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Analytica Chimica Acta 535 (2005) 189–199

Determination of acetone in breath

Norio Teshima1 , Jianzhong Li, Kei Toda2 , Purnendu K. Dasgupta∗
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-1061, USA

Received 30 July 2004; received in revised form 9 December 2004; accepted 9 December 2004
Available online 12 January 2005


A light emitting diode (LED)-based photometric method for the measurement of gaseous acetone in human breath is presented. The
detection chemistry is based on the reaction of acetone with alkaline salicylaldehyde to form a colored product, which absorbs in the blue and
can be monitored with GaN-based LEDs with emission centered at 465 nm. Gaseous acetone in breath is sampled with a porous membrane
based diffusion scrubber (DS). The collected sample in the continuously flowing water carrier reacts with the reagent solution. We have used
two approaches to collect breath acetone: the use of a face mask and a Mylar balloon as a collection bag. With the face mask approach, the
expired air can be measured over long periods without major subject discomfort, balloon collection (5 l) permits four measurements from a
single fill. The LED-based liquid core waveguide (LCW) absorbance detector utilized sapphire ball lenses to prevent exposure of other optical
components to a hot alkaline reagent solution. The high refractive index of the final mixture permitted the use of an inexpensive fluorinated
ethylene copolymer (FEP Teflon® ) tube as a 10 cm long LCW. The limit of detection (S/N = 3) is 14 ppbv gaseous acetone, and the linear
range extends to 1.21 ppmv. The concentration range in 11 volunteer subjects ranged from 176 to 518 ppbv.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Breath acetone; Diffusion scrubber; Liquid core waveguide; Absorbance detector

1. Introduction useful for toxicology and especially, disease diagnosis, in

seemingly healthy to critically ill patients [2–5].
Noninvasive breath analysis has the potential of replacing Gas chromatography (GC) followed by flame ionization
blood and urine analyses for many compounds; in particular detection (FID) [6–9], ion mobility spectrometry [7] and
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath reflect mass spectrometric detection [10–12] has been widely used
products of metabolism in our body in the expired air. As early to separate, identify and quantify a number of VOCs in
as the early 1900s, a method of obtaining alveolar air was human breath. These methods generally involve a collec-
reported, and a study on the relationship between atmospheric tion/preconcentration step using solid sorbents [6,9] or a solid
pressure and the partial pressure of exhaled CO2 was carried phase microextraction device [7,10] prior to the introduc-
out in detail [1]. However, as most VOCs in breath are present tion of the collected sample into a gas chromatographic col-
at levels of ppmv or less, their measurement have become umn. For example, charcoal-based adsorbent or silica gel was
more practical only since the mid-1900s. Since that time it packed in a cartridge prepared from a syringe needle as the
has been recognized that the analysis of trace VOCs can be collector and the collected analytes then thermally desorbed
into the carrier gas [6]. Schubert et al. [13] have in partic-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 806 742 3067; fax: +1 806 742 1289. ular extensively used activated carbon preconcentration fol-
E-mail address: (P.K. Dasgupta). lowed by GC–MS; even in mechanically ventilated patients
1 Permanent address: Department of Applied Chemistry, Aichi Institute
the method was applicable due to small sample requirement
of Technology, 1247 Yachigusa, Yakusa-cho, Toyota 470-0392, Japan
2 Permanent address: Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of [14]. Sorption/desorption techniques have also been coupled
Science, Kumamoto University, 2-39-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto 860-8555, with a dimethylsilicone membrane extraction method, such
Japan membranes are believed to be similar in nature to that of

