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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – A Bloody Courtship (1)

Chapter 2 – A Bloody Courtship (2)

Chapter 3 – If God Wills it

Chapter 4 – Bedroom Plan

Chapter 5 – A Reason to Desire

Chapter 6 – If You Can Stand it (1)

Chapter 7 – If You Can Stand it (2)

Chapter 8 – A Fabricated Death

Chapter 9 – A Misunderstanding in Black

Chapter 10 – A Dangerous Reunion (1)

Chapter 11 – A Dangerous Reunion (2)

Chapter 12 – A Dangerous Reunion (3)

Chapter 13 – A Dangerous Reunion (4)

Chapter 14 – Not For a Moment

Chapter 15 – Don’t Move

Chapter 16 – The Count of Three

Chapter 17 – Trap (1)

Chapter 18 – Trap (2)

Chapter 19 – Trap (3)

Chapter 20 – Trap (4)

Chapter 21 – Requiem (1)

Chapter 22 – Requiem (2)

Chapter 23 – Requiem (3)

Chapter 24 – Requiem (4)

Chapter 25 – Requiem (5)

Chapter 26 – Suspicion

Chapter 27 – A Murder at Midnight

Chapter 28 – Klimah, the Servant (1)

Chapter 29 – Klimah, the Servant (2)

Chapter 30 – Tryst

Chapter 31 – Betrayal

Chapter 32 – Spark (1)

Chapter 33 – Spark (2)

Chapter 34 – Spark (3)

Chapter 35 – Spark (4)

Chapter 36 – Pitfall (1)

Chapter 37 – Pitfall (2)

Chapter 38 – The More I Get to Know

Chapter 39 – The Beginning

Chapter 40 – Clue

Chapter 41 – Treaty of the Six Families

Chapter 42 – Prey and Poison

Chapter 43 – A Decided Partner

Chapter 44 – Today, Like Yesterday

Chapter 45 – Danger (1)

Chapter 46 – Danger (2)

Chapter 47 – Risebury’s Promise

Chapter 48 – Conspiracy
Chapter 49 – Revenge and a Proposal

Chapter 50 – Homecoming

Chapter 51 – In This Moment

Chapter 52 – The Fourteen Dead

Chapter 53 – 21 Years Ago (1)

Chapter 54 – 21 Years Ago (2)

Chapter 55 – A Leash

Chapter 56 – Nine Waterfalls

A Barbaric Proposal C1


Chapter 1 | A Bloody Courtship (1)

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech

The letter was completely crumpled from her hands.

It was the second letter they had sent.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne stared down at her pale, cold hands. The blood had completely left them, and they
didn’t feel like her own anymore.

The letter’s details were straight and to the point.

—‘I’ve been waiting for fifteen days now. Please, give me your answer.’

It was the same as the first one.

—‘To the Princess of Castle Nauk. The leader of the Tiwakan Mercenaries sends a proposal of
marriage. We look forward to hearing from you.’

And in the name of this proposal, the Tiwakan Mercenaries had been laying siege to her
castle for the last fifteen days.

[Maslow] “Princess.”

The voice that called to Rienne belonged to Maslow, an advisor to the aristocratic
delegation. It was shaking and filled with worry.

[Maslow] “You won’t accept it, will you? They’re nothing but wild beasts who know
nothing of human decency, just doing as they please. To have the audacity to propose like
this…! This is proof of their savagery!”

[Rienne] “But if we don’t accept, do we have any other way to stop them?”

Trying her best to steady her voice, Rienne opened up the crumbled letter with her hands.

[Rienne] “We don’t have the strength necessary to drive them away on our own. You know

The only remaining symbols of power in their once great kingdom was Rienne, Maslow,
and Weroz—the captain of the guard. They were nothing compared to how splendid the
Nauk Kingdom of old was.

Weroz spoke in a heavy voice. Though he was uptight and rigid long ago, he was over forty
years old now.

[Weroz] “We can still fight them. I’m prepared to offer up my life if need be.”
Rienne knew of Weroz’s loyalty. She knew he was honest when he said he was ready.

And that was all the more reason she needed to accept the proposal.

She couldn’t let all the knights who thought like Weroz needlessly throw their lives away.

[Rienne] “We’ll all end up dying together.”

[Weroz] “P, Princess…!”

Weroz shook his head, but Rienne couldn’t bring herself to lie.

It had been fifteen days.

In only fifteen days, Castle Nauk had been completely isolated and not long ago, their
supply routes had been cut off. The people were exhausted from fighting, and the few
guards that remained had completely lost their spirits.

They had no chance from the very beginning. From the start, the mercenaries had an army
ten times the size of the castle’s reserve troops.

Not to mention the Tiwakan Mercenaries, known for being the cruelest and most barbaric
army on the entire continent, were suffering no real loss. For them, this was no different
from hunting rabbits.

They could easily hold out for months if need be.

But not before everyone in the Kingdom of Nauk starved to death.

Taking a deep breath, Rienne spoke.

[Rienne] “I will accept their offer.”

Maslow and Weroz shouted out together.

[Weroz] “No, Princess!”

[Maslow] “No, you mustn’t! You’re only saying that because you don’t know what the
people of Tiwakan are like!”

She’d heard enough rumors.

They said the leader of Tiwakan was the son of the God of War, birthed after his mother
was raped. As a result, the God of Death cursed him, and the God of Earth continually
rejected his body.

His cursed existence was one that could never perish on the battlefield.
[Maslow] “They say he was one of the ones who turned his back on God. As such…”

[Rienne] “Perhaps he desires men more than he does women?”

Hearing Rienne’s straightforward and blunt remarks, Weroz stuttered out.

[Weroz] “Well, as you already know, the Tiwakan Mercenaries do have more men… in their

Maslow was an experienced advisor, so he used clearer language to stop Rienne from
accepting the offer.

[Maslow] “As such, women who spend the night with men like that tend not to live long,

Hearing that, a shadow downcast over Rienne’s eyes. It was enough to make her shiver. Just
what manner of beast was this man?

[Rienne] “But I don’t think he’ll kill me in a single night. He wouldn’t have asked me to
marry him if that’s what he wanted.”

Maslow shouted out in a panicked tone.

[Maslow] “You can’t, Princess. Or have you forgotten what Lord Kleinfelder is trying to do
right now for your sake?”

[Rienne] “He said he would find reinforcements from the Kingdom of Sharka and bring
them here within ten days.”

Rienne wasn’t the sort of person to be pessimistic, but she didn’t want to hold onto what
could turn out to be false hope.

After all, she was Princess Rienne of the Arsak family, ruler of Castle Nauk, and responsible
for the lives of everyone who lived there.

[Rienne] “Ten days have already come and gone. There’s no guarantee he’ll return, nor
that he’ll bring back the reinforcements he promised.”

[Maslow] “Do you not trust Lord Kleinfelder? He’s doing more for you, Princess, than he’s
done for his own life. I’m certain he’ll return with the reinforcements.”

[Rienne] “If it were possible, he’d be back already within the allotted time.”

Rienne mulled over the promise of Rafit Kleinfelder, a knight of the Arsak family with a
thorny look on her face.
When they first heard word that the Tiwakan Mercenaries were marching on Nauk Castle,
Rafit had left without a moment’s notice for the Kingdom of Sharka. His mother’s family
was one of the largest in the entire nation.

If anyone could get their help, it was him.

Just ten days, he had said.

He told them to hold on just for that long.

Rienne wanted to believe in him, but a flicker of hope in the palm of her hand was nothing
in comparison to the crushing reality before her.

[Rienne] “We can’t delay any longer. Even if he does manage to return, the Kingdom of
Sharka would never provide us with enough troops to drive back the Tiwakan Mercenaries.
What country would want to wage war with them now? Even the great Kingdom of Lekes
decided to humiliate themselves by signing a peace treaty them.”

It was five days past the appointed time. That was all the evidence they needed.

Even Maslow and Weroz knew that it was pointless to hope for reinforcements.

[Rienne] “Whatever the reason is, we all know that the Tiwakan’s proposal is real. They
wouldn’t be waiting for an answer while laying siege to the castle if it wasn’t. Their troops
could easily break the gates and walls at any time they so choose.”

Looking back at the only other two people left to the defend Castle Nauk with her, Rienne
made her decision.

[Rienne] “As heir to the Arsak family and the last of my blood, I have a duty to defend
Nauk. If my marriage to one man can protect everyone’s lives, it’s a small price to pay.”

[Weroz] “Princess…”

He didn’t have it in him to fight her on this. Closing his eyes, Weroz accepted her choice
with a sigh, his face filled with remorse as the edges of his eyes wrinkled.

But Maslow wasn’t ready to give in.

[Maslow] “Then what about Lord Kleinfelder? The Kleinfelders are presently one of the
most powerful families in all of Nauk. That isn’t a relationship you can cut off so easily; not
without consultation.”

As an advisor to the aristocracy, Maslow had long since maintained a good relationship
with the Kleinfelders. He was one of the many who believed that Rafit Kleinfelder would
one day marry Rienne and become Nauk’s ruler.
[Rienne] “There’s no point in discussing it.”

[Maslow] “Can you say that to the Kleinfelders, Princess?”

[Rienne] “And tell me, what were the Kleinfelders doing as Castle Nauk’s guards bled out
waiting for Lord Kleinfelder’s return?”

Rienne’s expression turned cold.

Though Lord Kleinfelder was technically her ‘lover’, her relationship with him had never
once been loving.

The Kleinfelders kept an iron grip on the nation’s wealth and power, something that didn’t
go unnoticed as the little kingdom started to crumble. With that power in his hands, Rafit
urged Rienne to marry him after her father’s death.

One way or another, Rienne fought off the official engagement in order to stave off the
Kleinfelder’s attempts to gain joint control over Nauk.

Perhaps, he could’ve been a genuine sweetheart towards her.

But the Kleinfelders were too greedy. They would consume all of Nauk, which was already
barren, leaving nothing but the bones behind.

[Rienne] “I’ll send my reply to the head of Tiwakan.”

Weroz and Maslow looked up at her with their faces distorted.

Speaking with a steady and direct voice, Rienne gave her answer to the two people who
fought against her decision for different reasons.

[Rienne] “I accept their offer.”

An hour after her answer, they received a response.

A place for Rienne and her proposer to meet had been decided.

Rienne was to be escorted by Weroz and a few other guards.

Looking at it from here…

As the sound of the horses grew in her ear, Castle Nauk grew smaller in the distance.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne turned her head to the side, staring at the castle she was leaving behind her.

…I wonder if I’ll ever get back safely.



The location of the meeting was exactly at the halfway point between Castle Nauk and the
Tiwakan’s military encampment.

The Tiwakan had already set up a tent in advance. Rienne entered first, accompanied only
by Weroz.

Though the point of all of this was a proposal, the atmosphere was more akin to a
battlefield. Troops were on either side of them with only the tent between them, and the
tension in the air was palpable.

[Rienne] “…He’s not here yet.”

Once inside, there was nothing but a table and two chairs facing one another.

Weroz stared angrily at their enemy’s empty seat.

[Weroz] “I didn’t expect it to turn out like this. To think they’d disrespect us to this extent.”

[Rienne] “Well, thanks to them, at least I have some time to prepare myself. It isn’t all bad.”

So she said in jest, but there was a hint of sincerity to her words.

Being given some extra time wasn’t too bad. Rienne was worried her anxiety would be
obvious with how much she was shaking and how frightened she was when she first
walked in.

She was being coerced into accepting this proposal, but she didn’t want to look intimidated.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne bit her lip, sitting in what she assumed was her seat.

In just a moment, the leader of the Tiwakan would enter. An illegitimate son, abandoned by
the God of War.

Don’t be nervous.

Rienne clasped her hands in her lap.

Don’t let them look down on you.

This wasn’t a proposal. This was a negotiation. Whatever they wanted from her, she
wouldn’t give it up so easily.

[Weroz] “Princess.”

Suddenly, Weroz called out to Rienne, lowering his voice.

[Weroz] “I hear something.”

[Rienne] “…What is it?”

[Weroz] “It was definitely a sword.”

[Rienne] “What do you mean?”

[Weroz] “Someone is fighting. Those savages will find any reason to fight, even amongst
themselves… Ah!”

Weroz’s face turned red. Slapping his knee, he couldn’t contain the apparent joy on his face.

[Weroz] “It must be Sir Kleinfelder! He must’ve led his reinforcements straight to attack
the Tiwakan!”

[Rienne] “What?”

Rienne lifted herself up with tears in her eyes.

[Rienne] “Then does that mean… I don’t have to accept this proposal?”

[Weroz] “Of course, Princess! On your order, allow me to check outside. If they get caught
up in battle, they’ll try and pin the blame on us for breaking our promise.”

Weroz took charge in leading the way.

[Weroz] “Hurry, Princess.”

But just as Rienne started to take a step, the sound of the tent’s curtain being pushed open
sounded out; as if the world was mocking her.

Flap, flap.

A surge of strong, bright light poured into the inside of the tent.

Rienne let go of Weroz’s hand and frowned. She blinked, allowing her eyes to adjust to the
light and eventually, she began to see a black silhouette settling in her vision.

…There’s something huge here.

The shadow looming over her was all she needed to realize how massive the person
standing in front of her was.

Imposing, dark, stiff, and incredibly fierce.

[—] “I’m late.”

His dry tone and languid voice passed through the air, like the wind shaking dry grass.

[—] “Princess of Nauk.”

The head of the Tiwakan had arrived, just as she had tried to escape this barbaric proposal.
It was so bright, she felt her eyes start to water. Rienne opened her eyes wide and stared at
the man now approaching her.

Just looking at him made her feel like she was suffocating.

His intimidating stature overwhelmed her, and every time he took another step closer, she
felt her body go numb.

The man’s hair was indescribably black, but in contrast, his intense blue eyes were clear
like water. It felt more like an animal was staring her down, rather than a person.

Rienne had never met anyone with such an intense appearance before. When she made eye
contact with him, it sent shivers down her spine. And yet, she couldn’t bring herself to look

In fact, though they called him a savage that was more beast than man, he was beautiful.
The combination of deep hair and transparent lake-like eyes was breathtaking.


Rienne closed her eyes and opened them again.

But even so, the shock she felt at seeing such a stunning person didn’t disappear so easily.

Pull yourself together. Decent looking or not, a barbarian is still a barbarian.

A Barbaric Proposal C2

Chapter 2 | Bloody Courtship (2)

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


One side of the man’s cheek was red. It was from the blood of a wound that had not yet

[—] “I had to deal with something urgent, so I’ve arrived late. Please, take a seat.”

The man reached out his hand and pointed to one of the empty chairs.

…Calm down. Just breathe.

There seemed to have been a battle, but even so, the Tiwakan leader arrived at the
promised location. Whatever happened was apparently not worth any real concern for him.

[Rienne] “I greet the head of the Tiwakan. I wonder what could have happened that
delayed our meeting and kept your marriage partner waiting.”
[—] “…Something unexpected happened.”

…As she thought. The reinforcements had arrived.

Rienne bit her lip to keep herself from smiling instinctively.

[Rienne] “If it was such a surprise, then I’m not certain you should be spending your time
with me, Lord Tiwakan. We can always postpone this meeting for a later date. We’ll be in
contact again the moment your affairs are in order.”

Things were completely different if the reinforcements were here.

Nauk was being given a chance to fight, not roll over and surrender. As if having the same
thought, Weroz’s eyes turned bright.

The man, the very same who arrived with blood on his face with the intent to propose, just
wiped his cheek; entirely unbothered by the situation.

[—] “It’s fine.”

After he rubbed his cheek, there was blood on his hand.

…The smell of blood.

Rienne’s eyes narrowed unconsciously and she took a step back. That blood could belong to
someone from Nauk.

The man walked towards Rienne, his gaze piercing her.

[—] “Shall I ask for your answer now?”

Rienne grit her teeth to keep herself from trembling.

[Rienne] “I…”

Even now, his eyes were like that of a beast. Just looking at them made her tongue curl up
inside her.

The man looked at Rienne as if he were in the midst of capturing her before looking behind
him and calling out to someone outside.

[—] “Bring it.”

[Mercenary] “Yes, My Lord.”

Someone was quick to answer, as if Tiwakan’s Mercenaries were outside waiting for his

Once the curtain was pulled back, a male monk entered.

There was a sword in his hands.

It was a long sword with various gems and jewelry pieces embedded in the hilt. Normally, it
was the kind of sword typically used by knights from aristocratic families.

[Rienne] “This is…”

Rienne’s face turned pale like the dawn light. Seeing what she did, Weroz gasped.

This was a sword used by the knights of the Arsak family. It was the same sword worn at
the waist of her lover who had left, promising to return in ten days.

…He’s dead.

There was blood on the sword. The same color as the blood on the man’s cheek.

[—] “There was a surprise attack, but it’s nothing to worry about. It’s all been taken care

His voice was low and dry. It carried no emotion as it passed through Rienne’s ears.

[—] “So, your answer to the proposal?”


This could only mean one thing.

She no longer had a choice.

There would be no reinforcements. Her lover, the one who was supposed to bring them to
her, was dead.

Killed by the barbarian standing in front of her.

[Rienne] “…First…”

Rienne faced the head of the Tiwakan with the table between them, slowly opening her
mouth to speak.

In that moment, she had no choice but to push aside thoughts of her dead lover. She had no
time to mourn him. Her main priority was getting out of this situation alive.

The circumstances had changed in a moment’s notice. It was no longer a matter of simply
accepting the proposal. Just as Rienne said she would accept, the reinforcements had
arrived. Like she had planned it ahead of time.

The Tiwakan might assume she had set a trap. It was possible the barbarians would slit her
throat right then and there to make her pay for this betrayal.

[Rienne] “I hope you…will remember your manners, Lord Tiwakan.”

Her voice was uneven. After uttering barely a sentence, she felt like he was moments from
ripping her throat out.

The man’s eyes moved slowly.

[—] “Manners?”

[Rienne] “In Nauk, it’s considered impolite to put a weapon on the table where a proposal
is to be discussed.”

[—] “. . .”

His eyes stopped moving as they passed over Rienne’s face. Having to just sit still while
avoiding his gaze made her feel both insulted and frightened.

It was likely due to his bestial eyes.

He was an incredibly strong person, looking her up and down as if she were weak and
vulnerable prey.

[—] “Well, then.”


The head of the Tiwakan gently pushed the sword off the table and onto the floor. That was
the very sword he used to cut the neck of someone, but he shoved it away as if it had
nothing to do with him.

[—] “I don’t mean to be insensitive. It’s not my sword, so I don’t plan on wielding it, but it’s
good to have just in case.”

Rienne gripped her hand tightly under the table. She could feel her nails digging into her

[Rienne] “What do you mean by ‘just in case’?”

[—] “You may change your mind and refuse my proposal, Princess.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

How much does he know?

Though his eyes were clear, they revealed nothing of his thoughts. She couldn’t tell what he
was thinking at all.

[—] “The person who once wielded this sword was the very reason you wanted to reject it,

[Rienne] “He…”

She took in a few short breaths.

So he knew as well. That it was the Arsak family’s retinue commander that led the raid
against him, which meant Rienne was struggling to find a way to reject his proposal.

[—] “He’s not coming back.”

When he said it, it sounded like a declaration of war even though he spoke casually.

It was as if he was telling her that there was no way out. That she had to give him an

[—] “So, your answer?”

[Rienne] “. . .”
Rienne’s finger nails were now piercing her flesh, and the sting of pain helped bring her
back to her senses.

This was no ordinary union.

He wasn’t trying to marry her. He was trying to take everything from her. The Tiwakan’s
leader had already taken her lover, and now he would take Nauk and devour it.

She had to get away.

Rienne only had one card left to play.

A hand she would deal in the name of a lie.

[Rienne] “Before that, there’s something you should know, Lord Tiwakan.”

[—] “I’m listening.”

Rienne bit her lip with a single hope in her heart.

Please, let him be deceived by this lie.

[Rienne] “The owner of that sword was the commander of the Arsak family knights, as well
as my love. I’m certain you already knew that, as you proposed.”

[—] “I know.”

[Rienne] “Then you should also know I’ve already allowed my love to lay with me.”

[—] “. . .”

His eyes were more akin to a beast than a human as they glistened in the light.

[Rienne] “And now I am with child.”

And so Rienne revealed the final card she had. There was no doubt in her mind that he
would have no choice but to pull himself from this game after hearing it.

[Rienne] “Knowing this, will you still propose?”


[Weroz] “Princess…”
Weroz was standing behind Rienne, his pale lips slightly parted. He could feel the tension
piercing his entire body.

Having another man’s child was a clear cut rejection. A man of any level of decency would
take the loss and bow out.

But Rienne’s opponent was a barbarian.

Weroz couldn’t dismiss the possibility that the barbarian could go berserk from the insult.
If that happened, Weroz was prepared to shield Rienne with his body if necessary.

But the beast-like man didn’t flip the table or attack anyone with a knife like he anticipated.

[—] “…I see.”

Hearing the unexpected news, the man tilted his head to the side, curiosity tugging at his

[Rienne] “What you desire from this proposal, Lord Tiwakan, is joint sovereignty of Nauk.
But as you well know, Nauk’s throne belongs to those of Arsak blood. Even if you were to
marry me, my child will become the King. Tiwakan blood will not run through his veins.”

Rienne spoke without taking a breath.

That was her best assumption when it came to the Tiwakan’s motives. The reason why
Tiwakan mercenaries, who swept through battlefields with ease, would so suddenly come
to a small southern castle that has nothing to offer them, and demand marriage.

He might wish to settle down as a king.

With no more wars to fight, there weren’t many options for mercenaries. They would either
return home with their spoils, or wander the country looking for work by looting.

Or they could absorb a small kingdom. As a conqueror, he could become a king himself or
marry an existing royal family member to gain sovereignty.

But there was a problem.

In order to fully become part of the royal family, he needed to continue his bloodline. As
Rienne said, it all became pointless if a child that wasn’t his own became the great king. He
would live and die as nothing more than the husband of a princess.

The head of the Tiwakan frowned.

The creases on his face were the only sign of displeasure on his otherwise expressionless
[—] “…That’s a lot more than I expected.”

He spoke to himself quietly.

Rienne could only hold her breath while he mulled over her words.

Suddenly, his fierce eyes like a predator turned towards her.

[—] “If I acknowledge his birthright, will you marry me?”

[Rienne] “…Excuse me?”

Expecting a rejection, Rienne’s eyes blinked in total bewilderment.

Weroz was no different. Just a moment ago, he was busying himself with ideas on how to
deal with the son of the God of War, the head of the Tiwakan, should things go south, but
now his mouth was agape with shock.

[—] “Then you can just give birth.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[—] “In exchange, I’ll take you, Princess.”

The proposal was accepted. It was a situation she couldn’t understand at all.


[—] “I’ll see you off.”

The head of the Tiwakan was now engaged to the Princess thanks to the marriage proposal,
so it wasn’t like Weroz could tell him to back off or not to lay a finger on Nauk’s princess.

Rienne grit her teeth and took a step back.

[Rienne] “We’re still strangers to one another, so I’ll have to decline.”

Rienne stood back with Weroz.

The sound of the man walking towards where her horse was posted gave her goosebumps.

[—] “You’ll get used to eventually. You have to.”

[Rienne] “I…”
[—] “Take my hand.”

The head of the Tiwakan reached out to her.

Seeing his hand, she couldn’t help but feel as though their appearance was a complete

It was a hand that didn’t hesitate to kill others like an animal tearing apart its meal. It was
the hand of a person who still had blood on his face, but was also deceptively straight.

There were clear callouses on his palm from the wear and tear of wielding a sword, but his
long outstretched fingers were as refined as a nobleman’s.

Perhaps if there were blood on his hand, she could have used cleanliness as an excuse and
refused him, but they were impeccably clean.

[Rienne] “…Alright.”

Mustering her courage, Rienne placed her fingertips in the palm of his hand.

But the Tiwakan’s chief didn’t pull her hand in and hold it, instead moving to place his other
hand around Rienne’s waist.

[Rienne] “…Ah.”

Rienne instinctively gasped as he effortlessly lifted her into the air with one arm and placed
her into the saddle of her horse.

It all happened so quickly, Rienne felt like her head was still in the clouds.

Before Rienne could even think about grabbing the reins, the man took her hand and
tapped her palm with his fingers.

[Rienne] “Oh.”

[—] “You’re hurt.”

The stinging pain pulled Rienne out of her daze.

It was from when she was digging into her own palm and accidentally tore her flesh. It was
clear she had done it to herself just by looking at it.

Without even thinking, Rienne tried to hide her hand, but the man maintained his grip on

[—] “Thank you for being patient.”

[Rienne] “Huh…?”
[—] “I ask that you endure more in the future. You’ll get used to it someday.”

After speaking softly, the man bowed his head and put his lips against Rienne’s torn palm.

[Rienne] “. . .”

It was such an unexpected thing that Rienne could only stare down at the man with her lips
slightly parted as the late afternoon sun glanced off of him.

His light colored eyes glistened in the sunlight.


[Phermos] “What the hell were you thinking?”

As soon as Nauk’s princess was completely out of sight, Phermos quickly spoke up, as if he
had been waiting for his chance to express his displeasure.

[Phermos] “I can’t believe it… a child! Didn’t you want to take Nauk for yourself? You
wanted to have it so badly, you fought and bled for it, and opted for a proposal. Is that

As an aide, Phermos was a deeply intelligent man.

Those strange glass lenses placed in metal frames didn’t sit on his nose for nothing. He read
more than enough and, as a result, possessed plenty of knowledge. He had ideas and
thoughts no other human dared to dream of.

So when the head of the Tiwakan suddenly decided to descend on the southern castle in
order to propose to and marry a princess of ruined kingdom, Phermos assumed their
leader wanted to rule.

He’d been wandering the battlefield for far too long by now. Maybe he just wanted a break.

With that in mind, Phermos followed him without question.

After all, for the Tiwakan Mercenaries, surrounding and isolating a castle with a few troops
was nothing short of a break.

Their opponent in this fight was just going to surrender anyway. The mercenaries would
often practice their table manners and crack jokes like, ‘If our master becomes King, does
that make us nobles?’

But an illegitimate child?

He would accept a child that doesn’t have a drop of his blood? A child that would only serve
to cause trouble in the future?

Where was the logic in that choice?

[—] “You’re not wrong. I do want Nauk.”

[Phermos] “Then it’s not too late. Don’t give up on taking power. No matter what you
desire, they’re powerless to refuse. Even they’ll understand the ramifications of saying no
to you.”

As the man turned away to watch where Nauk’s princess had disappeared to, Phermos
couldn’t help but feel as though his eyes looked different from usual.

Any answer he may have drawn from him flowed away like the river Ebet in Nauk. A river
that was completely dried up.

[—] “What I desire includes her.”

A Barbaric Proposal C3

Chapter 3 | If God Wills It

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


At first, Phermos thought he heard wrong.

[Phermos] “I’m sorry…. you want…what?”

[—] “The Princess of Nauk”

Phermos adjusted his glasses.

[Phermos] “My Lord wants a woman? A woman you never even met before today? But

[—] “. . .”
The Tiwakan’s chief opted to remain quiet rather than answer.

He was normally the stoic type.

He had no name, nor any origins. No one knew anything about him before he joined the
Tiwakan Mercenaries. Even Phermos only had a vague idea.

Though he had no name, the word they used to refer to him in its place was ‘Black’. There
was no better word to describe him. (1)

[Phermos] “My Lord, please think about the future. What do you think will happen after
the child is born? What if he finds out the Knight Commander was his father? He’ll try and
get revenge on you and call his mother a traitor.”

Phermos was blathering on, but he believed Black to be aware of all of this.

He could not for the life of him understand what was going on in that man’s head.

It would be understandable if all he desired was Nauk itself. To be frank, Phermos didn’t
entirely know what use such a barren and poor land could be, but if Black wanted it, that
was all the reason Phermos needed.

To the mercenaries, Black wasn’t just some illegitimate child born from the God of War. He
was a God himself.

On that ten yearlong battlefield, Black had saved them all in a fight against the God of
Death. That was all they needed to know that Black himself was a God.

But now, suddenly Black desired the Princess of Nauk, not Nauk itself. It was something
Phermos couldn’t wrap his brain around.

It wasn’t possible for Black to fall in love with the first woman he met today. While it was
true the Princess of Nauk was a rare beauty indeed, a single well sculpted face shouldn’t be
enough to shake Black of all people.

There had to be some other reason.

[Black] “The kid doesn’t matter to me.”

When Black finally spoke again, Phermos’ face beamed. He knew he shouldn’t ask his lord,
but the curiosity was driving him crazy.

[Phermos] “Can I ask why?”

[Black] “Any child born of the Princess of Nauk will be mine as well, regardless of who they
are. I don’t intend to act pure hearted, but I also don’t wish to capture her spirit. Even if
there is another who has her heart, I have no need nor a desire to forcibly take it.
[Phermos] “. . .”

Phermos moved his eyes around, looking at him with a perplexing face.

His Lord’s words were surprisingly innocent, and it made him feel strange.

[Phermos] “So… You really want to get the Princess and not just Nauk?”

[Black] “Are you truly asking me that?”

Black raised his eyebrow.

That sufficed as an answer. Black was not in love with Nauk’s princess. He wasn’t
particularly generous towards her, nor did he long for her affection.

So what was the reason?

[Black] “I’m just trying to get her because I have to.”

[Phermos] “But why would you…”

[Black] “I need to take back what was mine from the start.”

[Phermos] “What?”

The declaration was so embarrassing, Phermos almost dropped his glasses.

[Phermos] “You mean, Nauk…? Then that’s…”

[Black] “If the Princess were to be married, it would only make it harder to take it back.
That is why I must move quickly and take it before then. I’ll tell you what you need to know
as we go, so stop asking so many questions.” (2)

From just that, Phermos could tell Nauk had something to do with Black’s completely
shrouded past. A past that was kept a dark secret from the rest of them.

[Phermos] “I see.”

Then it truly wasn’t Phermos’ place to argue.

[Phermos] “I’ll do as you ask of me.”

If their God willed it, then it had to be done.


The light of dawn was aggressively bright.

Rienne stood by the window, rubbing her eyes. She couldn’t sleep a wink all night.

[Rienne] “…Farewell.”

As she leaned her forehead against the window all through the morning, she felt a chill
coursing through her body until it reached the tips of her toes.

She was mourning—a soft sigh escaping her as a goodbye to her lover. The tears pooled
like fog in her deep emerald eyes, but they never dared to fall.

I shouldn’t cry.

It takes too much energy.

Rienne told herself this, as if to provide herself with some small level of comfort.

Farewell. I pray you can meet someone who will love you properly in the land of the dead.

Even now, she was such a coward. She didn’t even have the courage to treat him as a lover
should. It was just a compromise, having a Knight of the Arsak Family by her side.

Rienne didn’t have the power needed to protect the Kingdom of Nauk on her own, but her
lover’s family did.

In essence, their relationship was a forced one, calculated by her lover’s family who wanted
to control Nauk, but he always told Rienne that his love for her was true. He said he would
wait until the day she could trust him completely.

She didn’t realize that affection would eventually lead to his death.

Her lover’s death left her cold, like losing the light of dawn. Rienne realized in that moment
that there was one less person around with the power to protect her.

What a coldhearted and selfish person she was. Her lover was dead, and yet all she could
think about was the effect his death would have on Nauk.

[Rienne] “Even after he’s gone, I’m still using him.”

Rienne placed a hand on the window sill.

She was lying when she said there was a child. She hardly ever let her lover even kiss her,
let alone sleep with her.
Every time he did, he would look at her with a burning intensity. That intensity and thirst
reminded her all too much of the Kleinfelder’s desire to take her position.

If she really was pregnant with her lover’s child, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to tolerate it

[Rienne] “It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay…”

There had to be a way to trick him.

Rienne would either have to fake a miscarriage, or actually have a child.

Even entertaining the last idea sent shivers down her spine. She had too much on her plate
just protecting the castle.

Can I really fool him?

So she thought about that contradictory man.

He was a terrifying, ferocious man who could scare others just by looking at them, and yet…
he was also the person who had left a soft kiss on her palm after seeing she was injured.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne slipped out her hand and opened it up to look at her palm.

There was a red scar in the shape of her fingernails. The wound reminded her of the man’s
lips, making her hand tremble.

She was beginning to realize she would never understand how different these two sides of
him were.

[Rienne] “Hah….”
After giving a small sigh, Rienne turned her gaze away.

A new day was finally starting.

Another long, painful day of trying to bring together a kingdom that was falling apart at the
seams, bit by bit every day. (3)


[Maslow] “…So we were able to secure three months’ worth of tax revenue. And of course
it’s been impacted by the reduced spending.”

As per usual, Maslow visited the King’s office early in the morning. After King Seon’s
passing, the office was now Rienne’s working space, but not much had changed from

The Kingdom’s earnings were falling more and more each year.

Nauk was once the richest Kingdom in the entire southern region. Now, thanks to the
drought that lasted twenty years, it quickly fell to being the poorest.

However, they somehow managed to secure tax revenue due to the heavy rainfall this year.
If it hadn’t been for the attack from Tiwakan, Rienne could have had three meals a day.

[Rienne] “That’s good to hear.”

Rienne mulled over the documents Maslow handed over to her.

[Rienne] “I suppose it’s a good thing I accepted Lord Tiwakan’s proposal when I did. If I
hadn’t, these numbers surely would’ve been worse.”

Even though it was a light-hearted joke, Maslow looked upset.

[Maslow] “I think it was rather reckless of you accept the proposal, Princess. At the very
least, you should have consulted the Kleinfelders…”

[Rienne] “If Lord Tiwakan returns his body, I’ll discuss the funeral matters with them. Until
then, please convey my deepest condolences and sorrow to his family on my behalf.”

Maslow’s lips twitched in disapproval.

[Maslow] “As a member of the royal family, we’ll need to have a formal mourning period. It
was the eldest son of the Kleinfelder family who passed, after all.”

Maslow was still staunchly opposed to Rienne’s decision to accept the Tiwakan proposal. A
civil war might have even broken out had that man not presented her lover’s sword to her
as proof of his death.

[Rienne] “Would that not be rather disrespectful? Tell them I’ll need to speak with Lord
Tiwakan first.”

[Maslow] “If you insist on being so polite to those barbarians, I won’t stand still.”

Maslow stroked his chin with his head drooped down.

The chairman of the noble council was her dead lover’s uncle, and that very seat of power
was one of the positions that were guaranteed to the Kleinfelders for generations.

This delegate was given the sacred responsibility of assisting the royal family, but the
chairman of Nauk had only been performing a single duty for the last several years.

Keeping potential rebellions in check.

The chairman undoubtedly believed his nephew would become King of Nauk some day
after serving dutifully as the commander of the Arsak family’s retinue knights.

It was obvious he would be losing his mind, hearing that Rienne had gotten engaged to
another so soon after his nephew’s passing.

This was part of the reasons why Rienne could never accept her lover’s feelings for her to
be true, no matter how sincere he was.

If Rienne had married him and allowed him to rule Nauk alongside her, she knew the
chairman wouldn’t waste any time using Nauk for all it was worth—eating away at it
starting from the bottom.

[Maslow] “Don’t you think you should speak with the Kleinfelders personally? If those
savages have earned common decency, then so have the Kleinfelders. Please give them the
respect they deserve, Princess.”

[Rienne] “My apologies, but I’m busy preparing for the engagement. I don’t have time to
deliver my condolences in person, so please understand my position. If not, then perhaps
you’re somehow trying to maintain the goal of the chairman?”

Maslow’s face turned red, but that meant nothing.

[Maslow] “Princess, I only mean that we shouldn’t neglect the death of Lord Kleinfelder
just because of his family. If we do, we’ll end up paying a great price. They’re a family that
dates back to the days of Nauk’s first king.”

[Rienne] “Don’t you think I know that?”

Rienne gave a tired and bitter smile.

[Rienne] “You of all people should know how hard I tried to avoid the proposal from Lord
Tiwakan, but the death toll kept rising. What more could I have done? Should I have
sacrificed more lives just to help the Kleinfelders’ save face?”

[Maslow] “…I’ve said my piece, Princess.”

With no more words left to say, Maslow backed off. Rienne didn’t respond as he turned
around, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him with a heavy sound.

[Rienne] “To think we must come to blows just planning a memorial.”

Rienne let out a low sigh.

What a terrible lover I am…

[Rienne] “I should at least change my clothes.”

If nothing else, she should wear mourning clothes to greet the body of the lover she never
once loved.


[Rienne] “…What did you just say?”

But she couldn’t wear a black dress.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Lord Weroz told me to deliver an urgent message. The head of that
barbaric tribe is bringing the body himself, so you’ll need to change again, Princess.”

[Rienne] “Ha…”

Even the thought of meeting with those cold, beast-like eyes again made her chest feel tight.

[Rienne] “It can’t be helped. Bring me another dress. And prepare a welcome.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, Princess.”

Mrs. Flambard was Rienne’s nanny, and was now serving as her personal lady-in-waiting.
She sighed deeply.

[Mrs. Flambard] “You shouldn’t have to welcome the barbarians, Princess. You don’t have
to act nice.”

As she picked out a few pieces of clothing with colorful fabrics, Mrs. Flambard’s eyes were
filled with a mixture of pity and anger.

[Mrs. Flambard] “You shouldn’t look too beautiful either. They don’t deserve to see you
like that.”

[Rienne] “It’s a bit too late for that. Now that I’ve accepted his proposal, we’re considered
officially engaged. Treating him badly would reflect poorly on me.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “But he’s a savage who killed your love.”

Rienne quickly moved to stop Mrs. Flambard’s crying, who sobbed as if she was the one
who experienced the tragedy.

[Rienne] “Mrs. Flambard.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, Princess?”

[Rienne] “He’s gone, and I’m engaged now. It would be an insult to both my fiancé and
myself if I were to speak his name now.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Ah…”

[Rienne] “Now please, help me change clothes. I shouldn’t be late.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “. . .”

Mrs. Flambard didn’t respond, but she nodded her head instead.

She worked as she usually did when she changed Rienne’s clothes, but every so often, her
hands would tremble.

[Rienne] “Oh, but one more thing.”

As Mrs. Flambard tightened the laces of Rienne’s undershirt, several thoughts crossed her

[Mrs. Flambard] “Tell me, Princess.”

[Rienne] “It’s still a secret, but I’m having a baby.”

T/N: (1) His name can either be read as “Black” (common) or “Vlack” (uncommon).
Honestly, I personally like Vlack better, but they later go on to say his moniker fits his dark
personality, so I stuck with “Black”, as it’s the more common reading in the first place.

(2) There’s no subject nor pronoun in this phrase. As such, it’s purposefully left ambiguous
whether or not Black is referring to Rienne or Nauk, hence “it”.

(3) It was established in Ch. 1 that Rienne’s lover’s name was Rafit Kleinfelder, but the raws
exclusively refer to him as being her “lover” in this entire section, so I just stuck with that.

A Barbaric Proposal C4

Chapter 4 | Bedroom Plan

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


[Mrs. Flambard] “…What?”

Mrs. Flambard was so shocked, she released the lace she was tying and Rienne’s loose inner
skirt fell to the floor.

[Rienne] “Exactly how long does it take for a baby to start showing?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “O, oh, w, well, that’s…”

As Mrs. Flambard struggled to find her words, guards had rushed over and knocked on
Rienne’s door.

Knock, knock.
[Guard] “Message for the Princess. We’ve received word that the head of the Tiwakan has
arrived and is at the front gates. We’re awaiting Lord Weroz’s orders before allowing him

Suddenly, the faces of Mrs. Flambard and Rienne changed once they noticed Rienne was
still in her underwear. Making eye contact with her nanny, Rienne spoke slowly.

[Rienne] “…Open the gates. Tell him I’ll be with him shortly.”

With that, Mrs. Flambard quickly got to work tying Rienne’s dress.

Even though Mrs. Flambard had told Rienne not to look so beautiful, she unfortunately
looked radiant when dressed in such bright clothing.

Her snow white skin blended strangely with how slender her neck was, giving her the
image of a fragile flower that could break at any moment.


[Rienne] “. . .”

There were six coffins placed in the front yard. Silence filled the air, save for the sound of
each of them unceremoniously hitting the ground as they were brought in.

Completely forgetting to welcome her guests, Rienne just stared blankly at the closed

Seeing them like this, they all looked the same. She couldn’t tell which one of them
contained her dead lover.

[Phermos] “We’ve brought back the bodies without damage, just as you requested.”

So said the strange man with a funny looking contraption on his face—a man who
identified himself as Phermos.

[Phermos] “This is a small gift to you, Princess of Nauk, who graciously accepted our offer.”

[Rienne] “…Thank you.”

The first gift she received from her fiancé was a corpse. How eerie.

As Rienne nodded her head to acknowledge the gift, Black took a step towards her. His eyes
bored into her face, and it felt like it was stinging her flesh.
[Rienne] “Thank you for granting my request. And for the coffins.”

It was a miracle enough that the bodies of those slain during a surprise attack were
returned intact, but the coffins were not a requirement.

The barbarians must have wanted to play nice because they’re engaged now.

Rienne was now in the position to be grateful for these sorts of things.

The head of Tiwakan took another step closer, and Rienne pushed down the desire to take
a step back.

[Black] “The day is over.”

The way he said it made it sound like a day was a very long time, but in reality, it had only
been a single day since her lover died.

[Black] “I want to talk about our marriage, now.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

The six coffins, one of which containing the body of her lover, were both a gift and a threat,
as if to say…

Don’t get distracted by grief and forget about my proposal.


They had to move locations.

The office was too small, but the chapel was too large. In the end, they ended up using the
reception room with the biggest table.

At one point, the most important families in all of Nauk would make frequent visits to the
King every day, but such a tradition had long since died out.

They sat on opposite sides of the table, face to face in a weirdly shabby room.

Only Weroz and Maslow sat with Rienne, but luckily the other side didn’t have many people
either, so the picture looked equal on the outside.

But it didn’t feel that way in the back of her mind.

Even if Lord Tiwakan had been there alone, Rienne would still have to contend with that
awkward and endless feeling of contradiction.

[Phermos] “I know it isn’t a wise decision to make the engagement period too long.”

Phermos was the first to speak. Even in Nauk, it was known that he was practically the
second in command of Tiwakan, serving as Black’s right hand man and aide.

[Phermos] “Though we’re in the south, it’s starting to get cold. Before that, the Tiwakan
Mercenaries want to dismantle our camp and settle somewhere with a roof over our heads.
And considering your position, Princess…”

Phermos stopped talking for a moment, a meaningful smile on his face.

[Phermos] “I’m sure you must also be in a hurry to marry so that you may baptize your
newborn child.”

[Maslow] “Wait… Excuse me?”

Maslow leapt to his feet.

[Maslow] “Oh, Princess… Who… Whose child is it…?”

As Maslow stuttered out his words, two different voices spoke up from either side of the

[Rienne] “It’s my child.”

[Black] “It’s mine.”

Their words were the same, but the meaning was completely different.

Rienne looked straight at Black in embarrassment, thoughts in her head wondering what
on earth he was talking about.

Black returned her look with no sense of embarrassment on his face.

[Black] “Your child will recognize me as being its biological father once we’re married.”

Since they both decided to leave the pregnancy as is, it was an obvious and easy conclusion
to come to.

[Maslow] “Oh, so that’s what you meant.”

[Black] “It doesn’t matter to me if the child remains an Arsak.”

Maslow looked right at Rienne with widened eyes.

Although there were differences between himself and someone more proficient, Maslow
was still an experienced politician and had long since served as Rienne’s advisor.

He knew for a fact that Rienne had never allowed her lover to sleep with her, so of course
he immediately knew her claim of being pregnant was a lie made to refuse the proposal.

But even so, he scolded Rienne for being reckless as best he could with his expression.

…I know.

Rienne agreed, but there was no point crying over spilled milk.

It was too late to say she had lied; which meant she needed to lie about having a
miscarriage when the time was right, or she would have no choice but to have a baby.

But that meant…

Rienne hid her face and bit down on her lip.

That meant…

That meant she needed to sleep with the barbarian as soon as possible.

I can’t do that.

It would be too obvious. He’d notice.

Having accepted his proposal, she had no problem sleeping with him if need be. No matter
how much she hated it, it was an unavoidable circumstance after marriage. But beyond
that, there was another problem.

Rienne instinctively closed her eyes.

He’ll notice I’m inexperienced. He’ll think there’s no way I could possibly be pregnant.

Then what would happen?

Lord Tiwakan’s reputation was rife with rumors of his brutality. Her imagination ran wild
with awful thoughts that made her sick even thinking about it.

[Phermos] “If you allow me, I can help. The birthright of your child will be guaranteed in
the name of Lord Tiwakan. If you’d like, we can even notarize it in the marriage pledge.”

Lord Tiwakan’s aide was a shrewd and precise worker. He was already setting the stage.

[Phermos] “It would difficult for you to hide your pregnancy starting in a month or two, so
our best option would be to hold the wedding sometime in the fifteen days.”

[Maslow] “Fifteen days? That’s too fast!”

Maslow stood up for the second time that day and shouted out.

[Maslow] “It wouldn’t even be possible to complete the marriage robes in fifteen days!”

[Black] “…Sit down.”

A low but clear voice immediately stopped Maslow’s shouting.

[Maslow] “. . .”

With a frustrated look, Maslow looked at Black, who had ordered him to sit down.
Stumbling, Maslow fell back down into his seat as he faced those blue eyes that were so
pale that it made his pupils more defined.

In the end, the face of the old royal advisor turned pale.

[Black] “I’ll prepare the robes. If the Princess finds any part of the wedding planning
burdensome, then you needn’t do anything. I don’t want you to find any reason to postpone
our marriage…”

Black had stopped talking, leaving dead air for another to speak, but no one dared raise
their voice.

The head of the Tiwakan had the power to force everyone to listen to his commands. Even
as he was silent, everyone waited with bated breath for his words.
Then, Black looked at Rienne and spoke slowly.

[Black] “I want you to be honest, Princess.”

Now it was Rienne’s turn to fall pale.


No matter how much she thought about it, there was no justification for it except that she
just didn’t want to.

Just looking at him sent chills down her spine.

Could she really marry such a man and sleep with him?

Could she trick him into believing the child was someone else’s? Could she act well enough
to make him think she was experienced? Like she couldn’t feel the pain of her first time?

…No, there’s no way.

There was no way she could maintain such a lie.

[Weroz] “Princess…”

Weroz, who had been silent the entire time, called out to Rienne quietly.

It was only then that Rienne realized she was clenching her fists under the table with her
eyes closed.

She had to give him an answer.

[Rienne] “I need time to prepare myself.”

[Black] “How much time do you need?”

Even a year wouldn’t be enough.

[Rienne] “It’s not just a matter of preparing clothing. I’m sure you’ve been made aware of
the situation in Nauk. We don’t have the financial capabilities to fund a wedding in fifteen

She wasn’t lying about that. Money was Nauk’s biggest problem, and it was the reason why
even her lover’s funeral was considered a luxury.
[Black] “Money’s the problem?”

[Rienne] “…As ashamed as I am to admit it, yes.”

[Black] “And there’s no other reason?”

Rienne bit her lip and answered.

[Rienne] “Yes, that’s right.”

Black turned towards his aide. Understanding the implicit order, Phermos opened the lid of
box he brought and pulled out something. A sheet of paper.

Thinking he was going to hand the paper to Black, Rienne was a little surprised to see him
instead shove the box towards him.

[Black] “Think of this as an engagement gift. It’s much better than few stone coffins.”

The box, which was by no means small, was filled to the brim with gold.
Maslow was so shocked that he dare not even reach for the box. He only looked at Rienne.

[Maslow] “Princess…”
Rienne was the same.

As Maslow and Rienne stared down at the gold in front of them, Phermos spread out the
paper in his hand and turned it around so they could see the contents.

[Phermos] “We require the Princess’ consent here. After your marriage, the Tiwakan
Mercenaries will take on a new name—The Guardian Knights of Arsak.”

They still had ten times as many troops as there were in Nauk.

[Rienne] “Excuse me?”

Rienne’s first thought was to be appalled. She couldn’t believe this stroke of unexpected
luck, but at the same time, such a thing was too good to be true.

Things like that always came at a price.

[Rienne] “You wish for us to take on the Tiwakan Mercenaries as part of the Arsak family
knights? That’s something that cannot be settled simply by using gold as a gift.”

Phermos didn’t seem too surprised. In fact, he looked like he was expecting this response.

[Phermos] “In exchange for using the Tiwakan Mercenaries as your Guardian Knights,
Lord Tiwakan will be granted the ability to take the throne of Nauk alongside you once you
ascend as part of your marriage.”

[Rienne] “What…?”

Instinctively, Rienne looked back at Black without even realizing it. Though she had been
avoiding his gaze the entire time, the moment she met it, their looks lingered.

It was like someone had cursed her, preventing her from moving away.

[Rienne] “You… expect me to believe that?”

Mercenaries were fighters that specifically fought wars in others’ stead, so naturally they
required an absorbent amount of money to hire. With the Tiwakan Mercenaries on their
side, Nauk would easily become the strongest of all the five southern kingdoms, but it was
too much.

Regardless of the reason, using the Tiwakan Mercenaries as guards made no sense.

[Black] “I have no reason to lie to my fiancée.”

That was Black’s answer.

[Rienne] “But still, there’s no need for such a powerful force in Nauk. There’s nothing
valuable enough here worth protecting to that extent.”
[Black] “And yet, you had the commander of the Knights of Arsak.”

[Rienne] “…Huh?”

Rienne’s lips parted in surprised, catching Black’s notice. As he stared, there was a strange
sense of greed in his gaze.

[Black] “Someone will desire Nauk in the future, whether that be Nauk itself or you,

[Rienne] “. . .”

While Rienne was rendered speechless for the time, Phermos broke the silence before she
could gather herself.

[Phermos] “Then we have an agreement. Within fifteen days, we’ll make an announcement
no later than sunset tomorrow. We’ll leave organizing that to the Captain of Nauk’s guards.
Oh, and I’d also like to inspect the Knight’s quarters.”

The barbarians were concise.

They had set a trap so quickly and perfectly that she couldn’t escape from it.

[Phermos] “We don’t have much time, so we should move as fast as we can. It will take at
least two days for our men to dismantle the camp and begin their march, and we’ll need to
delay their knighting ceremonies until after the wedding.”

Phermos grinned as he remembered the arrangement they had made. It was then that
those two letters that they sent were finally being realized.


T/N: This was a fun chapter to do. Rienne’s panicking made me laugh, ha.

A Barbaric Proposal C5

Chapter 5 | A Reason to Desire

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


Their discussion was over.

Phermos left with Weroz, saying he needed to speak with him about how they would
relocate the troops. Maslow, on the other hand, quickly excused himself to draw up the
marriage contract before the Tiwakan troops essentially invaded their castle.

A heavy silence weighed down in the room now occupied by only two people.

Of course, there was a large table between Rienne and Tiwakan’s leader with enough space
to easily seat thirty more people, but Rienne still felt stifled.

[Rienne] “I’m going to take a walk.”

Unable to bear the atmosphere any longer, Rienne stood up.

[Black] “Alright.”

Following Rienne’s lead, Black stood up from his chair.

She was going to tell him to wait behind for a moment while she sent for someone to assist
him, but he was already standing at her side.

[Black] “Where are you going?”

[Rienne] “I just thought I spend some time in the garden.”

…This man is just too imposing.

That’s why she felt like she was suffocating every time he stood too close. There was no
other explanation for why she felt so much tension.

Rienne turned her head away to avoid Black’s gaze.

[Rienne] “Wait here for a moment. I will get Mrs. Flambard to stay with you.”

[Black] “I don’t need that.”

[Rienne] “No, when an outsider walks through Castle Nauk…”

Black immediately cut Rienne off.

[Black] “I’m not an outsider. I’m your fiancé, Princess.”

…Yes, I suppose you are.

Rienne bit her lip.

For a moment, she wondered whether or not a barbarian would know basic courtesy
customs, but that thought was squashed the moment Black held out his arm to escort her.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne looked down in resignation before settling her hand in the crook of his arm.

[Rienne] “Oh…”

She was so surprised by how firm and strong it was, she stopped walking. Seeing this, Black
lowered his head and looked down at her.

[Black] “Is something wrong?”

[Rienne] “No, it’s… it’s nothing.”

Rienne quickly pointed ahead as if to change the subject, but then something held onto her

[Black] “You’re hurt.”

[Rienne] “…?”

[Black] “You didn’t put on any medicine.”

There was the wound from the other day on the palm Black held in his hand, but to it was a
fresher one made today. Just looking at the crescent moon shape of the injury, it was
obvious it was self-inflicted from her nails.

[Black] “What did you have to put up with this time?”

Black gently lifted up Rienne’s hand, asking a slow question that didn’t seem to require an

Walking hand in hand was one thing, but she didn’t want Black’s lips to touch her hand
again. She didn’t like that feeling of him touching her wounds, kissing them as if to comfort

[Rienne] “…Stop!”

Rienne couldn’t take it anymore and quickly pulled her hand away—her breathing frantic.

If Black wasn’t still looking at her, she would’ve clenched her fists hard enough to leave
another mark on her palm.

[Rienne] “I’m fine. I just would like to take a walk…”

[Black] “It’s not fine.”

A sweet gesture, as if to say he was worried about her wounds and didn’t like that she was
hurt. But it didn’t sound the least bit sweet coming from a man with such beastly eyes.

In fact, it sounded more like a threat.

[Black] “You need to take care of yourself, Princess. Any injuries you sustain are my
responsibility now.”

It was funny, coming from the person who was the biggest threat to her. Just as he was the
day before, Black continued to be a mind boggling contradiction for Rienne.

[Rienne] “…This way.”

It was only after Rienne made the decision never to look him in the eye again that she felt
comfortable enough to link arms with him.

After notifying the guards in the reception room of where she was going ahead of time,
Rienne headed off towards the garden with the man who could now be called her


The back garden was big, but by no means was it beautiful.

Ever since the drought, the flowers struggled to thrive. They’d bloom only very briefly
before withering away completely. Leafy bushes that could live without much water made
up most of Castle Nauk’s garden now.

It was a stretch to say walking through this garden was a good thing.

Though Rienne was careful not to let their arms get too close, she suddenly became
embarrassed seeing the dreary garden when it entered her view.

[Rienne] “. . .”

What if he thinks she brought him there in order to make a mockery of him?

But that wasn’t the case at all. She didn’t choose such a displeasing location on purpose. It
was just that most of Nauk was like this. Everything was barren and dry. Even the
magnificent waterfall that once split into nine different rivers throughout the castle had
long since dried up.

Will you realize it after seeing something like this?

That the land of Nauk wasn’t worth much at all.

[Black] –‘Someone will desire Nauk in the future, whether that be Nauk itself or you, Princess.’

As if sensing her thoughts, Black’s words from before rang out in her head.

[Rienne] “Impossible…”

Rienne unconsciously shook her head, whispering her dissent to herself.

[Black] “What’s wrong?”

Black stopped walking, and Rienne made the mistake of looking up and making eye contact
with him. Once again, she felt frozen in place.

[Rienne] “. . .”

She swallowed nervously.

His eyes were the problem. She couldn’t face them, but she also couldn’t avoid them.

Rienne had no choice but to admit that as scary as they were, they had a strange magnetism
to them. Perhaps it was because they were frightful that she couldn’t bring herself to look

[Rienne] “…It’s nothing. I only just realized there’s not much to see, so I wondered if it was
a mistake bringing you here.”

[Black] “There’s not nothing.”

Black’s reply shot through her ears.

[Black] “You’re here, Princess.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

What’s that supposed to mean?

Does that mean she’s a sight worth seeing? Or did he mean that he needed to keep an eye
on her?

[Rienne] “I’ll take your words to mean it’s alright.”

Rienne took a step forward, but in that moment—

[Black] “Don’t move.”

Hearing Black’s low voice, Rienne got confused and raised her head to look up, immediately
noticing Black shielding her with his body.



Rienne’s vision was clouded by a stream of black lines flying through the air, embedding
themselves in Black’s shoulder.

They were arrows.


[Mercenary] “That way!”

The Tiwakan Mercenaries were already moving in on the source of the arrow.

[Mercenary] “Don’t let ‘em get away! Catch them alive if you can!”

Seeing how swiftly the mercenaries reacted, it made Rienne realize it wasn’t just the two of
them in the garden.

Which, she guessed should have been obvious.

It wasn’t easy to just dismiss the possible threats against the leader of a mercenary
company that roamed the battlefield for more than a decade.

[Rienne] “Are you alright?”

Rienne looked at Black, her face turning pale when she noticed the arrow.

The arrow now stuck in his back might just ruin everything.

There was a chance he could assume she accepted his proposal as a pretense, only to betray
him like this later on. Rienne thought her head was going to explode.

Who on earth would do such a thing?

Why would they do something so stupid?

This did nothing for the sake of revenge or even for the sake of rescuing her. Instead, it put
them on the one way path towards Nauk’s destruction by their own hand.

Even if they somehow managed to kill Black, nothing would change. The Tiwakan
Mercenaries would never let Nauk go after their leader was killed in such a cowardly

[Rienne] “First… we should get inside. It’ll be safer there… rather than waiting here for

Rienne reached out her hands to help him, but her hands were shaking. Rienne grit her
teeth. She didn’t want to be misunderstood.

[Rienne] “Nauk had nothing to do with this. We have no intention of harming you, Lord

[Black] “…We’ll see.”

Black was looking down at Rienne’s hand when he finally spoke again.

[Black] “I need help walking.”

Despite that, it was Rienne that was being supported by Black’s arms.

[Rienne] “I’m not hurt, Lord Tiwakan.”

[Black] “Then why are you shaking so much you look like you’re going to collapse?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “Let’s go.”

And so they left, the person who was injured by an arrow supporting the person who

Rienne kept trying to tell him that she didn’t need any help, but her mouth wouldn’t open.
She could distinctly feel his arms around her waist and his shoulders supporting her back.

But why…

And how much she was trembling.


Now it wasn’t just her hands that were shaking. Her whole body was.

The fact that this man was holding onto her made her feel strange. She was reminded of the
moment right before the arrow was shot, when he hugged her and she felt his solid body
against her own.

That was why she felt so strange.

The shaking had already started then.


[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh heavens, Princess!”

By the time Rienne came to her senses, she and Black were already back in the drawing
room, and were now being confronted by the pale-faced Mrs. Flambard.

[Mrs. Flambard] “What happened!? Where are you hurt!? Who could’ve done this…?”
[Rienne] “It’s not me. Lord Tiwakan was the one hit by an arrow. Please, call a doctor and
bring me some hot water and towels. Quickly, now.”

Mrs. Flambard looked confused, like she couldn’t quite believe the situation. It was
embarrassing, but Rienne could understand why.

Still, she didn’t have the time to explain so she made the request of her lady-in-waiting.

[Rienne] “Please, Mrs. Flambard.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh, yes. Of course, Princess.”

As Mrs. Flambard scurried out of the drawing room, Rienne turned back to Black and spoke
in a low voice.

[Rienne] “You can let go of me now. I’m fine.”

[Black] “Alright.”

With that, the hand he had wrapped around her pulled away.

Despite that, Rienne didn’t fall to her feet. If anything, there was no reason for her to be
supported by someone who was injured by an arrow.

Though Rienne’s mind was still muddled, Black pulled the sofa closer to the fireplace.

[Black] “Sit.”

[Rienne] “…Huh?”

Rienne gave him a look of surprise.

[Black] “You’re still shaking. Sit.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Maybe it was because it still felt like he had his hands on her. Ignoring that, Rienne forced
herself to regain her composure.

[Rienne] “I’m not hurt. We should focus on taking care of your wounds first, Lord

[Black] “I know. But you should still sit.”

Quieting, Black glanced down at the arrow embedded in his left shoulder.

Looking at him, it was hard to believe he was injured at all. It was as if he was all too used
to being hurt like this that he couldn’t find it in himself to be shocked by the wound.
[Black] “This is going to take a while.”

Black muttered under his breath as he sat on his knees in front of Rienne. Contrary to
Rienne’s panicked thoughts, his request was simple.

[Black] “I’d like to get your help in undressing.”

[Rienne] “Undressing… oh, yes.”

It would be hard for him to undress on his own because of where the arrow is. Realizing
this, Rienne quickly rose from her seat.

[Rienne] “I’ll go get a pair of scissors.”

[Black] “You don’t have to.”

But Rienne was already turning around to leave.

[Rienne] “Please wait a moment.”

She had to do this.

She had to take any and all opportunities she could to not be alone with him and put some
distance between them.

Rienne had to get out of this dangerous situation that seemed to take a hold on her.


[Black] “I should’ve done a better job avoiding getting hurt.”

After Rienne left, Black was left alone to talk to himself.

[Black] “Phermos will give me an earful about this.”

Knowing that, Black seemed entirely unperturbed by the situation. With such an
expressionless face, he certainly didn’t seem like someone who just got seriously injured by
an arrow.

[Black] “. . .”

Though his eyes were closed a moment ago, Black suddenly turned his head, his gaze falling
on the chair where Rienne once sat.
He stretched out his uninjured arm and placed his palm against the fabric. Sure enough, the
lingering warmth was proof enough that someone was once sitting there just moments ago.

[Rienne] –‘And now I’m with child. Knowing this, will you still propose?’

Just as the warmth from the chair tickled his hand, Rienne’s words from the other day
tickled his ears.

Like he said before, illegitimate children weren’t a big deal to him. Truthfully, he had no
real expectations for this relationship in the first place.

He was just trying to get back what was his.

It was the same in regards Nauk. The place was a financial loss, and he gained nothing by
taking on a kingdom so barren it was on a downward spiral. Rienne must have been
making ends meet by selling royal property, but even that barely made a dent.

As Rienne likely knew, being the ruler of Nauk meant pouring wealth into a bottomless pit.

Still, it bothered him knowing someone else could potentially swoop in and take it. He
didn’t consider himself a greedy person, but he still decided to impulsively propose.

After ten years of wandering the country and going wherever the fight took him, he became
more sensitive to the situations of every nation. There were plenty of men who desired
Rienne Arsak, even when they weren’t officially her lover.

Among those men, some were even extremely wealthy—ready and willing to take on
Nauk’s financial hardship if it meant having Rienne.

So he decided to keep her for himself rather than give her to others. Aside from just getting
her, he didn’t really think about anything beyond that.

That was why it didn’t matter to him if she had a lover or an illegitimate child.

[Black] “Now…”

Black licked his lips.

[Black] “…How frustrating.”

He had what he wanted now, but he still didn’t feel satisfied.

Every time she looked at him, she’d clench her fists to the point of putting scars on her
palm. Her lips would tremble, her eyes would shake, and her face would turn completely

And yet, her slender body never faltered. She stayed strong and endured.

Black moved his fingers around, the warmth he once felt completely fading from his hand.

And suddenly, he felt a strange thirst rise in his chest.

He needed to know what this feeling of annoyance was.

A Barbaric Proposal C6

Chapter 6 | If You Can Stand It (1)

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


By the time Rienne returned with scissors, Black’s aide, Phermos had already taken care of
all the necessary treatments ahead of the doctor.

Weroz, who had come in with Phermos, just watched on with an awkward face alongside
Mrs. Flambard, the two of them realizing they could do little to help.

[Phermos] “So, you were shot by an arrow?”

Phermos asked the question as he carefully wrapped the cloth bandage around Black’s

It was odd for the person who had removed the arrow, cleaned the blood, and dressed the
wound with gauze and medicine to be asking that question.
[Phermos] “I mean, were you really hit by an arrow, My Lord?”

[Black] “…Quiet.”

Black completely shut Phermos down.

The realization that Phermos’ question was strange gave way to another thought.


Rienne stood with her back straight and a pair of scissors in her hands.

He already took his clothes off.

His blood stained cape and shirt were ripped and tossed to the side on the floor. Black was
sitting in front of the chair where Rienne once sat as his shoulder was being treated.

The first thing that caught her eye was how his body was riddled with scars.

There were some that were larger than others, while some were white with age and others
were textured.

From top to bottom, bottom to top.

When her eyes settled on the wound that was being treated, she realized how intensely she
was staring at the man’s torso.

It was a body that was more dynamic and fierce than any other one she’s seen. And it was
also a contradiction.

It was a contradiction that a body filled with so many unsightly scars wasn’t in the least bit
ugly to her.

In fact, it was just the opposite. Without even looking too much, she could tell he had an
exceptionally beautiful structure to him.

He looked like a statue. It was as if whatever creator took great care to perfectly sculpt him
so that none of his wounds would ever take away from how flawless he was.
[Black] “Don’t just stand there. Sit.”

As Rienne observed him, Black turned and faced her.

He was also noticing things about her, like how pale her skin was after seeing his wound or
how deep her emerald eyes were.

[Black] “You look like you’re going to faint.”

[Rienne] “…I’m fine.”

Rienne was fortunate there were others around. If it were just the two of them, she
wouldn’t be able to cleanly hide how unsettled she was.

[Rienne] “How bad is Lord Tiwakan’s injury?”

Rienne turned to ask Phermos.

[Phermos] “It’s not life-threatening, but it’s no small matter either. It won’t immobilize
him, but he will suffer for a time. He’ll likely get a fever and struggle to sleep at night. If the
arrow was poisoned, then we may have to anticipate things worsening.”

The word ‘poison’ completely changed the air in the room.

Weroz spoke up, his voice filled with resentment.

[Weroz] “I have Castle Nauk’s guards working to track down the attacker. Even if the
arrow turned out to be poisoned, we should have no trouble procuring an antidote.”

[Phermos] “Even if the attacker is caught, isn’t the person who sent them the bigger

The barbarians never beat around the bush with their words.

[Phermos] “We would hate to think this is Nauk’s way of showing their courtesy now that
both sides have committed to the agreement.”

[Weroz] “How dare you! Do you really think of us to be the sort of people to do such a

Weroz was such an honest knight, he immediately took insult.

[Rienne] “Sir Weroz.”

Rienne stopped him.

[Rienne] “Calm yourself. We are the ones who haven’t shown our faith properly.”

[Weroz] “Princess!”

[Rienne] “And we cannot deny that the arrow originated in Nauk.”

[Weroz] “I…”

Weroz bit his lip.

The attack occurred in the back garden of the castle, not out in the middle of nowhere, and
it was certain that the arrow belonged to someone of Nauk. If the circumstances were
reversed, Weroz wouldn’t be able to hide his suspicion.

[Rienne] “It’s possible there are people in Nauk who may oppose this marriage, but in no
way do they represent our official stance.”

That was the honest truth. Rienne prayed Black would see that.

[Rienne] “In the meantime, while you’re here in Nauk, we will do everything we can to
alleviate the concerns of the Tiwakan. We do not want this marriage fall through and return
to war. We only wish for peace.”

[Phermos] “And what say you, My Lord?”

Phermos turned to Black and asked him.

[Phermos] “Do you wish for the same as the Princess of Nauk?”

The future of Nauk was entirely dependent on Black’s answer.

It was funny how suddenly Rienne was in a position where she wanted this marriage to
happen, rather than staunching trying to escape it.

[Black] “…My desires haven’t changed.”

The moment Black spoke, Rienne felt a wave of relief wash over her.

She couldn’t believe it. The source of all of these feelings was such a contradictory man. It
was still the same day that her lover’s body had been returned to her, but she couldn’t even
begin to think about that.

[Phermos] “Well, then.”

Phermos looked down, an odd clicking noise coming from the strange looking glasses on
his face.
[Phermos] “At least now we’re certain there’s a faction in Nauk that’s still fighting against
Tiwakan. Best we sort it out before the day of the wedding.”

No one disagreed.

[Rienne] “Nauk is with you.”

[Phermos] “Good to hear. I should mention that the Tiwakan Mercenaries wish to be the
ones to investigate this matter further. Ah, but please do not misunderstand. We don’t wish
to usurp the castle guards’ job. It’s just that the Tiwakan is now considered the Guardians
of Arsak. As such, we are obligated to handle the attempt on Lord Tiwakan’s life, seeing as
he is now a part of the family.”

[Weroz] “That’s…”

Weroz looked between Rienne and Maslow.

If they were to refuse the request, it would only serve to make them look more suspicious,
as if they were trying to cover things up behind the scenes. Rienne had already made her
decision like a ship leaving port.

[Rienne] “I will allow it.”

Everything they had declared on their marriage pledge seemed to be going smoothly.
Everything except the marriage itself.


Just as they anticipated, his fever rose.

It was evening by the time Black lost consciousness and fell asleep. Every so often, he’d
wake up and groan in pain, causing Rienne and Mrs. Flambard to go and check on him.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I think he’s finally asleep. You should get some rest too, Princess.”

Rienne looked down at Black, who couldn’t even see her.

[Rienne] “I don’t think he’s asleep… His eyelids are moving.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “That doesn’t mean he’s conscious.”

[Rienne] “We need to show our sincerity to one another. We can’t risk seeming uncaring.”

Rienne pulled out a new towel and offered it to Mrs. Flambard.

[Rienne] “Please, use this to wipe off his sweat.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “. . .”

Mrs. Flambard took it with tears in her eye.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh, Princess… why would you marry a man you do not wish to touch?
What are you going to do?”

Rienne shook her head.

[Rienne] “Quiet, ma’am. We aren’t the only ones here. Tiwakan has eyes and ears just
outside the door.”

After Rienne said that, Mrs. Flambard realized her mistake and quickly covered her mouth.
Just then, Rienne took the towel back from her.

[Rienne] “And it’s not that I can’t touch him. Give the towel to me. I’ll do it myself.”

…It’s true that I dislike it, though.

She felt uncomfortable touching this man. But it was different from how Mrs. Flambard
described it.

It wasn’t that she hated him or found him disgusting.

It was just…

What did I dislike about it?

Rienne felt such conflicting feelings bubbling up inside her as she wiped off the sweat on
Black’s forehead.

I don’t hate it, and yet I hate it.

I hate it, and yet I don’t hate it.

She couldn’t figure out these feelings inside of her.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’ll go change the water then, Princess.”

Perhaps embarrassed by her earlier blunder, Mrs. Flambard quickly found something to do
as an excuse to leave the room.

The room they were in was the bedroom Rienne had used when King Seon was still alive.
Back then, she thought the bed was pointlessly large for how small she was, but now it
looked cramped and tiny with Black in it.
[Rienne] “Once he’s awake, I’ll find a different room for him.”

It was in that moment when Rienne muttered to herself and moved to wipe the sweat off
the back of Black’s neck that he suddenly spoke.

[Black] “…This room is fine.”

[Rienne] “…!”

Rienne dropped the towel in surprise. Black’s light blue eyes were staring straight at her.

[Rienne] “I see… You’re awake.”

How long has he been awake?

How much did he hear?

[Black] “I heard you say you were capable of touching me.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne gripped the hem of her skirt.

She stared down at the towel she had dropped directly on his injured shoulder. She had no
choice but to get closer to him to retrieve it.

[Rienne] “I just need more time. My lover was the only person I was comfortable being
with, while you, Lord Tiwakan, are still a stranger to me.”

[Black] “But not to me.”

…Excuse me?

[Black] “You are no stranger to me, Princess.”

His words were so low and breathy, they sounded more like sighs.

[Black] “If you can tolerate touching me, then how much is acceptable?”

[Rienne] “…Huh?”

The look in Black’s eyes made his intentions clear. They slowly and meticulously looked
over Rienne’s face.

[Black] “Maybe it’s because of the fever, but there’s something I’d like to check.”

[Rienne] “What do you mean…?”

[Black] “I’m just asking. I want to see if you hate it.”

Black reached out his hand, his skin warm from his fever. It got closer and closer until it
eventually settled on Rienne’s cheek.

[Black] “Is this much alright?”

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan, I…”

[Black] “Answer me, Princess.”

…I don’t know what to say.

Why was she letting him touch her face and not pushing him away?

[Black] “Is this alright?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

She didn’t know. Everything was just so warm. It must’ve been because his temperature
was so high. Even his eyes which were normally as clear as spring water were cloudy from
the heat.

He looked so feverish, it felt like it would pass on to her.

[Rienne] “Your fever is very high, my lord.”

Rienne shook her head to escape his touch.

[Rienne] “You should close your eyes and get some rest. If it gets difficult, I have some
painkillers I can give you.”

[Black] “…My fever’s high…”

She couldn’t tell if he was talking to her, talking to himself, or was just delirious from the

[Black] “Then I’ll try this.”

Before Rienne even realized it, he was sitting upright, placing his fevered hand on her lips.
Rubbing her lower lip slightly with his thumb, Black asked her a question.

[Black] “Is this tolerable?”

He definitely had a fever.

The way he was touching her was different from those in their right mind, but it also was
different from the touch of her old love.
It was so hot, she couldn’t ignore it.

[Black] “Do you hate this?”

His thumb, which was once rubbing her lip, traveled down until it met her chin. He gently
swept his fingers across her jaw before touching her neck.

His warm hands gently brushed against her skin and at some point started to caress her.
Never mind her eyes—Rienne’s whole body was trembling.

The man’s hands were warm likely due to his fever, but it filled her with a burning
sensation. It was a heat she had never felt with her previous lover.

I can’t take this anymore.

She felt like she would be lying to herself if she kept this up.

Believing that this man wanted her.

[Rienne] “Enough.”

With her eyes still closed, Rienne pushed against Black’s hand to stop him.

She was afraid. Not because he had his hand wrapped around her neck, but because that
very hand was just too hot.

[Rienne] “Is this… what you wanted me to endure?”

Rienne pulled herself together enough to look at Black’s fever filled eyes.

[Rienne] “What were you…?”

[Black] “I don’t know.”

His answer was just as hazy as he was.

Holding Rienne’s hand, Black looked down at it as he slowly moved his tongue around.

[Black] “What was I going to do?”

[Rienne] “You…”

[Black] “I guess I was just curious how you would treat me, Princess.”

Black slowly pulled Rienne’s hand closer to him, pressing his lips against it and giving it a
kiss for whatever reason.

[Black] “Or maybe I just wanted to touch you.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “Is the reason really important?”

[Rienne] “…Yes.”

Rienne was adamant with her answer.

[Rienne] “This isn’t a normal engagement. Because you asked Nauk for this marriage, Lord
Tiwakan, I was forced to part ways with my love. And I’m with child.”

As she quickly added those final words, her voice shook.

Of course it would. Lying so blatantly was never easy.

[Rienne] “In these circumstances, do you really expect me to so readily show you affection,
as if this was something we promised together?”

[Black] “…Like I said, I don’t know what I should do now.”

Normally his eyes were like those of a beast, but now he just looked dazed from the fever.

It seemed like he was honest when he said he didn’t know.

[Black] “All I know was that I didn’t want someone else to take you away.”
A Barbaric Proposal C7
Hello, it’s astralmech again!

Thank you to everyone showing an interest in this series! I was really nervous posting this, but aside from the issues I had setting up the site, I’m glad things are going okay.

Just wanted to let you guys know that the raws update every Sunday and Wednesday on Naver, so I’ll do my best to stay relatively up to date (maybe a chapter or two off, just so I don’t step on anyone’s toes).

Chapter 7 | If You Can Stand It (2)

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


[Rienne] “That’s…”

What a strange thing to say.

He didn’t want her to be taken away? He was the one who stole her away in the first place.

But Black was speaking like Rienne had belonged to him from the start.
[Rienne] “What makes you say ‘taken away’ like that?”

[Black] “I’m just glad I didn’t let anyone else take you.”

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan…”

[Black] “If you had married someone else, things would have gotten complicated…… I don’t
think I could have handled that.”

Black was speaking almost to himself, his voice and words as hazy and vague as a dream.

[Black] “Can I kiss you?”

Just then, his dazed eyes turned towards Rienne’s lips. He ran his tongue over his own dry
lips as if he were dying of thirst.

[Rienne] “I…”

[Black] “Is that a no?”

…This is a trap.

Rienne looked down at the man’s mouth, and it made hers burn with intensity.

No, she couldn’t be fooled by this.

It was because of the fever.

This was only happening because he was mistaking the heat from his illness for that of
desire. When he gets better, he’ll cool off and all of this will end.

Because he wasn’t really trying to woo her.

He wasn’t really asking for her permission.

[Black] “You can’t avoid me forever. I’m not just any man seeking your attention. We’ll be
married soon enough.”

The fire in Black’s expression still hadn’t faded. Rienne bit her lip as she stared into his
foggy eyes.

[Black] “How can I get you to say yes?”

…But maybe...

Maybe, if he was delirious enough from his fever, she could make this request of him. She
could take advantage of this.
[Rienne] “Promise me something.”

[Black] “What?”

In truth, he had already promised her plenty. He promised to protect Nauk, ensure the
safety and birthright of her child, and would help her ascend the throne herself.

From how things were going, Rienne seemed like she was the only one benefiting from this

Black had even given her access to a powerful military force that wouldn’t give invaders
even a chance of encroaching upon her castle, and in return, all Rienne had to give him was

Perhaps Nauk needed a King like Black.

Someone who could fill the position of her husband without needing much else from her.

So Rienne wanted him to promise her that everything he said before was true. That when
he spoke to her, he was being honest with his words and wouldn’t go back on them so

If she had to get married, then she wanted to do it properly.

[Rienne] “If you want this marriage to happen so badly, then you must do everything
within your power to keep it.”

[Black] “What do you mean?”

[Rienne] “I ask that you don’t break or destroy the promises you made me.”

Black exhaled as if trying to understand her words.

[Rienne] “That’s all I ask from the bottom of my heart.”

[Black] “And what will you give me in exchange for such a promise?”

This time, Rienne was the one to release a slow breath.

[Rienne] “If you can promise me this, then I vow to do my very best to desire you as you do
me, Lord Tiwakan. That is my own promise.”

His response came quick.

[Black] “Very well.”

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan…”

[Black] “If I was planning on going back on my word, I would have done so from the start
and never proposed to you in the first place.”

Saying that, Black wrapped his arms around Rienne’s waist, moving so well, it was hard to
believe he once had an arrow stuck in his shoulder.

Holding her with one arm, Rienne felt him gently lean her head back.

And then, in an instant, Black had Rienne in his arms, capturing her lips with his own. The
moment the sound of their kiss hit Rienne’s ears, it was like a thick fog completely clouded
her mind.

The unfamiliar feeling of hot air being passed to her made her lips tingle, and Rienne
instinctively wrapped her arms around Black’s neck to support herself. She felt like she
needed to hang onto him or she’d just sink to her knees.

The sensation of the man’s lips against hers was entirely new.

It was nothing like she had ever experienced previously.

The kisses Rienne knew were soft and kind, never passionate like this.
[Black] “…We should stop here.”

Eventually, that never-ending whirlwind that swept her up came to a halt. Burying his face
against the soft skin of her neck, Black whispered softly.

[Black] “I don’t know if I can blame this on my fever anymore.”

It wasn’t until she noticed his mouth was still on her neck that Rienne felt the tickling of his
breath against her bare skin. Coming to her senses, Rienne pushed Black away, hoping it
wasn’t obvious how much she was trembling.

[Rienne] “I forgot you were injured.”

[Black] “. . .”

Black gently released Rienne, allowing her to get out of bed. Rienne turned around to speak
to him. She needed to act calm.

[Rienne] “Then, I will leave you to rest now. Please get well soon.”

[Black] “I will. Especially now that I know I don’t need to use my fever as an excuse

Black spoke slowly, his words unmistakably sweet. Even his voice sounded as though he
was intoxicated by something.

[Rienne] “Sleep well.”

As that same dreamy voice touched her ears, Rienne left the room as quickly as she could.
She didn’t want to be infected by whatever energy he had.

Once she was clear of the room, she spoke a silent prayer to herself.

Please, don’t forget your promise.

Even if you find out I lied to you someday, please just do as you promised me.


But keeping promises was a difficult thing.

[???] “Princess.”

When Rienne returned to her bedroom, there was someone waiting for her. Rienne,
expecting the room to be empty, nearly screamed.

[Rienne] “Weroz—!”

[Weroz] “Sh.”

Weroz put a finger against his mouth.

He looked around the room once more to make sure there was no one else around. That
meant he had something he wanted to say that absolutely needed to be a secret.

[Weroz] “I managed to step away for a moment. I don’t think they’re suspicious yet, but I’m
still not sure if I was followed or not.”

Rienne kept her voice low as she whispered.

[Rienne] “What’s going on?”

[Weroz] “There’s something I need to show you.”

Weroz had been working with both Phermos and a few other members of the Tiwakan in
order to organize a search party to find the attacker.

In doing so, he found something else. Something the barbarians hadn’t recognized.

[Weroz] “This…”

Weroz rummaged through his sleeve and pulled something out.

[Weroz] “You recognize this, don’t you?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

In Weroz’s hand was a leaf. It was long and thick, roughly the size of two fingers. To
ordinary people, it was no different from any other leaf, but Rienne recognized the small
trace of a thread tied to one end.

It was the same kind that her lover once used to adorn his arrows with.

[Weroz] “It hasn’t been long since I found it.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Weroz] “I discovered it while following the path left behind by the attacker.”
Rienne felt dizzy.

It was obvious what he was implying.

Rafit Kleinfelder might not be dead. They might not have known he was still alive, so he
would’ve been able to deceive the Tiwakan in order to enter Castle Nauk.

…And then he would have used a bow to fire an arrow.

…Aiming right towards Black.

[Weroz] “Princess, are you alright?”

It was only as Weroz reached out to help her that Rienne realized she was staggering.

[Rienne] “I’m fine…It’s just… you’re saying… he might still be… alive?”

[Weroz] “I can’t say for sure. It’s possible someone just used one of Sir Kleinfelder’s

Without evidence, it was impossible to come to a conclusion.

[Rienne] “Has anyone opened the caskets yet?”

Six coffins were brought by Black and placed in the royal chapel to await their final rights
and funeral. Naturally, Rienne had assumed one of them contained the body of her former

[Weroz] “Not yet. Would you like to check them?”

[Rienne] “…Yes. I should.”

[Weroz] “It’s probably for the best, but you should prepare yourself ahead of time,
Princess. For whatever the truth may be.”

Weroz’s voice sounded especially heavy. As if reminding her of the weight of what she was

[Weroz] “If Sir Kleinfelder really is still alive, what will you do about the marriage?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

She couldn’t answer the question.

Before she had properly said her goodbyes, Rienne had already accepted the proposal of
another man.
And mere moments ago that day, she had just made a promise with her fiancé to make their
marriage as real as possible right after he had been struck with an arrow.

And it might have been her former lover who shot that arrow.

[Rienne] “…I just need to confirm it with my own eyes.”

Rienne forced herself to stand up straight, fighting against the dizziness that threatened to
consume her.

[Rienne] “Then I’ll think about what to do.”

If you really are alive…

If he was willing to risk his life in order to destroy this marriage arrangement…

What would she do?

[Rienne] “. . .”

Ignoring her thoughts, Rienne turned on her heel and started racing towards the chapel.



The lid of the coffin was pushed aside, making a heavy sound as it collided with the floor.

[Weroz] “…Princess, are you hurt?”

Weroz quickly moved to grab Rienne, who almost got hit by the heavy stone cover.

[Rienne] “He’s… He’s not here, is he?”

The coffin they just opened was the final one.

Of all the six coffins Black had brought them, none of them contained the body of Lord
Kleinfelder. What was there instead was a body wrapped in a cape marked with the
Kleinfelder family crest.

Someone was willing to take his place in order to save his life.

[Weroz] “That’s right.”

[Rienne] “He’s alive.”

Beads of sweat began to pool on Rienne’s pale forehead.

[Weroz] “So it seems. Then the arrow from earlier must’ve meant…”

[Rienne] “It means he wants to fight, doesn’t he?”

[Weroz] “Most likely. I would have done the same if I were him.”


The sweat from her forehead fell.

Rienne had to make a choice. Whether to fight or be forced to surrender. To believe in her
lover’s devotion or fall to the whims of fierce passion.

[Weroz] “Sir Kleinfelder is likely being harbored by the delegation.” (1)

As Weroz mentioned this, he realized that was likely why the search wasn’t turning up any

[Weroz] “That’s the only place he’d be safe. We should find a way to send him a discreet
letter first and foremost…”

Before Weroz could finish speaking, he was cut off by a screeching noise.


The sound of the chapel door opening violently scratched against Rienne’s ears. Whipping
her head around in surprise, Rienne saw Phermos and several other Tiwakan mercenaries

[Phermos] “How strange for a princess. What are you doing here of all places?”


Rienne couldn’t tell if he heard what they were talking about, but at least the chapel was
completely dark.

That meant they couldn’t see Rienne’s shocked face the moment she noticed Phermos
standing there, studying her as if trying to get a read on her.

[Phermos] “So, what brings you here?”

There was obvious doubt in his voice.

He was curious to know why Princess Rienne, accompanied only by the captain of her
guard, was in the chapel so far from the main palace at such a late hour.

[Phermos] “Were you trying to inspect the bodies? How odd.”

Phermos’ monocle like glasses reflected the moonlight that made its way through the small
window. The light was cold and cut through the air like a blade, bearing hostile intent.

[Phermos] “If I’m not mistaken, isn’t there a custom in Nauk that disallows you from
viewing the faces of the deceased until the day of the funeral?”

[Rienne + Weroz] “. . .”

He wasn’t wrong. Rienne and Weroz couldn’t say anything back.

[Phermos] “Was there something you needed to confirm?”

[Rienne] “That’s…”

Rienne bit her lip before forcing her mouth open.

She had to make an excuse.

If they ever found out her former lover was still alive, things would quickly spiral out of

[Rienne] “…I just wanted to say goodbye.”

The Tiwakan still believed the Commander of the Arsak Knights to be dead. If that was the
case, then she needed to lean into that assumption.

[Rienne] “If I don’t do so now, I’ll never get the chance.”

[Phermos] “…Is that so?”

Though he didn’t say it, it was clear Phermos didn’t quite believe her.

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan and I have already promised one another to make our marriage as
true as possible. To that end…”

[Phermos] “So you’re saying you needed to give yourself the opportunity to separate
yourself from your deceased love?”

[Rienne] “…Yes.”
She wasn’t sure if she sounded confident enough to fool Phermos, but she knew her words
officially made Rafit a dead man.

Realizing this brought a strange chill over her body. It felt as though she was standing
naked, alone in the middle of an intense blizzard.

Phermos’ monocle glasses glistened against the light like blade once more.

[Phermos] “Hmm… if that’s what you’re saying, then I will be sure to mention this to Lord

[Rienne] “…I’m sure he’ll understand.”

Rienne gently nodded with an attitude that was deceptively calm.

[Rienne] “I must take my leave now. I hope some progress will be made in the search

[Phermos] “If you are being honest, then I will thank you for your consideration, Princess.”

With that, Phermos stepped aside, politely giving Rienne enough space to leave the chapel.

[Phermos] “Farewell. We’ll meet again some other time.”

[Rienne] “Of course.”

Turning her back on him, Rienne left first, with Weroz following behind.
T/N: (1) They’re referring to what was mentioned in Chapter 3, about how Lord
Kleinfelder’s uncle was chairman of the delegation. Weroz is insinuating he must be hiding
out at his uncle’s house.
A Barbaric Proposal C8

Chapter 8 | A Falsified Death

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


Things were as quiet leaving the chapel as they were going in. Encountering the Tiwakan
search party was certainly unexpected, but Rienne was relieved they made it out safely if
nothing else.

Once they were finally clear of the chapel, Rienne let out a heavy sigh.

Looking up at the sky, the moon was now being covered in darkness. It was the first time in
while that Rienne felt lucky it wasn’t too bright.

[Rienne] “I don’t have much time.”

As Rienne said this, Weroz suddenly stopped walking and asked;

[Weroz] “What do you mean?”

[Rienne] “I need to contact the bereaved.”

[Weroz] “Yes, it’s appropriate to contact the family members of those who have died…Oh.”

Weroz didn’t realize it at first, but he finally understood what Rienne meant. If Sir
Kleinfelder was still alive, she needed to get in contact with him as soon as possible.

And since this was Sir Kleinfelder they were talking about, he wouldn’t be hard to find.
There’s only one place he could possibly be. Knowing that, when Rienne mentioned ‘the
bereaved’, she could only be talking about the Kleinfelders.

[Weroz] “Yes, Princess. It would be most prudent of us to contact them as soon as


[Rienne] “Tell them I’d like to discuss the funeral with them, and I’d like to meet with them
in person if at all possible.”

[Weroz] “I will deliver your message.”

It was a conversation spoken in code, its true nature known only to the individuals
involved. Once they were done talking, they quickly walked off with hurried steps.

But Rienne underestimated Phermos.

He was a shrewd man who knew far more than she realized.

[Phermos] “We were lied to.”

After the others had retired, Phermos headed straight for Black’s quarters. Though they
were technically in the middle of enemy territory, the two of them looked relaxed, as if they
were sitting in their own barracks.

[Phermos] “It can’t have been the Commander you killed that day. He was far too weak
with a sword, not to mention how his helmet and armor didn’t match. It was as if he was in
a hurry to put them on. Like he was trying to act as the Commander.”

[Black] “. . .”

[Phermos] “Though I suppose you already knew that, didn’t you?”

Without saying a word, Black winced. He was becoming more attuned to the pain of his
wound the more his fever died down.

[Phermos] “I see. Well then, I guess now it’s merely a question of how much the Princess
knows. It doesn’t seem like she knew from the start… She must have thought he was dead
until she inspected the body herself. Though I guess he’s as good as dead anyway. He threw
one of his own men to the wolves to save his own life before running away…… Oh.”

As if an idea had struck him, Phermos slapped his palm against his forehead.

[Phermos] “Or perhaps he’s gone into hiding somewhere in Nauk.”

When they first surrounded the castle, they made sure to cut off all roads leading out. But
rats were resilient creatures. They’ll always find a way to slip through.

[Phermos] “It would appear as though he still has regrets about the situation. He must
have decided to hide and protect his own life in the meantime after the Kingdom of Sharka
declined his request for troops.”

