Marine Pollution Bulletin: Clive Wilkinson, Bernard Salvat

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Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

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Coastal resource degradation in the tropics: Does the tragedy of the commons apply
for coral reefs, mangrove forests and seagrass beds
Clive Wilkinson a,⇑, Bernard Salvat b,c
Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, P.O. Box 772, Townsville 4810, Australia
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, USR 3278 CNRS-EPHE, CRIOBE Polynésie française, Université de Perpignan, 66860 Perpignan Cedex, France
Laboratoire d’excellence CORAIL USR 3278 CNRS-EPHE, ‘‘Les récifs coralliens face au changement global’’ Université de Perpignan, 66860 Perpignan Cedex, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

The keynote paper by Garrett Hardin 44 years ago introduced the term ‘tragedy of the commons’ into our
language (Hardin, 1968); this term is now used widely, but it is neither universally accepted nor fully
understood. Irrespective, the ‘tragedy of the commons’ is an increasing reality for more than 500 million
people that rely on the biodiversity resources and services of tropical coral reefs, mangrove forests, sea-
grass beds and associated fisheries. These natural resources continue to decline despite major advances in
our scientific understanding of how ecosystems and human populations interact, and the application of
considerable conservation and management efforts at scales from local user communities to oceans.
Greater effort will be required to avert increasing damage from over-exploitation, pollution and global
climate change; all deriving from increasing exploitation driven by poverty and progress i.e. continuing
to expand development indefinitely and extraction of resources at industrial scales. However, the ‘trag-
edy’ concept has been widely criticized as a simple metaphor for a much larger set of problems and solu-
tions. We argue that the ‘tragedy’ is essentially real and will continue to threaten the lives of millions of
people unless there are some major moral and policy shifts to reverse increasing damage to coastal hab-
itats and resources. We agree with the conclusion by Hardin that the solution to the tragedy will not be
through the application of natural sciences, but via implementing exceedingly difficult and controversial
moral decisions. An extreme example of a moral and controversial direction suggested by Hardin was in
re-examining the ‘freedom to breed’ as an inherent human value. The need for ‘moral decisions’ is even
greater in 2012.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Rationale (1968) paper, the focus is on the tropical coastal ‘commons’ that
surround more than 80 small developing states.
We have written this paper from the perspective of marine ecol-
ogists based on our extensive experience in many tropical coun-
1. Introduction
tries. The discussion below outlines many problems and the
declining status of coral reefs, mangrove forests, seagrass beds,
Tropical (including sub-tropical) coral reefs, mangrove forests,
and fisheries; but as ecologists, we consider that we are unable
seagrass beds, and their associated fisheries are critically impor-
to propose many effective solutions. Such solutions will require
tant to the livelihoods of 275 million people of the approximately
the input of, and cooperation from, people covering many different
850 million people in more than 100 predominantly developing
areas, such as social, economic, legal and political disciplines. Our
countries who live adjacent to these coastal resources (UNSG,
objective is to stimulate responses and discussion with the goal
2011). Moreover, these systems provide virtually the only natural
of developing cooperation with other disciplines and perspectives
resources for about 30 small island developing states. These eco-
towards finding effective solutions to what we perceive as an
systems also contain rich biodiversity, rivalling, or possibly sur-
expanding problem. We invite critical comment and suggestions
passing, tropical rainforests. But tropical ecosystems and
for solutions to the problems we outline that are resulting in losses
resources are degrading rapidly as a consequence of rapid popula-
in valuable coastal resources. While we revisit the Garrett Hardin
tion growth and rising economies (Wilkinson, 2008; Spalding et al.,
1997; Green and Short, 2003; Birkeland, 2004; Burke et al., 2011).
⇑ Corresponding author. Major advances in the natural sciences have improved our
E-mail addresses: (C. Wilkinson), bsalvat@univ- understanding of marine processes, biodiversity, the ecological (B. Salvat). control mechanisms and major threats, and the likely consequences

0025-326X/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Wilkinson, C., Salvat, B. Coastal resource degradation in the tropics: Does the tragedy of the commons apply for coral
reefs, mangrove forests and seagrass beds. Mar. Pollut. Bull. (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.01.041
2 C. Wilkinson, B. Salvat / Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