0003-2670/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
190 N. Teshima et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 535 (2005) 189–199

the nonpolar lipid bilayer cell membrane of the alveoli [7]. Some of more common VOCs in the breath of healthy
Phillips et al. [12] reported that on the average at least 204 human subjects are isoprene (12–580 ppbv), acetone (1.2–
VOCs are detectable in the breath from an individual subject 1880 ppbv), ethanol (13–1000 ppbv), methanol (160–2000
(n = 50) and more than 3000 different VOCs were detected ppbv) and other alcohols [27]. Elevated levels of some com-
in at least one individual’s breath. mon metabolites are known to be indicative of disease con-
Selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT/MS) was ditions; renal impairment raises breath isoprene [28] and/or
conceived and developed by Adams and Smith [15] and is ammonia [29], and acetone is closely related to diabetes mel-
applicable to many fields from interstellar chemistry [16] to litus [30]; acetone levels can rise as high as 12 ppmv [9] in
breath analysis [17–19]. The SIFT technique is based on soft acute diabetes.
chemical ionization of trace gases to the exclusion of the ma- Monitoring breath acetone can be useful to follow patients
jor breath gases, exploiting the ion-molecule reactions that on a prescribed diet regimen as well as to monitor diabetic
occur between the trace gases and preselected reactant ions patients. For instance, the efficacy of a ketogenic diet for
(H3 O+ , NO+ and O2 + ). A SIFT/MS study of the concen- epileptic children was assessed using breath acetone analysis
trations of the common breath constituents in the breath of by GC/FID [31]. Acetone and hydrogen emanating from hu-
five subjects over 30 days was carried out [19]; for acetone man skin were first measured by GC/FID [32]. The emission
the intrasubject variation over the period had a relative stan- rate of acetone from skin correlated with the concentration of
dard deviation of 21–29%; this bore no correlation with the acetone in breath (r2 = 0.807, n = 22). The measurement ap-
average level of acetone measured for the individual, which proach required a cryotrapping preconcentration procedure.
ranged from 293 to 870 ppbv. This group showed that acetone Reports on simple and affordable approaches to breath
levels increase both in urine headspace and breath in women acetone measurement are few. Henderson et al. [30] reacted
during ovulation [20]. Acetone levels have also been reported acetone with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine to form the corre-
to increase after alcohol ingestion [21] but this may be due sponding hydrazone for the determination of acetone in hu-
to lack of food consumption rather than an effect of alcohol man breath. The derivatization mixture was extracted with
intake. Water vapor can cause significant errors in the quan- CCl4 to separate the hydrazone. Even with a cryotrap cooled
titation of SIFT–MS results and appropriate measures must with liquid air, the breath sample had to be collected for
be taken [22]. While breath acetone has been widely used as ∼1 h. In general, there are few reported methods for solution
a disease marker, there are many occasions where it is a poor phase measurement of acetone that are selective. We looked
indicator of the particular problem. Studer et al. [23] found at a number of methods reported for acetone measurement
breath acetone to be a poor predictor of organ rejection in [33–42]. Based both on ease of automation considerations
lung transplant patients. and experimentally attainable sensitivity in our exploratory
Proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTRMS) has studies, we concentrated on a colorimetric method due to
also been used for breath acetone measurement and at least Berntsson [42] that relies on the base-catalyzed aldol con-
in some cases, acetone levels have been shown to increase densation of acetone with salicylaldehyde. This early work
with exercise [24]. Formation of acetone is related to the indicated adherence to Beer’s law in the range of 3–60 ␮M
metabolism of triglycerides and lipids (vide infra). Taucher acetone. However, the original method recommended an op-
et al. [25] tested the claim about health benefits of garlic: they timum reaction time of 2 h. This would be difficult or im-
did find that following garlic ingestion, breath acetone levels possible to implement in any near continuous measurement
do rise slowly and remain elevated for as long as 30 h. approach.
Mass spectrometry and chromatography–mass spectrom- In the present work, we have modified the salicylaldehyde
etry are versatile techniques capable of simultaneous deter- chemistry for use in a automated flow system with a rea-
mination of a number of breath constituents. Nevertheless, sonable reaction time in conjunction with a long path light
capital cost needs and operator skill requirements for these emitting diode (LED)-based liquid core waveguide (LCW)
techniques are high and a more affordable dedicated tech- absorbance detector [43]. The analytical system includes an
nique for acetone will be a welcome development. Xie et al. in-line porous polypropylene membrane diffusion scrubber.
[26] custom-designed an ion mobility spectrometer with a We also report on breath acetone levels of a number of healthy
UV ionization source and a high-speed capillary column as subjects.
an analytical device for the sensitive detection of selected ke-
tones (acetone, 2-butanone and diethyl ketone). For acetone,
the limit of detection (LOD) was 2.7 ␮g l−1 which translates 2. Experimental
to ∼1140 ppbv, much too high for breath analysis applica-
tions. 2.1. Reagent
Flow injection (FI) based methods may be less generally
applicable than some of the above techniques, but there are To prepare an acetone standard solution, a 50 ml volumet-
many devotees of FI who can benefit from simple and af- ric flask with ∼25 ml of water was pre-weighed. Acetone
fordable methods for the measurement of some of the more (HPLC grade, EM Science), ∼130 ␮l in volume (∼0.1 g),
abundant VOCs in human breath. was added to the water in the flask and the flask was capped,
N. Teshima et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 535 (2005) 189–199 191

