Analysis of Air Conditioning Process

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Thermalfluid Lab – MEC 554 / LSRC / SCA Rev.




Program : Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.) Mechanical

Course : Thermalfluids Lab
Course Code : MEC 554
Lecturer/Tutor Name : Dr Aman Mohd Ihsan Bin Mamat
Group : EMD5M4B

Lab Report

Experiment’s Tittle

Analysis of Air-Conditioning Process

Youtube Link: Discussion Lab 4 MEC554 EMD5M4B Group 1 - YouTube

Bil Student Name Student ID Signature

1. 2019310425
2. 2020878878
3. 2020982189



Lab Session : 08/11/2021 Approved by:


Submission of Report : 15/11/2021 Received by:

Assessment Rubric: Technical Content. 60 marks

Scale 1 2 3 4 5
Criteria Poor Acceptable Excellent
1. Introduction  Unable to generate a  Adequately generate  Student capable to generate a
(10 marks) complete theoretical formula theoretical formula with small complete theoretical formula
i.e. only writing the final errors. from the beginning.
formula.  Make some but tolerable  All relevant engineering
 Make many errors in errors in applications of principles and concepts are
applications of engineering engineering principles and accurately and comprehensively
principles and concepts. concepts. demonstrated and applied.
2. Experimental  Unable to produce and  Adequately produce an  Student capable to produce a
Procedure appropriate procedure to run appropriate procedure to run detailed procedure to run the
(10 marks) the experiment. the experiment i.e. missing experiment.
 Having no objective(s). steps in procedure.  Objective clearly defined.
Would not allow experiment  Having objective(s). Would Would allow experiments to
to achieve any goals. allow experiment to achieve achieve goals.
most goals.
3. Data / result and  Unable to present  Adequately present  Students capable to articulate
Sample Calculation experimental result using experimental result using experimental result using
(20 marks) appropriate tables, charts, appropriate tables, charts, appropriate tables, charts,
graphs or other presentation graphs or other presentation graphs or other presentation
formats. formats. formats.
4. Discussion and  Unable to relate theoretical  Adequately relate theoretical  Students capable to relate
Conclusion analysis with experimental analysis with experimental theoretical analysis with
(20 marks) result and their practical result and their practical experimental result and their
implication. implication. practical implication.
 Unable to come out a clear  Conclusion is not clear, but  Student capable to express a
and understandable yet, understandable in such clear and concise conclusion.
conclusion. manner.
Assessment Rubric: Writing Performance Level. 20 marks
Scale 1 2 3 4 5
Criteria Poor Acceptable Excellent
1. Structure  Paragraphs are poorly  Paragraphs are usually well  All paragraphs are well
(5marks) organized; use of sections is organized; use of sections is organized; use of sections is
illogical and hinders logical and generally allows logical and allows easy
document navigation. easy document navigation. navigation through the

2. Graphics, figures,  Figures, tables and equations  Some figures, tables and  All figures, tables and equations
tables and equations. are not clearly or logically equations are logically are clearly and logically
(5marks) identified and fail to support identified and adequately identified and strongly support
the text. support the text. the text.

3. Mechanics  Sentences are poorly written;  Sentences are generally well  Sentences are well written; there
(5marks) numerous incorrect word written; a few incorrect word are no incorrect word choices
choices and errors in choices and errors in grammar, and the text is free of errors in
grammar, punctuation and punctuation and spelling. grammar, punctuation and
spelling. spelling.

4. Formatting and  Report is formatted poorly  Formatting of the report is  Formatting of the report is
references and lacks a quality cover genarally consistent and professional and includes a
(5marks) page and index. adequate,includes a quality professional cover page and
 Fails to correctly report any cover page and index. index.
sources or to utilize  Most sources are correctly  All sources are correctly
appropriate citation forms. reported; appropriate citation reported; appropriate citation
forms are genarally utilized. forms are utilized thoughout.
Tel: 03-55435190 Fax: 03-55435160


Experiment’s Title:
__ ___________________________Analysis of Air-Conditioning Process__ __________________________
___ ____________________ _ ___ _ _______ ______________________________ _______ __________________