of remedial action (McLeod and Leslie, 2009). Governments have rock (Reid et al., 2005); and about one third of all described species
declared more than 400 tropical marine protected areas (MPAs) in the marine environment occur on coral reefs (Roberts et al.,
worldwide (although only 20% of these have effective planning 2002; Bouchet, 2006). The nature of the stresses can be grouped
and management and these are mostly in developed countries; into three direct damage categories and one cluster of organiza-
Wood et al., 2008; Toropova et al., 2010). Pelagic and benthic fish tional factors (Table 1). Although most coastal ecosystems have
stocks are over-exploited and collapsing (Dayton, 1998; Pauly the inherent capacity to recover from natural stresses, chronic
et al., 2002; Myers and Worm, 2003; Dulvy et al., 2004) and there anthropogenic stresses are impeding recovery and leading to grad-
is excessive logging of tropical forests and mangroves (Spalding ual and often imperceptible decline.
et al., 1997), which is resulting in increased levels of sedimentation.
Land-based pollution is increasing along with rising incidences of 2.1. Coral reefs
diseases and plague organisms, and now there is increasing damage
from global climate change (Walther et al., 2002; Hoegh-Guldberg Evidence of human impacts on coral reefs has been accumulat-
et al., 2007; Veron et al., 2009). There are, however, arguments that ing since the 1980s (Salvat, 1987) and in 2008 it was reported that
coral reef science has not advanced to accommodate the major approximately 19% of the world’s coral reefs were severely dam-
changes occurring with the ‘Anthropocene’ and is still embedded aged with no immediate prospects of recovery, and 35% of the
in reductionist approaches, rather than a much needed multi-disci- remaining coral reefs were under imminent risk of degradation
plinary ethic (Bradbury and Seymour, 2009). from direct human pressures (Wilkinson, 2008). Similar estimates
The four critical studies below have markedly influenced our have come from other large-scale studies (Burke et al., 2002; Burke
thinking on resource conservation; these have resulted in para- and Maidens, 2004; Bruno and Selig, 2007; Bellwood et al., 2004;
digm shifts in the way we as ecologists perceived the problems Obura et al., 2008). The most recent study by Burke et al. (2011)
and solutions: calculated that more than 60% of the world’s coral reefs are under
immediate threat; this rises to 75% if potential global climate
 The ‘tragedy of the commons’ paper by Hardin in 1968 stressed change stress is included. Live coral cover declined by 80% in
that the solutions to over-use and decline of the commons or 25 years in the wider Caribbean to 2001 (Gardner et al., 2003),
open access to resources (areas not owned by individuals or and further declined following mass coral bleaching in 2005 (Wil-
groups, but open to exploitation) will not be based on science kinson and Souter, 2008).
or technology, but will need moral and economic decisions
(Hardin, 1968; Ludwig et al., 1993). The major problem Hardin 2.2. Mangrove forests
identified was a human population of 3.9 billion in 1968;
whereas the population in 2012 exceeds seven billion. Of this Tropical mangroves have suffered similar losses due to clearing
increase, the most rapid population and economic growth is of forests for coastal developments and aquaculture, especially for
in tropical countries and coastal areas. Since Hardin’s paper, penaeid shrimp ponds, and especially for export of timber and
multinational corporations (MNCs) now extract resources from woodchips by multinational corporations (Spalding et al., 1997).
throughout the world, the world’s economy has become more Approximately 25–35% of mangrove forests have been cleared
globalized, such that market pressures have extended to the vil- globally and this is increasing at 2–8% per year with multinational
lage level with many coastal resources being traded on external corporations expanding their activities for paper and rayon pro-
markets for short-term financial gain e.g. mangrove timber, live duction (Reid et al., 2005). The loss of coastal and estuarine man-
coral reef fishes for food and for the aquarium, and articles for groves contributed to the large loss of life during the 2004 Indian
the curio trade; Ocean tsunami (Alongi, 2008) and Cyclone Nargis that devastated
 The ‘precautionary principle’ concept refined by Gray (1995) Burma/Myanmar in 2008.
stressed that caution should be applied prior to any develop-
ment and rejected if the balance of learned opinion indicated 2.3. Seagrass beds
a strong likelihood of long-term damage to the marine
environment; Degradation of seagrasses by pollution, eutrophication, sedi-
 ‘Malthusian over-fishing’ and ‘fishing down the food chain’ of mentation, disease, trawling and boat damage is comparable to
Daniel Pauly and colleagues (Pauly and Chua, 1988; Pauly, that for coral reefs and mangroves, with losses estimated at 7% of
1990; Pauly et al., 1998, 2002) demonstrated that population the 350,000–600,000 km2 global seagrass area (Spalding et al.,
growth and increasing rates of over-fishing, especially in South- 1997; Duarte, 2002). Losses have been further exacerbated by ma-
east Asia, were unsustainable with the consequence being long- jor reductions in the turtle and dugong grazers, resulting in over-
term changes to fish population structures and ecosystems. The growth by competitive species (Jackson et al., 2001).
final stages of the cascade involve destructive trawling, and poi-
son and blast fishing; 2.4. Fisheries resources
 The ‘shifting baseline’ paper by Jeremy Jackson and colleagues
(Jackson et al., 2001) stressed that the true natural baseline The coastal fisheries of most economically developing tropical
for coastal ecosystems was probably more than 8000 years countries are over-developed, with clear evidence of ‘Malthusian’
ago, and this baseline has continually dropped with the progres- or ‘demophoric’ overfishing in large areas through the combination
sive removal of key species in virtually all coastal habitats. of increasing fisher numbers, better equipment (Pauly and Chua,
1988), rapid economic growth fuelling increasing market demand
2. Threats and stresses to tropical coastal ecosystems and in-country and globally, and destruction of wetland nursery areas
present status (Pauly, 1990).

Tropical coastal ecosystems are seriously threatened by many 2.5. Marine protected areas (MPAs)
natural and anthropogenic stresses that are multiple, complex
and often operate synergistically. These systems contain about Ecological theory and knowledge of the underlying biology are
25% of all marine biodiversity (Groombridge and Jenkins, 2002); increasingly being used in the ‘optimal’ design of MPAs to conserve
they produce large amounts of exploitable food, timber, fiber and biodiversity and its inherent value (Lubchenko et al., 2003; McLeod

Please cite this article in press as: Wilkinson, C., Salvat, B. Coastal resource degradation in the tropics: Does the tragedy of the commons apply for coral
reefs, mangrove forests and seagrass beds. Mar. Pollut. Bull. (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.01.041
C. Wilkinson, B. Salvat / Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1
The major stresses which damage coastal habitats and resources (summarized from Wilkinson, 2004, 2008).