Fig. 1. Diffusion scrubber: TM, porous tubular membrane; PT, polymer tube (poly(methylmethacrylate)), ST, L-shaped stainless steel tube.

reweighed and then the solution was diluted with water tubular porous capillary membrane (TM, Accurel® PP Q3/2,
to the mark. The acetone stock standard thus produced is 0.9 mm o.d., 0.6 mm i.d., Membrana, Wuppertal, Germany)
∼40–45 mM in concentration. was passed through one of the SS L-pieces ST and through
Salicylaldehyde (SA, Acros, 99%) and NaOH (EM Sci- the hole in the tube PT, through the opposite axial end of tube
ence) used were reagent grade. A mixed reagent solution PT and then the terminus reinserted through the other hole
containing SA and NaOH: to 3 ml of 10 M NaOH in a 50 ml made in PT, from the inside. This end of tube TM was then in-
volumetric flask, about 22 ml of water and 0.6 ml (∼0.7 g) serted through the other SS L-segment and both L-segments
of SA were added, and the solution was mixed vigorously to were cemented to PT with fast acting epoxy adhesive, one at
disperse SA (ultrasonication is helpful; if macro droplets of a time, in a manner that TM becomes located along the axial
SA remain in solution, a white precipitate is produced upon centerline of PT. One end of TM was then epoxied to ST
the addition of concentrated NaOH in the following step). (TM is sufficiently smaller than ST that the adhesive can go
Next, more NaOH (10 M, 24 ml) was added to the solution between the exterior of TM and the ST wall). After the adhe-
followed by dilution with water to the mark (the final NaOH sive cured, excess membrane was cut off. The membrane was
concentration is 5.4 M). At the end of the NaOH addition step, pulled taut from the other side and epoxied to ST in that con-
a crystalline white precipitate may be formed. This is redis- dition. Again, excess protruding membrane was trimmed off
solved by putting the flask in a 95 ◦ C bath for 30 s and agita- after curing. The effective length of the collection membrane
tion. Any bubbles entrained in the relatively viscous solution was 20 cm.
is removed by ultrasonication in a room temperature bath for
5 min. During this time, the temperature of the solution also
returns to ambient. This constitutes reagent R referred to in 2.3. LED-source LCW-based absorbance detector
the section describing the analytical system.
The design of a long-path (100 mm) LED-based LCW cell
2.2. Diffusion scrubber is shown in Fig. 2. One arm each of two polypropylene tees
(T, 0416TEEP, Ark-Plas, Flippin, AR) was bored out to a
A cylindrical diffusion scrubber of annular geome- diameter of 2.75 mm. A sapphire ball lens (3.0 mm diame-
try is shown in Fig. 1. Two small holes, 22 cm apart, ter; was forcibly inserted to
were made through the wall of a polymer tubing (PT, close to the middle of the tee where it is securely self-seals the
poly(methylmethacrylate), 6.4 mm o.d., 3.1 mm i.d., http:// insertion arm but leaves the passage to the vertical arm still for insertion of L-shaped stainless steel at least partially open (heating the tee with a heat gun softens
(SS) tubing elbows (ST, 1.6 mm o.d., 1.2 mm i.d., Small Parts the tee and eases the insertion; care must be taken not to mar
Inc., Miami Lakes, FL). To bend these tubes without shutting the optical quality of the ball during insertion). Large core
down the aperture, an SS wire (1.0 mm o.d., Small Parts) was (1 mm) fused silica optical fibers (TF-1300H, 1.8 mm o.d.,
first inserted into the tube segments before they were bent; the were cut and end-polished and in-
wire was removed after bending. A long segment (ca. >40 cm) serted into each bored out T-arm to be in contact with the

