The Dinner We Had To-Day Was Very Substantial. The Dinner Was A Success

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Заняття 3. The Article.

Part 4 to leave the school — to leave the building

SPECIAL DIFFICULTIES IN THE USE OF ARTICLES Mother went to the school yesterday to attend a parents’ meeting. She left the school
§ 26. The use of articles with the nouns day, night, morning, evening. at 7 o’clock.
The nouns day, night, morning, evening are used without articles: (b) Bed.
(a) if day and morning mean ‘light’, and night and evening mean ‘darkness’, or if to go to bed — лягати спати; to be in bed — лежати в ліжку
they denote a certain part of the day. And now you had better go to bed. Good-night.
Day broke and we started. The sun had gone and night had come. Day is meant for to be in the bed, to be on the bed – an article of furniture is meant
work, night for sleep. It was evening. The river was before them. Her portrait was on the wall beside the bed.
(b) in the expressions by day, at night, from morning till night. (c) Prison, jail.
It is easier to work by day than at night. to be in prison (in jail) — to be a prisoner
The definite article is used when these nouns are modified by a particularizing to be sent to prison, to be put in prison – as a prisoner
attribute or when the situation makes them definite. Mr. Dorrit was in prison many years. Mr. Dorrit was sent to prison for debt. The last
He will never forget the day when he met her. The night was warm and beautifully they had heard of him was that he was in jail for having killed a person in a fight.
still. We spent the night in the forest. to be in the prison, to go to the prison – not a as prisoner (the building is meant)
The indefinite article is used when the noun is modified by a descriptive attribute. Mr. Dorrit’s family lived in the prison. The prison proper dated from 1822.
I spent a sleepless night. § 29. The use of articles with the noun town.
When the nouns morning and evening are modified by the adjectives early and late, The noun town when used with prepositions does not take an article:
no articles are used because these adjectives do not describe the morning or night, but (a) when we mean the nearest town (if we live in the country) or the town we live in.
only show the time. You cannot go to town tomorrow. What can you have to do in town...?
It was early morning when the train pulled into the little siding. (b) when the noun town is opposed to the noun country.
§ 27. The use of articles with names of seasons. He was not used to country life, having spent twenty years in town. Otherwise the
Names of seasons are used without articles if they show a certain time of the year. noun town is used with the definite or indefinite article. I want to go to the town where I
It was spring. I like spring. was born.
The definite article is used when these nouns are modified by a particularizing § 30. The use of articles with the names of meals.
attribute or when the situation makes them definite. Names of meals are used without articles.
It happened in the spring of 1930. The spring was cold and rainy. When did you have dinner? Is dinner ready? Mother is cooking dinner. While they
The indefinite article is used when these nouns are modified by a descriptive were at breakfast, the letters were brought in. I have finished breakfast, ring the bell.
attribute. The definite article is used when the nouns are modified by a particularizing attribute
It was a cold spring. or when the situation makes them definite.
When names of seasons are modified by the adjectives early or late, no articles are The dinner we had to-day was very substantial. The dinner was a success.
used. The indefinite article is used if the name of a meal is modified by a descriptive
It was early spring. attribute.
§ 28. The use of articles with the nouns school, college, bed, prison, jail. After a hearty breakfast the four gentlemen sallied forth to walk to Gravesend.
The nouns school, college, bed, prison, jail are used without an article when they lose § 31. The use of articles with names of languages.
their concrete meaning and express the purpose for which the objects denoted by these Names of languages when they are not followed by the noun language are used
nouns serve. without articles:
When these nouns denote concrete objects the articles are used according to the She knows English.
general principle. Note the peculiar use of the definite article in: (1) It is a translation from the English
(a) School, college. (the French etc.), (2) What is the English (the French etc.) for ‘сосна’?
to be at school, to go to school – to be a schoolboy (schoolgirl) The definite article is used if the noun is modified by a particularizing attribute:
to be at college — to be a student of a college The English of America differs from the English of England.
to leave school — to finish or drop one’s studies When the noun language is mentioned the definite article is used: the English
School begins at five. She went to College in the North. His history since he left language, the German language.
school had been indicated in the last page. It was at seventeen that he decided to leave USE OF ARTICLES WITH NOUNS MODIFIED BY CERTAIN
to go to the school — not as a pupil (the building is meant) § 32. Most.