1. Natural factors Not readily amenable to conservation measures

i. Catastrophic geologic: earthquake, tsunami, volcano, Potential for rare, but major localized damage to coral reefs, seagrasses & mangroves
ii. Meteorological & climatic: tropical storms, floods, Severe storms smash or bury coral reefs, scour & undermine seagrasses, or bury them under sediments,
droughts, extremes of heat & cold especially with flooding. Mangroves resist most storms; droughts reduce fresh water & nutrient flow to
mangroves; temperature extremes cause coral bleaching & photosynthetic damage to seagrasses &
iii. Extreme low tides Exposes coral reefs, seagrasses & causes widespread mortality e.g. Red Sea
2. Direct human pressures Major target for conservation measures
i. Exploitation: over-fishing, logging, trawling damage Harvesting of fishes & invertebrates beyond sustainable yields, includes damaging practices (bomb,
(exacerbated by global market pressures) cyanide fishing); boat scour & anchor damage to reefs & seagrasses; destruction of mangroves
ii. Sedimentation increases: logging, farming, development Excess sediment & mud on coral reefs & seagrasses from poor land use, deforestation, & dredging; reduces
photosynthesis; associated with disease; may favor mangroves
iii. Nutrient & chemical pollution Organic & inorganic chemicals in sediments, untreated sewage, agriculture, animal husbandry & industry
wastes; includes complex organics & heavy metals. Turbidity reduces light, promotes growth of
competing algae on corals, seagrasses & mangroves; herbicides kill seagrasses, mangroves
iv. Development of coastal areas Removal or burial of coral reefs, seagrass beds & mangroves for urban, industrial, transport & tourism
developments (airports); mining reef rock & sand beyond sustainable limits; clearing mangroves for
shrimp ponds
3. Global change threats Not readily amenable to conservation; need major global focus
i. Elevated sea surface temperatures Coral bleaching in corals i.e. loss of photosynthetic zooxanthellae either temporary or lethal; stimulate
algal blooms on reefs & seagrasses
ii. Increased storms, wider climatic fluctuations Stronger storms will smash or bury coral reefs, scour & undermine seagrasses and mangrove forests;
increased rain will increase sediment flows during floods.
iii. Rising CO2 in atmosphere & dissolved in seawater Increased CO2 in seawater increases acidity which will decrease calcification rates in corals & other
increasing ocean acidification organisms; higher CO2 concentrations may increase seagrass & mangrove productivity
iv. Diseases, plagues & invasive species Intensity & frequency of coral diseases & plagues of predators correlated with global climate change,
especially higher temperatures. Similar stress to seagrasses e.g. Caulerpa threaten seagrasses
4. Governance, awareness, political will Major target for conservation measures
i. Rising poverty, increasing populations, alienation from More poor, dispossessed people use coastal resources for subsistence & habitation
ii. Poor management capacity & lack of resources Few trained personnel for coastal management, raising awareness, enforcement & monitoring; lack of
funds & logistics for conservation e.g. smaller countries
iii. Poor political will & oceans governance Political ignorance, indifference, inertia; corruption & low transparency in governance at global & regional
levels all impede decision making & waste resources
iv. Uncoordinated global & regional conservation Poor coordination in Multilateral Environmental Agreements & international donors results in
arrangements overlapping meeting & reporting requirements which exhaust conservation capacity in smaller countries

and Leslie, 2009), particularly at larger ecosystem scales. But the Marubini et al., 2008; De’ath et al., 2009; Fabricius et al., 2011).
application of this sound science is impeded by many blockages Current predictions are for much more, and possibly irreversible,
(Table 2) and five potential weaknesses: damage if atmospheric CO2 concentrations exceed 450 ppm (Brad-
bury and Seymour, 2009; Veron et al., 2009). There are no parallel
 the science is rarely provided to local user communities and climate change threats to mangrove forests and seagrass beds.
resource managers;
 ecosystems are changing more rapidly than science can effec- 2.7. Other global threats
tively document and understand;
 new threats are emerging, like global climate change; These include: increases in diseases of corals, other reef organ-
 there are insufficient working partnerships between the natu- isms (Harvell et al., 2002), and seagrasses (Green and Short, 2003;
ral, social and economic sciences, and the user communities; Waycott et al., 2009); plagues of coral predators (Seymour and
and Bradbury, 1999); sea level rise and erosion in mangroves (Gilman
 the problems and solutions are frequently not conveyed to, or et al., 2008); and invasive species (Grosholz, 2002). These threats
ignored by governments, particularly those in smaller countries. are increasingly being correlated with climate change events, and
also correlated with increases in observation and awareness
2.6. Climate change threats (Rosenzweig et al., 2008).
Exacerbating all of these threats is poor awareness and insuffi-
These are more recent and increasing. Coral reefs are predicted cient capacity in governments, particularly in smaller states. This
to be the first major ecosystem to suffer extensive damage due to was a major theme identified by 240 contributors from 96 coun-
global climate change, especially from increasing sea surface tem- tries that was impeding effective coral reef conservation (Wilkin-
peratures, and elevated concentrations of CO2 (Hoegh-Guldberg son, 2004). A lack of open governance often underlies many
et al., 2007; Marubini et al., 2008.). Sea level rise will have little ef- failed conservation efforts in tropical countries faced with expand-
fect on corals, but will flood mangrove forests and make low lying ing human populations (Barber et al., 2004). Those charged with
coral reef islands uninhabitable, and coastal ecosystems will be se- resource conservation must tackle these threats and stresses,
verely damaged by the predicted increase in the incidence of se- incorporate planning for future stresses, like global climate change,
vere tropical storms (IPCC, 2007; Salvat and Wilkinson, 2011). and circumvent the many institutional and human behavior block-
Significant damage has already been documented to coral reefs ages (Table 2).
in recent decades from elevated sea surface temperatures and The internationally agreed targets of having between 10% and
increasing ocean acidification that has reduced calcification in cor- 30% of the oceans declared as protected areas from 2010 to 2012
als, coralline algae, molluscs etc. (Hoegh-Guldberg et al., 2007; have very little chance of being reached as only 1.7% currently