Fig. 2. LED-based LCW absorbance cell with sapphire ball lenses. FO, large core (1 mm) fused silica optical fibers; FEP, Teflon FEP tube (20 LW tube, 0.86 mm
i.d., 1.16 mm o.d.) jacketed inside a TFE tubing (14 SW tube, 1.67 mm i.d., 2.49 mm o.d.) and covered with a black opaque tube, not shown here. SA, sapphire
ball lens (3.0 mm diameter); T, polypropylene tees.
192 N. Teshima et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 535 (2005) 189–199

sapphire ball and sealed in place with Teflon® (TFE) tubing Similarly, when the balloon was ‘washed’ between samples
sleeves (1.93 mm i.d., 2.74 mm o.d.; all Teflon tubes were with zero gas and refilled with zero gas, there was no de-
from The sapphire balls prevent tectable signal, indicating that memory effects were minimal.
direct contact between the optics and the hot caustic reagent The analytical system is shown in Fig. 3(c). Water is as-
mixture. One of the optical fibers led to a high brightness blue pirated through the DS at 70 ␮l min−1 and normally passes
LED (λpeak 465 nm, half bandwidth 25 nm, L200CWPB500, straight through six-port injection valve I and merges with The LED is provided on the bot- reagent (R) (165 ␮l min−1 ) and flows through a reaction coil
tom with another optical fiber; this acts as the reference (RC) (0.46 mm × 1500 mm) maintained in a thermostated
light source. The light output from the reference and the bath (we have developed a more space and energy-efficient
detector fiber are processed by previously described elec- inline heater that would be of utility in such applications
tronics [44], such detectors are also commercially available [46,47]) that provides a ∼1 min residence time for the mix-
( The LCW itself consisted of a ture. The mixture then flows through the absorbance detector
0.86 mm i.d., 1.16 mm o.d., FEP Teflon tubing, 100 mm in (D) provided with a backpressure restrictor (BPC) that con-
length, that was sleeved with 1.68 mm i.d., 2.49 mm o.d., sists of a 10 mm length of a 100 ␮m i.d. capillary tubing. A
TFE tubing for sealing. Liquid inlet/outlet connections were variable speed Rainin Dynamax peristaltic pump (10 rollers)
made with 0.71 mm i.d., 1.32 mm o.d., TFE tubing through was used for liquid pumping.
the vertical arms of the tee as shown.
The detector output was acquired on a laptop PC with 12- 2.5. Instrument calibration
bit resolution at a rate of 1 Hz using custom software written
in HP-VEE. Detector baseline drift at high sensitivities was Referring to Fig. 4, the calibration source consisted of
corrected by software postprocessing. In some early opti- a syringe pump S (Model 341, containing a 10 ␮l syringe,
mization experiments, a commercial HPLC-type absorbance that dispensed a standard acetone
detector (Model 757, Kratos, 8 mm pathlength cell) was also solution via a 75 ␮m i.d. fused silica capillary tip through the
used as stated. perpendicular arm of a T. The capillary was passed through
a 25-gauge needle and the end of capillary was placed at the
2.4. Breath collection/analysis system needle tip from which the acetone standard solution can be
volatilized; the capillary tip was affixed to the needle hous-
The two different sampling/collection systems studied are ing body by hot-melt adhesive. Typically, the acetone stan-
shown schematically in Fig. 3(a) and (b). In (a), a respirator- dard solution was delivered at a flow rate of 10 nl min−1
type face mask (3M, Type 6200, and completely evaporated by the airflow through the T-
that is provided with inlet/outlet one-way flap valves was arm. Ambient air, purified through a column serially packed
used for sampling. A tube was connected to the mask inte- with Carulite 200 (activated manganese oxides, Carus Chem-
rior so that the air can be sampled. A miniature air pump ical) and pelletized activated carbon (4–8 mm, Fluka), passed
(AP) was used to aspirate the breath sample through the through a humidifier containing water maintained at 37 ◦ C.
DS at 0.4 standard liters per minute (SLPM). The en- All downstream components up to and including the DS were
tire sampling line between the respirator mask and the DS maintained at 40 ◦ C. The rest of the calibration system ar-
as well as the DS itself were wrapped with heating tape rangement was the same as the measurement arrangement; a
and maintained at 40 ◦ C. When solenoid valve V (075T3, 3/7 min sample/zero cycle and a sampling rate of 0.4 SLPM is turned off, the air flow in was used. The acetone concentration generated is readily
the DS stops and the pump samples ambient air directly and computed from the solution concentration, syringe delivery
the instrument signal gradually returns to the baseline. The in- rate and air flow rate. For example, a commonly used calibra-
strument operated on an automated 3 min sample–7 min zero tion point was 3.53% (w/v) acetone delivered at 10 nl min−1
cycle, resulting in an overall measurement cycle of 10 min. with 0.4 SLPM air flow, this corresponded to a gaseous ace-
A trap is used before the flow controller to prevent water tone concentration of 339 ppbv.
condensation in the controller.
In arrangement (b), the subject was allowed to
inflate a Mylar balloon (Type CV212PB, Durafloat, 3. Results and discussion, which has been used previ-
ously by others for off-line breath collection [45] (full ca- 3.1. Choice of chemistry
pacity 9.0 l), maintained in a heated enclosure (box capacity
allowed balloon to be inflated to <5.0 l) through a heated line Among reported colorimetric methods for acetone, aro-
and solenoid valve V2. Valve V2 was then turned off and the matic aldehydes such as SA [42], furfural [34], vanillin
system sampled the air contained in the balloon in much the [35] and o-nitrobenzaldehyde [40] are prominent. Our ini-
same manner as in (a). When the balloon was filled with zero tial experiments with these showed that the SA method ex-
gas and then sampled, no discernible signal was observed, in- hibits the best sensitivity. In addition, the furfural method re-
dicating negligible acetone offgassing from balloon material. quires the use of both concentrated H2 SO4 and base and the
N. Teshima et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 535 (2005) 189–199 193