(a) Most + adjective. (а) ‘якийсь інший’.
The definite article is used when most serves to form the superlative degree of an Give me another pen, I don’t like this one.
adjective. (в) ‘ще один’.
This is the most interesting chapter in the book. I am thirsty; I should like another cup of tea.
The use of the indefinite article shows that a high degree of a quality is meant. Most The other means ‘певний інший’.
has the same meaning as very, exceedingly. There are two books here, take one and I’ll take the other.
Caroline found that the old maid had been a most devoted daughter and sister. § 37. Last, the last.
N o t e. — Occasionally the form of the superlative degree does not express Nouns modified by the adjective last are always used with the definite article except
comparison, but a high degree of a quality. in the expressions last month, last year, last week, last summer (winter, autumn, spring).
He listened with the most profound attention. He listened with the deepest attention. The last word remained with George. Last summer, in Switzerland, he was quite
(в) Most + of + noun. well.
When definite people or things are meant the noun is used with the definite article § 38. Next, the next.
and most is followed by the preposition of. Next means ‘майбутній’ when referring to time: next month, next week.
Most of the flowers in the garden were planted by the schoolchildren. Most of the The next means ‘наступний’: the next room, at the next lesson.
gentlemen looked both angry and uncomfortable. Next time means ‘наступного разу’.
We say most, not most of the, when we do not mean definite people or things. The We shall discuss this matter next time.
noun is used in a general sense. In reference to time viewed from the past both next and the next mean ‘наступний’.
Most flowers smell sweet. We spent a fortnight in Kiev. The next week was spent in Odessa (or: Next week was
§ 33. Few, a few, the few; little, a little, the little. spent in Odessa).
Few means ‘мало’, it has a negative meaning. § 39. A number, the number.
A few means ‘декілька’, it has a positive meaning. A number of means’ ‘many’. It is rendered in Ukrainian by багато, низка.
The few means ‘тих декілька (котрі)’. The number means ‘число, кількість’.
He was a very good man. There are few like him in the world today. He left after a His father and a number of his cronies were in the dining-room. The number of
few moments. You need not fear to hear the few remaining words we have to say. mistakes he makes is startling.
Little means ‘мало’, it has a negative meaning. OMISSION OF THE ARTICLE
A little means ‘певна кількість’, it has a positive meaning. Sometimes the article is not used where we naturally expect to find it in accordance
The little means ‘та невелика кількість (яка)’. with the rules. No change of meaning is observed in these cases.
We can’t go skiing today. There is too little snow. We have a little time. Let us take a The article is often omitted in newspaper headings, telegrams, in stage directions.
walk in the garden. Don’t waste the little time you have. Gas Blast Kills Woman. (Daily Worker)
§ 34. Two, the two; three, the three, etc. Girl Gymnast Keeps Title. (Kyiv News)
Two means ‘два’. The article is often omitted with homogeneous members closely connected with each
The two means ‘обидва, ті двоє’. other and joined by the conjunction and. In most cases they go in pairs.
Two students entered the room. The two friends travelled together. The two books The breakfast was taken away, and that meal over, it was the general custom of uncle
you lent me proved very interesting. and niece to separate.
§ 35. The second, a second. Exercises
The second is an ordinal numeral meaning ‘другий’. Exercise 1. Insert articles where necessary. (Special cases.)
The second attempt proved more successful than the first. (A) Day, night, morning, evening.
A second means ‘another, one more’. 1. Outside it was __ night. (Murdoch) 2. It was __ warm summer night. (Snow) 3. __
Having eaten the gruel, Oliver asked for a second portion. night outside seemed very quiet. (Greene) 4. It was __ foggy evening in November.
In the third, a third, the fourth, a fourth etc. we see the same difference in meaning. (Murdoch) 5. During _ evening we played innumerable games of piquet... (Maugham) 6.
He made an experiment which proved his theory. He made a second, a third, a fourth It was __ evening, and he was walking across the school grounds on his way home.
experiment with the same results. (Saroyan) 7. He wondered what hour it was. __ sun seemed to indicate __ late morning...