Prepared by:
Bi Name Matrix No Signature



Course Outcome Assessment

No Technical Report
Full Mark Given Mark
1 Introduction CO2 10
2 C02 10
Data/result/sample of
3 CO2 20
Discussion and
4 CO2 20
TOTAL 60 /60
Course Outcome Assessment
No Writing Performance
Full Mark Given Mark
1 Structure CO3 5
2 Graphics/Figures/Tables C03 5
3 Mechanics CO3 5
Formatting and
4 CO3 5
TOTAL 20 /20
1.0 ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................8
2.0 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................9
3.0 THEORY......................................................................................................................................10
4.0 APPARATUS...............................................................................................................................13
5.0 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE.......................................................................................14
6.0 RESULTS.....................................................................................................................................15
6.1 Sample Calculation..............................................................................................................16
6.1.1 No Process...................................................................................................................16
6.1.2 Sensible Heating..........................................................................................................18
6.1.3 Steam Humidification..................................................................................................20
6.1.4 Cooling & Dehumidification........................................................................................21
7.0 DISCUSSION...............................................................................................................................25
8.0 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................26
9.0 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................27

Moist air is a mixture of dry air (gases such as O2, N2, CO2, etc) and water vapour. A useful
tool for studying and analysing thermodynamics properties of moist air is the psychrometric
chart. To provide thermal comfort conditioning in occupied spaces, air must be conditioned.
Depending on the climate conditioning and the indoor requirement, air conditioning
processes could be sensible heating or cooling, de-humidifying, humidifying etc. The purpose
of this experiment is to practically show the uses of the psychrometric chart, and
thermodynamically analyse some of the air conditioning processes.


Air conditioning is a system that uses air to meet the comfort needs of the home,
making it more comfortable with cool air. The thermodynamic process can be used to change
the qualities of the air inside the house. The term "air conditioning" refers to a procedure that
alters the temperature, humidity, or overall quality of air. To put it another way, it may be
utilised to cool your places in a closed system by rejecting heat energy from our places,
taking the heat outside, and then exchanging the air inside your places with cooler air.

The basic process in this system is sensible heating, which is used to raise the
temperature, steam humidification, which is used to increase the humidity of the surrounding
cooling, and dehumidification, which works to lower the temperature and remove moisture
from the air. However, in other circumstances, two or more of the steps are required to
achieve the desired temperature and humidity level in the air. As we conduct the study of the
air-conditioning process utilising the Computer Linked Air Conditioning Laboratory Unit
(P.A. Hilton), we only need to follow and comprehend the experimental protocol for each
step that needs to be done.
Figure 1 Computer Linked Air Conditioning Unit Schematic Diagram

The air conditioner uses a central air and split system to operate. The air conditioner's
central heating and cooling systems deliver cooler air by employing ductwork as a medium to
circulate air inside your home, removing the warm air and its heat. In a split system, the
compressor condenser cycles the refrigerant by flowing it to the outdoor unit. Then transform
it from a gas to a liquid state. The liquid that has been swapped is now pushed to flow
through the indoor evaporator coil as well as the cooling compartment. After that, the fan
inside the indoor units will circulate the air to the evaporator fins. The metal fins of the
evaporator act as an exchanger, converting thermal energy into thermal energy by utilising
the air that surrounds it.

The refrigerant will change from liquid to vapour and operate to remove any heat
from the surrounding air, causing the air to be cooled and pushed back into the house. At this
point, the refrigerant vapour is condensed into a liquid form using the outside condenser,
which removes any heat. Meanwhile, when the fluid exits the evaporator, it is cooled,
resulting in a low-pressure gas, and then it is returned to the condenser to start the cycle all
over again. This system will cycle over and again until the temperature in your home reaches
the temperature that you wish, as determined by the thermostat setting on the system.

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment is used to heat and/or
cool residences, workplaces, and facilities. The HVAC system may also be in charge of
distributing fresh outdoor air to dilute indoor airborne pollutants such as odours from tenants,
VOCs emitted from interior furniture, cleaning chemicals, and so on. A properly designed
system will give a nice interior atmosphere all year if properly maintained.

Figure 2 Fundamental of HVAC System

The sizing of a typical air-conditioning system involves numerous such calculations.
As a result, there is a strong incentive to computerise or perform these computations once and
show the results in the form of easily reading charts. Psychrometric charts are a type of chart
that is commonly utilised in air-conditioning applications. The psychrometric chart serves a
valuable aid in visualizing the air-conditioning processes. An ordinary heating or cooling
process for example, appears as a horizontal line on this chart if no humidification or
dehumidification is involved that is, ω = constant. Any deviation from a horizontal line
indicates that moisture is added or removed from the air during the process.