Fig. 3. Schematic diagrams of the (a) collection system with face mask, (b) balloon and (c) the analytical system. Broken lines indicate regions maintained
at 40 ◦ C. M, face mask; DS, diffusion scrubber; C, carrier water; V, V2 three-way solenoid valves; Trap, water condensation trap; MFC, mass flow controller
(0.4 SLPM); AP, air pump; HB, heated box (43 ◦ C, volume ∼5 L); B, Balloon; R, reagent mixture (0.11 M salicylaldehyde + 5.4 M NaOH); S(l), acetone
solution for liquid-phase calibration; I, six-way injection valve with loop (50 ␮l); P, multichannel peristaltic pump; RC, PTFE-knotted reaction coil (0.46 mm
i.d., 1500 mm long); TB, thermostated bath (95 ◦ C); D, LED-based LCW absorbance detector (465 nm); BPC, back pressure capillary (10 mm, 100 ␮m i.d.);
W, waste.
194 N. Teshima et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 535 (2005) 189–199

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of instrument calibration setup. Broken lines, heating with heating tape at 40 ◦ C. Carulite 200 (Carus) and activated charcoal (Purum
p.a. 4–8 mm, Fluka) are used for zero gas. H, humidifier (37 ◦ C water in it); T, tee; S, 10 ␮l syringe pump (standard acetone solution in it); Y, y-type connector;
other symbols as in Fig. 3.

