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Table of Contents


1. Chapter 1

2. Chapter 2

3. Chapter 3

4. Chapter 4

5. Chapter 5

6. Chapter 6

7. Chapter 7

8. Chapter 8

9. Chapter 9

10. Chapter 10

11. Chapter 11

12. Chapter 12

13. Chapter 13

14. Chapter 14

15. Chapter 15

16. Chapter 16

17. Chapter 17

18. Chapter 18

19. Chapter 19

20. Chapter 20

21. Chapter 21

22. Chapter 22
23. Chapter 23

24. Chapter 24

25. Chapter 25

26. Chapter 26

27. Chapter 27

28. Chapter 28

29. Chapter 29

30. Chapter 30

31. Chapter 31
1. Chapter 1


In the darkness, I opened my eyes.

Someone was carrying my body on their shoulders as if it were luggage.



The next thing I knew, I was thrown to the floor.

There was not even a carpet on the floor. I had just fainted and woken up, and it wasn’t
easy to come back to my senses, but I knew it wasn’t the Count’s house.

The Count used to put gorgeous, fluffy carpets on the ground to show off his sanctioning

“Are you sure this is the right person?”

I heard a voice over my head, frosty and crisp.

“I’m sure. The only young woman in the family you mentioned was this.”
“Is that so?”

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. My body stiffened.

It was then that I slowly began to understand the situation.

It was today, the day I had been waiting for for over ten years.


Gradually, I got used to the darkness. Before I knew it, the man was in front of me.

He bent down on one knee and grabbed my chin with his large hand. It was as if he was
inspecting me.

I couldn’t see his face clearly, but the man was wearing a black cloth as a blindfold.

So there shouldn’t be anything visible, but somehow I could feel his cold gaze penetrating

“Please let me go!”

I shook my head and shook his hand off. My wrists were tied behind my back, so I had no
“…You’re bothering me.”

A low voice sounded in my ear.

At that moment, a faint moonlight streamed in through the large arched window that filled
one wall. That light illuminated the man’s profile.

I sucked in my breath involuntarily.

His hair, the color of which was similar to that of the jet-black night sky, reflected the
moonlight as it came, as if it could not swallow even the slightest light.

The black cloth that covered his eyes made him look ascetic as if crossing his nose bridge.

But the nose that towered high beneath it and the lips that drew a little reciprocity also
made him look wild.

It was too dangerous a beauty. Even though I knew it was dangerous, I kept looking at him,
and I almost fell into it without even knowing it.

He raised his chin and said arrogantly.

“It smells like daisy flowers.”

The collar moved beautifully. The edge of his mouth lifted just slightly.
That was all it took for the impression to fizzle out.

I swallowed hard.

Just as the smile was an illusion, he hardened his face again.

“Just lock her up. I’ll check it out tomorrow.”

He turned away without hesitation.

I could see his broad shoulders above his long, straight legs. A familiar seal was engraved
on the cloak that hung over it.

A picture of a lion embedded in numerous arrows.

I was sure of it. He was the man I was looking for.

Devan Lanthimos.

He was the male protagonist of the novel, blinded by a curse.

“Wait a minute.”

I was just about to talk to him when I was cut off.


I heard a dull sound somewhere. I had forgotten that there was someone behind me who
had abducted me.

A faint pain spread from the back of my neck. My head began to feel fuzzy.

I was sucked into a terrible darkness.


I was born with memories of my previous life.

However, it wasn’t until I was seven years old that I realized that this world was exactly the
novel I had read in my previous life.

I was born with immense divine power and raised in an orphanage under a temple.

Because of my ability, there was no shortage of nobles who wanted to adopt me.

It was a natural story. In this world, divine power was money.

Divine power cured incurable diseases and lifted incurable curses.

Therefore, there was no disease in the world that could not be cured or no curse that could
not be solved by this ability.
The temple decided to put me up for adoption by a Count.

I guess they thought that since I was nobody, they could wield me as they wished, and since
the Count had lots of money, they thought he could help them build the temple.

“That’s right. That’s right. You’re Evelyn.”

Count Diego was a greedy man with a protruding belly. His face was greasy, and the way he
stared at me was like looking at an expensive golden goose.

However, I was secretly relieved to see that I wouldn’t not live with him as a child, but a
golden goose.