Figure 3 Schematic of Psychrometric Chart

Notice that simple heating and cooling processes appear as horizontal lines on this
chart since the moisture content of the air remains constant, ω = constant during these

Most air-conditioning process can be modeled as steady-flow processes, and thus the
mass balance relation ṁ in = ṁ out can be expressed for dry and water as

Mass balance for dry air: ∑¿ ṁ a = ∑ ṁ a (kg/s)


Mass balance for water: ∑¿ ṁ w = ∑ ṁw or ∑¿ ṁ ⍵ = ∑

ṁ ⍵
out out

Disregarding the kinetic and potential energy changes, the steady-flow energy balance
relation Ė in = Ė out can be expressed in this case as:
Q̇ in + Ẇ in + ∑ ṁh = Q̇ out + Ẇ out + ∑ ṁh
¿ out

The work term usually consists of the fan work input, which is small relative to the
other term in the energy balance relation.
Computer Linked Air Conditioning Laboratory Unit (P.A. Hilton).

Figure 4: Computer Linked Air Conditioning Laboratory

Unit (P.A. Hilton)
The unit was started by having the suction fan running and the screen displaying the master
Menu. Programme 1 showed the process data displayed on a schematic layout of the system.
Programme 2 displayed the properties of the treated air on the psychrometric chart.

a) No Process – The data and psychrometric chart were printed to read the initial
properties of the air as it enters the air-conditioning unit.
b) Sensible heating: -
I. The pre-heater was switched on at 1 kW and allowed 5 minutes before starting
experiment. The data and psychrometric chart were printed.
II. The re-heater was switched on for 5 minutes. The data and psychrometric
chart were printed.
III. For this process, the temperature rise of the air at the exit was calculated.
c) Steam Humidification: –
All water heaters were switched on to boil the water. When steam was produced, only
3 kW of heat was switched on to maintain the steam and allowed 5 minutes before
data was recorded. The data and psychrometric chart were printed. Then, the amount
of steam introduced, the change in relative humidity, and the corresponding rise of
temperature were calculated.
d) Cooling and Dehumidification: –
The compressor of the refrigeration system was switched on. The air was cooled until
18°C to 20°C (stable temperature), the temperature was allowed to stabilise for 5
minutes. Then, the data and psychrometric chart were printed. The heat rate and
amount of moisture removed from the air were calculated. During experiment, the
time, and the rate of condensation (100ml) from the beginning of the cooling process
(stable temperature) was measured. The data was then compared with analysis.

Data Summary Table

Cooling &
Sensible Heating Steam
No Dehumidification
Process 5
Reading 1kW 1.5kW n 100 ml
T1 (TAd) 28.1°C 28.7°C 28.9°C 28.9°C 29.3°C
T2 (TAw) 25.2°C 25.3°C 25.4°C 25.4°C 24.8°C
T3 (TAd) 28.3°C 39.6°C 41.4°C 32.2°C 29.4°C
T4 (TAw) 25.8°C 28.6°C 31.0°C 31.3°C 29.0°C
T5 (TAd) 28.1°C 28.3°C 32.5°C 31.4°C 18.1°C
T6 (TAw) 25.0°C 27.9°C 28.2°C 30.7°C 18.0°C
T7 TAd) 28.1°C 27.8°C 37.0°C 31.3°C 17.9°C
T8 (TAw) 25.0°C 27.5°C 29.0°C 30.8°C 17.8°C
T9 (T1) x x x x 19.4°C
T10 (T2) x x x x 78.9°C
T11 (T3) x x x x 41.8°C
T12 (T4) x x x x 3.4°C 3.9°C
Qp (W) x 993.6 980.2 x x x
Qr (W) x 0 521.2 x x x
Qb (W) x x x 3662.8 x x
Pevap (P1) kPa x x x x 179.7 185.8
Pcond (P3) kPa x x x x 966.9 1000
ma (gram/sec) 217.6 217.2 213.6 214.7 221.1 220.9
mr x x x x 0 0
Time x x x x 15 mins 40 s
Drain Water
x x x x x 100 ml
Table 1 Results of Analysis of Air-Conditioning Process