Please cite this article in press as: Wilkinson, C., Salvat, B. Coastal resource degradation in the tropics: Does the tragedy of the commons apply for coral
reefs, mangrove forests and seagrass beds. Mar. Pollut. Bull. (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.01.041
4 C. Wilkinson, B. Salvat / Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

has MPA status, with probably less than 0.2% under high or no-take increase catches leading to ‘growth overfishing’ by removing stock
protection (Wood et al., 2008; Toropova et al., 2010). before they breed. As fish stocks decline, the fishers feel compelled
to use damaging measures to feed their families, e.g. bombs or cya-
nide (Johannes and Riepen, 1995).
3. Does the tragedy of the commons apply to tropical coasts?
Exploitation of tropical coastal fisheries resources has increased
considerably since the 1980s for the lucrative live reef food fish
3.1. The ‘tragedy concept’ and the ‘commons’ since Hardin
trade supplying restaurants in Hong Kong and elsewhere in Asia
(Johannes and Riepen, 1995). This trade has expanded into indus-
The ‘tragedy’ concept has been criticized as being a simple met-
trial scale fishing that is depleting fish populations across the
aphor for more complex problems of the common-pool resources
Indo-West Pacific region, including the unsustainable exploitation
(CPR), which are not owned by individuals or governments (Os-
of fish spawning aggregations (Sadovy and Domeier, 2005). Exces-
trom et al., 1999; Geist and Lambin, 2002; Brown, 2003; Dietz
sive trawling has resulted in major collapses in fish stocks on sandy
et al., 2003). For this paper, we avoid discussion of the differences
and muddy bottoms, and in seagrass beds throughout the tropical
between the ‘tragedy of the commons’ and the ‘tragedy of open ac-
world (Pauly and Chua, 1988; Pauly et al., 2002); however, the
cess’ as they merge in many coral reef areas where national and
structural complexity of coral reefs has largely spared them from
state governments have minimal involvement and where the con-
industrial fishing. The particular exception is through muro ami
cept of ‘individual transferable quotas’ (ITQs) is unknown (Mans-
(drive net fishing) that operates largely out of the southern Philip-
field, 2004). The ITQ concept was developed to manage large
pines (Jennings and Polunin, 1996). Thus, most reef fishing is either
scale fisheries, such as in the North Pacific and North Atlantic.
subsistence or small scale commercial and recreational from small
Thus, Ostrom et al. (1999) define common-pool resources as those
boats and canoes.
‘‘in which (i) exclusion of beneficiaries through physical and insti-
Ecosystem sustainability has been put under increasing pres-
tutional means is especially costly, and (ii) exploitation by one user
sure with a fourfold global population increase in the last
reduces resource availability for others.’’ There are many examples
100 years, which has lead to changes in traditional use patterns
that demonstrate how different management structures of com-
that lead to disruption of reef community structures (Dahl and Sal-
mon-pool resources have conserved some ecosystems, principally
vat, 1988) accompanied by increases in technological capacity for
on land. However, from our ecological perspective, these appear
exploitation (Vitousek et al., 1997) and by the development of local
to be ‘the exceptions’ for tropical coastal habitats whereas con-
and global cash economies; all have increased exploitation (Johan-
served resources are usually surrounded by areas in rapid decline
nes, 2002; Huitric, 2005). Such basic, low cost, technological ad-
i.e. ‘the rule’ (Wilkinson, 2008; Spalding et al., 1997; Green and
vances as monofilament (nylon) lines and nets, and diving face
Short, 2003; Birkeland, 2004). This has been referred as the
masks have increased exploitation capacity (Johannes, 2002). The
‘‘pathology of natural resource management,’’ where short-term
introduction of diving masks has contributed to localized extinc-
success in managing resource use is usually ineffective over the
tions of giant clams, pearl and trochus shell and sea cucumbers
long-term and at ecological scales (Holling and Meffe, 1996; Folke,
(bêche-de-mer) on many Pacific reefs (Salvat, 1980, 1984).
Humans continue to use tropical coastal resources similar to
The ‘commons’ of Hardin were zones in which habitats and re-
‘hunter gatherers’ by harvesting fishes, trees and coral rock, there-
sources were available to everybody without any regulations; he
by damaging the habitats and depleting the harvest of other users
used the example of more and more farmers grazing cattle on
(Huitric, 2005). Over-exploitation of resources is the result, and
‘common’ land thereby resulting in gradual losses by all farmers
governments, international organizations and agreements have
(Hardin, 1968). Since Hardin, the UN Convention on the Law of
been restrained in arresting this over-exploitation due to social
the Sea has re-defined national territorial waters and introduced
constraints, powerful lobbies, and political opposition. Thus a
Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ), such that there are no more legal
‘CPR dilemma’ results with sub-optimal harvests being the norm
coastal ‘commons’ (Mansfield, 2004). This designation, however, is
for most fishers. The successful examples of community coopera-
largely irrelevant for local user communities. The only remaining
tive mechanisms are, however, continually threatened by popula-
true marine ‘commons’ are the high seas where pelagic fisheries
tion growth, coastward migration, weak institutions and
are heavily exploited, and seabed resources have become increas-
confusing legal status (Huitric, 2005; Barratt et al., 2001).
ingly damaged during the last two decades, mainly though indus-
trial scale exploitation. There are ongoing processes within the
3.3. Land-based pollution has increased
United Nations to reduce damage to these high seas resources,
for example, through intergovernmental agreements such as OS-
The use of coastal waters as a recipient for waste generated
PAR in the North Atlantic to protect seamounts and cold water cor-
elsewhere has increased at rates beyond the capacity of ecosys-
al reefs from trawling ( Nevertheless, restricting
tems to adapt or evolve (Hardin, 1968; Jackson et al., 2001) and
or controlling access to tropical coastal resources is particularly
which may trigger regime shifts (Kraberg et al., 2011). Pollution
difficult because they cannot be ‘fenced’ to exclude outside exploi-
may be as damaging as resource depletion with evidence that there
tation, access is relatively easy without the need for expensive
is a limit to the world’s ability to accommodate these wastes (Hale,
technology, legal mechanisms are complex and ineffective, and
2004). For example, tropical rivers discharge 65% of the world’s or-
communities are rarely given control over the area (Ostrom
ganic wastes and 51% of sediments into nearby coastal waters (Mil-
et al., 1999; Dietz et al., 2003; Poteete et al., 2010).
liman and Syvitski, 1992), and ‘dead zones’ are becoming more
frequent in coastal waters (Rabelais et al., 2002; Kodama and Hor-
3.2. Increased exploitation of the tropical coastal ‘commons’ iguchi, 2011). The economic advantages of disposing of waste into
waterways appear to outweigh the minimal ecosystem costs from
Exploitation was comparatively ‘sustainable’ when a small each point source; for example, deeper ocean outfalls can reduce
catch relative to the productivity of the reef was shared amongst fecal pollution on swimming beaches. The continual release of per-
small, relatively stable, populations such as small Pacific island sistent organic pollutants (pesticides, industrial chemicals, endo-
communities with important traditional knowledge and their crine-like compounds) into the sea may reach critical limits in
own regulations (Johannes, 2002). An example of the ‘tragedy’ is the near future, by disrupting life cycles and immune responses
when increasing populations of fishers use smaller mesh nets to of key marine organisms (Ayako et al., 2011) or through concentra-