o-nitrobenzaldehyde method has a high blank absorbance. not be made strongly basic because of the potential precipita-
Although diazotized o-aminobenzoic [37] and p-amino- tion of insoluble Na2 CO3 in the pores of the DS membrane.
benzoic [38] acids have been used for acetone determina- We found the highest NaOH concentration that could be con-
tion, the diazotized reagents are unstable. The SA method veniently attained in the reagent solution was 5.4 M and then
was therefore further examined. we optimized the reagent:carrier mixing ratio.
These studies were carried out with a commercial flow-
3.2. SA chemistry and optimization through HPLC-type detector. The monitoring wavelength
was 474 nm as suggested by Berntsson [42] with a 50 ␮l ace-
In Berntsson’s SA method [42], the sample and reagent tone standard injected into the water carrier.
solutions are placed in a 50 ml volumetric flask in this or- Flow rate optimization was carried out in two steps. First,
der: 2 ml of 10.6 M NaOH, x (x < 23) ml of the acetone- the carrier flow rate was varied while holding the reagent flow
containing sample, 23 − x ml water, 0.6 ml of SA, 20 ml of rate constant at 265 ␮l min−1 . Fig. 5(a) shows that the maxi-
10.6 M NaOH and finally making up to 50 ml with water. The mum signal was obtained at a carrier flow rate of 47 ␮l min−1 .
addition of NaOH is divided into two steps to prevent imme- The reagent flow rate was then varied from 39 to 264 ␮l min−1
diate precipitation of the sodium salt of SA. Without the ini- at a constant carrier flow rate of 47 ␮l min−1 (Fig. 5(b)). The
tial presence of NaOH solution, water-insoluble SA formed highest signal was obtained at a reagent:carrier flow rate ratio
a separate organic phase that caused significant precipitation of 2.3–2.4. For the final system, relative to the optima that
when NaOH is added. When some NaOH is initially present Fig. 5(b) represents, we wanted to reduce the absolute res-
(∼0.8 M), the added SA can be dispersed in it, and the subse- idence time to improve sample throughput. We maintained
quent NaOH addition step did not lead to precipitation (final the reagent:carrier flow ratio but increased the absolute flow
[NaOH] 4.66 M). Liquid-phase acetone concentrations rang- rates to 165 and 70 ␮l min−1 .
ing from 0.17 to 3.3 mg l−1 could be determined from the ab- The effect of SA concentration on the signal response was
sorbance at 474 nm by the manual assay method. However, studied for two different injected acetone concentrations. As
the optimum reaction time (2 h) is too long to be applied to shown in Fig. 6, the response increased monotonically with
flow analysis. We found that the reaction can be dramatically SA concentration. However, at SA concentrations higher than
accelerated by increasing the temperature. We also noted that 0.11 M, there was more baseline drift, possibly from incipient
one must operate in a concentrated NaOH medium, a decrease precipitation of the Na salt of SA in the system. We chose
in the NaOH concentration remarkably decreased the sensi- therefore an SA concentration of 0.11 M.
tivity either by altering the degree to which the condensation
was achieved or in ionization of the final product. The two- 3.3. Absorbance spectra
channel flow system used in this study essentially dilutes a
reagent solution by the sample containing carrier. Too high Fig. 7 shows the spectroscopic details relevant to the mea-
a reagent:carrier ratio will result in lowered sensitivity be- surement system. Although the net signal continues to in-
cause too little sample will be injected. Conversely, too low a crease at wavelengths below 460 nm, the blank also rises
reagent:carrier ratio will result in lowered sensitivity because steeply and the actual attainable LODs deteriorate. Us-
of decreased base concentration. The carrier solution could ing a light source centered at 465 nm offers a reasonable
N. Teshima et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 535 (2005) 189–199 195

Fig. 5. Effect of flow rates of (a) carrier and (b) reagent streams on the net signal.