The Tiwakan were already aware that the Commander of the Arsak Knights was trying to
call for reinforcements from the Kingdom of Sharka. It was natural they would make the
attempt, just as it was natural for them to be refused.

But apparently such a reality was difficult for the Commander to accept.

Phermos clicked his tongue.

[Phermos] “What does he think he can do all on his own…. This war ended when Nauk
opened their gates to us of their own volition.”

Black responded with a frown on his face.

[Black] “Perhaps he thought it was over once we took Nauk.”

[Phermos] “What? What do you mean by that?”

[Black] “He may think his relationship with the Princess isn’t over.”

[Phermos] “That’s…oh…”

Phermos had a look of displeasure on his face.

[Phermos] “Are you implying that the Commander of the Arsak Knights wishes to elope
with Princess Rienne? What sort of nobleman would think of doing something so absurd?
Even if that were the case, the Princess would never agree. It’s obvious to anyone she feels
a great sense of duty towards Nauk. That’s the reason why she accepted your proposal in
the first place.”

[Black] “Being a noble doesn’t mean you’re immune to losing your mind.”

Phermos’ mouth shut as his expression changed. He mulled over his thoughts for a moment
before speaking again.

[Phermos] “Well… I know there must be some who are willing to play around with love,
but I can’t understand those who are willing to uselessly sacrifice their all for it.”

Phermos mindlessly fiddled with his glasses.

[Phermos] “But now we’ve run into an issue with our investigation. The Commander is a
rather skilled figure in Nauk, so it’ll be difficult to deal with this quietly…. Did you happen
to catch the attacker’s appearance? Roughly how tall they were or maybe their hair color?”

[Black] “I wasn’t close enough to see.”

Black remembered what had happened that day in the garden.

Thinking back on it, the arrow must have been shot from a long distance, but by the time
Black noticed, it was already right behind him.

[Phermos] “That must mean the attacker has considerable skill with a bow. I’ve heard tale
that the Commander was talented himself, so it’s likely they’re one in the same, but… did
you really get hit by the arrow?”

Phermos spoke in a joking tone, like he was poking fun.

[Phermos] “You didn’t let yourself get hit on purpose, did you?”

[Black] “. . .”

Black didn’t respond, but his silence was answer enough.

[Phermos] “Really!? Why’d you have to go that far? I mean, it’s amazing you’re willing to
risk personal safety to keep a grip on Nauk, but you shouldn’t have to hurt yourself like
this……You’re supposed to be recovering from hardship, not shouldering more.”

But what Black said in response was something entirely unrelated.

[Black] “I didn’t think her lover would be that kind of man.”

His voice was so low, Phermos could feel goosebumps forming on the back of his neck.
Rubbing his neck with his hand, Phermos suddenly realized what gave him the chills.

Black was showing his anger.

[Black] “That arrow could’ve easily hit the Princess instead of me.”

[Phermos] “That’s….”

Phermos felt his nerves stand on one end until a ridiculous thought came to him.

Was Black…. upset that Princess Rienne was almost hit by the arrow?

Was that it?

When Phermos had asked Black if he had fallen in love with the Princess at first sight, he
said no. Did he change his mind? No, it was doubtful. He wouldn’t have done that so quickly.

If Black paid nearly as much attention to women as he did the men of Tiwakan, there
wouldn’t be as many vicious rumors surrounding them. (1)

….Yes, Black isn’t the sort of man to be swayed by beauty. He must be feeling this way
because the Princess is someone he needs to use.

Imagine if she were to be killed before they even had the chance to marry. That certainly
would’ve been bad. It’s not something they couldn’t handle, but it definitely would’ve made
things difficult.

And it was only natural to be angry. What sort of bastard shoots an arrow at the woman he
supposedly holds in his heart? That kind of person couldn’t be human.

Yes, it was a natural feeling. It was completely understandable if Black was feeling a little
mad at such a miserable person.
So why didn’t Phermos feel reassured?

[Phermos] “We should keep in mind the potential betrayal of the Princess. There’s a
chance this might inspire a little fight in her. Why not completely wipe out the Kleinfelder
family rather than simply searching for the Commander? It’ll be easier to do that than to
wait for him to contact the Princess.”

[Black] “. . .”

Black didn’t answer immediately.

In truth, his thoughts were running a bit slow.

Deep down, he knew Phermos was right. At the end of the day, this was war. If he wanted to
win, then of course, he would do everything he could to attain a victory.

But what he wanted wasn’t a victory. He wanted to marry her.

[Rienne] –‘Do everything in your power to keep it.’

That’s what I promised her.

And it wasn’t because of his fever that he made such a promise. He genuinely wanted to
keep it.

[Rienne] –‘Then I vow to do my very best to desire you as you do me.’

Did she lie to him? Or did she change her mind now that she knows her lover is still alive?

Black needed to know.

[Black] “No. Just leave them be.”

[Phermos] “What…? Are you sure that’s wise?”

[Black] “It will tell us what sort of woman the Princess is. Whether she’ll honor this
marriage or not.”

[Phermos] “Oh. I see, then.”

Phermos could understand that. The God of Tiwakan seemed unwilling to fight against
Nauk as long as he could help it.

[Phermos] “The Princess is one to act quickly, so we’ll keep a close eye on her.”

[Black] “Don’t be caught.”

[Phermos] “Of course.”

With their business concluded, Phermos left the room with a casual look on his face, as if
the heavy conversation they just had never occurred.

While it was unexpected that Rafit Kleinfelder had crawled his way back to Nauk, it wasn’t
of much concern to him. He was no threat to an army of mercenaries who had been
roaming the battlefield for years.

What really concerned Black was something else entirely.

[Black] “……I should’ve killed him.”

The more he thought about it, the more this strange mixture of pain grew in his chest. If
only he knew exactly what kind of man he was. Then maybe he’d feel better.

Rienne’s lover was no threat to him, but even so, thinking about the man filled him with a
mounting sense of annoyance.

[Black] “Dammit.”

Black aggressively rubbed his eyes.

Until now, all he ever concerned himself with was Rienne herself. But now that he had the
chance to hold her and kiss her, suddenly thinking about her lover irritated him.

And he still didn’t understand why.


Dawn broke before she was able to get any proper sleep.

Rienne got out of bed and went to wash her face, just as she usually did. Except for the fact
that it was obvious she looked unwell.

[Rienne] “There’s too much to do… I can’t get sick.”

She muttered to herself as she looked at her especially pale face in the mirror. Her eyes
looked hazy and it was clear she had lost some weight.

[Rienne] “If this keeps up, I won’t have any clothing to wear.”

The image of her oversized clothing falling off of her thin body brought a brief smile to
Rienne’s face.

[Rienne] “That would be quite the sight.”

Then perhaps he won’t want me anymore.

[Rienne] “……Don’t be foolish. It’s not like he fell in love with me because he thought I was

She shook that thought away, turning away from the mirror.

Rienne had so many problems keeping her up at night, but dealing with them needed to be
set aside until she could reach Rafit.

[Rienne] “Oh, I’ll need to wear mourning clothes while we start preparing for the funeral.”

Now that the body’s been returned, she needed to wear black to symbolize her condolences
and sorrow. In Nauk, it was tradition to mourn over the course of three days, only ever
removing the mourning attire on the day of the funeral itself at midnight.

Without asking for Mrs. Flambard’s help, Rienne put herself in a black dress.

She didn’t realize this while she was wearing it, but black was a dangerous choice for her.
Her white skin looked like smooth marble in contrast to the black fabric.

The somewhat baggy clothing did nothing to hide her body, but instead accentuated it. The
thin, soft cloth wrapped around her figure slid down every time she moved.

When dressed in black, Rienne had the air of a dangerous, seductive vixen in comparison to
her usual beauty.

Again, black was a terrible idea.

Worst of all was the fact that she didn’t even seem aware of it.

Rienne headed to Black’s quarters, carrying with her his breakfast, some painkillers, and a
new set of bandages for his wound.

All the while, her loose clothing flowed around her ankles.

After learning that Rafit was still alive, Rienne didn’t have the courage to face Black as she
normally did. She still hadn’t made her choice…and she still hadn’t forgotten about that

….I’m sure he hasn’t either.

That was the most nerve-wracking part. Black wouldn’t have changed his behavior since
they made such bold promises to one another.

How am I supposed to act, again?

She was afraid he’d be like that all the time.

[Rienne] “Ah.”

Despite how much she wanted Black’s room to be far away, it seemed especially close just
to spite her. Arriving at the door, Rienne let out a sigh.

But no matter how much she sighed, her predicament stayed the same.

Knock. Knock.

Rienne lifted her hand and carefully knocked on the door.

[Rienne] “It’s morning. Are you awake?”

She listened for a moment, but no one answered.

Seems like he’s still asleep. Thank goodness.

Before leaving, Rienne leaned down to place the tray with the supplies on the floor in front
of the door.

But before she could, she heard a thump as the door swung open.

[Rienne] “Ah….”
Seeing Black standing at the open door, she thought her heart was going to leap out of her

[Black] “Did I surprise you?”

[Rienne] “Not at all.”

[Black] “That’s good. I’ll take that.”

Rienne didn’t realize what was wrong at first. He was standing so well, it seemed only
natural that he would take such a heavy tray away from her. If it weren’t for the bandage
still wrapped around his shoulder, she would’ve completely disregarded it.

[Rienne] “What are you doing!?”

Rienne quickly tried to grab the tray back from him with a look of shock on her face.

[Rienne] “Let go, please. Your shoulder’s still hurt.”

[Black] “It’s fine. It’s not heavy.”

[Rienne] “That’s not the point….”

But no matter how much she pulled, the tray didn’t budge.

[Rienne] “You’re wounded.”

As Black held the tray, Rienne looked up at him. He was so much bigger she needed to raise
her head to just to make eye contact.

And he was standing very close.

[Black] “Do my wounds bother you?”

His voice sounded too close when he asked that.

[Rienne] “….Yes.”

When Black again spoke, he was talking so quietly it sounded more like he was whispering
to himself.

[Black] “That bothers me, too.”

[Rienne] “I’m not injured.”

[Black] “Not that. I meant your clothing.”


T/N: (1) Reference to Chapter 1, where Rienne mentioned the rumor where he prefers men
over women.
A Barbaric Proposal C9

Chapter 9 | A Misunderstanding in Black

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


[Rienne] “…..I’m sorry?”

Black’s light colored eyes followed Rienne, gazing over her face and falling down towards
her neck. Without even thinking, Rienne immediately looked to the ground. He was staring
so intently, it was embarrassing her.

Was it because her clothes were loose?

She knew they weren’t a perfect fit, but she didn’t think it was that obvious.

… I didn’t think he was the sort of man to care about what other people were wearing.

Feeling a sense of curiosity, Rienne tilted her head up towards him.

He said my clothing bothered him, but he’s not even wearing his shirt properly.

For his part, Black was wearing clothing that would ‘bother’ just about anyone. Maybe it
was because of his injury, but he only had one arm through the sleeves.

[Rienne] “Please forgive me if my dress is ill-fitting. I haven’t had to wear mourning clothes
for a while, so the size needs some adjustments, but with the funeral so close, we don’t have
the time.”

Rienne once again tried to take back the tray, averting her eyes away from Black’s bare

[Rienne] “Shall we go inside? With your shoulder being how it is, it might be difficult eating
on your own, so I will assist you.”

[Black] “. . .”

Black narrowed his eyes for a moment, but eventually he relented and stepped aside.

[Black] “Inside, then.”

[Rienne] “Okay.”

Together, the two of the entered the bedroom—neither of them letting go of the tray.


[Phermos] “Oh, Princess… are those the only clothes you have?”

Black’s room wasn’t empty.

Phermos and some of his other subordinates had already come and been taken care of by
the servants earlier that morning.

They weren’t nobility, so maybe ‘taken care of’ wasn’t the best way to describe it, but the
servants did what they could. They brought them water to wash their faces with and fresh
clothing to wear. (1)

Seeing Black and Rienne side by side and holding onto the tray together made Phermos
leap to his feet.

In retrospect, there was only one reason why Black, a still injured person, would leave his
subordinates behind and go answer the door himself.
[Phermos] “I know this sounds rude, but I need to ask…. Must you wear that, Princess?”

Now Rienne felt a little offended.

Both Black and Phermos had pointed out her mourning clothes.

…Do I really look that ugly?

Even if she did, it was really rude to point that out.

Completely unaware of how they really felt about her clothes, Rienne stiffened before she
finally said something.

[Rienne] “It’s for mourning. It’s tradition in Nauk to wear black until the end of the

[Phermos] “Wha—so it’s not just for today? You’ll be wearing this for three whole days?”

Phermos spoke while adjusting his glasses.

It was strange everyone was acting this way about such baggy clothing.

[Rienne] “Is there something wrong with my mourning dress?”

[Phermos] “Well, that’s…”

Phermos quickly shut his mouth and looked at Black, but his gaze was somewhere else.

[Phermos] “My Lord…”

This was bad.

It was obvious what was commanding so much of Black’s attention.

When dressed in black, Princess Rienne’s figure was unfortunately very noticeable. She
looked beautiful even in Phermos’ eyes, which only made him worry more about what was
going on in Black’s head.

If Princess Rienne was just some common beauty, then maybe Phermos wouldn’t have
anything to worry about. But if his earlier suspicions about the Princess having some kind
of connection to Black’s past was true, then he couldn’t ignore this.

To Black, this woman was special.

But a single question still remained: Why? Why was she special? Maybe even Black didn’t
know the answer yet.
But one thing was certain. Phermos didn’t want his lord to fall to the whims of some
woman. And since the woman in question was also the princess of a ruined nation, then
that just added to the list of unanswered questions.

[Black] “Shut up.”

But maybe it was already too late.

As Black stood to Rienne, he glared at Phermos from over the top of her head. There was a
glimmer in his eyes that made it clear he was displeased.

[Black] “If her clothes are a problem, then don’t look. Close your eyes or get out.”

[Phermos] “T…That’s not it at all. I meant no disrespect, Princess.”

Phermos was smart enough to know when to take a step back, but his worries still burned
hot in his mind. They already knew the Commander of the Arsak Knights was still alive and
they knew Princess Rienne was aware of that fact as well.

It was reaching a point where it was unwise for Black to act too considerate towards the

[Phermos] “I hope the funeral ends quickly.”

As soon as Phermos muttered this under his breath, Black immediately spoke again.

[Black] “Get out.”

He’d reached his limits when it came to Phermos’ irritating chatter.

[Phermos] “…What… But…. I can’t…”

Phermos was trying to say he couldn’t leave the two of them alone, but swallowed his
words and forced himself to bow.

Right now, his lord wasn’t able to listen to reason.

But what could Phermos do about that?

There were no other options available to them. Just as his lord said, they needed to find out
what Princess Rienne was thinking and what she was planning on doing.

The sooner they knew that, the better.

[Phermos] “Then, I leave my lord in your care, Princess.”

Turning on his heel, Phermos left the room followed by the other mercenaries.


It’s just us now.

Funnily enough, it was the same room where their fevered kiss happened.

If it hadn’t been for Phermos making such a fuss about her outfit, Rienne would’ve likely
still been in deep trouble, constantly recalling that moment.

….Is it really that weird looking?

Fortunately, Rienne had better things to worry about than how she looked.

Growing up, Rienne had gotten used to wearing hand-me-downs, so she learned never to
be picky about what sort of clothing she wore or how she looked in it.

Maybe I should at least gain some weight.

But the second the thought popped up in her mind, it shocked even Rienne herself.

….Crazy. Why would I want to gain weight?

Did she want to look good in front of this man?

[Black] “What’s on your mind?”

Suddenly, Black’s voice cut through her mind—breaking through such a foolish idea.

[Rienne] “…It’s nothing.”

Rienne shook her head, driving away such a nonsensical thought.

The mere idea of wanting to look nice in the eyes of this man was strange in of itself. This
was the same man who waged war on Nauk and destroyed their peace.

Things were calm now, but who knew how long that would last.

[Rienne] “Would you like to eat? Or should we take care of your wound first?”

[Black] “Either, but I’d rather change my bandages.”

[Rienne] “Yes, of course.”

Before Rienne got the chance to even offer help, Black began taking off his shirt himself.
Even the short glimpse she got made her feel a little dizzy.

Normally, scars were sad things. They represented pain and the stories behind however
they got them. But the man’s scars made her feel dizzy before any emotion could hit her.

….It’s because of his face.

It was because he looked like that.

With a face like that, everything else was just decoration.

Those strange eyes that reminded her of an animal, his expressionless look like a statue, his
sturdy body—all of it coupled with his face made him a handsome man.
[Rienne] “I’ll take off your bandages now… huh?”

Just as Rienne pushed away all those useless thoughts and steadied her trembling hands,
she placed them on Black’s bandages.

They looked too clean. As if they were brand new.

[Black] “What is it?”

Black looked at Rienne as she whispered to herself.

[Rienne] “I don’t think I need to change these. If you’ve already applied medicine then…”

[Black] “Just change them.”

Black immediately cut her off.

[Black] “Unless you still can’t bring yourself to touch me.”

[Rienne] “…Alright.”

Even though his voice sounded a little strange, Rienne listened to him and started to
remove the bandages in silence.

Looking back on things, it wasn’t as though she disliked this man.

Earlier, when he told Phermos to close his eyes or leave, it made her feel as though he was
taking her side, if only for a moment.

If he was going to do things like that then… did that mean he hadn’t forgotten what he said
to her yesterday? Was he going to faithfully keep his promise?

If that’s the case, I should do the same too, right?

Was it alright for her to do that?

Rienne kept undoing the bandage without saying a single word. Once the wound was
exposed, she could clearly see that the medicine had already been applied.

Just as she thought—he already changed his bandages earlier this morning.

It was odd.

Even though he knew he didn’t need any help with it, he had still asked her to change his
bandages for him. It was all too strange.
[Rienne] “I don’t think it would be a good idea to apply a second dose of the salve.”

At least the wound seemed to be healing nicely. That was good.

As Rienne bound new bandages around the injury with care, it suddenly occurred to her
that Rafit once had a very similar injury.

How did it happen again…? Did I take care of his wounds like this, too?

….Now that she thought about it, Rienne distinctly remembered putting medicine on his
wound while Mrs. Flambard wrapped it with a bandage.

Back then, Rafit kept her hand tightly in his grasp as he leaned his head into her lap. She
thought he looked like a kid.

To be honest, his injury at the time wasn’t that serious. He was just acting sick because he
wanted to hold onto Rienne, and that ended up bothering her more than the fact he was
hurt in the first place.

How long is he planning on holding onto me? I have to get back to work. But none of those
thoughts made it out of her mouth. She just sat there in silence as she dealt with his childish
whims, no matter how much she wanted to protest.

[Black] “Did you check it?”

Lost in her thoughts, Rienne missed his question.

[Rienne] “…I’m sorry, what was that?”

[Black] “I wanted to ask if you were able to identify the body.”

Unlike Rafit, Black didn’t bother beating around the bush.

But the two of them did have one thing in common: they were always able to keep Rienne
in place. But while Rafit did so by taking Rienne’s hand, Black was able to pin her down
with just his eyes.

And it made Rienne feel completely different.

She never had the chance to think about when he’d let her go.

All she could do was face that illusory feeling of being tied up.

[Rienne] “So you heard. I went to the chapel because I thought it was only fair I say a
proper goodbye.

Rienne always felt this way, but his eyes were incredibly clear. It wasn’t easy lying to him.
[Black] “And? Did you say goodbye?”

Even now, it felt like those clear eyes were searching for a lie in her words. Rienne
swallowed nervously.

[Rienne] “……Yes.”

[Black] “That’s good.”

When he said that, his voice was completely deadpan—devoid of all emotion.

[Black] “Now I just need to wait for you to fulfill your promise, Princess.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Black reached out, slowly running his hand against Rienne’s cheek. It was such a gentle
gesture, it made all the hairs on her skin stand up.

[Black] “I want to know as soon as possible… so I wonder when you’ll make up your mind.”


He’s… not really courting me.

That’s what she told herself before, but his fever was already long gone. Though his hands
were warm, they weren’t nearly as hot as they were before.

It was the same with his eyes. They weren’t hazy or clouded over, but cold and clear like

[Black] “I want to make things clear.”

He made it sound like he didn’t want to be misunderstood. Like he didn’t want to leave any
room for the seeds of doubt to be sown or for any potential problems to arise.

As she paid close attention to his words, Rienne felt her face stiffen.

….What had Phermos said to her that day?

[Phermos] –‘So you’re saying you needed to give yourself the opportunity to separate yourself
from your deceased love?’

She was certain he said that. Looking back on it, Phermos sounded unmistakably suspicious
when he spoke to her.
[Phermos] –‘If you are being honest, then I will thank you for your consideration, Princess.’

And the way phrased his thanks to her was strange, questioning whether or not she was
being ‘honest.’ It was like he knew she didn’t mean what she said.

They must already know.

They know the body in the chapel doesn’t belong to the Commander of the Arsak Knights.

Black moved his hand, touching Rienne’s cheek in a way that was oddly considerate in
comparison to his words.

[Black] “I’m not a very patient man.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “So I hope you don’t keep me waiting too long.”

It was a warning.

He knew she still hadn’t entirely pulled herself away from her former lover yet, so he was
warning her to do it properly.

[Rienne] “I’m…”

She could feel her eyes shaking.

It was so hard lying to someone who already knew she was lying.

….But she had no choice.

If she made one little mistake, they’d find out Rafit was still alive and hiding somewhere in
Nauk. The Kleinfelders would be desperate to protect their eldest son and the Tiwakan
would take up arms just to kill him.

So many people would die.

[Rienne] “I’m just having a little trouble.”

Rienne placed her hand over Black’s, which was still resting on her cheek. Black only
silently stared at their overlapping hands.

[Rienne] “I want to be clear, too.”

She had to choose.

There was a scale in her hands. On one side was Rafit and the Kleinfelders, and on the
other— Black and the Tiwakan. Even though she had tried so hard to keep it balanced, the
scale completely tilted to one side without warning.

The Kleinfelders couldn’t win in a fight against the Tiwakan. If she were to choose Rafit,
she’d be fighting a losing battle.

I can’t do that. If I lose, it’s all over for Nauk.

In reality, Rienne already knew whose hand she needed to take from the start.

Thinking that, she gripped Black’s hand tightly.

[Rienne] “I’ll leave the past behind…”

With their hands still overlapped, Rienne gently pushed him back until he was sitting on
the bed. Black followed her movements and turned his head up towards her.

As she spoke, Rienne’s gaze turned towards his lips.

[Rienne] “…Just as I promised.”

And then, Rienne closed her eyes, leaned down, and closed her lips over his.

Rienne tilted her head, wrapping her arms around his neck just as she did the day before,
gently teasing his lips as he once did hers.
T/N: (1) Basically, they’re referring to how mercenaries wouldn’t need help getting ready
in the morning in the same way a noble would, so saying they were ‘taken care of’ by the
servants wouldn’t be accurate
A Barbaric Proposal C10
Hello everyone!

Thank you all again for the kind words! It means a lot that you guys are enjoying this novel and the work I’ve put into translating it. Please continue to enjoy!

Chapter 10 | A Dangerous Reunion (1)

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


She couldn’t tell how much time had passed.

By the time Rienne pulled away, she was completely breathless. Her lips felt numb while
his were wet from her kiss. She could only imagine how hers looked.

[Black] “I didn’t expect that.”

Black whispered while barely moving his mouth.

[Black] “Not bad. And neither are those clothes.”

As he wrapped his injured arm around Rienne’s waist, she felt the panic swell in her chest
yet somehow she couldn’t deny how safe and supported it made her feel.
[Rienne] “You can let go of me now.”

Rienne pushed against Black’s shoulder with her palm.

She was doing everything she could to stay calm, but this man always found a way to shake
her up. It was difficult keeping her head, but if she were to get too relaxed, she’d end up
sitting in his lap.

[Rienne] “I should go…”

But noticing something, Rienne suddenly stopped talking.

Black was narrowing his eyes.

[Rienne] “Ah.”

Without even realizing, she was pushing against Black’s injured shoulder of all things.
Rienne hurriedly pulled her hand away.

[Rienne] “I wasn’t paying attention….. Are you alright?”

[Black] “It’s fine.”

He said it was okay, but he looked like he was wincing in pain.

[Rienne] “It’s not fine.”

Rienne took her hands and gently placed them over the wound she had just pushed,
stroking it as if to soothe it or make his pain go away.

There was no blood, so at least she hadn’t accidentally reopened the wound.

[Rienne] “ time, tell me if something hurts, alright?”

[Black] “I didn’t think it hurt that much…… It’s nothing to worry about.”

When he said that, his lips were just as red and passionate as they were before. She
couldn’t quite put her finger on why, but Rienne felt like it suited him.

It was a good look on him.

I wish he’d look like that whenever he sees me.

….Wait, what am I saying?

As her thoughts quickly spiraled, Rienne jerked her head back, fearfully pushing them
down and hurriedly looking away.
[Rienne] “I’m going to leave now.”

There was work that needed to be done. She needed to stop a certain someone from
returning before he accidentally started a pointless war.

[Rienne] “If you’re not in any pain, then you should be fine eating on your own.”

Hearing that, Black made a funny face but Rienne, who was turning to leave, didn’t see it.

[Rienne] “I hope you get well soon, Lord Tiwakan.”

And then Rienne left without waiting for Black’s response.

It wasn’t until the door shut behind her that she realized she forgot the bandages and
medicine on the table, but she couldn’t go back and get it now.

…It’s all done now.

There’s no turning back.

It was already clear to her that Rafit and Black were entirely different from one another.
Rienne was filled with a strange sense of relief. Like a part of her couldn’t wait to get away
from all the times Rafit would exaggerate his pain just to get her to stay with him.

Now she was engaged to another. By her own strength, there was nothing she could do to
escape it.


There were dozens of excuses Rienne could give to meet with the Kleinfelders.

Linden Kleinfelder, who was presently acting as head of the family, was the chairman of
Nauk’s delegation, and Rienne could think of many valid reasons she could give to visit him.

Moreover, Rienne still had to give the family her regards. Rafit was the Commander of the
Arsak Knights, so she was expected to express her condolences for the loss in person.

[Weroz] “I must protest, Princess.”

As Rienne was preparing to leave, Weroz stopped her.

[Weroz] “Visiting the Kleinfelders now would only cast a shadow of doubt on us.”

[Rienne] “If that’s what you’re worried about, Weroz, then rest easy.”
Rienne turned to look at herself in the mirror. As a final preparation, she added a flower
accessory to her hair. A symbol of mourning. All that was left was to get a black cloak to
wear over her dress—the one Mrs. Flambard was sent to retrieve.

[Rienne] “They already know he’s alive.”

[Weroz] “What? Is… that true? How can you be so certain?”

[Rienne] “It’s just a feeling. I think they may have checked the body before returning it to

The leader of the Tiwakan was actually being rather generous, warning her that he was
aware of the truth.

[Weroz] “But I thought they didn’t know what Sir Kleinfelder looked like.”

[Rienne] “I don’t know… maybe they recognized the symbols on his armor or something

[Weroz] “Symbols……oh…!”

Weroz’s face turned pale with sudden realization.

[Weroz] “Perhaps they recognized the decorations on his helmet?”

[Rienne] “Decorations?”

[Weroz] “The person who took Sir Kleinfelder’s place. Sir Kleinfelder is the only Knight
who has such ornate armor, so perhaps they noticed the armor that man was wearing
didn’t match how decorative his helmet was.”

[Rienne] “It’s possible.”

The rumors always called that man a barbarian, but he was surprisingly sharp.
Frighteningly so, if he noticed something like that.

And it wasn’t just him. Whether it was Tiwakan’s leader, his right hand, or any other
member—they didn’t live as the undefeated champions of the battlefield for no reason.

[Rienne] “Now that I think about it, he didn’t say much when he showed us that sword. He
only vaguely said ‘he’s not coming back’. He probably knew even then that the Commander
wasn’t the one who died.”

He didn’t walk into that meeting with blood on his face because he was a barbarian who
didn’t know any manners. He likely did it on purpose.

[Weroz] “How much do they know?”

[Rienne] “More than we think they do. There may not be any point in trying to lie to them.”

Lord Tiwakan was now a denizen of the castle, under the name of being the Princess’
betrothed, and the Tiwakan Mercenaries were mercenaries no longer, but the Guardian
Knights of Arsak.

[Weroz] “Then why, Princess, are you visiting the Kleinfelders…”

[Rienne] “I’m going to tell Rafit to run away.”

When Rienne said that, her face twisted into a dry expression. As if mocking herself.

[Weroz] “Are you really giving up on Sir Kleinfelder and his family?”

[Rienne] “If it means saving his life. The Tiwakan have been kind to us thus far, but not
enough to allow the person who shot that arrow to live.”

[Weroz] “We don’t know for certain if Sir Kleinfelder was responsible for that yet,

[Rienne] “The truth hardly matters. The problem is that someone tried to assassinate the
leader of the Tiwakan. They’ll expect him to pay for this.”

[Weroz] “The Kleinfelders won’t let that happen.”

[Rienne] “Yes. You’re right about that… but I can’t let them fight. Would you want the
Kleinfelders to engage is such a pointless battle with the Tiwakan, knowing they have no
chance at winning?”

[Weroz] “I…”

No doubt Weroz had given it some thought, too.

The Kleinfelders and the Tiwakan were entirely unmatched. Considering the Tiwakan had
an advantage over them in every single way, Rienne’s decision was a wise one.

[Weroz] “But Princess, once this is done, you’ll never be able to escape his clutches. You
know this, right?”

[Rienne] “I’m aware.”

[Weroz] “Then please, think again. If you let Sir Kleinfelder go, then you’ll be cutting off
your only way out.”

[Rienne] “There already is no way out.”

Rienne’s voice turned harsh and firm.

[Rienne] “You know this as well as I.”

[Weroz] “I know, but… You’re the one getting married, Princess.”

[Rienne] “I’m ready for what my choice brings.”

That was the strangest part. Somewhere deep inside her, Rienne felt like that man wasn’t
so terrible, even though it would’ve made things much easier if he were. Of all the things
surrounding this laughable marriage, the most laughable thing was Rienne herself.

[Rienne] “Hm… Where is my cloak… has something happened to Mrs. Flambard?”

Rienne quickly changed the subject, just as Mrs. Flambard knocked on the door and

[Mrs. Flambard] “I brought your cloak, my lady.”

As she entered the room, the woman immediately frowned as she saw Rienne standing in
front of the mirror.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Are those your mourning clothes, Princess?’

[Rienne] “Excuse me?”

Rienne cocked her head, quickly looking down at herself.

[Rienne] “Um, yes. This is all I have. You deal with my wardrobe, Mrs. Flambard. You
should know that.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh no, is this that dress?”

Mrs. Flambard adamantly shook her head.

[Mrs. Flambard] “How long has it been since you last wore this—five years or so? Oh, no
wonder it looks so different. You’ve grown up so much, of course it wouldn’t fit the same.”

Now three people had pointed out her clothes. Suddenly, Rienne felt grateful towards
Weroz for thinking nothing of it.

[Rienne] “I haven’t grown that much. Besides, I don’t think it looks that terrible…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What are you saying? It’s just the opposite!”

[Rienne] “What?”

Another wave of confusion hit Rienne.

[Rienne] “What do you mean?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “You look absolutely lovely in black, Princess. Back then, I thought your
youthful energy was what made you so pretty, but now I can hardly classify what you’re
wearing as ‘mourning clothes’. You’ve lost so much weight, it’s practically falling off of you!
With so much of your chest and shoulders exposed, you look like you’re preparing for your
wedding night! Lord Weroz, how could you not say something?”

Suddenly, Mrs. Flambard’s fervent lecture turned towards Weroz. Weroz just shook his
head in embarrassment.

[Weroz] “Oh, well… of course I think she’s beautiful, I just thought…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh, what does a knight know about beauty?”

Shaking her head, Mrs. Flambard turned towards Rienne to stop her.

[Mrs. Flambard] “In any case, you can’t wear this for mourning so you must change,
Princess. I fear what might run through that barbarian’s crazed head if he ever saw you
wearing this. He looks like the sort of man to swallow you whole!”

[Rienne] “. . .”

At Mrs. Flambard’s warning, Rienne’s face turned pale; something the eagle-eyed woman
didn’t miss.

[Mrs. Flambard] “He’s already seen you wearing this, hasn’t he?”


[Rienne] “….Well….it’s not as though he’s seen me naked…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, but your figure is still exposed, we can clearly see the shape of your
body. That might be even more of a problem.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne couldn’t find any words to say.

She could remember Black looking at her and telling her that her clothes ‘bothered’ him,
and how Phermos blatantly asked if she was going to keep wearing it.

So that’s what they meant.

Mrs. Flambard even said it was like a dress one would wear on their wedding night. If given
the opportunity, Rienne was certain she would’ve been blunter with her words.

…Oh god… what if he thinks I wore it on purpose?

Even though it was way too late to be worrying about something like that, Rienne couldn’t
stop thinking about it.

And I even kissed him first.

It would only be natural…. If he thought she deliberately wore such tempting clothes while
acting in such a way in front of him.


After that, Rienne quickly took off that dress.

Mrs. Flambard promised to fix it but in the meantime, Rienne had to settle for wearing the
darkest colored dress she had with a black cloak over it. Newly dressed, Rienne set off for
the Kleinfelder Estate.

Though she was a Princess, her escort was simple. As always, only Weroz accompanied her.

[Rienne] “There are lots of Tiwakan soldiers out here today…”

Rienne sat on her horse, her voice low as she spoke to Weroz and looked around the
streets. Weroz nodded in response.

[Weroz] “They must still be searching for the attacker.”

[Rienne] “…At this rate, the Tiwakan will find out all there is to know about Nauk.”

[Weroz] “You’re not wrong.”

Rienne gave a bitter smile.

[Rienne] “It’s a good thing they still don’t believe the arrow to have been ordered by Nauk
itself. They could take everything from us too easily.”

[Weroz] “Things would have been different had the attacker succeeded.”

Whatever sincerity Rienne’s smile may have carried immediately disappeared.

[Rienne] “Yes…everyone in Nauk… killed to pay for someone else’s revenge.”

[Weroz] “. . .”

Weroz knew Rienne wasn’t wrong. All he could do was drop his head and not say anything
in return—his grey hair stretching across his forehead.
[Rienne] “I’m glad the leader of the Tiwakan still lives. Instead of taking Nauk by force, he’s
been gracious enough to propose instead.”

[Weroz] “It’s a bit suspiciously kind, Princess.”

[Rienne] “Either way, we need to accept it. In fifteen days—no, even less than that, the
leader of the Tiwakan will be ruling Nauk alongside me.”

The Princess was only stating a fact, something that Weroz knew long ago, but he still
couldn’t get used to hearing it out loud.

[Rienne] “We’re almost there.”

The entrance to the Kleinfelder Estate was in view.

While its height was nothing in comparison to Castle Nauk, it had it beat in scale and
luxury, boasting even more servants than the royal palace.

Bang, Bang!

[Weroz] “Open the door! Her Royal Highness, Princess Rienne of the Arsak Family has

Weroz knocked on the door as he announced Rienne’s presence. After some time, the
servants finally came to receive them.
A Barbaric Proposal C11

Chapter 11 | A Dangerous Reunion (2)

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


[Linden] “So, you’ve come to deliver your condolences in person, hm?”

The look on Linden Kleinfelder’s face was far from welcoming, but there was no grief to be
found in his expression. After all, he was wholly aware his nephew wasn’t dead.

[Rienne] “Yes, I have.”

Though she had requested entry several times now, Linden took his time granting her
entrance, giving Rienne plenty of time to stare him down.

Ever since Nauk’s finances hit red, he had completely lost interest in doing his job properly
and it had gotten to the point where Rienne was forced to fill the deficit by selling royal
property. No matter how you looked at it, it made no sense for a princess to have to bend to
this man’s will, but there was nothing Rienne could do about the Kleinfelders on her own.

There was always the possibility she could use the royal guard to force them into
submission, but the power of the Kleinfelder’s private militia far exceeded her own.

[Rienne] “I’m sure you’ve heard by now, but the union between the Tiwakan and the Arsak
family is happening within the fifteen days. Since the Kleinfelders are the largest family in
Nauk, we would like for you to extend a hand in friendship.”

[Linden] “Are you asking me to attend a wedding of the enemy?”

Even though Linden spoke with clear hostility in his voice, Rienne was completely calm as
she faced him. She and he both knew that the Tiwakan wasn’t his enemy.

Because Rafit isn’t dead.

[Rienne] “Yes.”

[Linden] “With all due respect, I think the fact you accepted the proposal at all is proof
enough that you’ve completely lost your mind, daughter of Arsak.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Instead of taking offense at his blatant insult, Rienne just gave a cynical smile.

Linden’s behavior came at no real surprise. He had long since started treating Rienne like
this. Even after her father’s death, the Kleinfelders were the first to voice their dissent after
Rienne began taking over his duties.

If Rienne hadn’t been romantically involved with their eldest son, they surely would’ve
made their insults much more apparent.

[Rienne] “Unfortunately, I am quite well. In fact, if I hadn’t accepted the proposal, I

would’ve begun to question my own sanity. More importantly, I ask that you prepare for
the funeral now that I’ve officially expressed my grief. Rafit Kleinfelder, Commander of the
Knights of Arsak, has hereby returned to dust. His name shall be remembered forever,
glorious even in death.”

In no uncertain terms, Rienne’s words made him dead.

That was for the best—for the sake of everyone’s lives.

[Linden] “How halfhearted. You’ve lost all sense of pride and spirit, as well as your sanity.
As a daughter of the Arsak family, do you not wish to seek revenge for your fallen fiancé?”
[Rienne] “You must be mistaken, sir. Lord Rafit Kleinfelder was never my fiancé. We were
never officially engaged or have you forgotten that?”

Linden’s mouth twitched.

[Linden] “You weren’t engaged? You must be joking. So you were only playing around with
the eldest son of Kleinfelder? Such a loose woman, you are.”

If Weroz were there, he probably would have drawn his sword for that insult. Even Rienne
had to hold herself back from slapping him in the face.

[Rienne] “I can see how cherished Lord Kleinfelder is by his family. Hasn’t anyone told you
it’s bad taste to speak ill of the dead?”

[Linden] “If anyone is speaking ill of him, it is you, daughter of Arsak. You’re choosing to
marry that savage barbarian instead of slitting his throat while you have the chance. Your
pretty little head doesn’t seem to realize what an insult—” (1)


She couldn’t take it anymore.

Rienne picked up the nearest vase framing the drawing room and threw it at Linden’s feet.
The broken pieces of pottery and water scattered across the expensive imported carpet.

[Linden] “My, your temper…”

Linden stroked his mustache.

[Rienne] “My position was handed down to me by the late King of Nauk. If you dare speak
towards me with words unbefitting of your station, then it is my duty to personally
admonish you for the disrespect.”

Slowly, Rienne’s breathing calmed into coolly spoken words.

[Rienne] “If you take issue with my decision, then please remember what the Kleinfelders
were doing during the fifteen days the Tiwakan had Nauk surrounded. Where were you
and your militia while hundreds of men loyal to Nauk sacrificed their lives?”

[Linden] “So it’s for the sake of Nauk that you’ve decided to sell your cheap body to that

She made a mistake. She should’ve aimed somewhere else.

[Rienne] “Perhaps I’ve been too kind. Maybe I should have thrown it at your head instead
of your feet.”
[Linden] “My head? Don’t make me laugh. What can you do on your own?”

Linden bared his teeth and yelled at her, as if he were some kind of feral dog barking at her.
The two of them, lacking any kind of understanding, looked as though they were standing
on a battlefield.

[Rienne] “Pass on this message: Act as a dead man and leave quietly. Don’t do anything like
shooting an arrow ever again.”

As she glared at Linden, Rienne spoke again, bringing up the main reason for her visit.

[Rienne] “If you don’t want anything terrible to happen to him, then tell him he needs to
give up his personal vendetta.”

[Linden] “Why don’t you take that temper of yours out on that barbarian?”

[Rienne] “I’m sure you’d like that. I should also inform you that the Tiwakan are aware that
Lord Rafit Kleinfelder is still alive.”

[Linden] “It would appear you don’t have the stomach to get angry at them.”

[Rienne] “You—!”

Just as she was about to tell Linden off, a knock sounded against the door, echoing across
the drawing room.

Knock, Knock.

[Rafit] “I brought some tea for you.”

Both Rienne and Linden’s bodies stiffened as they heard the familiar voice.

[Rafit] “May I come in?”


As the door opened, the person who came in was none other than the very much alive Rafit
Kleinfelder himself.


[Linden] “What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay still.”

Linden spoke to his nephew with a look of disapproval on his face.

This was precisely the reason why he had Rienne stand outside the estate for as long as
possible, waiting for them to open the doors. Linden decided his nephew had nothing to
gain by meeting Princess Rienne alone.

In truth, Rafit became a fool in Rienne’s presence.

He wasn’t currently pretending to be dead, but would easily do so if Rienne was the one
making the request, so Linden told him not to come anywhere near the drawing room.

But his nephew had disobeyed him.

[Rafit] “Leave us, Uncle.”

Even if he was merely Linden’s nephew, he was still the eldest son of the Kleinfelder family.
Linden thought he could control him even as an adult due to his amicable personality, but
the opposite was actually true.

He wouldn’t be able to say anything even if Rafit were to kick him out, penniless on the

[Linden] “I cannot. This lady of Arsak has already betrayed us once. Who’s to say she won’t
try to poison your ears with that cunning tongue of hers?”

[Rafit] “I won’t allow you to say such rude things to Princess Rienne.”

….He couldn’t believe this. Linden clicked his tongue as hard as he could.

[Linden] “Tch…! She isn’t worth this! Do you have any idea what she said to me? She said
we need to—!”

[Rafit] “Uncle!”

Suddenly, a flash of anger cut in Rafit’s eyes and Linden immediately quieted.

Rafit was usually a gentle man with no courage to argue against his family, but was the sort
of person you could not fight against once he was angry.

[Linden] “…Tch. I’ll wait outside.”

Reluctantly, Linden left the drawing room.


Once he left, behind that closed door was a vast space and a chance for long separated
lovers to finally reunite.


[Rienne] “You look well.”

Rienne was the first to speak.

Rafit looked healthy. His skin looked a little rough, but it was nothing compared to how a
dead person should look.

[Rafit] “Princess……my dear Rienne.”

As he called out her name, his voice shook with such sincerity it sounded as though he
would cry. When he first entered the room, all he and Rienne could do was stare at one
another. Then, he began to move closer, step by step until he was able to take her into his
[Rienne] “. . .”

Just hold on for a little bit.

Rienne closed her eyes, herself indulging in the comfort of this ironic situation.

She needed the chance to say goodbye too.

[Rafit] “I’m sorry… I wasn’t able to keep my promise.”

As he spoke, Rafit ran his hand through her hair. His touch was the same as always;
passionate, loving, gentle, and sincere.

So much so, that she could feel the guilt creeping in.

…It’s okay. I can take this much.

[Rafit] “You must have been so scared waiting for me… but I couldn’t be there for you….”

It was alright. Rienne didn’t expect much from him in the first place. Of course she would’ve
been happy if he had come back with reinforcements, but war would have broken out

Even if the Kingdom of Sharka had agreed to send them troops, there was no guarantee
they would’ve been enough to fend off the Tiwakan.

[Rienne] “You need to run away.”

After counting to ten, Rienne opened her eyes and spoke.

[Rafit] “What?”

Rafit stopped stroking her head, backing off and making direct eye contact with her as he
grabbed her shoulders.

[Rafit] “What’s that supposed to mean?”

[Rienne] “Exactly what it sounds like. You have to run before the Tiwakan find out you’re

[Rafit] “Just me? Alone?”

[Rienne] “That’s the only way I can save everyone.”

Rafit’s eyes widened, an overwhelming sense of betrayal pouring out of them.

[Rafit] “…..You can’t mean that… you’re giving up on me? On us?”

Rafit continued to boggle her mind. How was it that after all this time he still didn’t
understand her?

If it was to protect Nauk, there’s nothing Rienne wouldn’t give up.

[Rienne] “I’m going to marry Lord Tiwakan.”

With a single phrase, she cut clean their relationship.

[Rienne] “So I just wanted to say this. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me up
until now, and I pray you stay safe.”

[Rafit] “I…I don’t know what to say…. You’re leaving me, Princess?”

Rienne could feel his strong hand grip her shoulder with strained pressure. She felt a short
surge of pain, but ignored it.

[Rienne] “That’s the best way I can protect Nauk.”

[Rafit] “I can’t accept that!”

Rafit shouted out. His eyes, which were usually gentle and soft, almost to the point of
seeming weak, now burned like the low embers of firewood.

[Rafit] “How can leaving me be the best way to protect Nauk?! How does that make

[Rienne] “No one has the power to defeat the Tiwakan; not the Arsaks nor the Kleinfelders.
This is all I can—“

[Rafit] “So you’re just going to offer yourself up to them? On top of everything else, you’ll
let him take you away?”

The look in Rafit’s eyes was one Rienne had never seen before. A look of ridiculing pity
came from him, sharply cutting down towards her.

[Rafit] “Oh, my princess… how could you be so foolish…? That’s exactly what those savages
are aiming for.”

Rafit reached out and gently took a lock of Rienne’s hair in his hand. Before she had the
chance to tell him to stop, he breathlessly began to speak.

[Rafit] “Do you know what I heard about the leader of those barbarians while I was in the
Kingdom of Sharka?”

[Rienne] “Sir Kleinfelder, please move your hand. I’m engaged.”

But he didn’t listen. Instead he just kept talking, as if he were completely deaf to her words.

[Rafit] “The reason why he came to Nauk out of the blue…. The reason why he would resort
to using such barbarous tactics.”


Honestly, Rienne was curious about that. She still didn’t understand why the leader of the
Tiwakan wanted Nauk so badly, even though it was the poorest and weakest nation of all
the five southern kingdoms.

They had promised to be honest when it came to each other and yet she never got the
answer to that ever constant question.

[Rienne] “The reason….. doesn’t matter.”

Rienne said to the eldest son of the Kleinfelder family, her lover no longer.

[Rafit] “They said he bears a grudge against Nauk.”

[Rienne] “….What?”

[Rafit] “He’s been planning his revenge for god knows how long. Everyone outside of Nauk
knows about it.”

[Rienne] “What sort of grudge?”

[Rafit] “Apparently his family was killed by someone in Nauk.”

[Rienne] “So what you’re trying to say is that he wants to take Nauk… for revenge? That
doesn’t make any sense.”

[Rafit] “Does a savage need their reasons to make sense?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne kept quiet.

To an ordinary person, that kind of reasoning would be completely nonsensical, but for the
leader of the Tiwakan who dreamt of revenge? It might make perfect sense to him.

But he had all the power he needed to tear Nauk to pieces.

No, it doesn’t make any sense. If that’s what you wanted, you should have completely
destroyed us in a one-sided war, not proposed.

If the Tiwakan had fought in earnest, they wouldn’t have spent those fifteen days merely
surrounding the castle. In only three days, they could’ve ended everything. They could’ve
had her head hanging from a wall and completely wiped Nauk off the map.

And I haven’t forgotten what you said.

You told me if you wanted to break your promise, you would’ve done so from the start.

Taking Nauk for the sake of revenge of all things?

No. That can’t be it.


T/N: (1) The original insult implies that Rienne is nothing more than a pretty face, as
Linden regards Rienne as being a “loose” woman who plays around with men to the point
of not understanding the ramifications of her choice.
A Barbaric Proposal C12

Chapter 12 | A Dangerous Reunion (3)

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


[Rafit] “There are more than enough rumors following the lord of the Tiwakan. Did you
know they even say he prefers men over women?”

Rienne listened to Rafit with a cloud of doubt hovering over her.

He prefers men? How ridiculous.

Rienne could still remember how he had kissed her. He wouldn’t have kissed her like that if
he didn’t desire her on some level. All the times she had reluctantly kissed Rafit was proof
enough of that. (1)

It was just a baseless rumor.

It had to be.

[Rienne] “What makes you say that?”

Rafit looked at her with a serious look in his eyes.

[Rafit] “Have you already invited him into your bed?”

[Rienne] “Sir Kleinfelder.”

Rienne clenched her fists. Whether it was the uncle or the nephew, everyone in this family
had a knack for inappropriately running their mouths.

[Rienne] “If you say something like that again, I’ll get angry. You are in no position to
question whether or not I’ve brought my fiancé to my bed.”

[Rafit] “How could you call that barbarian your fiancé in front of me?”

[Rienne] “Leave Nauk. Out of respect for your family, I’ll bite my temper and leave you in
the care of Lord Weroz. He’ll protect you until you’re safely out of Nauk. Think of it as a
parting gift.”

[Rafit] “Rienne!”

Rafit wasn’t just stubborn, but slow too. He still didn’t understand what Rienne was trying
to say.

[Rafit] “I can’t just leave you and allow you to marry someone else!”

[Rienne] “You don’t have a choice.”

Instead of getting angry, she tried pleading with him instead.

Rienne wanted Rafit to understand where she was coming from and why this needed to
happen, but if she got angry, it would only lead to a fight. Right now, she just needed to end
things cleanly.

As she spoke, her words rang cold, like an emotionless void flowing between the two of

[Rienne] “What else can you do—shoot another arrow? Do you have any idea what your
actions have already done? The Tiwakan have completely taken over the guards’ duties
ahead of the wedding in order to find the attacker and is learning all they can about Nauk in
the meantime. Now seeing Tiwakan soldiers in the streets is a common occurrence all
because of an arrow that missed.” (2)
[Rafit] “You can’t say that. The arrow must have done lasting damage to that barbarian,
and now the Tiwakan—“

[Rienne] “Lasting damage? It’s barely a flesh wound.”

[Rafit] “Then I’ll just try again. I’ll succeed time.”

[Rienne] “The Tiwakan are no fools. The first assassination attempt has only made them
more wary. You’ll have to contend with them all before you can even dream of attacking
their leader.”

[Rafit] “. . .”

Finally, Rafit was at a loss for words. He was a knight so as much as he didn’t want to admit
it, he knew Rienne was right.

[Rienne] “If it’s ever revealed that you were the one that fired that arrow, the Tiwakan will
wipe the Kleinfelder family from the face of the earth. So run while you can. That’s the only
way Nauk will ever know peace.”

[Rafit] “. . .”

[Rienne] “Now this is goodbye.”

Just as Rienne turned away and began to open the door to leave, Rafit reached out from
behind her and shut it with a dull noise.


That was new. Rafit had never done anything like that before. Rienne frowned and looked
back at him once she realized that.

[Rienne] “What are you doing?”

[Rafit] “Just… answer one question first.”

Rienne’s face twisted when she saw his look of desperation.

She already knew Rafit loved her with all his heart. In honor of the feelings she knew he
carried for her, she could endure this.

[Rienne] “What is it?”

[Rafit] “Do you love him?”

[Rienne] “What?”

To Rienne, it sounded like such a stupid question but Rafit looked incredibly serious.
[Rafit] “Answer me. Are you happy to marry him because you love him? Is that why you’re
leaving me?”

[Rienne] “Hah…”

Rienne let out an exasperated sigh.

[Rienne] “I don’t think that’s a question worth answering.”

[Rafit] “Just answer me!”

Rafit cried out with tears in his eyes.

He looked as though he wouldn’t step aside until she answered him.

[Rienne] “…I didn’t expect any of this to happen, but I haven’t forgotten how many people
died during the Tiwakan’s siege. I’ll never forget.”

[Rafit] “Answer properly. Are you certain you don’t love him? You’re just giving in because
of his power?”

Whenever she thought about the leader of the Tiwakan, Rienne had already decided she
didn’t hate him. She had even made a promise to do what she could to desire him.

But that was it.

That didn’t mean she had any special feelings for him or that she loved him. Even the small
concessions she was making felt wrong in the wake of everything that happened.

With how their relationship started, there was no way such feelings could ever bloom.

Rienne gave a bitter smile.

[Rienne] “There’s nothing more important to me than Nauk. Whether it’s ending things
with you or accepting a proposal stained with blood—I do what I must to protect it.”

If I have to endure it, then I will endure.

[Rienne] “Leave Nauk. That’s an order.”

[Rafit] “. . .”

As Rafit’s face turned pale, Rienne pushed past him, opening the door to the drawing room


But just because she entered of her own accord didn’t mean she could leave so easily.

[Rienne] “Where is Lord Weroz?”

After leaving the drawing room, Rienne went straight towards the main entrance of the
Kleinfelder Estate to meet Weroz, but he was nowhere to be found.

Getting a bad feeling, Rienne went to ask the Kleinfelder’s gatekeeper of his whereabouts.
[Gatekeeper] “I don’t know.”

[Rienne] “You don’t know? But Lord Weroz was here just a moment ago.”

[Gatekeeper] “I didn’t see him.”

[Rienne] “What…? Lord Weroz!”

Rienne looked around as she called out his name.

[Rienne] “Lord Weroz!”

But no matter how many times she called out for him, there was no reply. That bad feeling
in her stomach twisted into heavy anxiety.

Suddenly, she realized she was in a dangerous place with no escort.

I have to get out of here.

[Rienne] “Open the door.”

Normally she would’ve asked the guards to track down Weroz, but there was little she
could do right now.

[Gatekeeper] “I’ve been ordered to guard this door.”

The gatekeeper wouldn’t budge, stubbornly blocking her way and Rienne’s anxious feeling
suddenly became more real.

[Rienne] “So you can’t let me leave?”

[Gatekeeper] “I don’t know about that. All I know is that I was ordered to guard the exit,
not open it.”

[Rienne] “Don’t you know who I am? I am Princess Rienne of Nauk and I order you to open
this door.”

[Gatekeeper] “I already have my orders.”

Despite the princess herself ordering him otherwise, his answer remained the same.

[Rienne] “Then get out of the way. I’ll open it myself.”

[Gatekeeper] “Hm….”

It likely wouldn’t amount to much, but Rienne gave a warning to the weak-willed
[Rienne] “If you don’t step aside, you’ll pay the price for disobeying the crown. Mind you
that the Kleinfelders cannot protect you from everything.”

[Gatekeeper] “. . .”

The gatekeeper hesitated for a moment, but eventually stepped to the side. Rienne
stretched out past him, her hands reaching out to open the door.

But it was already too late.

Stomp, stomp!

Behind her was the sound of heavy footsteps echoing through the halls. When she turned
her head, Rienne could see Linden Kleinfelder walking towards her with his soldiers at his

[Linden] “Step back, Princess. How foolish of you to attempt to open the doors to someone
else’s estate.”

[Rienne] “What do you think you’re doing?”

Linden stepped towards Rienne, close enough for their noses to be touching.

[Linden] “Now that I think about it, it would be a terrible decision to allow you to leave.”

[Rienne] “What?”

[Linden] “The princess deigns to hand over sovereignty of Nauk to a feckless barbarian
rather than a noble Kleinfelder.”

Rienne, dumbfounded by Linden’s words, took a deep breath.

[Rienne] “Hah… Must I repeat myself? Is your mind already beginning to fail you?”

[Linden] “That won’t be necessary. Instead…”

Linden winked towards someone over his shoulder as the soldiers parted and someone
walked out. Rienne’s eyes widened once she saw the person, clad in heavy, plum colored
robes reaching past his ankles.

[Rienne] “….High Priest Milrod.”

[Milrod] “Hmph….”

Milrod, the High Priest, trailed off his words as he spared Rienne a glance.
While religion wasn’t a major part of Nauk’s culture, there were still times when a religious
representative was needed, like the spring festival, a funeral, or even a wedding to bring
good luck for rain.

[Rienne] “What brings you to the Kleinfelder estate?”

But the High Priest and Rienne didn’t have a close relationship.

In an effort to reduce spending, Rienne was quick to cut off donations to the religious
embassy, which obviously required funds for events. It was an expensive luxury that
couldn’t be afforded by the present royal budget, after all.

But in turn, the High Priest never spared a prayer for the royal family, instead throwing his
lot in with the Kleinfelders. Apparently, Linden would even send personal funds to the High
Priest once a month.

[Rienne] “Did you come here to prepare for the funeral prayer?” (3)

Even the High Priest wouldn’t know Rafit was still alive. Hoping that, Rienne asked such a

On behalf of the High Priest, Linden answered instead.

[Linden] “No, he’s here as an officiant.”

[Rienne] “Officiant…?”

[Linden] “That’s right.”

Linden looked at Rienne with a grin that made her stomach turn.

It was an ominous and foreboding smile.

[Rienne] “Who…Who’s getting married…?”

[Linden] “Isn’t it obvious? Who else could it be?”

Linden pointed a finger at Rienne. In her eyes, it was no different from an arrow flying
towards her.

[Linden] “The daughter of Arsak will pledge her eternal affection and obedience to the son
of Kleinfelder… as his wife.”

[Rienne] “….!”


This is my fault.

Without even realizing it, Rienne grit her teeth.

I should have known they’d be willing to resort to such dirty tricks to get what they want.

The Kleinfelders have long since desired control over Nauk. Rather than hand it over to
another, of course they’d be willing to do anything they could to take it.

[Rienne] “This is unacceptable. Did Lord Rafit agree to a wedding neither of us knew

[Linden] “Oh Princess, you must have already forgotten. Rafit is dead.”

Linden made a dramatic show of his shrugging.

[Linden] “It’s a shame, but now you’ll have no choice but to marry his cousin Lopez

What a joke.

As far as Rienne knew, there was no one by that name in the Kleinfelder family.

[Rienne] “There’s a son of the Kleinfelder family I didn’t know about? Is he even a
registered member of your house, recognized by the royal family?”

[Linden] “Oh of course not. He’s an illegitimate child, but what can we do about that? Now
that the eldest son has passed, we have no choice but to bring him in.”

His lying was so brazen, it was insulting.

[Rienne] “Enough of the lies, Lord Kleinfelder. Allow me to pass before things get out of

[Linden] “It is no lie. Though he is an illegitimate son, the blood that runs through his veins
is no different from the deceased Rafit. Isn’t that right, High Priest Milrod?”

Without even batting an eye, the High Priest helped with the lie.

[Milrod] “Indeed, I checked and it was exactly the same. The blood relation cannot be
denied. This is a blessing sent to us from God, Princess.”

A blessing.

Rienne took the cloth of her dress in her white knuckled grip. Staring at them with her
green eyes, she looked at the men blocking her way as if they were a wall.
I have to get out here first. There has to be a way.

[Rienne] “…..That’s wonderful. I’m very curious to see if he looks like him too. Bring him

[Linden] “That won’t be difficult. Go and bring Rafit—ah, I mean Lopez. Bring Lopez here.”

[Rienne] “Good.”

A soldier ran off towards the drawing room, and before long he returned with another man.

Just as she thought, the person he brought with him was Rafit Kleinfelder.


Rafit’s eyes were red, as if he had been crying after Rienne left. She even noticed his right
hand looked injured. He must have broken something.

[Rienne] “Please don’t do this.”

The moment their eyes met, Rienne approached him.

The only person who could end this madness was the broken-hearted Rafit. Though his
family was greedy and awful, he alone was different. He always told her his feelings for her
were genuine and Rienne always believed him.

And even though her own feelings never burned as passionately as fire, she still regarded
him as being her lover and did everything she could to treat him as such, as did he.

Your heart was always true and sincere. I know, deep down, you don’t want to do anything
that could hurt me like this.

[Rienne] “Please, your love wasn’t the only thing you promised me. As the Commander of
the Arsak Knights, you made an oath to protect both me and Nauk. Please… don’t put Nauk
at risk by doing this.”

Rafit opened his mouth with a distorted look on his face.

[Rafit] “I…..I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

[Rienne] “Rafit.”

Rafit turned his head and looked towards his uncle. Linden nodded and Rafit bit his lip.
[Rafit] “Don’t call me by that name. My name is Lopez Kleinfelder.”

T/N: (1) She’s saying she knows what its like to kiss someone you’re not into, and that if
that were the case for Black, she’d know.

(2) Rienne means “missed” in that the arrow didn’t actually do anything effective.

(3) Exact term was 진혼, which is a repose for parted souls or a mournful song typically
sung by monks to honor the deceased.
A Barbaric Proposal C13

Chapter 13 | A Dangerous Reunion (4)

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


Rienne couldn’t believe what was happening.

[Rienne] “Rafit!”

She could hardly contain her shock, her whole body trembling as Rafit began reciting the
same nonsense as his uncle.

[Rafit] “I will be forever grateful towards God for granting me such a beautiful princess as a
wife. I can only hope I will prove adequate as her husband.”

[Rienne] “No, our relationship has already ended! That won’t change no matter what you
do, so please, stop this!”
[Rafit] “You’re wrong.”

When Rafit said that, she could clearly see his bloodshot eyes.

[Rafit] “It will change. You’ll be my wife.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Rafit] “If this is the only way I can have you, then so be it.”

It was like he had gone blind, his mind focused on one thing and one thing alone. This
wasn’t the Rafit that Rienne knew. Leaving Rienne completely speechless, Rafit turned to
his uncle.

[Rafit] “When’s the ceremony?”

[Linden] “There’s nothing in particular we need to prepare. As long as the High Priest is
here, it can happen whenever.”

[Rafit] “Then let’s do it now, right here.”

[Linden] “Very good idea.”

Hearing that, Rienne shouted out.

[Rienne] “What are you talking about, I’ll never—“

Suddenly, Rafit covered her mouth with his hand.

[Rafit] “I’ll be making the vows on behalf of the Princess.”

[Rienne] “Mmph!”

Rienne grabbed Rafit’s arm, struggling against his grip.

[Rafit] “Stay calm. Just bear with it for a while.”

The High Priest approached Rienne as Rafit held onto her. Rienne could feel her breath
immediately leave her the moment he pulled out the laurel branch from his long sleeves.

[Rienne] “…..!”

But the more she struggled, the harder Rafit held onto her. Stuck in his embrace, the laurel
branch inched closer to her and Rienne closed her eyes, quickly biting down as hard as she
could on Rafit’s palm.

[Rafit] “Tch….”
Rafit made an odd face, but still his grip didn’t loosen, even as his hand started bleeding.

….Please, let go.

At that moment, a painful and frustrating realization dawned on Rienne, weighing heavily
on her shoulders.

She couldn’t do anything on her own.


Even if she were to put all the strength she had into fighting back, it would only ever cause
a pointlessly small wound. One where only a little blood would flow out.

Already, her mouth was filled with the irony taste of blood.

As Rienne bit back the nausea, the High Priest lifted the laurel branch high into the air
before lowering down on the top of Rienne’s head.

It made her feel like she was nothing but a piece of meat, left to be skewered by a pike.

[Milrod] “Hear us, LaJore Benushi Attika, the one true god, the waves of the sea and the
roots of the earth. Today, a pair of loved ones born of your soil wish to bind themselves to a
covenant in your name before the sacred altar—“ (1)

Just as the High Priest began the marriage rites, there was a sudden booming noise.


That very same booming noise shook the tightly closed door, a noise so noticeable it forced
everyone to stop what they were doing.

[Linden] “Keep going!”

After silence took them, Linden came to his senses, urging the High Priest to the finish the
rite. The High Priest had been so startled, he dropped the laurel branch and leaned down to
try and pick it up.

But Rienne was just moments faster. She reached around with her foot and pulled the
laurel closer to her, but not before Rafit noticed.

[Rafit] “Give it to me.”

Rafit finally released the hold he had over Rienne’s mouth as he tried to take the branch
from her.


Another sound came, even louder than the one before. It was so loud it immediately told
them this was no small deal.

[Linden] “What the hell is that? You, go see what it is!”

Linden yelled at the rookie soldier standing to him, but there was no point. Without even
looking outside, it was obvious whatever was making that sound was right outside the
main entrance.

Boom! Boom!

And this time, they didn’t stop—that booming sound ringing out again and again until
finally, its source was revealed.

Boom! Thwack!

A piece of the heavy wooden door fell away, with nothing but the sharp edge of a battle axe
sticking through the newly made crack.

[Linden] “W…what….”


With rigid movements, the axe was pulled out, leaving a wide gap in its wake—large
enough for a person’s words to be carried through easily.
[Black] “Open the door.”

Rienne’s eyes instinctively widened.

There was only one person she knew that had such a low, deep voice.

It’s him…but how?

That man was right through the door. She couldn’t see him, but he was so close.

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan!”

Rafit quickly covered Rienne’s mouth as she called out to him, but it was too late.

[Black] “Are you alright?”

[Rienne] “Mmph….”

Rienne couldn’t answer.

But at least it wasn’t as frustrating as it was before. The Kleinfelders and the High Priest
were clearly at a loss, perhaps even embarrassed by all of this.

[Phermos] “They don’t seem very eager to open the door, my Lord. Perhaps we should just
invite ourselves in.”

Just as she heard the upbeat voice of Phermos, there was another heavy swing of an axe.

Whack! Whack!

The once ornate and sturdy wooden door now looked as though it would split in half, but
the biggest problem was what came after that.

Once the door was gone, the only thing that could stop the oncoming Tiwakan was their
own bodies.

[Linden] “Dammit!”

Linden audibly cursed.

[Linden] “I have to open the door.”

But Rafit immediately protested.

[Rafit] “Uncle!”

[Linden] “We have no choice. Would you have us treat them like the enemy right now?”
The wedding rite was already completely out of their hands, as if it had been washed away
by a river.

Going through with a marriage against the Princess’ will was easy when all the witnesses
were on their side, but things were different when the Tiwakan were breaking down their
door with an axe.

[Linden] “Get out of here, Rafit. We can’t let them see your face.”

[Rafit] “You can’t be serious! I—“

[Linden] “We don’t have time to argue. All of you; take Rafit out of here.”

As Linden’s soldiers forcibly dragged Rafit away, Linden quickly turned towards Rienne.

[Linden] “You may be a cheap woman but I know you’re not stupid, so I expect you already
understand what you need to do. Whether or not Nauk becomes a battlefield depends
entirely on what you say.”

It was an obvious threat, but Linden was beaming with confidence. He already knew Rienne
came to the Kleinfelder Estate with only Weroz because she wanted to avoid the prying
eyes of the Tiwakan.

[Linden] “So speak carefully.”

Linden then snapped his finger, signaling towards the soldier at his side. The soldier
nodded, lifting the wooden bolt as he avoided the axe.

[Phermos] “Oh, I guess they don’t want to fight.”

Phermos spoke with a smile in his voice the second he heard the bolt being removed.

[Linden] “You may put the axe down. No need to try and break in anymore.”


Suddenly, a fierce kick came through the front door of the Kleinfelder Estate.

Crash, Boom!

Then, the fragments of the terribly destroyed door were pushed to the side, giving way for
Black’s entrance.



For some reason, Rienne could feel tears forming at the edges of her eyes.

Was it because she was happy to see this person?

…But she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t. The moment she saw his face, this ridiculous
feeling of relief washed over her like a wave.

[Linden] “What brings you to my home?”

Linden had the audacity to ask such a question.

[Linden] “There are better ways to request entry rather than recklessly barging in like a
barbarian. You truly are more like a dog than a man.”

His insults weren’t subtle in the slightest.

[Black] “Lord Kleinfelder.”

Before Rienne could reprimand Linden for his rudeness, Black opened his mouth first.

[Black] “I could say the same about you.”

[Linden] “….What was that?”

Having those words thrown at him immediately made Linden’s face turn pale.

[Black] “Not even a rat hiding away in his den can keep everything a secret.”

[Linden] “What…What I do in my home…has nothing to do with you savages. You have no

right to interfere—“

[Black] “Your home, your den; it’s all the same.”


Black took a step closer.

At that, Linden’s face turned even paler. Black was such an imposing person, he was able to
intimidate Linden by just walking.

[Black] “Either way, you shouldn’t have tried to lock my fiancée inside.”

[Linden] “What…What are you…?”

And then Black took another step.

Linden tried to take a step back, but ended up in a strange position with only his upper
body leaning back. He looked as though he would completely crumble if someone so much
as tapped his ankle.

[Black] “Are you hurt?”

But then Black suddenly turned towards Rienne.

[Rienne] “No…I only came to complete the obituary. I’m alright.”

[Black] “I’ll have to see for myself.”


Black took one final step closer to Linden.

[Linden] “Hup!”


Completely losing his balance, Linden fell to the floor the moment he tried to step

[Soldier] “Oh!”

[Soldier] “Sir!”

His soldiers immediately tried to approach him in order to help him up, but they stopped
dead in their tracks.

Black was standing far too close.

He was looking down at the fallen Linden as if he were contemplating whether or not it was
worth crushing an ant he had stumbled upon.

[Black] “Never forget.”

Never resist and never keep your doors shut to me.

After issuing an unforgettable warning, Black once again turned to face Rienne.

[Black] “I came to get you.”

[Rienne] “….Okay.”

That was the only reason Black needed to visit the Kleinfelder Estate.

[Black] “Should we return?”

[Rienne] “Yes.”

Standing on her own, Rienne stood just in front of Black and without saying anything, he
took Rienne’s hand in his own.

[Rienne] “Let’s go back.”

She wanted to leave as quickly as possible, before things had a chance to sour.

What the Kleinfelders had attempted was absolutely terrifying to think about, but all
Rienne could do was quietly cover it up.

There was a war constantly looming over their heads and Rafit’s actions were the catalyst
that could potentially bring it crashing down on them.

No matter what, the Tiwakan could never find out what Rafit had done—whether that be
the assassination attempt or how he had tried to force Rienne to marry him because he
couldn’t let her go.

If that happened, Nauk would be torn in half by the bloodshed.

Rienne couldn’t let that happen.

[Rienne] “My business here is concluded. There’s no need to linger.”

But, as per usual, the Tiwakan were more informed than Rienne thought.

[Phermos] “Already?”

Phermos smirked from behind his odd glasses.

[Phermos] “What’s the rush? Why don’t we take a look around the Kleinfelder Estate? It’s
one of grander locations in Nauk—why not have a cup of tea while we’re here? Our Lord
will soon be ruling Nauk alongside you, so Lord Kleinfelder must be courteous to him. If
not, doesn’t that mean there’s something wrong with him?”
Linden immediately got angry at the insult, but the moment he tried to open his mouth to
argue, Phermos cut him off.

[Phermos] “And look, how wonderful, the High Priest is already here. Why don’t we
discuss the process for the royal wedding while we’re at it? What do you think, my Lord?”

The High Priest would not have vacated the temple for no reason, but after recognizing
him, Phermos could not help but wonder what he was doing at the Kleinfelder Estate of all

[Rienne] “Can’t we do that later?”

Saying that, Rienne held Black’s hand tighter. Though he was looking at Phermos before, he
immediately looked back at Rienne.

Rienne tilted her head up towards him, doing her best to make her face look as pitiful as

[Rienne] “I’d like to go back now. I’m tired.”

Before he finds out things he shouldn’t.

Rienne leaned her body into Black’s chest with a desperate look on her face. She felt his
hard chest stiffen, making it even sturdier.

[Rienne] “Let’s go back. Together.”

Before he decides to tear Nauk apart.

If it was to prevent that, Rienne was willing to do more than just hug him if necessary.

[Black] “. . .”

She could feel Black’s soft breathing tickling her forehead.

It was unbelievable to think about, but as she leaned on him, Rienne felt incredibly secure.
Safe, even. No matter how much of her weight she pressed against him, his chest was like a
wall. In his arms, she felt comfortable and protected.

[Black] “It’s strange.”

[Rienne] “What is…?”

Black looked down at Rienne, his voice as low as a whisper.

[Black] “I know you’re hiding something from me, but I don’t feel like arguing with you.”

[Rienne] “. . .”
…Of course he’d know.

The situation was way too suspicious and Rienne’s weak explanation of being there to
simply express her condolences did little to make that feeling go away. Which is why
Rienne thought it was strange, too.

It was strange how reassured she felt in the presence of a man who didn’t trust her.

[Black] “If you want to return, then let’s go.”

Black wrapped his arm around Rienne’s waist, but it felt more like he was trying to support
her rather than embrace her.

But what Rienne didn’t notice was that Black had turned his head away to speak with

[Black] “You stay here and deal with the situation. Finish business concerning the High

Phermos nodded his head, as if he was expecting this.

[Phermos] “Of course, my Lord. I won’t disappoint you.”

After that, his retinue was quickly divided, split between those who were to escort Black
back to the castle, and those who would remain with Phermos on the Kleinfelder’s street,
finding their own place.


T/N: (1) I’m not sure the best way to localize the name of the god (라 호레 베누시 아티카)
so I went with a transliteration.
A Barbaric Proposal C14

Chapter 14 | Not Even a Moment

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


….I feel nervous.

Rienne was riding on Black’s horse with him, but she felt embarrassed. She was extremely
conscious of how he was sitting behind her, feeling his touch and heat against her back.

The mercenaries that were escorting them back to the castle were fewer in number in
comparison to the ones she had seen at the Kleinfelder Estate. In total, there were only
three following them, but they were lagging so far behind, Rienne and Black might as well
have been alone.

[Rienne] “How is your shoulder….? Does it hurt?”

Rienne asked while swallowing her discomfort and mustering her courage.
[Rienne] “If it’s difficult to hold onto the reins, I can take them.”

As they traveled, Black was holding onto the reins with one hand while keeping Rienne’s
body securely on the horse with the other.

[Black] “It’s fine. It’s not bothering me.”

[Rienne] “I see.”

[Black] “But there is something else that is.”

[Rienne] “Something else…?”

[Black] “Why is there blood on your lips?”

[Rienne] “Huh?”

Immediately, Rienne lifted her hand and touched her lips. Sure enough, there was a hint of
red left on her fingertips.

This must have been from when I bit Rafit…

[Black] “Did someone bite you?”

[Rienne] “No…I…”

Rienne wanted to say she wasn’t bitten by anyone. In fact it was just the opposite, but in
order to explain herself, she’d have to talk about Rafit. Knowing that, she clamped her
mouth shut.

[Black] “Then why the blood?”

[Rienne] “It’s just….”

But she couldn’t think of a good excuse.

[Rienne] “It’s alright, I’m not hurt….”

[Black] “So you say, Princess.”

[Rienne] “Well… I just so happened to… get blood on my face….”

[Black] “On your lips, of all places.”

[Rienne] “. . .”
There wasn’t any reasonable situation that would cause someone to have blood on their
lips. As Rienne struggled to explain herself, Black suddenly stopped talking. Catching this,
Rienne turned her head up to look at him.

His mouth was twitching.

Black let go of the reins, turning Rienne’s body to face him with one hand.

[Black] “Can I make sure of it myself?”

[Rienne] “What…. do you mean?”

[Black] “I want to make sure you’re really not hurt.”

She wasn’t. That much was true.

[Rienne] “I’m fine, honestly.”

[Black] “I don’t believe you.”

He spoke his last words so quickly and so quietly that Rienne didn’t even have a chance to
reply before Black seized the sides of her face with both his hands. Her mind was so busy
trying to catch up she wasn’t even surprised when he wet his lips with his tongue.

[Rienne] “What are you doing…?”

[Black] “Open your mouth.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

And just like that, he pressed his mouth over hers and began his search.
He wasn’t really kissing her.

Black was just meticulously checking inside her mouth, searching every inch of her to see if
she was hurt or not.

It wasn’t a kiss, but that just made all of this even stranger. Rienne couldn’t say a single
word, even as someone’s tongue intensely explored her. By the time her lips were free,
Rienne was breathing heavily, her hands weakly clasping her sleeves.

[Black] “No injuries.”

…That’s what I told you.

[Black] “That’s good.”

Was it really?

Already, Rienne was worried this feeling would never go away—that she’d never be able to
forget it this sensation. Even now, it still felt like his tongue was inside her.

Her body was trembling and she felt dizzy, and even looking at Black wetting his lips made
her remember what just happened, that dizzy feeling only intensifying with the thought.

[Black] “Why were you there alone?”

Completely unfazed, Black urged the horse to start moving again. Feeling the jolting
movement, Rienne instinctively grabbed onto him to maintain her balance, her body still
turned towards him.

….This is too strange.

Rienne always thought she’d rather fall off a horse than hold onto him like this and yet,
even the thought of feeling that way felt weird to her.

How does he always do this to me?

She should hate him for all he’d done. She should be terrified of him and yet…

[Black] “Is it a difficult question to answer?”

[Rienne] “…I wasn’t alone. Lord Weroz accompanied me but at some point he
disappeared… Ah Lord Weroz!”

It was a realization that hit Rienne far too late.

In all the commotion, she had completely forgotten about Weroz.

[Rienne] “Lord Weroz might have been locked up.”

[Black] “At that house?”

[Rienne] “He’s not the type to just disappear without saying a word, and yet I couldn’t find
him when I needed him. That must mean….”

A sense of urgency hit Rienne.

They had to return to the castle as soon as possible and send the castle guard back to
retrieve him. If anything were to happen to Weroz, Rienne would never forgive herself.

Weroz was one of the few people Rienne could trust without question.

[Rienne] “Please, we need to hurry. We have to send the castle guard back to help him.”

[Black] “That won’t be necessary.”

Black pulled back on the reins, slowing down their tracks as he gestured behind him. Seeing
his signal, the men who were following far behind rushed over.

[Mercenaries] “Yes, my Lord.”

[Black] “One of you, go back and tell Phermos to keep an eye out for the Captain of Nauk’s
castle guard.”

[Mercenary] “Yes, sir.”

Swiftly, the order was carried out. Without hesitation, one of the three mercenaries
following them quickly turned his horse around and charged back towards the Kleinfelder

He was moving at a pace much faster than if they were to return to the castle first and sent
a guard back instead.

[Rienne] “….Thank you.”

Rienne’s voice was soft.

Finally, Rienne was starting to understand. The reason why she felt so safe and comfortable
around this man at times wasn’t because he was big or his body was sturdy. It was
everything else.

He listens to my troubles even though he knows I’m hiding something from him. He checked to
see if I was hurt and does things to help me.

And…he tries to alleviate my worries.

Reminding herself of that, it made her feel as though they were a true couple, bonded with
real affection.

[Black] “I only did as I should.”

Rienne felt her body tremble whenever she made contact with him as he spoke.

I don’t hate this. I don’t hate this at all.

And that wasn’t the only thing.

Their horse was walking towards the castle at an extremely slow pace. It was like time had
entirely slowed and Rienne thought, even just for a moment, that she didn’t dislike it.


[Maslow] “We’ll likely need around 170 million for the funeral. We should consider
ourselves lucky the coffins they provided were suitable enough.”

Maslow put a piece of paper in front of Rienne, dense with various numbers. After looking
it over, Rienne verified the numbers were correct and nodded as she put it down.

[Rienne] “That sounds reasonable. We should thank the Tiwakan.”

[Maslow] “I think not. If it weren’t for them, there would be no need for a funeral in the
first place.”

Maslow stroked his chin in a disapproving manner, as if he were witnessing a small child

[Rienne] “It’s not as though I’m taking sides, but Nauk was the one who attempted a raid in
the first place. I don’t wish to argue this point any further so let’s just move on. Let’s discuss
the matter of the wedding gift.” (1)

[Maslow] “You’re planning on giving him a gift?”

Maslow’s eyes widened.

[Maslow] “Didn’t that man say he’d take care of everything? I wasn’t even considering a gift
because of that.”

[Rienne] “He said he’d pay for the wedding and the dress, but the gift is a different story.”

[Maslow] “As I’ve said before, you don’t need to force yourself to be polite to him.”
[Rienne] “I’m not. But he got me something, so it’s only fair.”

Rienne had gotten a large chest of gold coins as an engagement gift, so it wasn’t as though
she could just forgo the wedding gift and claim she forgot. Back then, she didn’t even
consider this a true marriage. She still thought he was only trying to take things from her.

…I’m one to talk, though.

Who’s taking things from whom now?

It was a laughable thought and Rienne could only smile mockingly at the irony of the

With how things were, it always seemed to slip her mind that he was the one forcing this
marriage to happen.

[Rienne] “It’s embarrassing to admit, but I was the one who received gold as a gift. It isn’t
as though we have zero funds, so please prepare a suitable gift in accordance to Nauk’s
wedding customs. It should be delivered to the Tiwakan before the wedding.”

[Maslow] “That’s, um cough, cough.”

The moment Rienne mentioned money, Maslow awkwardly coughed.

[Rienne] “Lord Maslow?”

That meant something was wrong.

[Maslow] “It’s just that… in terms of money… we don’t have much left, Princess.”

[Rienne] “Excuse me?”

You’ve got to be kidding.

[Rienne] “What are you talking about? How long has it been like that?”

[Maslow] “Well, after that loan card was established three years ago, all income made by
the royal family, excluding taxes, now belongs to the creditor of the loan—Lord Linden

[Rienne] “What?”

Rienne jumped up from her seat.

[Rienne] “Those are the exact details of the loan?”

[Maslow] “Yes, Princess.”

Maslow said this while biting his tongue.

[Maslow] “You remember three years ago during the drought…. There wasn’t a single drop
of rain until the summer’s end. Because of the lack of water, a disease began to spread in
the crops, so that’s when you decided, Princess….”

Maslow’s words trailed off as he shut his mouth. That pale, distorted look on his face was
all Rienne needed to jog her memory.

[Rienne] “I decided to borrow money from the Kleinfelders using that foolish loan
card….Yes…I remember now.”

From what little she could remember from that time, she felt nothing but despair back then.
Every day, more and more people were dying from starvation. Rienne knew that loan was
suspicious at best, but to save her people, she had no choice but to agree.

It was humiliating and she knew she’d be made to pay the price for such a choice in the
future, but she couldn’t stand by and watch her people die.

[Rienne] “So there’s no money left?”

[Maslow] “In accordance with the law, I checked what we had yesterday and sent it over to
the Kleinfelder Estate. After that we received a notice stating the interest that was
deducted from the principal amount.”

[Rienne] “And you didn’t even think to tell me?”

[Maslow] “I thought you already knew.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Left completely speechless, Rienne glared at Maslow.

He didn’t tell me on purpose.

If he had, Rienne would’ve used that money to pay for necessary expenses first, so he sent it
off to the Kleinfelders as soon as it came in instead.

…And no doubt he got a cut himself.

While he was no match for the Kleinfelders, Maslow was just as greedy of a person.

Maslow, the High Priest—everyone sided with the Kleinfelders so they could ride their
coattails towards prosperity, rather than side with the poor and destitute royal family. (2)
[Maslow] “If you’d like, we can always borrow money from Lord Kleinfelder to get a gift.
Lord Kleinfelder may not be so inclined to welcome your marriage, but he is a generous
man. I’m certain he’ll be willing to give you what you need.”

[Rienne] “….Enough.”

Rienne’s voice was tired.

A generous man?

The only reason why the Kleinfelders were able to act the way they did despite their status
was because of the huge debt the royal family owed. It’s why they acted so insolently.

But what Linden had tried to do that day was proof he would never, under any
circumstance, put forth money that would allow this marriage to happen.

[Rienne] “I will not incur another debt.”

I will not allow myself to be dragged around by them forever because of money owed.

Rienne still couldn’t believe everything that happened today. The Kleinfelders may look
down on the royal family, but to think they were capable of trying something like that.

They called the High Priest to their home and tried to force her to marry Rafit.

It was an action that showed Rienne they didn’t respect her as a human being, much less as
the Princess of Nauk.

If Black hadn’t shown up when he did, she would’ve been trapped inside that house. She
would’ve been forced to get married and forced to endure a first night.

[Maslow] “If I may, Princess, I don’t think it will be that easy to decide.”

With no regard for her thoughts, Maslow added another comment.

[Maslow] “Nauk has been surviving on Kleinfelder money for years now. If that flow were
to suddenly be cut off, the people will starve to death.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Maslow] “Rather than reducing the principal amount owed, we’ll likely need to borrow
more just to pay back the interest. The burden has been lessened somewhat thanks to the
money supplied by the Tiwakan, but even so…”

Once again, the crushing undeniable reality made Rienne quiet.

All those horrible feelings from three years ago came back to haunt her. The frustration, the
deathly exhaustion—even thinking about it made her feel sick.
With a pale face, Rienne turned to Maslow.

[Rienne] “Alright, fine. We’ll forget about the gift.”

[Maslow] “Very well. You should rest, Princess. You look ill.”

His concern didn’t sound in the least bit sincere, but he left the King’s office after
expressing his weak worry.

[Rienne] “……..I’m so sick and tired of everything.”

Rienne gently knocked over the ink bottle on the table, but the lid was closed so it didn’t
even leak.

Truthfully, Rienne wanted to throw a fit.

She was so angry, she wanted to throw things around and make a mess, but even that was a
luxury she couldn’t afford. If she threw that ink bottle and it broke, she’d have to think
about the money she’d need to buy more.

[Rienne] “What a shameless person I am.”

You gave me so much money and yet I can’t even get you a gift in return.

Rienne’s situation was so miserable and laughable she could only bury her face in her
hands—a self-pitying laugh escaping from between her fingers.

[Rienne] “….No, at times like this, I should be thinking about what I can do.”

Rienne lifted herself up from her seat.

Even if I can’t get you a proper gift, there is something I can give you.

T/N: (1) The term Rienne uses is “예물” which are gifts traditionally exchanged between
the bride and groom before the wedding.

(2) The literal translation was “go where the soybean falls” which basically means to go
where you’ll receive the most benefits/go where the good stuff is.

Also, little comment from me: I felt so bad for Rienne in this chapter! She’s been dealing
with the Kleinfelder’s BS all by herself for so long.
A Barbaric Proposal C15

Chapter 15 | Don’t Move

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


[Mrs. Flambard] “Well, would you look at that? It’s in much better shape than I thought it
would be.”

Mrs. Flambard mused out loud as she opened up the wooden trunk, covered with years’
worth of dust.

[Rienne] “Yes, I agree.”

Rienne brought Mrs. Flambard with her to the royal storage, a room filled with the relics of
times past. Among them was a trunk containing a few of her father’s belongings. Rienne
had already sold the majority of valuable objects, but there was one thing she left
Her father’s old wedding attire.

[Rienne] “The embroidery is still intact.”

Rienne said to herself as she ran her fingers over the once regal fabric.

[Mrs. Flambard] “But why is this still here? I thought you did away with most of the
previous king’s old things.”

Mrs. Flambard cleverly skirted around saying Rienne had sold them because they had no

[Rienne] “I just thought it would be a waste to get rid of it. It’s very well made and I have
good memories of it…. But wait…”

As she was talking, Rienne suddenly quieted.

Rienne could have sworn these were the clothes her father wore when he was wed….so
why could she clearly remember her father wearing them?

Rienne looked at Mrs. Flambard with a confused look on her face.

[Rienne] “This is my father’s wedding attire…right?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “It looks similar to something worn at a wedding, but to my knowledge
that outfit was for a different occasion.”

[Rienne] “A different occasion?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “His coronation, perhaps? Regal clothing like this is usually saved for
such special days.”

[Rienne] “Was his coronation…. after I was born?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I believe so, yes.”

[Rienne] “Oh, that’s probably why then…”

Why I could never bring myself to sell it.

Again, Rienne swept her fingers over the fabric. Even after so many years, the embroidery
still looked elegant and shined brilliantly under the light.

[Rienne] “Even the buttons still look the same.”

The intricately made buttons were designed by stitching together rubies and pearls and
they still held their shape. Somehow, Rienne felt extremely lucky that these clothes were
still left behind, even after everything else was slowly given away.
Looking at it, it would be perfect for a wedding.

[Rienne] “We just need to adjust the size a bit.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Once we wash it and iron it, it will shine like brand new.”

Luckily, Mrs. Flambard was an expert when it came to mending and fixing clothing. Rienne
turned to the woman, her voice filled with both a sense of gratitude and regret.

[Rienne] “I didn’t think you’d agree so easily.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Me?”

[Rienne] “I thought you’d try and tell me not to give something so precious to that man.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “If I keep mentioning it, I’ll end up hurting myself.”

Mrs. Flambard had a bitter look on her face.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I know this wedding will happen no matter what I say. But still, this is
your wedding, Princess, so I’ll do what I can to make it nice. Rather than allow that
barbarian who knows nothing of manners to show up however he pleases, it’s better if we
take things into our own hands. He may be a beast on the inside, but I’ll do my best to make
sure he looks like a proper groom on the outside.”

Rienne smiled, leaning her head on Mrs. Flambard’s shoulder.

[Rienne] “You’re going to make me cry.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What is it? Did I say something bad, Princess?”

[Rienne] “No. It was nice to hear.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh, Princess…..”

Mrs. Flambard blushed in embarrassment. From just those words, Rienne could tell how
much the woman cared for her and how worried she was.

[Rienne] “I don’t think he’s that bad.”

Mrs. Flambard just listened, gently running her hands through Rienne’s hair.
[Rienne] “I know things started off terribly. That’s something I’ll never be able to forget,
but it’s just that sometimes I get to thinking…that he doesn’t treat me so badly.”
Unlike Rafit, the person she had once trusted as a lover, Rienne really felt as though that
man was different.

[Rienne] “He cares whether or not I’m hurt….”

Rienne would never be able to forget what he did just to check if she was injured.

[Rienne] “And he seems like he would be boorish, but he’s really not.”

That’s why I don’t hate him. I should, but for some reason, I just don’t.

[Rienne] “And… when he came to get me today….”

Feeling a swell of emotion beat in her chest, Rienne quietly swallowed her tears. Mrs.
Flambard was very near to her heart, but she couldn’t tell her what happened. It was
enough to shock Rienne to her core, but Mrs. Flambard was a kind and gentle woman.

It would completely destroy her.

[Rienne] “…I was really relieved.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “….I see. Then he should be allowed to wear this.”

Mrs. Flambard patted Rienne’s shoulder.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Besides he isn’t terrible to look at, even if his character is a bit

The comment made Rienne laugh out loud.

[Rienne] “You mean to say he’s handsome?”

Mrs. Flambard had never said anything like that about Rafit.

[Mrs. Flambard] “What sort of question is that? Is there a law saying barbarians can’t be

…Well, I can’t blame her for thinking that way.