Please cite this article in press as: Wilkinson, C., Salvat, B. Coastal resource degradation in the tropics: Does the tragedy of the commons apply for coral
reefs, mangrove forests and seagrass beds. Mar. Pollut. Bull. (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.01.041
C. Wilkinson, B. Salvat / Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 5

Table 2
Key blockages to coastal conservation success. These are blockages we have encountered throughout the world that should be recognized and overcome for successful
conservation outcomes.

1. Lack of awareness
 ‘out of sight, out of mind’ – stakeholders rarely share similar perceptions of the status of resources they cannot see underwater or assess with satellites (Adams
et al., 2003)
 ‘shifting baselines’ – the baseline status of coastal degradation has been declining continually and almost imperceptibly for 8000 years (Jackson et al., 2001)
 ‘end of the pipeline’ – the concept that waste poured into the ocean will cause minimal future impact (Hale, 2004)
 ‘give the man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime’ – supposed that there were vast, inexhaustible supplies of
fish (Jackson et al., 2001)
2. Inappropriate and ill considered responses
 ‘western management is better’ – traditional and holistic resource management with clearly defined marine tenure has been replaced with cash economies and
‘Western’ law, which declares most marine areas to be ‘commons’ (Johannes, 2002)
 ‘just bring in the engineers’ – suggests that environmental damage can be reversed with engineering ‘solutions’ (building groynes, sea walls and dredging sand);
these often create new ‘problems’;
 ‘3–5 year project cycles’ – aid and development agencies often seek new approaches rather than building on previous success. While larger projects are easier to
administer, small, targeted projects can often solve real problems
3. Flaws in societal decision making
 ‘just leave it to the government’ – the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002 asked many small developing countries to develop networks of
no-take MPAs, however most lack the human and financial resources to manage and enforce conservation. Furthermore, governments and communities are often ill
informed of the threats and potential solutions
 ‘global systems are stable’ – assumes that both ecological and socioeconomic systems are on stable and predictable trajectories, independent of each other (Folke,
 ‘the unspoken Ps’ – increasing populations, rising poverty and ‘progress’ are the root cause driving coastal resource degradation. Until these interlinked problems
are addressed, sustainable management of natural resources will be extremely difficult

tion in the food chain, including food for human consumption day-to-day management, are often diverted to attend meetings
(Glynn et al., 1995; Haynes and Johnson, 2000; Ramade and Roche, called by international agencies, and often receive inadequate sup-
2006; Gong et al., 2011). port from their governments. However, sustainable development
in coastal countries is not feasible without resource conservation
3.4. Aquaculture is insufficient (Duda, 2005), and cannot be achieved without overcoming the sig-
nificant blockages to conservation in Table 2 (Geist and Lambin,
The coastal zone occupies only 10% of the oceans surface, but 2002; Barber et al., 2004).
90% of the marine fish catch either comes this zone or depends Many successful natural and social science approaches have
on it during larval stages (Holligan and de Boois, 1993). Aquacul- been developed to conserve coastal resources (Table 3), and any
ture is increasing food supply, but much of the product goes to subsequent failures are due more to an inability to identify and
supply markets in wealthy developed countries, and has not yet rectify the multiple causes of decline (Geist and Lambin, 2002),
provided the same advances in expanding food supplies as has or a failure of the human institutions charged with the task (Barratt
tropical agriculture (Naylor et al., 2000). Moreover, aquaculture et al., 2001), or failure to apply a ‘precautionary principle’ approach
will be less effective in restocking depleted environments if these (Gray, 1995).
are degraded or over-fished. The development of MPAs had the appearance of success in
2010 with governments declaring 5900 MPAs worldwide covering
3.5. Coastal degradation continues despite advances in conservation 4.2 million km2 (Wood et al., 2008; Toropova et al., 2010), includ-
ing 700 with coral reefs and 60 which have been recognized under
Conservation approaches have improved following greater rec- international instruments (Salvat et al., 2002), and 300 with sea-
ognition of the integral role that humans play in ecosystems e.g. grass beds (although seagrasses are rarely specifically managed;
recognition of the ‘social-ecological system’ concept (Hughes Green et al., 2004). These MPAs, however, covered only 0.65% of
et al., 2005; Folke, 2006). Single species management, and fisheries the world’s ocean and 7% of the global shallow water habitat
management tools like closed seasons, bag and size limits, have respectively in 2008; with more than half being in the Great Barrier
been largely ineffective in limiting subsistence fisheries that lie Reef Marine Park of Australia and the large protected areas de-
outside regulation mechanisms (Duda, 2005); although such regu- clared in 2007 in Hawaii and Kiribati (Wood et al., 2008). An even
lations may be effective in managing some fisheries in developed larger area was declared, although still disputed, in 2010 covering
countries. Recent emphasis has shifted towards whole of ecosys- the Chagos Archipelago or British Indian Ocean Territory (Sheppard
tem management (McLeod and Leslie, 2009), whereby extrinsic et al., 2012); the global area covered is now approximately 1.7%.
and intrinsic factors like larval recruitment or pollution exchanges The success of all these MPAs, other than those under the control
are recognized in the management of larger areas, along with man- of larger developed countries, is limited as only 21% have moderate
agement of the existing resources. Similarly economics has shifted to effective planning and management (Kelleher et al., 1995) e.g.
from an ‘empty world’ to ‘full world’ concepts after conceding that only 2 of 285 MPAs in the Wider Caribbean (Burke and Maidens,
natural resources are limited (Costanza, 2001). 2004), and < 20% of 630 MPAs in Southeast Asia (Tun et al., 2004)
The bulk of conservation literature derives from developed are effectively managed or enforced. Moreover, controlling exploi-
countries and terrestrial ecosystems; whereas, tropical coastal re- tation from large remote MPAs will be difficult to enforce to pre-
sources are predominantly within developing countries with vent illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. The
limited human capacity and resources for conservation. For exam- establishment of MPAs is still regarded as a particularly effective
ple, 21% of more than 100 countries with significant coral reef mechanism to conserve coastal habitats and the contained biodi-
areas have fewer than 100,000 people, and a further 23% have pop- versity (Roberts, 2007), although caution has been raised over
ulations under one million. Resource managers in these countries emphasizing MPAs as mechanisms for fisheries management (Sale
often have poor access to literature, are required to focus on et al., 2005).