6.1 Sample Calculation

6.1.1 No Process

From the experiment, we get

T 1 ( T AD )=28.1℃

T 2 ( T AW )=25.2 ℃

m a=0.218
C p=1.005 Kj . K /Kg

Saturated pressure, Pg
By using Table A-4, At T=28.1℃

28.1−25 Pg −3.1698
30−25 4.2469−3.1698
Pg =3.8376 kPa

Relative humidity ∅
Based on psychometric chart, where at:
T 1 ( T AD )=28.1℃

T 2 ( T AW )=25.2 ℃

∅=76.36 %

Specific humidity, ω
Pv =∅ v x P g

Pv =0.7936× 3.8376=3.0455 kPa

0.622 Pv
P atm −Pv

0.622 ( 3.0455 )
¿ 0.01927
h1 =C p T 1 +ω 1 h g

Where h g can be find using interpolation method by refer table A-4,

30−25 2555.6−2546.5
28.1−25 h g−2546.5

h g=2552.14

Substitute value h g into h1 =C p T 1 +ω 1 h g, we will get

h1 =1.005 ( 28.1 ) + ( 0.01927 )( 2552.14 )

h1 =77.42
6.1.2 Sensible Heating

1KW pre-heater
∆ T dry =T 7 −T 1=27.8−28.7=−0.9 ° C
∆ T wet =T 8−T 2=27.5−25.3=2.2° C

From experiment results data:

T 3 ( T AD ) =39.6℃

T 4 ( T AW ) =28.6 ℃

Using psychometric chart, we get relative humidity at ∅=44.36 %

By using table A-9, we can calculate saturation pressure for T 3 ( T AD ) using interpolation
40−35 7.3851−5.6291
39.6−35 Pg −5.6291

Pg =7.2446 KPa

Specific humidity, ω
Pv 2
Pv 2=∅ x P g

Pv =0.4436× 7.2446=3.2137 kPa

0.622 Pv
ω 2=
P atm−P v

0.622 ( 3.2137 )
¿ 0.0204


h2 =C p T 3 + ω2 hg …… 1
By referring table A-4, h g can be determined using interpolation;
40−35 2573.5−2564.6
39.6−35 h g−2564.6

h g=2572.79 …... 2
Substitute 2 into 1
h2 =1.005 ( 39.6 )+ ( 0.0204 ) ( 2572.79 )

h2 =92.283
1.5 KW pre-heater
∆ T dry =T 7 −T 1=37.0−28.9=8.1° C

∆ T wet =T 8−T 2=29.0−25.4=3.6 ° C

From experiment results data:

T 3 ( T AD ) =41.4 ℃

T 4 ( T AW ) =31.0℃

Using psychometric chart, the relative humidity ∅=48.12 %

Pg , Saturation Pressure for T 3 ( T AD ) using interpolation;

45−40 9.5953−7.3851
41.4−40 P g−7.3851

Pg =8.004 KPa

Specific humidity, ω
Pv 2
Pv =∅ x P g

Pv =0.4812× 8.004=3.852kPa

0.622 Pv
ω 2=
P atm−P v

0.622 ( 3.852 )
¿ 0.0246

h2 =C p T 3 + ω2 hg …… 1

Referring table A-4, h g can be determined using interpolation;

45−40 2582.4−2573.5
41.4−40 hg −2573.5

h g=2575.99 …… 2

Substitute 2 into 1;
h3 =1.005 ( 41.4 ) + ( 0.0246 )( 2575.99 )

h3 =104.976
6.1.3 Steam Humidification

By using psychometric chart, we get:

state Temperature Relative Humidity,∅ Humidity ratio, Enthalpy, h
(°C) (%) kJ
( ¿
1 T1(Ad) = 28.9 75.75 0.0192 78.030
T2(Aw) = 25.4
2 T3(Ad) = 32.2 93.83 0.0291 106.937
T4(Aw) = 31.3
3 T5(Ad) = 31.4 95.11 0.0282 103.660
T6(Aw) = 30.7
4 T7(Ad) = 31.3 96.49 0.0284 104.213
T8(Aw) = 30.8

*Remarks ω state
Mass of Moisture
ṁc =ṁ ( ω2 −ω1 )

¿ 0.2147 ( 0.0291−0.0192 )
−3 Kg
¿ 2.1255 x 1 0

Change of relative Humidity

△ ∅=∅ 2−∅ 1=93.83−75.75=18.08 %

Temperature rises
∆ T dry =T 3 −T 1=32.2−28.9=3.1 ° C

∆ T wet =T 4 −T 2=31.3−25.4=3.3 ° C
6.1.4 Cooling & Dehumidification

i. For first 5 minutes

By using psychometric chart, we get:

state Temperature Relative Humidity,∅ Humidity ratio, Enthalpy, h
(°C) (%) kJ
( ¿
1 T1(Ad) = 29.0 69.46 0.0176 74.220
T2(Aw) = 24.5
2 T3(Ad) = 29.1 85.11 0.0219 85.169
T4(Aw) = 27.0
3 T5(Ad) = 18.2 71.61 0.0094 42.971
T6(Aw) = 15.0
4 T7(Ad) = 17.8 66.28 0.0084 39.281
T8(Aw) = 14.0