compromise between an optimum signal level and a manage- and hence improved sensitivity was sought with a detector
able background absorbance level (the latter is of particular based on a longer path LCW cell. Under the optimized con-
concern with a long path cell used as a detector). ditions, the NaOH concentration in the final mixture is 3.8 M,
from standard sources of tabulated data, one obtains a refrac-
3.4. LCW detector tive index of 1.3681. This is significantly above the refractive
index of FEP Teflon, 1.338. Indeed, the computed numerical
With 50 ␮l solution phase standards injected, the commer- aperture (NA) of a Teflon FEP tube filled with such a solution
cial detector allowed an S/N = 3 LOD of 0.56 mg l−1 . The is 0.29, only slightly lower than the NA value of 0.32 for a
linear r2 value up to an injected concentration of 317 mg l−1 tube of Teflon AF 2400 (RI 1.29) filled with water (RI 1.33)
was 0.9960. This attainable LOD was deemed insufficient to and is in fact better than the NA of a tube of Teflon AF 1600
measure acetone levels in exhaled breath of healthy subjects (RI 1.31) filled with water. Light transmission of the reaction
mixture through a FEP Teflon tube was found to be satisfac-
tory and avoided the need for an expensive Teflon AF tube
and the necessity to execute prior agreements that are cur-
rently required by the manufacturer for the use of Teflon AF
for any application. This general approach may be useful to
many other applications where a significant amount of an in-
different solute, e.g., NaCl or CaCl2 can be added to raise the
RI of the solution. For reaction mixtures that must be heated
to accelerate the reaction, as in the present case, this has the
added benefit of increasing the boiling point and reducing gas
solubility, thus decreasing bubble formation problems. The
100 mm path LCW absorbance detector allowed an S/N = 3
LOD of 0.072 mg l−1 ∼8× better than the commercial detec-
tor. The improvement was less than what would be expected
on the basis of path length difference (12.5×) because of in-
creased baseline noise with the longer path due to the not
insubstantial background absorbance. For the same reason,
the temporal drift of the baseline was higher but could be ad-
equately compensated by software postprocessing. Detailed
calibration of the LCW cell was conducted directly with the
DS sampling gas phase acetone standards as described in the
Fig. 6. Effect of salicylaldehyde concentration on the net signal. next section.
196 N. Teshima et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 535 (2005) 189–199

Fig. 7. Absorbance spectra in the SA method: (a) blank solution; (b) reaction product; (c) subtraction; (d) emission spectrum of blue LED (λpeak 465 nm, half
bandwidth 25 nm).

There was also some concern with adsorptive loss of ace- better sensitivity [48]. Due to the potential complications of
tone on the acrylic walls of the DS housing. Experiments keeping the receptor liquid stationary in an elevated temper-
with a Teflon lined DS showed that the loss was measurable ature enclosure, this approach was not pursued.
(∼18%) but not overwhelmingly large, likely because the
wall is heated. As calibration with all components in place
3.6. Interference study
takes into account small system losses, we chose to use the
simpler unlined DS construction.
Phillips et al. [12] reported that the highest concentration
3.5. Gas phase calibration and analytical performance of a VOC in human breath was that of 4,5-dimorpholino-2-
methoxy-6-phenylpyrimidine. However, this compound was
The analytical system was calibrated with gas phase ace- present in the breath of only 2 of the 50 subjects studied. In
tone standards in the range of 0–1.2 ppmv and resulted in a contrast, acetone was detectable in their work in the breath of
linear r2 value of 0.987: 46 out of 50 subjects. We studied the potential interference of
several compounds that are known to be commonly present
Net signal (V ) = (5.58 ± 0.32) × 10−4 [acetone, ppbv] at human breath at significant levels and may represent po-
tential interferences. We studied the effect of added HCHO,
+(1.2 ± 1.0) × 10−2 (1)
methanol, ethanol, methylisobutyl ketone (MIBK) and am-
This linearity is worse than that obtained with the monochro- monia in 5–100 mg l−1 concentration added to 1.15 mg l−1
mator equipped commercial detector due to the significant acetone as a solution phase standard. The R.S.D. for so-
bandwidth of the light source and appreciable change in the lution phase acetone response at this level was 2.3% and
absorption spectrum within this bandwidth. A typical cali- this response is normalized to 100. The results are shown
bration sequence is shown in Fig. 8. in Table 1. Methanol, ethanol and ammonia did not interfere
The S/N = 3 LOD for gaseous acetone was 14 ppbv. The at ∼100× the concentration. MIBK, a metabolite generated
observed variance at levels higher than about 3× the LOD be- from some fatty acids, produced a positive interference at
come concentration independent and seem to be controlled ∼20× the acetone concentration but at ∼10× concentration
by system losses due to adsorption etc. The R.S.D. values the interference was marginal. In actual gas phase analysis,
were 3.8, 6.8, 3.2, and 7.6%, respectively (n = 4 ea.) for the since the collection step is based on the diffusive transport of
responses at 159, 339, 670 and 1210 ppbv standards shown, gas molecules, there will be added discrimination against the
the line was not cleaned out between samples; so this re- bulkier and slower diffusing MIBK molecule. Formaldehyde
sults in an observable response at the end of each quartet. In showed a small negative interference at ∼10× concentration
DS based vapor collection work, it is possible to put the DS but there was no significant effect at ∼5× the acetone con-
within the loop of a six-port valve and operate the DS in a centration. In addition, HCHO itself is not very water soluble,
stopped liquid flow mode with periodic injections to obtain it needs to be hydrated to methylene glycol, CH2 (OH)2 , to
N. Teshima et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 535 (2005) 189–199 197

