chanting mantras with the promise to love and care for each
other and their needs, throughout their lives. After this, the bride
and the groom together, take one ‘parikrama’ around the holy

Contact Us

Location: Arya Samaj Mandir Braj Nagari NandGram Rajnagar extension Road Ghaziabad

Direct Line: +91 9818327067

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