When Rienne first saw him, she was completely taken aback by his appearance. Almost to
the point of disbelief.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I think this will suit him well, Princess.”

[Rienne] “I think so too….”

Rienne and Mrs. Flambard smiled at one another.

[Rienne] “Then I’ll go take his measurements.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’ll mend these clothes as soon as I’m finished with your mourning

[Rienne] “I’ll help you once I’m finished.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “If you’d like, Princess.”

After that, Rienne left to get Black’s measurements.


Meanwhile, Black was with his men in his quarters.

There weren’t that many of them, maybe three or four people, but because they were all
such giant men, the room felt cramped.

In that tiny room, Black’s figure stood out the most. Even in a group of tall men, he was still
the tallest, but he wasn’t bulky like the rest were. Instead, he looked slim yet muscular.

Rienne recalled the words of Mrs. Flambard when she said she thought that man ‘wasn’t
terrible to look at’.

Is it because he looks different from the others…?

Perhaps it’s because he stands out so much among his people…that you can’t help but be a
little fascinated.

[Black] “Was there something you needed?”

Rienne didn’t realize how much she was staring until Black called out towards her.

[Rienne] “…I just wanted to discuss the matter of your wedding attire with you.”

Black nodded at Rienne and then turned to his men.

[Black] “Leave us.”

[Mercenaries] “Yes, sir.”

He didn’t have to, but he told his men to leave the room all the same. Rienne’s mind was so
preoccupied that she didn’t even notice it was out of consideration for her, who was still
very nervous in the presence of the other mercenaries.
Now it’s just us….

Instead, she was thinking about how she was stuck alone in a room with this man again.
Whenever that happened, they somehow always ended up kissing.

[Black] “Speak.”

Black pointed towards an empty chair near the bed and Rienne sat down as she looked up
at him. Rather than lying on the bed, he just sat there, wearing only half of his shirt—
exposing the side with the wound.

He’s not doing this on purpose, is he?

He had to know what he looked like when he did that.

Rienne shook her head, driving away such inappropriate thoughts. It was too much to think
about. Instead, she had something else she needed to talk about.

[Rienne] “I was thinking I’d prepare your wedding attire myself, Lord Tiwakan. I know it
doesn’t amount to much as a gift, but it’s all I can do to show my sincerity right now.”

[Black] “You don’t have to force yourself.”

[Rienne] “It’s nothing.”

Even if Rienne wanted to force herself to do something more, she couldn’t. The royal
treasury was quite literally empty and after the funeral tomorrow, Rienne would be even

[Rienne] “I’d like it if you could wear the attire of the previous King rather than a
completely new set of clothing.” (1)

[Black] “. . .”

A strange silence filled the room after she said that.

[Rienne] “…If the idea displeases you…”

[Black] “That’s not it.”

Black shook his head, making Rienne feel as though the earlier silence was just her

[Rienne] “Then I’d like to take your measurements.”

[Black] “You mean right now?”

[Rienne] “Yes.”
Then Rienne pulled out what she had borrowed from Mrs. Flambard.

It was a tape measure made from a leather strap. It had a scale of numbers etched into it,
showing the wear of having made so many royal garments in the past.

[Rienne] “First let’s do your upper body. Stretch out your arms, please.”

[Black] “. . .”

Black stared at Rienne for a moment before carefully opening up his arms.

As he sat on the bed, Rienne approached him and dutifully took his measurements with
great care. She took the numbers down for his wrists first, then wrist to elbow, then elbow
to shoulder.

Now that his shoulders were done, she needed to measure the roundness of his neck.

[Rienne] “You can put your arms down now.”

[Black] “. . .”

Just as Black lowered his arms, Rienne wrapped the tape measure around his neck—
suddenly becoming aware of why he was so quiet.

….We’re really close. Too close.

In order to take the measurements she needed, she was basically pressing her body into
his, wrapping her arms around his neck. He was still sitting down while she was standing,
their heads slightly bowed towards one another.

This was the same position he was in when Rienne kissed him first.

The moment she realized that, Rienne’s eyes immediately gazed down towards his lips. He
was so close she could almost reach out to them.

I should have asked Mrs. Flambard to measure him instead.

Rienne was fine when she was measuring his arms, but the moment she moved to do his
neck, suddenly her body wasn’t moving the way she wanted it to. It was like she was frozen
in place.

I didn’t think…it’d turn out like this.

Suddenly, Black’s soft voice warmed Rienne’s ears.

[Black] “I’m confused right now.”

[Rienne] “Confused…?”
[Black] “Is this part of our promise?”

[Rienne] “What?”

Rienne raised up her head. The tape measure was still wrapped around Black’s neck, with
Rienne’s hands gripping the two ends as they overlapped.

[Black] “You promised you’d desire me, too. I was wondering if you’re trying to tell me
something right now.” (2)

[Rienne] “No, this is…”

Rienne was so flustered she couldn’t even open her mouth properly.

She wasn’t doing any of this on purpose. She was just trying to take his measurements so
she could mend the wedding attire…..

[Black] “Are you?”

[Rienne] “No… that’s not what I had in mind….”

[Black] “Is that so?”

She wasn’t thinking about that at all. At least not before.

[Rienne] “…..Yes.”

Black played with Rienne’s fingers that were holding onto the tape measure around his
neck instead of saying anything back.

[Black] “So this wasn’t about your promise…You really just want to take my

He pulled his hand back and the moment she felt his touch retreat, Rienne held back a sigh.

[Black] “Measure, then.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne inwardly sighed and read the tape measure.

[Rienne] “That’s finished.”

She thought measuring his neck would be the most difficult part, but the moment she
realized his chest measurements were , she realized it was only the beginning.

[Rienne] “Raise your arms again….”

As Rienne held the tape measure in her grasp and moved herself lower, she suddenly
quieted as Black interrupted.

[Black] “Is my chest ?”


[Black] “That must be difficult.”

Of course it is.

[Black] “What do you need me to do?”

…That I don’t know.

Even if he were to keep his mouth shut and stand as silently as a tree, Rienne still wouldn’t
be able to measure him comfortably. No matter what he did, she’d still be a little unsettled.

She’d still be nervous.

Because the person she was measuring was this man of all people.

[Rienne] “Just stay as still as possible.”

Rienne tightened her lips and lifted up the tape measure again. There was no helping how
nervous she was, so she just had to get it done quickly.

[Rienne] “Don’t move. I’ll finish as fast as I can.”

[Black] “. . .”

Looking at her, Black let out a low sigh as he stood up and straightened out his arms.
Rienne took the tape measure and wrapped it around his chest, unable to shake this
persistent feeling.

The feeling that she was just hugging him.

Obviously when measuring someone’s chest, the position you end up in is going to be
similar to a hug.

But what was wrong with that? That’s just how it was. This sort of thing was going to
happen more and more in the future, so Rienne knew she couldn’t afford to be shaken by it
every time.

I have to get used to him as soon as possible.

Rienne pulled her eyes away from Black, checking the numbers on the measure.
[Rienne] “Now for your waist.”

But as soon as she was finished, Black grabbed her wrist.

[Black] “Can’t you do it slowly?”

[Rienne] “Excuse me…?”

Rienne unconsciously looked up at him.

[Black] “I don’t like standing still.”

….What is he talking about….?

He pulled Rienne’s hand back and placed it on his chest, cupping the back of her head with
the other as he gently stroked her hair.

[Black] “You really don’t like it when I move?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

T/N: (1) The exact wording Rienne used was Black’s “predecessor/prelude/the one that
comes before”, i.e the previous King.

(2) This can also be written as “sending signals” or “giving a sign”– basically he’s wondering
if she’s making a move.

Translator Comment: I love the mother/daughter dynamic Rienne has with her old nanny.
She needs more people on her side 😭 Also sometimes I forget it’s only been like, four days
since chapter one. I got reminded of that when Rienne mentioned the funeral as being
‘tomorrow’. Slow burn, anyone? 👀
A Barbaric Proposal C16

Chapter 16 | On the Count of Three

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


It was a cheap move to ask her whether or not she didn’t like it. Rienne had asked herself
that same question over and over, and every time she told herself she didn’t.

[Rienne] “Even if you could move…what are you planning on doing?”

[Black] “There’s lots of things I could do.”

As he slowly swept his hands over the back of her neck, she started to feel things she
thought she wasn’t able to feel, as though her long since dulled senses were being revived.

It was like something deep inside of her was trembling, spreading all throughout her,
branching out as it moved down her spine.
Only then did Rienne realize her fingers were quivering as they rested on Black’s chest.

[Rienne] “We shouldn’t…do that.”

[Black] “Is that so?”

Black raised an eyebrow.

[Black] “Just a quick one.”

[Rienne] “I… have a lot keeping me busy right now…preparing for the wedding…”

Even as she said it, Rienne knew it was a weak excuse. Her shaking body as Black held her
in his arms betrayed her flimsy words.

[Black] “Then it should be alright if I do it quickly, right?”

What could Rienne do in this kind of situation? She was the one who had agreed to be in a
true relationship with him so she had no real reason to refuse him. There was no possible
justification to say no.

But the strangest problem was that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to in the first place.

[Black] “It would be a waste to spend our time in any other way.”

Rienne felt Black wrap his arms around her waist as his soft voice brushed against her ears.
Her body was being leaned back, but oddly enough she didn’t feel nervous. Instead she was
comforted by the feeling of his broad hand supporting her.

She already knew how safe she felt with these arms around her.

[Rienne] “. . .”

It was only after Black had taken her chin in his hand and gave her a gentle kiss that she
realized what happened earlier was rather regrettable.

It was regrettable that he was only checking for a wound before.

Knowing that’s how she felt deep down meant that somewhere within her existed desire. A
fire that had been locked away inside of her yet was always there nonetheless. Thinking
about that made her head swim.

That passion inside of her was just waiting for a chance to burst forth.

No matter what was happening, she always felt like this man was invading her very mind. It
was a feeling that ensured any contact with him left her trembling and shaking.

Soon enough, they began to sink into one another with a frantic kiss.
The feeling of desire from earlier was left unfulfilled but it only came back stronger the
moment they made contact. It was a greedy feeling, growing greedier and greedier with
every touch.

That fervent craving they had for one another flowed between them like a tidal wave,
eventually washing over them as Rienne indulged in the sensation—eagerly wrapping her
arms around his neck.

And as their kiss slowed, their lips slowly fell apart but their distance remained the same.

[Black] “We should stop here if we want to make this short.”

Black muttered as he loosened the grip he had on Rienne’s waist. He wasn’t holding her
down at all—she could move away from him whenever she wanted.

[Rienne] “….Yes.”

Rienne agreed with him.

I must be going crazy.

She actually thought for a moment that it was shame, but that was all the more reason they
needed to stop.

That’s what the two of them told themselves.

But even so, they didn’t move away. Even though they knew they needed to part, that they
needed to stop, they kept holding onto each other.

As if they didn’t know how to let go.

Black slowly tapped his large hand against Rienne’s sensitive back.

Even something small like that was too enticing to her. Rienne grabbed his sleeve as hard
as she could and whispered almost to herself.

[Rienne] “I’m going to count to three and we should both move away.”

[Black] “. . .”

Black muttered something under his breath that Rienne couldn’t hear before responding.

[Black] “I’ll try.”

[Rienne] “Okay….One. Two. Three.”

As she counted down, Rienne released Black’s sleeve and tried to take a step back.
[Rienne] “…..?”

But Black didn’t.

Instead, he kept his hand on her chin and rubbed her lips with his thumb, looking at her in
a way that kept her locked in place as she stared at him with a questioning look on her face.

[Black] “You’re counting too fast.”

[Rienne] “Really?”

[Black] “Count again. Slowly, this time.”

[Rienne] “I don’t know what difference it’ll make.”

[Black] “Probably not much.”

[Rienne] “Then why?”

[Black] “I’m just trying to buy some time.”

[Rienne] “What?

Black hugged her instead of responding. Though it was sudden, Rienne didn’t feel
embarrassed. She even thought, however briefly, that it would be nice to stay like that.

…I must really be going crazy.

Black only asked her to count slowly, not stop counting all together. But despite that,
Rienne stayed in his tight embrace until someone knocked loudly against the door.


[Phermos] “Oh… my apologies, have I interrupted?”

It was Phermos who had come to see Black.

[Phermos] “Shall I come back later?”

[Rienne] “….? No, that won’t be necessary. Rather, I should apologize for interrupting you.
I’ll take my leave now, so please—speak comfortably.”

Rienne couldn’t understand why Phermos seemed to be acting so cautiously.

The moment Rienne and Black heard the knock on the door, they immediately let go of one
another. Now there was a decent distance between the two of them, and Rienne hurriedly
picked up the tape measure she borrowed from Mrs. Flambard.

She didn’t think he knew what just happened.

[Phermos] “And what do you mean by that, Princess?”

But such thinking was too naïve.

Just by looking at Black’s eyes, it made obvious the fire that was burning in the room. It was
so palpable, Phermos’ mind was completely caught up in trying to make sense of it.

I don’t think he’s just playing around. (1)

Phermos knew his Lord wasn’t the kind of person to do anything just for the fun of it, much
less this. He was more the type to vocally express his dislike for pointless things.

So why?
Not enough time had gone by for Princess Rienne to truly prove her sincerity to him. If
nothing else, she was becoming more and more suspicious by the minute.

Just today, Princess Rienne had gone to her lover’s home and they still didn’t have a clear
picture of what transpired there.

Black knew all of this.

Did he just not care? No, that couldn’t be it. That would go against his very character.

[Phermos] “This is something that should be discussed with you here as well, Princess. I
regret to inform you that Lord Weroz has not yet been found. We’ve seen no sign of him.”

[Rienne] “He wasn’t at the Kleinfelder Estate?”

Rienne was certain he would be there somewhere. She thought Linden had planned the
forced wedding and decided to temporarily get Weroz out of the way by locking him up.

Now that his plans had fallen through, he had no reason to keep Weroz locked away.

[Phermos] “Yes. I thought it was strange as well.”

Phermos continued talking as he fiddled with his monocle-like glasses.

[Phermos] “If he had defected or escaped, he would’ve left a trail of some kind but we
found nothing of the sort. The Kleinfelders also didn’t exhibit any suspicious behavior in
regards to keeping someone locked up.”

If Weroz was trapped somewhere in the Kleinfelder Estate like Princess Rienne claimed,
there would have been some sign of it.

But Linden Kleinfelder was a confident man. He told them they were free to look around as
much as they wanted, but if they couldn’t find what they were looking for, he would make
them pay for the transgression.

That must’ve meant Weroz wasn’t there at the estate.

But at the same time, it was doubtful they smuggled him out. There wasn’t enough time for
something like that, and the Tiwakan had eyes all over the place under the pretext of
searching for the person who shot the arrow. They would’ve seen something.

[Phermos] “It’s possible he’s gone into hiding.”

[Rienne] “Absolutely not. Lord Weroz would never!”

Rienne firmly believed the Captain of Castle Nauk’s guard would never do something so
cowardly and irresponsible.
[Phermos] “I thought so too, but the circumstances are quite telling.”

[Rienne] “What ‘circumstances’?”

[Phermos] “What other reason would he have to cover his tracks to the point of being
untraceable? Whatever it is, it must’ve been very urgent.”

[Rienne] “You…”

He had a point. What reason would he have for doing that?

[Phermos] “If it turns out to be true, then I don’t think I’ve said anything terrible. He’ll
likely return once things settle down. Or maybe he’ll even try to contact you, Princess.”

[Rienne] “That’s…”

No matter how many times the idea repeated itself in her head, it didn’t make any sense.
Rienne shook her head as her legs buckled beneath her.

[Phermos] “Ah, Princess!”

As Phermos shouted out in surprise, Black wasted no time reaching out to help her, holding
onto her unstable body. Phermos clicked his tongue in annoyance.

[Phermos] “I know this must come as a shock to you, Princess, but you must be more
careful. I hear it’s dangerous to exert yourself in your condition……especially when alone. If
you were to fall down, you’d be in trouble so you should take care to remain seated
whenever possible.”

Even though Phermos danced around the subject, Rienne could feel Black’s arm tense up as
he held her.

I’ve nearly forgotten…they still think I’m pregnant….

Eventually she’d need to fake a miscarriage but even thinking about it made her eyes
darken. Would she really be able to do such a shameless thing?

….No, I don’t think I can. I’d rather just be honest with him. I’ll tell him I’m not having a baby. I
wasn’t even pregnant to begin with.

But would he say in return?

They had already cemented the child’s existence in their marriage vows.

The clause stated that Rienne’s child would be bound to the Arsak family name and that the
sovereignty of Nauk would be theirs no matter what. That pledge was what secured Nauk’s
It meant that even if this man, the leader of the Tiwakan, wanted to take Nauk for himself
after the proposal, he couldn’t take it from the Arsak family due to the existence of the

Wouldn’t it be best to keep that promise?

This child was the last line of defense Rienne had in case all else failed.

[Rienne] “….Thank you for your concern.”

So she chose the safest option.

Until she knew more about the Tiwakan’s true motives, she couldn’t tell the truth yet. She
couldn’t let go of the child—the only thing keeping her and Nauk safe. (2)

[Black] “Sit.”

Black knew Rienne well enough to know she wouldn’t just listen, so he lifted her up and set
her down in a chair himself. (3)

[Phermos] “Well, cough.”

Feeling the air get awkward, Phermos called attention back to himself with a cough.

[Phermos] “I have something else I should tell you. The head of House Kleinfelder, was it?
He promised to send a gift in the form of two gold chests, a new bed, and five servants in
celebration for the marriage. He must really be greedy. He claims to be the richest man in
Nauk and yet he sends such paltry gifts.”

[Rienne] “What?”

But for Rienne’s part, she was shocked that Linden Kleinfelder of all people was sending a
wedding gift at all.

[Rienne] “He’s sending us… a gift?”

An actual gift? Or was he secretly trying to curse her?

[Phermos] “Well, he didn’t exactly settle on that decision on his own. But eventually, he
came around and decided to send one.”

[Rienne] “But how?”

Rienne asked breathlessly. Phermos, who had the displeasure of interacting with Linden
Kleinfelder, immediately understood her cautious reaction.
He thought it was strange that the Kleinfelders were able to accumulate so much wealth in
such a poor kingdom. It was likely the result of squeezing all they could from such a gentle

[Phermos] “I don’t mean to sound too proud, but I can be very persuasive.”

[Rienne] “You mean you convinced Lord Kleinfelder with words alone?”

[Phermos] “It wasn’t easy, but like I said: I’m persuasive. We both agreed its best to show
our sincerity to one another.”

[Rienne] “Forgive me if I find that hard to believe.”

Rienne loudly sighed, but no matter how you looked at it, she seemed relieved.

She looked incredibly pitiful in Phermos’ eyes. Just looking at her expression, it was clear
what kind of hard work she had put in to support her failing kingdom.

….It was crazy to think even Phermos’ mind was wavering at such a sight. Maybe that’s how
it was for Black, too. He wasn’t an especially compassionate person, but he was supposedly
still human and people had a tendency to get that way sometimes.

But there was no point thinking about it. Phermos decided this was a question he’d
probably never get the answer to.

[Phermos] “Just believe, Princess.”

Obviously Linden Kleinfelder didn’t agree to the request easily. It was all the result of
Phermos’ clever threats.

Phermos had hinted that the Tiwakan knew Rafit Kleinfelder was still alive. Linden, who
was desperate to keep the secret, was forced to make a concession.

[Phermos] “But I’ll admit it doesn’t come without a price. Lord Linden Kleinfelder asked us
to acknowledge his illegitimate son in exchange for his loyalty to the Arsak family. I didn’t
give him an answer since that’s for the both of you to decide.”

Immediately Phermos noticed Rienne’s expression sink the moment he said the word

I knew it. That son must be the Commander of the knights. He’s pretending to be dead, all
while crawling back home and pretending to be someone else.

And judging by Princess Rienne’s reaction, she must already know that.

They must have gotten into some kind of fight over it. It was obvious after the
disappearance of the captain of the guard and how Rienne was trapped inside that house.
Regardless, I’ll need to remember how she wanted to keep this from us.

Taking into account everything as a whole, it seemed like Princess Rienne wanted to keep
her lover’s existence a secret.

[Phermos] “In regards to what happened at the estate, is there anything you’d like to add,
Princess? Any further orders or requests?”

[Rienne] “No. Thank you for everything you’ve done to help.”

[Phermos] “It is no trouble. My duty is my loyalty.”

After receiving an unexpected gift, Rienne left Black’s room. As for the amount of money
she received, it was more than the engagement gift—an amount that had gone completely


[Phermos] “What will the Princess do, I wonder?”

As soon as Rienne left, Phermos immediately spoke his mind. He raised an eyebrow
towards Black as he asked his question.

[Phermos] “It’s just as you thought. An illegitimate son appears out of nowhere the
moment the eldest son’s death is confirmed. And if the eldest son yet lives… well it’s as
obvious as one plus one.”

Black was a quiet man and his silence could almost always be taken as confirmation.

[Phermos] “The Princess must have reunited with her lover. I don’t know if she intended
to betray you, but it’s obvious that man is in still in her heart.”

[Black] “….I’m aware.”

After Phermos mentioned the word ‘illegitimate’, Black also noticed how pale Rienne’s face

It would be even stranger if he didn’t. Without even trying, whenever his eyes fell on
Rienne, rarely could he ever take them away.

T/N: (1) Phermos means like, doing things just for the enjoyment– suggesting Black isn’t
doing what he’s doing because he’s toying with her

(2) Rienne refers to the child as being her ‘safety net’ or ‘protection device’. Basically she
means that the child will protect her as a last resort in case something happens.

(3) Reference to chapter 5, where Rienne kept refusing to sit.

Translator Comment: Rienne must’ve really not been attracted to Rafit at all lol. To the
point of thinking her feelings were broken or something. I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t
the worst. And Linden apparently decided to stick with this whole ‘illegitimate son’ lie. I
guess he would since the Tiwakan still don’t know what Rafit looks like…🤔
A Barbaric Proposal C17

Chapter 17 | Trap (1)

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


It wasn’t a difficult realization to come to. The most obvious sign was how much his
shoulder kept hurting.

Whenever Rienne moved, his head just naturally followed her, even as his body remained
still. The problem was that when he moved like that, it pulled on his shoulder wound but he
still did it without even thinking.

It didn’t make any sense, but he couldn’t exactly deny it when it was obvious.

Whenever he looked at Rienne, he was completely enraptured. (1)

It felt like she was always right here, right in front of him, every moment of the day—even
when she wasn’t.
[Phermos] “You’re aware….”

[Black] “But that doesn’t mean she’s lying to me.”

[Phermos] “. . .”

Phermos looked at Black with a quizzical expression, as if wondering if that was really the
case or not, but truth be told, Black was also really confused.

He could hazard a guess as to what Rienne was trying to hide from him when it came to
what happened at the Kleinfelder Estate. If Rafit Kleinfelder was alive, hiding somewhere in
Nauk, that’s where he’d be. Rienne likely went there to meet with him under the guise of
making the death official.

Rienne went there… to meet her lover…


Even thinking about it made him feel awful.

Rienne had blood on her lips and it frustrated him that he still didn’t know what happened.
What could have caused her to have blood on her lips of all places? That’s probably why he
decided to see for himself if she was hurt.

I can’t stand not knowing. I had to check.

But it was Rienne’s response that confused him the most.

She had just met up with her lover so he thought Rienne would reject him, maybe even
push him away. Instead she just quietly went along what he was doing. Even though
‘checking for a wound’ was an obviously flimsy excuse, she didn’t question it, and that just
provoked that same thirst from before.

But he still didn’t get it.

Was Rienne doing her best to accept him because she wanted to honor their promise? Or if
she was just trying to please him in order to protect the one she loved?

…Never before had he not understood himself to this extent. For the first time in his entire
life, there was something he couldn’t take his eyes off of.

It made him want to hold onto her for as long as it took to figure things out.

[Rienne] –‘I’m going to count to three and we should both move away.’
After he heard Rienne say that, he couldn’t believe his own ears. If she was saying that, then
that must mean she felt the same as him. That she couldn’t pull herself away from him on
her own.

[Rienne] –‘One. Two. Three.’

And her expression definitely looked genuine.

The unending trembling of her fingers, her soft hair, and her eyes that were brimming with
desire—as if shouting out how much she wanted him.

Could she have been faking it?

Was she just pretending so she could protect the man she loved?

…I can’t figure it out.

He’d never dealt with something so difficult before.

[Black] “No matter how good a liar she is, there’s some things you can’t fake.”

[Phermos] “Well…..I suppose that’s true.”

His work as a mercenary required him to do many things, including rooting out spies by
obtaining confessions through torture. Most humans were able to lie with their mouths, but
the body was a different story.

Small reactions like the condition of one’s hair, cold sweat, their heart rate—all of these
were helpful tools in helping him sense a lie.

And the way Rienne reacted was telling him she desired him.

[Phermos] “Nonetheless, we should monitor the situation. In regards to the eldest son
pretending to be illegitimate, shall we leave it alone for now?”

[Black] “We still have unfinished business concerning that house. If there’s something they
desire, no doubt they’ll do what they can to take it.” (2)

Phermos gave a sly grin.

[Phermos] “From the sounds of it, you seem deeply unhappy with that entire family. I
understand, we should do what we can.”

[Black] “We’ll get rid of them eventually. Prepare a trap in advance.”

[Phermos] “If they get caught one day, it’ll be more convenient this way. We might as well
start now.”
With that, Black closed his eyes.

His shoulder still hurt.


Even though she wasn’t there, it felt like Rienne was standing right in front of him.

It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Phermos to do his due diligence, but she couldn’t wait for
Weroz to return on his own, so she called in the guards and ordered them to find him.

But the castle guards were at a loss without Weroz. They weren’t prepared in the slightest
for his sudden disappearance so one of the unit captains was quickly forced to assume the
position, and the man couldn’t stop sweating in anxiety.

[Rienne] “Hah…”

After sending the guards out, Rienne sighed.

Now that Weroz was gone, the castle guards seemed to rely more on the Tiwakan
mercenaries like it was the most natural thing in the world.

[Rienne] “Were the Tiwakan… hoping for this result?”

Despite her vaguely positive feelings towards Black, Rienne couldn’t feel relieved about the
situation. After Weroz’s disappearance, that meant there was one less person she could
trust under any circumstance within the castle.

But regardless of the discontented creases on Rienne’s face, Mrs. Flambard knocked at the

Knock, knock.

[Mrs. Flambard] “It’s me, Princess. May I enter?”

[Rienne] “Ah, yes. Just a moment.”

Her lady-in-waiting wouldn’t have disturbed her for no reason. Rienne quickly got out of
her seat and opened the door herself. Just as she thought, Mrs. Flambard was holding a
large basket in her hands.

[Rienne] “What’s this?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “We need to mend the wedding clothes.”

[Rienne] “Oh, yes. Set it down here.”

Rienne pointed down towards the rug in front of the fireplace.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’ve also brought your mourning dress, Princess. Now that I’ve shorted
the width of the collar by adding extra fabric, it should be more appropriate for mourning

[Rienne] “Thank you for your hard work, ma’am.”

Now that the dress was fixed, Rienne changed into her mourning attire with the help of
Mrs. Flambard. As the woman dressed Rienne up with great care, she sighed deeply.

[Mrs. Flambard] “It’s no good… You’re still too pretty.”

[Rienne] “….This is good enough. Don’t think about it too deeply.”

Making an awkward face, Rienne put the mirror away. Now that she was changed, it was
time to start sowing.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Did you get all the necessary measurements?”

[Rienne] “Mostly.”

Though actually I didn’t measure him below the waist at all.

Still, it shouldn’t matter that much when it came to the pants. The previous King was tall as
well so by her calculations, they should fit roughly the same.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Let’s take a look, then.”

Mrs. Flambard spread out the clothing across the rug as Rienne took a ruler out to compare
the numbers.

[Mrs. Flambard] “This will be a lot of work.”

Mrs. Flambard wrinkled her brows in thought as she kept a serious look on her face.

[Rienne] “Really?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “As it is now, it wouldn’t fit him at all. Why must he have such broad
shoulders? Are you certain you measured correctly, Princess?”

[Rienne] “I think so…”

To be honest, when it came to measuring, she couldn’t say anything back.

Her mind was entirely occupied by how conscious she was of Black that she couldn’t even
remember what she was doing at the time. All she could think about was how his voice
sounded when he told not to count so fast.
[Mrs. Flambard] “I’ve never seen sizes like this. Is this really how he is? I can’t help but
wonder what it’d be like to be held by such a person.”

Muttering to herself, Mrs. Flambard shook her head in surprise at her own words.

[Rienne] “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that, ma’am.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Please do, Princess. What am I saying in front of the princess who’s
being forced to marry him?”

Rienne turned her head away and held back her laughter.

[Rienne] “It’s been a while since we’ve dealt with such fancy clothing. Maybe you’re just
excited, ma’am.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “That must be it. This used to happen more in the past, but after the late
King’s passing, we’ve had no reason to touch such nice cloth.”

[Rienne] “I completely understand.”

Mrs. Flambard’s sewing skills were the best in all of Nauk. It was understandable if she was
getting a little excited over being able to deal with such nice fabrics. Especially since it had
been so long since she’d mended something fancy.

[Rienne] “Do you think we’ll have enough fabric?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Let’s see… I’ll likely need to cut down on the cape a little bit. A longer
cape is typical for a coronation, but isn’t necessary for a wedding. If I take some of the
fabric and move it towards the shoulders, it will look better.”

[Rienne] “I understand.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Why not work on the altering the belt, Princess? I’ll put the same fabric
on the ankles and around the neck line.”

[Rienne] “That’s a good idea.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I wonder how much more fabric we’ll need…. we need to increase the
length of the pants, right?”

[Rienne] “Well…”

Rienne didn’t know what to say.

[Rienne] “I…didn’t actually get those measurements….”

Her voice came out low, as if her words were barely crawling their way out of her.
[Mrs. Flambard] “You didn’t? But how could you forget that? What if the pants end up
cutting off too short and you can see his ankles?”

[Rienne] “I thought they’d be fine without changing them.”

Actually, it was because she couldn’t do it. It wasn’t as though she had made a mistake and
missed it.

It was like she was entirely distracted by something else.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I don’t think we’ll be that lucky. Best if we just get those measurements
instead. What would we do if the clothing doesn’t fit him well?”

[Rienne] “Yes, I understand….”

Again, Rienne’s voice was barely a whisper.

But Mrs. Flambard misunderstood. She saw Rienne’s hesitation and wondered whether or
not she’d be able to take the measurements down properly.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Do you not wish to deal with him again, Princess? If so, I can do it.”

[Rienne] “No, I’m not saying that, I just…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Of course, how could you bring yourself to be happy about it? I didn’t
take your feelings into consideration. Wait here, Princess.”

[Rienne] “You don’t understand, I don’t…”

But even as Rienne repeated herself, the misunderstanding wouldn’t clear up.

[Mrs. Flambard] “It’s alright. No matter how unsettled I am by him, I’m sure it must be
more uncomfortable for you, Princess. Just stay here for a bit.”

Carrying all her sewing equipment in her arms, Mrs. Flambard quickly rushed out of
Rienne’s room.

[Rienne] “No, that’s not….”

Left alone in her quiet room, Rienne felt her face redden and frown as she aimlessly fiddled
with the scissors in her hands.

[Rienne] “I don’t…”

Is it really that strange that I don’t hate him?

She knew other people might find it hard to understand given the circumstances, but
thinking about it somehow made her heart feel heavy.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Flambard had gone to Black’s room only to discover he had left with his
men. Knowing it was impossible to reach him on horseback, she sent a guard after him to
tell him to come to Rienne’s room upon his return.


After Mrs. Flambard returned, Rienne stayed quiet and focused on her sewing.

Not long after leaving, Mrs. Flambard quickly came back due to ‘various circumstances’, and
since then had just kept staring at her. No matter how many times Rienne told her she
didn’t hate that man, the woman couldn’t bring herself to believe that.

…But no matter. The truth would come out eventually.

[Mrs. Flambard] “This reminds me, Princess…”

In a room filled only with the subtle sound of threaded needles passing through fabric, a
human voice swept through the air.

[Rienne] “What is it, ma’am?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “We have about ten days until the wedding, don’t we?”

[Rienne] “Well, the funeral is tomorrow and the wedding is supposed to be ten days after
that, so yes.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Then doesn’t that mean it will coincide with your monthly fever,

[Rienne] “Oh… ah.”

Hearing something so unexpected, rather than pricking the fabric with the needle, Rienne
stabbed her finger instead.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh Princess, are you alright?”

Mrs. Flambard came closer and took Rienne’s hand as a drop of red blood seeped from the
tip of her thumb.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh no, you cut under your nail.”

Even though Rienne was the one who was hurt, Mrs. Flambard felt her pain.
[Mrs. Flambard] “Give me your hand. We need to disinfect it and get some medicine on the
wound. I’ll go get—“

[Rienne] “No, wait.”

Rienne suddenly spoke out against Mrs. Flambard as she tried to get up. There was blood
coming from her finger and yet Rienne couldn’t even feel the pain.

[Mrs. Flambard] “What, What do you mean?”

[Rienne] “The date of… my monthly fever.”

Rienne’s face had gone completely pale like a white sheet.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess…”

Seeing that, Mrs. Flambard’s expression turned just as grave as Rienne’s.

[Rienne] “If I get caught… no, I can’t…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess.”

Rienne felt Mrs. Flambard place her hand on top of hers. It was a comforting feeling, like
she was telling Rienne to calm down.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I may not know much about politics and the like…. but is it really
necessary to lie about being pregnant when you’re about to be wed?”

[Rienne] “I have no choice. It’s the only way I can prevent the sovereignty of Nauk from
being taken from the Arsak family by the Tiwakan.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “So that’s how it is.”

Rienne looked at her with a straight face as she asked her question.

[Rienne] “Is there any way I can hide it?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I don’t know how you could. If you were alone perhaps, but you’re going
to be married… you’ll be up all night.”

[Rienne] “Ah… what do I do? I didn’t even think about that… about the date…”

A black shadow cast itself over Rienne’s face—as a pale as a white moon.

[Rienne] “I’ll have to…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “You’ll need to refuse the first night.”

But Mrs. Flambard’s face was turning the same color as Rienne’s.

[Mrs. Flambard] “But will that man accept that without asking any questions?”


T/N: (1) This can also mean “mesmerized”, “enchanted”, “bewitched”, etc.

(2) The word Black uses is “뜯어내”, which signifies the act of stealing something, usually
through the use of force or violence.
Translator Comment: Love how Black seems like a scary dude but his brain is just
constantly “????”. I swear the Wii theme is playing in his brain whenever Rienne is around.
Bet he’s starting to regret what he said before about not being interested in capturing her
heart, hm? 🙃 🤡
A Barbaric Proposal C18

Chapter 18 | Trap (2)

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


If Rienne needed to make an excuse, then she had one she could use. She could easily say
she wasn’t feeling well because of her pregnancy so she wouldn’t be able to spend the night
with him.

But an excuse like that wouldn’t last long.

After saying that, Rienne would need to have a child as soon as possible once they were
married. Black would be the father naturally, but at least the child would inherit the Arsak
family name just as they promised and become the ruler.
If it worked out, that would be the best possible ending for Rienne. She was being forced to
get married, but she would still be able to protect everything important while minimizing

…For herself at least.

But that wouldn’t the case for him.

If she did this, Black would have to live without ever knowing the child was his own.
Thinking about that made Rienne’s mind and heart feel heavy for entirely different reasons.

Even if it means protecting Nauk…can I do it…?

[Mrs. Flambard] “What are you thinking about, Princess?”

As Rienne’s imagination spun, Mrs. Flambard’s voice broke through.

[Rienne] “Oh…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “How will you refuse your first night?”

Rienne hadn’t made up her mind yet.

[Rienne] “I’m not sure.”

Her present excuse only worked until the end of her monthly fever. Beyond that, she
needed another excuse to refuse sharing a bed with him until she sorted things out.

[Rienne] “First, I need to think about—“

Knock, knock.

A knock sounded out at the door, cutting off Rienne’s words.

[Mrs. Flambard] “He must have returned already.”

Mrs. Flambard stood up.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’ll answer the door, Princess. You should compose yourself as best you

As she watched Mrs. Flambard’s back walking towards the door, Rienne gently smoothed
her face with the palms of her hands.

But there was no point.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, I’ll get the door for you!”

Mrs. Flambard called out as she opened the door before letting out a shocked scream.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Ma’am?”

Hearing the sound of the woman’s scream, Rienne jumped to her feet in surprised, and the
moment she saw the source of the shock, her entire body hardened like a statue.

It wasn’t Black.

[Rafit] “I just found something out.”

It was Rafit.

Rafit Kleinfelder, the one person who should never be there, was here in Castle Nauk. Rafit
pushed past Mrs. Flambard, who couldn’t shake off her flustered shock, and slammed the
door behind him.

[Rafit] “Is it true, Princess? That you’re pregnant…..with my child?”


Of course it wasn’t. Rafit should know that better than anyone.

[Rienne] “Leave. Now.”

Rienne raised her hand and defiantly pointed towards the door.

[Rienne] “I don’t know what you were thinking coming here but the Tiwakan have eyes
and ears everywhere, most of all here. That should be obvious so just go.”

[Rafit] “Not until I get an answer.”

Hearing him spew such nonsense made her spine shiver. Rienne stomped her foot.

[Rienne] “What are you even talking about? You should know the answer better than

[Rafit] “I don’t! How am I supposed to know what’s true?! We were parted for over fifteen

The color completely drained from Rienne’s already pale face.

[Rienne] Wh…what are you talking about?”

[Rafit] “Not once have you ever allowed me to sleep with you, Princess. So what’s this that
I’m hearing about being pregnant with my child?”

[Rienne] “That’s…”

Rienne bit her lip tightly. She was afraid if she didn’t, she might end up saying cruel words
unlike any she had ever used before.

[Rienne] “Are you truly asking me that? You?”

[Rafit] “I need to hear you explain this. What the hell do you mean by a ‘child?’”

Before now, it didn’t occur to Rienne that Rafit wouldn’t understand her intentions. The
Rafit she knew would never have been so foolish.

So what he was doing right now was trying to confirm what he wanted to know. He wanted
to hear her say it out loud.

That Rienne had lied about being pregnant in order to refuse the Tiwakan’s proposal. That
she was desperate to say no, to the point of lying about something like that.

[Rafit] “Did you tell that barbarian that you were pregnant with my child?”

Rafit’s voice became more affectionate and wistful the more he talked.

[Rafit] “Did you tell him your heart was already spoken for? Did you tell him I’m the one
you belong to and the father of your future child?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne felt herself getting dizzier. It was like the lie she told to refuse the proposal was just
twisting into a monster the more people talked about it.

[Rafit] “You told that animal that I’m the one you belong with.”

[Rienne] “No, that’s not what I…”

As Rafit approached her with arms outstretched as if to hug her, Rienne took a step back,
but Rafit just kept coming closer without hesitation.

[Rafit] “What do you mean?”

[Rienne] “I only said what I did to avoid the proposal. I didn’t think he’d still want to marry
me if I said I already had a child.”

[Rafit] “Same difference, is it not?”

[Rienne] “It’s different.”

It wasn’t as though Rienne said she was deathly in love with Rafit Kleinfelder in order to
turn down the proposal. It was just Rafit’s delusion that was making him believe that.

[Rafit] “It isn’t. Any man would tell you that.”

[Rienne] “It’s different…”

Rienne stopped talking. There was too much she wanted to say but not enough words to
express it. No matter how you looked at it, this whole situation was beyond frustrating.
Rafit was acting as though what he had tried to do to her never happened even though it
occurred in his own home.

How could he do that? There was still a mark on his palm from it.

He was going entirely too far. Rafit had forgotten where his loyalties were supposed to
lie—that Rienne was a member of the royal family and was owed his respect and

But at the end of it all, Rafit was still a Kleinfelder and the fact that Kleinfelder blood ran
through his veins was undeniable. Rienne wanted to laugh at her past self who once
believed him to be different.

[Rienne] “I am going to marry Lord Tiwakan and the child I bear will inherit House Arsak
and become the King of Nauk. That’s the path I’ve chosen to protect what’s important.”

[Rafit] “But you’ve already lied about it being mine. Do you really think that monster will
allow another man’s child to live?”

[Rienne] “He will. That’s what he promised me.”

[Rafit] “You’re too naïve. I told you before, didn’t I? That barbarian has plans for revenge
against Nauk. No matter what, he’ll see to it there’s blood to pay.”

[Rienne] “Don’t try and pass an unconfirmed rumor as the truth. I already said I don’t
believe it. He would never have offered to write a pledge in the vows if he didn’t intend to
keep his promise.”

[Rafit] “Vows? You already wrote your vows with that beast? He could break them any
time he wanted.”

[Rienne] “Why do you insist on complicating matters? There would be no point in making
such promises if he was planning on going back on his word.”

[Rienne] “Maybe he just promised you this in order to force you to accept the proposal.”

[Rienne] “You’re wrong.”

Rienne’s mouth twisted as she gave a hollow smile.

[Rienne] “You realize he could’ve just broken down the gates, right? He could have killed
all of Castle Nauk’s guards and dragged me to the altar if necessary. He didn’t have to write
a pledge nor make any promises in order to force me to become his bride if he wanted.” (1)

[Rafit] “Rienne…”

Rafit’s face distorted as Rienne faced him. Looking at him, she spoke her final words
without an ounce of guilt.

[Rienne] “If there’s any loyalty left in you for the Arsak family or Nauk, then leave this land.
Right now, I am no longer your lover. This is an order from your Princess. If you
understand, then leave.”

[Rafit] “How could you….”

Just as Rafit began to grind his teeth—

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess!”

The urgent voice of Mrs. Flambard cut through between the two of them.

[Mrs. Flambard] “We’re in trouble! He’s on his way back!”

[Rienne] “What?”

Suddenly it was like there was something rattling inside Rienne’s heart.


As soon as she heard the news, Rienne began pushing Rafit towards the big window. There
was a railing out there that he could stand on. It wouldn’t be comfortable, but he needed to
hide so he wouldn’t be caught.

They had no choice—it was already too late to escape.

Rienne started closing the window, covering Rafit’s mouth with her hand just as she
noticed him trying to say something.

[Rienne] “Don’t make a single sound and just stay still. I won’t be able to do anything for
you if you get caught.”
Click, clack!
Just as Rienne shut the window, Mrs. Flambard raised her voice and made an

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess, Lord Tiwakan has arrived.”


Rienne hurriedly turned away from the window, her heart pounding in her chest. Focusing
herself, she swallowed her anxiety.

[Rienne] “Let him in.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, Princess.”

With her hands trembling, Mrs. Flambard opened the door wide.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Please enter.”

Without even giving Rienne a chance to compose herself, Black entered the room. His blue
eyes were staring straight at her and she was so nervous she almost bit her tongue.

[Black] “Did something happen?”

Those same blue eyes seemed to see through everything. Even if she had nothing to hide,
she’d still be nervous.

….Just stay calm. He hasn’t seen anything. It’ll be alright… he doesn’t know who’s hiding here.

[Rienne] “Nothing in particular. Why do you ask?”

[Black] “You called me.”

[Rienne] “I did?”

Rienne’s eyes blinked in confusion. She didn’t quite understand what he was talking about.

[Black] “I thought there was something you needed me for.”

[Rienne] “Oh….”

Instantly Rienne felt a weight lift from her shoulders. It didn’t seem like word got out of
Rafit’s arrival at the castle. This was just about message they’d sent about the

Releasing the grip she had on her skirt, Rienne continued on with a calm voice.
[Rienne] “As we were altering the clothing, I realized there were some measurements I
was missing. I thought I’d like to see you again so I could get those numbers if you had the

[Black] “Measurements…. Is that it?”

[Rienne] “Yes.”

Black’s blue eyes blinked slowly. Even though his face looked expressionless, Rienne
noticed slight creases in his forehead.

Is he annoyed? It wouldn’t surprise me… I did make him come back for something so
insignificant. Maybe that’s it.

[Black] “. . .”

But that didn’t seem to be the case. While Rienne couldn’t exactly pinpoint why, he didn’t
seem like he was mad at her.

[Black] “Then measure.”

Approaching Rienne, Black outstretched his arms.

[Rienne] “Actually this time…”

This time Mrs. Flambard will be doing it. Please go to her for this, not me.

She needed to say it, but instead, as he got closer, Rienne got a good look at him and her
eyes immediately went towards his face.

…And that’s when she noticed the smell of sweat.

The closer he got, the more she could tell how he smelled like sweat. His forehead was
damp so that was probably why, but thinking about that made Rienne feel strange.

[Rienne] “…Did…did you run here?”

Rienne’s voice was soft like a whisper.

[Black] “Yes.”

[Rienne] “Why would you….”

[Black] “Like I said, I thought you needed me.”

When Rienne noticed the sound, she realized Black was raising his hand and running his
fingers through her hair. As that soft slipping sound hit her ears, it felt gentle and oddly

It’s strange.

Rienne murmured to herself under her breath. To think this man would work himself into a
sweat just trying to get to her after hearing that she needed him.

This man was willing to do that for her…

Meanwhile, I’m….

[Rienne] “You were the one who needed this, Lord Tiwakan.”

Rienne didn’t even realize that her cheeks had turned a charming pink color or that her
voice became just that much softer whenever she spoke to Black.

[Rienne] “The clothes won’t fit properly if I don’t get the correct measurements.”

[Black] “If I knew that, I wouldn’t have rushed to get here. I don’t want you to think I’m a
unclean person.”

[Rienne] “It’s not that bad.”

It might even be the opposite.

Even though it was the smell of sweat, it only intensified his natural scent. It danced around
the tip of Rienne’s nose, but she didn’t find it disgusting. Instead, it made the back of her
throat burn.

….I need to move away.

She didn’t want Mrs. Flambard to catch them like this.

Rienne gently put her hand on Black’s chest like she was about to push him away, but there
was no force behind it.

[Rienne] “I can’t measure you until you let go.”

[Black] “Just a little longer.”

Black didn’t let go of her, instead using his other hand to grab hers as he kept running his
fingers through her hair.

[Rienne] “Is everything alright?”

Asking that, Rienne kept her voice quiet, her mind still very conscious of Mrs. Flambard
waiting outside.

[Black] “I don’t know. I guess I was just surprised… No, that’s not the right word… more
worried. I had a bad feeling.”

[Rienne] “Worried?”

When she asked what was making him feel worried, Black tightened the grip he had on her
hand. It didn’t hurt, but it was definitely strong.

[Black] “I was receiving reports that the illegitimate son of the Kleinfelder family allegedly
entered the castle. Around the same time, I was told you were looking for me, Princess. So I
thought something might’ve happened.”


Rienne’s heart skipped a beat as if it was falling inside of her chest.

He knows….

She felt goosebumps forming all along her spine.

Black glanced down at Rienne’s silently pale face as he intertwined her lovely golden hair
around his fingers. What was once a soft and ticklish greeting suddenly took a completely
different meaning.

He was binding her to him.

Like he was telling her she couldn’t get away from him so easily.

[Black] “Were the measurements the only thing you needed me for?”

T/N: (1) Subtle but purposeful nod to what Rafit tried to do. The raws use the same
terminology of a ‘forced marriage’.

Translator Comment: Rienne said a few chapters ago she’d be willing to do anything to
protect Nauk, but now she’s having second guesses about this because it would be really
unfair to Black. We love growth.
A Barbaric Proposal C19

Chapter 19 | Trap (3)

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


Does he know?

Did he already know and was just going out of his way to ask? Was he trying to get her to
confess everything before he went over to the window and opened it himself?

With that thought in her mind, Rienne struggled to keep her eyes away from the window
where Rafit was narrowly hiding on the frame.

[Rienne] “Yes, that’s it.”

[Black] “Good to hear.”

Despite seemingly knowing everything, he answered simply.

[Black] “Then start measuring.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

She couldn’t do that. She needed to get him out of this room as soon as possible so she
could get Rafit out. He’d be able to hold on for right now, but eventually someone outside
would notice Rafit standing outside her window.

And things would complicate further if he were to fall.

[Rienne] “Let’s go to another room first.”

Rienne got closer to Black and whispered quietly to him. She was a bit ashamed to have to
do this, but for now, she just needed to get him out of the room.

She had to assume he was aware of Rafit’s presence. If that were the case, he wouldn’t just
leave after she finished taking his measurements. No doubt he’d try and stay to see what
was going on.

That’s what Rienne believed him capable of.

In both body and mind, Black was sharp, quick-witted, and extremely sensible. If he was
just a simple minded barbarian who knew nothing but war and slaughter, perhaps she
wouldn’t have found him so dangerous yet fascinating.

[Black] “Why?”

And as she expected, he asked why he should have to leave. Rienne lowered her voice. It
was a soft whisper like the voice of a temptress.

[Rienne] “My lady-in-waiting is outside.”

[Black] “. . .”

Hearing that, Black stared down at Rienne without a word. His eyes were so light and
honest they seemed to reveal every thought hidden behind his features.

He lowered his head down towards her, his voice just as soft and low as Rienne’s was.

[Black] “Then send her away.”

[Rienne] “I can’t.”

[Black] “Why not?”

[Rienne] “All her sewing equipment is here.”

[Black] “. . .”
[Rienne] “I can’t….. keep her waiting outside…for too long.”

After she said that, Rienne could feel her face reddening.

[Black] “…It’s things like this that make it hard not to think about you, Princess.”

Black gently urged Rienne closer with his hand still in her hair, and she followed his lead
without resistance. They were already so close to one another, but even the smallest of
gaps between them gradually became narrower.

Until they were almost touching.

[Black] “I don’t know how this will turn out.”

[Rienne] “What do you mean….?”

[Black] “Where should we go?”

Grabbing her arms with his hands, Black whispered tenderly toward her.

[Rienne] “The… room over.”

He turned both their bodies around.


He was walking so fast and before Rienne even realized what was happening, she heard the
sound of a door opening.

The room was much closer than she thought.



The sound of something slamming against the wall as hard as it could rang out into the air,
but it wasn’t Rienne’s body. She didn’t feel even a little bit of pain. Only then did Rienne
realize Black already had his arms around her, his palms supporting her back before she
ever touched the wall.

As soon as the door clicked behind them, their lips found one another. Feeling Black lower
his head and lean his body into hers, Rienne’s entire head turned white hot.
Instinctively she reached out for him, her arms loosely hanging around his neck. Grabbing
her with one arm, Black effortlessly lifted her into the air and pulled her up to him.

Everything felt so hot. It was as though her entire body had become like firewood.

It only took a single spark before everything started to burn up.

[Rienne] “Ah, wait….”
Rienne unconsciously let out a sigh as Black’s kisses wandered down her neck.

[Black] “You don’t like it?”

[Rienne] “No, that’s not what I….”

[Black] “Then just stay still.”

Even though her feet weren’t touching the ground, Rienne didn’t feel nervous. Her hands
were placed firmly on his broad and strong shoulders, and all she wanted to do was keep
holding on. It made her want to stay close.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Letting out a soft breath, Rienne tightened the grip she had on his shoulders. Feeling her
body tremble, Black paused for a moment, but he didn’t stop immediately.

He pulled his lips away slowly, running them across Rienne’s sensitive skin.

[Black] “Are you uncomfortable?” (1)

[Rienne] “N…no.”

[Black] “Then…are you afraid?”

She was. This was frightening.

She didn’t know what came and it was starting to feel like her body wasn’t her own

[Rienne] “Just a little….”

[Black] “. . .”

….Now it was Black’s turn to sigh. Rienne felt him let out a hot breath against her neck. It
was the kind of heat that flooded her head and set her mind ablaze.

[Black] “Don’t be scared.”

Muttering almost to himself, Black released his grip on Rienne and carefully allowed her
feet to touch the ground again. The moment he did, suddenly Rienne’s legs felt very heavy.

….No…that’s not what I meant when I said I was afraid…you’re misunderstanding me….

But it wasn’t as though she could ask him to pick her up and kiss her again. Even if Black
was her lover, she was far too embarrassed to make that kind of request.

[Black] “I guess I was moving too fast.”

Was he? Rienne wasn’t sure.

All she could remember was the endless burning sensation coursing through her body.
Looking back on it, they weren’t exactly moving slowly, but that didn’t mean he was the
only one moving fast.

If she were in his place, she might’ve been even more impatient.

[Rienne] “It’s alright…..”

Rienne whispered more quietly than a mosquito, her eyes downcast towards the ground.
After having her lips dangerously entangled with his just moments ago, it was too
embarrassing to look him directly in the eyes.

[Black] “Are you sure you’re alright?”

But suddenly Black filled her entire vision, even as she looked down.

He was kneeling in front of her, his head just below her chest as he looked up at her.
Panicking, Rienne quickly covered his eyes with her hands to avoid his gaze.

[Rienne] “Wh…what are you doing?”

[Black] “You say you’re fine, but you don’t look that way.”

[Rienne] “No, really, I’m alright.”

[Black] “Really?”

[Rienne] “Yes.”

[Black] “Then why are you covering my eyes?”

[Rienne] “That’s…”

She knew exactly why.

Even though this wasn’t the first time they’d kissed, for some reason Rienne felt extremely
shy right now. More than that, they were still close enough that Rienne could easily reach
out and cover his eyes with her hands.

Before now, whenever Rienne felt embarrassed or shy, she’d run away or bite her tongue.
But now there she was, covering his eyes with her hands instead of avoiding him.

It was a such a small change that she didn’t even realize it was happening.

[Rienne] “I’ll let you go so don’t look at me like that.”

[Black] “….If that’s a problem for you, then okay.”

[Rienne] “Alright.”

As Rienne carefully removed her hand from his eyes, it gently brushed against the side of
his face for only a moment as it fell—an action that was no different from touching him.

But before she could completely pull away, Black quickly seized her wrist and held her
palm in place.

[Black] “This isn’t so bad either.”

[Rienne] “What… do you mean…?”

[Black] “You’re touching me, Princess.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Black pulled on Rienne’s wrist and gave her a kiss on the palm.

[Black] “So I’ll ignore it for today.”

[Rienne] “What?”

[Black] “The illegitimate son of the Kleinfelder family.”

[Rienne] “…..!”

Even though Rienne’s entire body had stiffened like a statue, Black kept his lips on Rienne’s
hand the entire time.

Never before had Rienne felt so terrified of a man kissing her hand so tenderly.

[Black] “The Tiwakan are now responsible for the security of Castle Nauk. I have no reason
to allow trespassers who entered without my permission to leave in good faith. But for

He gently ran his lips against her hand.

[Black] “For today, I will ignore it…because you touched me, Princess.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne couldn’t say anything back. Black let go of her hand, continuing on with the
conversation as if nothing had happened.

[Black] “What measurements did you still need?”

Just after he said that, Rienne realized she didn’t bring the tape measure. In the end, Mrs.
Flambard had to be the one to finish the job.


[Phermos] “As you ordered, we let him leave peacefully.”

Phermos had a lot of questions, most of them complaints in nature.

The person they were told to leave alone was none other than Rafit Kleinfelder himself.

In an old castle with many blind spots, it was far too easy for a rat to sneak in and out
without them ever knowing. Because of this, it went unnoticed for a time but eventually
Phermos received a report.

He was grinning from ear to ear when he was told that a rat from the Kleinfelder family had
snuck into the castle. This was their opportunity to squeeze everything they could from
that house. With the momentum on their side, it would be in their best interest to nip this
in the bud while they had the chance.

But when they were told the rat was headed straight for Princess Rienne’s bedroom,
Phermos’ smile quickly went away….

Because he realized Black wasn’t happy.

Rather than smiling, he looked extremely troubled. His stiff expression made that
abundantly clear.

Noticing that, Phermos could swear on the God of War himself that this was the first time
he’d seen Black struggle to keep his emotions in check like that.

It was obvious that the rat from the Kleinfelder family was the very much alive Commander
of the Knights. It appeared as though he was heading towards Princess Rienne’s bedroom
in order to secretly meet up with his love.

Clearly Princess Rienne couldn’t forget about the man so easily.

Though in all fairness it would be suspicious if she forgot about him too quickly. They had
been involved with one another for quite some time, and it was certain the man had no
intention of letting her go. He even went as far as to come to the castle despite the risk to
his own life.
And above all else, he was the father of Princess Rienne’s child. Unlike the Princess, he
wouldn’t choose to leave her so easily given the circumstances.

The problem was that Black needed to confirm things with his own eyes and ears. All of his
thoughts were plainly written on his face.

….That’s not right. It has to be a mistake. They should’ve already moved on. (2)

Seeing such clear emotions coming from him, Phermos could tell Black’s heart was already
beginning to lean towards Princess Rienne.

But having his favor didn’t give her the right to secretly meet up with her old lover
whenever she pleased. Though Phermos knew Black never had a woman by his side before,
he believed he wasn’t the kind of man to allow himself to be toyed with like this.

After all, he was a man of conviction. A relentless and strong person.

Phermos truly thought this was the day his Lord’s mercy towards Princess Rienne would
run out. In the middle of their engagement, she had brought another man to her bedroom.
If that’s how it was going to be, he was certain someone’s head would go flying.

But that wasn’t how things went.

Like fate, a message came shortly after that.

Princess Rienne was requesting his Lord’s presence.

While Phermos was still busy trying to organize his thoughts on what was going on, Black
had already left in a hurry. For Princess Rienne, that was really….

Lucky… or clever.

His Lord had one thing right: Princess Rienne was a difficult woman to grasp. Phermos
couldn’t tell if she was truly as innocent and gentle as she seemed….or if she had simply
perfected her mask.

[Phermos] “I’ve been informed that the rat made its way back to its nest with its head still
attached. Speaking of which…” (2)

After coming back from seeing Princess Rienne, Phermos couldn’t help but notice how
Black seemed to resemble her—his face lost in thought with an expression he couldn’t

[Phermos] “…Are you certain you wish to ignore this?”

Phermos couldn’t hold the question back any longer.

[Black] “….Just this once.”

After a long time, Black finally answered. That must mean it wasn’t an easy decision to
come to.

[Phermos] “May I ask why….? No, actually I’m very curious. It’s not wise to leave the
Kleinfelders alone like this. Their private militia is no trouble for us but as you well know,
the rats are allied with the Kingdom of Sharka.”

[Black] “I’ve decided to leave things alone this time.”

[Phermos] “But…I mean… why would you…?”

[Black] “I was given something.”

[Phermos] “Given something….? By who? The Kleinfelders?”

Though the chances of the Kleinfelders actually having paid him off was low, Phermos still
asked. They were the only people with the means to do something like that.

[Black] “Not them.”

[Phermos] “Then who…?”

[Black] “It was the Princess.”

As he answered, his words were dripping with annoyance. Phermos could feel in his gut
that it was time to stop this line of questioning. Even though he was dying to know what the
Princess had given his Lord, he decided to swallow his curiosity.

Of course, it was probably for the best Phermos remained curious. How would he react if he
knew the compensation Black received was the Princess simply touching his face?

[Phermos] “Well….I hope whatever the Princess has given you is worth losing today’s
opportunity. But with all due respect, sire… this will only continue to happen if you remain
too soft on her.”

Phermos was prepared to be scolded for how bold his words were, but instead Black
answered firmly.

[Black] “…No, I don’t think it will.”

[Phermos] “What makes you so certain?”

[Black] “Because the Princess didn’t call for him.”

[Phermos] “How do you know that….?”

[Black] “If that’s what she intended, she wouldn’t have called for us both at the same time if
she wanted to be smart about it.”

Phermos was confused by that as well. If that was the case, then was Princess Rienne really
as innocent as she seemed? Is that what was making his Lord’s heart turn soft like pudding?

[Phermos] “Then…. does this mean you trust Princess Rienne?”


T/N: (1) This is more in reference to physical discomfort rather than emotional.

(2) The term used here is “넘어가셨어”, which lit. means in this context “to be done with
something/to move onto the .”

(3) Just as a note, Phermos refers to both the Kleinfelders and Rafit as being mice/rats
pretty consistently throughout this whole section. I replaced some of those instances with
just ‘Kleinfelder’ to break up the repetition, but I feel like this is important to know. Shows
you how much he respects them lol.

Translator Comment: This is great, Siri play “Everytime We Touch” by Cascada 👀 Also I
feel bad for Phermos. It probably isn’t easy when your cool, epic boss man suddenly turns
into a simp.
A Barbaric Proposal C20

Chapter 20 | Trap (4)

translator / editor: astralmech @ the translating mech


[Black] “No.”

He answered so quickly, Phermos got confused for a second.

[Phermos] “Then why….?”

[Black] “He’s still in her heart.”

Taking into account everything that happened today, that was how it looked to Black.

Even if she didn’t call him herself, Rienne’s former lover still came to see her and she was
clearly in a panic to try hide his presence from him.
She’d even made an extremely out of character attempt to seduce him just to get him to
leave the room.

…Though it’d be a lie to say it didn’t work. He was so thrilled by the idea that he’d entirely
lost his mind for a moment. Completely ignoring how suspicious it all was, his mind was
filled only with thoughts of getting their clothes out of the way. (1)

But the moment he felt Rienne’s body tremble with fear, suddenly he came back to his
senses and the fog in his head cleared.

He couldn’t blame this feeling on his fever anymore, and it wasn’t because she was in a
hurry to get him to leave the room either.

He just wanted Rienne.

He wanted her outside of his desire to merely keep a hold on the things that were always
his. (2)

[Black] “That woman….”

Suddenly Black started to talk. Seeing that, Phermos quickly shut his mouth and listened.

[Black] “I thought she was a part of Nauk.”

He always thought that gaining one naturally meant obtaining the other. That the Princess
and Nauk were inseparable in that sense.

But today, it was dawning on him how untrue that was.

He was realizing he wanted Rienne regardless of her connection to Nauk. He wanted her
back completely, as if she had never been taken from him in the first place.

[Phermos] “You mean to say that things are different from what you said to me before?”

After thinking for a long while, Black gave a heavy nod.

[Black] “Yeah.”

[Phermos] “May I ask how so?”

[Black] “I’m going to take back everything this time.”

‘Taking’ something in its entirety was completely different from simply ‘having’ it. What he
wanted to do now was what he should’ve done from the start.

Leave no room for other men to intervene… and destroy all traces of the one that had.
And that meant he needed to take back what Rafit Kleinfelder had stolen from him—
Rienne’s heart.

[Phermos] “I see.”

Phermos held back the urge to sigh.

Well… it isn’t as though he didn’t see this coming.

[Phermos] “If that’s how you honestly feel, my Lord… then I will do what I can.”

No matter how unwilling Princess Rienne was, Black’s will was absolute, and Phermos had
no right to make any comments about the woman his Lord chose.

[Phermos] “We should take good care of the Princess so something like this won’t happen

With his head down and his brows furrowed, Black nodded. He would make sure there
would never be a ‘ time’.

Because Rafit Kleinfelder would never meet Princess Rienne again.


After staying awake all night, Rienne eventually got out of bed at the first light of dawn.
What happened yesterday disturbed her mind to the point of completely destroying any
chance at a good night’s sleep.

Why was that man pretending not to know anything when he did? What was he thinking?

Is he toying with me?

If he wasn’t, then was he really just going to ignore it this time? All because she touched

Could something so simple….really be meaningful enough to do something like that?

Rienne was all too aware of how dangerous yesterday was. Not only did she have another
man sneak into her bedroom, but on top of that, Rafit’s identity could’ve been exposed. It
would’ve been revealed he’d been trying to hide himself this whole time.

But regardless, the fact of the matter was that Rienne had undeniably betrayed her fiancé.
She couldn’t believe he was willing to turn a blind eye to it. There was no way he was
ignorant of the fact, so maybe he was just choosing to overlook it for her sake or to be kind?

…There’s no way.

There was no man in this world that would do something like that. And even if someone
like that existed, it wouldn’t be Lord Tiwakan of all people.

Need she remind herself of how he proposed? When he surrounded her castle, he killed
hundreds upon hundreds of her people in the process.

Rienne clenched her eyes shut and released a long held sigh.

[Rienne] “I don’t know… I should just get ready.”

Today was the funeral.

It was going to be held at the Temple, but Rienne still had to attend.

[Rienne] “I thought others would be awake by now… but I guess not.”

Rienne felt fortunate there were things she could do to busy her mind. She needed to
prepare black clothing, gloves and a veil to cover her face, but she had woken up so early,
everyone else was still asleep.

Not wanting to disturb anyone, Rienne decided to take it upon herself to get water to wash
her face with.

[Rienne] “Once the funeral is done…”

Rafit Kleinfelder would officially be a dead man and the labyrinth of problems Rienne
needed to navigate would settle down at least a little bit.

Dressed in just her mourning dress over her under clothes, Rienne headed towards the
cellar with a water pot.


They had a well, but it needed to be used sparingly. After suffering from a drought for so
many years, Nauk learned to cherish every drop of water they had.

Once a day, the water they needed for use in the castle would be drawn from the well and
kept in a basin in the cellar. If anyone needed any extra water, they required Rienne’s
permission, and Rienne would personally verify the use.

It was quiet in the cellar at dawn.

Although it was pitch black, Rienne had been down there to get her own water before, so
she navigated her way towards the basin with ease.

[???] “Princess.”

[Rienne] “…..!”

But someone waiting in the shadows was unexpected. Rienne was so surprised she nearly
dropped the pot she was carrying for the water.
[???] “Ah, I got it!”

The person quickly came in and held up the unstable pot with the palms of their hands.

[Rienne] “Wha—Hyde?”

[Hyde] “Yes, Princess. Apologies for startling you.”

[Rienne] “What are you doing here?”

[Hyde] “Oh, that’s… Ah, but I can’t be caught.”

Hyde was one of the squires Weroz once looked after, but regrettably he didn’t have the
qualities of a strong knight. According to Weroz, Hyde was sent home not long after
arriving at the castle because of that.

Hyde’s eyes darted around in the dark as he lowered his voice as much as he could.

[Hyde] “I have a message from Lord Weroz for you, Princess. But he told me to keep this a
secret from anyone else, so I’ve been hiding here waiting.”

[Rienne] “How did you know I would be coming down here?”

[Hyde] “Huh? Oh, I didn’t. I was going to ask for you once your maid came down here. I
thought someone close to you would be getting you water for your morning face wash any

He thought he’d need to wait a long time before being able to deliver his message. This was
a stroke of luck.

[Rienne] “And what of Lord Weroz? Is he alright? Do you know where he is?”

At Rienne’s question, Hyde shook his head.

[Hyde] “I’m not sure.”

[Rienne] “What? Then where did you meet Lord Weroz when you received this message?”

[Hyde] “He just suddenly arrived at the mill where I work. I was surprised to see him too…”

Because Weroz had reportedly disappeared from the Kleinfelder Estate, Rienne thought he
might’ve been hurt. Now she was hearing he was apparently running off on his own.

It was all too confusing.

[Hyde] “But he told me to deliver this message any way I could.”

Again, Hyde looked around the room, beckoning Rienne closer has he did.

[Hyde] “Lend me your ear, Princess.”

A man of any decency wouldn’t do that to a Princess, but Rienne listened. If this was a
message from Weroz, then she needed to hear it no matter what.

As Rienne drew closer, Hyde whispered as quietly as possible.

[Hyde] “He said, ‘Don’t trust that man.’”

[Rienne] “What?”

[Hyde] “Lord Weroz said that man’s reason for being in Nauk is because he seeks revenge.”

[Rienne] “…..!”

Rienne’s vibrant green eyes widened, looking almost grey in the darkness. Hyde didn’t
notice, continuing on with the rest of the message.

[Hyde] “He said to be careful and to put off the wedding until he can return. Lord Weroz
believes he can uncover that man’s secrets and bring them back.”

[Rienne] “So, Lord Weroz is….”

[Hyde] “Yes. He’s already left Nauk.”

And soon her eyes began to shake violently.


—‘His family was killed by someone in Nauk.’

—‘He’s here for his revenge.’

The stories matched.

[Rienne] “How…?”

Unconsciously, Rienne began to bite her nail.

How could Weroz know something like that? He went missing at the Kleinfelder Estate, so
Rienne was kicking herself for not asking around better when she was there.

At first Rienne said she didn’t believe such a flimsy story. She thought it was just some
nonsense Rafit spat at her in a last ditch attempt to prove that man’s evil.

But…. maybe not.

For a long time, Black’s behavior was something Rienne didn’t understand, but putting it in
the context of revenge made things a bit clearer.

Couldn’t he just take my head and be done with it? Or does he wish to see me suffer a more
cruel and painful end?

Did he refrain from breaking open the gates and killing her immediately because he wanted
to bleed Nauk dry from the roots?

[Mrs. Flambard] “What was that, Princess?”

When Rienne mumbled to herself, Mrs. Flambard caught her whisper as she meticulously
combed her hair and tied it with black ribbons for the funeral.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Ah, oh no, Princess! What are you doing to your nails!?”

Noticing her too late, Mrs. Flambard quickly lectured Rienne.

[Mrs. Flambard] “No, don’t say anything. Why are you doing this to yourself? How could
you ruin your lovely nails like this? Please, wait here.”

The woman put down the comb, quickly searching through a nearby box for a pair of nail

[Rienne] “Ah…”

Suddenly, Rienne felt embarrassed looking at the state of her hand.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Give me your hand.”

[Rienne] “….I’m sorry.”

Rienne gently reached out her hand, the woman sighing as she carefully fixed up her nails.

[Mrs. Flambard] “You’ve done quite the number on them, Princess.”

[Rienne] “It’s fine, just do what you can. My nails hardly matter.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Nails may just be nails but…. your hands are still the hands of our
kingdom’s one and only Princess.”
[Rienne] “. . .”

Mrs. Flambard looked as though she was about to burst into tears. Although Rienne herself
felt like she was about to start crying just a second ago, she quickly swallowed the feeling.

Mrs. Flambard was a sympathetic crier so if Rienne teared up, there would be no end to the

[Rienne] “What point is there in having nice hands in Nauk? So don’t cry and do the best
you can—ow!”

Just as she said that, Rienne moved her hand and scratched herself with the edge of the
blade. The trimmers were old but sharp and easily cut the flesh under her nail without

Mrs. Flambard gasped.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh, Princess!”

She was too shocked to see blood gushing from the end of Rienne’s finger so she couldn’t
stop stammering. Mrs. Flambard threw the trimmers to the side, grasping Rienne’s hands
with her own.

[Mrs. Flambard] “What should I do? Oh, this is all my fault….”

[Rienne] “No, the fault is mine. You didn’t do this, ma’am.”

[Mrs. Flambard “But it’s bleeding so much and I’m sure it must be so painful….”

Rienne was trying so hard not to make her nanny cry and yet somehow it still happened.
Forcing a smile, Rienne did her best to shake off the pain.

[Rienne] “That’s not true. It’s not painful at all so you can let go of me now.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What do you mean? You’re bleeding so much.”

[Rienne] “The funeral will be starting soon. I can’t be late.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “But with this….”

She was reluctant to let go. The woman sat there, holding Rienne’s hand for a long time.

[Mrs. Flambard] “We should at least stop the bleeding. I’ll go get some medicine so keep
pressure on the wound, Princess.”

Hesitantly, she got up from her seat and left.

[Rienne] “….It is rather deep.”

The wound was undeniably big. It was a little scary… seeing so much blood seep out from
her with no sign of stopping.

—‘He’s going to get revenge on Nauk.’

The endless thoughts mixed with the blood loss made her dizzy.

[Rienne] “…It hurts…..”

Rienne tightly clasped her hands. Seeing the wound with her own eyes made it hurt more
and her mind was becoming more confused the more she tried to face Black’s real reason
for proposing.

[Rienne] “It really….hurts….”

And now that her nanny was gone, Rienne finally cried.

She tried telling herself that there was no evidence behind Weroz’s claims—that they were
just words…baseless and unfounded words.

But even so, the pain still didn’t go away. The confused hurt she felt lingered just like the
pain under her fingernail.

[Rienne] “What if….”

What if he’s really trying to get revenge?

Then what would she do? She wasn’t sure, but there was one thing she was certain about.

I can’t let my guard down.

No matter how kind or gentle he acted towards her, she must never allow herself to be

T/N: (1) He uses the phrase lit. meaning “bury (one’s) head in (their) neck”, which is to
willfully ignore things. Kind of like “burying your head in the sand”.

(2) Korean is a pro-drop language, meaning that a lot of context in terms of subjects and
pronouns are inherently missing from the text, which makes translation tricky (*sob*). For
the vast majority of the story, Black has been incredibly vague in that sense in regards to
what he wants. This marks the first time he’s ever been explicit. Congrats, dude.

Translator Comment: Black before: ‘I don’t need her heart’. Also Black: ‘Guess I’m joining
the circus’ 🤡
A Barbaric Proposal C21

Chapter 21 | Requiem (1)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


By the time Rienne finished getting ready and went outside, Black already had his horse
prepared to leave for the funeral.

[Rienne] “Ah….”

Seeing him standing there, she paused.

Perhaps it was because he had gotten ready with the intent to accompany her, but he was
completely dressed in black. Not only him, but all the Tiwakan soldiers standing behind
him as well.
With every piece of his outfit completely black, it was understandable why rumors about
him having been abandoned by the God of Death and rejected by the earth spread so easily.

But when Black suddenly turned and made eye contact with her, Rienne unconsciously

…..It was unfair how well such a dark color suited him.

It wasn’t appropriate to have thoughts like that right before leaving for a funeral, but she
couldn’t help it. It was such a prevalent idea in her mind.

He must have been wearing black armor when we first met…. I wonder why I never noticed

[Black] “You’re here.”

As Rienne stood perfectly still, he approached her first, his eyes gazing across her neck and

[Black] “Your clothes are different.”

[Rienne] “Mrs. Flambard altered my dress for me so it would fit better.”

[Black] “…..Is that a good thing?”

Black muttered under his breath. Though Rienne didn’t seem to notice his reaction, he also
thought the color looked unfairly good on her.

While the two of them were distracted, one of the mercenaries walked towards them,
tugging on the reins of Black’s horse. It was a dark horse and more imposing than Rienne
would’ve thought. Just by looking at it, she could tell exactly who it belonged to.

[Black] “Get on.”

Black reached out his hand to Rienne.

[Rienne] “On this horse?”

[Black] “You’re riding with me.”

Rienne subtly shook her head.

[Rienne] “That’s alright. I have my own horse.”

She wasn’t sure if she could stand riding the same horse as him again. Rienne could still
clearly remember what happened the last time she did. It was too much for her to handle.
It wouldn’t be a good idea to purposefully put herself in a similar position where something
like that might happen again. Not right after she told herself she needed to be on her guard
around him.

[Rienne] “I can ride by myself.”

[Black] “You can’t.”

But he responded firmly.

[Black] “We don’t know if or when we’ll be attacked with another arrow. If we’re too far
apart, I won’t be able to react as quickly.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Though Rienne knew Rafit to be the culprit, the person who shot the arrow still had yet to
be officially identified. She knew he would never shoot an arrow at her, but she couldn’t say

[Rienne] “….If you insist.”

Eventually, Rienne reluctantly agreed and nodded her head.

[Black] “I’ll help you up.”

Without even waiting for her to reach out her hand, Black pulled Rienne into a hug and
lifted her up onto the horse.

His shoulder was still hurt and it wasn’t possible for it to have healed already, yet she was
completely struck by how he handled her. It was like she weighed nothing to him.

It felt like the more she noticed about this man, the more confused she got.

[Black] “Let’s go.”

Once he made sure Rienne was securely in place, he pulled himself onto the horse with a
motion so practiced, he made it look like the easiest thing in the world.

What a strange man, Rienne thought as the sound of horse hooves swept through the air.

In more ways than one, he was a very mysterious person. No matter what he did, Rienne
couldn’t imagine him ever making a fool of himself. Whether it was riding a horse or just
about anything else, he handled it skillfully and effortlessly.

[Rienne] “. . .”

If she allowed this train of thought to continue, Rienne would eventually remember how
skilled his kisses were too, so she quickly crushed the thought before it could ever surface.
I can’t forget…. I need to be careful around him.

Clip, clop. Clip, clop.

As their horse picked up the pace, the sound of its hooves hitting across the ground grew
even louder. All the while, Rienne could feel herself getting dizzy—an undeniable feeling of
reassurance growing in her chest as she felt this mysterious man grip the reins around her.


The Temple was located at Phillyon Hill, just north of Castle Nauk. Already Rienne could
hear the clergy of the Temple ringing the bell, announcing the funeral. It was such a
mournful and dreary sound.

[Black] “Wait.”

Arriving at the steep staircase leading up to the entrance, Black told Rienne to stay put. But
before she could ask him why, he dismounted the horse first and extended his arm out to

[Black] “You can come down now.”

Looking at his big hand reaching out towards her, Rienne swallowed nervously.

Why was he being so kind to her?

Acting this way wasn’t necessary if he was just here for revenge.

Why are you doing this to me? Why me?

[Rienne] “. . .”

Without saying her thanks, Rienne finally took his hand.

But it didn’t end there.

Pulling on her hand, Black wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled her into his
chest. Helping her down, Rienne’s feet gingerly touched the ground. With how he was
treating her, anyone would think she’d entirely forgotten how to ride a horse on her own.

[Black] “Do we have to walk up all those stairs?”

[Rienne] “Yes. It’s the Temple, after all.”

It was all part of how they worshipped God. Not even the royal family of Nauk was an
exception to it.

But the difficult trek up to the Temple was part of the reason why so few people were even
able to visit. People who were sick or injured and in need of help couldn’t make the journey
and never dared to try.
Even as a child, whenever she would visit the Temple, Rienne would always have terrible
pains in her legs and would be overtaken by exhaustion from the trip.

[Black] “Then let’s go.”

Rienne started walking first with Black quietly trailing after her, but the silence didn’t last.
Just as the two of them started their ascent up the steep stairs, shadows made of white
suddenly cut into their vision.

They were priests.

Priests insisted on wearing white clothing, which contrasted plainly against the dark black
mourning clothes of Rienne’s party.

[Rienne] “What are priests doing out here…?”

Rienne instinctively frowned. She didn’t have a good feeling about this. Going down the
stairs was just as much work as it was going up, so the priests stood completely still.

[Priest] “We’ve come to deliver the words of the High Priest to the daughter of the Arsak

Suddenly, Rienne’s bad feeling became very real. The priests who had rushed out were now
shouting at her.

[Priest] “In the name of the great God of Nauk and the High Priest, you are forbidden from
attending this funeral!”

[Rienne] “….?”

The priest who yelled was rather far away so for a second Rienne thought she might’ve
misheard him.

[Rienne] “What did you just say?”

[Priest] “So long as she cohorts with those who defy God’s will, we cannot allow the
daughter of Arsak to breach the Temple! Such were the words of the High Priest himself!”

[Rienne] “You mean to say my fiancé is one who defies the will of God?”

[Priest] “Precisely.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

This was no message from the High Priest. This was near identical to the words of Linden
Kleinfelder. That man was determined to isolate Rienne from all aspects of Nauk.

Rienne looked up—her words firm and resolute.

[Rienne] “I cannot accept that. Stand aside.”

[Priest] “We have the High Priest’s orders.”

[Rienne] “I am a member of the reigning royal family of Nauk.”

[Priest] “Only God may claim reign over the clergy!”

[Rienne] “How dare you….”

Rienne could feel her hands ball up with shock and anger.

This was completely unbelievable. Even if the High Priest was allied with Linden, with his
pockets fattening from the friendship, he had no right to so openly ignore the royal family
of Nauk.

[Rienne] “Call the High Priest. Tell him to say that to my face.”

[Priest] “He’s currently presiding over the funeral rites.”

[Rienne] “That’s just an excuse.”

[Priest] “….But….the High Priest said there is a way to fix all of this.”

As soon as Rienne’s words turned fierce, the priest, hesitant only for a moment, suddenly
changed his tune.

[Priest] “If you, the daughter of Arsak, cast aside those who have abandoned the will of
God, we will forgive all your sins and accept you once more as one of the faithful children.”

What they wanted from her was simple. Turn her back on the Tiwakan and quietly obey.
Rienne was so angry, she could feel her ears burning up just hearing it.

[Rienne] “Was the dissolution of my marriage arrangement truly what he asked for? That’s
really what the High Priest wants?”

Anyone with half a brain knew something like that wasn’t possible.

The Tiwakan Mercenaries surrounded the castle for fifteen days in order to pressure her
into accepting the proposal. That alone made it clear this was not an arrangement she could
simply dissolve. There was no way Linden Kleinfelder didn’t know that.

This was just his way of turning everyone in Nauk against Rienne.

If Rienne was turned away from the Temple and denied access to the funeral, rumors
would run amok.
Though God gave her the choice of salvation, the brainwashed Princess fell to the whims of
the barbaric monster and abandoned the divine. They’d feel her unfit for her position.
They’d depose her.

He was trying to pass it all off as God’s will.

[Priest] “That’s what the High Priest told me to say.”

[Rienne] “Then tell him to come out and speak to me! He shouldn’t hide in his Temple like
a cowardly dog!”

The priests widened their eyes in shock as Rienne raised her voice the moment she
couldn’t keep it in.

[Priest] “Bow your head before God, daughter of Arsak! His Holiness will not tolerate such
disrespect here!”

[Rienne] “And who showed disrespect in the first place…!”

This whole situation was entirely unacceptable, there were no words to aptly describe it.
Rienne loosened her fists, instead gripping the fabric of her dress.

[Rienne] “Then allow me to meet with him in person. We’ll see if he speaks the same words
you did.”

[Black] “Wait.”

But suddenly, Black’s low voice froze Rienne in place.

[Black] “You shouldn’t go.”

[Rienne] “What…? Why?”

With a keen look in his eyes, Black looked past her at the priests.

[Black] “They’re not stupid.”

[Rienne] “Ah…”

Rienne bit her lip.

He wasn’t wrong. Even if the High Priest was a fool, he knew better than to show his face
like this. The Temple didn’t have adequate military power to use against the Tiwakan. If
they truly wished to enter, there would be no way to stop them.

And yet, despite all of that, the priests were speaking with such obvious disrespect.

Unless they were stupid or had a death wish, they wouldn’t do that.
[Black] “I think they’re trying to provoke us.”

[Rienne] “But why….”

[Black] “They might want us to storm them.”

It was clear they were up to no good.

[Rienne] “But…I have to attend the funeral. If I don’t, they’ll only use it against me.”

[Black] “We’ll figure it out one thing at a time. But until we’re certain what’s going on, you
shouldn’t go.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Black was right.

Dealing with the political apprehension caused by the Kleinfelders was one thing, but as the
leader of an undefeated mercenary company, he had experience dealing with much worse.
He would know what the best tactical decision would be.

[Rienne] “…Very well. It would be wise to follow you, Lord Tiwakan.”

Rienne breathed in deeply as she talked. Turning to head back down the stairs, she took a
quick look back up the hill. She could already see the priests floundering amongst
themselves in embarrassment.

It was undeniable that Linden Kleinfelder had manipulated all of this in order to provoke
her. Remembering that made the anger swell up inside of her again. He was openly trying
to usurp control over Nauk from her now.

This was no different from a declaration of war.

So what could Rienne do now?

At least back when she was dealing with the Tiwakan’s siege, she knew who her enemy
was. Though it was difficult, her path was clear.

But now she didn’t know who she could trust.

[Black] “Careful.”

The complex, spiraling ideas distracted her from one of the displaced stone steps. As
Rienne felt herself stumble, Black quickly embraced her.

[Rienne] “Oh… my apologies…I was looking down, but I wasn’t watching where I was
[Black] “That’s fine. I was.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Was this man her enemy or not?

Rienne wished she knew for certain either way.

He didn’t want her to fall down and he didn’t want her to get hurt, but all that did was
confuse Rienne even further.

Is it normal for revenge to feel this kind?

It was funny such a thought even came to her.


[Linden] “Dammit!”

Leaning over the railing of the balcony overlooking the entrance of the temple, Linden
Kleinfelder looked down and twisted his lips in irritation.

[Linden] “They didn’t take the bait. Clever little snakes.”

Taking his uncle’s side, Rafit Kleinfelder was the to speak.

[Rafit] “….And it’s a good thing too. If Princess Rienne had died, the Kleinfelders would’ve
been the first to face the fury of Nauk.”

Rafit, now known as Lopez Kleinfelder, looked down at the entrance with a look of concern
on his face.

At the top of the steps to the Temple was what looked to be a catapult with a heavy boulder
precariously bound to it—something that definitely didn’t belong there.

[Linden] “. . .”

Linden looked at his nephew, turning his shoulders towards him.

[Linden] “Are you serious? We missed a great opportunity to kill the head of that barbaric
tribe in one fell swoop.”
Once the Tiwakan took the bait and tried to storm the Temple by force, he was planning on
releasing the boulder and rolling it down the steps. Everyone would’ve been crushed to
death or they would’ve been forced to jump over the side of the cliff in order to escape it.

Of course the priests and Princess Rienne would perish as well, but Linden hardly cared
about that.

[Rafit] “You can’t deny it. Princess Rienne is beloved by the people of Nauk, so killing her
recklessly would be unwise.”

[Linden] “You fool…. Don’t tell me you still love her? That dirty wench?” (2)

[Rafit] “Watch your tongue, uncle.”

The man, once the eldest son now with a new name, narrowed his eyes. A flash of blue rage
cut through his expression like a blade.

[Rafit] “I won’t allow anyone to speak that way about Princess Rienne in front of me. Not
after what she put herself through to save me.”

T/N: (1) Reference to the rumor that said he was basically immortal because the God of
Death rejects him.

(2) The word Linden uses to describe Rienne can mean a lot of things, but generally is a
derogatory term meaning an unclean/promiscuous/wily woman.

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost

Shout out to my friend Ghost for helping me edit the few chapters ❤ It was a lot easier
thanks to them
A Barbaric Proposal C22

Chapter 22 | Requiem (2)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


It was windy and from his delicate position on the window frame, the gusts were especially
perilous to him.

But carried on that dangerous wind was an even more dangerous whisper.

He could hear Rienne’s voice.

[Rienne] –‘Let’s go to another room first.’

Standing where he was, he couldn’t see into the room but at the sound of her voice, his ears
perked up.

[Rienne] –‘The… room over.’

She wasn’t talking to that monstrous man. That message was meant for Rafit.

It was like she was trying to tell him that she’d risk her life in order to get that barbarian to
leave the room. All so he could escape safely.

Now Rafit was certain their love hadn’t died yet.

Rienne was only doing this because she was being forced to.

As a daughter of House Arsak, Rienne was an honorable woman. She would never allow
herself to admit she was still in love with someone else while she was engaged to another.

Even if the marriage was one she didn’t want, Rienne’s heart was ever noble.

That meant Rafit had an obligation to take her back himself.

[Linden] “You’ve always been blind when it came to that woman, but it’s gotten worse.”

Linden said to his nephew as Rafit shook his head at him.

[Rafit] “I’m not blind. I can see perfectly clearly.”

Until now, Rafit had no idea what Rienne’s true feelings were.

She never expressed any desire to sleep with him so he didn’t think she cared for him all
that much. He always felt as though his love for her ran deeper than hers did for him.

But he knew better now. He wouldn’t allow himself to doubt her again.

[Rafit] “So remember, uncle. You can never take direct action against Princess Rienne.”

[Linden] “What?”

[Rafit] “Rest assured that man will never gain control over Nauk.”

Linden’s lips twitched.

[Linden] “Do you not realize the position we’re in? What if the Princess truly does end up
marrying that savage? Does that not make our family look like a couple of fools?”

[Rafit] “I won’t let that happen.”

Rafit spoke with clear and staunch determination in his eyes.

[Rafit] “I’ll make sure I get her back before then.”

[Linden] “. . .”
Linden clicked his tongue but he didn’t say anything further.

Though even if he did, Rafit would’ve just ignored him. Truthfully, he didn’t care one bit
what anyone else had to say.

Rienne’s wedding was just over ten days away.

Before that day ever came to pass, he needed to find a way to get her back.


[Black] “What happened to your hand?”

Their ride back to the castle from the Temple was the same as their ride there. The only
difference was the gloomy look on Rienne’s face and how weak her body felt.

As they passed people in the streets, everyone looked a little bit confused. They didn’t
understand why Rienne was riding a horse back to the castle while she was supposed to be
at the funeral.

But it wasn’t like Rienne could tell them she had no choice but to leave to avoid Linden
Kleinfelder’s tricks.

[Rienne] “…Huh? Oh… it’s nothing. I was just distracted for a moment and ended up cutting
myself with scissors.”

With her head stuck in a storm of thoughts, Rienne responded seconds too late. She had
entirely forgotten she was hurt until Black brought it up.

Noticing his gaze reaching her hand, she recoiled and tried to hide her injury.

[Rienne] “I’m alright now.”

After using medicine to stop the bleeding, the wound was hardly noticeable. He must have a
good eye if he was able to see it.

[Black] “You should get a different pair of scissors then.”

Those words brought out an unconscious chuckle from Rienne. There was no way she
could afford to do something like that. It would be much faster just to ask Mrs. Flambard
not to sharpen the blade too much time.

[Rienne] “It was only a minor accident. It’s nothing you need to worry about. I’ll just be
more careful in the future.”
Rienne reached out and took Black’s hand as he again helped her down. It was far too easy
to forget that she needed to be careful around him whenever they touched.

[Rienne] “I’ll go inside now. Thank you for allowing me to ride with you.”

Rienne turned around to make her way inside the castle, keeping her head low to avoid eye

But Black was a lot faster than her.

When she started walking away, she could have sworn he was behind her. And yet,
somehow, he was suddenly standing in front of her.

[Rienne] “……?”

This man could move faster than anyone the moment he decided to.

[Rienne] “Was there something you wanted to say?”

[Black] “There is.”

[Rienne] “Then speak your mind.”

His pale blue eyes glimmered just before he said anything.