*Remarks ω state
Moisture removes
ṁc =ṁ ( ω2 −ω3 )

¿ 0.2211 ( 0.0219−0.0094 )
¿ 2.764 x 1 0−3

Saturated water-temperature table A-4, Temperature at T3(Ad)

20−15 83.915−62.982
18.2−15 hf −62.982

h f =76.379

Heat rate
ṁ ( ( h2 −h3 )− ( ṁc h f ) )
0.2211 ( ( 85.169−42.971 )−( 0.002764 x 76.379 ) )
5 ×60
¿ 0.0309KJ/s

ii. Achieve 100ml (15 minutes and 40 seconds)

By using psychometric chart, we get:

Temperature Relative Humidity,∅ Humidity ratio, Enthalpy, h
(°C) (%) kJ
( ¿
1 T1(Ad) = 29.3 66.57 0.0172 73.382
T2(Aw) = 24.8
2 T3(Ad) = 29.4 97.09 0.0256 94.830
T4(Aw) = 29.0
3 T5(Ad) = 18.1 99.06 0.0129 51.005
T6 Aw) = 18.0
4 T7(Ad) = 17.9 99.06 0.0128 50.379
T8 Aw) = 17.8

*Remarks ω state
Moisture removes
ṁ c =ṁ ( ω2 −ω3 )

¿ 0.2209 ( 0.0256−0.0129 )
¿ 2.8054 x 1 0−3
Saturated water-temperature table A-4, Temperature at T3
20−15 83.915−62.982
18.1−15 hf −62.982

h f =75.2605

Heat rate

ṁ ( ( h2 −h3 )− ( ṁc h f ) )
0.2209 ( ( 94.830−51.005 ) −( 0.002805 x 72.2605 ) )
¿ 0.01025KJ/s

a) Answer all the problems in the experimental, and discuss the results obtained by
explaining the factors that contributes to the air property changes for each process

No process

Based on the data, we can observe that there are no variations in temperature based on
the data because it does not involve any variables. Even if the first data still has a value, the
value is simply a reading received from the surrounding environment. As a result, we are
unable to make any assumptions at this time, and we will want additional data from other
factors to properly determine the relationship between all the variables.

Sensible Heating

We discovered that throughout the sensible heating process, the temperature readings
for both wet and dry bulbs increased as compared to the no process experiment. The
difference between these two tests is that in the sensible heating experiment, we used pre-heat
and re-heat to heat the air, whereas in the no process trial, no adjustments were made. The use
of a 1 kW pre-heater and a 0.5 kW re-heater is becoming a more important temperature
component. Both the preheat and the reheat, in theory, are increasing the temperature of the
air because they both deliver heat to the air. Unfortunately, some temperature reduction
occurs during air flow to the output. To fix this difficulty, the air must be reheated to a
specific temperature so that we can get the desired temperature. As a result, the air attribute
changes to show that the air is hotter at this point. As a result, when the air conditioning
system is turned on, the hot air will be the first to leave the system, followed by the cooled

Steam Humidification

Because steam can hold the most moisture of air, the air that travelled through the part
of water boiling to make steam caused an increase in temperature during the process.
Furthermore, as the temperature rises, the moisture capacity will increase. As a result, the
temperature at state 2 rises when compared to state 1. 3kw of heat is turned on to keep the
steam flowing once it is produced. This is because the presence of heat at a greater value adds
to the change of air property for this process, ensuring that the level of steam is maintained
while the property of air is changed into the form of steam.

Cooling and Dehumidification

According to our findings, all the values of readings recorded for both dry bulb and
wet bulb temperature are significantly lower than in earlier processes. The refrigeration
system's compressor is turned on at this point, and the air is chilled to between 18 and 20
degrees Celsius (stable temperature). As for that, since the cooling and dehumidification
processes are both involved, all the temperature readings are at a lower value. The cooled air
begins to circulate, lowering the room temperature. In terms of the factor that contributes to
the change in air property for this process, it is due to compressor usage, which in turn causes
the temperature of the air to drop, causing cooled air to flow out of the system.
b) Find the schematic of a modem air-conditioning system with advanced air treatment
processes and explain the function of the main devices.