A second time means ‘once more’. (Greene) 8. I think it's going to be __ fine morning, after all. (Shaw) 9. __ morning was
I rang the bell, but nobody answered it, so I had to ring a second time. cold and sharp and sunny. (Greene) 10. It is __ early morning. (Shaw) 11. We are going
§ 36. Another, the other. to have __ ideal night. (Shaw) 12. __ night being sharp and frosty, we trembled from __
The pronoun another has two meanings: head to __ foot. (Dickens) 13. It was early in __ afternoon. (Murdoch) 14. __ night was

__ windy one, with broken clouds drifting swiftly across __ face of __ three-quarter already in — town. (Austen) 11. Among other public buildings in __ certain town... there
moon. (Conan Doyle) 15. __ night came and he sent his sadness into his sleep. (Saroyan) is one anciently common to most towns, great or small... — __ workhouse. (Dickens) 12.
16. I was up at six in __ morning. (/. Shaw) 17. She has had __ bad night, probably __ After leaving __ school, I became clerk to her father. (Lindsay) 13. She graduated from
rather delirious night. (Shaw) 18. __ machines at __ factory were in perpetual motion __ __ Pedagogical Institute __ year ago and now she is working at __ school in __ village
day and __ night. (Murdoch) 19. Arthur did not pass __ sleepless night; he slept long and near Leningrad. 14. __ prison where Little Dorrit was born was called "The Marshalsea".
well, for __ sleep comes to __ perplexed, if __ perplexed are only weary enough. (Eliot) 15. I haven't done anything that warrants my running away or going to __ prison, either.
20. It was about ten o'clock at __ night. (Maugham) 21. __ fine September afternoon was I'm merely going there to save time at __ present. (Dreiser) 16. It was in my walk that
dying fast. (Galsworthy) 22. I persuaded him to stay __ night with me, and I put him night, and in __ sleepless hours which followed when I lay in. __ bed, that __ thought
into my own bed. (Maugham) 23. It was __ morning after Roger had talked to me in __ first occurred to me which afterwards shaped itself into __ settled resolution* (Dickens)
Park, and Margaret and I were sitting at breakfast. (Snow) 24. __ day was by This time 17. He told with __ perfect truth... how he had in time been released from __ prison.
approaching; __ West was dim, __ East beginning to gleam. (Ch. Bronte) 25. On __ (Dickens) 18. "When you think of me at all, John, let it only be as __ little child you have
bright January morning __ telephones kept ringing in my office. (Snow) 26. I cannot seen grow up in __ prison. (Dickens) 19. You take your man home, Mrs. Dubedut, and
describe to you __ intense silence of __ night. (Maugham) 27. I shall not forget __ get him to __ bed before eleven. (Shaw)20. I'm going to be out of __ town for a few
evening I spent with him. I had not intended to stay more than __ hour, but he insisted days. So I may not even see you again. (Faulkner) 21. Unless we can give __ rector. __
that I should spend __ night. (Maugham) 28. He painted and he read, and in ^ _ evening, bed he had nowhere to lay his head this night. (Shaw) 22. Who could be in — _ prison
when it was dark, they sat together on __ veranda, smoking and looking at __ night. __ quarter of __ century, and be prosperous! (Dickens)
(Maugham) 29. It was as lovely __ morning as one could desire. (Jerome K. Jerome) 30.
It was __ glorious night. __ moon had sunk, and left __ quiet earth alone with __ stars. Exercise 4. Insert articles where necessary.
(Jerome K. Jerome) (D) Names of meals.
1. He said he had letters to write and if I would allow him, would remain in his room
Exercise 2. Insert articles where necessary. till __ dinner was ready. (Jerome K. Jerome) 2. He came in one morning when I was
(B) Names of seasons. having — breakfast on __ terrace of __ hotel and introduced himself. (Maugham) 3. I
1. It was __ winter, and __ night of bitter cold. (Wilde) 2. You see, __ winter was __ saw to it that he had __ good dinner. (Jerome K. Jerome) 4. We had __ cold bacon for __
very bad time for me, and I really had no money at all to buy __ bread with. (Wilde) 3. It lunch that day. There was not much of it. I took it to be __ bacon we had not eaten for —
was __ very dark evening for __ summer. (E. Bronte) 4. __ summer drew to __ end, and breakfast. But on __ clean dish with parsley it looked rather neat. (Jerome K. Jerome) 5.