Please cite this article in press as: Wilkinson, C., Salvat, B. Coastal resource degradation in the tropics: Does the tragedy of the commons apply for coral
reefs, mangrove forests and seagrass beds. Mar. Pollut. Bull. (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.01.041
6 C. Wilkinson, B. Salvat / Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

4. Can the tragedy of the coastal commons be reversed? populations that are not overtly dependent on exploiting coastal
resources (McLeod and Leslie, 2009; Pretty, 2003). The predomi-
Many of the required policy shifts to reverse the ‘tragedy’ were nant direct anthropogenic pressures are amenable to control as
suggested by Hardin 44 years ago, when he acknowledged that, population pressures are relatively constant in developed countries
while the natural sciences could effectively define the problems and often decreasing; however increasing climate change remains
and indicate the causes, the solutions would involve difficult moral a major threat to resource sustainability.
and social decisions (Hardin, 1968). The rapid degradation of trop- The reverse situation frequently applies in developing countries
ical coastal resources is a direct result of anthropogenic activities, where population pressures are increasing rapidly in parallel with
combined with the more recent damage from global climate expanding economies and pervasive poverty. Here most of the suc-
change; both of these result from increasing population, globaliza- cessful resource conservation mechanisms are essentially bottom-
tion and economic pressures. To support the natural resistance and up through the establishment of many small community run MPAs
resilience of these coastal resources, future environmental policy that preferentially contain a minimum of 20–30% no-take areas e.g.
will need to tackle the multiple proximate damaging factors, and in the Philippines (Russ and Alcala, 2004) and Fiji (Govan, 2009).
the ultimate human blockages and population problems that im- Ideally these MPAs are networked to facilitate the exchange of
pede conservation efforts. The former may not require the develop- juvenile and adult biota. Few developing countries have the capac-
ment of radically new resource management mechanisms, but a ity to police and enforce existing legislation, and there is often poor
better use of the tested approaches through building stronger part- awareness of the problems facing these resources and the need for
nerships of disciplines, including environmental economics, social resource conservation for sustainable development (Duda, 2005).
and natural sciences, and law, operating through local govern- Frequently, the lack of awareness of resource status and trends ex-
ments, NGOs and user communities. Any shifts in policies and par- tends to national leaders, who receive insufficient advice. Thus, re-
adigms should target the causes (Table 1), avoid the blockages source management has to be focused on reducing direct
(Table 2), and apply the tools more effectively (Table 3), especially anthropogenic pressures, while acknowledging that adaptation
in developing countries. However, radically different approaches mechanisms are required to minimize climate change threats.
may be required in developing countries to those currently being The problems are compounded by increasing populations, often
adopted in developed and newly emerging economies. paralleled by entrenched resistance to population control policies
Many of the published conservation paradigms for the marine perceived as coming from developed countries.
tropics derive from Australia, France, the UK, and the USA. These The focus for successful tropical coastal conservation and inte-
advocate conservation through the establishment of large-scale, grated coastal management should be on the:
no-take MPAs based on ecosystem-based management, and imple-
mented through an essentially top-down legal approach. This in-  critical natural resources of economic importance, and their
cludes sustainable fisheries management backed by adequate inter-connections;
enforcement and raising awareness amongst relatively receptive  key ‘stakeholders’ that use and manage the resources;

Table 3
Tools in the Toolbox. Many different mechanisms and strategies to manage coastal resources have been developed, either by traditional societies or more recent government

