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Roll no.-207121005

AIM: Simulation of 1-phase bridge inverter with sinusoidal PWM, 12 pulses per cycle; compare
the harmonics upto 15th with that of square wave inverter for m=0.8.


The fundamental magnitude of the output voltage from an inverter can be controlled to be constant by
exercising control within the inverter itself that is no external control circuitry is required. The most
efficient method of doing this is by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control used within the inverter. In
this scheme the inverter is fed by a fixed input voltage and a controlled ac voltage is obtained by
adjusting the on and the off periods of the inverter components.

Fig.1:Basic cicuit of PWM

The reference signal is taken as sinusoidal waveform whereas the carrier signal is taken as triangular
waveform in this method. The width of pulse in the SINPWM is not equal due to reference signal is taken
as sinusoidal waveform. The amplitude of sinusoidal waveform is also not constant. The width of gate
pulse is determined by intersect point of the sinusoidal waveform and triangular waveform. The
frequency of inverter output voltage depends upon frequency of reference signal fR and amplitude of
reference signal VR controls the modulation index ( M ).
The number of pulses per half cycle when the amplitude of triangular waveform becomes maximum and
sinusoidal waveform becomes zero.
NP = fC / 2 fR

fC = Carrier wave frequency
fR = Reference wave frequency
The number of pulses per half cycle when the amplitude of triangular waveform and sinusoidal becomes
zero at same time.
NP = ( fC / 2 fR – 1 )

modulation index = VR / VC

The analysis of harmonics is done in the sinusoidal PWM control is below.

When the value of modulation index is less than one, the maximum harmonic number in the output
voltage is fC / fR ± 1 OR 2NP ± 1
Where NP = Number of pulses per half cycle

As the number of pulses per half cycle increases, the higher order harmonics also increases.

The advantages of the PWM control scheme are :

a) The output voltage control can be obtained without addition of any external components.
b) PWM minimizes the lower order harmonics, while the higher order harmonics can be
eliminated using a filter
The disadvantage possessed by this scheme is that:
The switching devices used in the inverter are expensive as they must possess low turn on and turn
off times, nevertheless PWM operated are very popular in all industrial equipments.

Single Phase Voltage Source Inverter with SPWM Technique:

To provide the gate signals to the switches in an inverter, two types of switching schemes are used-
unipolar and Bipolar voltage switching. If the triangular carrier wave is either in the positive or negative
polarity range of changes, the resulting SPWM wave lies only in the polar range, this type of switching is
called unipolar control mode. Whereas if the triangular carrier wave lies in continuous range between
both positive and negative polarity, the SPWM wave lies between positive and negative changes, this
switching is known as bipolar control. This is shown in Fig.2 a)
Fig.2: a) Unipolar b) Bipolar switching

simulation circuit :

Fig.3:simulink model for bipolar switching

Simulation Waveforms:

Fig.4(a):Control and refference signal

Fig.4(b):gate pulses for thyristors

Fig.5(a): output voltage and output current

Fig.5(b) THD for output voltage

Fig.5(c)THD for current waveform

Simulation waveforms: Uni-polar

Fig7(a):simulation circuit
Fig.7(b):Control and refference signal

Fig.7(c):gate pulses for thyristors

Fig.7(d): output voltage and output current

Fig.7(e): THD for output voltage

Fig.7(f):THD for current waveform


1) In sinusoidal PWM when Ma<1

The frequency of modulating signal will decide the fundamental output frequency of inverter
The amplitude of fundamental voltage is proportional to modultion index.
2) If Ma>1 then,
It is possible to produce 1 pulse per half cycle therefore lower order harmonics content can not be
reduced effectively and hence in practical applications inverter circuit will be controlled with

3) The total harmonic distortion for different modulation index is calculated and compared for R,
RL load. As it can be seen from the results that as the modulation index approaches one, THD reduces

Technique THD(%) Ma=0.8

M.I Voltage Current
1-Phase Bi-Polar 62.53 18.6
Uni-Polar 44.46 4.14

[1] M. H. Rashid, Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications, 3rd edition, Pearson, 2004

[2] P.S.Bhimbra , Power Electronics

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