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Supplementary Examination – (2019-2020)
Class: - XI Sub: - Accountancy M.M.:- 50
Date: - __/__/2020 Time: - 2 hrs

Part – A (1x 15=15)

Q.1 Closing stock given in the additional information will appear in the final account as _____ &
Q.2 Goods destroyed by fire Rs.10, 000 which was purchased by paying both SGST & CGST
@ 9% give Journal entry.
Q.3 The process of entering the transaction in the ledger Account is known as _____.
Q.4 Write down the methods to calculate depreciation on Fixed assets.
Q.5 Name any 2 source documents.
Q.6 What are the 2 side of account called as…………….
Q.7 What does a credit in an asset account signify?
Q.8 What does a credit balance in a capital account signify?
Q.9 What does a credit in an income account signify?
Q.10 What does a debit balance in an asset account signify?
Q.11 What does a debit balance in a liability account signify?
Q.12 According to traditional classification accounting the accounts are mainly classified in to …………..,
…………….. & ………………
Q.13 State any 4 external users of accounting.
Q.14 Outstanding expenses given in trail balance will appear in the final account………….
Q.15 Accrued income given in the additional information will appear in the final account as
SECTION – B (Any 5 only) (3 x 5=15)
Q.1 Prepare the accounting equation from the following transactions
(a) Rishi started business & introduced capital Rs. 10, 0000 in cash.
(b) Purchased goods in cash Rs. 50,000.
(c) Purchased furniture from M/s. VJ. Smrat furniture Rs. 20,000.
(d) Sold goods costing Rs. 25,000 for Rs. 35,000 against cash.
(e) Paid M/s. VJ. Smrat furniture in cash.
Q.2 Open a ‘T’ shape Account of creditor, Raja & Write the following transactions on the proper
(a) Goods purchased from Raja on Credit Rs. 50,000.
(b) Goods returned to Raja for Rs. 5,000.
(c) Paid to Raja Rs. 20,000.
(d) Purchased goods from Raja on Credit Rs. 10,000.
Q.3 Journalize the following transaction in the books of Shiva:
(a) Purchased goods from shyam& co; Delhi of list price Rs. 25,000 @ 20% trade discount
& 3% cash discount on value of goods. Paid CGST & SGST @ 6% each payment was
made immediately & availed cash discount.
(b) Purchased goods from Sunder Agencies, Delhi of list price Rs. 20,000 @ 25% trade
discount & 2% each discount. Paid CGST & SGST @ 6% each. 50% of the payment
was made immediately.
(c) Purchased goods from Rama & Sons, Delhi of list price Rs. 50,000 @ 20% trade
discount & 3% cash discount paid CGST & SGST @ 6% each. 75% of the payment was
made immediately by cheque.
Q.4 From the following particulars, prepare a petty cash book for the month of April, 2018
Date 2018 Particulars Amt (Rs)
April 1 Drew for petty cash 5,000
April 3 Paid for postage 300
April5 Paid telephone bill Rs. 400 plus CGST & SGST @ 6% each ----
April 8 Paid for Cartage 140
April 9 Paid for Postage 200
April 12 Paid for Sundries 100
April 27 Paid for stationery Rs.300 plus CGST & SGST @ 6% each ----

Q.5 Prepare cash book with Bank column of Yashika on the bais of following transactions;
Date – 2017 Particulars Amt in (Rs)
Sept 1 Cash in hand 7500
Bank overdraft 3500
Sept. 2 Paid wages 200
Sept. 5 Cash sales 7000
Sept. 10 Cash deposited in to bank 4000
Sept. 15 Goods purchased & paid by cheque 2000
Sept. 20 Paid Rent 500
Sept. 25 Drew from bank for personal use 400
Sept. 30 Salary paid 1000

Q.6 State the utility of accounting standards.