At last I could escape the temple life of drinking only water and eating grass. I didn’t have
to take a cold water bath every morning and read the Bible with a whip.

And that horrible scene was no more… …….

“Oh, you’re pretty, too.”

The Count lifted me up with a bang and approached me as if he were going to kiss me.

I quickly pushed his face away with my hands. My palms felt greasy and soggy.

“Hahaha. I understand. I’m your father now.”

But he was already so blinded by the money that he couldn’t even see my face.

Yes. I don’t care how I end up in this pig’s house, it’s better than being tortured in a temple.

The divine power was not infinite. That didn’t mean it was finite, but it could be recovered.
That was, until it reached its limit.

The moment the rate at which it was used exceeded the rate at which it could be recovered,
the divine power could not be recovered again.

The Temple knew this, but they didn’t care at all. They made me heal patients without
resting no matter how I was.

As a result, my divine power was getting closer and closer to its limit while I was being
tortured in the temple.

“Come on, let’s get going and play with your dad and brother.”


I saw a carriage with a familiar seal engraved on the back of Count Diego, who held me

It was a seal with the face of a goddess in the middle of the sun.

Where did I see it?

It was too vivid a memory to be called an illusion.

I blinked as fast as I could.

The Count had a brief discussion with a priest and then quickly climbed into the carriage.
He seemed to be worried that the adoption might be cancelled.

As soon as we got into the carriage, he sat me down next to him and was relieved.

“If you want to eat well and live well, you must continue to treat patients as you did in the
temple. Do you understand?”

The ring with the same seal was also placed in the Count’s finger as he roughly stroked my

Snap – I took his plump fingers and examined them closely. I heard him chuckle in
satisfaction, wondering what I had misunderstood.

I was certain that I had seen it somewhere. I think I saw him in my previous life.

Gasp, I dropped the plump Count’s hand with a plop.

I remembered. The pattern was the cover of a novel I read in my previous life. It was a
romance fantasy novel that I loved so much that I even bought a copy.

As soon as I regained consciousness, I felt pain from the back of my head where I was hit.
As soon as I woke up, I saw an unfamiliar ceiling with a lion with a lot of arrows stuck in it.
This seal was the cover of volume two of the novel.

The cover of the first volume was the seal of Count Diego, where the heroine Cordelia grew

The cover of the second volume was the seal of the male protagonist, Devan Lanthimos.

And the third volume was — what was it?

I shook my head.

It was a fact I was prepared for, but I hoped it wasn’t.

This world was flowing just like the novel.

I was sure that I was in Lantimos, because there was a lion’s seal embedded in the ceiling.

‘What should I do?’

I didn’t move carelessly, just opened my eyes and looked around.

Sure, as far as I knew, he was the richest man in the empire, but his bedroom was modest in
comparison. No, it was neat, to be exact.
There was no glamorous goldware to be seen, and the furniture was made of fine grained
wood. It was a room that could be compared to Count Diego’s, which shone only on the

‘Is there anything that I can steal?’

I was in quite a serious state of mind when the door slammed open.

I quickly closed my eyes.

I heard the sound of someone’s footsteps as they walked closer to my bed. I held my breath,
afraid that I might gulp down some spit.

“I know you’re awake.”

But I couldn’t help but tremble at the sudden voice in my ear.

Maybe it was because the voice wasn’t so easy to forget, I could tell after just listening to it

It was him. Devan Lantimos.


I could feel one side of the bed sinking. And then, swoosh, a large hand wrapped around my
wrist. He gently intertwined our fingers, then lowered his head and whispered.
“I read it somewhere….”

He touched my fingernails.

“I heard that pulling out nails is the worst kind of pain a human can experience.”


“If it hurts too much, the person who fainted will wake up, yes?”

It was a terribly sweet voice.

At the same time, I felt an intense pain in my index fingernail.


I frowned and opened my eyes. But even after I opened my eyes, the pain in my pressed
nail did not go away.

“Hey, let it go.”

He put more pressure on my hand, and at the same time, thick joints were wrapped tightly
around my fingers.
“Huh? Why? I thought you were asleep?”

He smiled as if it was funny.

‘Are you crazy?’

“It hurts!”

I squealed, and Devan finally let go.

