Unit 2 Self-Evaluation Writing-Speaking - Patiño Ortiz Doménica

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What did you learn in this unit regarding the different topics?
 Job interviews – Work
About the correct acts that we can do during the interview, for examples the face expressions, the correct
clothing for the situation and the most important the attitude that I will have in the job interview. Some
information that I can say in my interview, the form to do a good CV the importance of always say the true
during the interview and the CV.
We can learn about the correct for to have a good communication in the work, the importance of the use of
technology for the develop of the company, even the good communication skills are more important than the
professional performance because you have to work in group.
 Technology: Apps
I learn about the extensive application of the apps in the life, now we can find a lot of app for do everything. We
learned to classify into the following categories: entertainment, work, study and communication, I use a lot the
entertainment apps like “Spotify, Manobook, Tiktok”. Actually, in general the people use a lot the smartphones,
for this reason the application creation is amazing, everyday you can find something new. We learned how we
can explain about the function the apps for the people haven’t know about the app.

Write from your own and unique experience and record it on a voice note. Then upload it to AVAC.
Is there any aspect you didn’t understand? Mention it.
Check in the empty boxes according to your self-observation.

How confident do you feel in every aspect?

Not Barely Somewhat Very
confident confident confident confident
Dimensions Unit aspects
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4
- Present perfect simple vs past
- Present perfect simple vs
present perfect continuous

Cognitive - Work words and expressions x
- Technology expressions

- Job interviews
- Work X
- Technology: Apps

The work was done without using

Procedural translators or information from the x
web as it is my own contribution.

I have followed all the guidelines

Attitudinal given and worked with honesty x
throughout the assignment.


I used translators for the words that I don’t know how to write and for some syntax that I don’t remember very well.
Student: Doménica Paulina Patiño Ortiz
Group: # 10

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