MPAsa and variations

 ‘MPAs as essential insurance policies’ – biodiversity conservation is enhanced if MPAs contain significant areas with high protection status (no-take zones), which
prohibit extraction, but may permit non-extractive uses like tourism (Lubchenko et al., 2003; Barber et al., 2004)
 ‘better insurance with networked MPAs’ – the effectiveness of smaller, isolated MPAs can be improved if networked with others to conserve the larval sources and
sinks (Lubchenko et al., 2003; Barber et al., 2004)
 ‘setting targets’- the WSSD called for a global network of ecologically representative MPAs by 2012 and CBD recommended high level protection for 10% of each
ecosystem by 2010 (CBD, 2003); WWF suggest protection of 10% of the seas by 2012 (WWF, 2003); the World Parks Congress recommended protection of 20–30% of
each marine ecosystem by 2012; The Nature Conservancy and partners target effective conservation of 10% of every major habitat by 2015 (Hardner and Rice, 2002)
Apply ecosystem based management (EBM)
‘manage all components’ – ecosystem based management is regarded as the most comprehensive and all-encompassing mechanism to manage ecosystems, as well as
accommodate sustainable human uses (McLeod and Leslie, 2009) ‘the larger the better’ – manage the largest possible area or networked smaller areas. Most recent
reports and large marine ecosystem concepts emphasize this to encompass connectivity and as ‘insurance’ against localized damage (McLeod and Leslie, 2009; Mora
et al., 2006)
Focusing efforts for success
 ‘don’t waste time on lost causes’ – apply a triage approach (Buddemeier, 2001) if logistic and financial resources are limited to focus conservation efforts on the least
damaged areas with predicted low future stresses;
 ‘hot spots’ – contain rich stores of biodiversity and endemic species (Roberts et al., 2003)
 ‘resistance and resilience’ – spread the risks by focusing on replicated sites with known resistance and resilience to global stresses e.g. resist coral bleaching or
recover rapidly (West and Salm, 2003);
 ‘the problem may be behind you’ – emphasizes catchment ‘buffer zones’ to minimize exploitation and pollution e.g. ‘WW2BW – White Water to Blue Water’
(Laughlin et al., 2006; Wilkinson and Brodie, 2011)
 ‘learn the lessons of success’ – demonstrate success via peer-to-peer exchanges and demonstration sites
Involve communities in management
 ‘what do they really want’ – understand societal expectations and recognize trade-offs for the greater good i.e. do not proceed beyond the community acceptance
limits (Adams et al., 2003; Christie and White, 2007)
 ‘what is in it for me?’ – communities must be well informed, involved in resource management and perceive present and future benefits;
 ‘top-down or bottom-up’- whether management is through government or communities, either devolved, co-management, or community based, management will
depend on how local institutions function (Barratt et al., 2001; Christie and White, 2007)
 ‘reality of the stomach’ – acceptable alternative livelihoods and food sources must be provided before fishers can reduce effort;
 ‘tell it as it is’ – effective and transparent communication is essential with communities involved in ecological and economic monitoring;
 ‘buy it to conserve it’ – compensate communities by ‘purchasing’ logging concessions etc. and paying them to manage the resources (Hardner and Rice, 2002)
 ‘the buck stops there’ – above all, clean and effective governance without corruption and nepotism is needed for sustainable development
A marine protected area is considered here as a coastal area that is being managed or protected to reduce damaging human impacts.

Please cite this article in press as: Wilkinson, C., Salvat, B. Coastal resource degradation in the tropics: Does the tragedy of the commons apply for coral
reefs, mangrove forests and seagrass beds. Mar. Pollut. Bull. (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.01.041
C. Wilkinson, B. Salvat / Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 7

