English 3: First Quarter Written Test No. 3

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Name: ____________________________________Grade/Section: __________

School: ____________________Teacher: _________________Score: ________

Written Test No. 3

Read the dialogue:

Sabrina: How are you today?
Grey: I am good. How about you?
Sabrina: Oh! I am so upset.
Grey: What made you upset?
Sabrina: There is a new Covid variant called Delta. I
heard it is more dangerous. I am terrified.
Grey: Relax! Why are you terrified?
Sabrina: Mommy told me that many children are affected by
Grey: Oh! I hope it is not that dreadful.
Let us pray to God that He will heal our land.
Sabrina: Yes, and let us always follow health protocols.

Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. There is a new Covid variant called Delta. I heard it is more dangerous.

This is a declarative sentence because _____.
A. It gives information.


Caruncho Avenue, San Nicolas, Pasig City
B. It gives information. It has a subject and a predicate and it ends with a
C. It begins with a big letter and ends with a period.

2. How are you today?

This is an interrogative sentence because _____.
A. It ends with a question mark.
B. It begins with an interrogative word and ends with a question mark.
C. It uses an interrogative word that must be supplied with an answer,
and it ends with a question mark.

3. Oh! I am so upset!
This is an exclamatory sentence. What makes it an exclamatory sentence?
A. It ends with an exclamation point.
B. It begins with a big letter and ends with an exclamation point.
C. This sentence suggests a strong emotion or feeling. It begins with a
capital letter and ends with an exclamation point.

4. Let us pray to God that He will heal our land.

This is an imperative sentence. What makes it an imperative sentence?

A. It gives a command or request. It also begins with a capital letter and

could end in a period, question mark or exclamation point.
B. It needs an action to be followed by someone it is addressed to.
C. It has a word that tells the action to do.

5. What makes the Declarative Sentence different from Interrogative Sentence?

A. Both declarative and interrogative are sentences.
B. A declarative sentence gives information or opinions while
An interrogative sentence asks about information or opinions.
C. A declarative sentence gives information or opinions, and it uses
period for punctuation, while an interrogative sentence asks a
question and it uses a question mark.

6. Which declarative sentence is correctly written?

A. There is a new COVID variant called Delta
B. there is a new COVID variant called Delta.
C. There is a new COVID variant called Delta.

7. Which exclamatory sentence is correctly written?

A. Oh! I’m so upset!
B. Oh! I’m so upset.
C. oh! I’m so upset!

8. Here are sentences from the dialogue.

First sentence: How are you today?
Second Sentence: I am good.
What makes them different from each one?
A. The first is an interrogative sentence while the second is a declarative sentence.
B. The first is an interrogative sentence which asks a question while the second is a
declarative sentence that informs.
C. They differ in the punctuation marks.

9. Your Grade 3 English Class lesson is about Interrogative Sentence. You would
like to ask your classmate about the lesson because you were absent. How will
you ask?
A. What was the lesson in our English class today?
B. what was the lesson in our English class today?
C. What the lesson in our English class today?
10. You are in your online class, and you hear noise in the
background. How will you tell your classmates?
A. Please mute your microphone
B. Please mute your microphone.
C. please mute your microphone.

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