__ early autumn. (E. Bronte) 5. I wondered if __ autumn would come upon us two Mr. Clay settled back in his chair, savoring his drink, expecting __ good dinner. (/.
months before her time. (Du Майrier) 6. ft was __ lovely evening in __ spring time of __ Shaw) 6. __ dinner was very sound. (Bennett) 7. Come and have __ tea on __ deck.
year; and in. __ soft stillness of __ twilight, all __ nature was very calm and beautiful. __ (Bennett) 8. They had __ supper in __ silence. (Murdoch) 9. __ little expedition down
day had been fine and warm; but at __ coming on of __ night, __ air grew cool. __ river was delightful, and __ little room overlooking __ river into which they were
(Dickens) 7. It was pretty late in __ autumn of __ year when __ declining sun, struggling shown for __ dinner was delightful. (Dickens) 10. In __ tiny dining-room, we were
through __ mist which had obscured it all day, looked brightly upon __ little Wiltshire having __ excellent dinner, cooked by Mary Osbaldiston-.. (Snow) 11. She... began to
village. (Dickens) 8. There was going to be __ election soon, we all knew: this was. __ dress for __ dinner to which she had been invited. (Austen) 12. When he arrived... __
spring of 1955. (Snow) 9. It was __ cold fall and __ wind came dowd from __ famous Contract was at __ dinner. (Dreiser) 13. When they arrived and mounted __,
mountains. (Hemingway) 10. It was __ fine day, early in __ spring, and we were in __ stairs, Stefan behaved as usual, and soon they were eating. __ supper which Jan had
good humour. (Maugham) prepared. (Murdoch) 14. He assisted her... in setting forth __ neat luncheon, consisting of
__ cold chicken, __ ham and __ tarts. (Ch. Bronte) 15. __ dinner was __ grand one.
Exercise 3. Insert articles where necessary. (Austen) 16. I shall be glad to see you at __ lunch at half past one. (Shaw) 17. He had
(C) Bed, school, prison, town. given me __ dinner, and __ good one. (Snow)
1. It was eleven o'clock. Annette was still in __ bed. (Murdoch) 2. Stefan, who had
been sitting on the edge of __ bed, came near to her and smiled for __ first time. Exercise 5. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with nouns modified by
(Murdoch) 3. May comb was __ old town. (Lee) 4. Dolores said nothing all __ way to __ certain adjectives, pronouns, and numerals.)
town. (/. Shaw) 5. Yes, he and my brother had been to __ school together. (Snow) 6. (A) Most.
Before that she had taught history in __ girls' school. (Murdoch) 7. __ school was not __ 1. You have had __ most distinguished career... (Snow) 2. This was __ most painful
particularly good one. (Conan Doyle) 8. I never knew __ lawyer yet who didn't threaten thought of all. (Murdoch) 3. He had put himself in __ most unsatisfactory position,
to put me in __ prison sooner or later. (Shaw) 9. Steger next visited __ county jail, close politically and socially. (Dreiser) 4. She was __ most beautiful young girl; __ most
on to five o'clock, when it was already dark. (Dreiser) 10. In all probability he was beautiful girl he had ever seen. (Bennett) 5. __ most of __ women had flowers or little

black feathers sticking up in their hair. (Glyn) 6. I started relating __ most interesting because he never behaved like __ doctor. (Lee)
anecdote, but was somewhat surprised to observe... that nobody was paying __ slightest
attention io me whatever. (Jerome K. Jerome) 7. __ news he had conveyed to her would Exercise 7. Insert articles where necessary.
have terrified __ most women. (Cronin) 8. He was __ man of __ most subtle and refined (C) Second, third, etc.