 multiple causes of resource degradation and future threats; able alternative livelihoods and food; reducing open access to
 removal of major blockages to successful conservation; coastal resources by outsiders and especially MNCs; reducing eco-
 methods and case studies that demonstrate success (and fail- nomic pressures that are driving over-exploitation of coastal re-
ure) conveyed through peer-to-peer exchanges; sources; and reducing pollution inputs. These are not natural
 generous application of communication, education and training science solutions, but social science actions via strengthening hu-
assistance; and man governance and livelihoods (Hardin, 1968; Folke, 2006). These
 monitoring and feedback mechanisms to assess progress and solutions will require: forming partnerships with all levels of gov-
involve communities. ernments and communities to share responsibility for reducing or
diverting damaging exploitation and pollution practices, and
The principle tools available for resource management developed unsustainable tourism operations; providing alternative liveli-
through wide global experience are: better targeting and management hoods that are not dependent on resource depletion; implement-
of MPAs to ensure that they are sufficiently large to conserve habitats ing ecosystem-based management; and establishing effective and
and biodiversity as well as being networked to provide insurance well managed no-take MPAs (Adams et al., 2003). The well-cited
against localized losses; better focusing of efforts where success is examples in the Philippines and Fiji indicate that partnerships be-
deemed more likely e.g. by applying a triage approach (Buddemeier, tween natural and social sciences and local and national govern-
2001); and especially, working with and strengthening communities ments can be effective (Christie and White, 2007; Russ and
and their institutions, in parallel with assisting governments with a Alcala, 2004; Govan, 2009). These partnerships will need to make
specific focus on ensuring enforcement of management regulations. difficult moral and economic decisions about people, with higher
The special problem for tropical coastal resources and their communi- levels of government devolving some power and responsibility to
ties is that a large proportion is scattered throughout the territorial lower authorities (Dietz et al., 2003), and for communities to devel-
seas of small countries, or are in larger, developing countries with rap- op stronger institutions of governance (Brown, 2003; Barratt et al.,
idly growing populations. 2001; Hughes et al., 2005). Just as there are multiple causes of
The successes in tropical coastal conservation often represent coastal resource decline, there are a many models of power sharing
isolated ‘atolls’ in ‘seas of desolation’. There has been considerable between communities and governments; these models must be
critical debate over conservation failures and the ‘exceptions’, adapted for each coastal region (Christie and White, 2007).
without full recognition of the successes and the ‘rules’. For exam-
ple, caution has been urged over the use of MPAs as tools for fish-
eries management, with recommendations that the designation of 5. Conclusions
new MPAs be suspended until there is proof of effectiveness in
enhancing fish stocks (Sale et al., 2005; Hilborn et al., 2004). How- Since the Garrett Hardin paper (Hardin, 1968) on the ‘tragedy of
ever, most MPAs have been developed primarily to conserve biodi- the commons’ 44 years ago, the coastal ‘commons’ have largely
versity and habitats, and not specifically to manage fish stocks; disappeared as a legal entity with the declaration of Exclusive Eco-
although this is often an argument used with affected communi- nomic Zones by coastal states within the United Nations Conven-
ties. Because few MPAs are effectively planned, managed and en- tion on the Law of the Sea. However the concept of the ‘tragedy’
forced, it is not the method that has failed, but the application. A remains within these zones for user communities who witness a
precautionary approach would be to establish more MPAs for con- continual degradation of coastal habitats and a loss of resources.
servation, and not as ‘experiments’. No-take areas should consti- The legal declaration of large EEZ areas has been important for na-
tute the non-interference ‘controls’ in ‘experiments’ of tion states, but largely ignored by local communities, except where
exploitation and waste disposal. The ‘burden of proof’ should be re- governments have permitted access to those resources by foreign
versed to determine whether these activities cause biodiversity exploiters and tourism operators. Three other major developments
loss and irreparable damage to ecosystems (Dayton, 1998). Thus have occurred since Hardin wrote that paper: many MPAs have
the ideal paradigm should change from ‘how much is enough’ for been developed that include no-take areas, although few are effec-
conservation (Lubchenko et al., 2003), to ‘how much is too much’ tively enforced to prevent illegal, unreported and unregulated fish-
for activities that cause irreparable damage. ing; economies around the world have become far more integrated,
A major blockage to conservation in the tropics is a lack of to the extent that many remote communities participate in the
capacity and awareness in developing countries, especially small ‘cash economy’; and tropical tourism has become a major industry
ones. This can be best addressed with targeted assistance in educa- with both positive and negative impacts on resident communities.
tion about the ecosystems and consequences of degradation, and Garrett Hardin stressed that the application of solutions to the ‘trag-
capacity building to manage the resources. In turn, small countries, edy’ lie outside the capacity of natural sciences. At that time, preservation
especially those in the Pacific and Caribbean, could assist by form- of nature was mainly through the designation of strict nature reserves
ing country blocks for better sharing of education and capacity that excluded potentially damaging human activities. Since then, conser-
building projects, and to focus their approaches to donors and vation has evolved to include the role of human communities in sustain-
the Multilateral Environmental Agreement organizations. able management of the resources. An example was the Man and
Irrespective of semantic arguments, the aspects of the ‘tragedy Biosphere program of UNESCO in the 1970s (
of the commons’ continue to be evident in open-access, tropical natural-sciences/environment/ecological-sciences/man-and-biosphe re-
coastal areas. Coastal resource degradation is exacerbated because programme/), which aimed to integrate human sciences into an interdis-
the ecosystems are inter-linked, and experience increased exploi- ciplinary approach with natural sciences. It is obvious today that conserv-
tation, but without adequate governance (Ostrom et al., 1999; ing coral reefs and related tropical ecosystems will require socioeconomic
Poteete et al., 2010). Whereas, most success in averting the ‘trag- actions and sociopolitical decisions, with less emphasis on expanding our
edy’ has been on land with closed-access commons (Pretty, 2003). scientific knowledge of these habitats and resources (Bradbury and
The tragedy of coastal resource degradation can only be re- Seymour, 2009). Thus, the conclusion of Garrett Hardin that solutions
versed if human pressures are markedly reduced by: strengthening lie outside the capacity of natural sciences is still pertinent.
managing institutions and reducing increasing human pressures; Irrespective of the examples above, we seek to avoid the
reducing populations dependent on these resources; encouraging pessimism that future human populations will be unable to reverse
sustainable tourism ventures that provide employment to local the current rate of ecosystem decline without major changes to our
communities and include them in management; providing sustain- legal systems to excise large no-take areas of tropical coastal

Please cite this article in press as: Wilkinson, C., Salvat, B. Coastal resource degradation in the tropics: Does the tragedy of the commons apply for coral
reefs, mangrove forests and seagrass beds. Mar. Pollut. Bull. (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.01.041
8 C. Wilkinson, B. Salvat / Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

resources from the ‘commons’. The more optimistic approaches are national and international levels. The progress since Hardin’s paper
those adopted by Eleanor Ostrom and colleagues who consider that 43 years ago can sadly be expressed as ‘plus ça change, plus que
many human communities have the inherent power to manage c’est la même chose’.
natural resources to achieve long-term sustainability. These ap-
proaches probably constitute the only effective avenue for coastal
resource management and conservation in many tropical coun-
tries. But their application will require the input of considerably
We wish to acknowledge many colleagues who discussed these
more resources protected from corrupting influences, from local
ideas with us, or read earlier versions and provided useful com-
and donor governments and agencies, in parallel with the develop-
ments. These include Charles Birkeland, Greg Brunskill, Bob Bud-
ment of peer-to-peer support groups based on success.
demeier, Chou Loke Ming, Jon Day, Terry Done, Helen Garnett,
In order to prevent an expansion of the ‘tragedy’, we continue to
Alison Green, Bob Johannes, Graeme Kelleher, Don Kinsey, Howard
advocate the use of the tried and tested methods for coastal con-
Latin, Olof Linden, Russ Reichelt, Peter Sale, Robin South and Frank
servation combined with improvements that include a more inte-
Talbot. Two anonymous reviewers also provided valuable sugges-
grated approach with affected human communities. This will
tions. We dedicate this to Bob Johannes who was a pioneer in many
require both top-down and bottom-up approaches. Governments,
of the themes in this paper. The statements and opinions in this pa-
in partnership with international agencies and NGOs, can facilitate
per, however, are ours; some of the above colleagues may disagree
coastal resource conservation by providing user communities with
with our statements.
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