[Black] “Is it really that bad that you couldn’t attend the funeral?”

[Rienne] “….I don’t know. Maybe.”

Rienne didn’t realize this, but she had a worried look on her face the whole time they were
riding back to the castle.

But her extremely troubled expression didn’t escape Black’s notice.

[Rienne] “I’ve never had to deal with something like this before. I don’t know exactly what
the fallout will be but I know it can’t be good, considering who Linden Kleinfelder is…..”

Rienne hesitated. She wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to talk about the people of Nauk as if
they’re the enemy to an outsider. (1)

[Rienne] “……He isn’t the kind of person to let this sort of thing go.”

[Black] “Then I’ll handle the funeral.”

[Rienne] “What?”

Rienne’s emerald eyes widened.

But how….? No….more importantly, why?

[Black] “We’ll change the date or the location if we have to.”

[Rienne] “If only that were possible……but if the Tiwakan were to do anything….”

It would be perceived as a use of force. Given how delicate the situation was, that definitely
wasn’t a good idea.

But Black was already aware of Rienne’s fears.

[Black] “I wasn’t planning on using force.”

[Rienne] “Then what will you do?”

[Black] “I don’t know, but I’ll figure something out. Give me until tomorrow.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Can I believe that? Can I trust what he says?

Everyone was saying he had ulterior motives. They kept trying to tell her that one way or
another he would try to take his revenge.

So why?

Why act like he was going to do something for her? Like he was worried?


[Rienne] “Why are you doing this?”

In the end, the question was too overwhelming and she asked without pause.

[Black] “What do you mean?”

[Rienne] “I want to know why you’d care about the funeral, Lord Tiwakan.”

[Black] “Is there a reason why I shouldn’t?”

[Rienne] “This funeral….”

….Is happening because of you. To give peace to those you killed.

[Black] “I’m your fiancé now, Princess.”

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan–”

[Black] “That makes your responsibilities my own. It’s my duty to make sure you’re safe.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

I don’t get it…….What does this man even want with me?

[Rienne] “Is that all it is?”

[Black] “Do you think there’s something more to it?”

That’s what everyone else was saying.

[Rienne] “Are you truly just doing this to fulfill your obligation as my fiancé? There’s no
other reason?”

[Black] “Why are you…”

Hearing Rienne’s remark, Black was about to respond before slowly frowning instead.

[Black] “I suppose I’m still not that close to you, Princess.” (2)

She couldn’t argue.

Ever since she heard Weroz’s mysterious message, these incessant doubts just grew
stronger by the minute. Anytime Black said or did anything, Rienne couldn’t shake the idea
that there was some hidden meaning behind it.

[Black] “Would it be easier if I said there was a reason?”

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan—”

Black cut off Rienne’s words, his face straightening out into his usual neutral expression.

[Black] “In that case, then yes, I have another reason for doing this. If I deal with the
funeral, then I want you to give me something, Princess.”

[Rienne] “Something…from me?”

[Black] “What can you offer me?”


Rienne had a troubled look on her face. No matter what he wanted from her, she couldn’t
think of anything valuable she could give him.

[Rienne] “…Given the situation in Nauk, I don’t have much I can give you, Lord Tiwakan.
But please know that my desire to give you something in return is true.”
[Black] “Then I want what you offered me before. I want to change rooms.”

[Rienne] “A room….? You mean the bedroom you’re staying in?”

[Black] “I want the room to yours, Princess. As your fiancé.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

The moment Rienne heard those words, her face paled.

The room she was presently using was where generations of Nauk rulers slept. It was a
place that could not be accessed directly from the hallway, but rather from the bedroom to

Considering they even had a shared bathroom, the two bedrooms functioned more like one.

Naturally, the long empty room was always intended for use by her future husband.

[Rienne] “That’s….”

[Black] “Is that a problem?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

His intentions were obvious.

If he moved into that bedroom, they’d essentially be sharing a single space. Whatever
Rienne did, whoever she met with—he’d be the first to know everything.

[Rienne] “Once we’re married that room will be yours, but for now….”

[Black] “If we wait until the wedding then it wouldn’t work as payment.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “Will you allow it?”

Rienne closed her eyes for just a moment before opening them again.

….Okay. If that’s how he wants to do things.

There was a reason why those rooms were built as if they were one. It was designed to
keep the spouse of Nauk’s ruler from committing any acts of betrayal.

If this man was planning on using this as an opportunity to watch her, then that meant she
could keep an eye on him too.

Whatever his true intentions were, she’d find them out.

[Rienne] “Very well.”

Rienne nodded.

[Rienne] “I will allow it, so long as you can handle the issue with the funeral. But please
remember, I don’t want you to kill anyone. I don’t wish to see any more bloodshed in

[Black] “Then I’ll change rooms tomorrow.”

Black grabbed Rienne’s hand.

At first she thought he would just cement their agreement by taking her hand, but instead
his lips found her injured finger.
[Black] “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The moment she felt something touch her finger, she felt a sensation of fire pass to her. As
he noticed Rienne shrink away from him, Black looked at Rienne.

[Black] “Take care of your hands.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “Now then.”

Black released her hand, saying his goodbyes with his eyes rather than his words as he
turned around and started walking away.

What will he do….?

All Rienne could do was stand there, watching Black’s back as he disappeared into the

Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

Could she truly just leave something so important regarding Nauk to him? But at the same
time she couldn’t help this sense of expectation she held in her heart.

It was like the idea of Black failing was entirely unimaginable.


[Maslow] “Ah, Princess?”

Maslow was in the King’s office.

Sitting at the desk, he looked to be hard at work on something, but dropped his pen in
embarrassment the moment he noticed Rienne.

[Rienne] “What’s wrong, sir?”

[Maslow] “Weren’t you supposed to be at the funeral?”

So you came here thinking I’d be away.

Rienne casually glanced down towards what Maslow was writing.

[Rienne] “The Kleinfelders disallowed me entry on account of me being too disrespectful. I
didn’t even get to set foot in the Temple. But more importantly, what were you doing?”

[Maslow] “Oh…well… I just thought we’d need… a letter of appointment for knighthood
soon….” (3)

[Rienne] “A letter of appointment?”

[Maslow] “That’s…”

Whenever he tried to talk, Maslow kept averting his gaze away from her. Obviously
whatever he was doing was underhanded.

[Rienne] “You were planning on doing something like that without my approval?”

[Maslow] “It’s…. what Lord Kleinfelder wished for….”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Of course it was. There was no one but Lord Kleinfelder who was arrogant enough to do
something so brazen.

[Rienne] “Give it to me.”

When Rienne reached out her hand, Maslow ashamedly shook his head.

[Maslow] “I was planning on showing it to you once I finished. It requires your seal,

[Rienne] “Then I’ll take a look at it now.”

[Maslow] “No, you don’t have to do that….”

[Rienne] “Is that so?”

[Maslow] “. . .”

[Rienne] “I’m sure you must’ve smudged the ink when you dropped your pen earlier. You’d
have to start over anyway, so you might as well show it to me.”

Biting his lip, Maslow eventually relented and held out the letter he was writing.

[Rienne] “….Hah.”

After reading the first two lines, Rienne immediately sighed.

[Rienne] “Lopez Kleinfelder…. That’s his new name now?”

[Maslow] “Princess!”

Maslow’s eyes quickly darted around in surprise.

[Maslow] “What would you do if someone heard you?”

[Rienne] “Ha…”

Rienne let out another exasperated sigh when Maslow expressed the belief that the
Tiwakan still didn’t know Rafit was still alive.

[Rienne] “Reject it.”

[Maslow] “Princess.”

Even though he looked flustered and off put just moments ago, suddenly Maslow’s
expression turned serious.

[Maslow] “You know what you’re saying, correct?”

[Rienne] “They want to grant him the title of a knight, which in turn would allow him as an
‘illegitimate’ son to be a noble. Am I getting this right so far? The royal family must seem
like quite the joke to the Kleinfelders.”

Not just a joke but also an eyesore they needed to get rid of.

[Maslow] “…..It wouldn’t be wise to say no, Princess.”

Maslow once again tried to advise Rienne.

[Maslow] “You said earlier you couldn’t even enter the Temple for the funeral. If Lord
Kleinfelder hears you’ve rejected this, things will get worse.”

This was a reality Rienne was all too familiar with. She instinctively frowned.

[Rienne] “’Worse’ how?”

[Maslow] “Princess.”

[Rienne] “Did he say anything specific? If I don’t recognize his illegitimate son as being a
member of his family, how will he make me pay, I wonder?”

T/N: (1) Reference to when she mentioned how Linden planned on weaponizing the people
of Nauk through rumor mongering.

(2) This phrase is literally “for (the) princess” + (I am) distant/far away”, indicating that
Rienne thinks of him as someone she isn’t close enough with to trust in that way. It sounds
awkward in English so I had to change the phrasing, but I still thought the literal translation
was interesting enough to point out.

(3) A “letter of appointment” is an official notice granting one a specific role, duty, or
position as recognized by whoever is in charge. In this context, Rafit would need one in
order to regain his knighthood under his new identity.

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost

astral comment: oh Rafit…..I have no words for you, buddy.

ghost comment: Okay but we love a man who notices something is wrong and is instantly
super willing to fix it for you. Now that’s my kink.
A Barbaric Proposal C23

Chapter 23 | Requiem (3)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


Maslow didn’t want to answer that question, but that was to be expected.

There was a difference between snidely giving Rienne advice versus openly talking about
the kinds of atrocities the Kleinfelders were capable of committing.

In that way, Maslow wasn’t that shameless.

[Maslow] “Make you pay? I didn’t mean it like that.”

[Rienne] “No? Did I just imagine you saying that things will ‘get worse’?”

[Maslow] “I only meant to say that Lord Kleinfelder would be upset.”

[Rienne] “Upset enough to harm the royal family?”

[Maslow] “Harm? I-I never said that.”

[Rienne] “Easy for you to say, sir. Words leave no trace once they’re said, making them far
too easy to deny when it’s convenient for you.”

[Maslow] “….Cough.”

At a loss for words, Maslow just awkwardly coughed.

[Rienne] “But I will warn you now. Though they leave no trace, you cannot take such
words back once you’ve spat them out.”

[Maslow] “. . .”

Maslow decided to stay quiet.

He couldn’t deny the validity of Rienne’s words, but that didn’t mean the world would spin
the way she wanted it to. Nauk was tailored to suit the taste of the Kleinfelders.

Rienne knew that better than anyone.

[Maslow] “I’ll rewrite the appointment letter.”

[Rienne] “Then please tell them I won’t approve it so easily.”

Rienne’s voice was strong and resolute, but unmistakably tired.

She was tired of constantly having to meet the Kleinfelder’s demands but it was a
circumstance she had become far too used to.

Linden Kleinfelder would never give up on reinstating Rafit’s status as a noble and a knight.
For now, it was best to follow Maslow’s advice and get something from them in return
before they lashed out violently.

[Rienne] “Ask Lord Kleinfelder how much of the royal family’s debt he’s willing to forgive.
We’ll see how much he values his son’s status.”

[Maslow] “. . .”

Maslow appeared confused, but eventually he nodded.

[Rienne] “Now go.”

[Maslow] “Your seal….”

[Rienne] “Not until he agrees to my terms.”

[Maslow] “…Yes, Princess.”

And then Maslow left.

[Rienne] “Hah…..”

After that, Rienne released a long and heavy sigh.

[Rienne] “Another secret to add to the pile.”

The situation was just asking for the Tiwakan to misunderstand. Not only did Rafit
suddenly appear in her bedroom and hide there, but now he was trying to be reinstated as
an official knight.

That man would probably think Rienne was trying to keep her old love close to her.

[Rienne] “I feel awful.”

And for some reason, Rienne didn’t like that.

If Black somehow came to the conclusion that she was still entangled with Rafit, it felt
strangely like she was being accused of something.

[Rienne] “…..What a pointless idea.”

Rienne shook her head with bitterness in her eyes.

[Rienne] “I sound like someone who’s afraid of getting caught having an affair. It’s not like
that at all.”

More importantly, it was better to think about how Black was going to handle the funeral
like he said.

[Rienne] “I hope no blood is shed tonight….”

Then late at night…. the news came to her.

No blood was spilled but there was an accident.



[Rienne] “…..What did you just say?”

Rienne was completely shocked hearing the news brought to her by the guards, her lips
slightly parted in surprise.

It was late at night and the moon was covered by a blue haze, but strangely the bells that
were supposed to toll until midnight were absent. That was when the graves were to be
sealed with dirt and God was meant to descend to retrieve the souls of the deceased.

[Captain] “Well…..At first we thought it wasn’t a big problem.”

But the chain that supported the bell hanging from the tower had broken.

It couldn’t have snapped because of rust. Though it was old, the priests took great care to
maintain it every single day.

But regardless, the accident ended up causing a bit of a scene. Everyone who was able
rushed to the tower and said that they needed to hang the bell again before they could

And yet the funeral continued. The High Priest made the order to press on with the burial.
All that remained was to take the coffins from the Temple to the cemetery in order to do it.

[Captain] “But then….”

As he talked, he had a look on his face that screamed disbelief.

[Captain] “Then a rock fell from the sky…..”

[Rienne] “What?”

[Captain] “I didn’t believe it either but that’s what the witnesses claimed. A big rocked
rolled down and… well uh…..destroyed the steps leading to the Temple.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne couldn’t believe it either.

She didn’t know how, but she knew Black was responsible.

He didn’t hurt anyone……but destroyed the path instead.

The only way to the reach the Temple was by taking the path of God, the steep stairs up the
cliff. For that reason, the Temple was completely isolated. There was no other road they
could take to get the bodies to the cemetery.

That meant the funeral needed to be delayed. At least until they could rebuild the stairs.

[Rienne] “That….doesn’t make any sense.”

In reality, that boulder was the remnants of the trickery attempted by Linden Kleinfelder.

If Rienne had known that, she probably would’ve laughed out loud hearing about it. But
even though she didn’t, she still felt really relieved.

[Captain] “Of course it doesn’t make sense, Princess.”

The new captain awkwardly swept a hand across his forehead.

[Captain] “Now everyone’s worried that God is upset with the High Priest for attempting to
do something so blasphemous.”

[Rienne] “Is that true?”

[Captain] “Yes, you should see the priests, Princess. They’re jumping up and down,
claiming it’s God’s wrath that brought such a tragedy down on them on the same day as the

Rienne quickly covered her mouth.

Though the new captain didn’t notice anything, Weroz would’ve immediately recognized
the subtle mark of a smile on Rienne’s face.

[Captain] “And uh…. There’s also a rumor going around that it’s because you weren’t
allowed at the funeral, Princess.”

[Rienne] “Oh….”

And then the laugh Rienne tried to hold back suddenly burst forth.

[Captain] “P, Princess….?”

The captain lowered his head, his mouth slightly agape as he watched Rienne’s shaking

Oh…. What did he even do? How did he manage to do this?

Did he get a sorcerer to help him or something? (1)

The thing that hurt Rienne’s heart the most about the situation was that she couldn’t
personally comfort the families of those lost during the siege.

Never before had a reigning royal ignored the people who gave their lives to protect them.
This would’ve been the best opportunity to turn the people of Nauk against Rienne.

….And yet somehow it was all being made the High Priest’s fault.

Not a single rumor was being counted against her.

All thanks to the efforts of Lord Tiwakan…..

[Captain] “They say God is angry….. but you seem rather pleased, Princess…..”

The captain murmured with a confused look on his face.

[Rienne] “God is only angry on my behalf.”

[Captain] “What?”

[Rienne] “The High Priest is the one who prevented me from attending the funeral.”

[Captain] “Oh. Does that mean what they said was true?”

[Rienne] “Yes. We should make that news clear. In the name of Castle Nauk’s Guard, make
the announcement in the square tomorrow morning.”

[Captain] “Of course, Princess.”

Rienne spoke again with a cunning smile on her face.

[Rienne] “They’ll need plenty of money to rebuild those stairs. I wonder what the High
Priest will do.”

[Captain] “Huh? You wonder? Well…… for that kind of construction, they’ll certainly need a
lot of money. But….wouldn’t something like that be a lot to take on?”

[Rienne] “Exactly.”

I wonder…. Will Linden Kleinfelder give you all the money you need?

Rienne didn’t know exactly how much it would take, but no doubt it was far more than
what the High Priest was already receiving from Linden. He might have no choice but to
bow his head in the Castle and beg for help.

[Rienne] “Thank you for the good news. You are excused.”

[Captain] “Yes, Princess. Have a good night.”

The captain took a knee in front of Rienne, showing her his respect before quickly leaving.

As she sat alone in the office, things were as quiet as the dead of night, that same blue moon
coming into view.

[Rienne] “It’s a good thing that I stayed up so late.”

So I was able to hear such good news.

As she whispered to herself, Rienne realized something.

When was the last time she’d felt this good? It must’ve been so long ago. Even from the
times before the Tiwakan’s siege on the castle, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d
heard something worth being happy about.


It was strange that the person who made such wonderful news possible after so long was
Black of all people.


It was just after Rienne had readied herself for bed and was sitting down under her covers
that she heard it.


An awkward and quiet knock on her door.

[Rienne] “Is… Is someone there?”

At first, she thought she might’ve misheard it.

Uncertain for a moment, Rienne pulled the blanket off and headed towards the door. When
she put her ear to it, she heard it again—just as soft as before.

Tap, tap.

[Rienne] “. . .”

It sounded like someone was holding their breath, too. As if the person who was knocking
didn’t actually expect her to answer.

…It must be him.

Thinking that, Rienne’s hands were already holding onto the door knob.

[Rienne] “….Ah.”

It was occurring to her that she probably shouldn’t open the door, but before she even had
the chance to stop herself, it was already open and Black was standing right in front of her.

[Rienne] “Why….at this hour….?”

Rienne instinctively whispered, her words trailing off as she did.

[Black] “Can I come in?”

[Rienne] “You….”

She was about to say that he couldn’t, but suddenly her feet were moving backwards like
she was giving him space to come in.

[Black] “Thanks.”

Not missing the chance, he quickly moved through the gap Rienne had created when she
stepped back.


The door shut behind him.

[Rienne] “What brings you here….so late at night?”

Rienne swallowed hard as she talked.

It was dark so she didn’t realize it at first, but Black wasn’t dressed as if he were about to
visit someone’s bedroom. And for whatever reason, though she thought it was dust at first,
his clothes were covered in dirt and grime.

Maybe he just returned to the castle?

Did he come straight to her room without checking to see what he looked like?

[Black] “I wanted to tell you that everything’s been taken care of.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

I already heard.

[Black] “The High Priest will be in contact tomorrow. I left no trace of my involvement, so
don’t worry about what he says.”
[Rienne] “…..Okay. I understand.”

[Black] “And something got broken so it’ll cost some money to fix. Don’t worry about that
either. I’ll take care of it.”

[Rienne] “Okay.”

[Black] “And I think you should be the one to talk to him. That would be better.”

[Rienne] “I agree.”

[Black] “And…… ……that’s all.”

Black sounded uncharacteristically uncomfortable when suddenly he frowned.

[Black] “It’s not enough.”

[Rienne] “Not….enough?”

[Black] “The time.”

[Rienne] “……..?”

[Black] “I had a lot of things I needed to take care of before I got here. I must have spent
more time on the cliff than I thought.”

[Rienne] “The….cliff?”

Somehow, Rienne felt like she knew what he was talking about.

He was talking about the cliff behind the Temple. Considering what he did, he wouldn’t
have been able to take the stairs.

He must’ve climbed up the completely sheer cliff in order to break the chain holding the
bell. Then, while everyone was distracted, he probably prepared the boulder that he used
to break the stairs.

And that’s why he was such a mess right now.

[Black] “I was planning on staying here for the rest of the day to talk to you about
this…..but now there isn’t enough time.”

Whispering almost to himself, suddenly Black changed the subject.

[Black] “This means I can use the room to this one from now on?”

[Rienne] “That’s….”
She didn’t expect him to handle all of this so quickly.


Before she could answer, Black took a step closer.

[Black] “Can I touch you?”

[Rienne] “Where….?’

[Black] “Anywhere is fine. Anywhere you say is okay.”


As he got closer, his form became clearer in Rienne’s vision thanks to the small candle lit by
her bedside.

And that’s when she noticed the hand he was about to place on her cheek was also covered
in dirt.
[Rienne] “Oh, wait….”

Rienne tilted her head away to avoid his hand.

[Black] “…..Ah.”

The moment he saw his own hand in the light of the candle, Black realized it was filthy.

[Black] “You don’t want to be touched by dirty hands like mine.”

[Rienne] “That’s not it.”

As he tried pulling his hand back, Rienne grabbed Black’s wrist and guided him closer to
the candle. There, the back of his hand was clearly visible.

[Rienne] “You’re hurt.”

[Black] “…..?”

It was obvious he didn’t realize it himself. From the surprised look on his face, it seemed
like he was just now noticing the long cut on the back of his hand.

[Rienne] “Did the cliff do this?”

[Black] “I don’t know.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Seeing him covered in dirt and blood made her feel strange inside. In order to bring her the
news that made her the happiest she’d been in a long time, he mangled himself up like this.

He got hurt. He got dirty.

What am I even supposed to say to this?

She even thought for a moment that it would fair if he really was there for revenge… so long
as he didn’t bear any ill will towards her.

Rienne knew how ridiculous of a thought that was.

It was something only the Princess of Nauk could afford to think. (2)

…..Please let it be just a rumor. Please let both Rafit and Lord Weroz be mistaken.


[Rienne] “Come here. I need to clean that wound first.”

Rienne grabbed Black’s wrist and began leading him towards the bathroom adjacent to the

[Black] “Before that.”

Black let her hold onto him, but didn’t move to follow. Instead, he stood completely still and
stubbornly asked his question.

He was acting as if it was more important than anything else. Like nothing could be done
until he heard her response.

[Black] “I want your answer.”

[Rienne] “Answer?”

[Black] “Can I use that room from now on?”

Of course. That was the payment they agreed upon.

[Rienne] “By all means.”

[Black] “One more question.”

Rienne waited for him to speak again.

[Black] “Can I touch you?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Why does he keep asking that?

[Black] “After my hands are clean, obviously.”

[Rienne] “….After your wound is taken care of, rather.”

[Black] “Okay.”

It wasn’t until then that Black finally followed after her.


T/N: (1) Literally “Did (a) magic user help (that) man?” Basically a joke that what he
achieved was so unbelievable, he must’ve had some magical force helping him.
(2) The text implies she knows it to be a selfish thought because even if she as princess was
safe, a lot of other people would suffer, hence it’s coming from a place of privilege to think

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost

astral comment: Black seems really big on the idea of consent…. except for…. you know, the
entire first part of the story lmao. Novels are only fun if I get to clown on the ML.

ghost comment: I kinda love him though ngl

A Barbaric Proposal C24

Chapter 24 | Requiem (4)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


They were lucky there was still water left in the bathroom. Rienne took the dampened cloth
and started using it to clean the wound.

The candle’s wick was short, the flame itself nearly going out several times as it flickered.

But Rienne’s eyes already adjusted to the darkness, so she could easily see things if they
were close enough.

[Rienne] “It must have hurt.”

And now she could see the wound was no small thing.
The severity of it was hard to realize because his hands were so big but if Rienne had the
same injury, no one would question how serious it was.

[Black] “I didn’t notice.”

[Rienne] “How could you not notice something like this?”

[Black] “…..I must’ve been in a hurry.”

It was hard to imagine such a man actually in a hurry.

He looked like he was built like a boulder or a tree. No matter the conditions, rain or wind,
he seemed like he would never be shaken.

I didn’t think there was anything in this world that would actually make him rush like that.

[Rienne] “It’d be for the best if you applied Tiwakan medicine to this wound. It would work

After carefully cleaning the wound of all dirt and blood, Rienne thought for a moment
before asking.

[Rienne] “Would you like to wash your face as well?”

Once his hands were cleared of all dirt, his face only appeared like more of a mess.

[Black] “…………..Yes.”

Black took a deep breath before finally answering.

[Rienne] “Then come a little closer.”

His face was much farther away than his hand. Black quickly got closer and stuck out his
face to her.

[Rienne] “That’s too….”

Too… too close.

While Rienne’s voice barely escaped her, Black settle down with his knees on the floor.

[Black] “Is this good?”

….He’s still really close.

[Rienne] “I’ll do it quickly.”

Then, Rienne started gently wiping his face, starting with somewhere that wasn’t that dirty
to avoid staining the cloth.

….I shouldn’t have offered to do it for him.

Maybe it would’ve been better if she told him to step back a little. Was it because the candle
was burning too bright? For some reason, Rienne could see him crystal clearly.

……He really is handsome.

[Rienne] “Close your eyes, please.”

The second Rienne realized she was looking at him closely, she realized that he was looking
at her too. From this distance, his ice-like gaze felt like all too much.

And he didn’t even look like he was blinking.

[Black] “Why?”

[Rienne] “You’re…..too close.”

[Black] “Even if I wasn’t, you’d still look the same.”

No, it was different.

When they’re this close, nothing could ever be safely hidden.

If he looked too closely, everything Rienne felt when she saw him—all the confusion,
admiration, and bewilderment—he’d see all of it.

[Rienne] “Still, please close your eyes.”

After that, Black murmured slowly.

[Black] “………..I don’t want to.”

[Rienne] “What?”

[Black] “I don’t want to do that.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Where was all this stubbornness coming from?

Rienne wasn’t sure if water had gotten into her eyes or something, but her lips tightened
together as she struggled to see in front of her, rubbing the cloth perhaps a little too hard.

[Rienne] “Ah….!”

But Rienne only ended up surprising herself. As the hair around his forehead was swept
away, suddenly blood began to drip down from his forehead.

[Rienne] “You’re hurt here too!”

In a panic, Rienne started brushing his hair out of the way.

She thought it was just mud that got caked up, but it was all dried blood. It made the wound
on his hand look like nothing.

[Rienne] “Did this somehow escape your notice, too?”

[Black] “I knew about this one. I just thought it would be fine since the bleeding stopped.”

And if Rienne hadn’t agitated it, the bleeding wouldn’t have started up again.

[Rienne] “. . .”

I guess that makes this one my fault.

Rienne’s hands paused, filled with remorse.

[Rienne] “I shouldn’t have touched it.”

[Black] “No.”

As Rienne’s hand was stopped midair, Black grabbed it and pinned it to his face.
[Black] “Keep going. It doesn’t hurt.”
…….There’s no way it doesn’t hurt.

[Rienne] “Let go of me, please. You need to clean that wound with water.”

[Black] “Are you going to do it for me?”

Honestly, what’s going on with him?

He should be able to handle something like this on his own…. Ah, but he hurt his hand, didn’t

With a wound like that, Rienne couldn’t ask him to do it by himself.

Thinking that, she gave a soft nod.

[Rienne] “Yes, if you let me go.”

[Black] “. . .”

Eventually, he relented and Rienne’s hands were freed. Rienne put the cloth down and
began leading him towards the water basin.

[Rienne] “You’ll need to close your eyes.”

Black obediently lowered his head down near the basin and Rienne got to work cleaning
the wound. Immediately, she saw the blood spreading throughout the water as soon as it
rolled off of him.

You’re terribly hurt…..

Why on earth would you leave such a serious wound alone? Why would you come straight
here instead of getting it treated first?

Rienne continued to touch him with caution.

All that was heard in the air was the splashing sound of water and the occasional soft
breath. The two meshed mysteriously in the soft glow of the candlelight.

[Rienne] “I’m almost done. Just a little bit longer.”

It was difficult to see the injury since the light was so dim. As soon as Rienne wished it was
lighter, the candle lit up brighter for just a moment as if to give her false hope.

[Rienne] “Okay, I think that’s it…. Ah.”

But it was just a moment.

Suddenly, the candle went out. The smell of the burnt out wick danced around Rienne’s
nose as the candle’s last embers faded, burning the brightest in its final moments.

[Rienne] “The candle went out.”

[Black] “That’s good.”

That room where the darkness consumed everything carried a different kind of energy.
With every other sense eliminated, suddenly her hearing intensified, every sound tickling
her skin.

Even Black’s low voice echoed out in the room, hitting her ears like a vast tidal wave hitting
her ankles.

[Rienne] “What is…….?”

[Black] “The candle went out right after I finished.”

[Rienne] “……..?”

[Black] “You said I could touch you after I was clean.”

[Rienne] “That’s………Can I ask why, though?”

[Black] “It’s not that important.”


The sound of Black reaching out towards her made her skin prickle, and Rienne breathed in
harshly before he even touched her.


With how dark it was, she thought it would take him a minute to find her but Black quickly
wrapped his arms around Rienne’s waist. Sitting on his knees, he rested his head against
her chest as his hair tickled her skin.

Rienne was so immediately flustered that she didn’t know what to do with her hands.
Eventually, she awkwardly settled them on Black’s head.

It wasn’t the first time she’d had him in her arms, but things felt weirdly different right
now. It was embarrassing.

…..Was it because it was dark?

Lots of people tend to act differently when they can’t see anything.

[Rienne] “But….there must be a reason why….”

[Black] “When the rock fell and hit my head…..”

Black spoke slowly, still holding onto Rienne.

[Black] “Suddenly it came to me… that it would be nice to touch you, Princess.”

[Rienne] “That’s…..a little strange.”

[Black] “I agree. I’ve never felt like this when I’ve gotten hurt in the past.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne thought back to the sight of those massive rocks falling from the cliff side. It was
completely unthinkable to imagine that the only thought Black had in that dizzying moment
was of her.

But why would he think that?

He wasn’t bringing it up, but he could’ve easily died.

Rienne didn’t understand why he wanted this so badly, but that reason alone made her
want to indulge him.

[Rienne] “It must’ve been dangerous.”

Without even thinking about it, Rienne started gently running her fingers through his hair.

[Black] “……My injuries aren’t that serious.”

[Rienne] “But still.”

The two of them stayed like that in the dark for a while. They were completely silent, save
for the sound of Rienne’s hand stroking Black’s head echoing out in that small, dark room.

It’s much softer than it looks.

Eventually, Rienne realized how she was touching his hair but she didn’t stop herself.

I thought it would be rougher than this. (1)

This man had so many different sides to him. If Rienne could take away anything from
today, it was that. She never thought he’d so readily risk his life just to do something for

If he could surprise her in that way, maybe he could surprise her in other ways too. If she
took the time to know him, maybe she’d realize things were different from how they
seemed. (2)
Everyone said what this man desired was revenge, but that could very well be untrue.

[Black] “….Different from what I thought.”

Then, Black whispered a sentiment very similar to her own. Rienne’s hand stopped.

[Rienne] “What is?”

[Black] “You are, Princess.”

[Rienne] “How so?”

[Black] “Before, whenever I asked to touch you, you would just stand still and endure it.”

[Rienne] “That’s…..”

[Black] “So I didn’t think you’d touch me on your own.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “And I didn’t know how happy it would make me when you did.”

Stopping Rienne with his words, Black tilted his head and looked up at her.

[Black] “I’m glad I got hurt.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne stopped breathing. All she could do was watch as he took her hand that was just
caressing his head and pressed his lips against it, giving it a soft and gentle kiss.


It was just as they expected.

With a pale face, the High Priest immediately came to the castle.

According to him, because the stairs to the Temple were destroyed, he had no choice but to
tie a rope to his body and rappel from the top. Apparently he made a few mistakes on the
way down, and he seriously thought he was going to die.

[High Priest] “It’s all God’s wrath!”

The High Priest screamed out. Rienne raised an eyebrow and held back her irritation.
The Temple was a hot spot when it came to gossip. Rumors spread quickly there.

He must be aware that after the stairs collapsed, people were spreading rumors that God
was angry that he disallowed Rienne from attending the funeral.

Now he was shouting loudly in an attempt to counteract it.

[High Priest] “It’s all because those disgusting and filthy Tiwakan are defiling our land
with our presence!”

Sitting in the reception room, Rienne frowned and pressed a finger against her temple.

[Rienne] “That’s not what I heard.”

[High Priest] “What? Are you denying the word of God, Princess?”

[Rienne] “I’m just saying what I heard. They say God is angry because I wasn’t present at
the funeral. Since it was you who made that order, doesn’t that make God’s wrath your
fault, High Priest?”

[High Priest] “How dare you!? Who would spread such a lie about God…!?”

[Rienne] “If God were truly upset with the Tiwakan, they would be the ones facing
punishment. And yet, the Temple’s staircase was destroyed…. Aren’t God’s intentions clear
in this case?”

[High Priest] “……!”

The High Priest was at a loss for words, his mouth agape.

He didn’t think Rienne would bare her fangs like this.

He’s not a very bright man, is he, Rienne thought as the High Priest struggled to pick his jaw
off the floor.

If this was the angle he was planning, then he should have at least brought some evidence
to incriminate the Tiwakan. Black probably climbed the cliff out of sight in anticipation for
something like this.

Things like that made Rienne remember how decisive and astute of a person he was.

[High Priest] “It makes nothing clear.”

After a long while, the High Priest finally stuttered out his argument.

[High Priest] “Why would God be angered by the faithful children? We’re only being
encouraged to rid ourselves of bad seeds, don’t you think?”
His words were echoed by the swath of priests he brought with him.

[Priests] “Indeed.”

Without question, the priests immediately voiced their support.

[High Priest] “So don’t be fooled by those rumors, Princess. God doesn’t hesitate to punish
those guilty of carelessness.”

[Priests] “Indeed.”

Rienne just shook her head at them, her face looking a little tired.

[Rienne] “Hah…..”

Though it was true she was feeling a little spent since this morning.

It was all because she stayed up too late last night. She spent far too much time in that dark

Black eventually stood up and took Rienne in his arms again. Unlike before when he was
sitting, it was a different kind of hug that engulfed her entire body.

When it first happened, Rienne felt like she couldn’t breathe but it was only for a moment.
Over time, it started to feel like that embrace was made just for her. It was such a
comforting feeling that made her feel as though everything would be okay.

By the time they managed to part, the light of dawn had already set in.

Rienne was surprised how quickly time flew. Even though they were doing nothing, she
was amazed how it never felt boring or dull when they were together.

What’s going on with me?

Whenever she was with him, she always seemed to lose track of the time. It was the first
time she’d ever met someone who could do that to her.

[High Priest] “……So that God will……. Never……. Again……… Princess? …..Princess!”

While Rienne was lost in thought, thinking about something entirely different, suddenly the
High Priest’s voice rose in volume and interrupted her.

[Rienne] “…..Go on.”

Rienne came to her senses, slightly turning her head towards the High Priest. Her
expression was so calm, the High Priest found no fault in it.

[Rienne] “And? What is it you came here for?”

The High Priest likely wanted to say that the steep price to repair the stairs could not be
paid for by the Temple.

[High Priest] “You must make an offering so that something like this will never happen
again. And the ungodliness and filth of the Tiwakan must be punished.”

[Rienne] “And how do you propose I do that?”

He’s just here to spew more nonsense, again.

Who else could even do that?

The High Priest and the Kleinfelders just sat back and told Rienne what to do. Their
audacity was almost impressive. They never intended to leave Rienne alone.

They didn’t seem to realize that Rienne’s existence was the only thinking keeping this
kingdom safe, as it always has been.

Completely oblivious, the High Priest proudly spoke his absurdities.

[High Priest] “Delay your marriage.”


T/N: (1) There’s no subject here so this phrase as well as the one about it being ‘soft’ can
have a double meaning. Rienne is talking about both his hair and his personality/character.

(2) Literally ‘to experience/understand something’. The literal translation is a bit ( °͡ ͜ʖ ͡°) in
English, so we had to rephrase it lol.

Note: they named the High Priest “Milrod” previously, but they refer to him as “the High
Priest” throughout the chapter, so I stuck with it.

astral comment: You know when dogs put their little heads on your leg or something cause
they want you to pet them? That’s all I could think about this chapter.

ghost: the soft vibes in this chapter are immaculate.

A Barbaric Proposal C25

Chapter 25 | Requiem (5)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


[Rienne] “What?”

He wants her to delay the wedding?

Did he even know what he was saying? How could he think such a thing was even possible?

[High Priest] “No wedding can be allowed until the lady of Nauk absolves herself of her
sins. If you ignore the will of God, no doubt a great tragedy will occur.”

[Rienne] “Do you know what you are asking of me?”

Rienne clenched her fists and bit back. Her actions didn’t escape the High Priest’s notice,
but still he pressed on.

[High Priest] “The will of God is insurmountable, Princess. You must know this.”
[Rienne] “And you, High Priest Milrod, must know you are disgracing the royal family by
claiming to know God’s will.”

The High Priest let out a huff of air hearing Rienne’s calm yet sarcastic words.

[High Priest] “I am a servant of God. As such, I represent God’s ideals, daughter of Arsak.”

[Rienne] “And what exactly did God say to you? Did you perhaps receive a vision in your
dreams telling you to prevent the wedding?”

[High Priest] “You…… how could you be so dismissive of God? It’s becoming clearer and
clearer that the trial set before the people of Nauk is to punish you, daughter of Arsak!”

The High Priest would never have dared to say something like this to her in the past.

This felt off. It was like he was trying to drive Rienne into a corner.

While she didn’t know for certain, Rienne had a sinking suspicion that the High Priest was
sent here by the Kleinfelders to try and stop the wedding by any means necessary.

This was never about fixing the stairs. It was always about the wedding.

[Rienne] “Watch yourself, High Priest. This isn’t the Temple. You’re in my castle now.”

Rienne was good at keeping a calm face, even as she held back her anger through clenched
fists. But this time, she couldn’t hold it back anymore.

[Rienne] “The royal castle isn’t bound by religious law. I have the right to punish those
who dare use their tongues to insult the royal family.”

[High Priest] “Unfortunately, you cannot marry without the permission of God—“

Just as the High Priest started talking—

[Black] “I’m late.”


The sound of the reception room door cried out into the air as Black pushed them open
with both hands.

[High Priest] “…..”

The High Priests face quickly turned a sickly yellow color.

[High Priest] “W…why….why would a mercenary….be here………”

Immediately Rienne almost reflexively sighed.

Thinking about it, the High Priest probably didn’t see something like this coming. He likely
just followed along with the Kleinfelders, letting them push his back to the castle—insisting
this man wouldn’t be able to interrupt the meeting.

[Rienne] “Welcome, Lord Tiwakan. Please, take a seat.”

But instead of correcting the High Priest, Rienne invited Black to her side.

The act made official his position as the Princess’ betrothed as well as the leader of the
Arsak family’s Guardian Knights.

Black quickly realized Rienne’s intentions.

Without a single word, he took the seat right by Rienne. He was so silent when it did it that
it felt like the most natural thing in the world. As if it was only right.

[Rienne] “Now where were we? Ah, right. You were saying that God wanted you to
sabotage the wedding. Did he happen to tell you how long we needed to put it off?”

[The High Priest] “I…..”

The High Priest paused and averted his eyes. He couldn’t even begin to look in Black’s
direction, who was just sitting to Rienne.

…..It’s working.

Though she didn’t realize it, Rienne gave a bitter smile.

She was happy to see the High Priest so flustered and put off, but she couldn’t help but find
his sudden and obvious change in attitude a little bothersome.

It just proved how little the High Priest thought of her– that he saw her as someone who
was easy to push around.

[High Priest] “The wedding will happen….once God allows it…..”

[Rienne] “And how will we know when that is?”

[High Priest] “A-as a servant of God, their words will speak through me……”

[Black] “So in the end, you’re the problem after all.” (1)

[High Priest] “Hu…h?”

The High Priest swallowed hard.

Black idly tapped the armrest of his chair with his fingers, the sound making the High Priest
shakily raise his head up towards him.

Then as soon as he met that cold gaze, his body became like a statue.

[Black] “I will give you a choice. Either you use that mouth of yours to give us permission,
or I will force it out of you.”

[High Priest] “. . .”

The High Priest’s jaw stiffened. It wasn’t immediately clear if he understood the
implications of those words or if he was simply surprised he, as the High Priest, was being
shown no respect.

[Black] “I must’ve phrased it too kindly. Then I’ll say it again. Open your mouth on your
own or I will tear you apart.”

[High Priest] “Wha-what….. How dare you!”

Finally the High Priest found his voice, loud enough to make the entire reception room

But in the end, it was all just words.

Black looked down at him, his fingers still tapping the armrest.

[Black] “Quiet.”

[High Priest] “……?”

[Black] “Don’t raise your voice in the presence of royalty.”

[High Priest] “. . .”

[Black] “Make your choice. Your own will or be torn to pieces.”

[High Priest] “. . .”

It wasn’t that the High Priest’s jaw had stiffened. He just couldn’t speak. He was terrified of
ever allowing his voice to echo out in the room again.
[Black] “If you don’t choose, then I will.”


Black hit the armrest in a rhythmic pattern.




As soon as he heard the third sound, the High Priest squeezed out his voice.

[High Priest] “You can’t do this! You can’t do something like this to a servant of God……!”

But that was all he could manage.

As if those rhythmic sounds were a signal, the doors to the reception hall slammed shut.

[High Priest] “Wait!”

Quickly, the High Priest as well as the priests he brought with him turned their backs, but
the firmly shut door remained closed.

[High Priest] “Princess, open the door!”

Amidst all of that, Rienne was the only person the High Priest could cling onto. A savage
might be incapable of communicating normally, but Rienne wasn’t.

Even the royal family of Nauk had no right to make a fool of a servant of God like this.

[High Priest] “Princess!”

[Black] “If she wants me to open it, then I will.”

Black spoke slowly in his usual emotionless voice. It made him terribly hard to understand,
but even so, one thing was abundantly clear.

Rienne was the only person capable of the controlling the leader of the Tiwakan.

[Rienne] “…….Thank you for the offer, but we’re still in the middle of a conversation. It
would be best if we kept it closed until we’ve figured things out.”

Rienne was aware of that as well. More specifically, she was aware what Black was trying to
make clear to the High Priest.
As long as the Tiwakan were present, the High Priest could never speak with such
disrespect towards Rienne as he did before.

No, not just that.

If he wanted to leave safely, then he needed Rienne to help him, for the leader of the
Tiwakan would never open those doors unless she asked him to.

[Rienne] “Now then, let’s talk properly. Why must we delay the wedding?”

[High Priest] “. . .”

Like iron, the High Priest’s face completely hardened.

Never again would he say that the marriage needed to be delayed because God couldn’t
tolerate the Tiwakan’s defiled existence.


After that, the conversation ended without any major concerns.

By the end of their talk, the High Priest had become like a different person. He only ever
nodded obediently before quickly leaving.

Though of course, there was a price.

Black agreed to pay the full cost of repairing the steps to the Temple. Only then could the
High Priest officiate their vows, as per the duty afforded his position.

The funeral that was interrupted was set to be completed that evening in Castle Nauk’s
chapel, with a group of Tiwakan mercenaries being tasked to move the coffins.

Something like that made it impossible for anyone, let alone the High Priest, to claim that
God couldn’t tolerate the ‘filthy’ Tiwakan. If the ‘filthy’ didn’t carry the coffins, then the
bodies would be left to rot in the Temple until the stairs were fixed.

Rienne was a bit surprised by the outcome. It was the first time she’d ever negotiated
things so one-sidedly, not making a single concession.

[Rienne] “This was a bit unexpected.”

Once the High Priest and his retinue ran off with their tails between their legs, only Rienne
and Black remained in the reception hall.
[Rienne] “I didn’t realize the High Priest was such a coward.”

The bitter smile on Rienne’s face revealed so much of all she’d been through.

[Black] “I’m glad you’re pleased with the results.”

‘Pleased’ didn’t seem like the right word. It was too weak of an expression to describe how
Rienne felt right now.

[Rienne] “But I think you agreed to take on too much financial burden.”

Rienne added, looking up at Black. It was something that had been on her mind the entire

[Rienne] “You shouldn’t have to pay for all of that, even if the High Priest was insisting on
delaying the wedding.”

[Black] “It’s fine. I have enough to spend on whatever I want.”

[Rienne] “But still…..”

It was too large of a cost to speak of it so casually.

[Black] “Would it be rude of me to tell you not to worry about money in the future?”

Rienne thought for a moment before replying.

[Rienne] “……No.”

Nauk’s financial hardships were far too long standing to be prideful when it came to that.
Rienne wasn’t even sure how much longer they’d be able to last.

Over the past year, all she could do was try and get through, day by day—praying for more

[Rienne] “I don’t think it is.”

[Black] “Then don’t worry.”

It was amazing to hear him say that so easily.

That was probably why Rienne was starting to misunderstand him. She was actually
starting to think he was a good person. That he was truly on her side and was doing what
he could to help her.

But what does he stand to gain by risking so much to ensure this wedding happens?

[Black] “……If you can, that is.”

Rienne pushed down her feelings and simply nodded.

If Weroz returned, anything Black was trying to hide would be revealed anyway.

Then….until that happens…..I think it’s okay to keep feeling reassured by him.

Just for a little bit longer, at least.

[Rienne] “Thank you, Lord Tiwakan. It’s because of you that everything in regards to the
funeral and the wedding is being dealt with so smoothly.”

[Black] “. . .”

Rienne’s thanks towards Black was sincere. She meant every word. But instead of speaking
to her in kind, he stayed quiet and stared intently at Rienne.

[Rienne] “Is…..everything alright?”

[Black] “Interesting.” (2)

[Rienne] “What do you mean?”

[Black] “I want to hear you say it again. I want to know if you’re being serious.”

….Was my thanks insufficient?

[Rienne] “You have my sincerest thanks. I mean this honestly and truly.”

[Black] “Not that. I’m taking about the wedding.”

[Rienne] “Was there something wrong?”

[Black] “Is it true you don’t want to delay it?”

[Rienne] “Of course I……. Ah.”

Just a second too late, Rienne realized the meaning behind his words. At some point, she
had started to treat the wedding as something that would happen no matter what.

As Rienne’s words stopped, her lips slightly parted, Black’s eyes scanned over her face. It
was like he was looking for any sign of a lie hidden on her face.

[Black] “Of course?”

[Rienne] “Of course…..I don’t want to delay it.”

[Black] “. . .”
At Rienne’s answer, Black thought for a moment before his mouth began to tug on either


Now Rienne was the one staring.

He’s smiling.

It was such a small change but the difference was too much for Rienne.

I’ve never seen him make that face before.

[Black] “Then it’s not a waste of money.

Black said as his smile lingered.

This man could say something like that… with that kind of face. It made it look like he was
actually happy to marry her. The idea made her feel… strange.

At this rate, Rienne really would start to misunderstand him.

Thinking he’s a good person is one thing….

..But to think he might actually like me?

Now, the wedding was only a few days away.


[Linden] “That idiot!”


Linden couldn’t contain his anger and slammed his fist against the table, shaking the ink
bottle and spilling ink all over. Rafit glanced down at the dirty table, but kept quiet.

Eventually Linden gritted his teeth and straightened out the fallen ink bottle.

[Linden] “He couldn’t solve such a simple matter of delaying the wedding? Something like
that should be easy for a High Priest!”

Linden got up, circling the ink-stained table and pacing around the room.

[Linden] “It can’t be helped. We need to find someone else who can do this properly.”

He brought up the nonsense idea of replacing the High Priest so casually that Rafit frowned
and quickly looked up at him.

[Rafit] “What was that, uncle?”

[Linden] “My business with him is concluded. He is of no further use to me.”

[Rafit] “And how do you plan on replacing the High Priest?”

[Linden] “What are you on about? Something like that is simple for our family.”

The High Priest of Nauk was a permanent position.

Only when the present High Priest died could another one be selected.

What Linden Kleinfelder was trying to say was that he wanted to kill the present High
Priest…and that he had done so in the past as well.

T/N: (1) During this section, he refers to the High Priest as being a ‘mouth’, as in the mouth
of God. Because of that, most of the threats were rooted in “opening the mouth” or having it
forced open instead. None of that makes sense or sounds good in English without over
explaining, so most of it had to be rewritten, but the energy is still there.

(2) He uses a term meaning something that is both a little unbelievable but also amazing.

astral comment: Does this count as Rienne’s fan-fiction italicized oh moment?

ghost comment: Like to talk to the artist about not making the CG of this chapter our man’s
smile ;_;

A Barbaric Proposal C26

Chapter 26 | Doubt

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


Rafit looked at his uncle with a displeased expression.

[Rafit] “Since…….Since when has our family been like this?”

Linden clicked his tongue at his nephew, who had a confused and dumbfounded look on his

[Linden] “Have you really been so ignorant all this time?”

[Rafit] “Even without resorting to that kind of thing, the Kleinfelders would still be the
most powerful family in Nauk.”
[Linden] “It’s because we’ve done these things that you’ve been able to live so comfortably,
so really you should be thanking me. And the most powerful, you say? While the throne sits
in the hands of the wrong family?”

[Rafit] “Are you that desperate to control Nauk? That position belongs to Princess Rienne!
Do you have any idea what kind of humiliation and pain she’s suffered because of it?”

[Linden] “That doesn’t mean it belongs to her. She’s just a child who doesn’t even know
how to wield her power correctly.”

It was the Kleinfelders that controlled the flow of things, with their hands firmly planted
around the High Priest’s neck.

[Linden] “Remember that the High Priest must change.”

[Rafit] “. . .”

Rafit’s face turned tired.

[Rafit] “What are you even planning on doing?”

[Linden] “If he cannot fix this problem…..”

The Kleinfelders had all the means they needed to get someone out of the picture. The
difficult part was that their target was the High Priest.

[Linden] “…..Then we just need to find someone who can.”

But truthfully, that wasn’t a problem for Linden.

To him, replacing the High Priest with the right person was more important—a task far
above all else.

[Rafit] “I’m telling you, you can’t do this. What will you do if this gets out? How will you
deal with the consequences of harming a High Priest?”

[Linden] “This is your biggest flaw.”

Linden stared at his nephew, an exasperated sigh escaping him.

[Linden] “You are far too soft and weak. That’s why your woman was so easily taken from

The words were much too pointed, piercing Rafit with precision like the tip of a sharp

[Rafit] “Uncle!”
Immediately, Rafit understandably lost control, showing his anger.

[Rafit] “She wasn’t taken from me. I know Rienne still loves me.”

Rafit was moments away from losing his head over this. In Linden’s eyes, his nephew
appeared pathetic. (1)

[Linden] “You couldn’t keep a handle on a single woman and now this is how things have
turned out. Now that the High Priest is on their side, there’s no chance the wedding will be

[Rafit] “I can fix this.”

[Linden] “How?”

[Rafit] “. . .”

After a quiet moment, Linden had an idea. It was a thought he immediately clung to with
the cunning of a snake.

[Linden] “If the High Priest were to pass away, a new one would need to be selected. In the
meantime, there would need to be a funeral. With no one available to officiate, of course no
wedding could possibly be held. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Something like that would buy them plenty of time. Rafit’s face stiffened.

[Linden] “Today’s a good day, I think. The path to the grave site will be rather dark.”

And darkness was the perfect cover for such a heinous deed.

[Linden] “Just remember. Think about what the right thing to do would be. Or
rather…what would be most beneficial to you.”

[Rafit] “. . .”

Like the early morning view of the moon, a dark plot brewed in the earliest hour.


The destruction of the Temple stairs left a significant impact on the people.
Among those people was an old man— a devastated beggar who once traveled to the
Temple every day for bread and water, given to him by the priests.

[Beggar] “. . .”

The old beggar stood still, staring at the collapsed stairs.

His one eye looked especially glazed over, covered by his dirty, overhanging hair. Though
he had two arms, the beggar couldn’t use one of his hands.

His legs were in no better condition. His destroyed left foot would shakily fall to the ground
whenever he used his cane to help him walk.

The fact that he used such a body to climb up those stairs was nothing short of a miracle.

[Mercenary] “You there! It’s dangerous here, you gotta move out of the way!”

Someone’s voice shouted loudly towards the old man.

It was a Tiwakan mercenary. He was part of the group sent to retrieve the coffins from the
Temple. Normally, someone like that would attract a lot of attention, but surprisingly the
front of the Temple was completely empty.

The people of Nauk were still terrified of the Tiwakan. A lot of them believed maintaining
eye contact with one of them was a quick way to get your head removed.

But the old beggar stared at them without reserve, standing in the middle of the road the
entire time. It made them wonder if he hadn’t heard the rumor or if he had simply lost his

At first the mercenaries paid him no mind, but as the coffins began their descent, he
eventually started to get in the way.

[Beggar] “He……”

Instead of leaving as he was told, the beggar approached the mercenary, trying to talk as he

His voice was heavy with phlegm, like it was boiling in his throat, making him hard to

[Mercenary] “What?”

The beggar struggled to lift his shaky hand, pointing off somewhere.
And the one caught in that old man’s pointed fingertip was Black, sat upon his deeply
colored horse.
[Beggar] “Who…..”

[Mercenary] “Huh? What….?”

[Beggar] “Wh…o…..”

Though the old man couldn’t use his mouth as well as his hands and feet, the mercenary
could vaguely understand what he was trying to say.

He looked back and forth between the old man’s pointed finger and Black.

The Tiwakan were known for being a fighting force more ruthless than anyone else on the
battlefield. But for all their brutality, even they had rules they kept amongst themselves.

One such rule was that they were never allowed to kill an unarmed person without cause
or permission.

The old man didn’t seem to recognize Black, and although the mercenary thought the
question was a little strange, he decided to answer for that reason alone. He just assumed
the old beggar’s eyes weren’t working very well.

[Mercenary] “That man is the leader of the Tiwakan, but to those of us who use that name,
he is our God.”

[Beggar] “. . .”

[Mercenary] “Now that you know, you should get out of here. You’re in the way.”

But the old man didn’t move. His eyes were frozen on Black, as if he were in some kind of

[Mercenary] “Hey, you need to move.”

He couldn’t even hear the mercenary’s words. His lips, covered with the grey hairs of his
beard, were trembling. Quietly, he whispered something entirely inaudible.

Have you finally returned?

Nauk’s sin.

The blood that didn’t spill that day.

Have you come to finish it….?

It was twenty-one years ago that the old beggar first arrived in Nauk.

And it was twenty-one years ago when the nine waterfalls dried up, bringing with them the
signs of an unending drought.


The time had finally come to head to the chapel.

Rienne, dressed in her mourning clothing, replaced the decorations in her hair with that of
a black rose. Mrs. Flambard thought she looked nice like that, but said nothing out of
respect for the funeral.

That day, the gates to the castle would be open.

The funeral was originally going to be at the Temple, but now it was at the royal chapel,
giving even more people the opportunity to attend.

The amount of people heading towards the chapel didn’t escape Rienne’s notice either.

[Rienne] “I think things will be more crowded than they were before.”

At Rienne’s whisper, Mrs. Flambard nodded.

[Mrs. Flambard] “It wouldn’t surprise me. Everyone’s curious.”

[Rienne] “What…oh…”

In the middle of her sentence, Rienne bitterly shut her mouth.

Everyone would be curious about her reaction, is what she was going to say.

They all still thought Rafit was dead, and now they were curious to see Rienne show up to
the funeral of her dead lover in the arms of her new fiancé.

The whole situation was messy.

They might even say terrible things about Black and the Tiwakan, and she couldn’t discount
the possibility of the Kleinfelders trying to start something, stoking the flames and
encouraging such terrible words.

[Rienne] “I should warn Lord Tiwakan.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “If you can’t stop them, best if you tell him beforehand. He’ll be less angry
that way.”

[Rienne] “…..Really?”

Though for some reason, Rienne couldn’t imagine him ever getting angry, even if someone
threw the harshest curses they could at him.

Now I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him get angry before.

But even so, whenever she thought about him, fear, among many other emotions were at
the forefront of her mind.

…..I’m acting so strangely lately.

She didn’t hate him, but though she didn’t fear him, she still felt scared.

[Mrs. Flambard] “What are you thinking about so deeply, Princess?”

After thinking about that person for a long time, Mrs. Flambard tugged at the cloth of
Rienne’s dress.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Watch your step. The road here is uneven. You’ll fall if you’re not

[Rienne] “….Ah.”

Before she knew it, Rienne had already come close to the chapel. She thought she was only
thinking for a moment, but the time disappeared, like it always did when that man was

[Rienne] “I know. I need to pull myself together…..oh.”


Something was stopping her foot. Had she not noticed it, she might’ve even tripped over it.
Rienne, stopping just moments before, looked at down.

The tip of someone’s cane was sticking out from the side of the path. As if they were trying
to catch her attention.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Moving her eyes to the side, she saw an old man holding out his cane.

It was the beggar from the Temple.

[Rienne] “Wait here for a moment, ma’am.”

Rienne knew of the old man. On the occasions she would visit the Temple, she’d bring food
with her to give to him. He never seemed like a bad person, only someone who was hit hard
with a difficult life.

[Rienne] “I have to attend a funeral today so I don’t have anything to share. If you would
like, can you wait until the ceremony is over?”

[Beggar] “. . .”

Without a word, the old man stared at Rienne.

[Rienne] “The coffins will be brought this way soon. Be careful and take your cane so you
don’t hurt your feet too much.”

[Beggar] “…..daugh..ter..of…ak.…… sin….ner……”

[Rienne] “What?”

As he mumbled his beard was covering his lips, so she didn’t quite catch what he said.

[Rienne] “What did you say?”

Rienne leaned towards the old man, urging him to share again.

[Beggar] “Past sins…..must be repaid……with blood…. And now….. the daugh..ter of

Arsak……. will bleed….”

[Rienne] “What are you……?”

Seeing Rienne’s changing expression, Mrs. Flambard stepped in and grabbed her by the

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess! You shouldn’t get too close to strangers. How could you trust
someone you don’t even know?”

[Rienne] “Wait—I think he’s trying to tell me something.”

Having been tasked with watching over the funeral, the Tiwakan were on alert. Noticing the
commotion, a pair of mercenaries rushed over from their posts in the distance.

[Mercenary] “Princess! Are you alright?!”

They quickly swooped in and grabbed the old beggar, roughly dragging him a safe distance
from Rienne.

[Rienne] “Yes, I’m fine but I haven’t finished speaking with him. Could you give us some
space, please?”
[Mercenary] “Oh, really?”

Quickly the two of them stepped aside, but their eyes were still trained on the ragged old
man. Though their intention was to protect her and nothing else, they were still incredibly

Rienne turned to face the old man.

[Rienne] “Can you repeat yourself? What were you trying to say?”

The old man’s lips trembled.

[Beggar] “……” (2)

[Rienne] “……..?”

Thinking she misheard him, Rienne shook her head.

[Black] “Is something going on?”

As soon as Rienne turned her back to see the source of the voice, Black was standing right
behind her.

She didn’t even hear him coming.

[Mercenary] “The Princess had something important to talk about with this man.”

The mercenaries didn’t hesitate to answer as Black approached. Though his posture was
just as loose and relaxed as it was before, for some reason Rienne felt like the air in front of
him had a sudden sharpness to it like a knife.

It showed to her at a glance why his people regarded him as their leader.

[Black] “. . .”

Black glanced down at the beggar.

Immediately, Rienne noticed the old man’s one eye tremble as he shrunk away from Black’s
gaze. As soon as she saw that, suddenly she realized what he was trying to say.

[Black] “I see. Did you need more time?”

He was asking if she wanted to keep talking to him.

[Rienne] “No.”

Quickly, Rienne turned around and held onto Black’s arm, a part of her afraid her hands
might start shaking.
[Rienne] “I don’t think he can speak properly right now. If we spend too much time here,
we’ll be late for the funeral, but if you have anything you’d like to tell me, please come see
me later.”

Her final words were directed towards the old man. His eyes were still shaking as he kept

[Rienne] “Let us be off.”

[Black] “….If you want.”

Black took his opposite hand and placed it over Rienne’s, which was still holding onto his
arm. Then, as her body faltered and she slightly leaned into him, Black stopped and looked
down at her.

[Black] “Are you alright?”

[Rienne] “…..Yes.”

[Black] “You don’t look well.”

She wasn’t well…. not at all. That old man…. He said…..

Rienne bit her lip and tightened the grip she had on Black’s arm.

[Rienne] “I’ll be alright… as long as the funeral ends safely.”

[Black] “I’ve been told to stay on alert.”

[Rienne] “That’s good.”

It wasn’t good. Nothing was. That old man said….

—The daughter of Arsak will bleed.

That quiet, dull voice that was interrupted…. Suddenly the words were connecting so
clearly it was making her head spin.


Who was that old man? How did he know Black?

When everyone told her that he was there for the sake of revenge, was this what they were
talking about?

Did this mean the person he wanted to get revenge against… was her?

[Rienne] “. . .”
Bong! Bong!

The sound of the chapel’s bell shook the idea in her mind.

Her head was a complete mess, her thoughts mixing up with each other.

T/N: (1) They mean “lose his head” in a literal sense here. Like Rafit could do something
stupid and get himself killed.

(2) The word written here can mean many different things, hence Rienne’s initial confusion
as to what he was talking about.

astral comment: There was so much information in this chapter 😭 Rest in peace, me. But
hey, lore!

ghost: Things are starting to get spicy, though.

A Barbaric Proposal C27

Chapter 27 | A Murder at Midnight

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


Ding, dong!

Ringing out were the dozen bells that signaled the start of the funeral, and yet there was no
sign of the ceremony’s commencement.

[Rienne] “This doesn’t make any sense.”

The High Priest, who was meant to lead the ceremony, had vanished. The only ones present
were the priests meant to accompany him, who claimed to know nothing of his

[Rienne] “Who was the last to see High Priest Milrod?”

Becoming anxious, Rienne gathered the priests and clergymen from the Temple together.
They all awkwardly glanced at one another, but none could give a clear answer.

[Rienne] “Someone must’ve seen him. When was the last any of you heard from him?”

[Priest] “Well…..”

The priests quieted, turning and whispering to one another with hushed words before
quickly summarizing the situation.

At the very least, they were certain the High Priest had left the Temple. They could all
clearly remember him making his descent. Once the priests made their way down, the
coffins came . All six of them were loaded onto a cart.

But then some of them claimed to see the High Priest get on a horse. Some didn’t.

Essentially, none of them could track the High Priest’s location after he arrived at the royal

[Rienne] “Who was tasked with supporting him during all of this?”

[Priest] “That’s…..”

And the answers became murky again.

The ones who served the High Priest closely were those lower in the hierarchy. They
usually would choose one among the young clergymen, and they’d take turns attending to

[Priest] “No one was selected to follow him from the Temple today.”

But the High Priest didn’t have an attendant this time around. They said he didn’t need one
because so many priests were sent with him, so the additional help was unnecessary.

[Rienne] “Then we’ll just need to find others who may have seen something.”

It was the Tiwakan who were tasked with moving the coffins.

Just behind the altar were the six coffins, and beyond even that were the ones meant to
watch over the proceedings—sitting in chairs or kneeling on the floor.

As she stood in front of the altar, Rienne turned back and looked at Black, sitting among the
pews, right in the front row.

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan.”

The look on his face made it clear he knew something had happened.
[Black] “What’s wrong?”

[Rienne] “The High Priest has gone missing. Would it be possible to speak with the people
who accompanied him from the Temple?”

[Black] “Yes.”

Black gave a soft and gentle answer and gestured his head behind him. Despite how small
and insignificant of a movement it was, Phermos immediately understood the signal.

[Phermos] “Yes, my Lord.”

[Black] “The High Priest is gone. Did you know anything about this?”

[Phermos] “What? The High Priest?”

It looked like this was the first Phermos was hearing about it.

[Phermos] “How could that happen…….? We’ll find him immediately.”

[Black] “If there was an incident, there must be intent behind it.”

[Phermos] “Of course, my Lord.”

Phermos quickly left the chapel.

It was becoming clear even to the onlookers who came for the funeral that something had
happened. Quiet and low murmurs began to spread through the crowd.

[Rienne] “Who do you think could have done this?”

Rienne whispered to him with a soft voice. When he said ‘intent’, there was only one way to
interpret that.

[Black] “Someone who takes issue with this.”

[Rienne] “Ah…..right.”

Rienne glanced over towards where the Kleinfelders were sitting in the pews. Linden was
there, but Rafit was nowhere to be found. They were still conscious of Rafit’s face being

Linden Kleinfelder was definitely suspicious if they discovered there was intent behind the
incident, but it still didn’t make sense.

This funeral was meant to mourn Rafit Kleinfelder. At the very least, they needed to look
upset that their eldest son’s parting rites were being delayed.
[Rienne] “I don’t know what they’d gain from doing this. They may not like that the funeral
is being held in the royal chapel, but there is no better location as of now.”

[Black] “That means they’re taking issue with something else, not the place.”

[Rienne] “Something else?”

[Black] “A person, maybe.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Then, a haunting thought came to Rienne’s mind.

Is he upset that the High Priest decided against delaying the wedding because he received
Tiwakan money? Is that why he’s decided to take out his frustrations like this?

…..No, he’s not the kind of person to simply vent his anger. He would think of something much


Rienne’s thoughts were cut off by the urgent sound of the chapel door opening.

[Phermos] “My Lord, we’ve found the High Priest!”

It was Phermos, charging into the chapel with a group of mercenaries.

[Rienne] “What? Where?”

In spite of him saying they ‘found’ him, the High Priest wasn’t with them.

[Phermos] “I think he’s here.”

[Rienne] “What do you mean….here?”

As Phermos pointed out, everyone’s eyes expectantly followed the line his finger made.

Straight towards one of the six coffins.



The lid of the coffin was being pushed aside.

After Phermos left, he began to question people who helped move the coffins, looking for
any other information. That was when someone made a comment about one of the coffins
seeming particularly heavy.

[Phermos] “There’s no better place to hide a body than a coffin, I suppose.”

Phermos murmured to himself, peeking through the crack as the lid of the coffin was slowly
moved aside.

After hearing about the disappearance of someone, and later hearing about one of the
coffins getting heavier, the most natural progression was believing an additional body had
been added.


Finally, the coffin was opened.

[Rienne] “Ah…!”

There were two bodies in the coffin.

The body, laid on top and seemingly forced in, was indeed the High Priest.
[Phermos] “Just as I thought.”

Phermos adjusted his glasses, muttering to himself as he did.

[Phermos] “Considering someone made an attempt to hide the body, this makes it certain.
This was no accident…… he was murdered.”

No one could deny it.

Rienne immediately turned her head and looked at Linden, but he was leaning forward
with a shocked expression on his face—like he was just as horrified as anyone else.

That makes no sense.

Wasn’t he the one who did this? Rienne felt so certain that he was responsible…. so why did
he look like that, acting like he didn’t know anything?

[Phermos] “We’ll need another coffin.”

As if Phermos’ words made everything real, suddenly the priests’ faces looked extremely
bewildered. Some even fell to their knees, reciting memorized prayers.

[Rienne] “Who will lead the funeral now? Was anyone else prepared to take his place?”

The question was so sudden, the priests were surprised.

[Priest] “Well….. we don’t…..”

[Rienne] “Are you saying we must postpone the funeral?”

[Priest] “Ah, perhaps….. if we cannot fill the High Priest’s chair……”

[Rienne] “Well, I was only wondering…….. Then shall I ask if you have anyone in mind for
the position? Is that a better question to ask first?”

[Priest] “. . .”

All seven of the priests quickly quieted, averting their eyes away from her.

No candidate was chosen ahead of time because it was the duty of the aristocratic
delegation to choose that person.

Linden Kleinfelder stood up from his seat.

[Linden] “Considering how short on time we are, we must call upon the delegation as soon
as possible to discuss a new High Priest, Princess.”
[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne quietly bit her lip.

Is there no end to your shamelessness?

[Rienne] “Of course, Lord Kleinfelder.”

[Linden] “I’ll close out the meeting as fast as I can and inform you of the new High Priest.”

His words were no different from saying the new High Priest he’d send for would just be
his puppet.

[Linden] “Let us depart.”

With that, Linden left the chapel alongside his party. This funeral was meant to say their
farewells to the eldest son of their family, and yet no concern was found on his face.

[Black] “Don’t think you’ve lost this.

Rienne felt someone grab her hand from behind.

It was Black.

[Rienne] “….Huh?”

Rienne lifted her head up and looked at him. His eyes were so clear, they were like blue
mirrors shining down on her.

[Black] “Maintaining order in Nauk is my responsibility now. We’ll find the one who did

[Rienne] “Oh….”

Rienne’s response was soft.

Black was right.

Linden had completely forgotten about that. He was only ever able to get away with
whatever he pleased because Rienne lacked the power to properly keep him in check.

But things were different now.

The Arsaks had a new order on their side—their new Guardian Knights. The safety of Nauk
was in their hands now. Having forgotten that, Linden was just digging his own grave.

The murder of a High Priest was something that could not be forgiven.
[Rienne] “I trust that.”

Only one problem remained.

[Rienne] “Provided we can find evidence as well.”

If they wanted to accuse Linden of murder, they needed ample evidence to back it up.


They couldn’t leave the bodies alone any longer.

Though the funeral itself was postponed, the bodies were eventually buried—all six of
them laid to rest and returned to the earth. All of them except for the body of the High
Priest, who lacked a coffin.

A mess from start to finish, the already dismal affair of a funeral was made even gloomier.

All the way until just before dawn, Rienne spent time with the grieving families, comforting
them in their sobs and sorrows, and sent them all home with a gold coin each.

[Phermos] “I can see clearly why the Princess was so poor, now.”

Phermos pointed out, awkwardly scratching his cheek.

The road, bathed in moonlight, was quiet and calm. Even the normally loud sound of horses
felt quiet and subdued, as if they knew they were coming back from a grave site.

As they returned, Black did his best to stay a comfortable distance from Rienne as he
followed her from behind.

It wasn’t lost on him that the bodies they buried that day were dead by his hand. He didn’t
exactly regret what he did nor was he disgusted with himself for having killed others.

But he was worried Rienne might see things differently.

[Phermos] “Perhaps it’s virtuous of a leader to do that sort of thing, but she should really
look at her own circumstances first. Didn’t she need to repair her current mourning dress
because she couldn’t afford to get a new one?”

After staying quiet for a moment, Black frowned.

[Black] “It’s because she’s that kind of person that she accepted my proposal.” (1)
[Phermos] “That’s true, but……”

Phermos scratched his cheek again. The more he learned about Princess Rienne’s
circumstances, the more he realized the complexities of it all.

Why couldn’t you have proposed earlier….back when Princess Rienne wasn’t involved with
another man?

There still would’ve been a commotion regardless, but no one would’ve died over this.

It was already unusual that the Tiwakan were dealing with the bodies so closely, but now
Phermos was being made to confront how uncomfortable he felt when he watched Princess
Rienne bow her head before the mourning families.

[Phermos] “But how did they kill the High Priest? I didn’t think they were foolish enough
to do something like this.”

Phermos quickly changed the subject. This topic was much more important right now.

The Kleinfelders continued to be a roadblock when it came to Black’s marriage to Princess

Rienne. Not to mention how difficult it was to solve this problem without bloodshed. That
meant they couldn’t conduct themselves as roughly as they normally did.

Phermos believed he was starting to understand what Black truly wanted.

What his Lord desired was to get back not just the land of Nauk or Princess Rienne, but the
entirety of his past that he had lost.

Bloodshed wasn’t necessary to do that.

Using such blatant force implied ‘to take away’, not ‘to take back’.

[Phermos] “Do you think he’s confident he hid all the evidence properly? If any remains,
we’ll find it somehow.”

[Black] “That’s the question. When the body was revealed, he seemed surprised. Didn’t
look like an act.”

[Phermos] “Oh… you don’t think he meant to kill him? Or maybe the assassin he hired
made a mistake…..?”

[Black] “Something must’ve gone wrong.”

[Phermos] “Then we can start there. If a mistake is made, no doubt the evidence of it

[Black] “Right.”
Cutting off his words early, as per usual, a few moments later, Black added on one last

[Black] “Leave no stone unturned.”

[Phermos] “Oh….uh, yes sir.”

After that, Black went on ahead. Left behind all by himself, Phermos clicked his tongue with
a puzzled expression on his face.

[Phermos] “He seems very concerned about this.”

Black approached Rienne, but just as he was about to start matching her speed, he slowed
down and quietly trailed behind her.

Phermos never thought he’d see such a sight, watching Black mutter to himself like he’d
given up on whatever he was going to do.

[Phermos] “Who knew my Lord could act like that…..”

It certainly was a surprise.



[Linden] “Are you out of your mind!?”

Meanwhile, a small storm was brewing on the Kleinfelder’s side of things.

Linden ran around, completely unhinged, wreaking absolute havoc on everything he saw.
Someone’s head was bleeding from the box Linden had thrown at them, completely silent
as they sat.

[Linden] “What the hell were you thinking, putting the body in the coffin like that!? You
should’ve done it without making it obvious who was responsible!”

That someone was the one who killed the High Priest on behalf of the Kleinfelders. Even the
sight of this person silently bowing their head made Linden fume.

[Linden] “You idiot! If you didn’t want to be caught, why would you do that!?”

Thwack, thwack!
Without rest or mercy, Linden Kleinfelder beat them.

T/N: (1) He’s saying that Rienne only accepted because she cares about her people.

astral comment: Phermos might be my favorite side character. Not 100% what’s
happening, but ready and willing to do whatever to takes to help his master get the lady!

ghost comment: He really is a real one. Give us a CG, please and thank you!
A Barbaric Proposal C28

Chapter 28 | Klimah, the Servant (1)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


[Servant] “I couldn’t…..avoid it.”

His feeble voice came out from close to Linden’s feet.

Ever since he was a young, his life had belonged to the Kleinfelders. With the life he
would’ve lost otherwise, he took care of all the dirty work they needed.

He had even killed the former High Priest in the past. Back then, everyone thought he had
simply tripped down the stairs and broken his neck.

Linden was hoping for the job to be done just as cleanly this time, too.
[Servant] “….There wasn’t enough time…. The window of opportunity was small and too
many people were watching…..”

He was speaking very quietly, wearing a long robe closing over his ankles. All the while, his
eyes were cast towards the ground.

[Linden] “You call that an excuse?”


Down came another blow.

Without even flinching, the young servant endured the beating from Linden, not a single
sound of pain escaping him. Kicking him from every side, Linden stopped and took a deep

[Linden] “You left no evidence?”

[Servant] “Yes.”

[Linden] “You can’t ever get caught. Do you understand me? Never let them know I was the
one who gave the order.”

[Servant] “Yes, sir.”

[Linden] “They’re a difficult opponent. We must never… caught…..”

If they ever did, the obvious end result would be the end of the Kleinfelders. Linden
shuttered just thinking about it.

[Linden] “Or I’ll have no choice but to throw you away.”

[Servant] “…….Yes, sir.”

The young servant nodded obediently. Seeing that, Linden felt a little more reassured.

He was oddly loyal, not to mention tight lipped. Even if the worst should come to pass and
his own identity was revealed, Linden was confident his name would never leave the
servant’s mouth.

[Linden] “Get out.”

He nodded and pulled himself up off the ground, placing a palm over his bleeding head. He
seemed more concerned over not getting any blood on his clothing than the fact he was

Using his clean hand, he took the hood of his cloak and carefully covered his face. After he
left Linden’s room, he silently stepped into a dark corner of the servant’s hall.
Without a light to guide him, he descended down the long and winding stairs towards the
basement. Eventually he made his way out of the main building towards the small detached
house behind it.

Once the house was within his view, he quickly hid behind a nearby tree. Just beyond his
reach was the window, his eyes trained on it as he peered out from his vantage point.

Through that window of colored glass, a figure could be seen—like a barely visible shadow.

It was a woman, thin and filled with sorrow, holding a water basin.

[Servant] “. . .”

The servant’s eyes began to fill with tears as he watched the woman. She was the reason
why a simple servant such as himself was forced to do such horrible things for the

After staying there for a while, he left the Kleinfelder estate, returning to where he lived by
taking the same path as he always did.

The servant was heading towards the Temple, and his name was Klimah. (1)


[Rienne] “. . .”

Even though she was exhausted, losing sleep was starting to become a habit. As the early
morning sun made its way through the windows, Rienne’s eyes trembled as they adjusted
to the light.

[Rienne] “It’s already morning.”

But her body was so tired, it didn’t want to move. Opening her eyes, Rienne counted.

[Rienne] “One… Two…. Three.”

Finally gathering the strength, Rienne pushed aside her blankets.

[Rienne] “It’s colder than yesterday, too.”

Once Rienne began to lower her bare feet from the bed to the floor, she felt the cold air nip
at her skin. Not wasting a moment, she put on her slippers and brushed out her nightgown.

I really hate winter. It feels like things just get harder the colder it gets.
Winter hadn’t even truly started and yet, as soon as the temperature dropped in the
slightest, she started to yearn once more for the warmth of her bed sheets.

[Rienne] “I should hurry.”

The season seemed to bring with it an overarching feeling of lethargy, but she knew the
stronger that feeling was, the more she needed to push herself to move.

Wanting to wash up and change, Rienne took off the shawl she was wearing and hurriedly
entered the bathroom, wearing only her thin nightgown.

[Rienne] “……Ah.”

But the moment she opened the door, her body froze.

There was already someone inside.

Not so different from her, Black was wearing only a pair of pants, and it looked as though
he was about to take them off—like he was thinking of washing up, too.

[Rienne] “Why…..are you here…..?”

Rienne was so embarrassed she completely neglected to shut the door and leave. All she
was thinking about was the burning question of why he was undressing in her bathroom in
the first place.

[Black] “Did you want to get ready first?”

Black asked with his hand still on the waist line of his pants.

[Rienne] “No, I…. Why are you here…..?”

[Black] “I didn’t know you’d woken up already.”

[Rienne] “But why….?”

[Black] “This is my bathroom too, now.”

[Rienne] “Oh…..”

She just remembered.

He was already using the room door now, which meant they’d need to share a bathroom
from now on. That meant Rienne should just…..


Coming to her senses, Rienne closed the bathroom door.

[Rienne] “My apologies… A lot of things happened recently… so I’m not fully awake yet.”

Rienne said this through the tightly closed door. She was still so shocked her mouth wasn’t
working properly either.

What have I done…..How could I have forgotten about this?

Just then, she could hear footsteps approaching on the other side of the door. Rienne tightly
held the doorknob just in case he tried to open it.

[Black] “It’s fine.”

But that’s all he said. He made no attempt to open the door. Even so, Rienne couldn’t let go.
Though no one was around to witness her embarrassment, she could feel her face heating

[Rienne] “I’ll pay more attention to these kinds of things in the future…. So please, wash

[Black] “There’s no bathtub here. Is a reason for that?”

Before Rienne had the chance to leave, Black asked a very sudden question.

[Rienne] “What?”

[Black] “I’m asking why you don’t have a bath.”

[Rienne] “Oh, a bath……”

There used to be one.

There was once a large and colorful marble bathtub inside that room. It was a beautiful
piece, lined with golden edges, and it did wonders to liven up the now big and empty

But like so many other things, it was sold. The fine marble was cut into several pieces, and
was now sitting in the Kleinfelder’s garden as decoration.

[Rienne] “…..I had no use for it. I felt like I was using too much water with a bathtub like

Saying that, Rienne’s heart stung for a moment.

It was a much smaller lie in comparison, but she didn’t feel good about having to do it so

[Rienne] “Do you require a bathtub?”

[Black] “Not right now.”

[Rienne] “Then why….?”

[Black] “There’s a chance we might want to bathe together in the future.”

[Rienne] “Wha……what?”

Rienne tried coming up with the words to say, but when she opened her mouth, nothing
came out.

Bathe……together? But why?

[Black] “I’ll get you a new one.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

And that was the end of the conversation.

Slip. Tap.

Beyond the door, inside that quiet bathroom, was the sound of fabric brushing up against
skin—the sound of Black taking his clothes off.

….But… why….

Unconsciously, Rienne swallowed the dry saliva in her throat.

Why……would you want to take a bath with me….?

Then she heard the sound of splashing water. He was probably washing his face now.
Suddenly, Rienne remembered the moment when he had his face bowed towards her as
she carefully cleaned it for him.

It made it too easy to imagine the sight of his damp shoulders and arms, or his hair soaked
in water, sticking to his forehead.

Why would we…. together……?

Rienne couldn’t stand the thought and quickly turned away.

This is all his fault, saying so many strange things while he looks like that.

Covering her ears, Rienne returned to her room. The sound of splashing water was nothing.
She heard it all the time whenever she washed her own face.

And yet, her heart wouldn’t stop pounding.

Closing the door behind her, Rienne stood still and waited until her beating heart quieted

…..I can’t keep doing this.

It wasn’t a good idea to have any feelings for that man beyond strict vigilance.

I have to know what his true motives are—the truth behind why everyone keeps saying his
purpose is revenge. Focus on that and don’t think any useless thoughts.

Rienne swallowed hard.

She needed to meet with the old beggar again.


[Mrs. Flambard] “What? Where did you say you were going?”

[Rienne] “To the Temple entrance.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “But why so suddenly? Do you have business there—?”

[Rienne] “Yes.”

As Mrs. Flambard asked, puzzled and confused, Rienne quickly interrupted.

There was no point in telling her everything. It was Rienne’s job to worry about what Black
was up to, and she didn’t wish to cause the woman any unnecessary worry.

More importantly, Mrs. Flambard was an honest woman. If Rienne told her anything, she
wouldn’t be able to stand in front of Black calmly if she knew he was potentially there to
bring them harm.

[Rienne] “I’m just worried about the old man I saw yesterday. The Temple normally hands
out food, but the stairs haven’t been repaired yet, so I’ll take him something myself.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “In that case, you should order the guards to do it for you. Aren’t you too
busy to be handling something like that?”

[Rienne] “I’d like to do it personally. I’m sure you have plenty to do yourself, so I’ll be fine
going alone.”

Mrs. Flambard jolted forward hearing that.

[Mrs. Flambard] “What? No, you can’t do something like that! It’s much too far to go all on
your own!”

[Rienne] “I’ll ask a guard to escort me.”

She needed to move as fast as she could.

The Tiwakan were already beginning to settle in Castle Nauk.

If Rienne ever wished to go out, Black told her he would escort her himself or tell one of his
men to go with her. That meant she needed to speak with the head of her guard separately
and come back before anyone noticed.

[Rienne] “So please give me some food to take with me. Preferably something that’s easy to
eat with your hands.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “If you have no choice, then it can’t be helped, but I must insist on coming
with you.”

[Rienne] “No, ma’am. You need to focus on altering the wedding attire. Have you forgotten?
With the wedding only eight days away, not a moment has gone by where I’m not worried
about running out of time.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Ah, that’s right…. Then I’ll take care of the food and get back to work….

[Rienne] “What is it?”

Mrs. Flambard looked away, turning silent.

[Rienne] “What is it, ma’am?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “About the wedding ceremony.”

[Rienne] “Yes?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’ve been taking care to be mindful of the date while altering the clothes
but…..Yesterday, the High Priest…..”

Mrs. Flambard hesitated for a moment and then continued to talk.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Don’t we need to wait until a new High Priest has been appointed?”

[Rienne] “Right….”

[Mrs. Flambard] “From what I can remember, nine days had gone by after High Priest
Motiya was buried before High Priest Milrod was given the position. I know there was a
reason why they needed to wait, but now the wedding is only eight days away, so I’m
unsure what we’ll do about the officiant. I hope God won’t punish me for working on the
wedding attire so soon after the death.”

[Rienne] “Oh…..”

Rienne’s expression stiffened.

So that’s why they killed him….to try and delay the wedding.

That was the reason why the Kleinfelders had the High Priest murdered. After the new
High Priest was selected, in accordance with Temple law, he would fast for nine days to
commit himself to God in prayer.

It was considered his first ‘conversation’ with divine. They said if God did not recognize the
new High Priest’s legitimacy, he would not be able to endure the nine days and collapse of

This process was considered a rite of passage for the High Priest and could not be ignored
for even a day.

[Mrs. Flambard] “You look unwell, Princess. Are you feeling sick?”

Her face was filled with worry as she looked at Rienne.

[Rienne] “No…. I’m not sick.”

She was afraid.

What were the Kleinfelder’s planning on doing after going through such great lengths just
to delay the wedding?

They were not the kind of people to just give up control over Nauk, but they also knew they
could never defeat the Tiwakan in an outright war. They would resort to trying to stab her
in the back under the cover of darkness if it came down to it.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Are you sure?”

[Rienne] “Yes…..I’m fine.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Well, alright then. With all that’s happened, I know you haven’t been
able to sleep well, so I’d understand if you were a little tired.. But I’m glad that there’s at
least one less thing to worry about now.”

[Rienne] “What?”

Mrs. Flambard gingerly patted Rienne on the arm, as if telling her she can rest assured.
[Mrs. Flambard] “Your monthly fever, Princess. If the wedding must be postponed, then so
must your first night, so at least we needn’t worry about that now.”

[Rienne] “Oh……yes, you’re right.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Then I’ll go and prepare some food. I’ll do what I can, but early apologies
if it’s not much.”

[Rienne] “I understand. Please, hurry.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, Princess.”

After Mrs. Flambard left, Rienne started getting ready to leave. The whole time, confusion
stirred in her head.

If they held off the wedding, she’d be able to safely hide her monthly fever. But at the same
time, she’d be giving the Kleinfelders a chance to prepare their move.

So what can I do now?

The complexities were tied like a knot, one she could not undo herself.

T/N: (1) According to the original Korean, Klimah’s name should be pronounced like Klee-
mah, but we went with a nicer looking spelling.

astral comment: We barely know Klimah and I’m already starting the protection squad (ง’̀-

ghost comment: Rienne was a whole mood in this chapter though. I also wanna low-key
melt into my bed during the winter lolol
A Barbaric Proposal C29

Chapter 29 | Klimah, the Servant (2)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


[Mercenary] “The Princess left.”

[Black] “What?”

[Phermos] “Where did she go?”

Black and Phermos both raised their heads at the same time, the two of them presently
swarmed with work and a hectic schedule.

It wasn’t just one thing that needed taking care of. First and foremost they needed figure
out how they would structure the finances of the royal family, as well as taking in the size
of the current debt.
It didn’t seem like much at first, but it was years’ worth of finances they needed to deal

Then there was how they’d go about restoring the Temple stairs, finding out who killed the
High Priest, and keeping a close eye on the Kleinfelder family—all of which couldn’t be
neglected in the slightest.

The whole time, Phermos thought he was going to cry, saying his time on the battlefield
was much easier than this.

But now there was another unpleasant thing they needed to deal with.

[Mercenary] “When I asked around, they said she was going to help distribute rations near
the Temple.”

[Phermos] “That’s some dedication on her part. Did anyone go with her?”

[Mercenary] “The guards said she took one of them with her.”

Phermos pinched the bridge of his nose.

[Phermos] “What…. Just one guard? And you just let her leave?”

Having come in to report the situation, the mercenary chose his words carefully after
making eye contact with Black.

[Mercenary] “What else could I do? I couldn’t exactly pin her down and keep her from
leaving by force. The Lord ordered us to be nice to her.”

[Phermos] “You should have sent someone with her.”

[Mercenary] “There’s already one person. Should I have sent more?”

[Phermos] “One won’t be enough. I knew something like this would happen, I’ll—“

Suddenly, Black’s body jolted up, Phermos’ orders immediately halted.

[Black] “I’m going.”

[Phermos] “…..Wha, right now? You don’t need to do that, do you?”

[Black] “This work is boring me.”

Black threw down the document marked with royal seal he was looking at earlier onto the

[Black] “Finish this while I’m gone.”

[Phermos] “Wait……what?”

While Phermos’ eyes were wide with disbelief, Black was already leaving before he could
ask his question.

[Phermos] “Wait, hold on…..”

[Mercenary] “Then I’ll go with you to take a look at things.”

And just like that, Phermos was left alone with a mountain of paperwork. He sank back into
his chair and rubbed the back of his head.

[Phermos] “This is so much….. I can’t do this….”

Ever since they first tried tackling all this work, Phermos thought it was way too much to
do. Yesterday, Black had left him all alone and now he’d done it again, this time leaving
Phermos with a pile of work to do.

[Phermos] “I didn’t think his Lordship would do this…..”

This change was getting to be way too much to handle.

[Phermos] “I never thought he’d take a woman at all, much less get married………..At this
rate, I’ll be all alone.”

For some reason, Phermos felt betrayed and a little depressed.


[Rienne] “Please, wait here.”

Once they arrived at the Temple entrance, Rienne needed to separate herself from the
captain of the guard she brought with her.

[Captain] “Are you going to give it to him, Princess? Please, it’d be best if you left it to me.
I’ll do it.”

[Rienne] “No, I’d like to do it myself.”

What Rienne needed to ask the old man was something no one else should know about just

[Rienne] “I want you to take a look around the area and see if there’s anything of note
happening. And be careful if you run into any Kleinfelder soldiers.”
[Captain] “I see…..Very well, then.”

After that, Rienne entered a nearby alley where she saw an old beggar sitting with his arm
resting against a cane.

Though it was an alleyway, it was still connected to the main street, so the captain could
still easily see her there. After the Kleinfelders attempted that forced wedding, Rienne had
become more careful about these kinds of things. (1)

[Rienne] “Hello…..”

As she whispered out a greeting, Rienne stopped walking.

There was someone with the beggar.

He was wearing a thick robe that reached over his ankles, tied together with a rope around
his waist instead of a belt. That meant he was someone from the Temple, but the fabric was
different from the usual priests.

He must be a servant.

The old man looked up and gave the servant a casual glance. But regardless of the look the
old man gave him, the servant placed a loaf of bread into his lap.

But what happened was unexpected.


The old man took the loaf in his shaky hand and threw into the street.

[Rienne] “…..?”

Then he lifted up his cane and started hitting him.

Thwack! Thwack!

Seeing how twisted the old man’s face was, it was obvious he was using all of his strength
to hit the servant. With that kind of effort, it didn’t matter how weak and frail the old man
was. It would hurt anyone to be beaten with a wooden stick like that.

[Rienne] “Stop it!”

But the servant didn’t respond or ask why this was happening. He just accepted the

Rienne quickly put her body between the servant and the old man.

[Rienne] “What are you doing?”

[Servant] “……!”