intellect. __ man of __ culture, __. charm and __ distinction. One of __ most intellectual 1. Of all those to whom he appealed one was actually not in __ position to do
men I ever met. (Wilde) 9. Her life held so little of __ real charm; and Aileen Butler was anything for him; another was afraid; __ third was calculating eagerly to drive __ hard
__ most significant element of __ romance in it. (Dreiser) 10. Youth in her South bargain; __ fourth was too deliberate, anxious to have much time. [Dreiser) 2. Two
Carolinian home had been simple and self-reliant; and unlike __ most American girls, people would have to hold __ chair, and __ third would help him up on it, and __ fourth
she had not had too good __ time. (Galsworthy) 11. It was __ most beautiful room. It would hand him __ nail, and __ fifth would pass him up __ hammer. (Jerome K. Jerome)
was _ most beautiful room in — house. (Du Maurier) 12. Gentleman, he was __ most 3. __ professor Earle Fox ignored for __ second time __ buzzing signal from the
excellent man, __ ' most gentle, tender and estimable man, with __ simplicity of __ child. secretary in __ adjoining office. (Wilson) 4. One evening __ little Hans was sitting by his
(Dickens) 13. __ Norman Conquest is one of __ most important events in __ English fireside when __ loud rap came at __ door... At first he thought it was merely the storm.
history, and it had __ greatest influence on __ history of __ language. But __ second rap came, then __ third. (Wilde) 5. Mr. Pickwick was perfectly aware that
__ tree is __ very dangerous neighbour in __ thunderstorm. He had __ tree on his right,
Exercise 6. Insert articles where necessary. __ tree on his left, __ third before him, and __ fourth behind. (Dickens) 6. Take care,
(B) Few, little. Caroline. I've proposed twice now. I shall not propose __ third time. (Maugham)
1.. __ mother and I are planning to go to __ country for __ few days. (Dreiser) 2. It
was __ cold, windy evening and there were __ few people in __ Park. 3. __ few words Exercise 8. Insert articles where necessary.
that I have to add to what 1 have written, are soon penned. (Dickens) 4. We needn't take. (E) A number, the number.
__ porter. We have __ little luggage. 5. When you've wanted something very badly and it 1. Thirteen years of life with Frank Cowperwood had taught her __ number of things.
comes at last, it is somehow __ little frightening. (Maugham) 6. __ little I have to say can (Dreiser) 2. __ colonel says our losses have not been heavy. __ exact number is not yet
be said in __ few minutes. 7. I am commonly __ man of __ few words. (Dickens) 8. One known. (Greene) 3. To this particular dinner __ number of people... had been invited.
morning, when Rose was alone in __ breakfast-parlour, Harry Maylie entered; and, with (Dreiser) 4. Those who had any letters to deliver or... any settled plan of going anywhere
some hesitation, begged __ permission to speak with her for __ few moments. (Dickens) or doing anything, discussed their prospects __ hundred times __ day; and as this class
9. What __ little light there was came from one small window. (Priestley) 10. He paused, of passengers was small, and __ number of those who had no prospects whatever was
wishing he had not mentioned that fact. It was __ slip of __ tongue, one of __ few he very large, there were plenty of listeners and few talkers. (Dickens) 5. While he was
ever made, due to __ peculiar pressure of __ situation. (Dreiser) 11. Oh, I know there's dancing, Cowperwood had occasion to look at Aileen... She passed close to him __
no danger, but I'm __ little frightened all __ same. (Greene) 12. Well, for instance, why number of times. (Dreiser) 6. He went up into __ picture gallery. On __ bureau there
don't you tell me about your sister? She always sounds fascinating, from __ little I hear, were laid __ number of letters and things to be attended to. (Galsworthy)
but I've no real idea what she's like. (Hansford Johnson) 13. __ old man replied that
there were __ few grown persons as trustworthy or as careful as she [Nell]. (Dickens) 14. Exercise 9. Insert articles where necessary.
Harriet closed her coat quickly and walked __ little faster. (/. Shaw) 15. We can't 1. What __ strange feeling it was to be going home when it was not home, and to find
disguise from ourselves that there's __ little hope. (Greene) 16. He accepted willingly my that every object I looked at reminded me of __ happy old home which was like __
invitation to remain for __ few days in my apartment. (Maugham) 17. I seem to have dream I could never dream again. (Dickens) 2. On her face 1 saw __ placid and sweet
forgotten __ little I ever knew. (Conan Doyle) 18. He tried to orient himself by : __ expression of __ : lady whose picture had looked at me downstairs. It seemed to my
stars; but it was __ cloudy night and __ few stars that were visible did not announce any imagination as if __ portrait had grown womanly and __ original remained __ child.