SECTION – C (Any 1 only) 4 x 1 = 04

Q.1 A second hand Machinery was purchased on 1st July 2015 from abroad for Rs. 50,000,
shipping & forwarding charges amounted to Rs. 8,000 & custom duty Rs.12,000, Rs.
10,000 was spent on its Repairs & installation. Installation was completed By 30 th Sept.
2015. Show the machinery account& provision for depreciation account for the first 2
financial years when depreciation is changed @ 20% per annum by written down value
method. Accounts are closed each year on 31st march.
Q.2 From the following transactions of M/s Ridhima Sales, Kolkata, prepare sales book.
March 1. Sold to M/s. Gayatri Tea, Assam, Vide invoice No. 2005, 3 chests of tea for
Rs. 5000, per chest less trade discount @ 5% & IGST is charged @ 12%.
March 4. Sold to M/s. Mohan & Sons, Kolkata vide invoice no. 2006, 20kg amul butter
@ Rs. 250 per kg less trade discount @ 5% & changed CGST & SGST @ 6%
March 5. Sold to M/s. Garry Sons, Delhi Vide invoice no. 2007, 20 kg Assam Tea @
Rs. 600 per kg less trade discount @ 5%, changed IGST @ 12% Freight &
packing changes were separately changed in the invoice at Rs. 1600.

(SECTION-E) (Any 2)8x2=16

Q.1 Explain fundamental accounting assumption & principles.
Journalize the following transactions in the books of Miss. Rose. July 2018.
July 1 Started business with Cash Rs. 200000
Stock Rs. 50000
Bank Rs. 50000
Machinery Rs. 200000
July 2 Deposited in the SBI Bank Rs. 50000.
July 3 with drew SBI Bank Rs. 10000
July 4 Purchased Machinery Rs.20000.
July 6 sold goods for Rs. 30000.
July 10 purchased goods from XYZ Ltd. For Rs. 25000.
July 12 sold goods to Rishi for Rs. 50000.
July 13 Paid wages Rs. 20000.
July 14 Salary paid Rs. 100000.
July 15 Goods with drawn for personal use by Miss. Rose Rs. 2000 this goods was
purchased by paying CGST & SGST @ 9% each.
July 16 Goods Rs. 10000 was destroyed by fire & it was purchased by paying CGST
& SGST @ 6% each.
July 19 Paid for stationary Rs. 2000
July 20 Paid to XYZ Ltd. As final payment Rs. 23000.
July 30 Amount paid by Rishi Rs.45000.
Q.2 Following is the Trial Balance of Reena as on 31st march 2018.
(Note compulsory question.)
Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)
Capital Account ---- 800000
Drawings Account 60000 ----
Stock on 1 April 2017 450000 ----
Purchases 2600000 ----
Sales ---- 3100000
Furniture 100000 ----
Sundry debtors 400000 ----
Freight & Octroi 46000 ----
Trade Expenses 5000 ----
Salaries 55000 ----
Rent 2400 ----
Advertisement Expenses 50000 ----
Insurance premium 4000 ----
Commission ---- 13000
Discount 2000 ----
Bad debts 16000 ----
Provision for doubtful debts ---- 9000
Creditors ---- 200000
Cash in hand 52000 ----
Bank 58000 ----
Land & Building 200000 ----
4122000 4122000

1. Stock on 31.03.2018 was valued @ Rs. 530000.
2. Salaries have been paid so for,per 11 months only.
3. Unexpired insurance is Rs. 1000.
4. Commission earned but not received amounting to Rs. 1220 plus IGST @ 12% is to be
recorded in books of Account.
5. Provision for doubtful debts is to be brought up to 3% of sundry debtors.
6. Manager is to be allowed a commission of 10% of net profits after changing such
7. Furniture is depreciated @ 10% p.a
8. Only one fourth (1/4) of advertisement expenses are to be written off.
Prepare Trading & Profit & LossAccount for the year ended 31.03.2018 & Balance Sheet
as on that date.


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