When the servant saw Rienne, everything above the tip of his nose was covered by the
hood of his cloak, revealing only his lips slightly parted in surprise at seeing her.

[Rienne] “Why are you allowing yourself to be beaten like this? Did something happen
between you two?”

[Servant] “. . .”

Rienne and the servant’s eyes met for just a brief moment before the servant’s mouth
suddenly tightened, and he turned around to leave.

[Rienne] “Don’t leave! That’s an order.”

[Servant] “. . .”

His footsteps ceased and Rienne stopped, too. But then he shook his head and tried to move

[Rienne] “Are you ignoring my order?”

Rienne didn’t hesitate to reach out and grab the fabric of his robe. Her grip on the baggy
clothing caused him to lean back, revealing his blood-stained shirt and scarred forehead.
[Rienne] “Ah…. You’re hurt!”

Both the servant who was caught and the woman who noticed his injuries were stunned in
surprise. Meanwhile, the old man frowned from behind them.

There was far too much blood for it to have come just from the cane.

[Rienne] “How did this happen?”

He stayed quiet for a while before finally answering.

[Servant] “…….I was praying for atonement.”

[Rienne] “Atonement? What kind of atonement makes you bleed like this?”

[Servant] “It’s a prayer that requires blood.”

Rienne didn’t know this, but there was once a time, long ago when zealous priests would
whip themselves in the name of prayer. But nowadays such prayers weren’t used by any
priest, much less by a servant.

[Rienne] “What sort of God would want their children to bleed?”

[Servant] “. . .”

The servant didn’t say anything back.

[Rienne] “Are you being treated kindly?”

[Servant] “. . .”

[Rienne] “I’ll take that as a no.”

Rienne held back a sigh with a troubled look on her face.

It was normal for the royal family to turn a blind eye to the Temple’s affairs, but after
seeing something like this, it made it difficult to ignore.

[Rienne] “Make sure you get that properly treated. I’ll be making a visit to the Temple
soon, so please do it before then. What is your name?”

The servant chewed on his lip for a long while. Eventually, he finally answered under his
breath, a little bit flustered.

[Klimah] “…….Klimah.”
[Rienne] “Then, Sir Klimah. I’m not saying this just as a pretense, so please take care of that
wound. If you don’t, I’ll speak with the Temple officials myself if I have to.”

Klimah nodded with his shoulders.

[Rienne] “You’re free to go now. As a member of the royal family, I will always do what I
can to help the life of one who serves Nauk as a servant of God.”

Hesitating, Klimah stood there for a while before bowing his head, promptly disappearing
into the alleyway.

[Rienne] “As for you.”

Rienne turned to the old man. He had kept quiet the entire time, his body stiff like a

[Rienne] “First, I want to know why you beat that servant. Do you know him well?”

The old beggar’s face was nothing but an unkempt beard.

[Rienne] “You should know I’ve prepared myself to get all the answers I require today. I
urge you to speak freely now, unless you’d rather speak to me from a jail cell.”

[Beggar] “. . .”

He raised his head. The way his eyes looked in her direction made it clear he had something
he wanted to say.

[Rienne] “If you don’t want to talk about the servant, then let’s talk about something else

[Beggar] “. . .”

[Rienne] “Who is Lord Tiwakan trying to get revenge against?”

[Beggar] “Daughter of Arsak…..”

Just as the old man tried to speak—

[Captain] “Princess!”

The captain of Castle Nauk’s guard called out to Rienne.

[Captain] “The leader of the Tiwakan is on his way.”

[Rienne] “What?”

Following the captain’s gestured hand, Rienne turned her head around.
Just by looking at the hulking figure walking in her direction, it was obvious the person at
the end of the main street couldn’t be any one else but Black.


It was unfortunate, but getting answers would need to wait.

It would be too dangerous to let Black know the identity of the old man. Until the moment
he revealed his reasons for being Nauk to her himself, he likely would not tolerate another
being in the know.

[Rienne] “Please, take him away. Somewhere he can’t be found.”

Rienne handed the old man the basket of food she brought and left him in the care of the
captain. Then, they left the alleyway without wasting a breath.

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan.”

Calling out to Black, Rienne made eye contact with him. In contrast to the cold air of the
season, the sun felt like it was stinging her skin, it was so bright.

Under that burning sunlight, everything felt like it was being revealed. Black was no

….He looks like a statue.

He didn’t seem like a real person. More like a work of art that was made just to look at.

Rienne wasn’t the only one thinking that.

Even the people who passed by in the streets couldn’t help but spare him a glance as they
walked on. They’d stare as if they couldn’t tear their eyes away before quickly turning their
heads down like they didn’t see anything at all.

The moment Black’s eyes met Rienne, he stood completely still like a sculpture, completely

Rienne felt like she was being blinded by him. Was it because of the sun or was he simply
that bright? Either way, he seemed very brilliant in her eyes.

Blinking several times rapidly, Black took a step forward and approached Rienne.

[Black] “I think I was mistaken.”

[Rienne] “Excuse me?”

[Black] “You don’t seem like a princess.”

[Rienne] “……Really?”

Rienne immediately looked down at herself.

[Rienne] “It’s no different from how I normally look.”

Maybe he meant that he didn’t recognize her because she was dressed so plainly.

Though Rienne was a royal, she didn’t look so different from any ordinary person. Her
clothing had no fancy arrangements and was designed for simplicity.

Even if the most common hair color in Nauk was brown while Rienne’s was more golden,
she didn’t think it was anything so special.

[Black] “You’re like a statue.”

[Rienne] “Ah…….”

He was saying the same thing she was thinking about him. It was strange. It was such a odd
thing to hear out loud that Rienne felt like her heart just stopped.

Why are you saying this to me?

This man had no reason to say such kind things to her………especially not if he desires

Why are you doing this to me?

[Rienne] “……..That’s an exaggeration.”

Rienne did her best to brush off Black’s words, trying not to linger on them.

There had to be a reason. A reason why he was acting so sweet towards her.

[Black] “Even if you say that, it doesn’t change the truth of what I said.”

[Rienne] “………Why did you come here?”

Becoming uncomfortable with his kindness, Rienne quickly changed the subject.

[Black] “I heard you went out, so I came to get you. Are you done with your business?”

[Rienne] “Yes.”
Saying he had come just to see her was too kind.

Even after that mysterious old man told her that Black was just trying to get revenge
against her, she was surprised by her own belief that his actions were kind.

Am I fond of this man?

Was that why she wanted to believe beyond all belief that he had no other ideas inside of

…..Why am I like this?

[Rienne] “We should return to the castle. I left all the sewing to Mrs. Flambard, so she must
be tired working without me.”

Rienne again changed the subject and turned around.

Without a word, Black reached out his arm towards her. Having become a little accustomed
to walking with him, she placed her hand on his strong arm.

[Black] “Is it normal for you to go out alone?”

With no particular rush, the two of them walked together.

When Black first arrived, he rode in on a horse. The mercenary following after them had
two horses in tow, and yet no one brought up the idea of actually riding them on their
return to the castle.

The pair attracted a lot of attention, everyone glancing back at them as they walked, arm in

Walking together like that, they looked like a perfect match– both of them sharing the
thought that the other was so blindingly beautiful, it was enough to make their eyes dizzy.

[Rienne] “I wasn’t alone. The captain of the guard was with me.”

[Black] “One person isn’t enough.”

[Rienne] “There’s no need for more. Nauk isn’t very big, so an escort party is unnecessary.”

[Black] “I don’t agree.”

His sentiment was understandable when she took into consideration what happened with
the Kleinfelders not long ago.

Rienne tried to swallow her embarrassment.

[Rienne] “You may find it difficult to believe, but that’s just how Nauk has always been.”
[Black] “Call for me from now on.”

[Rienne] “Excuse me?”

Rienne whispered out her question.

[Rienne] “I can’t do that. You have too many other things to deal with, Lord Tiwakan.”

[Black] “My job is to accompany you, Princess.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

……This was the kindness Rienne was thinking about. It was entirely unnecessary.

Feeling her heart sting in her chest, Rienne turned her head away and looked off in the

[Rienne] “When will construction on the Temple stairs begin?”

[Black] “We’ll start once the new High Priest has been decided on.”

[Rienne] “Oh….. Is a new High Priest needed for construction?”

[Black] “Probably not, but it would be hard to do anything without someone to negotiate

[Rienne] “Ah.”

Repairs for the Temple were promised as part of the guarantee of a wedding ceremony
from the start. He would pay for construction only once he got a definite answer that the
wedding would be held safely.

He’s very thorough.

Whoever the High Priest was would have their work cut out for them dealing with this

Naturally the new High priest would be someone from the Kleinfelder’s pocket, but
somehow Rienne wasn’t worried. She couldn’t imagine Black ever being swayed by the
High Priest or anyone else for that matter.

If this man were just a regular fiancé, engaged by normal circumstances…….

If he were definitely on her side, without question…..

Then I’d be beyond grateful.

[Black] “……?”
Thinking that, Rienne unconsciously tightened the grip she had on Black’s arm.

[Black] “Was there something you wanted to say?”

Black stopped and looked down at Rienne.

Meeting his gaze, she felt herself stiffen. Rienne blinked, thinking the sun reflecting off of
him was too bright.

[Rienne] “No, nothing in particular……”

Just then—

Amidst the crowds of countless people coming and going on the main street, someone
lugging around strange wooden barrels in an old cart stopped just behind Black.

[Mercenary] “My Lord, watch out!”

The Tiwakan mercenary who was following them from far behind shouted out, but not
before Black reacted first.

Thud, Thud!


The strap holding the containers broke, and the wooden barrels fell from the cart towards
Black and Rienne.

T/N: (1) She just means that she wants to stay where she can be seen by her guard.

astral comment: Poor Phermos. I’m cheering for you, buddy!

ghost comment: wow he really just ditched his friend with all the work huh? I mean, same
but still
A Barbaric Proposal C30

Chapter 30 | Tryst

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


[Black] “Move!”

Black pushed Rienne out of away, causing him to take the bulk of the heavy impact while
Rienne narrowly escaped to the side.

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan!”

Rienne screamed.

In a mere moment, the streets were in total chaos. As the wooden barrels continued to roll,
they left a haze of dust in their wake.
The people cried out, shouting out as they did their best to avoid the barrels that looked as
though they could easily crush them if they were caught.

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwa………..hmph!”

And during all this commotion, someone grabbed Rienne from behind and clamped their
hand over her mouth.

[???] “Stay quiet.”

[Rienne] “…….!”

Rienne immediately recognized whose voice it was.

[???] “I don’t want us to be caught.”

That familiar voice held tightly onto her and forcibly dragged her away.

And just like that, Rienne was gone.


[Rienne] “…….Cough! Are you insane!?”

The hand blocking her mouth finally went away. As soon as Rienne coughed at the sudden
air entering her lungs, she yelled out her anger.

Though truthfully, she wanted to say something much harsher.

[Rienne] “What is wrong with you…. Do you have any idea what you’ve done…!?”

[Rafit] “Rienne.”

The one responsible was Rafit.

Rafit took Rienne’s hand and placed in upon his face. It was an action far too polite and
courteous in the wake of the unquestionable insanity he had attempted in public.

[Rafit] “I needed to talk with you. Somewhere with just the two of us. Where we don’t have
to worry about who’s listening.”

[Rienne] “…..You’ve completely lost it.”

Rienne had a look of genuine disgust and exhaustion on her face.

They were in a carriage with no visible windows. It was clear some effort was made to
efficiently kidnap her.

[Rienne] “Stop the carriage.”

Feeling the cold of her hand, Rafit tightened his grip.

[Rafit] “Rienne, can’t you take your mind away from him for just a moment?”

[Rienne] “What are you talking about?”

[Rafit] “He’ll be dead by now, so….”

[Rienne] “Stop, let go of me!”

Suddenly, a mix of fear and panic surged inside of her.

As all of those big wooden barrels tumbled towards them, the last thing Rienne could
remember was the sound of Black’s voice, telling her to get out of the way.

Now he’s……

Her pale hand began to tremble without end.

He’s dead?

No…no, he couldn’t be.

He doesn’t die.

After spending ten years on the battlefield, he wouldn’t just die like that. A man who
endured that much wouldn’t die such an easy death in the streets.

He’s not dead. He can’t die.

[Rienne] “He’s…n..dead…”

Her vision started to get blurry, but she wasn’t crying. She’d be able to see properly if her
tears were running freely. But in her faded vision, watching Rafit as he held onto her, he
started to look like someone else. Like that man.

And that’s when she realized.

What she was feeling was desperation…..because she did not want that man to die.

[Rienne] “He’s not dead.”

Rienne took a shaky breath. As the tears began to run down her face, finally Rafit started to
look like Rafit again.

[Rienne] “Don’t touch me. And just go away.”

Saying that, she took her hands back and slipped them out of Rafit’s grasp.

[Rienne] “Leave Nauk and never come back. I won’t say this again.”

[Rafit] “Do you really think I don’t know your true heart when you say that to me?”

Rafit still didn’t understand what Rienne was trying to tell him.

[Rafit] “There’s no use trying to get rid of me by saying such cruel words. I won’t listen to
it. It’s alright, Rienne…. You can be honest now. That man is dead! Dead! And even if he
isn’t, he will be soon enough. I would never take half-measures when it comes to things like

[Rienne] “What….what are you talking about?”

[Rafit] “I couldn’t waste this opportunity while you were alone. I was only planning on
taking you originally, but the plans changed once he showed up. So I ordered the knights of
the Kleinfelder family to deal with him once he was injured—“


The carriage carrying them was moving quickly when it suddenly hit something—shaking
with great intensity and cutting off Rafit’s words, scattering them into the air.

But there was no way to know what was happening. There were no windows and the door
was closed and locked from the outside.

[Rafit] “What’s going on?”

Rafit shouted out, hitting against the partition leading to the coachman.

But a scream sounded out instead of an answer.

[Coachman] “Argh!”


The scream echoed out into the distance. It sounded like someone grabbed him, forcefully
pulled him from his seat on the moving carriage and threw him to the ground.

And it wasn’t just Rienne’s imagination. Raft jumped out of his seat and stood up.

Before she realized it, something was stopping the carriage.

It shook violently again before coming to an abrupt stop, forcing Rafit, who was standing, to
lose his balance and fall right on top of Rienne.


And while they were stuck like that, the carriage door swung open.

[Rienne] “. . .”

As the sudden light poured into the dark carriage, Rienne blinked. A darkened figure cut
against the glare of the sun, and Rienne could see herself reflected in their cold eyes.

Seeing that figure appear, completely shrouded in darkness and back lit by the sun, a
singular thought entered Rienne’s mind.

A massive, vicious beast.

[Black] “. . .”

Light blue eyes akin to those of a wild animal stared down at her.

As if he was moments away from tearing out someone’s throat.


[Black] “Get up.”

His voice was low and guttural like the growl of an animal.

It was only after Black had grabbed Rafit’s body and pulled him off of Rienne that she
realized he was talking to her.


Grabbing Rafit by the ankle, he was thrown as hard as possible into the street, crashing
violently into the ground.

[Rienne] “…….!”

Rienne clasped her mouth, not even able to utter a single word of shock.

[Black] “Get up.”

He repeated himself.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Finally, Rienne came to her senses. The person standing in front of her was Black.

The first emotion she felt was immediate relief.

See…. He’s not dead…

Why would Rafit say he’s dead when he isn’t? This is such a relief…….I’m so glad……

[Rienne] “Lord—“

But that relief quickly disappeared.

[Black] “Or I’ll drag you out myself.”

There wasn’t an ounce of warmth left in his voice, nor in his face or his eyes.

[Black] “Is that what you want?”

[Rienne] “No…. no it’s not….”

Rienne lifted up her skirt and pulled herself up. She was just now realizing in all the hustle
and bustle of the carriage being shaken, her body was aching a lot.

[Rienne] “How……”

Without even needing to ask, the situation was made clear the moment she stepped out of
the carriage.

The Tiwakan mercenaries had the entire place surrounded on horseback. The coachman
she heard was nowhere to be seen, and Rafit, who had been tossed aside, was already in the
hands of the mercenaries.

Rafit’s plan was a complete failure. Rienne wasn’t sure how they were able to track down
the carriage so quickly, but at least now she could see how quickly they mobilized.

But then she noticed how Black’s clothing was stained with blood.

[Rienne] “Are your injuries serious?”

Rienne unconsciously reached for him, but Black took a small step back and avoided her
apprehensive hand.

[Black] “Don’t touch me. I won’t be the only one bleeding today, if that’s what you’re asking

[Rienne] “That’s good….. Wait, excuse me?”

[Black] “You want to know if my injuries are severe enough to kill me?”

[Rienne] “I….don’t understand…..”

[Black] “I told you before. That day would be the only day I would ignore the illegitimate
son of the Kleinfelders.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

With that, Rienne realized why Black was so quickly sapped of the kindness he once
showed her.

While they were together, a sudden accident took place that resulted in Rienne’s
disappearance. He chased her down, only to discover her running off somewhere in a
carriage with her former lover.

And when he opened the door, Rienne and Rafit were in each other’s arms, as if they were
in the midst of embracing one another….. (1)
From Black’s perspective, it would look like Rienne was a part of this plan from the

Filled with desperation, Rienne shook her head.

[Rienne] “That’s not what……….What happened today was…..”

[Black] “You didn’t know about this?”

[Rienne] “I didn’t come here by my own will. I only realized what happened wasn’t an
accident when I was being forced into a carriage.”

[Black] “……..I see.”

But even as he spoke the words ‘I see’, it was clear there wasn’t even a little understanding
or acceptance in them.

Black didn’t believe a word Rienne said.

[Black] “Then the illegitimate son of the Kleinfelders must have concocted this plan of
treason on his own. You, go get him. We’ll take his head here. Get rid of the body and send
the head back to the family.”

[Mercenary] “Yes, sir.”

The order was clear and concise, and it was accepted just as quickly.

But not by Rienne.

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan!”

Rienne rushed to pull Black back. The fabric of his clothing was caked in mud and she could
feel the blood staining her fingertips. It made her realize just how injured he was.

[Black] “I told you not to touch me.”

[Rienne] “You can’t.”

[Black] “I can’t, what?”

Rienne closed her eyes tightly before opening them.

There was no one who was more sick and tired of the situation than she was.

The Kleinfelder family was nothing but a plague, and Rafit, who was obsessed with their
already ended relationship, was beyond infuriating.

But even so, Rafit could never be killed.

Doing so would incite a war.

A war in such a weak and ailing kingdom would tear it apart, filling it with an endless cycle
of slaughter. Rienne couldn’t bring herself to face the death toll on either side.

[Rienne] “Please…….you can’t kill him….”

[Black] “Is Nauk the kind of place that allows traitors to keep their heads?”

[Rienne] “If its the Kleinfelders…”

Rienne swallowed hard. It was as though she was forcing thorns down her throat.

[Rienne] “The price is one we cannot afford to pay. The Kleinfelders won’t sit idly by— we
wouldn’t be able to withstand the aftermath.”

[Black] “I’ll deal with it.”

[Rienne] “No, you can’t.”

Drip. Drip.

As Rienne tightly kept her grip on his clothing, the blood seeped through her fingers and
dripped onto the tops of her feet.

[Rienne] “Nauk will be the one to suffer the consequences. Killing the Kleinfelders is
tantamount to killing half of Nauk.”

If they waged war against the royal family, all the houses in the aristocratic delegation
would side with the Kleinfelders. When wartime came and the Tiwakan wiped them out,
they wouldn’t be suppressing some small band of rebels.

They’d be smashing the already small kingdom into even smaller pieces, completely
decimating it and leaving nothing but broken shards behind.

[Rienne] “Nauk has already faced too much loss. My greatest regret is that I did not accept
Lord Tiwakan’s proposal sooner. If I had….it never would’ve reached this point.”

If only she had stopped Rafit from going to the Kingdom of Sharka for reinforcements.

If only she had quickly ended her halfhearted, obligatory relationship with him and just
accepted the proposal as soon as she received it.

If she had, those hundreds of people who died would still be alive, and she wouldn’t have to
make so many dangerous lies just to save Rafit.

She wouldn’t have had to lie about having a child, either. She wouldn’t need to panic about
the date of her monthly fever, or need to find a way to hide her inexperience.
And once he got whatever it was that he wanted from her…. Revenge or whatever it may

At least then I wouldn’t have to feel like my head was going to burst……. constantly having to
question what is truly inside your heart.

[Rienne] “Please……please don’t kill him. I just want……to protect Nauk.”

His unusually sharp eyes scanned Rienne’s expression. Whenever he did that, Rienne felt as
though she could never lie to him.

[Rienne] “Not him, but Nauk.”

[Black] “………..I don’t believe you.”

But when Black’s slow answer finally came out, it was a phrase that pushed her heart into

[Black] “You’ve been consistently making unbelievable excuses and promises you can’t be
bothered to keep, Princess………I can’t believe you now.”

[Rienne] “Please…….Please believe me. Everything I’ve told you now is the truth.”

[Black] “Not possible.”

Black’s mouth tensed.

[Black] “There may be more lies I’m not even aware of. Why should I start to trust you

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne couldn’t find the words to say.

He was completely right. Anytime Rienne would lie to narrowly avoid a crisis, Black would
act ignorant, but he always knew something was going on, even if he didn’t know the

[Rienne] “Anything……. I’ll do anything….to prove I’m not lying…….”

Rienne could feel the desperation set in, but Black didn’t seem to see it. He looked down at
her with a twisted and warped smirk on his face.

[Black] “Seems I’ve encouraged a terrible habit in you, Princess.”

[Rienne] “What are you talking about……?”

[Black] “Do you think things will go your way this time if you use your body to appease
me?” (2)

T/N: (1) Literally means “in an embrace” or “in a hug”, but in this context, it can have more
romantic connotations.

(2) He uses a word here that means ‘getting good at/used to doing something’ in
conjunction with a word that means ‘to soothe/pacify/calm’ etc. i.e Rienne made a habit of
using her body to calm him to get out of difficult situations.

astral comment: Oof, that was a lot.

ghost comment: *insert elmo fire meme* my heart…..;_;

A Barbaric Proposal C31

Chapter 31 | Betrayal

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


Rienne’s voice grew in confusion and embarrassment.

[Rienne] “What…..No, it’s not like that!”

[Black] “It’s not?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

But Black didn’t hesitate to talk back, his lips parting easily to speak.

Their minds were on completely different things.

All Rienne wanted was to prevent Nauk from being torn apart by war, but Black truly
believed she was making all of these terrible lies just to save her old love’s life.

[Black] “Like I said, I don’t trust you, Princess.”

For some reason, those words hurt more than a thorn under one’s fingernail.

[Black] “Do you still want me to keep him alive?”

[Rienne] “………..Yes.”

But even if he didn’t believe her, she couldn’t back down.

The Kleinfelder’s eldest son could not die. No matter her personal feelings on it…. Even if
she thought things might be better if he did, Rienne could not allow it to happen, no matter

[Black] “Then I will.”

[Rienne] “Ah……”

The relief instantly rushed in.

When Rienne instinctively looked up at him, Black’s eyes narrowed like a blade.

[Black] “But I want something from you.”

[Rienne] “What—”

Suddenly, Black grabbed Rienne’s arm and pulled her towards him. She felt his lips brush
up against her ear, his words seeping into her earlobe as he exhaled harshly against it.

[Black] “You’ll be sharing a bed with me tonight, Princess.”

[Rienne] “What…..that’s….”

Then, as quickly as he grabbed her, Black let go of her arm—as if he had no intention of
hearing her response.
[Black] “Bring that thing. Bind him and lock him away.” (1)

[Mercenary] “……Yes, sir.”

The mercenaries all glanced at each other, seemingly confused as to why they were told not
to kill someone like this, but they nonetheless followed orders.

Besides, Black’s expression didn’t invite any questions. He looked so angry everyone felt
they’d be liable to get seriously hurt if they dared to ask him.

[Black] “Take the Princess to the castle. I’m going ahead.”

[Mercenary] “Oh….uh, you’re leaving first? Are you alright to ride with those injuries?”

Leaving behind the astonished mercenaries, Black strode quickly towards his horse and
climbed up on it.

[Black] “Go!”

Dun, dun, dun!

The dark horse carrying Black disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye.

[Rienne] “. . .”

All Rienne could do was stand there and watch as his back moved farther and farther away.

It hurts….

It still hurt to hear him so plainly say he didn’t believe her.


[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh…. Princess! What happened to your clothing!? What’s happened?”

By the time Rienne returned to the castle, the sun that was once rising was now setting.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Didn’t you say you were going alone? What’s going on….?”

And of course, Mrs. Flambard was completely speechless.

It was understandable though. Anyone would be shocked if someone who was simply
leaving to give food to an old man returned covered in dirt, being escorted by three

[Rienne] “It just turned out this way. I’d like to wash up. Is there any water left?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Of course, you can use mine. I’ll prepare some clothing for you to change
into. Please, head inside.”

[Rienne] “Thank you, ma’am.”

Rienne turned to the mercenaries.

In reality, these men were not there to escort her. They were monitoring her. Today’s
events only served to show the Tiwakan mercenaries that Rienne was a woman capable of
betraying their leader and running away.

She wasn’t about to make any kind of excuse towards them, but that didn’t mean she was
going to accept their watchful eyes without a word.

[Rienne] “I think you’ve taken me far enough. I’d like to rest now.”

The mercenaries looked at one another, one of them eventually opening his mouth.

[Mercenary] “Do whatever’s comfortable for you. We’ll be here until we’re told otherwise.”

[Rienne] “The castle is safe. Having an escort here is excessive.”

[Mercenary] “Our Lord might have a different opinion.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

As she expected, they weren’t going to listen so easily. Rienne let out a small sigh.

[Rienne] “Then please sit. I’ll inform you ahead of time if I intend to leave again.”

[Mercenary] “Don’t worry about us. We can handle ourselves.”

[Rienne] “…….Well, alright then.”

Rienne didn’t say anything else and entered the bedroom. Mrs. Flambard waited for a long
time, still wondering what exactly was happening.


As soon as the door closed behind Rienne, Mrs. Flambard spoke up.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess, what’s going on? Why are they suddenly acting this way?”
[Rienne] “Hah…..”

Right then, all the exhaustion Rienne was enduring suddenly caught up with her. She lost
all strength in her legs as she lifelessly sank to the floor.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Ah, Princess! Are you alright!?”

Fear seizing her heart, Mrs. Flambard took Rienne’s hand with a look of surprise on her

[Rienne] “Just a moment….. I’d like to sit…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “But don’t sit on the floor. Here, use a chair.”

[Rienne] “My clothing will only dirty it. Having to clean my dress is already too much…. We
already have too much work to do.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “. . .”

The woman looked at Rienne’s incredibly defeated expression and sat down to her.

[Mrs. Flambard] “What happened?”

[Rienne] “…..It’s…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Do you not wish to speak of it?”

[Rienne] “No… I don’t want to hide anything….”

….I’m sorry I have to tell you this.

Rienne didn’t know why it hurt….but it did.

[Rienne] “The Kleinfelders tried to kill Lord Tiwakan.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What?”

Mrs. Flambard was so shocked, she almost screamed. The moment she realized how loud
she was, she placed a hand over her mouth.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Did they really? Then did he…..did he die?”

[Rienne] “No.”

Rienne’s face darkened. All those emotions she felt when she was told Black had died came
rushing back in, tumbling around in her heart like boiling water.

[Rienne] “But he’s hurt. Badly.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Goodness…..But if the Kleinfelder family was responsible then why is he
so upset with you, Princess?”

Hearing that was a surprise.

[Rienne] “How did you know Lord Tiwakan was upset with me?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Those men he sent with you seemed angry.”

[Rienne] “They weren’t angry. They weren’t harsh in the slightest.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Really? They seemed different from how they were treating you

[Rienne] “Is….that so?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “So they did, in my opinion.”

Rienne was starting understand what she meant.

The Tiwakan mercenaries were entirely different from how the rumors described them.

People always said they were beasts parading as men, with so many terrible rumors
circulating about their deeds. But Rienne had never personally witnessed anything like

Even though they were angry with her, though their tone had become a bit rough, they still
treated her with respect and were never rude.

I suppose that’s all because of him.

Because that man was always so kind to her.

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan thinks I conspired with Lord Kleinfelder.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What?”

Her eyes widened so much it looked as though her eyes were about to pop out.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess… Don’t tell me you….”

[Rienne] “Of course not.”

Rienne quickly nipped the seeds of doubt in the bud.

[Rienne] “I swear I had nothing to do with this. Attempting something like that while the
Tiwakan occupy the castle would be incredibly foolish.”
[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes! Why would Lord Kleinfelder try something even a five year old
child would understand is stupid?”

[Rienne] “That’s what I want to know. I don’t understand how he could he be so rash.”

As Rienne recounted the events, explaining how Rafit kidnapped her and forced her into a
carriage all the way until Black’s arrival on the scene, she could hear Mrs. Flambard utter
words of shock to herself.

[Mrs. Flambard] “…..I suppose misunderstanding the situation is only natural. After all,
Princess….. he believes you to be carrying Lord Kleinfelder’s child.”

[Rienne] “Yes.”

Rienne buried her face in her lap.

[Rienne] “When I said that… I held no regrets…if it meant protecting what’s important…
It’s just…..”

Taking a breath, the air hitched in Rienne’s throat.

[Rienne] “……..It’s too much.” (2)

It felt like someone had her heart in their grip and was squeezing it as hard as they could.

She held so many doubts about that man herself and yet, for some reason, him saying he
distrusts her in turn caused such a pain in her chest.

How long must we doubt each other like this?

Will this cycle…ever end…?

[Mrs. Flambard] “Then tell him it isn’t so, Princess.”

Rienne kept her face buried and weakly shook her head.

[Rienne] “It would be pointless to do so now.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Then you’ll just have to repeat yourself, again and again, until he
believes you. A broken trust is not so easily repaired.”

[Rienne] “But what difference will it make?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What makes you say that? Aren’t these misunderstandings causing you
pain, Princess?”

[Rienne] “Yes…. but simply clearly them away doesn’t mean everything will be alright.”
[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess….”

[Rienne] “It isn’t as though I can so easily ask him to trust me, so I have no choice but to
maintain the lie into the future.” (3)

[Mrs. Flambard] “Why do you have so little faith? Couldn’t you just be honest?”

[Rienne] “But how? Even now, I still need to keep my monthly fever a secret.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “. . .”

Rienne, who was hiding her dangerously pale face, slowly pulled her head up.

[Rienne] “Enough. I need to wash up now.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess…… you can stay here longer.”

Mrs. Flambard said this instead of saying Rienne looked unwell.

[Rienne] “If I stay here, I may never leave so I must move while I still can. I’ll clean up now,
so please prepare my clothing.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “……Please wait a moment. I will get the water ready.”

Mrs. Flambard leapt to her feet and headed towards the bathroom before Rienne could
respond. Perhaps she was worried Rienne would refuse.

[Rienne] “Everything’s fine.”

Rienne whispered to herself, watching Mrs. Flambard’s back.

[Rienne] “Really.”

Despite this haggard feeling inside of her, everything was truly fine. Rafit Kleinfelder was
still alive, as was Black.

Nauk was safe, which meant it had to be alright.

[Rienne] “…..Though there is one thing that isn’t.”

Nauk’s safety came at a price. One Rienne needed to pay.

[Black] –‘You’ll be sharing a bed with me tonight, Princess.’

Remembering that, Rienne felt a chill move through her body at the sound of Black’s voice
cutting into her mind.

No….It’ll be fine. The wedding is still a few days away…….so it’ll be fine.
Black wasn’t the sort of man to speak empty words, and yet Rienne was desperate to
believe he meant otherwise.

[Rienne] “No…it’ll be alright. He isn’t the kind of person to force something like that.”

But the more she denied it and the more she tried to convince herself, the thought only
echoed even louder in her head. Fearing the weight of it would keep her down, Rienne
quickly shook it away and stood up.

I’ll feel better once I clean myself.

She just felt a little sick, so she couldn’t help but worry about the night ahead.

Everything will be okay. It has to be.


To avoid what happened before, Rienne barred both doors leading to the bathroom before
taking off her clothes.

Disrobing, Rienne turned towards the water basin in front of the mirror. The sight was
more pitiful than she would’ve thought.

[Rienne] “This is…?”

Decorating her right arm and trailing down her elbow, all the way down the side of her
body were various blue and red bruises. It must be where she’d gotten hurt when she was
being forced into the carriage.

[Rienne] “I got cut here. No wonder I felt it stinging earlier.”

Feeling a sense of despondency set in, Rienne surprised even herself as a low laugh escaped

[Rienne] “He’s no help at all.”

The man she had once trusted as a lover had now become an incredibly troublesome and
heavy existence.

[Rienne] “Not one bit.”

Rienne whispered to herself about Rafit, getting to work clearing the blood off of her arm.
The blood had already started to dry, so the process was a little painful.
[Rienne] “That person…… he’s hurt too, isn’t he?”

Black had gotten so terribly hurt that the fabric of his clothing was wet with blood.
Considering even his subordinates were worried about him riding a horse, it might be even
worse than she thought.

[Rienne] “Did he get himself treated?”

He said he would return first, but he hadn’t come back to the castle yet. Rienne felt herself
getting worried, wondering where he was and whether or not he was feeling well.

At some point, her feelings towards him strayed away from repulsion and fear. Instead, the
sadness, anxiety, gratitude, and regret were taking up more seats in her heart than not.

But this was something Rienne was not aware of.

I hope you’re not in too much pain.

Rienne swallowed hard, concentrating on cleaning her wound.

But just as she was distracted with finishing getting the blood off of her and cleaning up,
that’s when it happened.


The once barred door crashed open. The iron holders meant to keep the bar in place
immediately tore off from the sheer force of the push.

[Rienne] “……!”

Rienne jerked her head in the direction of the noise.

And that’s when she saw Black. He was staring at her, his face as stiff as a statue.

T/N: (1) He uses language in reference to Rafit that’s more indicative of an object, rather
than a person.

(2) lit “too cramped/tight”. This could be a double meaning for the literal tightness in her
chest and the more figurative weight of her lie.

(3) they use the word “계속” here twice, lit. “to continue (something)”. Using it twice in a
row is usually done for emphasis, likely illustrating Rienne’s hopelessness that the
situation is unavoidable.

astral comment: We’ve officially entered angst-filled territory, if we weren’t there last
chapter already.

ghost comment: Truth is important, but the drama is feeding me

A Barbaric Proposal C32

Chapter 32 | Spark (1)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


At that moment, Rienne’s mind went completely blank, but luckily her hand knew to move
on its own. She quickly grabbed the towel she had prepared nearby and used it to cover her
bare body.

[Rienne] “Wha, what are you…..?”

But unlike her hands, her mouth couldn’t speak properly.

[Rienne] “I, I thought…. I locked it…..”

It was then that Black took his eyes away, speaking slowly.

[Black] “……So that’s why.”

[Rienne] “…….?”

[Black] “I thought the door was stuck, but it was just the lock.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

So that’s what he meant. He didn’t know the door was locked so he ended up breaking in

Rienne felt her heart settle hearing those words. It gladdened her to know he didn’t do it
because he intended to do away with his good will just to be impatient about tonight.

But looking at him now, she realized he must want to wash up. He was still covered in
blood and mud from the incident.

[Rienne] “I’d like for you to leave now. I’ve just finished, so I’ll be out in a moment.”

[Black] “Are you hurt?”

[Rienne] “……..Excuse me?”

As if he couldn’t hear her, Black stood still and continually asked his question.

[Black] “Your arms and your side.”

[Rienne] “Oh…..”

Wanting to hide her body from him, Rienne angled herself away and repeated herself.

[Rienne] “Yes, but please leave….”

[Black] “When was it? Was it when the cart crashed?”

No, not then.

When the cart crashed and the barrels started rolling towards them, Black had pushed
Rienne to the side so quickly that they didn’t even leave a scratch on her.

[Rienne] “No, I think it happened when I was in the carriage. And please don’t stare at me
like that…. Even if you’re my fiancé, it’s still impolite.”

[Black] “Ah…..”

Much too late, Black finally turned his head away.

[Black] “Pardon me.”

Averting his gaze, he turned his back towards her. As he started to leave through the door
with the destroyed lock, he slightly gestured his head back towards her, murmuring

[Black] “Then…. Aren’t…” (1)

[Rienne] “I’m sorry?”

Maybe it was because he was facing away from her, but Rienne couldn’t quite hear him.

[Rienne] “Did you say something?”

[Black] “It’s nothing. Never mind.”

And then Black left without turning back.


The door shut behind him, almost soundless in comparison to the booming noise from
when it was opened.

[Rienne] “Hah……”

Finally, Rienne was able to breathe.

[Rienne] “What’s happening?”

On the floor of that large bathroom sat the remains of the needlessly sturdy iron lock.
Though not as big in comparison to the locks of the entrance gate, it was still fairly heavy
and strong.

It was unimaginable to believe that Black could push it open so easily, thinking the door
was merely being stubborn.

Rienne was again given a striking and dawning reminder of their difference in strength. If
he wanted to force her to do something she didn’t want to do, she would have no way of
refusing him.

[Rienne] “……But he left.”

He didn’t stare at her when she asked him not to, and he quietly left when she asked him to
leave. That’s when a sudden thought came to Rienne about the man named Black.

[Rienne] “That man…… He wouldn’t do something that I wouldn’t like. That’s the kind of
man he is.”

Rienne had no choice but to put her faith in that thought.



By the time Black had come in, Rienne was already mostly done washing up. After that, all
she needed to do was dry herself off and change into the clothes Mrs. Flambard had left for

Then, she went back into the bathroom and emptied out the water basin, filling it with
fresh water herself. She felt it would be too cruel to ask an injured person to do it on his

Knock, knock.

Once she was done with all her work, Rienne left through the other door to the bathroom
and knocked on Black’s bedroom door.

[Rienne] “You may use the bathroom now.”

But there was no response.

[Rienne] “……Lord Tiwakan?”

Rienne tilted her head and eventually turned around to leave. If he wasn’t answering, then
maybe he’d left again. But then an odd feeling took hold of her and she turned right back
around and opened the door.


[Rienne] “……Lord Tiwakan!”

When she opened the door, Black’s body was lying flat on the floor. Pale-faced, Rienne ran
towards him.

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan! Please wake up!”

As Rienne took his head in her arms and gently patted his cheek, his eyes started to open.

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan!”

[Black] “……Ah.”
Though he was lying on the floor, he spoke rather clearly. Over time, his blue eyes slowly
came to.

[Black] “What’s going on?”

He was on the floor with his head resting in Rienne’s lap, his eyes going over her as she
held his face with her hand. He really didn’t know what was happening.

[Rienne] “I called out for you, but you didn’t respond…..then I came in and I found you on
the floor.”

Meanwhile Rienne was so surprised, she was completely breathless.

[Black] “……..I must’ve fallen asleep.”

[Rienne] “Asleep? On the floor?”

[Black] “I do that sometimes when I get hurt.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

With a look of disbelief on her face, Rienne looked at Black who only stared up at her.

[Rienne] “Have you lost your mind? You’re injured.”

[Black] “I woke up, so it’s fine.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

In that moment, why did his scar-riddled body come to her mind?

He doesn’t even realize he’s hurt. He doesn’t notice his own pain or his own sickness so he
forgets to take care of himself.

So why did he look at her like that when he saw her bruises?

[Rienne] “Stand up.”

Rienne let go of Black’s head as he slowly stood up from the ground. He made a strange face
as he did so, but eventually he was able to stand on his own two feet.

[Black] “Are you going to stay here?”

Black asked this as he faced the bathroom door. He was saying that he wanted to take off
his clothes before going in.

[Rienne] “…..No, not here.”

Rienne shook her head and stood up.

[Rienne] “Follow me.”

[Black] “……?”

While Black was left to wonder, Rienne walked right past him and into the bathroom.


[Rienne] “Take off your clothes. Like you normally do when you wash up.”

[Black] “. . .”

Black looked right at Rienne. Perhaps stunned into speechlessness, his lips were slightly

[Rienne] “I will help you. It wouldn’t be right to leave someone who could collapse at any
moment on their own.”

[Black] “It’s fine.”

[Rienne] “It’s not. Take them off.”

[Black] “I’m not that hurt.”

[Rienne] “I’m sure.”

[Black] “. . .”

Getting quiet again, Black frowned.

[Black] “Why are you doing this?”

[Rienne] “I said it earlier. You’re hurt, so I must treat you like a patient.”

[Black] “It’s not that big of a deal.”

[Rienne] “And you wonder why I’m doing this? This isn’t the first time I’ve needed to take
care of your wounds. Why must today be any different?”

As his frown deepened, so did the creases between his brows.

[Black] “That’s not it…..If you’re doing this because you want to pay the price for keeping
the Kleinfelder alive, then this isn’t necessary. That’s something else entirely, Princess.”

[Rienne] “That….”

With those words, Rienne’s face turned pale, but it was only for a moment. Not long after
that, she was able to make her expression calm again.

[Rienne] “This has nothing to do with that. You’re hurt, Lord Tiwakan, but unfortunately
you don’t seem too interested in mending yourself. That leaves it up to me.”

[Black] “And why would you do that for me, Princess?’

[Rienne] “Because you’re my fiancé.”

[Black] “. . .”

Rienne caught a glimpse of Black raising one of his eyebrows. She didn’t know exactly what
that meant, but it certainly didn’t mean he was happy.

Though if I were him, I’d feel the same.

Especially after what happened today.

[Rienne] “…….I know it sounds ridiculous coming from me, but my feelings have not
changed since the day we first wrote our marriage vows. In neither body nor mind, I have
no intention of cheating on my fiancé. Such will always be the case so long as I carry the
name of Arsak.” (2)

I can’t force him to believe me. It’s his own heart, not mine.

But she couldn’t leave him, alone and injured, just because of a misunderstanding.

[Rienne] “If you can’t trust me, then please, at least call for someone else.”

[Black] “. . .”

Black stood still, running a hand through his dirty hair. When he moved his hand away, his
expression was entirely visible, and it looked different from usual.

[Black] “I usually take all my clothes off when I wash myself.”

When he said that, Rienne’s face turned a little red.

[Black] “How much do you want me to leave on?”

They decided on the bare minimum. In the bathroom where Rienne was waiting, Black
entered wearing only a pair of pants that cut above the knee.


Rienne had to hold back a scream.

With injuries like this, any other man would be lying sick in bed, groaning from the pain.
And yet Black, against all belief, was sitting completely unperturbed with a distant look on
his face.

[Rienne] “The wounds are everywhere.”

Rienne sighed, looking over the places where his skin had become swollen or cut. She was
lucky his back was turned towards her so he couldn’t see her expression.

[Black] “I don’t tend to feel pain unless a bone is broken so……..”

His words trailed off like he was rushing to make an excuse.

In all honesty, over the course of his life, he had made so few excuses he wasn’t even aware
he was doing so. He just thought it was strange why something that was normally so
obvious was difficult to say in front of Rienne.

[Rienne] “But this one healed so quickly. I think it might be completely healed by now.”

As she worked cleaning him of all the bloodstains and dirt, she carefully touched where his
shoulder had been pierced with an arrow not long ago.

[Black] “……Hng.”

Rolling his shoulder, Black let out a low moan. Rienne was immediately taken aback,
pulling her hand away.

[Rienne] “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was still causing you pain.”

[Black] “It doesn’t hurt.”

[Rienne] “……? Then….?”

[Black] “Your hand is soft.”

[Rienne] “……?”

If my hand is soft, then why is he avoiding it…..? Oh, it must be because it’s irritating it.
Understanding his reaction, Rienne nodded to herself. The wound might be healed but the
skin would be sensitive because it’s still scarring over.

I need to be more careful.

[Rienne] “How did you plan on washing your back with so many wounds?”

Thinking it’d cause too much pain otherwise, Rienne gently dabbed his wounds with a wet
cloth. With how injured his body was, it was unthinkable to imagine him doing it on his

[Black] “I didn’t think about it. Probably would’ve just poured water on it.”

[Rienne] “Hah…..”

Just as she thought. The man was terribly insensitive when it came to his own pain.

…But I’m not.

From Rienne’s perspective, he looked so hurt it was difficult to even touch his wounds.

[Rienne] “I’m almost finished. Hold on for just a little bit longer.”

[Black] “It’s fine. You don’t have to rush.”

[Rienne] “It’s not fine.”

If Rienne spent any more time looking at his wounds, she wouldn’t be able to sleep at night.
Seeing him so hurt made her feel sick.

[Rienne] “Your back is done. You’ll likely be able to reach the rest on your own……..”

Mustering her courage, Rienne spoke again.

[Rienne] “Still, I’d like to do it for you if at all possible.”

Black turned his head back to look at her.

[Black] “Is it because I’m your fiancé?”

[Rienne] “No, it’s because I know you won’t take care of your wounds properly yourself,
Lord Tiwakan.”

[Black] “. . .”

For some reason, Black didn’t answer. He kept his mouth shut as he looked at Rienne. She
thought it might hurt his neck if he stayed like that for too long.
[Rienne] “I’ll take that to mean it’s alright.”

So she moved herself to the front of him.

Sitting in the bathroom chair like that, Black’s stature was much smaller than usual and it
was easier for Rienne to stand at eye level with him. But she always seemed to get into
trouble when their eyes met.

Maybe I shouldn’t have offered.

Rienne could never be calm seeing his face like this.

[Black] “…….It’s not alright.”

It was when Rienne reached out to place the wet cloth on his collarbone that he tilted his
head back to avoid her touch. Her outstretched hand hovered awkwardly in the air,
stiffening in response.

[Black] “I’ll just end up wanting payment for what happened today.”

[Rienne] “That…………Oh.”

Rienne understood Black just a beat later.

It wasn’t his words that made her understand, but rather the look in his eyes. There was a
fire there more intense than when he was hit with that arrow and his fever rose, though
she didn’t see it immediately.

[Rienne] “Something like that……won’t happen.”

Saying that, Rienne’s throat felt dry and her voice cracked. Without even blinking, Black
watched her as she held a hand over her mouth and awkwardly coughed.

[Black] “What do you mean, it won’t?”

[Rienne] “You’re not the sort of man who would force such an awful thing on me, Lord

Black’s mouth tensed only for a brief moment.

[Black] “Is the idea of sleeping with me really that ‘awful’?”

[Rienne] “No, that’s not what I’m saying……I only meant that you wouldn’t force me if I
wasn’t ready.”

[Black] “How do you know that?”

[Rienne] “You’ve shown me with your actions. I know because you’ve always been so
respectful towards me.”

Just then, Black gave a bitter smile.

[Black] “Respectful…….. Even if I was, the matter of us sleeping together is different.”

[Rienne] “No, it’s not. I was not in a position to reject this proposal and yet you were still
respectful and considerate towards me. I’m certain that means you wouldn’t force me to do
something like that if I didn’t want it.”

[Black] “. . .”

From that, his bitter smile only grew.

But after his smile faded, Black looked at Rienne.

[Black] “I don’t know.”


T/N: (1) He uses an incomplete phrase, so it’s left ambiguous what he’s talking about,
though basically he’s asking for confirmation of negative statement, leaving out any
specifics because he wasn’t heard. Kinda like saying “Not?” in English.

(2) By the phrase ‘body or mind’, she means that she didn’t conspire against him or
physically cheat on him.

astral comment: You’ve earned a lot of points by being nice so far, don’t throw them away

ghost comment: this is my favorite CG so far though, I think. It’s v soft.

A Barbaric Proposal C33

Chapter 33 | Spark (2)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


Rienne waited in silence for his words.

[Black] “I don’t know if you’re too cunning for your own good or if you’re just ridiculously

[Rienne] “……..Neither of those sound like compliments.”

[Black] “Is it because you know I can’t say no when it comes to you, Princess?”

[Rienne] “Is…..that what you think?”

[Black] “You understand what happened today.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

She knew exactly what he was doing. He kept talking about the price she needed to pay for
what happened, but by the looks of it, he didn’t seem like he had any intentions of actually
taking it.

[Black] “But that won’t last forever…..”

Black reached out and took the wet cloth from Rienne.

[Black] “You should leave. While I’m still pretending to be a decent person.”

Her hands were empty now. Rienne stared at her hands as the he lifted the cloth from her
and took it back.

If she left like this, nothing would change.

This man would continue to misunderstand what had happened and her heart would be
left to wallow in distress. She didn’t want things to be like that.

[Rienne] “I know you’re more than just a ‘decent person’, Lord Tiwakan.”

I’m not afraid. Not of him.

[Rienne] “So please, allow me to stay here. I want to take care of my fiancé however I can.”

[Black] “. . .”

She could see the muscles in Black’s face twitch, but this time it didn’t seem like he found
her words unpleasant.


Completely cleaning all his wounds took quite awhile. Though, once Rienne had insisted on
helping him wash his hair, the evening passed by quickly after that.

Black tried to draw the line by telling her she needn’t bother, but she couldn’t trust him to
wash his hair properly after he tried ignoring his injuries.

By the time everything was done, Rienne was exhausted once she left the bathroom.

But for some reason, Black seemed far more tired than she, which was a bit peculiar.
After making several requests for one of his subordinates to help him apply the medicine,
Rienne returned to her room. Her arms felt so heavy she needed Mrs. Flambard’s help
changing into her nightgown.

Once she had finally managed to convince Mrs. Flambard to leave and get herself some
dinner, Rienne immediately dropped herself into her bed.

It’s been such a long day.

All she wanted to do was close her eyes and fall asleep but the moment she laid down, her
back ached intensely.

[Rienne] “Oh….. why….must you hurt now…?”

She forced herself to lie down. The only thing that brought her respite from the pain was
lying on her stomach, and even that only helped briefly and barely.

[Rienne] “Did I hurt my back too…..? I thought my bruises were on my side.”

She felt so much pain after receiving a couple of bruises, but what about him? That man’s
been in a near constant state of harm since arriving.

It was a pattern started by Rafit, who shot that arrow in the first place.

This was all his fault. All because his temperament was worse than a five-year-old child.
Why couldn’t he understand that they were already long since done?

Although, I never did ask what happened to Rafit.

That man said to lock him up somewhere, so that was probably where he was now.

Things are going to be such a mess tomorrow.

Linden Kleinfelder would likely try and destroy her for this one. He’ll probably send Lord
Maslow to try and squeeze something out of her. And what was her plan to deal with that
when it happened?

….Hah…..Let’s just stop thinking about this right now.

She’ll think about it when tomorrow comes.

It wasn’t a good idea to think about the people of that family right before she went to sleep.
She’d only have nightmares if she did.

Focus on feeling better. Just forget how much your back hurts.

What should she…….

But what suddenly came to mind was Black’s low and deep voice from earlier.

[Black] –‘You should leave. While I’m still pretending to be a decent person.’

Suddenly, she felt goosebumps forming alongside her face and she felt a chill being sent
down her neck.

Why did she feel so strange about that? His words were straightforward, so what was
confusing her was the emotion behind them.

Black sounded as kind as he always did, but somehow hearing him speak, she felt like she
was in danger. It was like standing in front of a wild animal, bare without a weapon, while
also knowing the beast would never do anything to hurt you.

……What kind of insanity is that?

Keeping her face down, Rienne shook her head.

It didn’t make sense, but for Black, it was perfectly logical. Ever since she met him, she
found him to be a man filled with contradictions.

Just go to sleep.

Rienne forced her eyes shut.

At least I won’t have nightmares tonight.

Her back still hurt but if she fell asleep, she wouldn’t notice the pain. It would be for the
best if she just faded away into exhaustion.

[Rienne] “……?”

But the day hadn’t ended yet.

Squeak, thud.

She thought she was hearing wrong, but she wasn’t. Someone was opening her door.

[Rienne] “Who……?”

As she struggled to sit up, Rienne saw Black standing at her door, looking her way.


Why……why is he here?

No…he can’t….

[Black] “I’m here for my payment.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne heard the sound of clothing being rustled—the sound of her unconsciously
grabbing the fabric of her nightgown.

[Rienne] “But I thought…..I thought you said…..”

Her throat sounded so choked, it was like she was trying to speak with a voice that wasn’t
her own.

Black walked slowly towards her. Amidst the silence of that dark room, the light blue eyes
that stared at her seemed to be shouting out all around her.
[Black] “You did exactly as you pleased, Princess.”

[Rienne] “I……”

[Black] “I have something I want to do, too. So be a princess and just endure it.”

[Rienne] “What….do you want…..t..?”

[Black] “I won’t let you say no.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

But what he wanted from her didn’t seem to be what she feared. Looking at him closely,
Rienne noticed Black was holding something in his hand.

[Rienne] “What….is that?”

[Black] “It’s medicine. Turn around.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne hesitated for a moment, but then did as he asked, staying seated and turning her
back to him. She felt the weight of the bed shift as he sat down.

He wasn’t sitting close to her, but he wasn’t far away either—his voice low as it hit Rienne’s

[Black] “I won’t ask you to take your clothes off.”

……What is he planning on doing?

[Black] “So just bear with it. Even if it tickles.



Again she heard the sound of her clothes rustling.

[Rienne] “What…..?”

Rienne turned her head in embarrassment. Right then, their eyes met, but Black’s hand
continued to make its way under her nightgown.

[Rienne] “Wait, hold on.”

She immediately turned and grabbed his wrist, but the pain hit her just as quickly. Rienne
winced, her voice softly ebbing out.
[Black] “You should sit up straight. You’ll only make the pain worse if you sit wrong.”

[Rienne] “What are you going to do?”

[Black] “I’m going to take care of my fiancée. She won’t take care of herself and yet she’ll
nag others for doing the same.”

[Rienne] “No, I can….. I can reach it myself. I’m perfectly capable of putting on medicine on
my own.”

[Black] “Isn’t that what I said?”

[Rienne] “That’s…..”

[Black] “Turn around. Or you can keep looking at me.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Black didn’t seem like he was in the mood the listen or stop. Even if Rienne grabbed his
wrist as tightly as she could, he would still be able to move with ease.

[Rienne] “Didn’t you say you came here to get your payment?”

Rienne’s voice was quiet.

[Black] “Would it be better if I said I replaced it with this?”

…..I can’t say that.

Black was giving her a choice but not really.

She wasn’t about to say with her own mouth that she’d rather sleep together than have him
apply medicine for her. She actually felt more comfortable like this instead. (1)

But this…..This is a little strange.

Instead of getting paid himself….. he was just doing something for her.

[Rienne] “What made you change your mind?”

Eventually, Rienne turned her head away. She felt her face redden with each passing
second, so she pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, hiding
her face away.

[Black] “What do you mean?”

[Rienne] “The medicine.”

[Black] “I didn’t think you’d do it yourself.”

[Rienne] “If you just gave it to me, then….”

[Black] “Then I wouldn’t be able to touch you.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “And the bruises looked like they were in a place you wouldn’t be able to reach on
your own.”

How does he know that….? Ah, he must’ve seen it.

Rienne felt the embarrassment settling in. She wasn’t sure how much he’d seen of her.

It didn’t make sense…..Rienne had seen him shirtless before, but for some reason she felt
like dying out of shame right now.

[Rienne] “A, Are there bruises on my back, too?”

Rienne asked, vainly trying to cover her embarrassment with a cough. All the while, Black’s
hand was now freely roaming around underneath her nightgown.

[Black] “Yeah.”

She felt his finger press the medicine against the middle of her back.

It was such a small touch, but it was terrifyingly acute. So much so that Rienne had to hold
back a cry.

[Black] “Does it hurt here?”

[Rienne] “A… a little….”

That was a lie. She was afraid that his touch would only become more intense if she told
him she was okay.

But it was suspicious. It was very odd how little pain she was in. The sensation felt
numbing, if not a little ticklish.

Though it wasn’t a tickle that needed to be scratched. It was a weird sense of wanting to
turn around to hug the person who was caring for her wounds so kindly.

[Black] “I’m doing it as gently as I can.”

Rienne knew that.

The problem was that he was doing it too slowly.

[Rienne] “Please….hurry.”

That weird tickly sensation would only go away once he took his hands off of her.

[Black] “I don’t want to.”

[Rienne] “…….What?”

But Black wasn’t taking her words.

[Black] “I want to touch you for as long as I can, so I’ll be taking my time.”

Releasing her clenched teeth, Rienne spoke up.

[Rienne] “That’s….not very proper for someone applying medicine to the injured.” (2)

[Black] “I know. But I don’t care about coming across as ‘proper’ right now.”

His hand was slow as it began to travel down along her spine, reaching somewhere that
Rienne knew—a place that was much more sensitive than just her back.

Unable to bear it any longer, Rienne twisted her body.

[Rienne] “S, stop it…..”

[Black] “Bear with it. Just like I did.”

Black started spreading the medicine across her side.

Something was different about him today. In comparison to his usual self, he seemed
affectionate yet strangely assertive.

Is this what he meant when he said he didn’t care about acting proper?

But why?

[Rienne] “Why don’t you care about appearing decent?”

[Black] “I don’t think there’s any point.”

[Rienne] “No point?”

[Black] “I already have you, Princess.”

[Rienne] “……..That’s not how things work. There’s no woman in the world who likes a man
who doesn’t act polite.”
After giving it some thought, Rienne spoke her mind. But after Black’s response, she
couldn’t find any more words to say.

[Black] “I might’ve acted and stayed decent if you didn’t have another man.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “I thought I’d wait until you forgot about him yourself, Princess……. But after today,
I don’t think that’ll happen, so I changed my mind.”

As he applied the medicine, his hand stopped moving but he kept it in place under Rienne’s
nightgown—gently wrapped around her bruised waist.

[Rienne] “I……..I told you before, I never cheated.”

[Black] “And like I said, I don’t believe you.”

[Rienne] “For him…. Not for even a moment have I……”

Have I ever loved him.

They were technically ‘together’, but she could never treat their relationship as being real.
Acting as Rafit’s lover, her life felt like it was being spent on a tightrope.

But the words got caught in her throat.

Rienne was supposed to be having a child with Rafit. Even if she told Black that she didn’t
love him, he would only think she was giving him another cheap lie to escape the situation.

[Rienne] “……I’ve already accepted everything as it is. I only told him that I would be
marrying you and that you would be the father of my child in the future, Lord Tiwakan.
Nothing else happened.”

[Black] “Seeing you, Princess, I realize there’s a difference between accepting things as
they are and cutting something out of your heart entirely.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Black wasn’t talking about physical infidelity.

He believed Rienne still hadn’t forgotten about her former lover.

[Rienne] “I…..will do…. my best.”

She couldn’t say anything else.

[Black] “Yeah. Do everything you can.”

Black’s fingers tapped against Rienne’s bare skin, but it didn’t hurt.

It wasn’t as though he was trying to cause her pain. The hands that held her felt like they
were filled with impatience and anxiety.

[Black] “Until I can trust you, Princess.”

Black tilted his head towards her. He was so close to her now that she could feel his breath
on the top of her head.

[Black] “I’m going to kiss you.”

He didn’t ask for permission this time.

[Black] “Here.”

He took his other hand and brushed it against the back of her neck which was covered by
her long hair. Keeping one hand on her bare waist, he took all her hair and gathered to the
side over one of her shoulders, revealing her pale neck.

Rienne wasn’t sure how white the back of her neck was, or how it might look from Black’s

[Rienne] “. . .”

His fingers touched her before his lips did. Rienne’s shoulders shivered at the small touch
that made her hair stand up.

T/N: (1) She’s saying she’s not going to argue the point if he’s changing his mind.

(2) She means it’s ‘inappropriate’ for someone to take advantage of a situation where
they’re caring for someone who is injured.
A Barbaric Proposal C34
Enjoy the double chapters because I (astral) forgot to schedule the last one, whoops lol

Chapter 34 | Spark (3)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


As Rienne’s body trembled, Black asked her a question.

[Black] “Are you afraid?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

She couldn’t say yes or no.

[Black] “Endure it.”

And then his lips fell.

Rienne took a short and sudden gasp. The feeling of someone she couldn’t see kissing the
back of her neck was indescribably strange. Was it because it was a place no one had ever
kissed her before?

It felt like Black was opening up a part of her that was once hidden away and branding it
with a mark.

But she couldn’t say she hated the feeling.

…..This is insane.

The sensation of his lips being slowly drawn across her neckline felt like it was setting fire
to her skin. Though her shoulders were once the only thing shaking, strong shivers were
now pulsating through her body.

Even as Rienne tightly bit her lip, she couldn’t rid herself of those sensations he left behind.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Eventually the soft breathing stopped and Black pulled his lips away from her. But even
after such a kiss, he didn’t leave, instead tightly wrapping his arms around Rienne.

[Rienne] “Why…….?”

As Rienne asked in confusion, Black put strength into his grip and forced her to lie down.
She felt the weight of a familiar blanket covering her body as he dropped himself right to

[Black] “I’m sleeping here.”

He wasn’t asking permission for this either.

But despite his demanding words, he didn’t get very close to her. He remained out of reach
of the blanket where they wouldn’t touch on accident.

He’s kind yet forceful. Forceful yet kind.

[Rienne] “……Without a blanket?”

[Black] “Don’t need it.”

[Rienne] “But you’ll get cold.”

[Black] “My body runs hot. I’ll be fine.”

He turned on his side and looked at Rienne.

[Black] “Go to sleep.”

Rienne could feel the side of her face stinging from his gaze. She kept her eyes on the
ceiling, not confident enough to face him directly.

Already the tip of her nose was starting to feel cold.

[Rienne] “Then……You should get another blanket.”

She couldn’t see him that well from her position, but Black’s shoulders seemed to twitch.

[Black] “So I can sleep to you?”

[Rienne] “You’ve already decided to do so, regardless of what I say.”

[Black] “There’s a difference between my insistence and you saying it’s okay, Princess.”

[Rienne] “Is there? The result is the same in the end, even if I didn’t say anything.”

[Black] “…….Can’t it be the same?”

[Rienne] “It already is. If you’re going to sleep here, then you shouldn’t have to sleep cold.”

[Black] “…….You’re a strange woman, Princess.”

His voice was so low, his words came out like a whisper. Rienne always wanted to say
something like that to him, too.

That’s how you appear to me.

A very unusual man.

Whether he acted polite or rude, affectionate or cold—all of those traits were encompassed
in a single person, so she had no choice but to accept it all.

[Rienne] “Stay here.”

Black was unlikely to get up and get another blanket himself, so Rienne pulled herself out
of bed.

[Black] “Where are you going?”

[Rienne] “The closet.”

From the closet behind the bed, Rienne pulled out an additional blanket that had been
stored there in preparation for the colder months of winter. For some reason, Black’s body
stiffened as she approached, unfolding the blanket and draping it over him.

Now he won’t be so cold lying to me.

For some reason, Rienne felt relieved, as if she had done her job.

[Rienne] “You should be able to sleep comfortably now.”

[Black] “. . .”

Rienne heard Black mutter to himself, but she didn’t bother to ask what he said. She just
assumed he was thinking she was strange, just like before.

[Rienne] “Goodnight, then.”

The two of them closed their eyes, lying in a single bed with two different blankets.

Eventually, a peculiar night gave way to an even more peculiar morning as Rienne drifted
off to sleep first.


When Rienne stirred awake, the first thing she noticed was how everything felt too warm.

That doesn’t make sense.

The morning hours were always cold during this particular time of year. When it was like
this, her nose would be shivering and her head would still be in a sleepy daze, but her body
would wake up nonetheless.

It was a season where the only thing that got her out of bed was forcing herself to open her
eyes after hearing Mrs. Flambard’s approaching footsteps.

[Rienne] “. . .”

But this time, Rienne’s eyes fluttered open.

And she realized she was in Black’s arms.

Though they fell asleep using separate blankets, for some reason they were using only one
now. And just as Black said his body ran hot despite the season, Rienne’s cheek that was up
against his chest could attest the truth of that.

[Rienne] “Ah……”

But just as Rienne was about to let out a sound of surprise, she bit down on her lip.

Black was still fast asleep.

His eyes were shut so tightly, there were small creases forming between them. Rienne
knew he must be exhausted from his injuries, remembering how serious they were. If ever
there was a time he was in desperate need of rest, it was now.

…….I shouldn’t wake him.

He was a patient, so naturally he wouldn’t be feeling very well. It was important she let him
sleep while he could.

…….But how did I end up sleeping like this?

Right before she fell asleep, she could distinctly remember covering herself with a blanket
and lying as still as possible. She felt so nervous she kept her hands close to her chest, too.

So when did he…?

She was surprised she didn’t wake up at any point feeling someone suddenly hugging her.

Even now, an absurd thought came to her that the position she was shocked to have found
herself in felt comfortable and cozy—as if that’s how she fell asleep in the first place.

But what was stranger….was that she didn’t hate it.

She didn’t hate the sound of his breathing so close to her, nor the sound of his hair softly
rustling as he gently moved in his sleep. Feeling his strong arms tightly holding her wasn’t
bad either. She didn’t even mind the loud pounding of her heart.

And Rienne didn’t hate that the first thing she saw when she woke up was the sight of
Black’s closed eyes, deep in sleep.

Now that she was seeing him up close, she was noticing how long his eyelashes were. The
bridge of his nose was as straight as a ruler and his pale lips had a defined line to them.

Though looking at his lips only reminded her of how he’d kissed her yesterday. The
stinging heat she felt in her neck that had spread throughout her body only seemed to
return with the thought.

[Rienne] “. . .”

The tension that kept her bound in place or that pulsated through her body—neither of
them were bad.

I don’t hate any of it.

But the reason as to why was still unknown.

I….. I don’t know why.

Why didn’t she hate it? And why did she want to stay like this? She couldn’t move her body
at all and yet she didn’t hate that either.

Everything’s too strange…..

[Black] “Mm…..”

Black moved in his sleep.

Putting more strength into his arms, he pulled Rienne even closer to his chest.

The same nose she had just been admiring brushed up against her forehead and his lips
were a mere breath away from touching her brow.

Is he trying to wake up?

Rienne completely forgot to blink as she watched Black’s closed eyes.

I hope you’ll sleep for just a little bit longer.

And I hope we can stay like this awhile longer, too…….

But just as that hope entered Rienne’s unconscious mind, Black’s eyes opened as if they’d
never been closed at all.

[Rienne] “……..!”

[Black] “. . .”

While Rienne’s eyes widened, Black’s narrowed. He also seemed to be realizing the position
he was in now was very different from the one he fell asleep in last night.

[Black] “……..Did I do this?”

[Rienne] “I’m not sure.”

[Black] “I didn’t know I had this kind of habit.”

Though, despite being surprised, neither of them tried to be the first to break their position.

Rienne thought it was strange how Black was looking at her without even blinking, but she
didn’t even seem to notice she was no different.

[Black] “I’ve never seen you this close before.”

[Rienne] “…..I see.”

As they sat completely still, they were so close their eyes could touch each other.

[Rienne] “You have a scar here.”

Time felt like it was moving incredibly slowly. Feeling her eyes start to hurt, Rienne finally
blinked as she noticed the remains of a small scar, barely visible on Black’s eyebrow.

[Black] “Where?”

[Rienne] “Here.”

She reached out, touching her index finger against the scar, just a little paler than the skin
around it.

[Black] “Is there?”

He seemed like he genuinely didn’t know what she was talking about.

[Rienne] “It’s very small. Even I can’t see it that well.”

She wouldn’t have seen it herself if she hadn’t been observing his face from so close.

[Black] “You have a freckle here, Princess.”

Rienne felt Black tap his finger in a spot just under her earlobe, near the start of her
neckline. Just as his scar was unknown to him, this was unknown to her.

[Rienne] “I can’t see it. What does it look like?’

[Black] “It’s small and it’s a similar color as my hair. I don’t think many people would see

[Rienne] “Yes…..I didn’t know I had a freckle there.”

Black was the first to see it…. Or maybe he was the only one. There was no one else who
had ever observed her face this close before.

On an early morning that should have been cold, it was warm, and in the space to her that
was always empty, there was a person instead. She was looking at someone’s face without
ever getting tired, as was he.

They were both looking for more things only the two of them could know.

And she didn’t hate it at all.

[Rienne] “Is there anything else?”

[Black] “I can look if you want.”

[Rienne] “Yes, please do.”


Black moved his face closer.

As he pushed her hair aside, the grip his arms had on her didn’t loosen in the slightest.
Eventually, the side of Rienne’s face and her neck were revealed.

He ran a solitary finger along her jawline.

[Black] “There’s nothing here.”

Black took his finger, running it along her neck down near her chest, which was still
covered by her nightgown.

[Black] “Can I keep looking?”

[Rienne] “. . .”
Those words took her breath away.

[Rienne] “Well….. You’d need to pull my dress down.”

[Black] “Yeah.”

[Rienne] “So…..”

[Black] “Can I?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

As he waited for an answer, he kept gliding his fingers slowly over the neckline of her

He didn’t even try to hide the explicit meaning behind the gesture—his blue eyes, closer
than ever before, were just as honest.

[Rienne] “No, not here.”

And that’s when she realized.

Regardless of his purpose—whether he wanted revenge or whatever—the fact of the

matter was that he wanted her.

And my mind isn’t very different, either.

Though she knew he desired her outside of whatever he planned on doing with Nauk,
beyond even that, she wanted him to want her.

I wonder…will thoughts like these just end up becoming poison?

Or would it end up just the opposite?

Rienne wanted to know. More than anything, she desperately wanted to know.

[Rienne] “Now….it’s too bright out right now.”

[Black] “I won’t be able to find anything if I don’t have any light.”

[Rienne] “You don’t need that…..if you look closely enough, it doesn’t have to be light.”

[Black] “Then, can I take a closer look?”

[Rienne] “Somewhere where it’s darker than this.”

[Black] “. . .”
Black’s fingers stopped at her neckline. Rienne’s unusual sentiment made his eyebrows
tense. He held her face and began gently rubbing her cheek with his thumb, a frown
forming in his eyes.

[Black] “I wish you knew what you were saying, Princess.”

[Rienne] “You….don’t think I do?”

[Black] “No, I don’t.”

Black gave a soft sigh.

[Black] “That’s why you keep doing these kinds of things without even blinking. You have
no idea what you look like to me right now.”

[Rienne] “What…..I look like?”

The movement of his hand stopped.

[Black] “You don’t want to hear it.”

[Rienne] “Is it because I look bad?”

[Black] “Other way around.”

That sounded very strange to Rienne.

[Rienne] “Why wouldn’t I want to hear it if it’s good?”

[Black] “. . .”

Again, Black sighed instead of giving an answer.

[Black] “That’s why I said you don’t know.”

[Rienne] “Then you can tell me.”

[Black] “It’s not something I can talk about.”

[Rienne] “Why is that?”

Suddenly, the look in Black’s eyes shifted.

[Black] “This is why.”

The hand that was once resting on her cheek found a new place on the bedsheets. As Black
lifted himself up, Rienne thought he was merely getting out of bed.
[Rienne] “……!”

But that wasn’t what happened.

He was now towering over Rienne, who was lying on her back pinned to the bed—locked
between his arms.

[Black] “Do you understand now?”

[Rienne] “I……think….I do.”

[Black] “No. You still don’t get it.”

[Rienne] “No, I…..”

Black gave a disbelieving smirk.

[Black] “If you knew, you would’ve shoved me off and run away by now.”

[Rienne] “What?”

[Black] “But it’s too late now.”

And then, without a moment’s hesitation, he lowered his head.

While Rienne’s mouth was slightly parted, he didn’t waste the opportunity, slipping his
upper lip in between the gap. Before she even knew it, her lips opened up, giving him more
room as she closed her eyes.

[Rienne] “. . .”

What started off as a slow, soft, and alluring kiss became more and more needy—like a
gentle rain turning to a sudden downpour. She wrapped both her arms around Black’s
neck, while he kept one supporting her back, pulling her up to him.

Over time, their position changed. Holding her in his arms, Black fell onto his back, with
Rienne following and settling on top of him as her body pressed into his.

But the movement was so frantic, her knee was left to awkwardly push into his leg as they
tangled up together.

[Rienne] “Wait……”

In the brief moment their lips were apart, Rienne’s breathing was heavy as she spoke.

[Rienne] “Wait, your leg…..”

[Black] “Leg?”
[Rienne] “I thought you were hurt….”

[Black] “It’s fine.”

Black cupped the back of her head with his big hand and pulled her right back in.

– your friendly neighborhood translator and editor are respectfully blue-screening –

A Barbaric Proposal C35

Chapter 35 | Spark (4)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


Their lips met again.

This time felt more rushed and impatient but it was intense and strong without being
rough. As she felt him deeply penetrating her mouth, all sense of reason left her as she took
in the wet sensation.

The fierce and powerful kiss left nothing but a torrid mess in her head.

It was as though all thoughts had been completely purged, leaving nothing but the senses
laid bare.
The feeling of his hands climbing up her back, of being pressed into his body or the familiar
scent of their kiss that she’d never forget. Even how the taste of him stuck to her mouth—it
was like nothing else existed.

[Rienne] “…….?”

But their hectic kiss suddenly stopped.

As Rienne slowly opened her eyes in a daze, Black softly whispered towards her, his face
still wet and glistening.

[Black] “Someone’s here.”

[Rienne] “What?”

He was right.

Knock, knock.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Are you awake, Princess?”

It was Mrs. Flambard.

[Rienne] “Oh…..Oh no.”

She felt her cheeks burning up. Rienne panicked, placing her palms against Black’s chest
and pushing herself up.

[Rienne] “What do we do?”

As the fevered expression on his face began to cool down, Black watched Rienne for a
moment before nodding once.

[Black] “Should I hide?”

[Rienne] “……Excuse me?”

[Black] “There’s not enough room under the bed………but there should be enough space on
the window frame. That’ll do.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Hearing those words, Rienne felt an unpleasant reminder cross her nose.

It wasn’t long ago that she had to hide Rafit on the window frame in this very room. He was
in a place where he shouldn’t have been, and Rienne, given no choice but to hide him, felt
deep shame over the matter.
It made her feel like some kind of dirty person, trying to cover up something they did

[Black] “Stall for time until I can hide.”

Black moved to pull himself out of bed.

Rienne wasn’t sure if he was purposefully talking about the window frame like this in order
to remind her of what happened that day, but at least she was certain about one thing.

In order to preserve Rienne’s honor, he was willing to hide himself out the window.

[Rienne] “No, you don’t need to do something like that.”

Sharing a bed with Black wasn’t some disgraceful thing.

Black was her one and only fiancé. There was no reason to treat him like she did Rafit. In
fact, it would be more shameful and dishonorable to try and hide him.

[Rienne] “We’re engaged. It wouldn’t be appropriate to force my fiancé to hide himself

from the eyes of a maid. Not only would it be against etiquette, but it’s also outright wrong.”

[Black] “…….People will misunderstand. No one will believe nothing happened after I spent
all night here.

[Rienne] “I don’t mind that. We’ll be officially married in a few days regardless, so it hardly

[Black] “. . .”

Looking at Rienne, a frown seemed to form between Black’s eyes.

But he wasn’t making a displeased face nor did he try and disagree with her.

[Rienne] “……Ah.”

Suddenly, he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly as he overlapped
his lips with hers. Rienne couldn’t say anything as a kiss more intense than the one before
deeply dug into her.


[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess? Are you in there?”

Mrs. Flambard didn’t know what was happening so she was left to pace outside, worried
about why Rienne wasn’t answering the door. All the while, Black’s kiss didn’t even begin
to slow, only intensifying in heat.
[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess?”

Before the hesitant woman could open the door, the passionate kiss stopped.

[Rienne] “Ah…. What’s gotten into you…..?”

[Black] “I just thought all of the sudden……”

[Rienne] “All of the sudden?

[Black] “I thought you looked so lovely.”

[Rienne] “…..I’m sorry?”

She didn’t expect to hear that from him. Rienne was so stunned, her mouth was left slightly
agape as Black leaned down and gently kissed her again.

It was a soft kiss, light as a feather that left a sweet sound behind. (1)

[Black] “Shouldn’t you answer the door?”

[Rienne] “Oh, you’re right…..”

But she’d already taken too much time.

[Mrs. Flambard] “My apologies, Princess, but I must see if you’re inside. I think I can hear
voices, but why aren’t you responding…….?”


The bedroom door opened.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess…….? Princess!”

As she entered the room holding the doorknob, her expression became as cold as stone and
her complexion turned grey to match.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh heavens…. How… come…..?”

[Rienne] “Good…..good morning, Mrs. Flambard.”

Unlike before, she didn’t feel ashamed, but she still felt very embarrassed. Rienne slipped
herself out of Black’s grasp, pretending his presence wasn’t unusual as she wiped the
corner of her mouth with her fingers.

[Rienne] “You needn’t be too surprised. Lord Tiwakan slept in my room last night, so
please treat my fiancé same as you would treat me.”
[Mrs. Flambard] “Y, yes but…..but going so far….so suddenly…..”

[Rienne] “Ma’am.”

Mrs. Flambard quickly shut her mouth in surprise the moment she noticed Rienne’s voice
turning a bit stern. Rienne did everything she could to make her face look as serious as
possible, but it didn’t work very well with her face as red as an apple.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Alright, then….. I’ll… um……I’ll get the water prepared for you to wash up

[Rienne] “Yes, please do.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, Princess. I will….of course do so.”

After that, she quickly excused herself to the bathroom with her face still looking a little
unwell. Rienne breathed a heavy sigh—the heaviest she’d done in her whole life.

[Rienne] “Now then……. I’ll let you get ready for the day as well, Lord Tiwakan.”

It was a polite expression, but one nonetheless meaning ‘please leave’.

[Black] “I don’t want to.”

[Rienne] “……..Excuse me?”

Rienne must have looked really serious because Black gave a short smile.

[Black] “But I’ll go.”

[Rienne] “Please.”

Even though it was just for a brief moment, the memory of Black’s smiling face left a deep
impression on her.

Please don’t smile at me like that.

If you do, I’ll only want to hold on to this morning…….

…….Oh, what am I even thinking? What’s wrong with me?

[Black] “Princess.”

As they both moved to get out of bed, Black suddenly called out to Rienne.

[Rienne] “Yes?”
Turning her head to look at him, Black pulled her into him and brushed his lips against hers
once more. As he kissed her, she felt his lips slowly draw up, dappling more kisses along
her cheek, up along her nose and across her forehead.

[Black] “Can I join you for breakfast?”

[Rienne] “If you’d like, but why do you keep kissing me…..? We need to hurry.”

[Black] “Just don’t forget.”

Black glanced down at her lips again before finally letting her go.

[Black] “See you in a bit.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne sat there, watching him as he left the bedroom.

Her heart felt as though it had become like a lake, with nothing but a strange and
mysterious wave echoing through it.

What do you mean by ‘don’t forget’……?

She wanted to ask him that.

If she didn’t hear the answer directly from him, she’d be left only to remember the feeling
of his lips, diligently putting his mark all across her.


[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess.”

After heading to the bathroom first, Mrs. Flambard appeared much calmer now.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Stand here. I’ll get your sleeves.”

[Rienne] “Thank you, ma’am. I can wash myself.”

As Rienne washed her face, Mrs. Flambard helped by rolling up the ends of her sleeves to
prevent them from getting wet.

But while Rienne busied herself, leaning in front of the water basin, Mrs. Flambard didn’t
feel like she could leave quite yet.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Pardon my rudeness, Princess, but I cannot help but ask. Did you truly
spend the night with him?”

[Rienne] “W, well…….In the way you’re thinking….”

[Mrs. Flambard] “You didn’t, did you?”

[Rienne] “……..No.”
Honestly, she had a feeling Mrs. Flambard would know the truth. She was quick-witted, and
considered knowing Rienne better than she knew herself a part of her job.

[Mrs. Flambard] “No matter how much I think on it, it just doesn’t make sense for you to
have slept together. You are certainly not the type to do something like that on impulse,
Princess. And after what happened yesterday….with Lord Kleinfelder and everything,
wasn’t Lord Tiwakan upset with you after misunderstanding the situation?”

[Rienne] “He was.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “In these circumstances, how could you spend the night together?
Especially with a man who’s capable of doing who-knows-what when he’s angry?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne made a troubled expression.

Black was certainly abnormal, that much was clear. Even now, Rienne could hear his
darkened voice, telling her what he wanted from her as payment for what she’d done.
Thinking about it still made her heart sting.

But he didn’t do anything to her.

He wasn’t that kind of man.

[Rienne] “Ma’am, please don’t say those kinds of things. Lord Tiwakan…….”

Mrs. Flambard didn’t seem to hear Rienne’s words, nodding her head at her own thoughts.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Or at least that’s what I originally thought. It’s the strangest thing. Such a
great misunderstanding took place and yet, in my eyes, the Princess and Lord Tiwakan
looked as sweet as a pair of newly matched lovebirds. How did that happen?” (2)

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess?”

At Rienne’s hesitancy, Mrs. Flambard pressed for an answer.

[Rienne] “That’s……”

That’s what I want to know. How did this happen, again?

He came into her room, suddenly offering to put medicine on her—telling her he wouldn’t
take no for an answer because that’s what she’d said to him.

And then he told her he was going to kiss her.

Closing her eyes, she could easily remember the feeling of him tenderly pressing his lips
against the back of her neck.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess?”

[Rienne] “…….Ah, I was just thinking about what happened.”

After that, he said he was going to sleep in her room. She found an extra blanket for him
and then……

……Then he found a freckle under my ear this morning. Then he kissed me after saying I didn’t
understand…….and he told me he thought I was lovely.

[Mrs. Flambard] “So I haven’t been seeing things incorrectly? Have you given him your

[Rienne] “I don’t know about that…….”

Everything happened so quickly, pouring like rain as it flowed into a river.

It was obvious she hadn’t managed to clear up the misunderstanding with Black. No matter
what she said, he didn’t seem to believe her.

All Rienne could do was continue to insist it was a misunderstanding. There wasn’t much
she could do besides that. And it was true that Rienne herself couldn’t trust in Black either,
which is why she had resorted to telling so many lies in the first place.

But even so, there was no animosity.

His eyes that looked for things to notice about her were kind and the hands that made her
body tremble were always gentle.

But given the situation and everything that happened, she still couldn’t understand why it
felt like everything was calming down so quickly.

[Mrs. Flambard] “You don’t know?”

[Rienne] “Yes……I don’t know.”

Looking down at Rienne for a moment, Mrs. Flambard sighed.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’ve heard…..and I believe this to be true……”

[Rienne] “What is it?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “The affairs between a man and a woman. Sometimes it happens out of
nowhere, and we cannot say for certain exactly why.” (3)
[Rienne] “That’s…….. I think this might be a little different than that……”

Mrs. Flambard shook her head, as if trying to see where the difference lies.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I may not know much, Princess, but please listen to me. About the matter
of having a child…….I think it would be best to just be honest and tell him it isn’t true.
Though I cannot see the politics of it all, I’m saying this as someone who knows a thing or
two about what goes on between men and women.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

She knew Mrs. Flambard was saying that for her sake.

But she couldn’t do that. Not yet, at least.

[Rienne] “I can’t.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Such a lie will do you no good once you’re married, Princess.”

[Rienne] “Of course I know that. I want nothing more than to say ‘there’s no child’ directly
to him with my own voice.”

She wanted to say there was no man she couldn’t forget, either.

It’s all just a misunderstanding. I’ve never thought of Rafit even half as much as I think of you.

[Rienne] “……..But before I can, there’s something I need to know. Something I cannot

[Mrs. Flambard] “What in heavens name could it be?”

Maybe the time had come to be honest with Mrs. Flambard.

[Rienne] “I’ve been hearing from multiple people……that there’s another reason why Lord
Tiwakan proposed to me. That marriage was never the main point of what he
sought……And that his true aim is something much more dire.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What? No, who told you that? Do you know for certain?”

[Rienne] “I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I can’t pretend I don’t know anything and just
overlook it. If it turns out to be true, there’s no coming back from it.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Well, yes, you’d be right about that.”

[Rienne] “Lord Weroz left to look into these claims, but I don’t know if he’ll manage to
come back before the wedding.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Then what should we do? Should we postpone it?”

[Rienne] “I don’t know.”

Rienne held Mrs. Flambard’s hand. Now it was time to ask for something more dangerous.

[Rienne] “But I think I know someone other than Lord Weroz who can help.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Who?”

[Rienne] “Can you meet with them?”

She wouldn’t be able to move freely for awhile. She wasn’t certain what the Kleinfelders
would do now that Rafit was in custody, and Black still didn’t trust her. She’d only raise
more suspicions if she tried to meet with someone now.

And this was concerning a secret more dangerous than a simple misunderstanding about
her relationship with Rafit.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I will, Princess.”

After she became Rienne’s nanny, Mrs. Flambard hardly ever left the castle, save for a few
times. Nonetheless, she nodded her head with her lips tightly clenched.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Who must I meet with?”


T/N: (1) lit. “a bird’s kiss”, meaning a soft and gentle kiss, like birds. We replaced it with the
more common English adage of ‘light as a feather’. Somehow they’re both bird related

(2) lit. “love parrots” more commonly known as ‘lovebirds’, a breed of parrot known for
monogamous mating and spending long periods of time with their partners.

(3) She’s talking about falling in love.

A Barbaric Proposal C36

Chapter 36 | Pitfall (1)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


After she finished washing up, came getting dressed.

Rienne put on a lilac colored dress, one that had long since gone unworn. Across the thin
fabric were small, detailed embroideries—so delicate she couldn’t help but wonder if they
might accidentally rip or tear in some places.

Practicality was key so most clothing that served no real purpose was quickly sold off, but
this one remained.

The only reason Rienne left this one in particular set aside was because of Mrs. Flambard.
She had cried, asking her to leave this outfit alone, insisting it’d be a waste to get rid of a
lilac colored dress that suited Rienne’s features.
[Mrs. Flambard] “Thank goodness I managed to convince you to keep this after asking a
hundred times.”

She nodded her head as she turned her attention to Rienne’s hair, carefully dressing it to
match the outfit.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, I did a good thing convincing you. How could our country’s dear
princess only have plain and sturdy clothing?”

[Rienne] “I haven’t really needed anything else.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “But why? You look so lovely dressed so well.”

[Rienne] “I suppose.”

Mrs. Flambard, who worked diligently with her dexterous hands, braided Rienne’s hair,
pinning it back with violet flowers.

[Rienne] “You are very lovely. I know I was the one who dressed you, but you simply look
too beautiful.”

Rienne gave a shy smile.

[Rienne] “Thank you.”

The woman looked at Rienne with an expression of happiness upon her face. Once she
finished adorning Rienne’s hair with all the necessary decorations, she shook her head.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Now, I must head for the Temple entrance while prying eyes linger
elsewhere. My apologies I could not stay with you for your meal, Princess.”

[Rienne] “No, you are doing something far more important. Please return safely.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, my Princess.”

With a tense face, she bowed her head and quietly excused herself from Rienne’s room.

[Rienne] “I still have some time left.”

She hurried to get herself ready, so she still had some time to spare before the promised

[Rienne] “Maybe I could work on altering the clothing? There must be something she
hasn’t finished yet.”

So Rienne said out loud, but her body didn’t move. For some reason, she couldn’t stop
looking in the mirror.
[Rienne] “Does something like this really suit me…….?”

Looking at herself from the front, it was hard to see all the flowers Mrs. Flambard had
braided into her hair.

[Rienne] “I wish I could see it myself.”

If Mrs. Flambard was telling her she looked beautiful, then it must be true, but Rienne still
wanted to make sure with her own eyes.

I wonder…..if he’ll think it looks nice too…..

[Black] –‘All of the sudden, I thought you looked so lovely.’

Remembering that, Rienne instinctively closed her eyes—thinking about those words he
spoke while showering her with kisses. It made her dizzy and the tips of her toes tingle, as
if she were floating on air.

Rafit never held back a kind word when it came to her beauty. He would constantly praise
her at the end of every sentence, but those words never managed to touch her heart like
these did.

And she felt the same way about his looks, too. She always thought Rafit was handsome, but
the way he looked never made her lose track of the time in the same way Black did.

[Rienne] “……..I feel nervous.”

As she closed her eyes, her lashes trembled. Rienne grabbed the fabric of her neckline,
holding her hand to her chest.

Never before had merely the thought of meeting up with someone made her so nervous
before. Her heart felt like it was trembling from the bottom up. Like so many other things,
this was another first.

[Rienne] “Why…only with that man…..?”

Rienne couldn’t stop thinking about Black. It was like her thoughts were being trapped
somewhere with him. Steeling her heart, she stood up in front of the mirror.

[Rienne] “I can’t. At this rate, I might actually start to feel some affection for him.”

He was not a man she could afford to feel anything like ‘love’ towards.

But as much as Rienne tried to ignore it, perhaps there were already many times when that
word entered her heart. Perhaps it was far too late to try and tell herself those sorts of
[Rienne] “I need to do something. I don’t want to get to the dining hall first.”

Thinking she’ll work on altering the clothing Mrs. Flambard left behind, Rienne left for the
room where she stayed. It was a bit far off from Rienne’s current bedroom. Since she was
once her nanny, it was right across the hall from the room Rienne used as a child.

As she left, Rienne noticed Black’s room was empty. There wasn’t a single sound coming
from it.

[Rienne] “I’m certain he’s not already at the dining hall.”

There was still just under an hour before the promised time.

[Rienne] “………..Well, perhaps he’s busy elsewhere.”

Rienne began her walk towards the east wing where Mrs. Flambard’s room was located.

[Maslow] “Princess!”

Unexpectedly, she ran into Maslow on the way there.

[Rienne] “Lord Maslow……? What brings you to the castle?”

Ever since Rienne discovered Maslow attempting to write a letter of appointment for
knighthood in the King’s Office, she had banned him from entering on his own. Now
Maslow was only permitted entrance if Rienne personally approved it or if he made a
request for entry first.

[Maslow] “It couldn’t be helped, there’s too much work that needed to be done. I needed to
speak with you about the reconstruction of the Temple stairs, as well as the matter of the
Kleinfelder knighthood….”

