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Name : Abdul Rehman

ID : 160112

Class : BSAF 7

Subject : BRM

Assignment 1

Problem Statement .


Growth of E commerce Business is less in Pakistan as compare to similar

countries .

In the past few years online/virtual shopping has increased with a rapid speed
because of the revolution in the Technology and by the access of internet.
Internet makes our life easier by only one click we can get a product in our door
step. According to stats sale generating from online platform is 4206 trillion
dollars world wide and is still growing with a rapid speed. But in Pakistan the e
commerce business is less as compare to other countries. We even do not have
online platform like amazon which is no 1 virtual online market. Pakistan have a
lot of Potential in the e commerce sector by exporting the product and by
delivering the product to our own country. In Pakistan E commerce sector
generates around 900 million revenue which is less than 1 % of total retail sale.
On the other hand US generates 15% of their total retail sale from e commerce.
There are many factors which effect the e commerce business in Pakistan.

There are many factors which effect the online business in Pakistan.

Low Literacy Rate :

Literacy rate is very low in Pakistan. Many of the People do not even know how to
read. So literacy is important challenge in buying the things online.

Lack of awareness :

People do not have the knowledge and awareness about the product and about
the online platforms.

Lack of marketing strategies :

Marketing strategies are not as good to enhance more people.

Quality of Product is not as good as see on website

Quality is not as match as per picture.

Lack of Knowledge how to use these online platforms to buy products :

Many of the people even do not know how to use these online platforms and how
to place the order.

Trust issues from customers :

Customers do not trust to buy from online because they have a risk that they
might fraud us.

Online Business handler not available :

Experts to handle online business are not available to provide the customer to
customer services and to use online gadgets properly. There are very few train
people are available to deal with e commerce business.

Main Problem

There are many factors but in this research our main focus is on Customer
Satisfaction and how to gain the trust and loyalty and provide customer support
to our customers and its impact on e commerce business in Pakistan.

Questions ?
What is the impact of customer support and customer satisfaction on e
commerce business.?

How we gain the trust of our customers ?

How we improve our e commerce services?

How we build good relationship with customers?

What is impact of customer satisfaction and customer support on

retention of customers?

To Increase the virtual shopping

After the completion of our research we are able to conclude that how customer
satisfaction can increase the E commerce business in Pakistan .

To gain the trust of customers.

From this research we have to find that how we develop the trust with our
customers and it would increase the Sales.

To improve the services

To give the better services to our customers.

To Maintain the good relationship with customers .

Relationship is very important. To build a good relation with customers.

To decrease the customer retention rate .

Customers cannot switch to other sites to buy they stick to you. .

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