constellation that he could recognize. (Murdoch) 19. Carie expostulated, begged, was (Dickens) 3. Rebecca's mother had had __ education somewhere and her daughter spoke
very angry, even wept __ little, and then suddenly capitulated. (Buck) 20. Luf- kin's __ French with __ purity and __ Parisian was in those days rather __ rare
tastes were austere. He spent __ little on himself. (Snow) 21. I see very __ few women; accomplishment, and led to her engagement with __ orthodox Miss Pinkerton.
but those are __ women of rank. (James) 22. Mary offered to lend __ little she had. (E. (Thackeray) 4. He had __ wit, __ keen sense of __ humour, __ sense of pathos. (Dreiser)
Bronte) 23. I've travelled __ little, but not enough. (Hansford Johnson) 24. Surely, during 5. __ one thing that really interested him in connection with his parents was __ existence
__ few hours he might pass in _ cottage it would be easy for her to keep out of his way. somewhere in __ east in __ small city called Lycurgus... of __ uncle, __ brother of his
(Marryat) 25. She respected him mightily but gave him __ very little thought. (Buck) 26. father's. (Dreiser) 6. But __ bed I made up for myself was sufficiently uncomfortable to
When __ winter came... he suffered __ good deal from — cold and __ hunger, and often give me __ wakeful night, and I thought __ good deal of what __ unlucky Dutchman
had to go to __ bed without any supper but __ few dried pears or some hard nuts. had told me. (Maugham) 7. We went down __ corridors, down __ stone stairs. We
(Wilde) 27. He was one of __ few men of science who never terrified me, probably crossed over __ Park by __ lake; one of __ pelicans was spreading its wings. __ trees-

were creaking in. __ blustery wind; on __ grass, __ first leaves had fallen. It was __ dark evening fell, but there was no sign of him. 14. Early in ... morning my dog licks me
evening, with __ clouds, low and grey, driving across from __ west. (Snow) 8. I breathed awake. 15. If you look ugly in ... early morning, sleep till ... noon.
deeply two or three times, but felt _ little calmer, __ enormity of __ situation was too
overpowering. (Clark) 9. __ English of __ 14th century differs from __ Modern English. Exercise 11. Insert the right article.
10. He was young still, and in __ few years he would look back on all his misery with __ 1. He is ... local priest in ... Anglican church. 2. ... church has a wonderful porch at
sadness in which there would be something not unpleasurable. (Maugham) 11. After __ the front. 3. His parents go to ... church now and then. 4. Bruce was in ... town with his
lights within, it was very dark, and __ night was enormous and silent with __ intensity wife to promote the film. 5. The market is an exciting and colourful part of ... town, full
which for __ moment made her pause in __ awe. She was in __ unfamiliar street. It was of noise and bustle. 6. This is ... small town, everybody knows everybody. 7. She went to
__ damp night, with rare stars. (Murdoch) 12. I had often new temptations afterwards to ... town where her aunt lived. 8. ... school was a very happy time. 9.1 left ... school
wonder whether it was really singular, or only singular to me, that he, who was __ most exactly ten years ago. 10. We met every day after ... school. 11. This is ... school with
grateful of mankind upon __ least occasion, should so desire to escape __ gratitude of more than one thousand pupils. 12. ... school was built in 1909. 13. Criminals are kept
others. (Dickens) 13. Large drops of __ rain, which pattered every now and then against in ... prison. 14. ... prison was surrounded by a brick wall. 15. ... prison is not the answer
__ windows of __ chaise, seemed to warn __ travellers of __ rapid approach of __ to many social problems. 16. Ben was taken to ... hospital with appendicitis. 17. There is
stormy night. (Dickens) 14. It's pleasant to get used to __ expensive, __ soft, __ a well-equipped laboratory at ... hospital. 18. Melanie went to ... bed but couldn't fall
comfortable. (Stone) 15. __ children of __ poor know but __ few pleasures. Even __ asleep. 19. Why do you always put your shoes under ... bed? 20. Doctors advise me to
cheap delights of __ childhood must be bought and paid for. (Dickens) 16. And there sleep on ... hard bed. 21. He went to ... University to get education. 22. There is ...
began for Soames __ most confused evening he had ever spent. For in his heart were — university in this small town. 23. There is no place like ... home.