[Rienne] “And as we’ve discussed, the money for the stairs will be paid under the name of
the Tiwakan. As for knighthood, I have nothing more to say about that. There’s nothing I
can do for you until the Kleinfelders agree to a price first.”

[Maslow] “I’m aware, but shouldn’t we pay prior fees to the quarry before construction
begins? The longer this process is delayed, the more the priests’ prayers are replaced with
wailing. It became too much for them, so they sent someone to speak with me.”

[Rienne] “If that’s the case, then why did they go to you instead of coming to me directly?”

[Maslow] “A priest is here to speak with you. It’s precisely why I entered the castle. There’s
simply too much to discuss.”

[Rienne] “I see.”
Rienne was a bit pressed for time, but it was not in her nature to postpone dealing with
political affairs simply because she wished to have a meal.

[Rienne] “Then let’s make this quick. Lead the way.”

Rienne invited him towards the King’s Office.

[Maslow] “Thank you for your permission, Princess.”

Maslow quickly followed her, taking the lead with hurried steps and sparing a few glances
around him.

She should’ve noticed right then that something was wrong.



The door closed behind her as soon as she entered the King’s Office. Rienne turned her
head back in surprise, only to see the person who closed the door was wearing the robes of
a priest.

[Rienne] “What’s going on?”

Rienne asked, her eyes alternating between the priest and Maslow. Maslow simply bowed
his head, muttering.

[Maslow] “What else could I do……I had no choice, Princess.”

The man wearing the robes was in fact, not a priest.

[???] “Keep your damn mouth shut and listen to me, Princess.”

With quick gesture of his hand, he took off the hood that was covering his face. Hearing that
same teeth-grinding voice, Rienne immediately recognized who it was.

Unsurprisingly, it was Linden Kleinfelder.

[Rienne] “Such a disgraceful appearance, Lord Kleinfelder. Were the Tiwakan guarding the
gates so terrifying, you needed to disguise yourself as a servant of God?”

[Linden] “I thought I told you to keep your mouth shut. Are those ears of yours clogged?”

Rienne’s biting sarcasm was immediately met with vitriol from Linden.

[Maslow] “Oh….. my lord, how could you……?”

Not knowing Linden would behave this way towards the Princess, Maslow’s face turned
pale as his hands shook.

But neither Rienne nor Linden cared about what words they used. Their relationship had
already hit rock bottom—long since past the point of feigning pleasantries.

And Rienne herself would much rather use her words to fight than even pretend to be nice.

[Rienne] “My ears are perfectly fine. Discard any hope that I’ll help you at this point and
just leave. Or should I scream instead?”

[Linden] “You little……!”

Linden raised his hand up as if he were about to strike Rienne.

But it was an empty threat. Linden didn’t seem ready to cross that line just yet.

And of course, Rienne wasn’t about to take it quietly either. If Linden ever dared to raise his
hand against her, she was prepared to bash him over the head with an ink bottle.

[Linden] “Listen here…….You’ll be releasing Rafit today. You hear me clearly?”

[Rienne] “If you really think that’s possible, then you need to wake up.”

[Linden] “What!?”

[Rienne] “You know what he’s done. In the middle of town, he tried to kill my fiancé in
broad daylight! And you want me to just ignore that and let him go?”

[Linden] “What does it even matter? There’s nothing the eldest son of the Kleinfelders
cannot do in Nauk!”

As the exhaustion set into her gaze, Rienne looked at Linden. If that’s what he truly thought,
he’d be able to maintain his composure even after everything he’d done.

[Rienne] “…….I won’t change my mind. Besides, there’s nothing I can do. The person in
charge of Nauk’s security is Lord Tiwakan now.”
[Linden] “I’ve heard he’s quite the dog, drooling the moment you lift your skirt, Princess,
and yet you’re claiming there’s nothing you can do.”

[Rienne] “That’s enough!”

[Maslow] “L, Lord Kleinfelder! You can’t say something like that……..!”

It was an unbelievable insult, cutting beyond all reason. Even Maslow was shocked to the
point of pointing his finger up at the Kleinfelders.

Rienne’s face paled as she clenched her whitened fists.

[Rienne] “Don’t you ever say something like that again. I won’t allow it twice.”

[Linden] “And if I refuse?”

[Rienne] “You don’t seem to understand why Rafit is still alive after so brazenly attempting
treason. I swear on the name of Arsak, I cannot spare his life a second time.”

[Linden] “……Dammit!”

Unable to control his anger, Linden spat out a curse.

He knew Rienne was right.

The man they were talking about was the leader of the Tiwakan.

After the accident that nearly killed him, more than a few people witnessed him chasing
down Rafit with the ferocity of a wild beast. If he wanted to tear Rafit apart limb from limb
right then and there, there would be almost no way to stop him.

Although he’d never admit it, it was clear the only reason why his nephew was still alive
right now was because of Rienne. That little girl, sitting in a throne she earned through
happenstance while completely ignorant, must have made a bid for his life.

He knew his nephew was enchanted by the Princess’ beautiful appearance to the point of
losing all reason, and the beastly leader of the Tiwakan was no different.

[Linden] “Then let’s negotiate.”

Which meant there was unfortunately no other way to get Rafit out of prison than to make
a deal with Rienne.

[Linden] “Let’s talk money, as we’ve always done. I can cut thirty percent from the debt
you owe and in return, you’ll be responsible for finding a way to get Rafit out. Do you
understand me?”

……Does she understand?

Linden Kleinfelder somehow managed to keep his lofty sense of pride, despite the fact that
he came to Rienne to beg for Rafit’s life. Just hearing his rude tone of voice, his words
spoken through gritted teeth, made her want to slap him.

[Rienne] “Only thirty percent? I didn’t know Rafit’s life was worth so little to you.”

Rienne spoke while shaking out her hand, withholding the urge to do just that.

[Rienne] “Try again.”

[Linden] “What are you saying? It doesn’t matter how taken you are with money, Princess.
Speaking like that is untoward.”

[Rienne] “Those who come to beg should act more polite.”

[Linden] “You impudent little……”

Linden bared his teeth and let out a growly breath. Rienne narrowed her eyes towards him.

[Rienne] “Feel free to insult me a hundred times over, it changes nothing. I’ve already
given up on expecting honor or courtesy from the likes of you. Instead, I ask only that you
pay properly. Rather than thirty percent, make it fifty. And I won’t pay any interest for the
three years.”

[Linden] “Are you trying to squeeze me dry?”

[Rienne] “That’s funny, coming from a Kleinfelder. The interest you’ve received thus far
has been no insignificant sum, so there’s no need to be so somber.”

Crack. The sound of Linden grinding his teeth hit her ears.

[Linden] “…….If I do that, you’ll let him go now.”

[Rienne] “Absolutely not. Present to me a written deed for the debt first.” (1)

[Linden] “You must be joking.”

[Rienne] “You should be thanking me, but you don’t seem to understand the position of the
one doing the begging.”

[Linden] “. . .”

The look in Linden’s eyes suddenly changed. Regardless of Maslow’s presence, he spoke
towards Rienne informally—without a hint of respect.

[Linden] “How dare a little girl wearing a crown that doesn’t fit speak to me with so much
[Rienne] “Who’s the one speaking like that…..Ah!”

Linden reached out, harshly and violently grabbing Rienne’s wrist.

Maslow shouted out in surprise, but made no move to help. In the end, the cowardly and
timid advisor didn’t have the guts to stop Linden.

Roughly trying to pull back her wrist, Rienne shot a glare at Linden.

[Rienne] “Let go.”

Instead, Linden just gripped her wrist harder, even twisting painfully against him.

[Linden] “I’ve told you this before, but you still don’t understand your place. Somehow, the
crown your father stole ended up in your hands and you think you’re so great for it. I could
break your neck right now and nothing would change.”

Rienne pushed against Linden with her other hand, her voice gradually rising in volume.

[Rienne] “Seems you’ve gone senile. Even so, there’s a limit to what you can do, so just let

But Linden didn’t budge. His voice turned grim, his teeth shown clearly like the fangs of a
rabid dog.

[Linden] “Return Rafit by any means necessary. If not, I will wipe the Arsak family from the
face of the earth by the power of the Kleinfelders.”

T/N: (1) She wants to write up their agreement first.

astral comment: Linden looks exactly how we all expected him to.

ghost comment: Okay but why does Linden have the same mustache as Sportacus from
A Barbaric Proposal C37

Chapter 37 | Pitfall (2)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


Linden’s threats only heightened.

[Linden] “Return Rafit. He’s the only reason I haven’t broken your neck already. Use that
body of yours to convince the barbarian.”

[Rienne] “Don’t lie to yourself. It’s far too late for the Kleinfelders to do anything now. You
may as well give up and just accept who joint sovereignty of Nauk belongs to.”

[Linden] “You seem to have the strangest sense of faith in those monsters, but you should
really use that tiny head of yours to think. Do you honestly believe he came all this way to
Nauk just so he could be at your side?”

[Rienne] “…….?”
Just as Rafit had done before, Linden was trying to say that Black had some other motive.

What do they even know?

Rienne’s expression turned tactically cold.

[Rienne] “What nonsense is it this time?”

[Linden] “He’s come to take your head. All this time, his goal was to enter Nauk through the
pretext of marriage. It’s in his nature—to use something for all he can, only to throw it
away the moment it’s outlived its use. Such an obvious thing never occurred to you?”

[Rienne] “You’re wrong. Nothing you’re saying makes an ounce of sense. Saying the leader
of the Tiwakan is doing all of this just to get Nauk is enough to make a dog laugh. All
because he covets a nation he could easily take in a single day if he wanted?”

Linden laughed at her. It was a strange, awful laugh.

[Linden] “You have the luxury of thinking like that because you know nothing. That’s why
the crown is an ill fit for you.”

[Rienne] “What are you talking about?”

As Rienne continued to press for answers, Linden pulled back. It was as if he realized he
said too much.

[Linden] “Well, perhaps he’ll have a little fun with you before he takes your head. Your
body must be worth something in eyes of that animal. He did spend quite a bit of money on

[Rienne] “Stop it, and tell me what it is I don’t know…….Ah!”

Rienne cried out as Linden increased his grip on her wrist, squeezing hard on it—ready to
break it in a moment’s notice. While Rienne was quiet, Linden spat out another snide

[Linden] “Unless you want him to eat Nauk whole, you know what you need to do. Get Rafit
out. Then kill the barbarian.”

[Rienne] “What…..? Never…..”

[Linden] “It’s not as though it’s impossible for you. Take him to your bed. He’ll let his guard
down and that’s when you take the chance to cut his throat. Then I’ll take care of the rest.
That’s the only way to save Nauk from those monsters.”

[Rienne] “Haha…… ha….Why would I ever…..”

[Linden] “You still don’t understand. Must I show you proof he seeks to kill you?”

[Rienne] “…….!”

Rienne slowly looked up.

[Rienne] “There’s…..proof?”


If there was one thing she wanted to know more than anything else, it was that.

The truth about Black.

What did he want with such a small, destitute land? Was it really revenge that he sought?
And was the vengeance he desired because of a grudge against her? Against the royal

I want to know.

Even if it was Kleinfelders who were giving her the answer.

[Rienne] “What…..what is it?”

She wanted to know above all else.

[Linden] “You want to know? Then kill him.”

[Rienne] “You’re absurd. Show me the evidence, if it even exists.”

Linden gave an ugly smirk.

[Linden] “Even like this, you still want to negotiate. You’re the only one curious, so you’re
hardly in any position to make demands.”

[Rienne] “Are you not here to save your nephew? If anyone is here to negotiate, it’s you so
don’t try to bargain with me…..”

[???] “Actually, I’m quite curious myself.”

Everyone in the room stiffened as a voice rose up from the floor and entered the air.

It was a voice that didn’t match anyone there.

[Phermos] “What is it that my Lord intends to do?”

It was Phermos.

His voice was coming from the floor because that’s where he was—hiding under the desk.

But he seemed too casual for someone hiding. More than trying to conceal himself, he
looked languid and drowsy. Like he’d been taking a nap in the room.
[Linden] “You sneaky little rat!”

Linden Kleinfelder was more surprised than anyone else. Completely forgetting his honor
as a noble, he shouted out with great fervor. He was so off put, he cried out at a volume he
didn’t even know was possible.

[Phermos] “I know I was the one hiding, but why does that make me the only rat in this
room? And what exactly is going on here?”

Rienne bit down on her lip to stifle a laugh.

Saying the situation was funny would be an understatement.

The King’s Office wasn’t a rat’s den and yet people were somehow coming out of the
woodwork. (1)

Even if there wasn’t anything particularly valuable hidden there nor anything worth
stealing, it was still a place where others couldn’t freely come and go without Rienne’s

[Rienne] “Lord Phermos. Can I ask what you’re doing under my desk? I don’t think I’ve
ever given you permission to be here.”

[Phermos] “My sincerest apologies. Even if I had ten mouths, I’d still have nothing of use to
say. I will take any punishment you see fit.” (2)

Phermos had a depressed look on his face. It appeared as though his apology was genuine,
but that didn’t mean he had forgotten his main point.

[Phermos] “But I ask that you put that aside for now. To say my Lord intends to take the
Princess’ head….Ugh, such a filthy sentence. I feel my mouth getting dirty just repeating it.
Though, I’m curious why my Lord would do such a thing. Care to explain to this curious
little rat? What is this proof you speak of?”

[Linden] “……Shut up!”

Linden, whose eyes were rolling behind his head like a madman, suddenly shouted and
rushed towards Phermos. No matter how he assessed the situation, there was no other way
to fix this.

He’d be better off killing Phermos right here and now, shutting his mouth for good.

[Phermos] “Just as the Princess said, you are foolish and stupid man. You must be aware of
who you’re attacking.”
But despite Phermos’ intelligent and clean appearance, with a monocle making him look
more like a scholar, he was nonetheless a man who’d also spent those ten long years on the

He cleverly sidestepped Linden, allowing the man to trip and stumble over his well placed

Thump, boom!

[Linden] “Augh!”

Linden fell forward, smashing his head against the edge of the desk. The moment he hit the
floor, Phermos walked up, quickly pressing his foot into the back of his neck.

[Linden] “Agh! How dare you…..! Get the hell…off…..!”

[Phermos] “I’ll make you a deal. Explain things now, and I’ll only relay half of what was
said here today to my Lord. That means I’ll make things sound much nicer when I tell him. I
promise you, this deal can’t get much better than that. My Lord doesn’t often get angry, but
when he does, it’s truly heinous.”

[Linden] “What……!? Bastard, ugh!”

[Phermos] “So tell me. What does my Lord intend to do?”

[Linden] “I, it’s only obvious….cough! ……Why else, cough…..for such a small

Phermos put more pressure on Linden’s neck.

[Phermos] “Hm, that’s not what you said before. You weren’t nearly as vague earlier.
Didn’t you say you had proof?”

[Linden] “If you think I’ll tell you…….Augh!”


There was a painful cracking sound coming from underneath Phermos’ foot.

[Maslow] “Princess! What are you doing? You must stop him!”

Maslow grabbed onto Rienne’s sleeve.

[Maslow] “A mercenary dares to harm a member of Nauk’s aristocracy like this! You
cannot ignore such an insult!”

After he said that, both Rienne and Phermos had looks filled with discomforted energy.
[Phermos] “And you—standing idly by as your nation’s princess has her wrist twisted and
nearly broken. Is that not the greatest insult?”

[Maslow] “Th, that’s…..”

Maslow immediately faltered as his words left him.

[Phermos] “You want her to stop me? What sort of decent man clings to the sleeve of a
princess like that? Aren’t you too old to be hiding behind someone so much younger than
you? Have you no shame?”

[Maslow] “Shame……how dare you ask…..”

Maslow gasped out as his face turned red.

Just by looking at his face, it was obvious what the problem was.

This was how the people of Nauk lived after state affairs were passed onto Rienne. The
Kleinfelders, as heads of the aristocratic delegation must’ve ensured that.

Phermos heard it was around six years ago that Rienne first rose to power. It would’ve
been right after her coming of age, so she still would’ve been young. At that age, she’d have
difficulty distinguishing between merely fulfilling her responsibility and sacrificing her all
for her people.

To that end, she must have been led to believe bending to the whims of the aristocratic
delegation was part of her sovereign duty.

[Phermos] “Tch. So you’re staying silent?”

[Linden] “Ugh…..cough!”

Linden was in a position where he couldn’t speak at all, even if he wanted to. His neck was
utterly ruined by now.

[Linden] “Fine then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Phermos pulled his foot off of Linden’s neck, grabbing him by the collar and dragging him
away. It was obvious he was making his way out of the King’s Office.

Once he went through that door, it would all be over. There’d be no hiding what happened

[Maslow] “Princess!”

With panic in his voice, Maslow called out to Rienne again.

[Maslow] “You can’t let this happen! The royal family cannot make an enemy of the
Kleinfelders! You have to stop him!”

[Phermos] “…..Hah.”

Phermos straightened out his back and stopped in his tracks.

He knew things must have been like this all along. He turned and asked Rienne.

[Phermos] “What do you want to do, Princess? Do you wish to stop me?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Obviously Phermos wasn’t hinting he was willing to ignore Linden Kleinfelder’s presence.
He just wanted to see whose side Rienne was on.

During all of this, Linden had ordered Rienne to kill Black.

She didn’t answer right away, but Phermos needed to know what kind of conclusion she’d
come to.

[Rienne] “……..No, I don’t.”

Rienne took a deep breath before she answered.

[Rienne] “There’s no point in trying to stop you, nor do I want to.”

It was all the same in the end.

Now that Phermos had found out about this, she couldn’t cover this up even if she tried.

And after she had lied continually to Black in order to help settle the Kleinfelder’s mistakes,
Rienne had become extremely embittered by the entire situation.

Because no matter what she did, House Kleinfelder would never change.

So long as he was left alive, Rafit would continue to make such foolish attempts in the
future, and Linden would continue to put pressure on Rienne to cover it up.

Sooner or later, it all needed to come to an end.

Even if every family in the aristocratic delegation tried to fight this, she had to deal with
this eventually. It just so happened to be now.

[Phermos] “Well thought.”

Phermos nodded, saying this with a smile on his face. It was a strange sight, side by side
with Maslow and Linden whose mouths hung open in unabashed shock.
[Phermos] “Then I’ll drag this one away and lock him up. I’m starting to look forward to
the trial.”


Once he was done talking, Phermos opened the once tightly closed door to the office.

[Phermos] “You, over there! Come here and take him away. Oh, and there’s another one in
here, too.”

Poor Maslow discovered just a little bit too late that the other ‘one’ Phermos was talking
about was him.


The Tiwakan worked extremely quickly.

Maslow and Linden were placed in the dungeons, along with the guards who had been
deceived into allowing them to slip in.

The captain of the castle guard was a little confused, but Phermos didn’t yield a single step.

All the while, the time Rienne was meant to take breakfast with Black came and went.

[Rienne] “……No one’s here.”

By the time Rienne arrived, the dining hall was empty.

Food had been served but with no one to partake, it was left to turn cold—untouched on
the table. Still, Rienne could tell Black had been there at one point or another. One of the
chairs had been turned over.

Maybe he’d arrived earlier than they promised and while he was waiting, he received a
report of what happened, so he left.

Rienne took the seat opposite of where Black had once sat.

She didn’t expect him to come back, though. He must be busy dealing with the aftermath of
everything. But despite that, Rienne still came, wanting to keep her side of their promise as
best she could.

[Rienne] “I should’ve changed my clothes.”

Rienne took a neatly folded napkin from the table and spread it across her lap, muttering to
herself. Her beautiful lilac dress had flowing sleeves that rolled down, revealing her bruised
and darkened wrist.

[Rienne] “Unsightly.”

Touching the mark, Rienne winced bitterly as she looked at it.

It’s not just unsightly. It hurts, too.

And now it was starting to swell.

[Rienne] “I hope it’s not serious.”

Rienne picked up her fork and knife, cutting into the nearest roasted pheasant. She felt a
tinge of pain every time she moved her wrist, but she could move nonetheless.

[Rienne] “…….It’s fine. I can do this much.”

The cooking was amazing, but unfortunately, she had no appetite.

The Tiwakan must’ve had a very good cook with them. It’d been so long since she’d been
able to see such a fancy dish set before her.

……But now it’s all gone to waste.

Black, who had invited to her a meal, must’ve put a lot of attention and care into this.

But that just made it even more disappointing.

I wish we could’ve eaten together.


T/N: (1) A quip, expressing awe that there’s so many people in her office, despite none of
them having permission to be there.

(2) Phermos uses an idiom literally meaning “If I had ten mouths, I’d have no words”.
Basically, saying there’s no excuse/he doesn’t know what to say.

astral comment: Oh no, Phermos is exactly my type. Side characters have no right being
more appealing than the ML *sob*

ghost comment: Excuse us while we figure out how to isekai into this novel as a side-
character so we can hit him up.
A Barbaric Proposal C38

Chapter 38 | The More I Get to Know You

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


She probably would’ve had a fairly nice morning if it hadn’t been for Linden Kleinfelder.

The food in front of her was wonderful and it would’ve been nice if a certain someone
could’ve seen her done up in a dress she actually quite liked. Maybe he’d tell her he thought
she was lovely again.

……That would’ve been very nice.

Rienne carefully cut into the roast and placed a small piece in her mouth. She chewed, but
she couldn’t taste a thing, even though she was certain it must be an amazing dish.

But she couldn’t taste anything good.

Whenever she had to deal with that man, there were far too many things to handle, all
tangled up together. It gradually made a bitter feeling pass through her, to the point of
blocking out all else.

[Rienne] “. . .”

I can’t eat anything.

But as Rienne set down her fork, quietly swallowing the food she had forced herself to


With a hurried motion, the door of the dining hall swung open.

It was Black.

[Rienne] “…….What? …..What are you doing here….?”

She didn’t think he’d come. Rienne turned her head towards him, her eyes slowly blinking
in a daze. Black rushed towards her, grabbing the chair she was sitting in and jerking it to
face him.

It was done with so much force, it felt incredibly vigorous and rough.

[Black] “Why are you here?”

[Rienne] “……..I’m sorry?”

So he’d heard about what happened today and now he was angry.

Well, it’d be stranger if he wasn’t.

Once again, Black was hearing that Rienne was involved in another incident concerning
Rafit Kleinfelder. He knew she’d bargained with the Kleinfelders over Rafit’s release and
that the idea of killing him had somehow entered the equation, too.

Even if Rienne had no real intention of doing so, he would have no choice but to doubt her.

Their relationship was turning sour, again.

He wouldn’t believe her.

[Black] “I asked what you’re doing here. Why? Why are you acting like nothing happened?”

[Rienne] “I……I didn’t want to break my promise.”

But maybe that wouldn’t happen this time.

[Black] “Did you think I’d do something to you if you didn’t keep your promise to have a
meal with me?”

[Rienne] “No that’s not what I said……”

[Black] “Are you afraid of me?”

She’s heard those same words before.

Back then, the question was asked under completely different circumstances. But as the
words repeated themselves in her head, they began to lose all meaning. Like the question
itself was pointless to ask.

[Rienne] “No, I’m not.”

[Black] “Then why are you here? Did you think it’d be a big issue if you didn’t keep your

[Rienne] “I kept it simply because I wanted to, but I didn’t think you’d return, Lord
Tiwakan. I just wished to be alone for a time.”

[Black] “But why here?”

Those words felt strange.

[Rienne] “Where else would I go if not here?”

[Black] “Not in this kind of place…….”

Black interrupted himself, suddenly grabbing Rienne’s arm.

[Black] “Shouldn’t you be lying down?”

[Rienne] “What? Why would I do that?”

[Black] “You’re hurt.”

As he lifted up her wrist, a clearly visible hand mark was bruised into her skin. It was
completely swollen at this point, too.

[Rienne] “It’s nothing.”

[Black] “Doesn’t it hurt?”

[Rienne] “Just a little, but it’s nothing I can’t handle…….”

Black swept his fingers along the bruise as his lips tensed. Without taking his hands away,
he muttered.
[Black] “You’re hurting.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

No matter what she said, he knew she was in pain, even if he wasn’t specifying what exactly
was filling her with so much hurt. (1)

[Rienne] “But it doesn’t hurt enough that I need to rest.”

[Black] “I’m not just talking about your wrist.”

[Rienne] “If………..If you’re asking if I’m hurt anywhere else, I’m not. I’m really fine.”

[Black] “It must have been hard going through that alone, Princess.”

[Rienne] “It’s alright…..”

[Black] “It’s meaningless to say that if you can’t promise it with a straight face.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne couldn’t say anything back—her words completely gone.

It felt like there was a lump of hot air inside of her, rising up through her throat. It was all
happening so quickly, she didn’t know why she was having this kind of reaction.

The only thing she could sense was how worried Black was about her.

[Rienne] “………nge, don’t you think?”

When Rienne was finally able to open her mouth, her voice was coarse and uneven.

[Black] “I didn’t catch that.”

[Rienne] “It’s strange, don’t you think?”

[Black] “What do you mean?”

[Rienne] “You’re worrying for me, Lord Tiwakan. It almost makes me happy to see.”

[Black] “……..Why is that strange?”

Rienne swallowed hard, struggling to bite back the swarm of emotions that seemed to have
solidified in her throat.

[Rienne] “Lord Phermos was hiding in the King’s Office, so you must’ve heard it from him. I
was told to kill you, Lord Tiwakan.”
[Black] “And I also heard you didn’t agree.”

But that wasn’t everything she was worried about.

[Rienne] “That’s not all. They said you were going to kill me once you held Nauk in your

[Black] “I was surprised to hear that, too.”

[Rienne] “Does that mean it isn’t true?”

[Black] “I told you before. If I wanted to get Nauk, there would be more than a few ways I
could’ve done so. All of them faster than proposing.”

[Rienne] “Then what about revenge?”

[Black] “Revenge?”

[Rienne] “I keep hearing that what you seek is revenge. That someone in Nauk is
responsible for spilling the blood of your family.”

[Black] “. . .”

With those words left to hang in the air, creases formed on Black’s forehead—his
expression distorting. Seeing his face twist so quickly, Rienne felt her heart drop in her
chest, like something was curdling inside her.

He’s not denying it.

Then that must mean…..there’s a bit of truth to it all.

[Rienne] “That’s what makes things like this strange.”

Rienne’s form and voice had grown so small, one could hardly hear her words. She shrank
away as she tried to pull out of Black’s grip.

[Rienne] “Please let me go. I’d like to leave now.”

But Black didn’t let himself get pushed away.

[Black] “I don’t think its strange.”

[Rienne] “………Why….?”

As he carefully held onto Rienne’s wrist, he reached out his other hand and swept Rienne’s
tousled hair behind her ear.
The gesture was both gentle and hesitant. No different from the flap of a butterfly’s wing.

[Black] “Everything you’re telling me now, Princess, was said to you by another person.
And I’m not interested in other people.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “Is there a lot of debt?”

[Rienne] “………?…….”

[Black] “Is the debt the reason why you’ve had to put up with so many unreasonable

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne didn’t answer, but the stiff expression on her face said everything for her.

[Black] “How long has this been going on?”

[Rienne] “………..Please don’t ask me questions like that.”

It was far too pathetic for the ruler of a nation to use debt as an excuse for the state of

And more than that, Rienne didn’t wish for him to see how terrible the poverty she’d been
dealing with was. He already knew about it since before, but knowing and seeing were two
different things.

Rienne tried to turn her face away, but Black kept his hand firmly on her cheek, keeping her
in place.

He was acting differently from last night.

He was still just as kind as before, but his actions didn’t feel as forceful. The hand that was
holding her cheek felt firm and strong, but somehow, it also felt like it was filled regret.

[Black] “Answer me.”

[Rienne] “……..No.”

[Black] “Why not?”

…..Because I’m ashamed. I don’t want to admit to you that I’m a weak and pathetic person.
[Rienne] “I just don’t want to. You yourself haven’t answered my question from before
either, Lord Tiwakan. The one about the revenge you supposedly seek.”

For whatever reason, Black gave a soft smile as he started gently caressing Rienne’s cheek
with his thumb.

[Black] “Where did you hear that?”

[Rienne] “Don’t look at me like that……..Stories like this have been circulating all across the
continent. Such a belief is rampant everywhere but Nauk.”

[Black] “That’s weird. How haven’t I heard about this?”

[Rienne] “……..You didn’t know?”

[Black] “Though it is true that those of my blood are dead. They were killed in this land a
long time ago.”

[Rienne] “You……”

His calm expression betrayed how harrowing his words were— so casually speaking of his
family’s death like that.

It was a face not suited for someone who was carefully sharpening their blade, seeking to
avenge their fallen loved ones.

[Black] “I was only a child when it happened. At first, I was filled with so much anger that
my flesh and blood were all gone, but I had to focus on staying alive. Eventually, I forgot all
about it as I grew up. And like I told you before, the reason why I proposed was because I
didn’t want you to be taken away by someone else.”

He was answering so clearly and plainly, a sense of confusion gripped Rienne.

[Rienne] “So…wanting revenge…… was just hearsay?”

[Black] “I didn’t even know such a rumor existed.”

[Rienne] “But this…….This doesn’t make any sense. We had nothing to do with each other
before now, so what makes you say ‘taken away’ like that?”

[Black] “Is that what you really think?”

[Rienne] “Am… I wrong….?”

[Black] “I called this land my home until the loss of my family. You may not know me,
Princess, but I know you.”

[Rienne] “Ah….but how is something like that possible…..?”

All of this….is too strange.

[Rienne] “A long time ago, you said……When was this, exactly?”

[Black] “About twenty years ago, now.”

[Rienne] “Twenty years?”

Of course she wouldn’t remember. If this was around twenty years ago, Rienne would’ve
been barely a child—only five or six at most.

[Rienne] “Did I know you back then, Lord Tiwakan?”

[Black] “Probably not. I think you were too young for that.”

[Rienne] “Then, how did you know about me?”

[Black] “I only knew your name.”

[Rienne] “My name?”

[Black] “My father wanted to arrange a marriage for me. With the Arsak family.” (2)

[Rienne] “Wha……”

Rienne’s eyes widened.

She’d never heard anything about this.

Rienne’s father, the late king of Nauk, never mentioned anything to her about a childhood
engagement. Not once.

[Rienne] “We were engaged….back then?”

[Black] “Not officially. If we had been, there’d be some evidence of it or it would’ve been
taken down in writing somewhere.”

And with nothing to solidify the agreement, it was left to exist only in one’s distant

[Rienne] “Why didn’t you tell me from the beginning?”

[Black] “I didn’t think it was important.”

[Rienne] “How is something like that not important if it’s the whole reason why you
proposed in the first place?”
[Black] “It was an engagement that was brought up when I was young. There’s a chance it
was just a decision my father made on his own. In the end, I’m the only one who still

Which meant even if he had told her, she would’ve struggled to believe him or take his
words seriously.

And this had nothing to do with her already having someone by her side, either. If any man
approached her with the intent to propose, making such odd claims, Rienne likely would’ve
laughed them off or passed their words off as some unpleasant joke.

[Rienne] “……..You still should’ve told me.”

But that was when the man in question wasn’t Black.

Rienne reached out, gently tugging on Black’s sleeve.

[Rienne] “If you had, I would’ve……”

Then I wouldn’t have felt so confused and scared, my heart shattering under the uncertainty,
not understanding why everything was happening.

Now, she had an actual reason behind his abrupt proposal. Suddenly, everything felt more
real. More believable.

[Rienne] “I…….

[Black] “Princess.”

If only he’d told her earlier.

She would never have lied so much if she knew.

[Rienne] “I’m……”

[Black] “I’m listening.”

I would’ve been honest from the very beginning.

[Rienne] “I..would’ve…much sooner……..”

That was all Rienne could say. She couldn’t finish her sentence, her words tapering off as
she fell into complete silence.

Black didn’t force her to keep talking. Instead, he had something he wanted to say. His
touch upon her cheek was a little teasing, making her body feel as though it were melting.
[Black] “You were afraid what kind of person I was. You thought I proposed in order to
take Nauk, and that I was going to kill you one day. All so I could take revenge.”

[Rienne] “………Not necessarily……”

[Black] “And yet, you didn’t want to postpone the wedding, and you didn’t want to kill me
before then, either.”

[Rienne] “…I told you I had my doubts…….”

[Black] “You made me take off my clothes so you could tend to my wounds because I was
hurt. And instead of driving me out of your bed, you found a spare blanket to cover me with
and allowed me to sleep to you.”

[Rienne] “That’s…..because you’re my fiancé……”

The hand gently touching her face stopped. Black leaned over, bringing his face even closer
to hers. It was an unavoidable distance—something she couldn’t turn away from unless she
closed her eyes.

[Black] “Is it safe to say you like me? Even just a little bit?”

He asked her so suddenly, Rienne’s tightly shut eyes widely opened and she swallowed

[Black] “It doesn’t matter what it is. If there’s anything good about me that you like, just
say yes.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “You can nod your head, too.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Black’s eyes were cold and clear. Rienne stared into them as she slowly nodded her head.
Unblinking, he watched her hesitantly move her head up and down.

[Black] “I see.”

Despite how simple the words that floated through the air were, both sides of Black’s
mouth were being tugged into a smile.

[Black] “I won’t listen if you say otherwise later.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne wanted to say something back, but her mouth wouldn’t open. As if to replace her
unspoken words, she gripped the hem of Black’s clothing a little tighter.
If I knew, I would’ve grown fond of you much sooner.

Those quiet thoughts—the words Rienne couldn’t say.


[Rienne] “I’m fine.”

After being forced to rest, Rienne was left to lay idle in bed, though she didn’t fight much. It
hadn’t been that long since she first woke up, so this was the fastest she’d ever gone back to
bed in a while.

[Rienne] “It’s just a bruised wrist. That’s all.”

But even as she lay defeated, Rienne continued to argue.

Black sat to her on the edge of the bed, watching her every move. Every time he noticed
her try and shift her body, he’d shake his head at her.

[Black] “That’s what you think now, but it could get worse later.”

[Rienne] “That’s never happened in the past. It’s not that terrible. The Kleinfelders are just
like that sometimes…….”

[Black] “You’re saying this has happened before?”

Black immediately jumped on Rienne’s words.

[Rienne] “It’s just their nature to do this kind of thing……..”

[Black] “So this isn’t the first time this has happened, but it’s okay because you’re used to

[Rienne] “That’s…….”

If she were to say it bluntly, then yes…..but why did he look so unhappy?

T/N: (1) Pro-drop! Except this time, the text is pointing it out for me. He’s pointing out her
pain, but isn’t being specific about what is causing it/what hurts.

(2) The term he uses here means specifically a dead father. There’s also no pronoun listed,
but unless otherwise specified, one is usually referring to their own parent, so I made the
assumption in the translation.

astral comment: Didn’t the drought in Nauk start twenty years ago too? I’ve got my theory
cap on, but I’m gonna stay really quiet instead.

ghost comment: “Not important” he says. Sir, please.

A Barbaric Proposal C39

Chapter 39 | The Beginning

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost

T/N: (NOTE): In previous chapters, I mistranslated the previous king’s name as Seon. That’s inaccurate and the king (presently unnamed) was actually being referred to with a word

meaning old king. I wasn’t familiar with the term and misread it as his name (rip). Please note the change going forward and I’ll also eventually edit previous chapters to reflect this

difference. Thanks < 3


So that’s how it is.

Although he didn’t manage to hear too much of the story from Phermos, Black was still able
to paint a vivid picture of what exactly transpired in the King’s Office.

To say things must’ve been ‘tough’ for her would be an unfair and cruel understatement.
Rienne was only nineteen years old when she inherited the crown; barely an adult. A
young, nineteen year old princess would be seen as nothing but easy prey for anyone
seeking to take advantage of her— namely the Kleinfelders.

In order to serve their own interests, they tore into her like a pack of wild dogs, taking
whatever they could from a kingdom already falling into ruin.

And after enduring it all, those weak looking shoulders had no choice but to stand strong. It
was why whenever he saw her, she always seemed as though she were on the verge of
tears, but never once did he see her cry.

As soon as he understood everything, it was like something in his heart was erupting. And
through the hole in his chest, the existence of Rienne Arsak flowed past the newly formed
cracks without end.

But at least now he knew her relationship with Rafit Kleinfelder was completely done.

Rienne was smart, so she must’ve put a lot of thought into what it would mean to marry
into the Kleinfelder family. After considering the consequences deeply, she must have been
speaking honestly when she told him this before.

She never once betrayed him, nor did she have any intention of doing so.

In the end, Rienne would’ve come to the conclusion that she could never afford to bind
herself to Rafit Kleinfelder. Even if she loved him. Even if she had a child with him.

Because the one Rienne Arsak will be marrying is no one else but me.

Black swept his hand across Rienne’s forehead, urging her to rest her head completely on
the pillow.

[Black] “Even if you say you’re fine, the child inside of you might not be.”

[Rienne] “Child? Why are you………Ah.”

Rienne made a troubled expression as her face stiffened.

[Black] “There’s no harm in being careful. You look unwell, so you should rest.”

At those words, her eyes looked as though they were shaking.

For Rienne, it seemed like having a child was still a very distant idea in her mind. Not that
he was any different. Was it because she wasn’t far along enough to start feeling any
discomfort in her body yet?

But that’s not a bad thing.

For the whole time she carried this child, the one at Rienne’s side would be him. The fact
that the biological father was another man would never be known, and would eventually
fade away with time. (1)

[Black] “Is there no resident doctor in the castle?”

[Rienne] “I don’t often need to see one, so no.”

A royal family with no personal doctor? I’ve never seen that before.

Without knowing the reason, Black lifted up Rienne’s hand and gently bit the tip of her
finger—as if to hold back the words from tumbling out.

[Rienne] “Um………….Is something wrong?”

[Black] “Did it hurt?”

[Rienne] “No, not really………I’m just curious why……”

Well, truthfully there was no real explanation.

At some point or another, every time he saw Rienne, he just wanted to be touched by her.
Hands, lips—it didn’t matter what. It would only complicate things if he had to come up
with a reason every single time the urge came to him.

[Black] “It’s because you’re beautiful.”

[Rienne] “………What?”

I’ll just word it that way.

It’s because every time he saw Rienne, she looked very lovely. It wasn’t inaccurate, so that
was probably the best way to explain this feeling for now.

[Black] “I’ll call Phermos.”

[Rienne] “No, there’s no need for him to come all this way……….Though, is he even a

[Black] “He’s very knowledgeable when it comes to medicine, so I’d say he’s even better
than a doctor.”

[Rienne] “He is?”

[Black] “Just rest here for a minute. I’ll be right back.”

[Rienne] “No, wait.”

Just as Black was about to stand up, Rienne rushed to hold onto him.

It was such a trivial thing and yet it turned the feelings Black kept inside into a mess. A
dizzying mixture of relief and satisfaction rose up in his chest, accompanied by the even
more intense sense of desire.

But the strongest among all those surging emotions was the urge to pull her into his
embrace and kiss her.

[Rienne] “Lord Phermos is……..he’s a man…..Even if he’s like a doctor…..I’d still feel a little

Seeing how flustered her face was, he thought there would’ve been more reasons than that.

But I don’t want to pry if it makes her uncomfortable. The more uncomfortable Rienne gets,
the longer it’ll take for her to open up her heart to me.

[Black] “Wasn’t the doctor who confirmed your pregnancy also a man?”

[Rienne] “Well…..he was, but my nanny is usually the one who takes care of me.”

[Black] “Then I’ll get her instead.”

[Rienne] “She isn’t in the castle right now.”

[Black] “When is she coming back?”

[Rienne] “I…….I don’t really know. She may not return until the end of the day.”

[Black] “Can I call her back?”

[Rienne] “That’s…….”

Rienne looked as though she was agonizing over whatever she was thinking about. After
that, she nodded her head like she’d made up her mind.

She patted the area to her, welcoming him to sit back down.

That meant her story would take some time to explain.

[Rienne] “I asked her to do something for me.”

[Black] “Did she go far?”

[Rienne] “No, it’s nothing like that……..But there was something I needed to know about, so
I asked her to meet someone for me. But I don’t think that’s necessary anymore.”

[Black] “And you want to tell me where she’s gone?”

[Rienne] “Yes. There’s no longer any reason for me to hide this.”

Black watched Rienne as her expression changed slightly. It looked lighter and more

[Rienne] “The other day, I met someone who seemed to know you, Lord Tiwakan.”


It didn’t take that long to talk about how she’d spoken to the old beggar outside the Temple,
but even after such a short time, Rienne felt like her heart had become that much lighter.

[Rienne] “…………I was able to hear about you, Lord Tiwakan, after he first came to meet
me. I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure if it was good idea for you to know his

Even as she talked, Rienne could feel her expression becoming strange.

She divulged something she’d been hiding from him this whole time, and she couldn’t stop
herself from smiling. It seemed a lighter heart naturally led to lighter lips, too.

[Rienne] “I wonder if he’d heard the rumors from somewhere…….? Or maybe he

remembers you, Lord Tiwakan. Maybe he saw you back when you used to live in Nauk.”

[Black] “I don’t think so.”

As if aware of how much a smile was tugging at her mouth, Black reached out and touched
her lips with his fingers.
It was just a little thing. Something meaningless in the grand scheme of things. But it felt
like it was binding them together, like it was laying the groundwork for a real engagement.

[Black] “My face looks different from how it did twenty years ago.”

[Rienne] “Does it?”

[Black] “I was young, so I was much smaller.”

[Rienne] “Maybe…….But if it were me, I think I would remember.”

Thinking deeply, Rienne tried to conjure up the image of a young Black in her mind.
Honestly, it was a bit hard to imagine, but even so, she was certain she’d remember seeing
someone like him.

[Rienne] “Your eyes would still look the same.”

[Black] “Even if my eyes are unusual, they’re not unique.”

[Rienne] “Is that so……?”

Rienne had never met someone with eyes like his before, but maybe that was because she’d
never had the chance to travel outside of Nauk.

[Rienne] “In any case, I need to tell Mrs. Flambard to come back. She might have run into
some trouble.”

[Black] “I’ll send someone out.”

[Rienne] “Thank you.”

Rienne’s eyes closed slightly as spoke with a smile. Looking at her, Black suddenly tilted his

[Black] “But there’s still time until she comes back, so we should get Phermos to check on

And so the previous problem returned.

Rienne struggled to keep her face calm as she looked at Black, only a small distance
between them.

[Rienne] “No, really……..I’m really okay. I don’t need a doctor.”

[Black] “Are you sure?”

If a doctor came to examine her, something big would happen.

Rienne knew she needed to say those words. She wanted to tell him she wasn’t pregnant of
her own volition.

But……she needed more time. If things continued on this path, she’d be able to confess all of
her lies eventually. She just needed more time to gather her courage. Just a little bit more.

[Rienne] “Yes……So please don’t worry, Lord Tiwakan. There’s no need for that. I’m the
same as I’ve always been.”

[Black] “Don’t say that. You aren’t the same.”

Black took Rienne’s wrist in his hand, marked with bruises.

[Rienne] “……..I am except for this.”

[Black] “Then if there’s no problem, can I kiss you?”

[Rienne] “What? Why so suddenly?”

While Rienne was completely speechless, Black looked at her and spoke with a low

[Black] “It’s not sudden to me.”

[Rienne] “………Weren’t you just treating me like a patient?”

[Black] “I’m asking because you’re a patient.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “I don’t want to make things even harder for an injured person just to satisfy my
own greed.”

It sounded like he was saying those words because he cherished Rienne deeply.

[Rienne] “You……..You don’t have to ask.”

Rienne turned silent for a moment as she swallowed hard. This was something she thought
she could say with confidence now.

Because she knew exactly what she meant to him now.

[Black] “Do you dislike it?”

No, that wasn’t quite right.

[Rienne] “No.”

Rienne reached out and touched Black’s lips with her fingertips. As soon as her answer hit
his ears, she felt him stiffen.

[Rienne] “I only mean you don’t need to ask every time you want to do it.”

[Black] “. . .”

Black stared at Rienne’s fingers that were touching him, moving only his eyes. Seeing that,
she felt her mouth turn dry.

[Black] “…………You might regret saying that.”

After a long while, Black finally spoke up. With every word, she could feel the movement of
his lips through her finger tips.

[Rienne] “No……..I don’t think I will.”

[Black] “It’s too late to take it back.”

[Rienne] “I still don’t think it’s a mistake.”

[Black] “Then…”

As he approached, Rienne could feel him tenderly urge her lips apart as his upper lip
slipped into her mouth. Again, she felt something in her chest excite at the still unfamiliar

…..Maybe it was a mistake to welcome this, but this man was certainly skilled.

Though it wasn’t as intense as it had been that morning, it felt persistent and needy. It felt
like it was digging deep, like he was trying to taste every part of her.

Without even realizing, she wrapped her arms around Black’s shoulders to support herself
as he pulled her closer to him by the waist. Her golden eyelashes trembled feeling the
sudden closeness of their bodies.

[Rienne] “. . .”

As they pulled apart, Black leaned his body over Rienne, still holding her with one hand.
She was left to lay in the bed on her back as he looked down at her, his hulking body
towering over her.

[Black] “I like this face.”

With his thumb, he brushed over Rienne’s still wet lips. It was a sensation very different
from a kiss.
Embarrassed, Rienne averted her eyes.

[Rienne] “I usually look unattractive……..from this angle.”

[Black] “You sound like someone who lives in a country without mirrors.”

For a moment, Rienne felt herself becoming a little flustered. She thought he noticed how
there weren’t many mirrors in the castle after she’d sold so many of the more valuable and
colorful pieces.

[Rienne] “What………What do you mean?”

[Black] “I just don’t think you’ve ever looked at your own face properly before.”

[Rienne] “So you’re saying…….?”

Was he trying to say she was beautiful?

Did that mean she looked nice in his eyes like this?

Just as he looked good in hers?

[Black] “I wish there was a room I could lock you up in, Princess. One where time doesn’t
pass with just the two of us.”

Black slowly drew his hand away from her.

The words hinting at imprisonment were terrifying and unsettling to hear from anyone, but
for some reason, they carried a different feeling coming from him. Especially when he said
them slowly with fire in his eyes.

It made her feel like a hot wind was passing over her skin.

[Rienne] “I don’t think such a place exists………….But I’ll tell you if I find it.”

Black gave a soft grin, releasing a breath she didn’t know he was holding.

[Black] “I need to be careful.”

[Rienne] “Eh…..?”

[Black] “Around you, Princess.”

Black lowered his head again, hovering dangerously close to her lips. Instinctively, Rienne
closed her eyes.

Was it a mistake?
By all accounts, they were already in a room where time didn’t pass. It was place where the
concepts of night and day were irrelevant. Where such things were of no concern.

But…..It’s not a mistake.

Because Rienne was realizing she loved that about this room.

It was a poor choice coming here with him in the first place, but she was happy she made
that mistake. Which meant it wasn’t a mistake.

[Black] “I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself here………”

Black rubbed her lips, stopping as his husky and low voice whispered towards her.

[Black] “I don’t need to ask for permission to do this either, do I?”

The words made her breath hitch in her throat. For a moment, she thought she was about
to suffocate before she heard a cautious and uncertain knock at the door.

[Phermos] “It’s me, my Lord…….And you too, Princess.”

It was Phermos.

[Phermos] “May I come in?”


She couldn’t deny him.

Black’s voice, telling her he couldn’t stop himself, was far too intense to do that. Rienne was
at a complete loss on what to do or say, so Phermos knocking at the door served as a good

It was funny how she was the one who said she didn’t need anyone to call Phermos for her,
but now she was suddenly grateful for his presence.

[Rienne] “I have a few questions I’d like to ask. What happened to Lord Kleinfelder?”

She welcomed him in as a way of discouraging Black, but she really did have a lot of
necessary things she wanted to discuss.

Linden Kleinfelder being taken into custody was no small event in Nauk. It wasn’t just
about imprisoning him.
This was the beginning of the important part.

T/N: (1) He’s talking about the timing. Because Rienne is so early on in her pregnancy, it’s feasible for him to act as the biological father because the timing makes sense.
A Barbaric Proposal C40

Chapter 40 | Clue

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


As he spoke, Phermos nodded along.

[Phermos] “Anyway, as I came here to say…..”

[Rienne] “Before you continue, I have to ask……What happened to your face?”

With a bewildered expression, a stunned Rienne approached Phermos as she waited for his

One side of his face had turned completely black and blue with a bruise. She remembered
his face looking cleaner than that when she last saw him, dragging Linden Kleinfelder out of
the King’s Office by the neck.
[Rienne] “Are you alright? Who did this to you?”

[Phermos] “Ah, well this is…..”

Phermos glanced to his side, making brief eye contact with Black.

[Phermos] “I’m just grateful this was the extent of it.”

Only a fool would misunderstand that. It was obvious the person responsible was Black.
Rienne turned to him, her surprise clear as day as she grabbed him by the arm.

[Rienne] “You hit him? But why?”

Black looked at Phermos and glared fiercely, but it was already too late to take his words
back. While Black stayed quiet, Phermos quickly rushed to open his mouth and answer.
[Phermos] “It’s my own fault. I didn’t intervene and diffuse the situation fast enough.
Because of my inadequacies, your wrist was injured, Princess.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne narrowed her eyes, her forehead creasing as she looked at Black.

[Rienne] “But I don’t think hitting anyone was the appropriate response. I……I’m not sure
something like that is praise-worthy.”

Rienne thought there was probably a reason why Phermos took his time in reacting, and
she was already making a guess in her mind.

He probably didn’t want to be caught coming and going from the office without the proper
permission. Not to mention he must’ve been curious what Rienne was doing, talking to
Linden Kleinfelder like that.

In retrospect, thinking about it made her head swim.

She didn’t want to imagine how differently things would’ve turned out had she shown any
sign of cooperating with him rather than being threatened.

[Black] “I didn’t mean to hit him.”

When he said that, Black’s voice was just as devoid of emotion as usual.

But somehow, he seemed embarrassed.

[Rienne] “You didn’t?”

[Black] “. . .”

Black was completely silent, but his lack of words still managed to convey a story. A story
where, by the time he’d come back to his senses, he’d already thrown a punch before
hearing the entire explanation.

Sensing Black was in trouble, Phermos scrambled to fix things.

[Phermos] “Again, it’s really my own fault. Thank you very much for your concern, even if
it was because of you that this happened in the first place…..Ah, but I’m

[Rienne] “Hah…….”

Rienne shook her head, sighing.

[Rienne] “It’s not my place to judge the Tiwakan’s military discipline, so I won’t say
anything else. But your presence, Lord Phermos, within the King’s Office was still
unacceptable. I will deliver a more reasonable punishment later.”

[Phermos] “Yes, of course. I humbly await your decision.”

[Rienne] “But what were you doing in the King’s Office in the first place?”

[Phermos] “That’s……..Well, there was something I wanted to look for in the royal records.
As I was trying to deal with the work my Lord entrusted to me, I discovered there were
things I needed to know about Nauk. I didn’t wish to disturb you with every little thing,

That didn’t make a whole lot of sense.

The only thing of value in the King’s Office was the royal seal. Perhaps if this were Linden
Kleinfelder they were talking about, he might have some use for it, but it wasn’t something
Phermos had any reason to desire.

[Rienne] “…Fine then. time, please request permission before entering. Now, what
happened to Linden Kleinfelder?”

Phermos, whose conscience felt prickly this entire time, allowed his mind to be taken away
from that line of discussion.

[Phermos] “I put the him in the same room as the illegitimate son. I didn’t realize
noblemen could be so lively. The jail’s been rather noisy for a while now.”

[Rienne] “I suppose I should’ve guessed. He’s not the kind of person to take something like
this quietly. And…..what of the other Kleinfelder?”

[Phermos] “He’s staying well-behaved. I was wondering if he knew anything about the
‘proof’ that was spoken of earlier, but he seemed to know nothing.”

[Rienne] “I see.”

[Phermos] “In my opinion, this ‘proof’ of theirs never existed in the first place. It was only
ever a ruse used in order to deceive you, Princess.”

[Rienne] “I agree. If it existed, I don’t think they would be able to keep it to themselves for
so long.”

[Phermos] “Yes, they could’ve used it to their advantage much sooner. Like using it to
claim the marriage as invalid, for example.”

[Rienne] “Indeed.”
To Rienne’s surprise, the conversation was short and to the point.

Anyone looking at Phermos would guess he was an extremely learned man, but it went
beyond simple intelligence now. He’d only been in Nauk for a short time, and already he’d
managed to hone in on Linden Kleinfelder’s habits.

[Phermos] “But there is something more believable he speaks of. He keeps mentioning
something called ‘The Treaty of Risebury’. Do you know anything about this?” (1)

[Rienne] “Unfortunately, I do.”

[Phermos] “My apologies if I’ve brought up a sore topic.”

[Rienne] “It’s a peace treaty signed between the elders and advisors of the aristocratic
delegation during the reign of the previous king. Most of the rights the Kleinfelders now
currently enjoy were earned during that treaty.”

[Phermos] “A peace treaty…… a result of a civil war?”

[Rienne] “As far as I know, yes. The drought lasted far too long and the only person the
people could turn to for help was the king.”

Phermos clicked his tongue.

[Phermos] “As if that’s not bad enough.”

The peace treaty was signed during days Rienne couldn’t even remember and it
represented the shame of the royal family. As the drought continued, the king was the first
to feel the financial burden, so he levied taxes against the nobility.

The nobles opposed his decision and formed an army around the Kleinfelders, starting a
war that teetered on a rebellion.

The king was given no choice but to sign a treaty to end the conflict, but all it did was serve
to gag the royal family.

[Phermos] “Then, is it true that the decision to punish must be unanimous if the person on
trial is a representative protected under the treaty?”

[Rienne] “I’m afraid, yes. That is also true.”

[Phermos] “So you’re given the option of wiping out all noble families or to destroy the
treaty itself?”

[Rienne] “There isn’t a single noble family that would agree with eliminating the treaty.”

[Phermos] “Oh? So would it just be better to kill them all?”

For a moment, Rienne thought he was making a joke. After all, the topic was broaching
nonsensical territory. But the second she realized he was serious, she calmly shook her

[Rienne] “Nauk would just be torn apart.”

[Phermos] “The nobility aren’t that great in number……though, Nauk is a place built on
close family ties. There are the common folk to consider, as well as the loyalty of those who
work in noble homes. Those people have families of their own who would be caught up.”

[Rienne] “Exactly my point.”

Phermos sighed, making it clear his earlier statement was definitely not a joke.

[Phermos] “I tend to forget how complicated politics can get. War is far simpler.”

Just as Phermos finished muttering to himself, Black uttered a single word.

[Black] “That’s saying too much.” (2)

[Phermos] “………Ah, right.”

Phermos’ attitude quickly changed, as if on a whim.

[Phermos] “We must find a way to change the treaty so that we can hold a trial.”

That was an idea that long since existed in Rienne’s mind. But no matter how much she
thought about it, the fact remained that she had no power to do so.

[Rienne] “The only exception to the treaty is the Temple.”

[Phermos] “The Temple?”

[Rienne] “Yes. The Temple has the ability to overturn the judgement of all trials by
delivering the word of God to the people instead.”

[Phermos] “Ah, I see.”

[Rienne] “But therein lies the problem. Part of the Treaty of Risebury stipulates that the
delegate leader of the aristocratic delegation has the power to appoint the High Priest.
Ever since then, the High Priest has lived in the pocket of the Kleinfelders.”

[Phermos] “Oh.”

A glimmer of light reflected off of Phermos’ monocle.

[Phermos] “Isn’t the High Priest’s chair currently vacant? Has his replacement been
[Rienne] “Not yet.”

A dark shadow was cast over Rienne’s calm eyes.

[Rienne] “He had a reason for doing what he did. Linden Kleinfelder sought to delay the
wedding with this.”

[Phermos] “Hm…….So he was responsible for killing the High Priest?”

[Rienne] “Likely.”

[Phermos] “Ha! It’s like this country has a second king who fancies himself a tyrant.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne’s face twisted, like she’d eaten something bitter.

The treaty the previous king signed had turned into a carnivorous worm, eating away at the
royal family, bit by bit. It gnawed away at their little kingdom, quickly and quietly
consuming the royal family for all it was worth.

And all Rienne could do as she passed the days away was watch it happen, clearly in front
of her.

It was her greatest weakness. A sense of shame and distress gripped her as all of it was laid
bare in front of Black.

[Black] “Then let’s deal with that first, and then do a trial.”

Black stepped in again.

[Black] “Find the one responsible and get him to testify what the delegate leader made him
do. Unless the priests are brain dead, they’ll understand themselves what path will let them
live the longest.”

Phermos groaned.

[Phermos] “Well……The investigation is taking more time than I thought it would, so not
much progress has been made. The priests and the servants all wear the same clothes and
their daily routines are a bit vague so they’re hard to follow………We just need more time.”

[Black] “How much more?”

As Black’s words fell off the tip of his tongue, Phermos pulled back, his eyes shaking.

[Phermos] “That’s……”

[Black] “Well?”
[Phermos] “I’m not sure…… But I’ll find it somehow, my Lord. Actually, I found one clue
that’s worth looking into, but I was putting it off because I wasn’t sure the best way to go
about it. But if the Princess allows me, I’ll do it now.”

[Rienne] “What do you need?”

Before Phermos even had a chance to truly ask, Rienne was already ready and willing. She
probably didn’t realize it herself, but her voice was shaking and full of anticipation.

[Black] “Princess.”

Black called out to Rienne.

[Rienne] “Yes?”

When Rienne turned her head to look at him, he lifted up her wrist.

[Black] “You’ll get hurt again.”

[Rienne] “…….?”

Unconsciously, Rienne was gripping her fists so tightly she could’ve made marks again.
Black took her clenched fist into the palm of his hand, using his other to loosen her fingers
one by one.

[Black] “Unless they’re made by me, I don’t want to see any more wounds on your body.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

With those words, Phermos’ lips slightly parted in silent shock, but Rienne was also
surprised, albeit for a different reason.

[Rienne] “Are you planning on hurting me?”

There were lots of different kinds of marks one would leave on the body of their lover.
Based on how he said it, evidently Black talking more about a strong embrace, rather than
an actual wound.

But looking at Rienne’s face, it was obvious that meaning went clear over her head.

Even Phermos, who had zero interest in the affection shared between humans, understood
what Rienne did not.

[Black] “You don’t understand what I’m saying?”

[Rienne] “I’m not sure. Common sense is telling me you’re speaking in jest, but you don’t
look like you’re joking, Lord Tiwakan.”
[Black] “………I have to be more careful.”

Black gave a short sigh.

[Black] “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m not going to hurt you.”

[Rienne] “I know. I’m aware you care for me a lot. I won’t misunderstand you like that.”

[Black] “. . .”

Listening to their conversation, Phermos couldn’t bear to look at Black’s face, so he

respectfully turned his head to the side.

[Rienne] “Now then. Tell me what it is you need permission for.”

Phermos furiously nodded his head, still avoiding looking at Black.

[Phermos] “The clue was bloodstains. Whatever wound they came from must’ve been
quite severe, given how much blood there was.”

[Rienne] “Blood?”

[Phermos] “Yes, but when I inspected the body of the High Priest, there was no wound that
could’ve bled like that.”

[Rienne] “Hm……..”

[Phermos] “If not him, then it must’ve come from the perpetrator, so there should be a
wound on their body. And circumstances indicate that whoever they are, they must’ve
come from the Temple.”

[Rienne] “I see………”

[Phermos] “So if you will allow me, I’ll request all the priests remove their clothes for
verification. If any of them have a wound that has yet to heal, there’s a great chance they’re
the culprit. It’s the only clue we have as of now.”

[Rienne] “You’ll need to have each of the priests disrobe and verify them individually. It
won’t be easy.”

[Phermos] “Yes. And I’m uncertain whether they’ll cooperate in the end.”

Then, Black threw out an idea.

[Black] “Just force them.”

[Phermos] “Well……Of course, that’s an option, using force or intimidation to do it………but
it’s the Temple. If we move in like that, things could get ugly, so I figured it would be best to
ask the Princess ahead of making any moves. Will you allow me, Princess?”

[Rienne] “If it’s for the sake of finding the High Priest’s murderer, then we must do what is
necessary, even if it’s uncomfortable….. Although……”

A thought crossed her mind.

The image of blood seeping under one’s thick robe came to her. A servant of God, who sat
completely still even as someone beat him—praying for penance.

A servant by the name of Klimah.

[Rienne] “I met someone who was bleeding the other day.”

[Phermos] “What?”

Phermos couldn’t be more thrilled.

Having all the priests undress would’ve been doable, but it was much better to find another
avenue to simplify things if they could.

[Phermos] “Who was it?”


T/N: (1) “Risebury” should be pronounced “Reese” like Reese’s Cup and “bury” like berry. I thought about spelling it as “Reeseberry” just to help readers understand the pronunciation

phonetically, but I stuck with the raw’s spelling because it looked nicer lol.

(2) In the raws, this was one word.

A Barbaric Proposal C41

Chapter 41 | The Treaty of Six Families

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


[Phermos] “Thanks to the Princess, I think things will go much easier. When I thought
about having to watch the priests disrobe…….Ugh, I think I’m going to lose my appetite.”

Now that they had a clue, they needed to move quickly.

Rienne had already started making the necessary preparations to convene the
representatives, and Black was supposed to go to the Temple with Phermos.

Without wasting a single moment, their party prepared to head for the Temple.

[Phermos] “Ah, here come the horses.”

Up came a few mercenaries, leading Phermos’ horse to the yard.

[Phermos] “Hm? You only brought one?”

But they didn’t bring Black’s horse along with them. For a moment, Phermos thought the
underlings had lost their hearing but apparently that wasn’t the case.

[Black] “You’re going alone. I have something I need to take care of.”

[Phermos] “Oh, you’re not going back to the Princess to finish what you started…………are

Phermos’ tone expressed his blatant appall, but the second he noticed Black’s face, he
pulled his composure back together.

[Phermos] “I spoke out of turn, my Lord.”

Changing the subject quickly, Phermos’ averted his eyes away.

[Phermos] “Though that reminds me, is the Princess alright? After what happened this
morning, she must’ve been very shocked.”

[Black] “She says she’s fine, but I’m keeping an eye on her.”

[Phermos] “That would be for the best. Anything could pose a threat in the early stages,
even if she looks well on the outside………Ah, by the way…” (1)

As if remembering what happened before, Phermos gave a joking smile.

[Phermos] “Doesn’t the Princess seem a little… do I put this……naïve? Sometimes she
reminds me more of an eighteen year old than a twenty-five year old…..Are you alright, my

[Black] “………….Pick somewhere.”

[Phermos] “I’m sorry?”

[Black] “Where do you want to be hit this time?”

[Phermos] “…….Ah! I’ve slipped up again, my Lord.”

And just like that, the smile was wiped from his face, gone without a trace. Based on this
interaction, it would appear as though Black was unwilling to tolerate anyone speaking
about the Princess.

[Phermos] “I will think twice in the future before I ever allow the Princess’ name to leave

Feeling intimidated by the glare of his lord, Phermos lowered his head and shoulders,
muttering to himself before suddenly shouting as Black grabbed him by the collar.
[Black] “Keep quiet.”

Black lowered his voice as he spoke right into Phermos’ ear.

[Black] “There’s a sick old man near the Temple. Find him first. Don’t let anyone know.”

[Phermos] “………Anyone…..?”

[Black] “The Princess sent her nanny.”

[Phermos] “And you want me to find him before she does. I understand.”

Accepting the order with a nod, Phermos asked a question.

[Phermos] “May I know why?”

[Black] “I think he recognized me.”

[Phermos] “Recognized you, my Lord? Then…….”

As always, Phermos’ clever mind moved quickly. From a single word, he was able to infer a
lot of information.

Those who knew of Black’s shrouded past still remained.

Princess Rienne must’ve sent one of her people knowing such a person existed, and now,
before that person was found, Black wanted to get them out of the way.

That meant that Black did not wish for Princess Rienne to know about his past.

[Phermos] “What do you wish for me to do? Shall I silence him?”

[Black] “……..Not yet. Just hide him for now.”

[Phermos] “Very well.”

Black released Phermos. Phermos just nodded, rubbing his aching neck.

[Phermos] “I will return soon, my Lord.”

Without even responding, Black turned around and left, disappearing into the distance. Left
behind, Phermos muttered to himself with a sullen look on his face.

[Phermos] “Was his lordship’s personality always this sour…….?”

In any case, he needed to be more careful with his words in the future.

After that, Phermos left for the Temple alongside five mercenaries.


Step. Step.

Underground, the echoing sound of footsteps carried a different kind of atmosphere. The
moisture that gathered on the stone floor clung to the soles of one’s feet, making for a more
somber and dreary sound.

[Mercenary] “Huh, you’re here!”

All the guards posted in the dungeons were members of the Tiwakan mercenaries. It was a
gradual process, but those of Nauk’s castle guard were being relieved of their original
positions and replaced.

No doubt the absence of the former captain, Weroz made the shift significantly easier.

The mercenary who first noticed Black’s visit to the underground dungeon quickly
straightened out his posture.

[Mercenary] “I didn’t get a message saying you would be coming today. Did you come for
the interrogation?”

[Black] “Quiet.”

Apparently, Black didn’t want to make his presence known. The mercenary sensed this,
immediately lowering his voice.

[Mercenary] “Did you want me to lead you to the guy that was brought in today?”

Black nodded without saying anything back.

[Mercenary] “This way, sir.”

Looking at the state of the dungeon, all the members of the Tiwakan could easily agree that
it was worth its salt.

Though there weren’t many people imprisoned currently, it was still a big facility— a large-
scale prison made to accommodate several layers of security measures. Such an intense
dungeon definitely proved the power the royal family once had.

[Mercenary] “The structure of the dungeon has been designed so that you can’t escape
from it easily, but Sir Phermos told us not to take any chances, so I tied them up.” (2)
[Black] “Good work.”

[Mercenary] “Thank you, sir.”

At the unexpected praise, the mercenary gave a goofy grin.

Eventually, they reached a set of double doors, locked from the outside where the prisoners
were waiting.

[Mercenary] “I’ve been keeping them in this room. I’ve also been monitoring what they
talk about.”

[Black] “Have they said anything more?”

[Mercenary] “Not after Sir Phermos left. Ah, here.”


The mercenary opened the door and Black entered the room.

There were the two Kleinfelders, sitting in wooden chairs and tightly bound by ropes.
Hearing someone enter, the two of them raised their heads.

[Black] “Go. And shut the door.”

The mercenary left, quietly closing the door behind him.

Now that room was a place where no one could interfere with Black. When he was there,
one could could consider the rest of the Tiwakan guard entirely unnecessary, and none
would dare interrupt him.

Seeing Black’s blue eyes, Linden Kleinfelder glared up at him.

[Linden] “What are you going to do to me?”

[Black] “Well…….”

Though Black’s tone was slow and languid, it intimidated his enemies all the same. Right
now was no different.

[Linden] “You can’t hurt me. Nauk would never allow it. The day I die is the day……..”

[Black] “So noisy.”


Black kicked out the leg of the chair Linden was sitting in with a loud crashing noise.

[Linden] “Ugh!”

Linden fell to the floor, his arrogant face struggling and sniveling as Black looked down on

[Black] “What do you know?”

[Linden] “Wha……What are you…….t….talking about…..!?”

Black kicked towards Linden, using his foot to turn his body onto his stomach. Once his
bound hands were within view, he stepped right on his wrists.

[Linden] “ARGH!”

It was a rather violent scream. With how much pressure was being put on it, his wrist
must’ve surely snapped under the weight.

[Black] “Quiet.”

Then he moved his foot from crushing his wrist to the back of his head. As Linden’s face
smashed against the stone floor, he let out a terrified scream—muffled by the ground
beneath him.

[Rafit] “What the hell are you doing!? Stop!”

Though he was once sitting still, Rafit began struggling in his chair, shouting out.

[Black] “Don’t move.”

But instead of discouraging Rafit, Black ignored him, putting more pressure on the back of
Linden’s head.

[Black] “There are two people here with working mouths.”

[Rafit] “. . .”

Rafit turned pale and stopped moving.

As if he knew he would, Black turned his attention back to Linden, lifting his foot only a

[Black] “I’ll ask again. What does Princess Rienne not know?”

[Linden] “You…..obviously…….must…..”

[Black] “Why do I want Nauk?”

[Linden] “You, it’s obvious…….you…..Ugh!”

[Black] “Think about what I said and try again. It wouldn’t be difficult for me to break your
neck in an instant.”

[Linden] “Gah…….!”

Linden took a haggard deep breath. His head was spinning, trying to figure out if Black’s
threats were sincere, or if he was simply trying to intimidate him.

But then he remembered how he mentioned there were two people with working mouths.
That meant even if Linden got his neck broken, that wouldn’t matter because someone else
could just as easily speak.

[Linden] “…….Agh…….That girl knows…….gh…..nothing.”

So Linden tried proving there was nothing to gain from killing him, though all that did was
reveal that he did indeed know something.

That was what Black wanted.

[Black] “Then say it.”

[Linden] “Th….that……..”

Only now realizing his mistake, Linden rolled his eyes.

But it was too late to take anything back.

[Black] “It’s possible to break someone’s neck in way that allows them to still talk.”

[Linden] “……………Rienne is blind.”

And the moment he accepted his situation, Linden muttered.

[Black] “Keep going.”

[Linden] “She has no idea how her father became king in the first place. How the Treaty of
Risebury came to a conclusion.”

[Black] “And?”

[Linden] “It was the Kleinfelders who gave the Arsak family the chance to become royalty!
It would be ridiculous to ignore the blessing………Augh!”

As Black again put pressure on the back of Linden’s head, his mouth was forced shut.

[Black] “A blessing.”
Black’s lips twisted into a sarcastic smirk.

[Black] “And yet, the Princess’ life could never be considered perfect.”

[Linden] “She was born as the eldest daughter of an insignificant family! Without us, she
would’ve been sold off to someone, but instead she’s being called a princess! If that’s not
perfect then what is……….Ugh!”

As if was just waiting for his chance, Black kicked him in the back of the head.

[Black] “You should fix your way of speaking. Show some respect for your sovereign.”

[Linden] “….At….at any cost……you’ll definitely take….”

With an uncontrollable anger surging through him, a chill ran through Linden’s body.

[Black] “At any cost? Is that what the Princess doesn’t know?”

[Linden] “……..It is.”

[Black] “You’re lying to me.”

Black tapped the back of Linden’s head mockingly with his foot.

[Black] “That’s not a good enough reason for me to take the Princess’ head. Why would I do
that just to get Nauk?”

[Linden] “. . .”

[Black] “Answer me.”

And the words to escape Linden were a series of curses.

[Linden] “Goddammit……! You should know the answer to that! Why would you ask me
when you’re the one doing this!?”

[Black] “I just proposed but you’re the one saying there’s another reason for it.”

[Linden] “What…….what a joke……..! Just proposed!? Not even a dog would be foolish
enough to believe that! You must be doing this because you’re after something else!”

[Black] “So what is it I’m after?”

[Linden] “Nauk…….”

[Black] “What’s in Nauk?”

[Linden] “………It’s a fine enough place. Where else could a barbarian like you be treated
like royalty after rolling around in a battlefield!?”

Though it was just for a moment, Black didn’t miss the violent shaking of Linden’s eyes.

[Black] “If I killed the Princess, that’s not how things would go.”

[Linden] “Y, you’ll get married, then gain control of the nation……….”

[Black] “I was told that the sovereignty of Nauk belongs to the Arsak family. If I killed the
Princess, the throne would fall to the person of Arsak blood and that’s not me. Don’t act
like you didn’t know that.”

[Linden] “…………A barbarian like you would never honor the rules of the royal family.
You’ll just do whatever you please.”

[Black] “So you’ll keep trying to hide the truth?”

[Linden] “. . .”

Linden just swallowed hard without answering.

It was clear to Black that a more cruel and complex form of torture would be necessary to
get him to open his mouth. Kicking his pride around wouldn’t be enough.

[Black] “Fine then.”

Then Black pulled his foot away.

[Black] “I found out what I needed to know. That’ll be it for today.”

[Linden] “……..?”

Linden looked confused and perplexed when Black suddenly turned to leave.

[Black] “……Ah.”

Then he stopped for a moment.

[Black] “I did it on the left.”

His words were so quiet, he might as well have been talking to himself, but Linden could
clearly understand him.

[Linden] “What’s on the left……?”

Black turned and leaned over, untying the rope that bound Linden’s hands together.
But there was no one who would interpret this as a kindness on his part, especially not
Linden, who’d already had his left wrist broken by him.

[Linden] “What the hell is wrong with you!? Get your hands off me…….ARGH!”

And just like that, Black took Linden’s right wrist and snapped it.

It was the same place where Linden had injured Rienne’s wrist so terribly, he’d left a hand
print behind.

[Linden] “Ah, augh! Agh!”

And as Linden writhed on the floor, pride tossed aside from the pain in his wrist, screaming
out in agony, Black gave him a simple warning.

[Black] “Know this. The only cause the Tiwakan will have to fight for in the future is for
Princess Rienne.”
[Linden] “Ridiculous……..Don’t make me laugh!”
Through tears and a runny nose, Linden screamed out.

[Linden] “The Princess is pregnant…… with another man’s child, no less! You’re doing all of
this for a woman like that!? Who the hell would believe that!?”

Black’s eyes moved over to Rafit, whose mouth was clenched shut.

[Black] “That’s really none of your concern.”

[Rafit] “……..!”

[Black] “The child is mine. If I hear you say anything else, you’ll prove your tongues
troublesome, so I’ll rip them both out.”

They couldn’t say anything back.


Leaving behind an ominous warning, Black closed the door and left the dungeon.


T/N: (1) The early stages of pregnancy

(2) The mercenary technically calls Phermos a word meaning ‘aide’ or ‘right hand’ (or anything to that effect), but the sentence sounded awkward in English, so we replaced it with his

A Barbaric Proposal C42

Chapter 42 | Prey and Poison

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


[Linden] “Ugh…..”

No matter what he did, the pain just wouldn’t subside. With both wrists broken, Linden
couldn’t even get off of his stomach, so he just laid there, stiff as a board.

[Rafit] “Is the pain bad?”

Rafit asked, still struggling to find a way to get closer.

[Rafit] “We need to get you a doctor somehow……..”

[Linden] “Don’t speak such nonsense! The barbarians would never do that!”
Linden Kleinfelder roared out, venting his anger.

And he wasn’t directing his rage without purpose. While he was being beaten, his nephew
just sat there, not even trying to help him, and that fact infuriated him.

[Linden] “You’re really….agh.”

Rafit was too weak.

After the death of Linden’s elder brother, the former head of the Kleinfelder family and
Rafit’s biological father, Rafit was left all alone. Linden was given no choice but to raise his
brother’s young son himself.

Back then, he thought the boy was handsome enough. All Rafit had to do was find a way to
seduce the daughter of Arsak in order to obtain sovereignty of Nauk.

But now, not only was the crown about to fall into the wrong hands—it was falling into the
hands of a beast. It was frustrating enough for Linden to punch the ground if he could.

[Rafit] “What’s going on with you?”

Rafit cut back.

[Linden] “I mean this doesn’t matter.”

[Rafit] “What do you mean, it doesn’t matter? Look at your hands, uncle.”

[Linden] “…….! You fool! Keep your voice down! What if somebody hears you!?”

[Rafit] “I’m sure he already knows who I am.”

[Linden] “You can’t be certain. Until he comes forward and reveals it, we’ll keep this

[Rafit] “What point is there in that?”

[Linden] “What was that?”

[Rafit] “I’m asking what the point is. Why bother with all of this?”

[Linden] “What do you mean……..”

[Rafit] “Aren’t the Kleinfelders finished already? Do you even have anything left to protect
at this point?”

[Rafit] “You, you pathetic bastard!”

Linden couldn’t take his words anymore and tried to jump to his feet, but it was all just an
attempt. He fell back to the floor while his broken wrists struggled to support to his body.

[Linden] “No…..That can’t be it. Don’t talk like that. Don’t give up so recklessly. Behave in a
way befitting of the Kleinfelder name.”

[Rafit] “That name no longer has any power.”

[Linden] “Says who?”

Groaning out his words, Linden looked around and lowered his voice as much as he could.

Outside, he was certain the Tiwakan would have their ears turned towards this room,
listening to every word he said. Why else would they be kind enough to keep him in the
same room as his nephew?

[Linden] “The other families won’t stand for it. A representative meeting will be held soon
enough. No one there will take the side of the Arsak family.”

[Rafit] “Not with the Tiwakan present. Those families worked with Kleinfelders because
they were afraid. Now their fear of the Tiwakan will make them fall flat on their faces.”

[Linden] “I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”

[Rafit] “What could you possibly do from here?”

[Linden] “I’ll do anything!”

Linden gnashed his teeth.

[Linden] “Yes…….The problem is the Tiwakan. I still don’t know what trick that bitch
pulled to tame a beast like that…………”

Suddenly, there was flash in Linden’s eyes and he widened them at the immediate thought.

[Linden] “I have to separate them.”

[Rafit] “What was that, uncle?”

He was whispering so quietly, Rafit didn’t catch anything he said.

[Linden] “I mean we have to split the two of them apart. We must turn that gentle dog back
into the wild beast he is.”

[Rafit] “How are you going to do that? You’re stuck here.”

[Linden] “I can do it. I have to.”

He’d get out of here eventually.

There was no doubt in Linden’s mind of that fact.

The Treaty of Risebury was absolute. The six families that formed it were the pillars of
Nauk’s nobility. If Rienne wished to remain the royalty of Nauk, she could not afford to
displease any of them.

Because they were so graciously keeping the Arsak family’s secret.

The secret of their bloodied past.

[Linden] “As soon as the meeting is called, I’ll be released from this place. Until then, you
must keep your mind strong. Do you understand me?”

[Rafit] “. . .”

Rafit didn’t answer. He didn’t seem entirely convinced.

[Linden] “Tch.”

Linden clicked his tongue.

Rienne could never fight back against the name of the Kleinfelders in the past. The only
problem now was that some beast had come in unexpectedly, ruining the game.

So he needed to get rid of this animal. He already knew it would be impossible to force it
out with his current power, which meant his only option was to find a way to get the beast
to leave of its own volition. (1)

In order to do that……..

[Linden] “………We must poison its prey.”

It was clear at this point that in the eyes of that beast, Rienne Arsak must look like quite the
sweet piece of prey.

If that was the case, then all that was necessary was to completely ruin Rienne.

As the ideas turned in his head, Linden’s eyes darted around so quickly, one could almost
hear them.


[Rienne] “Welcome, Lord Arland.”

Convening all the delegates from the delegation was no easy task.

All the seemingly insignificant paperwork was usually done by Maslow, but he was
presently sitting in the dungeons, and his absence played a surprisingly big role.

The work was a lot to deal with on her own, so Rienne thought it was only appropriate she
find a replacement for him. It was truly sad that Maslow thought he was being sneaky
about being on the side of the Kleinfelders.

Now, the royal family could finally work to remove the grip of the Kleinfelders, step by step.

[Arland] “Thank you for inviting me.”

House Arland was a family that was not represented by the delegation, and thus not a
member of the council. Their power was weak, and they didn’t have many people to offer.

Normally it would be impossible for such a person to serve as a royal advisor, but Rienne
was desperate. She didn’t want to be dogged by the name of Kleinfelders for even a minute

[Rienne] “There’s been an unexpected vacancy for the role of royal advisor. I’m afraid I
cannot divulge much information about it as of right now, but I’d like it if you could accept
the position for the time being.”

[Arland] “It would be my honor, Princess.”

Rienne smiled.

It had been so long since she’d heard a noble refer to her by her title rather than as the
‘daughter of Arsak’. That alone made her both sad and grateful, but she was past the point
of feeling bad about it.

[Rienne] “May God’s blessings shine upon you who willingly accepted the will of your
sovereign. Now, as Nauk’s current monarch, I intend to call a meeting of the Great Council
of Nauk. Please help me make the necessary preparations, sir.”

[Arland] “The Great Council……….Are you certain?”

Arland looked confused.

Those of smaller families within the poor kingdom had simple attitudes to complement
their simple appearances. They were different from the other nobles Rienne was used to

[Arland] “That’s………Last time it was convened was fourteen years ago, was it not? I don’t
think they’ve ever been called in the years since.”

That was when the Treaty of Risebury was signed, fourteen whole years ago.

Calling another meeting would certainly cause just as much of a stir as it did back then.

[Rienne] “Yes. We have two important things to discuss. The first is the selection of the
new High Priest and the second is a trial. The trial of Linden Kleinfelder, head of the
aristocratic delegation.”

[Arland] “Excuse me?”

The words ‘trial of Linden Kleinfelder’ shocked Arland more than the words ‘Great Council’.

[Arland] “A trial…..of the head of the delegation?”

[Rienne] “The official charge is inflicting harm upon a member of the royal family. That
alone should be enough to send word to the six families. We must work to set a date as
soon as possible.”

[Arland] “Inflicting harm……..Oh, I see.”

Every word spoken by Rienne sent Arland into deeper shock. By the time she was done
talking, he pulled his sleeve down and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

[Rienne] “I’d like for you to calculate the expenses we’ll need first. Please use the King’s
Office. You have my express permission to enter.”

[Arland] “The honor is mine.”

After struggling to regain his composure, Arland bent his knees in respect before stepping
out. Having entrusted this small task to another, Rienne had other arrangements she
needed to deal with.

First was looking for a new High Priest.

[Rienne] “If I leave it to the Great Council, they’ll just find another servant of the
Kleinfelders to fill the spot. I should nominate someone ahead of time.”
After Arland left, Rienne remained in the meeting hall for a long time. Sitting in the
absurdly large throne, Rienne leaned her arm against the armrest, resting her chin on her

[Rienne] “But I’m afraid I don’t know much about the priesthood…….so I’m not sure where
to start.”

A slight crease formed between her eyebrows as Rienne sat, engaged in her thinking

[Rienne] “Should I go to the Temple now? I’m certain he must still be there. It’d be nice if I
could maybe run into him…………”

[Black] “Why would that be nice?”

Hearing a sudden question, Rienne quickly looked up in surprise.

[Rienne] “……..Huh?”

At the unexpected sound, she almost hit her face on her hand.

For some reason, Black was here, approaching her from behind.

[Rienne] “Wha……..!”

She was so surprised, she couldn’t even speak properly. The only thing to make it out of her
was a single syllable.

[Black] “I didn’t go to the Temple.”

Black took his hand and stroked Rienne’s cheek, his face looking all too relaxed. It was a
though he expected this reaction from her.

[Rienne] “But……why?”

[Black] “I remembered some business I needed to take care of.”

[Rienne] “Business? Does it have something to do with me?”

[Black] “No. Underground.”

[Rienne] “Underground………..where the Kleinfelders are.”

A brief shadow cast over Rienne’s eyes.

[Rienne] “What…..what was your business there?”

[Black] “I needed to pay him back for this.”

[Rienne] “Sorry?”

The surprised expression didn’t leave Rienne’s face as Black took up her right wrist and
lifted it up.

[Black] “I thought I should at least do that much. As your fiancé.”

[Rienne] “So…….You bruised his wrist?”

[Black] “I tried but he was a lot weaker than I thought he would be. I ended up breaking his
wrist instead.”

[Rienne] “Oh………”

And as Rienne’s lips fluttered in shock, eventually a small smirk passed over her.

[Rienne] “He’s probably never had something like that happen to him before. I can only
imagine how he must’ve reacted.”

[Black] “You aren’t mad?”

[Rienne] “Something like that is unavoidable if his bones are weak.”

Black took Rienne’s wrist and put his lips against the bruise. At that, she felt a feeling of
excitement spread through her from the point of contact.

This was serious now. Her bruises didn’t even hurt her anymore, but instead they were
reminding her of something else.

[Black] “One more thing. I made a mistake, actually.”

[Rienne] “You made a mistake, Lord Tiwakan? That sounds unlikely.”

[Black] “It really was a mistake. I didn’t realize I’d broken his left hand instead of his right
until after I did it.”

[Rienne] “…….So you…..?”

[Black] “So I broke his right wrist, too.”

[Rienne] “Ah, oh………..”

Rienne’s expression turned strange. It wasn’t quite a smile, but she wasn’t frowning either.

[Rienne] “Then, both his hands are………”

[Black] “Unfortunately.”
[Rienne] “Because you made a mistake.”

[Black] “Yes, it was definitely a mistake.”

[Rienne] “You don’t usually make mistakes, do you?”

[Black] “I do when I have to.”

[Rienne] “What are you………”

Rienne bit down on her lip as hard as she could.

It was all she could do to stop the surge of laughter that was about to burst from her.

He was not the kind of person to make such a careless mistake like that.

He obviously did on purpose.

But he shouldn’t have done that. There was a big meeting coming up and if Linden
Kleinfelder were to tell everyone that he had both his hands broken by him, it would only
end up causing chaos.

And yet………..

[Black] “I should’ve done it sooner.”

Black muttered, running his lips against her wrist.

[Rienne] “What makes you say that………..?”

[Black] “If I’d known it would make you this happy, Princess, I would’ve done it much

[Rienne] “Something like that…….Haha.”

And just like that, any part of her that was resisting her laughter broke and a soft laugh
freely escaped her. As he waited for her laughter to fade, Black gently planted kisses along
Rienne’s palm.

[Rienne] “You can’t……do something like that.”

She was laughing so hard, her stomach started to hurt and tears welled up in her eyes.
Reaching up to her, Black wiped her tears away with his other hand.

[Black] “I’ll be more careful time.”

So he said, but he was prepared to make another ‘mistake’ at any time. When the situation
called for it, sometimes you have no choice but to slip up a bit.

[Rienne] “There’s the trial coming up. He’ll likely tell the other delegates that the royal
family was responsible for hurting him.”

[Black] “Is that a problem?”

[Rienne] “Most likely.”

[Black] “……..Then I guess I shouldn’t have done that.”

Black spoke while breathing out a low sigh.

[Rienne] “Not necessarily. But we’ll need to treat his wounds. It’s a matter of showing our
courtesy to the nobles.”

Seeing Black’s reaction, Rienne felt herself falter. Quickly, Rienne reached out, holding onto
the end of Black’s collar with her free hand.

[Rienne] “But still. Thank you.”

[Black] “Even if I just made things harder for you?”

[Rienne] “It’s the first time anyone has ever done something like that for me.”

She didn’t mean for it to sound this way, but by the time she finished speaking, her voice
was shaking, and Rienne couldn’t help but release a breathless sigh.

It had been so long since she’d felt something like this.

That feeling of having someone with her who got angry for her or did things to protect her.

Ever since Rienne inherited the crown, there was nowhere for her to hide. There was
nothing for her to lean on, no place to relax her heart, and no one to hear her frustrations.

There were only ever more burdens to carry.

Black was the first person.

No matter how heavy the burden or how difficult the struggle was, without even a
moment’s hesitation, Black was ready to accept anything and everything.
……..No, he isn’t just ‘ready’ to accept everything. He just accepts it, just like that.

Rienne moved her hand from his collar, reaching up and running her fingertips across the
exposed skin of his neck.

Oh…….what do I do, now?

I just want to kiss you.


T/N: (1) During this whole section, Linden uses incredibly derogatory language (esp. with the repetition of the word meaning ‘beast/animal’ etc), to the point of it sounding like he’s

not referring to a person, hence the word ‘it’.

A Barbaric Proposal C43

Chapter 43 | A Decided Partner

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


She wanted to kiss him.

But for some reason, she felt so shy.

She’d been the one to initiate a kiss once before, so it shouldn’t be that hard. But she was
probably only able to do it back then because she didn’t know anything.

Now that I know what kissing this man is like………I can’t bring myself to do it.

[Black] “I’m not very good at this kind of thing.”

As Rienne’s fingers gently brushed against his neck, Black glanced down at them as he
[Rienne] “What kind of thing… you mean?”

[Black] “Things like this.”

Black grabbed Rienne’s hand, pulling it towards him and placing it on the side of his face,
kneeling down as he did to better match her height.

[Black] “I don’t know anything about women and I don’t have much experience in this area.
Even if you send me a signal, I can’t read them well, so I might be wrong.”

Now he was taking her other hand. With his words quietly trailing off, he took it and placed
it on his other cheek.

Until eventually, Rienne was holding both sides of his face with her hands.

[Black] “That face you’re making right now. Does that mean you want to kiss me?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

……He said he didn’t have any experience, but then what was happening right now? What
was he saying?

[Black] “Tell me if I’m wrong. Or I’ll interpret it however I like.”

He must’ve been lying.

She wasn’t completely sure, but this man might be very good at lying.

[Rienne] “You’re not wrong……….”

Hearing Rienne’s answer, as quiet as a mosquito, Black smirked.

[Black] “Do you want me to kiss you?”

Why is he asking me that if he already knows the answer……….?

[Black] “Then I’ll do it if you do something for me.”

……Wait, something strange was happening. Was this man trying to put a condition on a

[Rienne] “If you don’t want to, then that’s fine…….”

[Black] “You were talking to yourself earlier. What were you saying would be nice?”

But before Rienne could reject him, Black quickly rushed out his question.

[Black] “You said it would be ‘nice’ to run into me at the Temple.”

[Rienne] “Well, I just thought…….that If I were… go…..then…I’d meet you……And then
we could……go together……….”

[Black] “And?”

[Rienne] “And I thought it would be better than going alone………..”

[Black] “Do you prefer to be with me than to be alone?”

Rienne was so flustered, her eyes quickly lost focus, looking around and struggling to settle
on anything.

[Black] “Answer me. Are you pleased with me?”

[Rienne] “……You already know, don’t you?”

[Black] “But I still want to hear you say it.”

Looking at her, Black lowered his head towards Rienne.

[Black] “Close your eyes. I’m going to kiss you.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

He was acting a little mean and teasing right now, so she thought she’d keep her eyes wide
open, but the moment she heard his command, she automatically shut them without

[Black] “Give your lips… me.”