Fig. 8. Typical system outputs for gas phase acetone standards and for exhaled human breath from two volunteer subjects.

dissolve. This hydration kinetics is acid or base catalyzed and repeated over several exhalations. For each exhalation, the
is slow in water. In order to use water as the DS liquid for first part of the exhaled air was not collected), so that the bal-
the efficient collection of HCHO, one needs to use either an loon contents will more closely represent alveolar air. For one
acidic hydrophilic membrane like Nafion® [49] or a porous volunteer, the breath sample was balloon-collected and the
membrane with an acidic or basic solution as the DS liquid acetone concentration was determined to be 331 ± 10 ppbv
[50]. With a porous membrane DS and a water absorber, the (n = 3). Immediately afterwards the same subject was allowed
collection of HCHO will be quite inefficient [50]. to breath normally in the face mask based collection/analysis
system for 1 h, exhaling in normal fashion through the
nose for the initial 30 min, and then exhaling through the
3.7. Breath analysis
mouth for 30 min. The breath acetone concentrations for
nose and mouth exhalations were 217 ± 7 and 230 ± 9 ppbv,
Alveolar air (end-expired air) reflects metabolic products
respectively, not markedly different from each other.
in the bloodstream that equilibrate with the gas phase through
More importantly, these values were approximately two-
the alveoli. Usual expired air consists of alveolar air diluted
thirds of value measured by the balloon collection/analysis
by ambient air retained in the respiratory dead space: mouth,
nose, pharynx, trachea and bronchi [51]. Since alveolar air
Ketogenesis or Ketosis involves the production of ke-
normally accounts for two-thirds of the tidal volume, the con-
tone bodies, that is primarily composed of acetoacetate, ␤-
centration of metabolic products in expired air is approxi-
hydroxybutyrate, and acetone. There are many excellent sites
mately two-thirds of that in the alveolar air. During balloon
available on the web that discusses ketogenesis, an excellent
collection, the subject is asked to exhale partially and then
primer is due to King and Marchesini [52]. The production
exhale deeply into the balloon to fill it up (this process is
of ketone bodies occurs from fatty acid oxidation and occurs
at a relatively low rate with normal diet and in the absence of
Table 1 diseases states. The most noted change occurs in untreated
Effects of expected metabolites from human breath on the determination of
or inadequately treated, diabetes mellitus, when diabetic ke-
1.15 mg l−1 acetone in liquid-phase
toacidosis results from a reduced supply of glucose and a
Compound added (mg l−1 ) Normalized peak height
concomitant increase in fatty acid oxidation. Increased pro-
None 100 ± 2 duction of ‘ketone bodies’ also occurs in many continued
Formaldehyde (10) 96.3 ± 2
low-carbohydrate diets, and simply when one is subjected
Formaldehyde (5) 100 ± 2
Methanol (100) 97 ± 1 to starvation. Many diet regimens or weight loss programs
Ethanol (100) 99 ± 1 recommend that urinary level of ‘ketone bodies’ be routinely
MIBK (20) 129 ± 2 tested with commercially available ketone testing strips [53]
MIBK (10) 103 ± 1 to ensure that an increased amount of fat is being metabolized.
Ammonia (100) 102 ± 1
Even in healthy individuals, breath acetone concentration is
198 N. Teshima et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 535 (2005) 189–199

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