great gladness and __ great pity, and he must not show __ sign of either. (Galsworthy)
17. __ walls, down which ran __ number and variety of ^ __ pipes and cables, were Exercise 12. Insert the article if necessary
painted in two contrasting shades of green — dark up to __ height of five foot, lighter 1. My Grandmother was ... true original. Strong of character, she truly ruled our
above that. (Clark) 18. In __ evening __ weather broke, __ wind shifted from __ South family with ... iron hand. In ... velvet glove, of course. 2. Maxim was at ... centre of her
to __ North-East and brought __ rain first and then __ sleet and __ snow. (£. Bronte) 19. thoughts. He was her world — ... sun, ... moon, ... stars. 3. He had ordered ... chilled
__ Miller said all kinds of beautiful things about __ friendship, which Hans took down in white wine; it was ... young wine and it was ... perfect choice. 4. It was ... beautiful night,
__ note-book and used to read over at __ night, for he was __ very good scholar. (Wilde) warm, balmy, gentle. ... ink-black sky was sprinkled with ... stars, and there was ... hazy
20. She drew __ little away from him; then perceived that unwittingly she had done __ full moon. 5. "Harrow! That's ... marvellous school! Winston Churchill, ... Prime
right thing for he at once tried to take her hand again. And this was her first lesson too in Minister of England, went to Harrow." 6. I'm looking for ... Miss Rosie. I was told she
__ nature of __ man. (Galsworthy) 21. __ London train was on __ point of __ departure. was ... barmaid here. 7. "Yes," she said in ... soft whisper. "Why, you sound like ...
It was yet __ early morning, __ hour of __ milkmen and __ postmen __ station had __ scared little church mouse." 8. ... marmalade is usually made from ... oranges. It is
chill, unused, deserted look; __, passengers were few. (Bennett) 22. In __ hands of __ usually eaten for ... breakfast with ... toast. 9. ... woman must be ... genius to create ...
strong, like himself when he was at his best, __ law was __ sword and __ shield, __ trap good husband. (Balzac) 10. "... Royals" is ... serial, which portraits ... life of ... members
to place before __ feet of __ unwary; __ pit to dig in __ path of those who might pursue. of ... Royal Family in ... United Kingdom. 11. It was ... cold Saturday morning at ...
(Dreiser) 23. It had been __ severe winter, and __ snow lay deep in __ gorges of __ beginning of ... month. ... first snap of ... frost was in ... air, after ... mild October of ...
mountains. (Conan Doyle) 24. __ point is that __ art now is just __ subject for Indian-summer weather. But nonetheless, it was ... sparkling day, sunny, with ... bright
conversation; and anything that anybody can understand (at __ first sight is not worth blue sky.
talking about and therefore not __. art. (Galsworthy) 25. I do not consider that __ cigars
and whisky he consumed at my expense, and __ few dollars, borrowed with __ civil air Exercise 13. Insert the article if necessary
of conferring. __ favour upon me, that passed from my pocket to his, were in any way 1. Please clean … blackboard. 2. .… good books have … good examples. 3. I must
equivalent to __ entertainment he afforded me. I remained his debtor. (Maugham) go to … bank and … post office. 4. It’s as cold as … ice. 5. Which is longer: … Volga
or … Danube? 6. … news that you brought was … great shock. 7. Is … Everest …
Exercise 10. Insert the article if necessary highest mountain in … world? 8. … weather was fine, and we decided to take … walk.
1. It was ... fine afternoon. 2. ... morning was chilly. 3. It was ... sunless day. 4. ... 9. They say … sugar is bad for you. 10. He went to … prison to visit his son. 11. This
dawn would break soon. 5. It was ... perfect summer evening on ... last day of August. 6. school has quite … large campus. 12. … Statue of Liberty was presented as … gift by …
It was ... early morning. 7. ... twilight always makes me feel sad, I don't know why. 8. It people of … France to … people of … United States. 13. … sun rises in … east and sets
was ... golden November day, ... Indian summer day. 9. ... days merged into ... nights, ... in … west. 14. … Loch Ness is … lake in Scotland. 15. … English are very proud of
nights drifted into ... dawns. 10. Of the four seasons I like ... spring best. 11. We had ... their history. 16. Is Malta in … Mediterranean? 17. They are looking for … man with …
slushy winter last year. 12. In ... late autumn we lock our cottage till... spring. 13. ... long dark hair. He is armed and dangerous.

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