Just before their lips overlapped, Black whispered towards her.

He was making a lot of demands of her today, and yet, though that thought was in her mind,
Rienne parted her lips. And what if this continued on in the future?

Though truthfully, her heart already knew the answer to that didn’t matter.

Whatever Black asked of her was always something she could easily do.

As if telling him she was happy with him and that she liked him right now, in this moment,
Rienne readily allowed her lips to open.


I’m going to tell him today.

From the bathroom, there was the faint sound of water just from the other side of the door.
It was the sound of Black, washing up before bed.

After changing into her nightgown and washing up herself, Rienne sat in front of the
mirror, brushing her hair and making a vow to herself.

I’m not pregnant.

Back then, I lied thinking I’d be able to reject your proposal. I’m sorry for deceiving you like

The child I have in the future will be yours, no one else’s.

That’s how she’d say it.

She was thinking about it so deeply, but she didn’t even realize how much her fingers were
shaking. In some ways, telling him this shouldn’t be that big of a deal, but she was so
nervous her mouth felt like it had gone completely dry.

…..Then, should I tell him I also have no experience as well?

That was also a little bit of a concern.

If she told him she’d never actually slept with Rafit, the conversation would naturally head
in that direction, but it was still so embarrassing for Rienne to think about.

……And I’m sure that man has experience.

She remembered what he had told her earlier that day.

[Black] –‘I don’t know anything about women and I don’t have much experience in this area.’

Not having ‘much’ experience and total inexperience were two completely different things.
And he was too good at everything that it was hard to believe he had no experience to
speak of.

But thinking about it made her feel a little strange. Like her emotions were suddenly
getting bumpy and rough feeling.

Did that mean……….he’d done this sort of stuff with another woman?

She couldn’t help but wonder. How many times did he passionately steal kisses from her,
looking over her lips even after they were done because he thought it was a shame the kiss
was over?

And when she would’ve asked him why he suddenly embraced her and kissed her, would
he have told her it was because she was ‘lovely’, too?

Just like he’s done to me?


Suddenly Rienne’s mood sank to her feet.

It didn’t make any sense, but somehow she felt a little upset.

He was taking so many of her firsts, but the same couldn’t be said of her towards him,
though she knew it was unfair of her to feel that way.

She didn’t have a right to feel wronged by this.

He doesn’t know I’ve never been with another man……He might be even more upset than I am.

So she decided she should tell him properly. She would tell him he was her first, and then
she’d ask him about the women he’d run into in the past.

It probably wouldn’t make much of a difference, but she thought she should at least listen
to him.
Yes. Today.

Today, they’d speak properly.

Knock, knock.

Then, there was a small knock echoing against her bedroom door.

[Rienne] “Who is it?”

There was still the faint sound of water coming from the bathroom, so it definitely wasn’t
Black. It was someone else. After giving the bathroom door a quick glance, Rienne
approached the bedroom door.

[Rienne] “Who is it?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “It’s me, Princess.”

It was Mrs. Flambard.

Happily, Rienne opened the door.

[Rienne] “Welcome back, ma’am. Thank you for working so hard so late into the night.”

The woman’s face looked a little tired and grim. It was only natural, considering she’d been
outside the castle all day.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I know you must’ve been readying for bed…….But may I speak with you
for a moment?”

[Rienne] “Yes, of course. Come in.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Thank you, Princess.”

Mrs. Flambard entered the bedroom, but the moment she heard movement and the sound
of water coming from the bathroom, she suddenly stopped walking with a shocked

[Mrs. Flambard] “Is he here?”

Her voice was suspiciously quiet.

[Rienne] “Yes. He’s been staying in the room door.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Then we need to speak elsewhere.”

[Rienne] “Excuse me?”

Mrs. Flambard hurriedly pulled on Rienne’s hand.

[Mrs. Flambard] “This isn’t something he should hear.”

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan, you mean? He shouldn’t hear this?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes.”

She nodded firmly, but looking closely she wasn’t just being adamantly stubborn.

There was fear in her eyes.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne glanced back at the bathroom.

What was it that she didn’t want Black to hear? Rienne wondered if it was a terrible thing,
but if it was, then she wasn’t sure she wanted to hear it either.

……..But she had to listen. If it had something to do with him, then she couldn’t afford to
turn her ears away. She had to know.

Biting her lip, Rienne nodded.

[Rienne] “Then let’s go.”

Turning out of the bedroom, Rienne and Mrs. Flambard left so quietly, they didn’t leave
even the tiniest bit of sound behind.


The place the two of them went to was the audience room at the end of the southern tower.
It was definitely a place where no one would go looking for them at this time of night.

And they certainly couldn’t go to Mrs. Flambard’s bedroom. Black’s old room was just
opposite of it and it was now frequently used by Phermos as an office.

[Rienne] “Now speak freely. What’s going on?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I looked for the older man as you requested of me, Princess. And I found

Her story took some time to explain.

First, it was difficult to locate and meet with him.

With the Temple stairs currently under reconstruction, the entrance was always busy and
filled with people. There was no place for an old beggar to sit comfortably like before, so
she had to wander through the alley ways, asking around for his whereabouts.

And that’s when she witnessed something strange.

There was a servant handing water and bread from the Temple to the begging old man,
being beaten with a cane.

[Rienne] “So it happened again………”

Rienne frowned.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Did you see it too, Princess? I couldn’t just stand by, so I tried to
intervene. But the servant stopped me. He said he needed to be hit more.”

After that, the old man’s beatings didn’t stop until he’d hit him several more times.

[Mrs. Flambard] “The old man looked very upset, so I was a little hesitant to speak with
him. But after you made this request of me, Princess, I couldn’t avoid it. I told him to tell me
about you. And then he said…….”

Then he said something similar to what Rienne had heard.

Nauk’s sin has returned. The daughter of Arsak will bleed.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I didn’t understand him at all. What sort of beggar uses words as
complicated as the priests do? So I asked him to use words I could understand to explain
who that person was. I think he said something back, but it was so hard to understand him.
That’s when I asked him to write something down instead. His hands were a bit unreliable
and shaky, so he struggled to write something on the ground…………”

He’d only managed to write down a few letters by the time Phermos arrived with a group of
Tiwakan mercenaries at his side.

Phermos said he’d come to the Temple to find a servant by the name of Klimah. After that,
the servant quickly fled and the Tiwakan took the old man away for questioning on the
servant’s whereabouts.

[Mrs. Flambard] “But…..I think it’s strange. An old man with barely working eyes wouldn’t
have seen where the servant fled.”

The woman also didn’t forget Rienne’s express request to keep her desire to find the old
man a secret. She had no choice but to back away from the situation, lest she draw
attention to herself by arguing.
And then there was another problem after that.

After the Tiwakan took the old man away, Mrs. Flambard had seen places on the ground
were someone had purposely crushed it with their foot.

Oddly enough, it was the place where the old man had tried to write Black’s name.

[Rienne] “Oh…….”

Rienne let out a soft sigh.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I didn’t even realize he had done that. He was speaking to me so quickly,
I was just trying to keep up with him. But I think it’s strange that place he crushed on the
ground just so happened to be where a name was partially written.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

It was more than just strange.

Rienne knew how clever Phermos could be. With him, there was no meaningless action,
and he wouldn’t have done something like that purely on accident.

But the question of why still remained.

The timing was too perfect as well.

Rienne had just told Black about him, and he claimed that the old man wouldn’t be able to
recognize him after so many years. Then, Phermos headed for the Temple to find the
servant, Klimah, and detained the old man in his place instead.

It’s like………It’s like he ordered Lord Phermos specifically to hide him away.

[Mrs. Flambard] “What does he mean by Nauk’s ‘sin’? It seemed certain that the old man
knew something. That’s why he was trying to write that name.”

[Rienne] “Sin……..”

The old man said that Black would take revenge.

Revenge required a grudge. The death of one’s family would certainly be enough to fuel
that desire, but Black told her he’d forgotten all about it because it had been so long.

The daughter of Arsak will bleed, they said. But Black said he’d come to take back the
daughter of Arsak because he didn’t wish to lose his childhood fiancée.

So which of the two contained the truth?

[Rienne] “You couldn’t recognize the name he was writing?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Unfortunately, Princess. Even when the old man tried to write it, his
hands were shaking, so it didn’t even come out as a proper letter. I think I could make out
the letter ‘P’, but I’m not sure.” (1)

[Rienne] “Is that all?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’m sorry, Princess. The Tiwakan appeared too suddenly.”

The doubts were stacking up one by one.

But still, she wanted to believe in Black more than anything.

[Rienne] “Ma’am, do you……Did you know when I was a child, there was once a discussion
for my marriage?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’m sorry? When was this?”

[Rienne] “At this point…..About twenty years ago.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “You would’ve been very young, Princess. A marriage at the age is a little

[Rienne] “That’s true…….But if the person in question was also young…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Then it must’ve been an arranged marriage between families.”

[Rienne] “Yes, it would’ve been. Do you remember anything about that?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “It hasn’t even been sixteen years since I entered the castle to serve you,
Princess. Do you remember? The first time I saw you was on your ninth birthday. Such a
brave and mature little girl you were back then. The Queen was ill and yet you didn’t act
childish when she needed to rest in bed.”

[Rienne] “That……That’s right. I met you as my nanny when I was nine years old. This
engagement would have been before that.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes. I’ve never heard of you being engaged before this, Princess. So that
means either it was simply never made official, or that the engagement never existed from
the start.”

T/N: In the original text, the letter written here was “ㅍ” which makes a ‘P’ or “Pu” sound depending. I thought about leaving it as is, but decided against it and just wrote in the letter

since they’re not sure either.

Rienne looks really heckin’ cute in this CG, not gonna lie.
A Barbaric Proposal C44

Chapter 44 | Today, Like Yesterday

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


Black did mention something similar before. He knew he was engaged, but that it could’ve
just been something his father mentioned.

[Rienne] “If that’s the case, it wouldn’t be in the royal records, would it?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’m not sure.”

[Rienne] “I’ll look for it just in case.”

Rienne turned around in a hurry. The royal records would be kept somewhere in the King’s

Please. Let there be something left there.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Where are you going, Princess? Why are you so suddenly speaking of a
past engagement? While we’re talking about that man of all things?”

[Rienne] “We used to be engaged.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Excuse me?”

The woman blinked her eyes in a daze, as if the words she’d just heard were ones she
couldn’t understand.

[Mrs. Flambard] “You and who? Lord Kleinfelder was never engaged to you as far as I

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Sorry?”

She was so surprised by the answer, she quickly covered and shut her mouth.

[Mrs. Flambard] “And um….when…… this was……twenty years ago, you said?”

[Rienne] “I’m not sure, it’s been too long to ascertain the exact date. But he said that’s how
he remembers it. It was why he proposed in the first place.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Then….. does that mean he’s from Nauk?”

[Rienne] “Yes. He said he left Nauk after his family was killed.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “How odd……….”

Rienne swept her hair back with her hand, her face becoming troubled.

[Rienne] “He told me he forgot everything because it all happened so long ago, and how
that was the reason he proposed to me. But I just………”

Rienne’s words got caught in her throat, as she let out a long breath.

[Rienne] “I keep……thinking terrible thing things. Was it maybe……..the King who killed his
family? Was that why the old man kept saying I would ‘bleed’ at the hands of Lord

[Mrs. Flambard] “What are you talking about, Princess?”

The woman adamantly shook her head, as if she were expressing how awful Rienne’s
words were.
[Mrs. Flambard] “The King was a good man. He was wise, thoughtful, and open-minded.
It’s unimaginable to believe he would do something like……..killing someone’s family. It’s an
absurd thought.”

[Rienne] “Then why would the old man say that?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “That’s…………”

With her heart thrust into confusion, Rienne held her own shoulders with a painful grip.
Mrs. Flambard looked at her with a sad expression, doing her best to comfort her.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Think about this, Princess. Is there anyone who truly understands who
that old man is? We cannot even say for certain whether or not he is of sound mind. For
someone to beat a servant who only wishes to bring them food, they cannot be sane. How
can someone like that know things that neither you nor I know, Princess? It doesn’t make

[Rienne] “Perhaps…….But he’s very old. He must’ve lived through things the both of us
cannot even begin to remember.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “But who even is he to start with?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

She wasn’t wrong.

Rienne had her priorities backwards right now. Before she worried about what the old man
said, she needed to find out who he was.

[Rienne] “I’m certain that servant must know.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “You mean the one who was being beaten by his cane? Seeing that, there
definitely must be a story there that cannot be spoken. But didn’t the servant run
away……….? No, what if the Tiwakan are mistreating the servants now?”

[Rienne] “It’s not like that. We don’t know for sure right now, but they’re pursuing him
because he may be the one responsible for the death of the High Priest.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What? No, is that really true?”

With a shocked expression, she put her hands together as if she were in prayer.

[Mrs. Flambard] “How can that be……A young man who looks so gentle and pure, too.
Could it be the Tiwakan have the wrong person?”

[Rienne] “No, we have clues that imply his guilt. But, did you happen to see the servant’s
face, ma’am?”
[Mrs. Flambard] “It happened by chance. He was covering his face, as you might’ve noticed
yourself, Princess, but the old man was beating him so severely, his hood ended up coming

The servant, who looked infinitely kind, had a terribly sad expression on his face.

Not to mention the scar on the back of his hand.

[Rienne] “Was it that prayer again………?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Prayer?”

[Rienne] “It’s a prayer of atonement. I’ve heard it requires one to whip their body as a form
of penance.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Ah………Even a God could not be pleased hearing such prayers.”

[Rienne] “I feel the same. What was it that the servant could’ve been atoning for?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “He may have committed a crime………so I suppose he may not be such a
nice young man, after all.”

If the servant Klimah was in fact responsible for killing the High Priest and the old man
knew that, that would explain the beatings. It was also possible Klimah was willing to take
the assault as atonement for what he’d done.

If the old man was coherent enough to understand that, then perhaps he didn’t say what he
said before simply because he was crazy.

It was starting to feel like the old man knew more than he was willing to let out of his

[Rienne] “I wonder where the Tiwakan took him. As I thought, I’ll have no choice but to

[Mrs. Flambard] “That’s true but……..if they detained him on purpose, will they tell you
about it so easily? It’d be too easy for them to hide it and make excuses every which way.”

[Rienne] “Maybe……..Though they should at least be able to tell me about the servant.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I agree. Shall I return to the Temple?”

[Rienne] “No, it’s already late. Let’s go tomorrow, together.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Will you have the time?”

[Rienne] “If I don’t, then I’ll make time. As it happens, a new advisor has come in to help
lessen my work load.”
Rienne squeezed Mrs. Flambard’s hand.

[Rienne] “You’ve been working very hard, ma’am. You’re the only person I can trust

[Mrs. Flambard] “It’s my honor, Princess.”

The woman gently swept her hand along Rienne’s messy hair, the gesture full of affection.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Now, off to bed with you. Tomorrow will be another busy day.”

[Rienne] “I know.”

Then, Rienne and Mrs. Flambard split from the audience room, returning to their respective

Luckily, Rienne didn’t run into anyone on her way back. All the Tiwakan that would
normally be around were out and about, busy in their search for the servant, Klimah.



Just as Rienne went to reach for the doorknob—

[Black] “Where did you go?”

As if he’d been waiting for her, the door was opened from the inside. Surprised, Rienne
pulled back as soon as she saw the face that appeared through the open door—Black.

[Rienne] “……..I went to go speak with my nanny for a little bit.”

Swallowing hard, Rienne’s voice was surprisingly calm.

Rienne already knew it was pointless to lie in front of Black. He probably already noticed
them talking and leaving while he was in the bathroom.

[Rienne] “I told you I’d sent her on an errand. She met Lord Phermos while she was out,
and she was apologetic she couldn’t do everything I’d asked of her. Then I took her to her
room and told her it wasn’t necessary anymore.”

[Black] “I see.”

Black nodded his head, seemingly convinced there was nothing wrong.

Then he reached out his hand.

[Black] “Are you not coming in?”

[Rienne] “Oh…….”

Rienne looked down at Black’s hand before eventually taking it.

His hands were the same as they always were. Holding his hand was so warm, sometimes
too much so, and it was so big it felt as though it could take anything in its grip.

Though even when they entered the room, Black still wouldn’t let her go.

Passing the bed in the middle of the room, Rienne made a joke.

[Rienne] “Are you planning on escorting me to my room?”

[Black] “No.”

In order to get to Rienne’s room, it was necessary to pass through Black’s room first.

From across the bed there were two doors—one that led to the bathroom and one that led
to the small room between the bedrooms.

This small room was once known as the King’s Gallery.

There used to be days when it was filled with exotic and priceless baubles and paintings,
meant for the King and his wife. However, it had been empty for so long, Rienne sometimes
forgot what it was even for.

Opening the door to the King’s Gallery, Black spoke.

[Black] “I’m going with you.”

[Rienne] “……Sorry?”

[Black] “I want to sleep with you again. Like we did yesterday.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

It’s that feeling again.

That sensation of her heart tightening from the bottom up without end.

Whenever this feeling swelled up inside her, Rienne always felt a little distressed. It made
her throat burn and she kept swallowing nothing.

[Black] “I thought I we were getting a little better…….Were we not?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Yes. He was probably right about that.

That’s why the doubts felt even more painful. Even after her nanny had told her such things
about him, Rienne didn’t want to hate him.

She wanted to make excuses for him.

If it was true that the previous King was responsible for the loss of his family, and he was
forced to run away at such a young age because of it, then that was a sin that followed the
Arsak bloodline.

Maybe it was true that he’d already forgotten the past and only wished to propose. Like he
said, it had been twenty years already.
But even if I was only a child who knew nothing at the time, if you want me to atone for what
the previous King has done, I will do everything I can to do so.

Because that’s how much I like you.

And……..Maybe he felt like that too. It was possible.

[Rienne] “Though, there’s something that worries me a little.”

But Rienne couldn’t say what was on her mind.

Perhaps if she were the daughter of any ordinary family, she could. But as one responsible
for Nauk, she couldn’t make that kind of promise.

[Black] “What do you mean?”

[Rienne] “You said you didn’t have much experience.”

[Black] “………What?”

[Rienne] “Does that mean you’re clumsy?”

[Black] “. . .”

[Rienne] “So I’m a little worried about being with someone like that.”

[Black] “. . .”

Though truthfully, the exact opposite was true.

She was actually worried he might be too skilled in this area compared to her, who was
obviously clumsy. Thinking about that, she kept unconsciously reminding herself of
everything that had happened in the past.

But she couldn’t even say that out loud.

She hadn’t even told him she wasn’t actually pregnant, yet.

[Black] “…………Ha, this is crazy.”

He seemed stiff at first, but eventually Black’s expression softened into a smirk.

[Black] “What were you thinking?”

[Rienne] “What?”

[Black] “When I said I wanted to sleep with you again, what were you thinking of doing
with me?”
[Rienne] “. . .”

She couldn’t find the words to say, so Rienne just kept completely silent, but her
charmingly red cheeks served as her answer.

[Black] “If I wasn’t very good, would that be a problem?”

[Rienne] “………I, I understand your answer. Goodnight, then.”

Rienne quickly turned on her heel, frantic as if she were running away from him, and went
to open the bedroom door.


But just as quickly it was opened, it was closed again. Black had reached out from behind
her, pulling the door back in place.

Trapped, Rienne was locked between the door and Black’s body.

[Black] “How good do I need to be in order to satisfy you?”

With Rienne trapped in his arms, Black whispered softly, bowing his head towards her

[Black] “What should I do to be considered competent to you?”

[Rienne] “Something like that…….Not…..not right now……..”

[Black] “That’s weird. I thought you meant it needed to be now.”

Slowly, Black wrapped his arms around her waist, pushing past her hair and pressing his
lips against the back of her neck. And then, he gently started running his lips across her
soft, pale skin.
Moving his free hand up, he brushed it against her hair, tickling her earlobes and allowing
his fingers to wander down her neck.

[Rienne] “No…..I wasn’t……”

[Black] “No. You were talking about today.”

The fingers that were running down her neck stopped at the edge of her nightgown. He
lifted up the thin cloth, playing with edges of it as if struggling with idea of just tearing it

Feeling it, Rienne bit down on her lips almost to the point of tears.

[Black] “Luckily, based on your reaction, I don’t think I’m clumsy enough to make you hate
this, Princess.”

His fingers fell from the edge of her nightgown, moving up her neck and across her jaw
until they reached her lips, and at his gentle urging, she felt them being pushed apart.

[Black] “This will leave a wound. I told you this afternoon. Unless they’re made by me, I
don’t want to see any more wounds on your body.”

[Rienne] “That’s……”

Her body was shaking so much, she couldn’t even speak properly.

[Black] “Don’t do this anymore. Promise me.”

With her lips apart, Black grabbed Rienne’s chin and pulled her in, slowly rubbing against
her lips—hurt by her own bite.

It felt vulgar and heated, as though she was moments away from melting. If this continued,
all her thoughts would completely vanish.

Why was he acting so obscene? Why was he doing this to her? What kinds of plans was he
hiding inside of him………? She couldn’t lose sight of those questions. She had to find out the
answer before Nauk paid the price for his anger.

[Rienne] “S, stop!”

What’s going on? I didn’t want any of this.


With the sudden surge of thoughts, Rienne pushed Black away with all of her strength.
[Rienne] “Please stop this.”

[Black] “. . .”

As if he could sense her sincerity, Black kept quiet and looked at Rienne.


A Barbaric Proposal C45

Chapter 45 | A Precarious Situation (1)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


She hated that her voice was shaking so much, but Rienne spoke quickly, her arms wrapped
around her shoulders as if she were hugging herself.

[Rienne] “If you wish to show your capabilities, find another way to prove yourself.
Preferably in a way that fills me with anticipation for the day we eventually share a bed.”

[Black] “……..This isn’t the right way?”

[Rienne] “No, all it does is make it feel as though you’re making fun of me. Doing so doesn’t
encourage me to open my heart and my body reacting to your touch doesn’t mean I’m
ready. Preparing one’s mind is more important than preparing the body.”

[Black] “Why aren’t you ready yet?”

[Rienne] “That….Right now is…….”

[Black] “……….No, that’s not right. You don’t need to give me a reason. If you’re not ready,
you’re not ready.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

As if to physically push away the remaining heat, Black gave a rough shake of his head.

[Black] “I had no intention of asking to sleep with you just because you opened up to me a
little, Princess. I only meant that I wished to literally sleep to you, like we did yesterday. I
just like being by your side.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

It was the same for Rienne.

And the more she found herself liking this, the more the boundaries became blurred.

Ever since she found out he was her fiancé from childhood, some part of her foolishly
thought fate may have played a part in this—like they were born for one another.

But that was exactly why she needed to refuse him now.

[Black] “I must’ve lost my head for a minute thinking there might’ve been a chance.”

Black slowly held up both of his hands, like he was showing her he had no intention of
touching her.

[Black] “Go to sleep. Have a comfortable night.”

[Rienne] “………….Yes. You too, Lord Tiwakan.”


Rienne quickly opened the door, rushing into her bedroom.

[Rienne] “……….I hate this.”

She hated all these lies and uncertainties, just as she hated herself for lying.

And she didn’t like seeing him step away from her, acting as though he would never touch
her again.

[Rienne] “Tomorrow……….It’s going to be okay.”

Tomorrow she would find out more about the servant, and then she’ll try and learn
something about that old man. Or maybe she could even say she wanted to meet with him.
She was told Lord Phermos took him, so he must be locked up somewhere in the castle.
She’ll talk to him about that. That man had no right to interfere with something.

And if she can just find out the truth, then………..

At that point, her thoughts stopped running.

She couldn’t figure anything out, least of all what she would do about that man.

What could she even do?

[Rienne] “……..I think I might die at this rate.”

It felt like her heart was burning away into embers. Rienne walked forward, stumbling as
she fell down onto her bed.

For now, she should just sleep.


She couldn’t sleep a wink and ended up just tossing and turning all night. By the time
Rienne fell asleep, it had taken her so long that dawn had already broke.

[Rienne] “Ah…….Is it morning?”

Somehow, Rienne felt heavier than usual as she turned under the covers.

[Rienne] “Why am I so weak…….? I feel like my body’s gotten so cold…….”

And she seemed to be sweating a lot too. Rienne dug deeper into her blankets, wondering if
maybe she’d come down with a fever.

[Rienne] “…….!”

But then she was startled awake by a cool feeling of something running between her legs.

[Rienne] “My monthly……!”

It was starting a few days sooner than it should have.

[Rienne] “Why is this happening?”

Rienne threw off the blanket and stood up, but her sheets were already stained with blood
in the shape of small red dots.
[Rienne] “I have to clean this up quickly…….”

As Rienne set to work, promptly removing the sheets, that’s when she heard it.

Knock, knock.

[Black] “Are you awake?”

It was Black.

Rienne’s face turned pale.

Why was all of this happening on this particular morning of all days? First, the most
important thing she needed to do was hide the bloodstains.

Rienne set the sheets back down, laying herself back in bed, then she pulled the blankets
back over herself, perfectly hiding the blood.

[Rienne] “Is….something the matter?”

[Black] “I came to wake you since you overslept.”

Did I? Did I really oversleep? No, more importantly, why is he coming to wake me up?

[Rienne] “I’m….not feeling very well. I’ll be up in a moment.”

[Black] “You’re not feeling well…..…? I’m coming in.”

[Rienne] “No, please don’t…..!”

But it was too late.

Black had already yanked open the door and starting walking inside. Rienne reaffirmed her
grip on the blanket, pulling it up to her neck.

[Black] “Where are you hurt?”

[Rienne] “It’s……It’s nothing. Please leave.”

[Black] “Your face is pale.”

With long strides, Black walked towards the bed, and with no regard for her words, he put
his large hand against her forehead.

[Black] “You have a fever.”

[Rienne] “No, it’s…..I’m fine.”

[Black] “Fine? While your face looks like this?”

But the more concern he showed for her, the paler complexion became. Rienne pulled up
the blanket even higher, covering her entire face.

[Rienne] “Please just leave. I can take care of my body.”

[Black] “I know you won’t do that. Please move the blanket for a second.”

As Rienne desperate kept the blanket over her head, she saw Black’s hand touch the edge of

[Rienne] “Don’t touch me!”

And without even realizing it, her reaction was much more sharp and rigid than she

Black’s hand suddenly stopped moving, his expression freezing over like a shallow frost,
settling on the surface of a lake at dawn.

[Black] “Are you angry about what happened yesterday?”

[Rienne] “No, I just…..Just please leave.”

[Black] “I can’t do that. I need to know why you’re angry, Princess.”

[Rienne] “I’m not angry, just please……..”

Black grabbed Rienne’s wrist, as she was still holding onto the end of the blanket with all
her strength.

[Black] “You’re still saying you’re not angry?”

From Black’s perspective, he had no idea what Rienne was trying to hide under the covers.

Her adverse reaction to him looked like she was just refusing to ever be touched by him—
an outright rejection of skin-to-skin contact.

Meanwhile, Rienne was terrified because this blanket was the only thing standing between
her and her secret being revealed against her will.

[Rienne] “Please, just stop this and go!”

[Black] “Is it possible for someone to change this much in a single day?”

Again, Black tried to pull down the blanket that was covering her face.

[Rienne] “Don’t!”
In a hurry, Rienne pushed Black away however she could.


Her strength was basically nothing in comparison to his, but it was just enough to get him
off of her. Though, in all of the commotion, the blanket slid down just enough.

[Black] “……..What’s this?”

[Rienne] “………!”

The red bloodstains that decorated her sheets and the end of her nightgown seemed
magnified in that moment. On the pale sheets, they were more noticeable than anything,
and they would immediately catch anyone’s eyes.

In that moment, her mind went completely blank, and she couldn’t even think of an excuse.

[Rienne] “Please don’t look……!”

With a panicked cry, Rienne again tried to push Black away.


But then Black grabbed her hand.

[Black] “Don’t move so intensely.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

As Rienne’s entire body trembled, Black forced her to lie back down.

Confused and uncertain what was happening, Rienne looked up at him, only to see his
forehead was covered in sweat.

[Black] “I’ll get a doctor. Stay here.”

[Rienne] “……….?”

[Black] “Stay right where you are. Don’t move a muscle.”

After he said that, Black pulled away, rushing out of the bedroom.

It wasn’t until the panic of the moment washed away that Rienne realized he’d probably
misunderstood something.


[Doctor] “You don’t have to worry too much. In the early stages of pregnancy, occasional
bleeding is common. Of course, something like that would be more dangerous once you
start showing and having a belly, but um……..How far along are you, Princess?”

There were only two major doctors in Nauk.

One dealt primarily with the aristocrats, providing his services to whoever could pay for his
expensive treatment while the other dealt with the poor who could not.

Despite their differences, these two doctors had one thing in common: They were very busy
because they had so many patients.

And yet, since the early morning, both of these doctors had been in her bedroom, working
their hardest to help her……who wasn’t really sick.

……I think I’m losing my mind.

Rienne bit back the sigh that was about to escape her mouth.
Behind the doctors stood Black, crossing his arms.

He had a look on his face that wordlessly said he would tear out the throats of the doctors if
they spoke any nonsense. to him was Phermos with a face that said he would try and stop
him before that happened.

[Rienne] “That’s……”

Rienne didn’t know enough about pregnancy to know what an appropriate answer would
be, so her eyes shook in bewilderment at the question.

[Black] “A month.”

So Black answered instead.

[Doctor] “A, a month?”

[Black] “Twenty eight days, to be exact.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Twenty eight days? Where was he getting that number from?

Rienne wracked her brain, searching for a link.

Why twenty eight………..Oh, I remember.

Twenty eight days ago was when the Tiwakan first arrived in Nauk. She received the
proposal that day and sent her immediate refusal in response. It was the very day after they
received her rejection that the battle started in earnest.

This man……He was really trying to pass this child off as his own.

A child that didn’t even exist yet.

[Doctor] “Twenty eight days ago, the castle would’ve been surrounded………..Huh?”

The doctor quietly counted out the days on his fingers with widened eyes.

[Doctor] “And, you have a child…….?”

But once he made eye contact with Black, he closed his mouth tightly. Those blue eyes that
were boring into him were almost too hideous to look at.

[Black] “That’s none of your business. All you need to do is focus on keeping my child safe.”

[Doctor] “Huh…..Oh, yes…..I, I see.”

The doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead, his face turning a sickly green color. The
other doctor was no different, having kept silent this whole time.

[Doctor] “Do, do you have any stomach pains? Like a sensation of something pulling at
your stomach, or maybe feeling like something’s going to break……?”

[Rienne] “No…..It hurts a little, but it’s nothing like that.”

There was a dull pain pulsating through her lower abdomen, but that was usually the case
whenever this particular time of the month came around.

[Rienne] “I feel much better now than when I first woke up.”

As Rienne added on those last words, the doctors exchanged glances with each other.

[Doctor] “Then there doesn’t seem to be much to worry about. But bleeding isn’t a good
thing so best you rest up for the time being.”

[Doctor] “I agree. If the bleeding becomes too frequent, you may lose your baby, so please
refrain from any unnecessary movement. Also, it would be extremely dangerous for you to
travel long distances, especially on horseback.”

[Rienne] “………I’m sorry?”

Rienne frowned at his unexpected explanation.

[Rienne] “I shouldn’t move? You mean to tell me I need to sit still all day?”

[Doctor] “Lying down would be best.”

[Rienne] “What…….”

But before she could say anything, Black interrupted, cutting into Rienne’s conversation
with the doctors.

[Black] “I’ll remember that. Is there any medicine she needs to take?”

[Doctor] “There are certain medications that will help stabilize your baby’s condition. I’ll
have some made right away.”

With that, the doctors quickly packed up their things, saying their farewells and leaving the
room. But as they did, Black gestured towards the doctors’ retreating backs and spoke to

[Black] “Follow them. Make sure they make the correct medicine. See if they say anything.”

[Phermos] “……Oh, that’s a possibility. I understand.”

Without any unnecessary words, Phermos followed after the doctors.

By ‘say anything’, he meant there was the chance that the doctors were in some way in
contact with someone from the Kleinfelders.

Though for Phermos’ part, he didn’t think it would be all that bad if the baby were to be
lost. After all, the child was ultimately that of Rafit Kleinfelder, but Phermos was smart
enough never to voice this opinion.

And it was clear that the doctors were pathetic enough to perhaps try something.

It was one thing if the pregnant Rienne was simply not feeling well, but if another accident
were to occur, that would only end up causing a difficult time for others.

[Mrs. Flambard] “T, then I’ll…..take these sheets. I’ll need to wash them before they stain.”

Turning away, Mrs. Flambard stuttered out her words. Glancing briefly at Black, Rienne
reached out and grabbed the cuff of her sleeve.

[Rienne] “Let’s go together. It would be hard to do alone.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh, how could you say that…….”

[Black] “Absolutely not.”

Mrs. Flambard was right.

Rienne should’ve seen this coming, but Black didn’t exactly sit still and let her leave.

[Black] “You were told to lie down.”

……..This must be what they meant when they talk of people being tied to their own lies.

She was already extremely flustered by this whole situation, but she had a lot of work she
needed to do, too. She wanted to help with the sheets, but she also had work she had to see
through at the Temple.

[Rienne] “I will do what I have to.”

[Black] “Now isn’t the time for that. Just sit still and wait for your medicine to come.”

[Rienne] “I have a lot of work I need to do, Lord Tiwakan.”

[Black] “And you don’t have to do it by yourself.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

It felt like she was caught perfectly in his trap.

Watching the situation unfold as she was caught between them, Mrs. Flambard carefully
slipped Rienne’s hand from her sleeve.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I will do it alone, Princess. How can I ask you to help with laundry in
your state? Please, just rest.”

[Rienne] “Ma’am, please don’t.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I don’t think this is something you need to do, Princess……..Yes, now is
the time for you to be resting.”

Mrs. Flambard blinked, gesturing to Black over her shoulder.

It was a subtle movement, saying if Rienne insisted any further, he would only become
suspicious. Knowing this, Rienne had no choice but to give up.

[Rienne] “Okay…..Go ahead then.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’ll return quickly, Princess.”

Then the woman left quickly with the sheets in her arms.

A Barbaric Proposal C46

Chapter 46 | A Precarious Situation (2)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


There was a strange air running through bedroom, and with Rienne left alone there with
Black, she felt as though she was about to suffocate with every breath.

[Rienne] “……Thank you for your concern. I’m sure you have business you need to attend
to, so I’ll be fine here alone.”

[Black] “If you were me, would you be able to just leave, Princess?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Black took the quiet expression on Rienne’s face as her answer.

[Black] “Lie down. I’ll watch over you from the side.”
After saying that, Black went to the fireplace and pulled out the chair from in front of it,
dragging it to the bed and sitting down.

Rienne sat in bed, idly fiddling with the edge of the blanket.

Honestly, Rienne probably could’ve argued more, even if it roused suspicion from him.

She could’ve said, I have a lot work I need to do, so I don’t have the time to worry about the
child in my womb right now.

He was not someone who had the right to stop her. Or was it normal to monitor other
people under the illusion of worrying for them?

Even then, she could’ve argued that she was the de facto ruler of this place, with the crown
presently sitting atop her head and no one else’s. He might be her fiancé, but she was her
own person.

But Rienne couldn’t bring herself to say any of that.

Because his worry felt very real.

This man……..didn’t doubt her about this in the slightest.

When confronted with a woman’s bloodied sheets, anyone would automatically suspect it
was simply that time of the month.

But Black genuinely believed it to be a problem with the baby.

And that just confused Rienne terribly.

How was he doing that? For her part, she couldn’t stop these incessant doubts that plagued
her every moment of every day for even the smallest things.

So how was he able to trust so easily?

[Black] “………….Is it difficult for you to talk about your child with me?”

Watching Rienne’s expression getting darker by the minute, Black suddenly asked a

[Rienne] “……Sorry?”

[Black] “Were you worried I’d be reminded of the child’s father if you mentioned it? To the
point where you didn’t even tell me you were sick?”

[Rienne] “I………I don’t know.”

[Black] “If that’s the case, that’s not necessary. The child is mine.”
[Rienne] “. . .”

When he said things like that, it was too suspicious.

Why did he think like that? If their positions were reversed and he had a child, she wasn’t
sure she’d be able to accept it so readily.

[Rienne] “But we both know it’s not. You can’t do that.”

Her answer was very pointed and direct.

[Rienne] “Truly… can’t. Because you’re only human.” (1)

[Black] “I’ve already decided to do that. And I’m trying.”

[Rienne] “But is that something you can do just by trying?”

And not just that.

He said that his blood was all dead. Was that something that one could just forget simply
because a long time had passed?

He didn’t forget they were engaged when they were young despite it being from a time she
couldn’t even remember, so how could he forget the death of his family?

[Rienne] “There’s no one who’s that generous………I can hardly believe it.”

[Black] “I wouldn’t say I’m doing this out of generosity.”

[Rienne] “Then what is it?”

[Black] “I think this might be the best way to get you to accept me. Without hating me or
resenting me in the process.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “What can I do to get you to believe me?”

This was why she was struggling to believe his words. They sounded so wonderful, as if
they were ripped directly from a novel. There was nothing in this world that worked out so
nicely like that.

If this world taught Rienne anything, it was that.

[Rienne] “Does that mean you’ll do anything I ask?”

[Black] “……If it gets you to trust me, Princess.”

Black’s remark exhibited such blind faith, it was hard to believe he just said that. He was an
apex predator—the kind of person one could never lower their guard around.

So why was he acting so blind around her? It didn’t make any sense.

[Black] “But in exchange, I want you to offer me something, Princess.”

[Rienne] “Something….from me?”

[Black] “Make a promise, a resolution—whatever it may be. Something that says the child
in your womb will definitely be mine.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “Can you do that?”

[Rienne] “Prove it, first.”

Finally, Rienne laid down the edge of the blanket and faced Black.

[Rienne] “Prove to me you’ll do anything.”

[Black] “What do you want?”

[Rienne] “I heard Lord Phermos detained the old man that was begging in front of the
Temple. I want to meet with him.”

Black immediately frowned, but it was only for a moment before he answered.

[Black] “That has nothing to do with your child.”

[Rienne] “No, but it matters.”

It mattered a lot, actually.

[Rienne] “I should also listen to what others have to say about the man who seeks to be the
father of my child.”

[Black] “. . .”

It was then that Black finally realized why Rienne still didn’t trust him.

[Black] “It appears that your heart has gone back to what it was before I announced the
truth behind the proposal, Princess. Back when my identity and intentions were

Rienne couldn’t deny that.

[Black] “Alright. I’ll do whatever you want. But…”

Black’s lips slightly parted. Seeing his white teeth visible felt like a knife touching her heart.

[Black] “You can’t break your promise, Princess.”

And then Black persistently stared at Rienne, pinning her in place until she eventually


She couldn’t spend all day in bed.

But just as Black told her, Rienne was forced to remain in her room until the medicine
arrived. Once she got it from Mrs. Flambard, she quickly forced it down and headed for the
King’s Office.

The medicine was so bitter, she felt as though any child inside of her would be more
surprised than anything after taking it. Still, Phermos assured her it was safe after carefully
checking what ingredients were used when making it.

[Rienne] “There has to be something left.”

What Rienne was looking for was the royal records from twenty years ago.

[Rienne] “It was twenty-one years ago that my father had his coronation. That means what
happened to his family occurred after my father became king.”

If this was a childhood betrothal they had discussed, then they must’ve been a well-known

Rienne’s eyes darted across the page, looking across all the families that participated in the
coronation ceremony.

[Rienne] “Did she say she saw the letter ‘P’?”

But none of the thirteen families invited to the coronation had such a character in their
name. After spending so much time searching through the heavy royal records that were
covered in dust, her arm started to feel numb.

[Rienne] “Did he lie about the engagement?”

Rienne bit her lip as she stared at the letters that didn’t change no matter how much she
looked at them.
[Rienne] “No, she may have seen wrong. It could still be any of these.”

Rienne carefully examined the thirteen families.

Six of them were part of the nobility of Nauk and the ones responsible for the Treaty of
Risebury. The other three were ones who lost their status over the years, and the final four
had left Nauk at some point over the course of twenty years.

[Rienne] “The timing doesn’t make any sense.”

However, none of the families who were no longer present in Nauk matched what Black

Looking at the old letters for so long, breathing in all that dust made her dizzy.

[Rienne] “Maybe he just got the time wrong.”

If Black wasn’t lying, then he may have gotten the number of years wrong. Usually, when
talking about a long period of time like twenty years, that usually means it’s difficult to
recall the exact number.

[Rienne] “It could’ve been more than twenty years in the past.”

Rienne pushed through, starting her search for records before the coronation.

[Rienne] “…….What’s this?”

And she discovered something odd.

There were no records left of the period before the coronation.

To be exact, all records from the period of twenty-one to twenty-five years ago were

[Rienne] “What’s going on?”

Though it was shocking, she could clearly see the visible traces of where someone had cut
out portions of the record with a knife.

It was appalling to her that someone had touched the royal records, but now it was
suspicious that there was something someone was trying to hide from her.

[Rienne] “It can’t be…..”

But at this point, she had no choice but to doubt.

[Rienne] “Lord Phermos…….”

Despite having never given him access, he was hiding in the office. And she didn’t know
how often he had come and gone before that.

[Rienne] “Did he do so on that man’s orders?”

Among those five years of lost records, was there something about Black written in them?
Did he know Rienne would one day look, so he had them gotten rid of in advance?

[Rienne] “Well then……..I suppose I was right to be suspicious.”

The hand she was resting on the records with missing pages trembled.

[Rienne] “He’s far too strange.”


Rienne stood up, leaving behind the record.

Even if she looked for the missing records, they wouldn’t come out on their own.

[Rienne] “I’ll have to check his room.”

If Phermos was the one responsible, the records would’ve met one of two fates: They were
either hidden or destroyed. All she could do was depend on luck for this one. If she were
lucky, then he would’ve hidden the records away before getting rid of them.

Rienne lifted herself up, heading off somewhere.

Across from Mrs. Flambard’s bedroom was the room Rienne once used as a child. Now,
Phermos was using that room like his own office.



The door wasn’t locked. Though, even if it was, Rienne was prepared to break it down if
need be.

She had no intention of hiding her search for the records. The royal records were owned by
the royal family, which of course meant that unauthorized people could not carry or
damage them.

So this time, she was thinking of charging Phermos with a crime.

She didn’t wish to flex her status, but what Phermos did was dishonorable and an insult to
the royal family.

[Phermos] “What…..? Princess? What brings you here?”

But she didn’t expect Phermos to be here at this time.

Rienne, who was almost flustered by his presence, quickly straightened out her back.

[Rienne] “I have something I wish to ask of you.”

[Phermos] “How did you know I was here?”

[Rienne] “……I don’t think that’s important.”

[Phermos] “Oh um…..You’re right, you just surprised me. Though, shouldn’t you be lying
down, Princess? My Lord wouldn’t be happy seeing you walking around like this.”

[Rienne] “I won’t beat around the bush.”

Rienne cut off his useless small talk.

[Rienne] “What did you do with the royal records you stole?”

[Phermos] “…….Pardon me?”

Phermos opened his eyes wide, pushing his monocle further up his face.

[Phermos] “I’m sorry, the royal records I what?”

[Rienne] “I don’t want to talk more than we have to. If you have them, then give them to
me. That won’t absolve you of your crimes entirely, but your sentence will be lighter.”

[Phermos] “No, what are you talking about? The royal record? What did I steal? And

[Rienne] “……Are you going to try and talk your way out of this?”

[Phermos] “Goodness, no! Why would I steal the royal records? I would only need to look
at them once before memorizing it entirely.”

Phermos jumped around in a panic, with his face screaming how unfair he thought this was.
It would appear as though he really didn’t know anything.
….No, I still can’t be certain.

She knew this man to be an incredibly sly person. There was a chance being a skilled liar
was but another part of his repertoire.

[Rienne] “You must’ve known I was going to look eventually.”

[Phermos] “Hm? There are parts of the record you haven’t seen yet, Princess?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

The question made her speechless.

[Phermos] “I know you have reasonable cause to doubt me but I swear to the God of War, I
never stole the royal records.”

After seeing Rienne make a disbelieving expression, Phermos held out both his hands with
a harmless smile.

[Phermos] “For those in the Tiwakan, do you know who the God of War is?”

[Rienne] “…..No.”

[Phermos] “It’s Lord Tiwakan himself.”

[Rienne] “I see. So why…….”

[Phermos] “To swear on the God of War is to swear on our Lord’s name. There’s isn’t a
single person within the Tiwakan’s ranks who would dare us our Lord’s name so

[Rienne] “. . .”

Phermos’ face was filled with so much confidence and pride that it was hard not to believe

Even mercenaries who used war as a means of earning money required faith. No, perhaps it
was because they were mercenaries that they needed something like that.

For them, living a life that forced them to face death for the sake of money, believing in
something was what made them human.

And for the Tiwakan, that something was Black.

[Rienne] “…….If you say that, then I won’t force my doubts on you any longer. I pray your
words are true. For the sake of your Lord’s name, if nothing else.”
[Phermos] “I would die before I tarnish my Lord’s name. Such a person would not deserve
to carry the name of the Tiwakan.”

…….Yes. I can see that now.

Rienne swallowed a sigh.

Then who could’ve done this?

[Phermos] “Will you search for the culprit?”

Phermos asked, the concern evident on his face.

[Rienne] “Yes.”

[Phermos] “Then I will help you. After you gave me a clue about who killed the High Priest,
I’ve found myself with a bit of time to relax thanks to you, Princess.”

[Rienne] “You’d do that for me?”

[Phermos] “Yes. On one condition.”

……Whether it was the Lord or his aide, everyone tried to get something before giving
something. It was inevitable, considering how they worked in unison.

[Rienne] “What is it?”

[Phermos] “Return to your room and please lie still. The Lord told me you wished to see
the old man who knew the whereabouts of the servant, correct? I’ve given the order to have
him brought to the castle, so I will send a message to you once he arrives. Until then, please
rest well.”

He was trying to get something, but it was something more beneficial for Rienne to give
than for him to receive.

[Rienne] “That won’t be too hard.”

[Phermos] “I’m not saying this for you, Princess. This is for my Lord. If you want me to be
of any help, then you must do this. If anything were to happen to you……..Ugh, I don’t even
want to think about it. Point is, the aftermath would be very bad.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

What Phermos said hit her somewhere in her chest.

Talking about that man like that, he made it sound like he cared about her so much.

But why would he do all that for?

[Rienne] “Is it enough to say I’ll try?”

[Phermos] “No, it isn’t. You absolutely have to lie still.”

[Rienne] “Then promise me. Promise you’ll find the real person responsible. Swear by the
God of War.”

There was still the chance Phermos could create a fake culprit in order to cover for his
master. She couldn’t rule that out just yet.

Phermos readily held up his hand, swearing a vow.

[Phermos] “If that’s the only way to get you to rest, I’ll happily do so.”

[Rienne] “……..Thank you.”

It was still very uncertain. Was it possible for people carrying ulterior motives to act this

[Phermos] “Hurry and get back, now. Once you’ve returned to your room, I will begin my
work as well. By the way, have you finished taking all of your medicines?”

In the end, Rienne was escorted back to her room by Phermos. Phermos even set up a
mercenary outside of her room to monitor her condition thoroughly.

T/N: (1) She’s talking about human nature. It’s human nature not to accept something like this so easily

A Barbaric Proposal C47

Chapter 47 | Risebury’s Promise

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost



Rusted from the moisture in the air, the iron door made a terrible squeaking noise as it was
pushed aside.


Even the sound of one’s footsteps reflected the dampness of the dungeons. The black hair of
the man entering the room swayed as he tilted his head slightly to the side, pushing past
the cramped iron doors.

[Beggar] “. . .”
As he sat on the floor, the old man forced his weary head up, his one eye opening very
widely with an expression of shock.

[Beggar] “…….!”

Just then, he cursed how little he could see with only one eye.

He pushed the chair away, crouching his body on the floor, shifting his body in pain as he
realized his discomfort. Trying to pull himself up, he tried to get a better look at the man
approaching him.

[Beggar] “Gai…Gainers….F……Fer…. Fernand Gainers..…” (1)

The old man’s voice fumbled, his mouth struggling to say a name.

[Black] “So you recognized me. Interesting. I don’t look at all how I did back then.”

The old man, who had just about started to stand up, couldn’t withstand his oppressive
strength and fell right back down.

Scratch, scratch.

Black approached the old man, pulling up the chair he wasn’t sitting on and lowering
himself to make direct eye contact with him.

[Black] “But I remember your face, too.”

His slow words flowed in the air, eerily quiet against the humid weight of the room.

[Black] “High Priest, Manau.”

[Beggar] “………!”

Black wasn’t the only one whose identity had been discovered. This old beggar also had a
name to hide.

[Black] “How long has it been since your body turned into that? Twenty years?”

[Beggar] “. . .”

[Black] “No, probably closer to twenty one.”

After silence took a hold of the old man who had once been a High Priest of Nauk, Black
quietly added another comment.

The old man couldn’t take it anymore, finally giving a nod as his answer.

It was twenty-one years ago that Black lost his family and was forced to leave Nauk.
At the same time, the High Priest Manau lost one eye, one leg, and one arm. Not to mention
that the servant Klimah also lost his father and his younger sibling by two years.

They were all secrets that occurred on the exact same day.

Manau, whose entire body was shaking, suddenly threw his head against the floor.


An awful sound rang out across the dungeon. His head was torn and blood flowed freely
from the wound—Manau’s messy hair, wet with blood.

[Manau] “Kill me. Kill me, please…….”

Suddenly, his stutter was completely gone. One could hear his voice loud and clear. It was
entirely possible Manau’s stutter was faked to hide his voice.

[Black] “That would be difficult.”

Black looked down at the former High Priest, a remnant of the past who was already half
broken, crying out as his head continued to bleed.

And as he did, he looked as though he held no emotion.

If this were ten years ago, he might’ve felt something.

But that wasn’t possible anymore. Like he told Rienne, he forgot most of his own feelings
that once came to him twenty-one years ago.
To him, they weren’t worth remembering. On the battlefield, where life could become death
in a matter of seconds, he learned to find other things that mattered. Things more
important than twenty years of old feelings.

[Black] “Princess Rienne will come to see you. Tell her what you know.”

[Manau] “…..?”

Manau raised his head.

[Manau] “What are you saying……..”

[Black] “Exactly what it sounds like. Tell her what you know.”

[Manau] “. . .”

His eyes shaking wildly seemed be asking if he was being serious.

[Black] “You’re all misunderstanding something.”

Black spoke slowly, his tone not conveying even an inkling of emotion.

[Black] “I came to get Nauk, not destroy it. But no matter how many times I say that, she
doesn’t seem to believe me, so I’m starting to get a little irritated.”

[Manau] “Who would ever believe that? That’s not possible. It can’t be possible………”

[Black] “That’s why I didn’t reveal my name.”

[Manau] “……?”

[Black] “If I did, most people would act like you.”

[Manau] “. . .”

Manau stayed quiet, his thoughts constantly going over Black’s words.

[Black] “My name is that of the Tiwakan, and that’s enough. As far as you’re concerned,
that is the only name you know me by.

He didn’t need anyone to go looking for his name from a past that should be forgotten and

But Manau didn’t understand that at all.

[Manau] “To forget……….Is that even possible?

[Black] “I already have.”


Black stood up, pushing away the chair.

[Black] “From what I can remember, you were never the smartest person, but you’ve
managed to hide your identity for the past twenty years, so I trust your head’s on right.
What you say to Princess Rienne will determine Nauk’s fate.”

[Manau] “. . .”

He could tell.

It was obvious what would happen to Nauk if Black’s name was ever revealed. Likewise,
things might meet a similar end if his own name were ever known, too.

Realizing this, Manau nodded his head as if a weight were on it.

[Manau] “Alright.”

[Black] “Don’t overstep your bounds by saying the name I used when I left Nauk.”

[Manau] “I understand.”

Hearing that answer, Black turned around without saying anything else. Just as his heavy
footsteps approached and stopped at the door, Manau quickly shouted.

[Manau] “But don’t kill him!”

[Black] “…….Who?”

Black turned his head just for a moment.

[Manau] “Klimah. He changed his name and became a servant, but originally he was known
as the first son of Henton.”

[Black] “. . .”

He’d been indifferent and reserved this entire time, but hearing that, Black’s expression
slightly distorted.

[Klimah] “He’s been manipulated by the Kleinfelders and has so much blood on his
hands……..But you must not kill him, son of Gainers.”

[Black] “I’ll handle it however I see fit.”

Leaving behind only those words, Black turned and left the dungeon.
After that, a few Tiwakan Mercenaries entered, forcing Manau to his feet. But long before
they came, Manau could only cry endlessly with his face buried in his hands.


[Phermos] “Ah, the Lord went himself?”

This entire time, Phermos had been busy combing through the royal records in the King’s
office. Just as he’d promised, he planned to find the one responsible for the missing records
on Rienne’s behalf.

Then, he made an interesting discovery.

Actually, it was fairly surprising Rienne didn’t already know about this, but while Phermos
had no intention of breaking his promise, he still wanted to exercise caution.

So he decided he should speak with Black about this before Rienne.

But when he went looking for him, he was told Black had gone to bring in the old beggar

[Phermos] “Hmm…. He must have something he wishes to speak with him privately
about……….No, I shouldn’t even guess at this. Just…….Oh, yes. How is the search for the
servant going? Have you found him?”

[Mercenary] “No. He seems to know his way around, so we’re having some trouble
tracking him down.”

[Phermos] “You idiots. What have you been doing all this time? You should know this place
well by now.”

[Mercenary] “Don’t get too mad at us. Everyone’s doing what they can, but it’s hard to
compete with someone who’s lived here their entire life. Besides, he was wearing a uniform
of the Temple. Someone who doesn’t know what’s going on might’ve been willing to harbor

[Phermos] “Dammit. This is going to take some time.”

[Mercenary] “Yeah. Shouldn’t we just put out a bounty for him?”

[Phermos] “We can’t do that. I know it’s in our nature, but like you said, he’s a man of the
Temple. Treating a man of the cloth so roughly in front of others will only put a stain on the
name of our Lord.”
The mercenary gave an annoyed sigh.

[Mercenary] “The whole time we’ve been here, it just seems like there’s always something
going wrong.”

[Phermos] “It can’t be helped. Down to their noses, the head of a mercenary company and
a member of the royal family are just too different……..Hm?”

[Mercenary] “………..Sir?”

Phermos, whose words had been trailing off for a moment, turned his head back as if
nothing had happened.

[Phermos] “It’s nothing. Just catch him quickly.”

[Mercenary] “We’ll run until the soles of our shoes are completely worn.”

[Phermos] “Please do.”

With a gesture of his hand, Phermos sent the mercenary on his way.

[Phermos] “The royal family……..”

His eyes filled with focus shot through the air, landing on the older royal records.

[Phermos] “To be exact, only the records prior to the coronation have been lost. And the
Lord once said that Nauk was originally his.”

Phermos’ finger tapped against the page where Rienne had said some records disappeared.

[Phermos] “It makes sense. The missing records must have something to do with the Lord.
Princess Rienne hasn’t seen them yet, but……should I tell her this? The Lord wouldn’t want
it to be known. What should I do…….?”

As Phermos muttered to himself, there was a wave of complicated thoughts washing over
his expression.


[Rienne] “Ah…….I can’t take this anymore.”

It was impossible for her to pretend to be lying in bed forever. In fact, laying like this just
made her back hurt more, so Rienne eventually rolled herself off the blanket, pulling up her
Mrs. Flambard, who had just finished boiling and ironing the cotton sheets, put them in the
closet and jumped once she noticed Rienne.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess! Aren’t there guards outside?”

[Rienne] “It’s fine. They won’t notice anything unless you speak too loudly.”

Mrs. Flambard shot a glance at the tightly closed door with an unsure expression.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I will be careful, but doesn’t your stomach hurt?”

[Rienne] “It feels better than usual. The medicine I was given must be working.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Do you know what kind of medicine it was?”

[Rienne] “I felt very tired after I took it, so it must’ve been some kind of sedative. I’ve been
laying in bed doing nothing since this morning because of it. I don’t even what time it is.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “…….He was very nice aside from that. Look how much more weight
you’ve lost because of that.”

[Rienne] “Please. I’m stronger than ever.”

Though, sometimes whenever her sleeves would drop down, she would catch a glimpse of
her thin wrists that only seemed to get thinner, but Rienne just ignored it.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Given everything that’s happened, it would be stranger if you didn’t lose
weight……But, what do you plan on doing now? Today’s affairs have only made it harder for
you reveal the truth about your pregnancy.”

[Rienne] “……….That’s true.”

Rienne was just thinking the same thing. She’d already deceived him so much, but if he
were to find out later, he’d only feel more betrayed.

[Rienne] “Maybe it would be best to stay quiet.”

Rienne’s voice became quiet, as if she were mulling something over to herself.

[Mrs. Flambard] “You don’t know that, Princess.”

[Rienne] “But you’re also with me, ma’am. If he becomes angered, it won’t just be me that
pays the price.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Well…….Whatever happens, what can we do about it? But I feel sorry for
you, Princess……….And for him as well.”

[Rienne] “. . .”
When Rienne didn’t say anything back, she continued to speak, cautiously watching her.

[Mrs. Flambard] “He doesn’t seem cruel enough to do anything like that. There’s no man in
this world who would speak of another man’s child like that, Princess.”

[Rienne] “I know.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “So why……”

[Rienne] “But that’s why I’m scared.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “You’re…….what? What do you mean?”

[Rienne] “What does he get by doing all of this?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess…….”

The woman blinked aimlessly, as if this were something she had not considered.

[Rienne] “If things like this continue to build up and I open myself up to him completely, I
worry about he’ll do then.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “How…..could you think such bad things?”

[Rienne] “How could I not? You saw it for yourself. You saw that man’s subordinate crush
away those letters written on the ground.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes……but it may have been something he chose to do on his own. Or
maybe my old eyes saw things incorrectly.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne gave a silent smile.

For some reason, the woman was echoing the same things Rienne’s heart was screaming

She wanted to believe that her deeply running suspicions were baseless. She wanted to
trust that he did nothing wrong, and that she just couldn’t believe in him simply because
she’d been cornered for so long.

[Rienne] “That old man will tell me what I want to know.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “And I hope he does not confirm your fears, Princess.”

As do I.

More than anything.

Bang, bang—!

Then, she heard a knock at the door.

[Mercenary] “Princess, there’s someone here asking to see you.”

That loud and clear knock was a habit among the Tiwakan Mercenaries. Surprised, Rienne
gave a bitter smile and shook her head.

[Rienne] “Go answer the door, please. I’m going to pretend I was lying down.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Of course. Please do.”

But there was no need to lie down.

The people who came to see Rienne were not the kind who could be greeted while stuck in


[Rienne] “I ask for your understanding why we must meet in the reception room rather
than the meeting hall. I’m not feeling very well.”

[Ellaroiden] “We completely understand. They say you are presently carrying the child of a
beast within your frail body. It’s only natural you would feel sick.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Though she tried to remain calm, Rienne’s face twisted so quickly it could’ve made a sound.

This is how all of them were.

Those who came to see her today were two of the six families that signed the Treaty of
Risebury. The six families had their own unique differences, but at the end of it all, they
were no different from the Kleinfelders.

[Rienne] “It seems such a filthy way of speaking was a virtue of the head of the delegation
that I wasn’t aware of. Or is this your way of honoring Linden Kleinfelder?”

[Ellaroiden] “Wh, what did you say?”

The head of the House Ellaroiden raised his voice.

[Ellaroiden] “Where did you learn to speak this this……!”

It was several years ago during a meeting of the nobles that was called in Nauk.

Rienne had just been crowned and was sitting on the throne. Suddenly having so many
responsibilities thrust onto her, Rienne appeared frightened and withdrawn.

Just looking straight at the six nobles, all of which believed her position should be their
own, was difficult for her. The Rienne they remembered was a young girl who could barely
hold back her tears as she spoke with a trembling voice, saying she would protect the

So it was hard for them to accept this Rienne, who sat at the head of the table, casually
retorting their words.

[Rienne] “Whatever you give, I will return, so think carefully about whom you speak ill of
with that mouth of yours.”

[Ellaroiden] “You…..! In just a few years—!”

Ellaroiden widened his eyes, but he was no threat.

[Mercenary] “Princess. You called?”

Because there was always a Tiwakan mercenary around, who was ready with their blade
drawn the moment things got even a little bit too loud.

T/N: (1) The name ‘Fernand’ when written in the original Korean is pronounced with a ‘P’ sound, hence why the old man tried writing that particular letter.

Also, as a note, the name ‘Gainers’ should be pronounced like [gai-near-s]

A Barbaric Proposal C48
New series specific disclaimer image : )

Chapter 48 | Conspiracy

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


[Rienne] “Oh, I think you may have misheard. You didn’t need to come in.”

[Mercenary] “But if you want, I can stay by your side. This room’s pretty small, but it
would be perfect to practice sword techniques.”

The mercenary’s way of speaking was very casual considering the time and place, and it
was hard for Rienne to stifle a laugh. But in the end, she shook her head with a kind and
amiable smile.

[Rienne] “I’ll call on you if I’d like to see your swordsmanship.”

[Mercenary] “Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll be waiting right outside for you.”

Up until the moment the Tiwakan mercenary left the audience room, the sound of his blade
continued to ring out in the air.

[Ellaroiden] “To rule with such tyranny—!”

Ellaroiden was filled with such anger, he tried to yell, but the nobleman he brought with
him quickly moved to stop him.

[Noble] “He’s still outside. If you wish to speak, you need to lower your voice.”

[Ellaroiden] “Tch…..! Where is Lord Kleinfelder? Or have you already executed him?”

Ellaroiden looked back at Rienne and clicked his tongue.

Given the new circumstances, their attitudes changed a little, but it didn’t change the core
of their feelings about Rienne. To that end, both of them brought their plenty of their
families’ enlisted soldiers with them.

They couldn’t enter the audience room, but they were waiting somewhere else—the closest
room that courtesy would allow them to be in. This was also a right given to them by the
Treaty of Risebury.

But today, things were different for Rienne.

Rienne could easily point out their rudeness without any reservations, all thanks to the
Tiwakan mercenary, holding strong just outside the door.

Although Rienne still doubted Black, she was able to reap so many benefits from him, not to
mention the comfort his mere existence brought her.

But she was well aware of how inconsistent and selfish her feelings were.

[Rienne] “I suppose the time has already passed to tell you two gentlemen that you need to
be on your best behavior today. Now that the Tiwakan have become the Guardian Knights
of the Arsak family, the demand for courtesy towards royalty has become stricter. Things
will be different from before. Oh, and since you’re curious, Lord Kleinfelder’s head is still
very much attached.”

[Ellaroiden] “Well…….Good, then.”

The men looked at each other before finally turning back to face her.

[Rienne] “Now, tell me why you wanted to see me. As you know, I’m not feeling very well
so I’d rather not sit here for longer than I have to. Why did you come all this way when the
date for the Grand Council hasn’t been set yet?”
[Ellaroiden] “This is about the council. Convening it must first be discussed with the head
of the aristocratic delegation.”

Rienne quietly smirked.

[Rienne] “You two must’ve really gotten older, for you are making a groundless wish. You
do realize what one of the main agendas of the council is for, right?”

[Ellaroiden] “I never believed it from the start. We came to assure that you, the daughter
of Arsak has no right to charge the head of the Nauk’s delegation with a crime.”

………They want me to quietly agree and let them go, Rienne thought, all while pondering
how she could best convey to them that what they wanted of her was not only impossible
but completely unnecessary.

It was a self-centered thought, one she’d never had before, but it was rather enjoyable to
say the least.

[Rienne] “Is it because of the Treaty of Risebury?”

[Ellaroiden] “Exactly.”

[Rienne] “I see. Are you saying a council wouldn’t be an appropriate course of action? I
only wish for the head of the delegation to pay his dues. And you don’t have to worry about
evidence, we have plenty of that.”

With a clearly displeased expression, Ellaroiden furrowed his grey eyebrows.

From what Rienne could remember, Ellaroiden was half the man Linden Kleinfelder was.
He was greedy, stubborn, and the pride he felt in his family was beyond the acceptable

And so, like Linden Kleinfelder, half of everything he did was rooted in disrespect and

[Ellaroiden] “Then the noble families of the council must reject your request to convene.”

Even before calling in Arland, Rienne already knew he’d say something like this.

[Rienne] “Oh, then I suppose there’s nothing I can do about that. Alright then, let us
pretend no council is called upon.”

Hearing Rienne so readily agree, the older men looked at each other with confusion.

[Ellaroiden] “Then, Lord Kleinfelder….”

[Rienne] “With no council, there’s no way to put Linden Kleinfelder’s guilt on trial, so I
have no choice but to leave him in the dungeons. When the noble families refuse like this,
what else is there for me to do? Even if I wanted to investigate and resolve this crime, that
is no longer possible. My apologies to the both of you. I will convey your will to Lord
Kleinfelder in the dungeons.”

[Ellaroiden] “Princess!”

Ellaroiden roared out in seething anger.

[Ellaroiden] “What are you saying now?”

[Rienne] “The blood of the Arsak family has the right to convene the council, just as you
have a right to deny the request, so I’ve been given no choice. I did my best to respect the
Treaty of Risebury, so why must I endure such critical remarks from you?”

[Ellaroiden] “Respect? Where is the respect in your actions now!?”

[Rienne] “I consider it very ‘respectful’ that Linden Kleinfelder still has his head. With what
he did, his crime warranted an on the spot execution at the hands of the leader of the

[Noble] “. . .”

[Ellaroiden] “…….!”

The older men stayed quiet, her words echoing in their minds and turning them silent.

[Rienne] “I understand that there cannot be a council. If you’ve said everything you need
to, you may leave now.”

Rienne gestured her hand, waving it vaguely, showing them she had no intention of hearing
anything else. The nobles, watching her quietly, spoke up—albeit reluctantly.

[Ellaroiden] “We….We didn’t say that exactly. Please don’t misunderstand our words,

[Rienne] “Misunderstand? Did you not just tell me you would not consent to the council
being called?”

[Noble] “We merely wished to say that the council is invalid without the will of head of the

As the other noble finally said something, Ellaroiden started nodded his head with all his
might in agreeance with his words.
[Ellaroiden] “That’s right. The decision to convene the council requires the consent of all
heads of the families. You understand that, right?”

Rienne narrowed her eyes, her irritation clear as day.

[Rienne] “So what do you want?”

[Ellaroiden] “I’ll need to meet with the head of the delegation before making a decision.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Not that it wasn’t irritating before, but now it was really irritating. From her memory,
nothing good ever happened when the six families put their heads together.

Even thinking about it brought on bouts of unpleasant feelings.



The law was the law, so he couldn’t exactly say no.

As Rienne asked of him, the Tiwakan mercenary guided the two nobles down to the
dungeons. Both of the nobles argued that they would need an escort with them if they were
going to set foot in such a dangerous place—causing quite the fuss as they did.

Now the procession heading down to the dungeons was pretty sizable. After the mercenary
was told to escort them where they wished, he brought along several other mercenaries
that easily overshadowed their own personal guards.

The moment the nobles saw that, their faces darkened, and even Rienne had to hold her
stomach tightly just to keep herself from laughing out loud after she saw it.

[Ellaroiden] “You….How could…….you treat me like this……”

The two nobles muttered to themselves all the way down the cramped and steep stairs
down to the dungeons.

[Mercenary A] “If you have time to complain, then walk faster. You have a lot of people
walking behind you, you know?”

But whenever he heard a peep from them, the mercenary would scold them, tapping his
hand against the hilt of his blade.

The nobles had never been treated like this before, and they were so stunned and shocked,
they could hardly breathe. Hearing the sound of someone’s blade was already terrifying,
but even more so if it was in the hands of a Tiwakan mercenary.

[Noble] “I, I’ve never gone down this path before……”

[Ellaroiden] “Exactly. We need to be careful…….I feel like I’m going to fall………”

A lame excuse for why they couldn’t walk any faster.

[Mercenary A] “Then lie down and roll. If you do it right, it’ll hurt less than falling.”

The two nobles were given no choice but to bite their anger back and quiet down.

If they lost their tempers here, they were certain these beastly men would definitely end up
shoving them down the stairs.
And they weren’t wrong. The men of the Tiwakan were the kinds of people who would
calmly reprimand the nobles only to send them careening down the stairs without even

Thanks to that knowledge, they managed to pick up the pace some.

[Mercenary B] “Huh, what the hell? Why are so many people coming here?”

And once they arrived at the dungeons, they didn’t receive a warm welcome.

[Mercenary B] “Are you crazy? How the hell are all these people supposed to move around

The dungeon itself was laid out across a wide stretch of space, making it fairly large, but the
passages were very narrow. That design was intended to make any kind of escape difficult.

[Mercenary A] “It just ended up this way. I didn’t bring all these people because I wanted

[Mercenary B] “Well, they can’t all come in.”

[Mercenary A] “Should we cut up the group and send some outside?”

[Mercenary B] “That’s too much of a pain. Just toss ‘em into an empty room and make
them wait.”

[Mercenary A] “Fine then.”

He didn’t argue much, so their party was divided in the end.

There were three soldiers and five Tiwakan mercenaries. Add in the two nobles, and that
made for a total of ten people heading off towards the cell where Linden Kleinfelder was
being kept.

[Mercenary] “Here it is.”

The door to the prison cell guarded by two guards was opened. It was so small that ten
people could certainly not all fit.

[Ellaroiden] “Now that these two noble elders and the head of the delegation have
gathered, this room is no different from a convention of aristocrats. Those who do not fit
into those qualifications must leave the room.”

As soon as the prison cell was opened, Ellaroiden miraculously found his voice—putting
forth the authority he honestly forgot he had for a moment.

And the Tiwakan didn’t feel like arguing with him.

[Mercenary] “If you want. But we’ll be keeping the window open.”

It wasn’t an actual ‘window’ but rather just the hole in the door where food would be
filtered through to the prisoners.

[Ellaroiden] “What do you mean? What’s the point in leaving that open?”

[Mercenary] “Would you rather I kept the door open, instead?”

[Ellaroiden] “What nonsense!?”

[Mercenary] “Those are the rules of the dungeon. If you don’t like it, you can just leave.”

[Ellaroiden] “How ridiculous! What rules!?”

[Mercenary] “Oh, they’re new. Now that the Tiwakan is in charge of guarding Castle Nauk,
we made some new rules to avoid accidents.”

It was possible these mercenaries were just making things up on the spot, but Ellaroiden
had no way of knowing for certain.

But he also knew that continuing to argue with them wouldn’t work. Looking back at the
three soldiers with him that weren’t mercenaries, Ellaroiden sighed.

[Ellaroiden] “…….Fine. Open the door.”

[Mercenary] “I was gonna do that without you telling me. Tch.”

At the gesture of the mercenary, the guards opened up the prison door locked by chains.


[Ellaroiden] “Lord Kleinfelder!”

[Noble] “What on earth happened? I can’t believe they’ve imprisoned you!”

Linden Kleinfelder’s face muscles barely moved as he looked at the noble’s eyes, glancing
down at him in shock.

[Linden] “……Took your sweet time getting here.”

The nobles’ eyes trembled as Linden accused them of being too slow, but it wasn’t as
though his appearance right now was any better. It was equally as embarrassing.
The arrogant and blunt noble of Nauk was lying on the prison floor, both of his hands
horribly mangled. There were splints keeping them in place, but they were done so
carelessly, it was likely they weren’t even done by a proper doctor.

It was their first time seeing a noble Kleinfelder in such a sorry state.

[Ellaroiden] “What are you saying…….We came all this way to such a dangerous place just
to meet you.”

[Linden] “You were obligated to come! Do you know what it means for me to be stuck
here!? The Tiwakan are going to overthrow this entire kingdom and swallow it completely!
Do you think you’ll be safe during all that!?”

Ellaroiden jolted back, pointing at the door behind him.

[Ellaroiden] “Sire, you must speak quietly. The window is open.”

[Linden] “You think I don’t know that? If I didn’t, you’d be implying my head is merely
made of stone—not made for thinking at all.”

[Ellaroiden] “Sire, what are you saying!? Besides us, is there anyone else who would take
your side now?”

[Linden] “Your face doesn’t look sincere enough to be thinking that. Or did you come here
to the dungeons empty handed?”

[Ellaroiden] “What…..what are you saying……”

But Linden Kleinfelder had a plan.

Now that he finally had a visitor, he couldn’t let this opportunity pass him by. Linden
frowned, beckoning the nobleman who had accompanied Ellaroiden closer.

[Linden] “Can’t you see what kind of treatment I’ve been given here? What I wouldn’t do
for a well-baked piece of bread!”

Reading the air, the nobleman noticed what Linden was doing and approached. He quickly
put his mouth to his ear, quietly whispering.

[Linden] ‘……….Hurry and go……and then………you need to……’(1)

Hearing his words, the nobleman pulled back in surprise, his mouth agape in utter shock.

[Noble] “What………..?”
[Linden] “If you understand, then go and get me something good to eat! Don’t be so stupid
and lazy! If something happens to me, the aristocratic delegation is finished!”
Linden yelled out in anger, as if trying to clear away his whispers. Ellaroiden didn’t know
what to say, his face red in confusion.

[Ellaroiden] “……..Oh, I see. You must be tired, so I will work very hard to do that.”

Ellaroiden’s words were very obedient, his eyes wide and his voice elevated.

[Noble] “Oh, but…….? We’re just going to leave like this? But what about the council? We
need to discuss the council!”

The other noble grabbed at Ellaroiden, who was acting a little senseless.

[Ellaroiden] “That’s not the issue right now. The head of the delegation is tired and his
head doesn’t seem to be working properly right now, so we must fill his stomach
first………..Hello! Open the door! We’re leaving!”

The prison door opened slowly.

[Mercenary] “You’re leaving already? After coming all this way?”

The window was open, so he would’ve heard everything anyway, but the mercenary just
wanted to tease him for a little bit.

[Ellaroiden] “We’re already done. Now hurry and take us out.”

[Mercenary] “Oh, I thought you guys must’ve been real good friends if you came to visit
him, but I guess not.”

Then, the door opened and the two nobles were tempted to fall to their knees before
beginning their ascent back up the stairs.

Later that night, a basket of food was delivered from House Ellaroiden to the dungeon. That
was the moment that the mercenaries developed a new rule on the spot that prohibited the
sending of food to prisoners being held in the dungeons.

The errand boy of House Ellaroiden was forced to make the long journey home, his
shoulders drooping the whole way there.


T/N: (1) This is a purposefully fragmented sentence. You’re not supposed to know what he asked.

A Barbaric Proposal C49

Chapter 49 | Revenge and a Marriage Proposal

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


[Rienne] “. . .”

[Beggar] “. . .” (1)

A distinct silence flowed between them as Rienne went to speak with the old man.

Both the reception room and the meeting hall were too inconvenient of rooms for an
elderly man with bad legs to be in, since there were no seats there besides the ones meant
for nobility.

But just as Black promised, he allowed her meet the old man, closing the door behind him
as he left.
Rienne stared quietly into the old man’s one eye until she was absolutely certain they were

……He isn’t wounded.

Noticing that, she could at the very least conclude that Black hadn’t tortured the man into
staying silent or doing something against his will.

Rienne’s lips tensed.

I must really not trust that man much.

But despite such a contradicting feeling, she wanted to trust him, so she had to pay
attention to even the smallest of things.

She wanted to be rid of every doubt that lived in her heart.

[Rienne] “I know you have something you wish to tell me. This is a place where no can
hear you but me, so you can speak freely.”

[Beggar] “That’s…”

The old man’s lips tensed, a small sound barely escaping him.

[Rienne] “The daughter of Arsak is a sinner, and so she will bleed. He will take revenge.
Isn’t that what you said to me?”

[Beggar] “. . .”

[Rienne] “Tell me what that means. What did I do to be called a sinner?”

[Beggar] “. . .”

But the old man didn’t wish to speak.

[Rienne] “I cannot allow you to leave this place alive if you don’t answer. You will remain
here until your death—until only bones remain.”

It was a cruel threat, saying she would not even allow him a grave, but she couldn’t relent
until she got answers.

[Beggar] “Arsak……..brought the drought…… Nauk……..Is a sinner…….”

Finally, the old man pulled his lips apart.

[Rienne] “Keep going.”

[Beggar] “So many……..deaths……the blood washed away… Arsak’s sin…….”

[Rienne] “What?”

Rienne instinctively frowned.

That was a phrase she’d heard some people say.

During the reign of the previous king, the drought continued for a very long time, and there
were some who believed that it was caused by a sin of the king, or that it was a curse from

Over the past twenty years, such words were hardly said anymore, but that didn’t mean
they had completely disappeared.

[Beggar] “One day…..God……will take vengeance……”

[Rienne] “You dare lie to me.”

Rienne glared at him.

[Rienne] “That’s not what you said when you first spoke to me. You said that the daughter
of Arsak would bleed because of revenge. Revenge done unto us by a god is not one that
would cause that kind punishment. This kind of revenge belongs to someone human.”

[Beggar] “Lies……God…..seeks revenge against…….Arsak.”

[Rienne] “You recognized Lord Tiwakan.”

[Beggar] “. . .”

Rienne caught a glimpse of what looked like shock in the old man’s trembling eyes.

[Rienne] “How do you know Lord Tiwakan? Did you know him from when he was a child?”

[Beggar] “. . .”

[Rienne] “What is Lord Tiwakan’s name?”

[Beggar] “. . .”

The old man stared at Rienne with his mouth tightly shut. Though she couldn’t be certain,
his gaze seemed to be asking if she could handle the truth if she knew it.

[Rienne] “Answer me.”

Rienne bit back the anxiety that twisted in her stomach.

Please tell me the truth.

Whatever it may be, I will listen.

I need to know who this man is.

[Beggar] “Henton.”

A word too clear in contrast to the rest of his words echoed from the old man’s mouth. For
a second, she even thought someone else might’ve spoken.

[Rienne] “Henton?”

It was a name she’d never heard before.

[Beggar] “He’s……Henton’s………Second…..son…”

[Rienne] “Are you saying that’s Lord Tiwakan?”

[Beggar] “. . .”

The old man clammed up again.

But he seemed as though he said what he needed to say, so Rienne decided to take his word
for it.

[Rienne] “Okay. I have one final question.”

With a silent nod, the old man kept still.

After revealing what truth he knew, it was like he decided there was no further point in
staying silent.

[Rienne] “Why did you hit the servant, Klimah?”

[Beggar] “I……”

[Rienne] “Yes?”

[Beggar] “Saw him…..put the body…….in the coffin.”

[Rienne] “Ah…….”

So the servant, Klimah really was the murderer, which likely meant he was just another
lackey of the Kleinfelders, carrying out whatever dirty deeds they required of him,
including assassinations.

Realizing this, Rienne remembered how Klimah looked the day she saw him, bleeding from
the wounds on his body.
He said he needed to pray for atonement.

So….that was probably why.

But it didn’t suit him at all.

He was filled with so much guilt over what he did that he wanted to be beaten and have his
body whipped, so what was prompting him to act as an assassin for the Kleinfelders?

[Rienne] “Thank you for answering. You may go wherever you wish now. If you require a
place to stay, I can prepare accommodations for you in the castle. Or is there somewhere
else you would like to go?”

[Beggar] “……..A grave.”

[Rienne] “I’m sorry?”

She thought she misheard him, but apparently not.

[Beggar] “I am going… die soon………I don’t need to be comfortable……”

After saying that, the old man took a single step on the floor, pushing down with his cane
and raising his body up with great difficulty.

It was an action that said more about his decision than a hundred words could’ve. Though
she could provide him with a soft bed to lay his head, the old man would never be content
with it.

[Rienne] “I hope you find the peace you’re looking for at the end of your journey.”

Rienne stood up from her chair, leaving the old man.

As she left, the door remained open behind her, and she’d hoped the sight would give the
old man even a little bit of comfort.


Even though she got the answer she was looking for, for some reason she felt very
dissatisfied—like there was something deeply unsettled inside of her.

Rienne kept on her toes, walking towards the back courtyard.

It was still such a dreary and desolate place.

Rienne thought back on what she’d heard, walking slowly in the garden where only pointed
thorn bushes could grow comfortably.

[Rienne] “Henton, Henton, Henton……..”

She thought about it over and over, but it still wasn’t a name that’d she heard before.

But she couldn’t shake the feeling that it was familiar to her. They weren’t mentioned in the
records, so they were likely a small family. So even if they were to disappear completely
one day, no one would remember them.

[Rienne] “No…..The old man remembered them.”

When she thought about that old man and his broken body, she knew it had nothing to do
with her, but she felt weirdly responsible. The same was true of that servant.

[Rienne] “I shouldn’t have just let him leave.”

She should’ve given him something. Food, clothing—anything.

Rienne turned entirely on her heel.

……And that’s when she noticed someone approaching her. It was Black.

As soon as she saw him, it was as though all other thoughts completely vanished. If
someone were to paint her a picture of her mind and the things that occupied it, Rienne
would never believe it.

Because in her mind, compared to Black, everything else was just a small dot.
[Rienne] “How…..How did you know I was here?”

Rienne stood still, patiently waiting until he got closer.

[Black] “I saw you.”

[Rienne] “From where?”

[Black] “From the eastern tower.”

That meant he’d been watching her from the moment she stepped out of the audience

[Black] “This place is still dangerous so I wanted to stop you from coming here, but you
seemed lost in thought.”

[Rienne] “So….you were waiting here?”

[Black] “Yes.”

How could this man……so easily say things that were for her sake like that? Suddenly
Rienne felt too embarrassed to look at his face for some reason, nervously tapping against
the ground with the tips of her feet.

[Rienne] “It’s not dangerous here. It’s just the garden.”

[Black] “This was where you were attacked with an arrow. That means there’s a passage
here that leads to the outside.”

[Rienne] “Well… I don’t really know anything like that….about Castle Nauk.”

Seeing Rienne’s surprised face, Black lifted up his hand and pointed straight ahead.

[Black] “I found one here. Better safe than sorry. Were you on your way back?”

[Rienne] “Yes. I feel bad that I just let the old man leave.”

[Black] “If that’s the case, you don’t have to go. Phermos will take care of it.”

[Rienne] “I wanted to give him something to eat.”

[Black] “Alright.”

It was a short reply, saying she didn’t need to worry about anything because he would take
care of it for her.
Feeling a sense of relief, Rienne let out a soft sigh.

[Rienne] “Thank you. You even do things like this for me.”

[Black] “I’m just following your lead, Princess…………Do you want to take a walk?”

Rienne looked down at the arm he held out towards her.

His intention was clear. All she had to do was link her arm with his, stick their shoulders
side by side, and walk with him like a pair of sweet lovers—simply strolling around the
garden while chatting about nothing.

……..But was that even possible?

Was she ready to shake off all her doubts about this man?

[Rienne] –‘Prove to me you’ll do anything. So that I can trust you.’

[Black] –‘You can’t break your promise, Princess.’

That was the last conversation they had.

From the moment Rienne asked to speak with the old man, the result was already decided.
Even if her heart was still heavy and uncertain, Rienne had to keep her promise.

[Rienne] “I heard about your name, Lord Tiwakan.”

Rienne hesitated, reaching out and putting her hand on Black’s arm.

Once Black turned around and started walking, the two naturally started walking side by

[Rienne] “The old man knew who you were.”

[Black] “And what did he say?”

[Rienne] “Please tell me, Lord Tiwakan.”

Please tell me your name. Who you really are.

[Black] “……….Henton.”

And after a long silence, when he finally spoke, the same name came out.

So, did that mean it was real? Black wasn’t lying to her, right?

[Black] “That was my name just before I left this land.”

[Rienne] “And……Did you change your name?”

[Black] “Not exactly. But after I left, it didn’t really matter what name I was called by.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne didn’t know what the life of a mercenary was like, but she knew that children could
not enter their ranks.

Black must have gone through so much—a lot of which he wasn’t telling her.

[Rienne] “Please tell me more. When you say your family was killed, were you talking
about your father?”

[Black] “Yes.”

There was no particular feeling behind his casual response.

He was talking like he was speaking of someone else’s past, or like it had happened so long
ago that mentioning it now was pointless.

[Rienne] “Do you know…..who killed him?”

[Black] “I was young at the time, so I don’t know the specifics of why it happened. I only
remember the pattern I saw on the gauntlets of those who killed my father.”

[Rienne] “What was it?”

[Black] “It was a pattern of leaves.”

[Rienne] “………!”

Rienne stopped walking.

[Rienne] “If they were leaves then…….”

Laurel leaves were the symbol of the Kleinfelder family.

Their soldiers and flags were always adorned with a laurel leaf pattern. Even Rafit tied
leaves on the back of his arrows to follow with the family’s tradition.

[Rienne] “Then….”

Overcome with shock, Rienne’s body staggered.

Black’s enemy was the Kleinfelder family.

The eldest son of the Kleinfelder family was her lover for a time, and in order to escape
Black’s proposal, she told him she was pregnant with his child.

But his family was killed by those of the Kleinfelder family…. And he believed Rienne to be
carrying a child of Kleinfelder blood in her womb.

Rafit told her that Black was there to take revenge, and then he ended up proposing.

Revenge. And a marriage proposal.

Two concepts that could never be united were suddenly becoming one because of the
Kleinfelders—because he thought she might end up actually becoming a wife of the
Kleinfelder family, all while pregnant with a child of Kleinfelder blood. (2)

[Black] “This is why I didn’t say anything. I was afraid you might react like this.”

Black reached out, supporting Rienne’s swaying body.

[Rienne] “Then why…..When this child is……”

[Black] “It doesn’t matter who the child is.”

[Rienne] “But…..why!?”

[Black] “Do I need to repeat myself?”

Black held out his hand, brushing aside the messy hair from Rienne’s forehead, his tone
indicating that he’d said this more than once before.

[Black] “I wanted you, Princess, more than I wanted revenge. You said you didn’t want me
to kill the Kleinfelder, so I left him alive. Do you really find that so hard to believe?”

[Rienne] “That doesn’t……make any sense…….How can that… possible…….?”

[Black] “Ever since I left Nauk, I never stayed in one place for long. That became even truer
after I took on the name of Tiwakan.”

Brushing her hair to the side, Black ran his thumb against her exposed forehead as he held
her face in his hand.

[Black] “After the war came to an end, I needed a home to return to. Not just a place where
I had a roof over my head, but somewhere I could truly call my home.”

It was the strangest thing.

She was a woman he believed to be carrying the blood of his enemy inside of her, and yet
his touch was just as sweet and kind as it always was.
[Black] “For me, you are the closest thing I have to a home. Even if you weren’t a princess, I
would’ve still remembered you as my fiancée.”

[Rienne] “…..How can you…..”

[Black] “I’m not very good at explaining things. I was hoping my name would never be
known because that would’ve just complicated my already clumsy excuses. And I still think
that. If at all possible, I would’ve kept it hidden. I wanted to stay in that moment forever.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne lifted up her head, looking at him with eyes that were asking what he meant by that

[Black] “The moment when I open my eyes, the first thing I see is you by my side, Princess.
Where I can kiss you without permission—without even thinking about it.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “That was the home I always imagined.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

T/N: (1) The beggar’s name was revealed in a previous chapter, but considering Rienne isn’t aware of his name, I referred to him as the ‘beggar’ in this section for his name card (the

raws also consistently call him the ‘old/older man’ here as well to reflect that Rienne doesn’t know him)

(2) The implication is that Black proposed to Rienne with the express purpose of taking her (and her child) away from Rafit as a form of revenge.

A Barbaric Proposal C50
Happy 50th chapter! What a milestone.

Chapter 50 | Homecoming

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


Rienne closed her eyes.

That moment was very dear to her as well.

Though she had lived in the wide open Castle Nauk since she was very young, it did not feel
like a home. It was too big and empty.

It was only after Black came in and filled that empty void that the castle started to feel full
again. Like a real home.

Rienne reached out, tugging the hem of Black’s clothing with a trembling hand.
[Rienne] “Is that……even possible?”

[Black] “It is. If you want it, Princess.”

[Rienne] “I…..Even if I wanted it, I would have no right. I still can’t allow you to hurt the

[Black] “I have no interest in killing them for revenge.”

[Rienne] “But how is that possible? Your father was killed right in front of your eyes. And
your name was stripped from you for so long.”

[Black] “I desire a home more than that. If giving up revenge is a way of getting that, it’s a
simple choice for me.”

[Rienne] “…..That can’t be. You….can’t….”

[Black] “What makes you so certain?”

Black smiled.

[Black] “Imagine you’re eight years old, Princess. You have nothing left and your entire
body is in pain, but you can’t stop moving because you’re terrified someone might be right
behind you, hunting you down.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

[Black] “You’re so hungry and cold that you end up coming down with a fever. And as your
body trembles and shakes, you start to pointlessly imagine things. In that moment, what do
you think you would want the most?”

She couldn’t answer.

Rienne had never suffered such an ordeal, so she wasn’t qualified to answer his question.

[Black] “At that point, more than anything, all I wanted was a home.”

[Rienne] “……I……”

Rienne took a step forward, burying her face in Black’s chest. She wanted to look up at him
and see his face, but at the same time she didn’t. She was afraid if she looked at him now, it
would be too easy to see his eight year old self.

[Rienne] “If I still can’t believe in you……what would happen then?”

[Black] “I don’t know……..But it probably won’t make much of a difference.”

Black lifted up his hand, gently stroking Rienne’s head. As he did, he lowered his head, his
mouth tensing. Then, he spoke softly with his lips against her ear.

[Black] “You promised you would accept me, Princess.”

[Rienne] “But I may not be able to, no matter how hard I try.”

[Black] “No. You said you would. So starting today, both you and I will return to that
moment, Princess. You will sleep in the same bed as me and once you open your eyes, you’ll
have to accept the kisses I give you.”

[Rienne] “And if I still can’t trust you?”