Figure 5: Schematic of A Modem Air-Conditioning System with

Advanced Air Treatment

Functions of the main devices

Compressor – Heart of the air conditioning system where it is responsible for moving the
refrigerant between the evaporator and condenser coils ensuring that the refrigerant changes
to gas or liquid as needed. The compressor keeps the refrigerant moving

Condenser – The condenser is responsible in transferring heat from the refrigerant to another
medium, condensing the gaseous state refrigerant to liquid. This is necessary because before
the refrigerant enters the evaporator, it must be in liquid state.

Evaporator – In this device, the liquid refrigerant is converted to gas absorbing the heat from
the evaporator. This causes the refrigerant to vaporize absorbing the maximum amount of
heat from the evaporator which it then travels back to the compressor to repeat the cycle.
c) Explain with suitable diagrams the operation and arrangements in an automotive
air-conditioning unit.

Figure 6: Schematic Diagram of an Automotive Air-conditioning Unit

Operations of Automotive Air-conditioning Unit.


First, the compressor, which is mounted to the engine and is belt driven, continuously
cycles on and off to suit the cooling requirements of the passenger compartment. Its cycling
rate is directly connected to the automotive vehicle speed.

The heat dissipation component is the condenser. The condenser will resemble the
radiator in an automobile because their functions are extremely similar. The condenser's
primary duty is to radiate heat. It's essentially in front of the radiator. Because of
aerodynamic changes to a vehicle's body, its placement may change. When the system is in
operation, the condensers must have adequate air flow.


The receiver-drier is used on the high side of systems that use a thermal expansion
valve. This type of metering valve requires liquid refrigerant. To ensure that the valve gets
liquid refrigerant, a receiver is used.

The main function of the receiver-drier is to separate gas and liquid. The secondary
function is to remove moisture and filter out dirt. The receiver-drier usually has a sight glass
in the top. This sight glass is often used to charge the system. Under normal operating
conditions, vapour bubbles should not be visible in the sight glass. In R-134a systems, the
sight glass should not be used to charge the system because cloudiness and oil that has
separated from the refrigerant can be misinterpreted for bubbles. This type of blunder might
result in a dangerous overcharged state.

Expansion valve (Orifice Tube)

The expansion valve is placed downstream of the receiver drier, and it receives the
refrigerant fluid when it is completely liquid and has been filtered. The expansion valve
lowers the refrigerant fluid pressure upstream of the evaporator. The fluid cools as a result of
the pressure reduction, and it is subsequently sprayed into the evaporator. The evaporator is
always connected to the expansion valve.


The air conditioning evaporator's function is to conduct cool air with the help of the
blower's wind. The evaporator, commonly known as a cooling unit, is responsible for
releasing cool air into the car interior. Simply put, an evaporator functions in the same way
that a refrigerator does. The evaporator in a car air conditioning system serves as a container
for refrigerants that has transformed into a mist or chilly vapour.

Based on the results, we may deduce that each route of heat transmission performs a
distinct function in the adaption process. We may look at the characteristics of the air
conditioning system and connect them to the thermal engineering ideas we've learned about.
In summarise, this air conditioning machine has temperature, pressure, humidity, and volume
changes. Multiple techniques, such as sensible heating, steam humidification, cooling, and
dehumidification, are necessary to achieve these results. No procedure is primarily observed
to identify the initial data for comparison before other processes take over. The important
characteristics to consider for all of these processes are the ideal temperature, pressure, and
humidity. This may be noticed by observing the dry and wet bulb temperatures, as well as the
air flow. The temperature of the wet and dry bulb increases during humidification and
reduces dramatically when dehumidified, as seen in this experiment.
Apart from that, we can comprehend modern air-conditioning systems with complex
air-treatment methods, as well as the operation and configuration of an automotive air-
conditioning unit. We also learn how to operate the Computer Linked Air Conditioning
Laboratory Unit (P.A Hilton) by doing this experiment. Last but not least, this experiment
indicates that the air conditioning system may provide any type of air characteristics with air
treatment to fulfil the consumer's needs. As a result, the manufacturing industry may be able
to meet more pleasant and fulfilled client needs.

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2. Carrier, Air Conditioners, HVAC Education. How Do Air Conditioners Work?
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3. Science Direct, Air Conditioning System. Retrieved November 12, 2021, from
4. Mohamed Elnaggar (2019, November) ResearchGate, Central Air Conditioning:
Systems and Application. Retrieved November 12, 2021, from
5. PearsonHighered. Heating and Air-Conditioning Principles.
Retrieved November 12, 2021, from
6. Anup Kumar Dey, What is Piping. HVAC System: Meaning, Objectives,
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