[Black] “I can wait. While we live together, if nothing happens by the time you become a
grandmother, then you’ll be able to believe in me.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Hearing such words coming from him, she could hold back her tears anymore.

Rienne wrapped her arms around Black in a hug. And in response, Black held Rienne’s body
close to his, kissing her on the top of her head.

[Rienne] “A grandmother……You’re thinking too far ahead.”

[Black] “All humans grow old.”

[Rienne] “Still……..I hate thinking about that already.”

[Black] “Is that so?”

With a careful and gentle motion, Black nestled his face against the soft hair atop Rienne’s

[Black] “It makes me happy to hear you hate something, Princess.”

She said she didn’t like it when he asked for permission before kissing her, and now she
was telling him to stop imagining her as an old lady so early on.

Like a quiet and comfortable quarrel between a pair of passionate yet endearing lovers.

[Rienne] “…….I feel the same.”

[Black] “I haven’t said I hate anything.”

[Rienne] “I know. But……….I’m happy.”

I’m happy that you don’t hate anything about me.

She told him to keep his most hated enemy alive, and that she would eventually give birth
to a child that would share such wretched blood, but that wasn’t enough to make him hate

It didn’t make any sense, so she ended up doubting him to the point of completely turning
everything upside down. But still, he didn’t feel any contempt towards her.

She felt such deep shame, but she also felt so happy.

Black seemed to understand the words Rienne kept deep inside. He pulled back from her
suddenly, only to just as quickly swallow her lips.

The kiss that seemed to sting upon her lips was frighteningly sweet.


[Rienne] “It’s a good thing I took your advice, ma’am.”

Rienne took her hands off the hem of Black’s wedding attire.

The hem needed to be adjusted and embroidered quite a bit, but Mrs. Flambard insisted
that they should use more expensive fabric on it because it would work well as a gift.

Looking at the finished product, she was amazed at how well it turned out.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Doesn’t the embroidery look so much better like this? Of course it does.
Well done, Princess.”

[Rienne] “It looks wonderful.”

Rienne’s cheeks naturally blushed for a moment, imagining how well Black would look
wearing these clothes.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Did something good happen, Princess?”

[Rienne] “Ah, sorry?”

Her thoughts were a bit all over the place, causing Rienne to look back at Mrs. Flambard
with a confused expression.

[Rienne] “Something good? Why do you ask?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Your complexion looks very different from this morning.”

[Rienne] “Oh…..”

It was a bit awkward……knowing it was showing on her face so obviously.

[Rienne] “That’s because…..I think the misunderstandings have been resolved.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “There was a misunderstanding, Princess?”

As the woman’s face quickly changed, Rienne realized she must’ve taken her words

[Rienne] “No, not with us, ma’am…….I mean with Lord Tiwakan.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh……? Did you really? Then, if the situation has been resolved……..”

[Rienne] “Yes.”

Turning her gaze slightly away, there was a shy smile on Rienne’s face.
[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan has no intention of taking revenge. I didn’t believe him at first, but
it made more sense when he explained it to me.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Is that so? Can you believe something so grand…..simply by taking his
word for it?”

[Rienne] “That was why he was hiding it. He must’ve known that words alone wouldn’t be

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh, so that’s what happened. Did the old man who was brought to the
castle tell you something helpful?”

[Rienne] “That’s…..”

Thinking about the old man, there were still a few things that didn’t make any sense.

He said it was the Arsak family, not the Kleinfelders, who were the source of the revenge
that would lead to bloodshed. He said it was because of the drought, but it felt like he was
talking around the truth.

But looking at things more rationally, she wondered if it was even possible for such a sick
and begging old man to know the truth of what the Kleinfelders had done.

Perhaps the old man was only privy to the fact that the Henton family was wiped out and
only their youngest son managed to escape the carnage.

Maybe he was an acquaintance or a distant relative of the Henton family? It was possible he
was simply turning to blame others because he couldn’t bring himself to accept the truth of
what happened. There were people like that who existed.

[Rienne] “Yes. He remembered Lord Tiwakan’s old name.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh my. So he really was from Nauk?”

[Rienne] “Yes.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Then, the talks of the engagement with you, Princess………”

[Rienne] “I don’t think those conversations were ever made official. They likely weren’t a
well-known family, so perhaps they were only hoping for a betrothal……Hm. Maybe that’s
how they managed to attract the ire of the Kleinfelders.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Excuse me? Did you say the Kleinfelders?”

[Rienne] “I think the Kleinfelders were responsible for the destruction of the Henton
[Mrs. Flambard] “Henton……?”

[Rienne] “Yes. That was Lord Tiwakan’s family. Do you know of them?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “No, I don’t…..but they sound strangely familiar. Henton……..I wonder if
my son might know. Ever since he was young, he had a knack for memorizing every little

[Rienne] “Oh, you mentioned before he was in the Kingdom of Sharka?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, he went to go study there. He said he would become a scholar and
do some research using royal grants. I’m sure he doesn’t ever dream of returning to Nauk
now. My son likely intends to die as a citizen of the Kingdom of Sharka.”

[Rienne] “…….You must miss him a lot.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “All children are like that. Most men do not regard the place they were
born as a home, but would rather go out and find a place of their own.”

[Rienne] “Is that so?”

Hearing those words filled her with a strange feeling.

When that man told her that she was the closest thing he had to the home he desired, a
conflicting sensation of warmth and pain spread through her.

It was like he was saying that after wandering for so long with such an injured and
exhausted body, that she was his destination. Those words were so heavy and they meant
so much.

……..But what about me?

Meanwhile, she’d been lying to that man this whole time just to protect what was hers.

[Mrs. Flambard] “But Princess, I don’t quite understand.”

Though they fell off topic for a moment talking about her son, the conversation was quickly
brought back to its original place.

[Mrs. Flambard] “If House Kleinfelder is his enemy, then aren’t his intentions behind why
he proposed to you too obvious? And the child…….He must know it’s part of the Kleinfelder

[Rienne] “I know what you’re thinking. I had the exact same thought.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Was that not his intent?”

[Rienne] “He said he didn’t want to lose me because of revenge.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “That’s….”

[Rienne] “I told him that the Kleinfelders could not die. If that happened, the other nobles
wouldn’t stand idly by and Nauk would be torn in half by the ensuing war.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “……..Then you should tell him.”

Listening carefully to Rienne’s explanation, the woman spoke firmly.

[Rienne] “What do you mean?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Tell him you were never pregnant with a child of the Kleinfelders.”

[Rienne] “Oh……”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Say it now, Princess. That way, you’ll be able to concretely know what he
is thinking. If he is willing to set aside his grudges for you, Princess, then he will simply be
happy to know you are not having a child, no?”

She wasn’t wrong.

[Mrs. Flambard] “But on the other hand, if he truly wished to bring harm to the child, then
his true nature would then be revealed.”

[Rienne] “……You’re right.”

But there was still something that was weighing on her heart.

After she told him, he’d know she’d been lying to him this entire time………He would
probably feel disappointed or even betrayed.

[Mrs. Flambard] “And even ignoring all of that, it’s quite the blow to him. Imagine how he
must feel, setting aside such an intense hatred for that family just for your sake, Princess.
And if he really cares for you, then aren’t the other emotions he must endure even more
painful? Being forced to raise the child of his enemy as his own? It’s too horrible to even
think about.”

[Rienne] “You’re very right. I’m doing something truly awful to him.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “So tell the truth as soon as possible.”

[Rienne] “…Yes. I think that would be best.”

The woman patted Rienne on the back of her hand, showing a face that expressed relief
that she had finally made her choice.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes, please do it. I’m sure it will go well.”

[Rienne] “I know.”

She felt a little worried……..but she had to say it. She had to.

That man was doing something that no other man could easily do. Even if he kept saying it
was fine, that didn’t mean it wasn’t hard.

Steeling her heart, Rienne nodded her head.

Then, she and Mrs. Flambard carefully wrapped up the wedding attire that they had
finished last minute, putting a clean cloth around it and tucking it away in a closet, getting
ready for the night.


[Mrs. Flambard] “Why are you taking out another blanket, Princess?”

Rienne paused at the sudden question curiously posed by the woman.

It was a very uncomfortable question.

[Rienne] “Ah, well……….We decided to sleep in the same bed starting from today.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Excuse me?”

[Rienne] “It’s a bit complicated to explain…….But…..There is a reason for it.”

It would be too hard to explain and even harder to understand all the promises that were
involved in this.

It wasn’t because she was embarrassed or too ashamed to say it. It was just that she and
Black shared a tower of emotions with each other. It would be unreasonable to suddenly
point to the top and ask someone to understand when they hadn’t seen the process of
building it.

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan in no way covets my body, so you don’t need to worry about that,
ma’am.” (1)

[Mrs. Flambard] “No, that’s not what I meant.”

The woman shook her head nervously.

[Mrs. Flambard] “What right do I have to nag those who have already arranged their
marriage about sharing a bed? I only thought to mention that you are presently dealing
with your monthly visitor right now, Princess, so it might be better to avoid sleeping

[Rienne] “Ah…..”

With the unexpected reminder of the equally unexpected problem, Rienne frowned.

[Rienne] “I’m in no pain because of the medicine, so it must’ve slipped my mind.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh dear.”

[Rienne] “What should I do?”

After thinking about it for a moment, Mrs. Flambard nodded her head.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Actually, this works out perfectly for you. You are going to tell him
everything tonight. Say that you are not pregnant, and that everything was simply due to
your time of the month.”

[Rienne] “Oh….I suppose I should.”

I don’t think I’m mentally prepared for that.

But I shouldn’t delay any longer……..Right?


T/N: (1) The raws use the exact terminology of ‘stealing’ her body, i.e forcing himself on her.

A Barbaric Proposal C51

Chapter 51 | In This Moment

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


Mrs. Flambard held onto Rienne, her face and voice both incredibly serious.

[Mrs. Flambard] “And I’ll tell you this because you don’t have any experience, Princess, but
it isn’t a good idea to have sex during this time of the month. No matter how tempting it
may be to indulge in each other’s bodies, you must avoid it. Do you understand?”

Rienne was so shocked to hear the word ‘sex’ so bluntly, that she shook her head as though
she were stunned, and her eyes looked around, not sure where to settle.

[Rienne] “That’s not why we’re doing this. It’s far too sudden for something like that.”

Now Mrs. Flambard was making a strange face.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’m sorry? Then why are you sharing a bed tonight?”

Whether it be married members of the royal family or any common noble couple, unless
they intended to engage in physical relations, there was no need for them to share a bed.

There were cases where their bedrooms were side by side, but it wasn’t common in the
slightest for them to regularly share a room. Something like that was viewed as being only
for the poor folk who could not afford to have separate bedrooms.

So what Rienne was saying right now was very strange.

[Rienne] “Because….it’s nice?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Who said that? Did he?”

[Rienne] “…….Yes.”

Tch, the woman clicked her tongue.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Goodness, you are too naïve, Princess.”

[Rienne] “What do you mean?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Would he really be satisfied with just sleeping in the same bed?”

[Rienne] “It’s possible……..”

That’s how it was for her, at least.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Well, there are rumors saying he prefers men, though I don’t know that
much about it.”

[Rienne] “That’s just a rumor.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I don’t know, Princess. With what you’re saying, there may be some
truth to it.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

That wasn’t it.

[Mrs. Flambard] “If that’s the case, then I’m just worrying over nothing. I’ll finish talking
here and leave you to rest. Please sleep comfortably tonight, Princess.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne stayed silent until the woman left her bedroom.

She felt if she tried to open her mouth, she’d only end up coming out feeling very
embarrassed. Especially if she tried to refute her words with examples of things that
happened in the past.


She couldn’t find the best position for their pillows.

Rienne turned them over again and again, listening to the faint sound of water coming from
the bathroom.

If their pillows were too close, she’d feel really shy but if she set them too far apart, then he
might think she was pushing him away or refusing him.

Then at some point, she felt very weird inside.

……What am I doing? They’re just pillows.

Fluff. Fluff.

Rienne gently dropped the pillow back down, which was now a little deflated because of
how much she was manhandling it.

[Rienne] “…….But that looks too far apart.”

She took the pillows and narrowed the distance between them.

[Rienne] “Alright, that’s it. I won’t mess with them anymore.”

Rienne lifted up the edge of the blanket and slipped herself inside. And just as she did, the
sound of water stopped. It wouldn’t be long until Black came in, smelling fresh like water.

…..All of the sudden, it felt like she didn’t have enough air. She wasn’t thinking about
anything, but her cheeks were still flushed. Rienne pulled the blanket over her head,
covering her face.

Badum. Badum….

Time came to a crawl, and she could hear every second being lulled along by the beating of
her heart. As time slowed, so did her eyes, gently coming to a sleepy close.

And if it hadn’t been for the small sound of a door opening, she probably would’ve fallen

[Black] “…….This is a little….”

Now I’m thinking something bad.

For a brief moment, Rienne thought she heard him mutter that to himself. But just as she
opened her eyes to ask him what was wrong—

[Rienne] “……..!”

The blanket that was covering her face was quickly pulled down, and as soon as her face
was revealed, she felt the sensation of him pressing his lips against hers.

[Black] “I know you’re not asleep.”

Black muttered, gently tugging at her bottom lip in a way that only tickled.

[Black] “Open your eyes.”

Then she felt him sweetly wrapped his hands around the sides of her face.

She listened, quietly opening her eyes, but she didn’t realize how close he would be. She
was so embarrassed, she just wanted to close them again.

[Rienne] “I wasn’t pretending to sleep…….”

Rienne’s voice was as quiet as a whisper.

Though it didn’t matter that she was quiet. They were so close to each other that if one of
them uttered even the smallest of words, their breath would be burned into their skin.

[Black] “Then what’s with this? You were covering your face.”

[Rienne] “That’s……It’s just a habit of mine.”

It sounded like an excuse when she said it, but it was completely true. The weather was
always uncomfortably cold during this season, so she would often sleep with the blanket
over her head.

[Black] “You weren’t planning on kicking me out?”

[Rienne] “If I were, I wouldn’t have brought a spare blanket……”

Finally, Black’s attention was pulled away as his eyes followed Rienne’s gaze towards a
blanket that was quietly sitting in the empty spot to her.
[Black] “I didn’t see that.”

Black turned back and kissed her again.

[Black] “But I don’t like how you’re already going to sleep.”

[Rienne] “Well, that’s just……”

[Black] “I’m here.”

[Rienne] “……..Sorry?”

[Black] “Are you going to sleep right away?”

The words heard from right in front of her nose ticked the backs of her ears. Was it because
he was too close to her? His face was right there.

[Rienne] “What else would we do…….if not sleep?”

[Black] “I don’t know.”

Black moved his hand down her face, slowly and gently running his thumb across her wet

[Black] “But I want to talk with you first.”

[Rienne] “Talk with me? About what?”

[Black] “Anything.”

As his fingers moved across her lips, she unintentionally parted them as if to speak, causing
her tongue to touch against his finger. Then he frowned, his brows furrowing as if he were
in pain.

[Black] “What kinds of things do you like?”

What a strange thing to ask of her while was pressing his finger against her lips like this.
[Rienne] “What do I like? In reference to what?”

[Black] “Anything.”

That’s what he said before.

[Rienne] “Well……”

It was such a simple question, one inquiring about things she found likable or good. But
somehow it was difficult for Rienne to answer.

What do I like…….

But the more she thought on it, the more she couldn’t come up with a good answer, which
only furthered her embarrassment.

[Rienne] “I’m not very fond of the cold.”

[Black] “………I asked about your likes.”

……She still wasn’t sure what to say. She didn’t know what kinds of things she liked. But
after thinking for a while, by the time Rienne’s voice came out, it was shaking.

[Rienne] “I would like it if I had nothing to worry about.”

[Black] “………What kind of worries do you have these days?”

There were too many to count. If she had to pick one in particular, it would be the lie she
was presently working up the courage to confess to.

[Rienne] “I have many. Appointing the High Priest, the whereabouts of the servant……But
then there’s also the matter of the Grand Council and I’m worried about when the date for
the wedding will be set. If things continue on like this, it will likely be delayed. And I
suspect the Kleinfelders won’t approve a new High Priest until that happens.”

[Black] “I know those. Is there anything else?”

[Rienne] “Anything else?”

[Black] “Any more worries.”

[Rienne] “Well…..There’s the drought. And this winter will probably be very cold, so I’m
hoping the well doesn’t freeze over. It was so cold last year that everyone suffered greatly.
And then there’s—“

[Black] “Are you not worried about tonight?”

[Rienne] “Hm? Tonight……?”

Her face suddenly paled, trying to think of what he could mean by ‘worried about tonight.’

[Black] “Aren’t you worried about what I could do to you?”

…….Oh, so that’s what he’s talking about, Rienne thought. In response, she took her hand,
wrapping her fingers around Black’s hand that was still held above her lips.

[Rienne] “I’m not worried. I already know.”

[Black] “You know?”

[Rienne] “Yes. You told me. We are going to sleep together in the same bed just as we did

He said he wanted to sleep together like they did that night, and that he wanted to kiss her
once they both woke up. He clearly voiced his intention to hold her tightly as they literally
slept together, with nothing ill in mind.

But then Black suddenly smiled.

[Black] “You’re really are an unpredictable woman, Princess.”

Rienne didn’t really understand what he meant by that.

[Rienne] “How so?”

[Black] “When I said I wanted to sleep in the same bed as you yesterday, you refused
because you didn’t think I would be any good. And yet today……”

Black stopped talking, taking Rienne’s hand and turning it over, pressing a kiss into her

[Black] “Today you’re acting like you don’t know anything.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

She heard that from her nanny earlier.

It was true Rienne didn’t know anything and that she had no experience in this realm. And
hearing the clumsy comment she’d said coming directly from Black’s mouth only made
what she was about to say even more difficult.

[Rienne] “I…..have something I need to tell you.”

Rienne had a hard time picking her words.

[Rienne] “I had a bit of a hard time today…….”

[Black] “I know.”

Black lowered his head, touching their foreheads together.

As he did, he felt very close to her right now, but the feeling itself was very different from a

[Black] “I was told you still need to be careful.”

[Rienne] “……?”

What was he talking about right now?

[Black] “The doctor left this morning, but I haven’t forgotten.”

The doctor left……? Ah……He’s talking about the child. I suppose he would still think like that.

[Black] “I’ve decided I’m going to treasure you, Princess… I will do my best to protect
you. Don’t worry about having to deal with this on your own.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Black moved his forehead away from Rienne, reaching out and pulling the blanket back
over her. He brought it all the way up to her chin as if he were tucking her in.

[Black] “But I think my pillow’s too far away.”

He took the pillow Rienne had set out, one that was too distant by his standards, and
pushed it closer without saying another word.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne stopped breathing as the bed shifted, feeling him lie down to her. At some point,
he’d turned his body to the side, but Rienne didn’t even realize it at first. The two of them
just stayed like that, their faces turned towards each other.

……..I have something I need to say.

Though she opened her mouth, not a single one of those words came out, and Rienne fell
into continued silence out of embarrassment.

Stewing in her own shyness, seeing Black’s face up close like this, she was constantly being
made aware of how amazing he was in every aspect. Even thinking about it made her timid
heart flutter.

[Black] “Are you looking for another scar on my face?”

Black asked as he noticed her stare.

[Rienne] “No. I think that one was the only one I found back then.”

Rather, she had something she really wanted to tell him.

[Rienne] “And I would hope I don’t find any additional scars on you.”

She needed to say this. This was her chance……but her mouth kept saying other things

Black took Rienne’s hand and pressed the tips of her small fingers against his lips.

[Black] “But if I don’t have any more scars, then you would have no reason to look at me
the way you are now, Princess.”

[Rienne] “You’re wrong.”

[Black] “What do you mean?”

[Rienne] “I wasn’t staring at you back then because I was looking for a scar. I simply found
it because I was already staring.”

So even if there were no scars to speak of on his body, she would always end up looking at
him just as she did now. So long as he was right here in front of her.

[Black] “Just like how I found this?”

Black muttered, his voice so low, he could’ve easily been talking to himself. He brushed his
hand against the freckles beneath Rienne’s ear. It was a part of herself she’d never seen
with her own eyes.

[Rienne] “Perhaps.”

Rienne also lifted up her hand, running her fingers against the scar she’d found on Black’s
eyebrow. Feeling her touch, Black closed one of his eyes as her hand brushed against his

[Rienne] “Am I making you uncomfortable?”

[Black] “………Of course not.”

With only one eye open, Black took Rienne’s hand and pulled it down, causing her hand to
run down from his eye, coming to rest on his cheek.

[Black] “I wish I had another scar here.”

[Rienne] “I don’t.”
All at once, Rienne’s expression soured.

What was he talking about? He wanted a scar…on his face…? Why?

[Rienne] “If you want me to touch you, then just ask me to. Don’t think about scarring

[Black] “. . .”

Black suddenly frowned, the spaces between his eyebrows narrowing.

Well, it was actually a much more complicated expression than that. Sometimes it looked as
though he was smiling, but sometimes it looked the opposite as well.

[Black] “You said you didn’t like it when I asked for permission, Princess.”

Yes, Rienne could remember saying that.

[Black] “So you should be more careful when saying things like that.”

[Rienne] “Sorry?”

He was speaking so kindly in comparison to his words.

[Black] “I don’t think you’d be able to handle what comes .”

Saying those words as if they were cutting him on the way out, Black overlapped his lips
with hers.

Lying in the same bed like this, escape was already impossible with how close they were,
but the moment she felt his large hand cup her face, she knew she couldn’t avoid this.

Black urged Rienne’s lips apart, giving her a kiss that melted her body with how hasty and
passionate it was.

Ah……My thoughts……are all flying away.

Black pulled Rienne up, locking her in his arm and the feeling of his weight pressed against
her chest felt very indecent, yet thrilling.

What….What am I supposed to do now…..?

Underneath the robe he was wearing, all Black had on was a pair of pants, so the first thing
Rienne was greeted with was the sensation of his bare chest. That only became more
apparent as they moved and shifted their bodies together, causing his robe to naturally

She tensed her closed eyes, and her thoughts were already completely gone by now.
Led by her senses, Rienne slowly ran her hands along the skin of his solid chest. His body
temperature was so much hotter than hers.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Cutting off their kiss in the middle, Black pulled himself back—a soft and sweet sound
resounding out as their lips parted.

At the same time, Rienne softly breathed in, all the air flowing back in all at once.

[Black] “Instead of being careful, I’ll only end up exhausting you with a kiss.”

The feeling of him murmuring with his lips still almost barely touching hers felt like it was
burning her with how suggestive it was.

Rienne unknowingly lifted her head, searching out for him—as if to wordlessly ask him
why he stopped. Even almost inviting him to continue.

[Black] “We can’t do any more than this.”

Black tilted his head back as Rienne got closer.

[Black] “You’re too dangerous to me, Princess.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

At those words, Rienne’s face turned red.

It wasn’t because she felt shy. She’d felt embarrassed hundreds of times before, but this
feeling was different from that.

The situation was so passionate that it was suspicious why Black was pulling away from
her when his eyes were filled with so much heat, she could see them shaking.

So Rienne reached out, placing her hand on the left side of Black’s bare chest, right over his

Black flinched, his whole upper body stiffening, but Rienne was entirely focused on the
feeling of his heartbeat against her palm, engraving itself upon her skin.

And so she wondered.

Was the beating of her own heart just as loud to him as his was to her?

The dangerous one wasn’t her. It was always him. He was so bad for her heart, that he
couldn’t be considered anything but.

[Rienne] “There’s…..something I need to say.”

Lying down and trapped within his arms, Rienne faced Black with a gaze that seemed to
pierce through him.

[Black] “What is it?”

Right now, Rienne was certain.

Even if he found out that she had lied to him about being pregnant, this man wouldn’t be
disappointed or feel betrayed.

In fact…..He’ll probably be happy.

Any feelings of disappointment or betrayal he may feel would be overshadowed by the

feeling of relief that she wasn’t pregnant with a child of Kleinfelder blood.

[Rienne] “I……I bled today.”

Black’s expression hardened.

[Black] “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

From the look in his eyes, it was clear that he firmly believed it to be because of the child.

As he started to get up, Rienne quickly grabbed Black’s arm, stopping him from seemingly
going to charge off and call someone.

[Rienne] “No, it’s only because…….”

Right now, in this moment, it was her chance to speak.


T/N: (1) the word ‘chest’ here could also be translated as ‘breasts’ or ‘boobs’ etc. but that felt like Too Much™

Oof, that cliffhanger. And that chapter was 500 words longer than usual! (>////<) But at least it was a full chapter of straight sugar
A Barbaric Proposal C52

Chapter 52 | The Fourteen Dead

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost

T/N: (NOTICE) In chapter 47, I wrote that Klimah’s younger sibling was 2 years old, but that’s a mis-translation. It should be that they were 2 years younger instead. I have corrected the chapter to reflect the change. I’m sorry for the error < 3

(I’m still learning, haha)


She was seconds away from saying those truth filled words.

Knock, knock—!

If only there hadn’t been an urgent voice, calling out to them from behind the door.

[Mercenary] “My Lord! Are you here!? I’m sorry to disturb you, but this is serious!”

[Black] “. . .”
Black paused for a second, muttering something to himself before quickly getting up.
Rienne couldn’t hear what it was, but based on his irritated expression, it was probably a
curse word.

[Black] “Wait here.”

Black strode towards the door with the front of his robe still open. If someone came all this
way to bother them at this time, then something must’ve happened.

Unable to sit still, Rienne pushed off the blanket and got to her feet.

[Black] “What’s happened?”

As Black tore open the door, the sound of the door banging against the wall rang out loudly.
It was a sound that would make any one feel nervous.

Facing down Black, the mercenary swallowed hard, but pulled himself together quickly to
repeat the report he had received.

[Mercenary] “A fire’s broken out.”

[Black] “………..What?”

[Rienne] “Excuse me?”

But Rienne was more surprised than anyone else. Her face turned completely pale.

[Rienne] “A fire…….Then…”

The fear that rippled throughout Nauk because of the drought never disappeared, so a fire
was considered one of the most terrible disasters they could experience.

[Rienne] “Where? Take me there.”

Everything that happened mere moments ago was immediately purged from Rienne’s
mind. She moved herself past Black, trying to leave the room.

[Black] “Princess.”

But before she could get far, Black took Rienne by the shoulders, pulling her back.

[Black] “You stay here. I’ll go.”

[Rienne] “No, I have to go……Or we could together instead. If there’s a fire in this season,

As she panicked, Black took his hand and carefully touched her face, as pale as the moon.
For some reason, his touch felt sad.
[Black] “You can’t do that while you’re pregnant. Wait here.”

[Rienne] “But you need one more person. Someone needs to wake everyone in the

[Black] “We haven’t seen any smoke and we haven’t smelled anything. There’s no way of
knowing how serious it is right now. I will go and see for myself, then I’ll come back and let
you know. You don’t have to worry—“

But just as Black said that, the loud sound of footsteps started echoing through the hall,
hitting her ears as it got closer.

[Mercenary] “My Lord! I just came back from checking it out…..! But the fire was really

The mercenary who arrived was breathing heavily, as if he’d been running the entire time,
exhaling quickly.

[Mercenary] “It’s not concentrated in a single location. They’re popping up all over the
place, like someone’s setting them on purpose.”

[Rienne] “Ah!”

Rienne had to stop herself from screaming.

A fire was already terrible enough, but arson? Someone was doing this on purpose? In their
nation, given their past, setting a purposeful fire was no different from trying to curse

[Rienne] “Please let go of me.”

Rienne tried to push Black’s hand away.

[Rienne] “Have the castle guards been made aware of the fire? How much water do we
have left in the castle?”

[Mercenary] “The guards are looking out for the arsonist while putting out the fires. We’re
in the process of spreading the news now.”

[Rienne] “Where is the fire at its worst?”

[Mercenary] “Looks to be the kitchens right now. So there’s the chance the first fire was
really an accident. Maybe someone left the brick oven lit, but—“

[Black] “That’s enough. Princess.”

As the situation quickly turned into the mercenary giving a report, Black held out his hand,
telling him to cut it out. Then, he turned back to Rienne.

[Black] “Go back inside.”

[Rienne] “What do you mean? I…..”

[Black] “With the situation being as it is, I cannot guarantee your safety if you leave,
Princess. Even I can’t stop smoke if it gets to be too much.”

[Rienne] “Obviously I know that. But it’s ridiculous to think—“

[Black] “With your body being how it is, you are of no use here.”

Black cut her words off, his tone awfully cold and upfront, and before Rienne knew it, he
was pushing her body back into the bedroom.

[Rienne] “Wait, don’t do this……”

Her body was limp and powerless against his strength, to the point where resistance was
completely pointless. As soon as Rienne was entirely back into the room, she heard Black
slam the door behind her without another word.

[Black] “One of you, stay here and protect the Princess. And you, lead the way. Is there
somewhere I can see the whole castle at a glance?”

[Mercenary] “Sir Phermos said the northern tower. He’s waiting there now.”

Before the mercenary could complete his answer, Black turned around, already walking



[Rienne] “Please, open the door!”

Rienne knocked against the door with her fist as hard as she could. But no matter how
much might she put into it, the body that was blocking the door from the other side was
much stronger than she was.

[Rienne] “What’s the point of locking me up like this!? Just move!”

[Mercenary] “No……His lordship is right. It would be bad if you accidentally inhaled any
smoke. For the baby, that would be……”

[Rienne] “That’s not the point!”


Feeling her emotions swell, her hand tingled after hitting the door again. Rienne held her
reddened hand with her other, exhaling a long sigh and calming herself down.

[Rienne] “Is there anything I can do to get you to open this door?”

[Mercenary] “In your dreams. Until the Lord explicitly states it, I can’t let you leave.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

She should’ve known. At the end of the day, these men were his people.

Then what options did she have left? Should she try and escape through the window? If she
was careful, she could move along the frame and make it to the door balcony……

[Rienne] “…….But would that even work?”

Just imagining the process made Rienne hopelessly collapse to the floor, filled with an odd
sense of emptiness.

This felt weird.

[Rienne] “Can I really just do nothing……?”

Was that even possible?

Everything in Castle Nauk was Rienne’s responsibility.

Even the smallest of things fell under her purview. From a mouse raiding the larder, to
decaying ropes and broken grain sacks—it was up to Rienne to deal with these things and
fix them as they came along.

For a castle of this size, there weren’t enough people working and too few people who
stayed there as permanent residents. Rather than delegate work to people who were
already swamped with their own duties, it became a habit of hers to step up and deal with
it herself.

Because of that, Rienne quickly became a responsible person.

Not someone who just sat still and let herself be protected.

[Rienne] “This is strange, though. I’m starting to get……..”

……Used to it.

Ever since Black came to Nauk, Rienne had been dogged by that feeling. Whenever
something difficult came along, like a gift sent from above, Black would swoop in and take
care of it for her.

[Rienne] “But, it’s a little……”

Isn’t this dangerous?

I don’t think I’m the kind of person to leave things to other people……Or maybe it’s just that
I’ve never had the ability to do that.

It was that man’s fault. It was like when he came in, he found the part of her that was
lacking something, noticed it was empty, and jammed himself into that space without

Sitting on the floor, Rienne gently pressed her hand against her chest. Right on the place
where Black’s existence was intertwined with her being.

[Rienne] “Whenever we part……”

She thought for the briefest moment that their parting left a vague sense of pain in her
chest. As if something were disappearing inside her.

But that only told her that Black had somehow already settled in her heart, finding a place
to rest firmly.

This feeling was……

A poet would probably have an easier time putting a name to this emotion than she.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Thinking of Black while sitting on the floor, Rienne gave up whatever attachment she had
on trying to go outside.

She was going to believe in Black. So long as he was in the castle, there was nothing to
fear—nothing dangerous that could touch her.

[Rienne] “I should go back to bed.”

It’ll all be okay.

Even if the situation got worse, he said he would come back for her and let her know.

Letting go of her worries, just as Rienne turned her head, about to stand up—
[Rienne] “……?”

She saw something strange.

Someone was standing in the doorway leading to Black’s room. In a place where no one
should be, with all the lights turned out, they were standing there—watching her.

[Rienne] “Who—!”
Appearing out of thin air, the figure wrapped his arms around Rienne, pressing his hand
against her mouth at breakneck speed the moment she noticed him.
[Rienne] “……..!”

Rienne instinctively pushed back, her whole body fighting against their strength, but he
was too fast, too big, and too skilled in comparison to her.

He took his hand, pressing his fingers deep into an artery in Rienne’s neck, pushing and
pushing until she started to feel faint.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Try as she did to scream, no one could hear her struggle. With all air cut off and someone
pressing down on her neck, her mind drifted away and her body fell limp.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Until finally, her eyes closed.

The silent figure took Rienne’s unconscious body, throwing her over his shoulder. The
black clothes he wore smelled of sulfur and ash.

Then, he passed into the room between Black’s and Rienne’s—a room that had long since
lost its name. In the corner was cylindrical, iron fireplace, left unsold and untouched. It was
shaped like a large column, and it was incredibly massive, the length of it reaching all the
way up to the ceiling.

Quietly, the figure opened the door to the fireplace, stepping inside.


Once inside, he pulled the door closed, leaving barely a noise. He then pulled on a string he
had prepared in advanced, one that tugged the clasp of the door back into place.

But on further inspection, the ‘string’ was actually a thin lock of hair. He lit a flint, lowering
the flame to the end of the hair and setting it alight. It was so thin, it didn’t take long for it to
burn away completely. As it burned to cinders, there was no ash left behind, only a faint

But even the smell disappeared not long after.

And once they were gone, there wasn’t a single trace left in the room. As if neither he nor
Rienne were there to begin with.


[Rienne] “………Ugh…….”

She felt dizzy, as if there was a heavy fog inside her head, wincing as she tried to come to.
But even as her mind threatened to sink back into unconsciousness, Rienne forced her eyes
open, pulling herself back up.

I…..How did…….What happened…….

[???] “You don’t have to force yourself awake.”

[Rienne] “…….?”

[???] “We have plenty of time.”

[Rienne] “…….!”

She recognized that voice.

[Rienne] “You……!”

Rienne tried to jump to her feet, but it was just then at she noticed how both her wrists and
her ankles were bound.

[Rienne] “Sir Klimah!”

He was giving the Tiwakan the run-around as they tried to apprehend him for the murder
of the High Priest, but after all that fuss, here he was— sitting in front of her like nothing.

[Rienne] “What are you doing? Why would you—!”

[Klimah] “I’m so sorry.”

But Klimah’s voice did not incite fear or despair in such a terrifying situation. Instead, he
sounded sad, like the calming and lonely sound of rain.

[Klimah] “I have my orders.”

[Rienne] “Orders? Did…….Linden Kleinfelder tell you to do this….? How? He’s in prison…..”

[Klimah] “I’m so sorry. I can’t go against my orders.”

[Rienne] “What the…..No, you have to let me go. No orders could possibly justify doing
something like this in Nauk.”

[Klimah] “I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have no choice.”

Though it was dark, she could see Klimah shaking his head from side to side. As he did, she
could make out the clear tears that were running down his face, reflected in the faint

[Rienne] “. . .”

Klimah was crying.

It seemed strange, given what he was doing, but he was sobbing openly, his shoulders
trembling and shaking. Anyone looking at him now wouldn’t think he was a killer.

Rienne slowly exhaled, forcing herself to be calm.

He….doesn’t seem like an awful person.

He might be crying now because of his guilt. Like what he did with his prayer of atonement.
He was someone who felt so much guilt over the harm he’d done to others that he wanted
to inflict pain on himself.

She just needed to stay calm and talk to him. If she did, he may come to his senses. He might
even change his mind about all this.

There had to be a reason why the Kleinfelders were able to call upon him. She just needed
to find out what that was.

[Rienne] “Did you also kill the High Priest under Linden Kleinfelder’s orders?”

[Klimah] “…….Yes.”

When she asked the question, she thought he might try and deny it at first, but surprisingly,
Klimah just nodded his head without hesitation.

After praying to a God that held no answers for him, perhaps he only wanted to confess his
sins to whoever would listen.

[Rienne] “What else did he ask you to do?”

[Klimah] “……The High Priest…….”

[Rienne] “You already said you killed High Priest Milrod.”

[Klimah] “High Priest Motiya, too…….”

[Rienne] “That’s……..! ……..Hah.”

Pulling back her exclamation, Rienne simply let out a sigh.

What on earth would compel this man to do that for them? And if two High Priests were
killed in the past, there was always the possibility that more had been killed even before

Now she was starting to understand where the Kleinfelders’ arrogance and indifference
towards the royal hierarchy stemmed from. If they had the power to have a High Priest
killed without even blinking, what did they truly have to fear?

In the eyes of the Kleinfelders, the crown she had inherited would look like nothing more
than an ornamental jewelry piece.

[Rienne] “And? Did you kill anyone else?”

[Klimah] “……Yes.”

[Rienne] “How many?”

[Klimah] “…….Thirteen.”

Klimah swallowed back his tears, reciting the exact number as if he’d been keeping careful
count. Like he was engraving each of those lives as sins upon his skin.

[Klimah] “And if I add you, Princess, that makes fourteen.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Those words sent goosebumps along Rienne’s bound arms.

[Rienne] “Did….he order you to kill me?”

[Klimah] “No.”

[Rienne] “Linden Kleinfelder….didn’t order to have me killed?”

[Klimah] “No.”

Klimah wiped the tears away from his cheeks, but there was no point. Soon enough, both of
his eyes were filled with tears once more.

[Klimah] “I was ordered to capture and rape you. Then, once you were defiled, I was to put
you on display……Somewhere everyone could see you.”

[Rienne] “That’s insane……”

The idea alone made her sick.

It was unbelievable to think he would order something so vicious and vile against the ruler
of the country he supposedly served, but his obvious reasons for doing so were so
despicable and horrid, it disgusted her to her core.

He……He doesn’t want to kill me. He wants to ruin me. Break me.

For something as simple as……separating me from that man?

Such a disgusting and depraved thing. For that to even be an idea he had, it was hard to
believe that Linden Kleinfelder was a human being, same as her.

[Rienne] “Sir.”

With her bound hands, Rienne clenched her fists—pushing back the rage that was teetering
at the edges of her heart.

She would have plenty of time to deal with her anger later.

After she managed to return home safely.


T/N: Translating this novel is truly magical because dang near every chapter has the ability to send me into a ‘get-up-and-take-a-walk’ level of tizzy.
A Barbaric Proposal C53

Chapter 53 | 21 Years Ago (1)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


Though the fires weren’t particularly big, they were popping up all over the place.

And because the castle was so expansive, they had their work cut out for them since they
didn’t know where the embers may spark.

[Phermos] “Hah, I think the worst of it is over now. It’s likely safe for you to return, if you
so wish.”

By the time Phermos gave Black the clear, dawn had already broken.

Though… he wanted to tell him that earlier, but he never got the chance.
It was a good thing having Black there to take the lead in putting out the fires, carrying
several water basins at once—especially since their other men were practically dying
trying to do it themselves.

However, was it really necessary to do it with such a scary looking face, as if he were letting
out his anger on the fires?

But at least, because Black was there, the fires were all fairly trivial, barely leaving burn
marks on the carpets and a few furniture pieces.

[Black] “Is that so? We can’t allow the fires to spread.”

[Phermos] “Of course….”

[Black] “You better be certain.”

[Phermos] “…..Y, yes?”

[Black] “She looked as though she was terrified of fire.”

[Phermos] “. . .”

Hearing Black’s words, Phermos thought for a few moments.

He meant if the Princess was scared of fire then….Phermos had to be absolutely certain that
they were all gone. So naturally he needed to be careful right now. Yeah, he should’ve
known as much.

[Black] “Who started the fires?”

[Phermos] “We’re looking for them now, my Lord.”

[Black] “If we can’t find them, the fires will be the least of our worries.”

[Phermos] “Yes, of course. And I suspect they may be connected to the bastard staying in
the dungeon. Shall I go and kindly ask him what all this is about?”

[Black] “Do it. And you don’t have to be nice.”

[Phermos] “Yes, my Lord.”

Though they’d been there for a while now, Phermos still hadn’t quite adjusted to his new
life in Nauk yet. But there was one thing he was certain about by now—

Tormenting Linden Kleinfelder and his subordinates was officially part of his job now.

It was starting to become like a hobby of his. The idea of going down to the dungeons was
enough to bring a smile to Phermos’ face.
[Phermos] “Will you be returning to the Princess now?”

[Black] “Not yet. I will once the one responsible has been caught.”

From the sounds of it, he didn’t want to go back to Rienne only to tell her that the problem
hadn’t been resolved yet, and that she needed to wait longer. He wanted concrete answers
for her.

[Phermos] “Very well. I will head down to the dungeons first.”

But, in reality, Black should have gone straight back to Rienne as soon as he could.

If he had, he would’ve realized much sooner why he couldn’t find the one who had set the
fires anywhere in the castle.


Rienne took a deep breath, trying her hardest to calm her heart.

[Rienne] “I don’t think you’re a bad person like Linden Kleinfelder is.”

Klimah widened his eyes, but then quickly ducked his head down, rapidly shaking it from
side to side.

[Klimah] “No……No, I’m a sinner. I’ve committed so many heinous sins that cannot be
washed away…….”

[Rienne] “It’s all Linden Kleinfelder’s fault.”

[Klimah] “. . .”

With that accusation, Klimah stayed quiet. He couldn’t confirm that, but he couldn’t deny it

[Rienne] “If you wish to atone, then you must stop sinning first. Until then, no matter how
many times you whip yourself, the only thing you’ll do is bleed.”

[Klimah] “I…….”

[Rienne] “Why do you keep denying it? You know what the Kleinfelders are ordering you
to do is wrong. You are one who serves the divine, and yet you killed two High Priests. You
silenced the voice of God.”

[Klimah] “I……..didn’t become a servant of God because I wanted to……..”

With every word, Klimah’s voice shook as if he was in great pain.

[Rienne] “You didn’t?”

[Klimah] “I do whatever they tell me to……”

[Rienne] “They? You mean the Kleinfelders? Does it make it easier to eliminate a High

[Klimah] “………It makes it easier to hide.”

[Rienne] “What?”

[Klimah] “From them….”

[Rienne] “What are you hiding from? Who?”

[Klimah] “. . .”

Klimah closed his mouth, biting his lip. Then, he stood up and approached Rienne.

Immediately, Rienne shifted her body back defensively. She said he didn’t look like a bad
person, but that didn’t erase the fear she felt at hearing him say he would defile her with his
own mouth.

[Rienne] “Don’t come any closer. Just answer me.”

[Klimah] “I’m so sorry……”

Klimah reached out to her with tears streaming down his face.

[Rienne] “No! Don’t do this!”

[Klimah] “Forgive me…….I’m so sorry…….”

[Rienne] “Just think about this! How long will you live doing their bidding like this!?”

The fear was enough to send deathly chills throughout her body, but Rienne desperately
pushed it back.

Talking to him wasn’t enough. She needed to find another way out.

It was Linden Kleinfelder’s orders that were compelling Klimah right now. So that meant
she needed to find out whatever influence they had over him, and use that to sway him.

[Rienne] “You said you weren’t ordered to kill me, right…..? Then I swear, I will survive and
make the Kleinfelders pay for what they’ve done.”
[Klimah] “. . .”

Those words did something.

The hand that Klimah was reaching out towards Rienne stopped midair, flinching the
moment she mentioned making the Kleinfelders ‘pay’.

[Klimah] “K, killing the Kleinfelders. Then…..”

The way he stuttered, repeating back her sentiment made it clear he was struggling to
believe her.

But Rienne didn’t blame him. She was the same.

She always thought that the Kleinfelders could not be allowed to die in Nauk. The risk was
too high, and the grip all six families had on Nauk, bound by the Treaty of Risebury, was too

But she couldn’t take this anymore.

While Rienne was desperately trying to keep the peace, all Linden Kleinfelder did was
essentially prove that all her efforts in balancing this game of tug-of-war with the six
families was a pointless endeavor.

He was a man who would do anything to get Nauk. And if one thing didn’t work, he would
simply move on to the —always trying something.

Even while imprisoned, his influence was great. He could still grab at Rienne. And not only
her, but even the council and the Temple were not beyond his reach.

But no matter how big his roots were, no matter how far reaching his grip was, she had to
cut him off here and now. If she didn’t, he would only swallow all of Nauk from beneath.

Something like that felt so impossible before.

But she was certain she could do it now.

She had the Tiwakan.

The fiercest and most terrifying mercenary company on the entire continent had sworn
their new names as the Guardians of Arsak. If ever there was a chance, it was now.

[Rienne] “Do you really think my fiancé will leave just because you’ve defiled me? Of
course not. That’s just a foolish delusion of Linden Kleinfelder.”

As she said that, she could feel herself tearing up a bit.

That man told her he would forget his revenge. He said he would even accept the child of
his enemy as his own because to him, she was his home.

If Klimah were to fulfill this order, the end result was as obvious as a raging, all consuming

The Kleinfelders would be completely wiped out.

And she had no reason to stop it this time.

[Rienne] “If you follow your orders, the Kleinfelders will be erased from existence. But if
you don’t, the result will still be the same. They’ll be gone, no matter what you do.”

And if the ending would be the same, regardless of his actions, then what kind of choice
would he make?

[Klimah] “If the Kleinfelders were gone……….”

Klimah’s eyes shook.

[Klimah] “Then….I wouldn’t have to……Ah, but I’d still have to live in hiding…..No, but then
my mother…..”

[Rienne] “I’m sorry? Did you say your mother?”

He was rambling so much and so quietly, that it was difficult to make out what he was
saying. But out of all of those incoherent mumblings, there was one thing she could tell for

The Kleinfelders were holding tightly onto Klimah’s weakness—his mother.

[Rienne] “Are the Kleinfelders holding your mother hostage?”

[Klimah] “Yes…….Ah, I mean, no! I meant, no…..!”

Noticing his mistake a beat too late, Klimah desperately shook his head.

[Rienne] “It’s alright. You can say it.”

Now, she had a tool she could use to calm him. Rienne spoke to him slowly, making her
voice sound as soothing and kind as possible.

[Rienne] “Even if you’ve sinned, I know that the Kleinfelder’s sin is far greater than yours.
If you fear for your mother’s safety, I will help you. And I will not speak of your sins to her.”

[Klimah] “No, it can’t. It’s not that simple……It can’t be.”

Klimah clenched his fists, crouching down, almost to the point of prostrating himself on the
floor. As he cried on in despair, his shoulders shook.

[Rienne] “Yes, it can. I promise you. If you cease your wrongdoings now, both you and your
mother will be safe.”

Looking up at her, Klimah lifted up his tear-stained face.

[Klimah] “Can you really? You really won’t kill my mother?”

[Rienne] “That’s what I said.”

[Klimah] “If I let you go here, Princess…….If I don’t do anything, will you save my mother?”

[Rienne] “I swear on the name of Arsak. I will save you. Both you and your mother.”

But it was like Klimah couldn’t understand her words. He kept asking, again and again,
repeating the same question in quiet repetition.

Whatever his relationship with the Kleinfelder family was, it was much deeper and darker
than Rienne could ever guess.

It sounded like this went beyond the Kleinfelder’s simply threatening his mother. This felt
more nefarious. Like they were hiding her away somewhere, and Klimah was desperate to
pay the price to get her back.

[Klimah] “Even if my mother……still has the name of Henton?”

[Rienne] “……..I’m sorry, what did you just say?”

Hearing the unexpected name among his whispers, Rienne’s entire body turned stiff like

She couldn’t breathe or move her body.

He said the name……..Henton?


[Black] –‘Henton. That was my name just before I left this land.’

That’s what Black said.

[Beggar] ‘He’s Henton’s second son.’

And that’s what that old man told her before.

After hearing the same name coming from both sources, Rienne didn’t doubt for even a
second that ‘Henton’ was Black’s family name.

[Rienne] “But that name is……No, but then……..”

Rienne stared straight at Klimah, her eyes widened in shock.

Klimah’s face was covered in tears, and he looked like a young man, but at the same time, it
was difficult to gauge exactly how old he was.

[Rienne] “Do you……have any brothers? A long time ago now…..Around twenty-one years

Hearing that, Klimah looked frightened.

[Klimah] “Just as I thought, people haven’t forgotten. They still remember……They know

She only asked him if he had any brothers, but Klimah’s reaction was beyond her realm of

[Rienne] “Calm yourself. I don’t know what you’re thinking about. I just asked because I
know someone who shares that name. So please answer me. Do you have any brothers?
And how many?”

[Klimah] “……O, one.”

She was told that Black was the second son of the Henton family, which would make
Klimah his older brother.

……But what even happened?

Black said that he saw Kleinfelder soldiers killing his father. After that, he ran away by
himself and never used the name of Henton ever again.
But apparently, his mother and brother were still living in Nauk, though they were hiding
their names. If that was the case, then Black probably didn’t know that parts of his family
were still alive.

…….But what would the Kleinfelders stand to gain by hiding the rest of his family like this?

It just felt very….strange. Like the points weren’t adding up.

[Rienne] “What happened to the Henton family? Do you remember?”

[Klimah] “. . .”

Klimah closed his eyes, carefully nodding.

[Rienne] “Tell me.”

[Klimah] “I……can’t. I can never…….I must never tell anyone…….”

[Rienne] “No, you have to tell me.”

[Klimah] “No, if I do, my mother will die……”

Seeing this, Rienne quickly realized he wouldn’t speak on this no matter how hard she
pressed him. Which meant she needed to change the question.

[Rienne] “Then tell me about your father. Did the Kleinfelders kill him?”

[Klimah] “…..Yes. What happened was….”

Klimah still couldn’t open his tightly shut eyes.

His mind probably wasn’t entirely together anymore. After losing his father and younger
brother twenty-one years ago, his mind must’ve been lost—like he was going through the

[Rienne] “What is it?”

[Klimah] “He said he had to get him away.”

[Rienne] “Get who away?”

[Klimah] “F, Fernand…..”

[Rienne] “Fernand?”

She didn’t recognize the name. Rienne lowered her head closer to Klimah.

[Rienne] “Who is that?”

[Klimah] “Prince Fernand.”

[Rienne] “Prince?”

Klimah only nodded, plain and desolate exhaustion painted on his face. As if merely
thinking of the past was enough to completely drain him of his energy.

[Rienne] “Prince Fernand? A prince of which kingdom?”

[Klimah] “…….Nauk.”

[Rienne] “?”

The words made such little sense to her that her mind stiffened. There were other princes
besides her father in Nauk? Her father didn’t have his coronation ceremony until after he
had become an adult, so it wasn’t completely unlikely.

She couldn’t remember it very well, but Rienne did her best to recall the royal family tree.

And with a cursory thought, it was occurring to her that the king of the previous
generation, while distantly related to the Arsaks, was not a member of their family, nor of
their name. Though she couldn’t remember what his name was. (1)

[Rienne] “Why did Prince Fernand run away? Did he do something wrong?”

[Klimah] “It was because King Gainers…….died. He…was killed.”

That was enough to help spark a memory.

The surname of the previous generation’s king was Gainers. He died without an heir, so the
eldest son of the Arsak family, who was the closest they had to royalty, took over the
throne. That was the late king, Reder, and Rienne’s father.

That was the story as far as Rienne knew. It was all recorded in the royal records as well.

[Rienne] “Who killed the king? Was it Prince Fernand?”

[Klimah] “No.”

[Rienne] “Then?”

[Klimah] “The seven families of Nauk did it. My father—“

[Rienne] “What….? Seven families?”

As she repeated the words ‘seven families’, her mouth was so widely open from the shock,
she almost hurt herself. But her confusion was still too great to be let out so easily.
Rienne took a deep breath.

[Rienne] “What you’re talking about now…….is treason. You’re saying someone committed
treason in Nauk?”

[Klimah] “……Yes. That’s what my father said.”

Sir Henton was a knight who lived in service to the royal family. A proud member of the
Guardian Knights of the Gainers royal house.

So when Nauk’s seven families suddenly murdered the king, he took King Gainers’ only heir
and fled as fast as he could.

A young prince by the name of Fernand.


T/N: (1) The literal translation was ‘veins touched generations ago’, which essentially means they shared an ancestor at some point.

*shocked pikachu face*

A Barbaric Proposal C54

Chapter 54 | 21 Years Ago (2)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


Sir Henton attempted to escape, but the seven families immediately sent their men in
pursuit of him. He ended up being caught and the result was the loss of his life.

[Rienne] “Then…..”

That’s when Klimah’s suffering started.

But hearing this, Rienne only felt more confused.

[Rienne] “Did Prince Fernand manage to escape? Or did he die as well…….?”

[Black] –‘I only remember the pattern I saw on the gauntlets of those who killed my father.’
Black said he watched his father, Henton, die right in front of his eyes. Did Henton attempt
to escape with his family along with Prince Fernand, but he was caught by the Kleinfelders
and died in front of his youngest son, instead?

[Klimah] “I don’t know about that. I was home with my mother at the time.”

[Rienne] “I see…….”

Sir Henton must’ve not been able to help his entire family escape Nauk. The only one he
had with him at the time was his youngest son.

[Rienne] “So what happened after that?”

[Klimah] “The Kleinfelders came…..and then…..”

The treason plotted by the seven families was a covert plan.

They worked in tandem while the king was out hunting, leaving his body to be eaten by
wild animals. No one would’ve realized that the king was not torn apart by the fangs of a
wolf, but rather was stabbed to death instead. The knights meant to accompany him also
perished that day.

Sir Henton, who survived and managed to get Prince Fernand away, ended up becoming an
enemy of the seven families, which eventually put Klimah and his mother in danger.

But for some reason, Linden Kleinfelder spared them.

Klimah ended up living in hiding, tucked away from the eyes of the other six families by the
Kleinfelders. In return, they made Klimah their errand boy. In order to secure Klimah’s
unwavering loyalty, they kept his mother hidden away.

His mother was both a hostage and his motivation.

[Rienne] “It must’ve been very difficult for you.”

Rienne spoke quietly, the words coming from her heart.

This was why, despite killing thirteen people, Klimah did not appear as a villain in her eyes.
Before he was even an adult, he fell into the hands of wicked people, forced to act as their
hands and feet before he even knew the difference between right and wrong.

[Rienne] “I do not wish to punish such a person. Especially not someone who carries the
name of Henton.”

Because now, Henton was a name just as precious to Rienne as Arsak.

[Klimah] “Th, then…..”

There was a flash of hope in Klimah’s eyes.

[Klimah] “W, will you save……my mother?”

[Rienne] “Of course. The seven families are the ones who have done wrong. They are the
ones who should be punished.”

[Klimah] “. . .”

With those words, Klimah suddenly quieted. The hope in his eyes died, replaced only with
conflict and confusion.

[Rienne] “You can trust me. I know your brother.”

[Klimah] “…..I’m sorry?”

[Rienne] “He’s a very important person to me, so the same goes for his family.”

But Klimah’s mouth just hung agape.

[Klimah] “But how……? My brother died that day.”

[Rienne] “No, he’s not dead. He returned to Nauk. But he doesn’t know the rest of his
family is still alive.”

Rienne thought he might cry again.

As if what he was hearing was impossible to believe, he grabbed his head, like he was
physically pushing back the urge to cry.

At that moment, Rienne was filled with the urge to give him an affectionate hug, soothing
him to stop crying, and telling him they should greet his brother with a happy smile.

[Klimah] “My brother……is dead.”

But Klimah wasn’t crying.

The way he was holding his head was more akin to fighting back a returning memory.

[Klimah] “My father killed him. He knew if he stayed alive, the seven families would kill
him instead, so it would be better to die by his hand.”

[Rienne] “No…..that’s not true. Your brother is alive. He seems very alive to me, at least…..”

[Klimah] “He put Prince Fernand’s clothes on him and stabbed him in the heart with a
sword. Then he put the sword in my hands…..and told me to make his face unrecognizable. I
did as he said…. Even though my mother tried to stop me….My brother, he……”
Klimah’s hands trembled.

But seeing him in that state, Rienne was no better. Her whole body was shaking beyond her

[Klimah] “There was so much blood….on his face……”

When Linden Kleinfelder went to the home of Sir Henton, what he found was a sobbing
Klimah, holding the body of a boy wearing Prince Fernand’s clothing, who was just the right
size with a mutilated face. to him was a bloodstained blade.

Klimah lost most of his mind that day. Linden Kleinfelder must’ve realized how broken he
was, and saw some use in him as an errand boy.

[Rienne] “Then…..then the person who ran away……”

[Klimah] “Wasn’t my brother. My brother is dead.”

[Rienne] “Prince Fernand…….”

Rienne bit her lip tightly.

If she didn’t, the sound of her trembling jaw would’ve been so loud, it could’ve deafened

[Black] –‘Henton. That was my name just before I left this land.’

So…..that’s what he meant.

He meant that when he left Nauk, he was masquerading as the second son of the knight,
Henton. And the marriage talks between them happened before then.

Back when he was still a prince.

[Black] –‘For me, you are the closest thing I have to a home.’

He meant that literally. Because the place she was occupying was once his home. The home
that he wanted to come back to. The place that he needed to be.

And he didn’t wish to destroy anything in the process, which was why he decided to leave
behind any desire he might’ve had for revenge.

Was that how his mind worked?

Rienne felt like she could understand Black, even just a little bit more.
[Rienne] “Still, my thoughts don’t change. Sir Henton saved Prince Fernand, so he is like a
savior to me as well. And as the family of said savior, I will help you and your mother.
Please allow me that.”

[Klimah] “……? But why?”

Looking up at Rienne, Klimah’s voice was filled with confusion. Rienne closed her eyes,
breathing deeply.

[Rienne] “Prince Fernand is my fiancé.”

[Klimah] “H, huh….?”

Klimah’s eyes were shaking to no end. Seeing his reaction, Rienne felt her blood run dry,
her mind becoming anxious.

[Rienne] “What is it?”

[Klimah] “Oh, what….? I just don’t understand…..”

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan is Prince Fernand. If he is not your brother, then that leaves only
one person he could be……”

[Klimah] “But….you are an Arsak, Princess.”

[Rienne] “…….?”

A river of goosebumps fell along Rienne’s spine.

Perhaps her heart always had an inkling of doubt the moment Klimah mentioned the
‘seven’ families.

Why seven?

Presently, there were six families who had the power and motivation to commit treason in
Nauk—Kleinfelder, Ellaroiden, Burey, Serquez, Armendaris, and Rosadel.

But one more was needed to make seven.

And there was one family who benefited the most from the coup. The family who ended up
taking the throne of Nauk for themselves.

The Arsak family.

[Rienne] “Ah…..ah…..AH!”
Rienne violently grabbed her head, suddenly understanding what made Klimah do that
same thing. She wanted to make her head stop spinning, everything becoming like a
jumbled mess in her mind.

She held both sides of her head, a quiet and pained moan escaping from between her lips,
but in her head, it was so much louder—like the roar of a lunatic.

It’s me.

That man’s enemy.

It was always me, never anyone else.


The person who deserves to be killed by him.

It was always me…..


[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne blinked slowly.

It was cold, dark, and dry where she was. She couldn’t tell what time it was.

[Klimah] “You’re awake.”

Klimah’s voice echoed out, and that’s when she realized she must’ve lost consciousness.

[Klimah] “I wasn’t sure what to do… I just stayed here…..”

His voice was quiet, almost like it was crawling out of him, but it was enough to instantly
remind her of what they’d just talked about.


Fernand Gainers.

That was that man’s name.

And what should she do now that she knows that?

As Rienne kept silent, Klimah seemed restless, quietly clenching and unclenching his fists,
like he was centering himself. He wasn’t crying any more.

[Klimah] “Then….Should I take you back to the castle now……?”

And now that things were settled, he’d apparently finally decided to end his time living as a
servant of the Kleinfelders.

That came as a relief to her, but thinking about that didn’t bring out any feelings in her.

[Rienne] “…….Why did you propose to me?”

[Klimah] “….W, what?”

[Black] –‘The reason why I proposed was because I didn’t want you to be taken away by
someone else.’

The answer Black had given her once before popped back up in her head.

At least that all made sense now.

Nauk, her, even the throne—all of it was supposed to belong to him in the first place.

[Rienne] “So all you had to do was propose. Then, after we were married, you could take
control of everything.”

[Klimah] “…..I’m sorry?”

Confused, Klimah pointed a finger at himself, shaking his head, but Rienne was entirely
unperturbed by what he was doing, merely talking out loud to herself.

[Rienne] “But why did you act…….like you wanted me if that was the case?”

[Black] –‘At that point, more than anything, all I wanted was a home.’

Maybe that was true. That’s what he told her when she still wasn’t sure if he was sincere in
saying he was passing up his chance at revenge.

He could destroy Nauk at any moment he wished, but he didn’t.

[Rienne] “Is it because you just wanted a home to come back to and rest…….So you wanted
things to stay like this?”

[Klimah] “. . .”

Klimah sat still, listening to her quietly. He only realized now that Rienne was only talking
to herself, not him.

[Rienne] “You never once lied to me…..aside from your name.”

And his reasons for lying about his name were the same as his reasons for not lying about
anything else.

[Rienne] “I guess you really didn’t want me to know.”

Because he knew….she wouldn’t trust him if he’d given her his real name.

He must’ve thought she would stick with the six families, terrified of the Tiwakan and
anxious about when he might kill her if she knew. Having the mercenaries in the castle like
that would be like keeping a poisoned viper in her home.

Yes. That was probably why.

If that was the case, then everything made sense now.

And maybe it was true that he desired her and thought of her as someone he wanted to
treasure. Maybe he was being honest when he said he would do his best to protect her.

Yes. She wanted to believe that…..

[Rienne] “I’m going back to the castle.”

Rienne lifted herself up off the ground.

She did so with so much vigor, it was hard to believe she was lifeless and drained just a
minute ago. Standing up on her own, she looked down at Klimah, still sitting on the ground.

[Rienne] “I meant everything I said. I have no intention of punishing you for your sins.”

She had no right to punish anyone. She was someone with Arsak blood running through her
veins—the blood of those who killed King Gainers and stole Prince Fernand’s crown.

……….And now that she was thinking about it, there was another person who lied.

The other person who claimed Black’s name was Henton. The old beggar from the front of
the Temple. He knew something, too. He must’ve lied for the sake of Prince Fernand.

Rienne smiled bitterly.

He tried telling her the truth at first, but then suddenly lied to her right at the end. That
could only mean that man had intervened in the middle, busying himself with trying to
conceal the truth.

And this would probably continue to happen in the future.

So long as he had things to hide, these small little cover ups were bound to continue. Not
like she was any different—lying to him as she was.

It was possible the two of them would live like this for the rest of their lives.

But even if that was the case, Rienne intended to keep Black’s secret.

And it wasn’t because she was afraid of how the six families would react if they heard of
Prince Fernand’s return.

It was because she knew he wanted her to remain ignorant. And if that’s what he wanted,
she was content to play the fool for the rest of her life if it meant keeping their relationship
the same.

[Rienne] “Hide like you’ve been doing up until now. It won’t be for much longer. In the
meantime, you needn’t follow the Kleinfelders’ orders any more, even if someone delivers
them to you.”

[Klimah] “What about my mother?”

[Rienne] “I’ll take care of her. Once your mother is safe, I will send you a message. Then the
choice is yours. You may leave Nauk if you’d like, but if you wish to remain, I will prepare
new identities for you. I will not let anyone know of your name.”

[Klimah] “But, is that possible….? I still….have so many sins……”

[Rienne] “That is my cross to bear. They are sins that never would have happened had the
Arsak family not done what they did.”

When she came to that conclusion, her head unexpectedly felt more at peace.

[Rienne] “Tell me how to get back to the castle from here. I will go alone.”

[Klimah] “You need someone to show you. The road is dark, and navigating it is like a

[Rienne] “Is that so?”

But allowing Klimah to get too close to the castle would be dangerous.

[Rienne] “Tell me in detail, so they cannot find you. That would be better. You, as a servant,
never took the Kleinfelders orders, and as such, never kidnapped me. That is what
everyone must believe.”

[Klimah] “But it would be too dangerous. You might get lost……”

[Rienne] “That is my problem as well.”

Though the daughter of Arsak may not bleed as that old beggar said, she still had far too
many sins to bear.

Rienne left that place, walking down that unfamiliar road back to the castle, her heart and
soul unfathomably heavy.
A Barbaric Proposal C55

Chapter 55 | A Leash

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


[Klimah] –‘It’ll be like a maze. The fires will go out soon, so don’t worry about them and focus
on counting your steps. You can’t rely on your eyes here. Rely only on the number of steps
you’re taking.’

Klimah told her about the path back to the castle in great detail. Rienne didn’t realize the
underground of the castle was so intense, nor did she realize there was a road to the
outside here.

[Klimah] –’Even the Kleinfelders don’t know about this path.’

Only Sir Henton knew about it. Klimah said this was the route he took to escape with Prince
Given that Sir Henton was a member of the Guardian Knights of the Gainers family, it
would’ve been something only those two factions would know about. It was probably a
secret passage that was reserved should a crisis ever befall the Gainers family.

[Rienne] “But the knights of the Gainers family all died that day, so no one else likely
knows about this anymore.”

Now only two people knew about it. Well, three if she counted herself.

The path she was on had no end in sight, and it was a little frightening how it felt like the
walls were narrowing in on her. And she couldn’t call the path she was on a simple ‘road’,
either. There were some strange structures as well.

[Rienne] “It’s not a door, but it’s not a wall either…What is it?”

It would be nice if she could take a closer look, but it was too dark and she had no light
source with her.

[Rienne] “Even if I were to look at the royal records, I doubt there would be anything
written about it. They must’ve passed this information along through word of mouth.”

Rienne took her eyes away from the barely visible silhouette, recounting her steps in her

[Rienne] “Have the fires gone out already?”

Klimah said that the fires he set were only meant to act as a diversion to take attention
away from her, so they weren’t that serious. At least she could take some comfort in that.

[Rienne] “But I’m sure it was still hard to deal with. And everyone has probably noticed
that I’ve gone missing by now……”

So, what was going on now because of that?

She was a little scared to think about it.

[Rienne] “. . .”

Suddenly, Rienne’s ankles staggered, and she stopped moving as she felt her body sway.

But she had to think about it, even if it was scary.

Black didn’t know the exact reason why Rienne had disappeared. He might be trying to look
for her, but obviously he hadn’t found her yet.

And if she told him she disappeared of her own accord, he definitely wouldn’t believe her.

But if he knew the servant had kidnapped her, that would only worsen Klimah’s sin.
Did that man know Sir Henton’s family was still alive? He probably didn’t. And because he
didn’t know, he didn’t do anything about it. If he’d known Sir Henton’s son was being used
as an assassin for the Kleinfelder family, he would not have allowed it to continue.

So, in that case, would it be better for her to conceal Klimah’s identity?

Her head was starting to ache. Rienne hurried her steps but the moment she sped up too
quickly, she tried to calm herself down, soft yet heavy sighs leaving her as she did.

If that man knew she’d spoken to the servant like this, he would guess that she’d heard
about his real name, too.

I don’t know who Prince Fernand is. To me, his name is only Lord Tiwakan, Rienne reminded

So…..they should just get married as soon as possible. That way she could quietly hand
control of everything to him. That was the best she could do to atone. That was the right
thing to do now.

But in order to do that, first they needed to cross the vast mountain known as the Treaty of

And for that, the Kleinfelders needed to disappear.

The Kleinfelders were the focal point of the six families. They were so influential that if they
were to disappear, rather than simply one family out of six going away, the power of the
remaining five would be cut in half.

And I think I know now what the Treaty of Risebury truly represents.

It was a debt to the crown.

The price of the crown obtained by the previous king was treason. And it was the six
families who put that crown atop his head.

But from that moment on, the crown the Arsak family wore was no longer a symbol of
royalty or power, but a leash bound to their necks.

That was the reason why the king was tied to the six families, and Rienne couldn’t believe
she was only realizing this now.

[Rienne] “That’s why…..”

……Why the Kleinfelders could act as they did.

To them, she wasn’t royalty. She was an accomplice to their dirty deeds.
[Rienne] “…..But now, I’m going to escape from that.”

The bindings of that sin from twenty-one years ago. The six families—no, the seven families
had to pay for the heinous sin they committed back then.

Rienne clenched her fists as hard as she could.

I am going to fix this with my own hands. That will be my atonement.

Her heart ached, perhaps having lost the resolve to ever use the words ‘love’ and ‘affection’,
only ever speaking of her desire to atone.


[Mercenary] “We were mistaken, my Lord. She’s not here, either.”

[Black] “…….Is that so?”

Black turned his head, looking back at the massive mansion that had been completely
overturned, down to the last bottle of wine in the cellar.

Over a day and a half had passed since Rienne disappeared.

And in that time, the Tiwakan tirelessly searched all places where someone could’ve hidden

The first place they stormed was the Temple.

He didn’t even have to think about it to know the Kleinfelders were responsible, so he
concluded that they wouldn’t have taken her back to their mansion.

Right at dawn, the defenseless Temple was wiped clean, every corner of it searched and
checked for the presence of Rienne or the servant—a known agent of the Kleinfelders. And
as they violently tore through the Temple, what was repaired of the stairs was again
completely destroyed.

Then there was the Rosadel estate.

The one who visited Linden Kleinfelder in the dungeons with Ellaroiden was the head of
the Rosadel family. If he wanted to root out anyone related to the Kleinfelders who could’ve
had a hand in this, this was the logical step.

As the mercenaries marched to the Rosadel estate, somehow their soldiers knew they were
coming. The Rosadel soldiers ran to block the road like ants, shouting something or other
about Risebury, but he didn’t care.

It was then that Black laughed.

It was a mocking laugh, not loud enough to be heard by anyone, but he literally laughed at
how ridiculously foolish it was for them to think they could actually stop him with such
small numbers.

They still didn’t understand what the name ‘Tiwakan’ meant yet.
It was clear they didn’t think too hard on why the head of the Tiwakan was rumored to be
the illegitimate son of the God of War.

[Black] –‘Stay out of my way.’

With those words, Black had drawn his sword.

Phermos sighed, ordering the rest of the mercenaries back.

[Phermos] –‘You’re going to do this alone? Very well. We will wait here, but don’t put too
much effort into it. These people aren’t worth it.’

Disappointed, the rest of the mercenaries stowed their blades.

There were sixteen soldiers in total sent by the Rosadel family to intercept them. He could
easily tell their skill level just by looking at how they held their weapons. In Black’s eyes,
these sixteen men were just like helpless children.

[Soldier] –‘GAH….!’

And the time it took for him to completely annihilate them was over in an instant.

If this were their usual battlefield, obviously he would’ve ordered his men to loot the
bodies for whatever useful weapons and belongings they might have, but that was far from
his mind right now.

[Mercenary] –‘Sir, there’s one alive. I think he’s still breathing. Should we just let ‘em go?’

Pointing to a body on the ground, a mercenary called out to him.

Black’s answer was simple.

He shook the blood from his blade, gripping the hilt tightly as he strode back towards the
near-lifeless body, quickly running the blade across the soldier’s throat, nearly sundering
the head from the rest of the body. All without any hesitation.

[Black] –‘The Kleinfelders are .’

That was when Black had a change of plans.

[Black] –‘If we break them down enough, someone will crawl out eventually.’

At this point, it didn’t matter if Rienne wasn’t there. If he showed his willingness to
completely decimate anyone and anything in his path, then whoever had her would
eventually bring her back to him.

He wanted to respect Rienne’s wishes, so he tried his hardest to avoid war with the six
families, but none of that mattered anymore.
He should’ve killed them all sooner.

He should have persuaded Rienne that none of this would end until they were gone. She
wanted to avoid plunging Nauk into war, dividing the nation, but sometimes that was
necessary in order to purge them of rotten parts.

Once they arrived at the Kleinfelder estate, the Tiwakan bashed through the door without
knocking. They’d done it before, so it wasn’t difficult this time around.

And as the soldiers arrived to defend their lord-less mansion, they were all swiftly and
violently killed—their heads cleaved from their shoulders.

They were like children, but it still took some time to deal with them all since their
numbers were great. But even then, it took less than three hours for the Tiwakan to take
complete control over the Kleinfelder estate.

The front courtyard was like a battlefield. Scattered around the grounds were bloodied
corpses, decapitated heads, the few lucky survivors, and the occasional servant, trying to
escape the mess.

[Black] “Find those who can speak. Even if the Kleinfelders get wiped out, tell them they
can keep their heads if they talk.”

[Mercenary] “Yes, sir.”

As always, the Tiwakan worked quickly.

The most important thing when it came to finding a missing person was speed. Every
second counted. After traveling the battlefield for a decade, both taking and rescuing
hostages was something he’d done many times. From experience, Black knew that the
fastest, most decisive of methods worked the best.

[Phermos] “I actually thought that the servant may have been hiding her here.”

Phermos approached Black from the side.

[Black] “. . .”

[Phermos] “If we can’t find her this easily, then he must’ve hidden her somewhere very
carefully. People who were in contact with the Kleinfelder in the dungeons came here and
communicated something to the servant, so he might be up to something.”

Phermos’ guess wasn’t wrong.

It was just that Klimah hadn’t brought Rienne back to the Kleinfelder estate.
[Phermos] “How nice it would’ve been if he were simple minded enough to return here

Phermos paused, speaking with little confidence in his voice.

[Phermos] “But…..he seems oddly trained. I doubt the death of the High Priest was the only
thing he was responsible for. Either he’s extremely lucky, or he’s far too skilled at killing.”

[Black] “. . .”

Black’s brow twitched. Seeing that, Phermos immediately amended his statement.

[Phermos] “Well, being trained doesn’t necessarily mean he’s any kind of tactical genius. If
he were smart, he wouldn’t act as a servant of the Kleinfelder family while disguising his
identity. Especially not if there’s no reward involved.”

[Black] “. . .”

But for Black, who knew exactly who Klimah was, those words were more complex than

Even if Manau hadn’t begged him not to, Black had no intention of killing Sir Henton’s first
son. Sir Henton had shed too much blood to save one royal prince’s life for him to do that.

And among those lives was the life of his youngest son.

Whether he wanted to be or not, after he’d returned to Nauk alive, he owed them a debt.
And he wasn’t about to let that debt go unpaid.

[Black] “…..But it can’t be helped.”

Things were different if Rienne was involved. Even if Sir Henton’s son was working against
his better judgement, if he did anything to her, the weight of that debt would disappear like

[Phermos] “What do you mean, sir?”

But right when Phermos asked his question—

[Mercenary] “My Lord! I found something!”

They finally received some long awaited news.


Even before Phermos could feel any relief, Black was already pushing past him, running off
followed by the sound of wind.


[Mercenary] “This is it.”


What the Tiwakan had found was a hiding space in the detached house.

Well, they were using the words hiding space pretty loosely. To be honest, looking around
the place, torture chamber was probably a better way to describe it.

The interior of the house was small and shabby—the air so stuffy, even breathing was
difficult. Then, in the corner of the room was a bed, underneath which, there was a hollow
gap, a little wider than a coffin.

Feeling around, there was a hidden trap door there, and when it was completely opened,
placed inside was a prayer book and a whip studded with sharp blades.

[Phermos] “This must be where the servant was hiding.”

Phermos muttered, clicking his tongue in exasperation as he looked around.

[Phermos] “Find whoever lives here and bring them forward.”

[Mercenary] “Already got ‘em. Here.”

Pushing forward from the outside, another mercenary was grabbing onto the arm of a frail
old woman, pulling her into the room.

[Mercenary] “I think she said she owns this room, but I couldn’t really tell. She isn’t really
all there in the head, and she doesn’t talk much.”


The moment the mercenary let go of the woman’s arm, she collapsed onto the floor with a
dull sound.

The woman was so skinny, it was hard to look at her. The mercenary’s handling of her
wasn’t even particularly rough, but she looked frightened out of her mind.

Her hair was lined with white streaks and the wrinkles set around her mouth had
deepened considerably, but Black immediately recognized who the woman was.

It was the wife of Sir Henton.

Perhaps she was the reason why the Kleinfelders were able to use Sir Henton’s son as an

Black narrowed his eyes.

[Black] “……..Where is your son?”

[Mrs. Henton] “……?”

The woman looked up at him, the look in her eyes so shocked, it was as though she’d been
struck with something.

[Mrs. Henton] “N, no…no……”

[Black] “Just tell me if he’s here or not. I won’t ask anything else of you.”

[Mrs. Henton] “……..!”

She opened her mouth widely, though she couldn’t make any sounds.

But Mrs. Henton also recognized Black.

That little prince who disappeared twenty-one years ago, wearing her son’s clothing while
holding tightly onto her husband’s hand as they fled.

There was no way on earth she could forget such pale blue eyes.
Last time she saw one with such eyes was when he was wearing the clothing her son once
wore. And if it weren’t for those eyes, she might have even mistaken him for her own child.

Fooling herself into believing the boy who was bleeding after her husband stabbed him in
the chest with his blade was truly Prince Fernand.

But she couldn’t forget.

She would always recognize him.

A Barbaric Proposal C56
Just a little housekeeping note– I made a proper Table of Contents for the novel! It’s long overdue, but I hope it makes navigating the chapters a little bit easier from here on out! You

can find it here and the link for it will also be on the novel page here ~ astral

Chapter 56 | Nine Waterfalls

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


Black lowered his voice, kneeling down and glaring at the poor woman.

His voice was low and didn’t carry much emotion, as was usual for him, but the
mercenaries who were standing to him looked at each other as they heard it. He sounded

[Black] “The sooner you speak, the better. Your son took Princess Rienne, but she has to be

[Mrs. Henton] “P, Princess…..Rienne….?”

[Black] “If the Princess is alive, I will not kill your son.”

[Mrs. Henton] “B, but…w, why…..”

[Black] “I don’t have time for this.”

[Mrs. Henton] “Ah…..”

The woman gasped, as if she was finally coming to terms with the fact that her son had
kidnapped Princess Rienne.

[Mrs. Henton] “H, he’s not here…..I don’t know anything…..He was here for a while but
then he left…..I haven’t heard anything since……”

[Black] “Is there anywhere else he would go?”

[Mrs. Henton] “There’s nowhere like that……Ah.”

But then she suddenly remembered something.

The last thing her husband told her before leaving behind the body of their second son. Her
husband’s last will and proof of his affection.

The very reason why she was unable to curse her husband, despite how he’d given up their
second son to save the royal blood of Gainers, or how he’d even sacrificed himself in the

[Henton] –‘There’s a path no one knows about. Access is permitted only to those of Gainers

Breaking his oath as an honorable knight, he told her of the path she could take to escape.

And like any good knight, doing so would’ve shattered her husband’s soul. Just as seeing
her second son’s mangled corpse shattered hers.

[Henton] –‘You’ll be safe there.’

But now her husband was gone.

Her first son desecrated the body of her second, fulfilling her husband’s final request. That
was her last memory of him.

[Mrs. Henton] “Nine waterfalls.”

Quietly, Mrs. Henton whispered something only one of Gainers blood could understand.

[Mrs. Henton] “That’s all I know. So please, save my son. Please don’t kill him. Whatever
he’s done, if you can just save him……”
The woman bit her trembling lips, her shoulders shaking. Just talking seemed to be
overwhelming her.

[Mrs. Henton] “I can’t go through the same thing twice……”

[Black] “Like I said. As long as Princess Rienne is safe.”

As she reached out and grabbed onto him, Black removed the woman’s hand, standing up.

[Phermos] “What do we do now?”

Phermos asked quickly, gesturing down towards the woman. He wanted to know what his
Lord intended to do with her.

Listening in on their conversation, it was obvious they knew each other, though they didn’t
exactly sound like they were on the best of terms. But nonetheless, this definitely related to
Black’s past.

And from the sounds of it, it didn’t seem like Black was trying to destroy his past altogether.
Otherwise, he wouldn’t have made any mention of sparing any one’s life.

[Black] “Take her and give her a place to stay for a while. Don’t mix her up with the people
of this family.”

[Phermos] “Very well.”

[Black] “Clean up here and return to the castle once you’re done. Set up defenses in case
anyone tries to take some revenge for all of this.”

[Phermos] “Defenses?”

[Black] “Look at what happened. Clearly it’s not too hard for someone to sneak in and do
whatever they want. Right now, the priority is defending the castle. There’s too many back
doors and gaps that rats can slip through, so don’t let your guard down.”

[Phermos] “I’ll keep that in mind. Will you be moving on your own?”

[Black] “I have somewhere I need to go.”

[Phermos] “. . .”

It must have something to do with that phrase, ‘nine waterfalls’.

Phermos had a mountain of questions he wanted to ask, but instead he quietly took a step
back. Besides, Black wasn’t the kind of person to simply answer a question. He only ever
spoke about things if he felt it was necessary for others to know.

[Phermos] “I pray you wrap things up quickly.”

Without another word, Black turned on his heel and ran off.


[Rienne] “…..Wrong again. This isn’t the way.”

Rienne bit her lip.

She was so tired by now, but she kept getting turned around, heading off in the wrong
direction every time she checked.

Now she knew why Klimah was so worried.

Her eyes were used to the darkness by now, but that didn’t do much to help her.

Rienne knelt down, running her hand against the ground. She felt around for her own
footsteps, verifying the path she’d come from.

[Rienne] “I should head back to where I made that mark.”

This place was like one giant maze, and it wasn’t easy to navigate. A lot of the intricate
pathways didn’t even seem like they were built with the intent of making walking

[Rienne] “Did I take a wrong turn back when the path split?”

Rienne held back a sigh, giving her weary feet a chance to rest before continuing onward.

And as she walked down that long, dreary path, her mind started to spiral. She started
slowly thinking about what her chances were of dying here without ever finding her way.

If I were to die…..What would that man do……?

Would the six families be brought into a massive war once she was gone? But then what
would happen to Nauk? So many people would die.

[Rienne] “. . .”

But why didn’t that man do that in the first place?

Was it really only because I asked him not to…..?

Even though she had plenty of time to think about it, no amount of thought made it make
sense. Having taken the sweetest reward from the rebellion, the Arsak family could be
considered the center of the treason conspiracy.

And yet despite that, the inescapable and contradictory truth was that Black had proposed
to her.

There……had to be something she was missing.

Marriage may not have been his end goal. Maybe he was thinking about doing something
after that. Something he could only do once he gained control of the nation.

Though, even if his attitude towards her were to suddenly change after they were married,
as a sinner, she could not blame him for it.

Whatever he did, she planned on quietly accepting it.

Rienne paused for a moment, lightly closing her eyes.

For some reason, her legs wouldn’t move anymore, as if her messy thoughts were stopping
her in place. And whatever strength she had left was not enough to keep herself standing.

[Rienne] “……!”

As her body swayed, she lifelessly fell to the floor.

Or maybe it would be apt to say that she collapsed.

[Rienne] “Then……”

Wouldn’t it be better if I just stayed here……..?

She was scared. She was terrified that he might change after they were married. But she
knew if he did, she would have no choice but to accept it, despite how desperately she
didn’t want to.

She was so scared of him.

Scared that maybe he didn’t want her from the beginning.

She didn’t want to know the truth….

It was like her body was just slowly giving up. Her eyes couldn’t stay open as they fell to a
quiet close, Rienne’s mind drifting away from consciousness.


This path was no maze.

For someone of Gainers blood and those who defended them, it was a path well known to
both groups. It would only appear maze-like to those who didn’t know the way or if they
didn’t realize what it was for.

Black himself had only ever walked down it once before, but even so, it wasn’t confusing to
him. It was built to be traversed, but parts of the path were made for something other than

So his guess was that Rienne took a wrong turn. For her, this place must’ve seemed like a
giant labyrinth. And as someone who didn’t know the way, this was a dangerous and vast
place for her to be in.

He felt something in his heart rushing forward, pushing him faster.

Black took a hard turn, veering off the path and silently heading towards higher ground.

Rienne was still in her nightgown, so she would be barefoot, making her footprints harder
to make out. But he felt lucky knowing her nightgown was at least white. It would make her
easier to spot than if her clothes were darker.

And after an hour of wandering through that thick and impenetrable darkness, pushing
himself through the winding paths of the narrow corridors, Black finally found Rienne.

[Black] “……!”

Seeing Rienne helplessly collapsed on the ground, he felt very strange.

The thought that the sight wasn’t right kept gnawing at him. Without wasting a second, he
pushed off from the ground, rushing to her to the point of running out of breath, that one
thought still pounding in his head.

Though his eyes were seeing it, his mind completely pushed the idea away, as if they were
dealing with entirely separate realities. He could not accept the situation that was clearly
before him.

She can’t die.

The Princess was on the ground, not moving an inch, and she looked too much like a
corpse. He knew better than anyone else that humans died easily. Their lives were fragile,
and the smallest of things could snuff them out in an instant.

She can’t be dead.

But to hear that Rienne was dead, it felt like total nonsense. Like some kind of awful, sick,
twisted joke.

[Black] “Hah…..hah…!”

By the time he finally reached her, it felt like his lungs were going to tear from the pressure,
as if one more breath of air would be enough to rip them apart. He didn’t even know it was
possible for him to make such a coarse sound.


He knew he couldn’t possibly feel so tired or worn out just because he wandered around
for an hour, but for some reason, he fell to his knees—his body unable support its own
weight anymore.

Black unconsciously collapsed to Rienne, immediately lowering his head and pushing it
against her chest to check. He needed to hear something, anything to show that she was

[Rienne] “. . .”

And though it was weak, he could hear the soft hum of her breathing.

She’s not dead.

[Black] “……She’s okay.”

Black weakly held out his hands, trying to hold Princess Rienne, but his arms didn’t have
any strength left.

The feeling of his body not cooperating was unfamiliar and strange. Even as he tried to
keep looking at Rienne’s face, his eyes kept drifting down towards her nightgown.

[Black] “What……”

But he realized the reason now.

Her nightgown was too dirty. Even if it was white and dirt was easy to spot on it, it still felt
too dirty.

Like she’d been bleeding.

[Black] “…..Blood?”

And then his entire head went completely blank, every thought turning a stark white.
His once weak and exhausted arms were suddenly filled with renewed strength, moving
against his will before he even realized it. Black lifted Rienne up into his arms, pushing
aside her nightgown.

There was blood spotting on her bare white skin, but he couldn’t find any wounds.

[Rienne] “Ah….Mm……..”

Rienne murmured, her lips barely moving as her eyes struggled to open.

Moving on instinct, Black cupped Rienne’s face in his hand, forcing her to look into his eyes.

[Black] “Princess? Are you awake? Can you tell me where you’re hurt?”

[Rienne] “Ah…Lord…….”

[Black] “I can’t find any wounds. Are you in any pain?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

In that brief moment, when their eyes met, Rienne’s expression turned strange. Rather than
being happy to see him, there was an odd mixture of worry, hesitation, and fear in her eyes.

[Black] “Tell me where you got hurt.”

[Rienne] “I’m…..not….hurt……But, I want…to tell you…something…”

Her voice was so quiet, it was like a wisp of air, burning his heart as he heard it.

[Black] “Whatever it is, you can tell me later. If you’re not in any pain, we need to get

Black hooked his arm beneath Rienne’s legs, picking her up as he lifted her from the
ground. He was worried her back might’ve been hurt like what happened before, but they
couldn’t afford to stay here until Rienne came back to her senses.

Step, step, step!

Even the sound of his rapid footsteps sounding out against the stone ground didn’t seem

But the most unreal thing of all was Rienne, who looked so weak right now, her face
bloodless and pale. It unsettled and distressed him, and those feelings only served to
further agitate him.

He couldn’t stand that feeling of discomfort boiling inside of him.

Why did this have to happen to the Princess…..

I didn’t come back to see this. This isn’t what I said I would get back!

[Rienne] “I…have to tell… you……”

Rienne reached out and grabbed Black’s collar, her hands deathly cold and her voice
tired—laced with exhaustion.

[Rienne] “I wanted… to say it, but I…..kept avoiding…it…..”

At the sound of her breathless voice, Black stopped in his tracks. Moving hesitantly, he put
his ear close to Rienne’s lips.

And then, in a soft and timid voice, she said—

[Rienne] “I wanted… to tell you……there is….no child…….”

[Black] “…….?”

Leaving Black to be confused, Rienne’s hand lifelessly fell as she closed her eyes, slipping
back into unconsciousness as if she’d done the one thing she wanted to do.

Rienne wasn’t hurt.

She was just tired after walking around for so long on such an empty stomach. And as a
reward for her exhaustion, Rienne slept for a very long time. As still and as quiet as the

[Rienne] “….Mm….”

And funnily enough, it was dawn again by the time Rienne woke up. It was still a little early
though, so most people were probably still asleep.

Like Mrs. Flambard.

The only difference was that Mrs. Flambard wasn’t sleeping in her own room, but had fallen
asleep leaning against the corner of Rienne’s bed, watching over her from the side.

[Mrs. Flambard] “…….Ah, Princess! Are you awake?”

Hearing Rienne stir awake, Mrs. Flambard rushed to her side, her eyes widened.

Rienne fought back the trembling of her eyelids, forcing her eyes open with great difficulty.

[Mrs. Flambard] “How are you? Are you feeling alright?”

[Rienne] “Ah…Yes, I think so.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Hah, I’m so glad. I’m so, so glad.”

The woman clasped her hands together, opening and closing them as she let out a deep

[Mrs. Flambard] “When I was told what was going on, I thought something awful had
happened to you, Princess. I was so shocked I nearly forgot to call a doctor.”

[Rienne] “Doctor……?”

Before she lost consciousness, Rienne struggled to remember what happened, sorting
through her messy memories.

[Rienne] “How did I get back here? I think I got lost but…..I don’t remember what
happened after that.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Ah, you don’t remember? Someone carried you back in, Princess.”
[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan…..? ……Ah.”

A vague and hazy memory came back to her.

Lost and confused, exhausted and drained, Rienne was found by Black.

She thought she was only dreaming when she saw him, so she found herself talking about
all the things she couldn’t find the courage to say in real life.

And that’s when she told him there was no child.


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