I heaved myself off the bed and rubbed my sore nail. Even so, I didn’t forget to sneak a
sideways glance to steal a look at him.

The impression I had felt the day before was no illusion. Even though the black cloth
blindfolded him, he had a very handsome face.

It was a shame that he belonged to the female protagonist at the end. What kind of eyes
were behind that eye mask? What color were his eyes? I gazed at him, unconsciously

He was gazing at me, too, and even though I couldn’t see his hidden eyes, it felt like
everything was being stripped away.

Whatever his eyes were and whatever color his eyes were, I knew for sure that he was
staring at me.

There could be no mistake. Obviously, my capture had gone according to plan, but I was
somewhat scared.
“Are you afraid of me?”

He said, as if he could feel my eyes on him.

“If I am, will you let me go?”


He shrugged. His voice was not at all laced with laughter.

“I heard a prophecy that said you can lift my curse.”

I kept my mouth shut.

The prophecy he had heard was exactly this.

[A young sun goddess with the scent of daisy flowers will break your curse.]

So the prophecy told him to find a young woman of Count Diego’s family who had the sun
goddess as her seal and who smelled of daisy flowers.

“Can you fix it?”

He looked nonchalant, but also somewhat nervous.

It was true, I’d finally met the person I’d been looking for for years, and so it should be.

I gave a small nod. Actually, it wasn’t that difficult for my power to break a curse of this
magnitude. But it would take a little time.

It should be the answer he was waiting for, but there was no response from him. Oh, this
man was blind. I opened my mouth again.

“I can fix it.”

Instantly, Devan’s hand flinched.

“However, there are conditions.”

This time his eyebrows crinkled.

It was absurd to proudly offer conditions when I was being kidnapped. But if this deal fails,
my last decade would be useless.

“What is it?”

“I need money to get out of this empire. It would be better if I have a proper position.”

He just looked at me silently, as if to measure my intentions.

I didn’t think there was anything to see even if he tried. But I felt something.

Squeezing my trembling hand, I deliberately said more brazenly.

“There’s one more thing. It takes time to fix the curse. I can only treat you once a day. I can’t
do more than that.”

This was a minimal safeguard to protect my divine power.


Letting out a wild laugh, Devan lifted his chin slightly.

“I didn’t know my Goddess was so calculating.”

Goddess, he said.

He was probably referring to the prophecy, but my face felt a little hot.

If I had heard such a cheesy line from a normal man, I would have wanted to hit him in the
back of the head instead of being embarrassed. But the power of a beautiful face was
greater than I thought.
“Anyway is fine. And the treatment is……….”

“Not today. I was kidnapped. I need to sleep, wash up, and eat first. Please get ready.”

When I finished speaking like a rapid fire gun, I laid down on the bed, meaning for him to
leave now. I did not see it, but I felt it. The bed was shaking a lot. Devan looked

He seemed to have something to say, but he finally stood up. Then, just before he left the
room, he added a few words.

“I hate lying very much. I pray you’ll be alive for a long time.”
2. Chapter 2


The bedroom door closed.


I finally let out the breath I was holding in. Then I rubbed my palms on the bedding and
wiped away the sweat.

I couldn’t help but feel nervous, no matter how confident I pretended to be. Because my
opponent was the famous Grand Duke Lantimos, the greatest mastermind of this empire.

On top of that, his last words also sounded like a threat, if I lied to him, he would kill me.

But still, I succeeded.

I was abducted as planned and my proposal was accepted. The only thing left to do was to
receive the money in return for the treatment of his eyes and leave this empire.

I clenched my fists and measured my faith.

‘There is no problem.’
It was worth not using my divine power under any pressure. I clenched my fists a little
tighter. The abuse and humiliation I had experienced for the past ten years passed me by
like a panorama.

No one would ever take advantage of me again. Survive where there would be no temples
and no Counts.

I looked at the lion carved into the ceiling with determined eyes.

This place would be the foothold for a real new beginning.


“Why on earth! Why can’t you use your divine powers, why!”

Count Diego shouted evilly. I sat in front of him with my arms and legs tied to a chair.

“…Useless girl.”

The Count stomped his foot with a thud.

I didn’t say a word and stayed down. I knew from years of experience that it was best not to
complain in such a situation.

The Count stared at me and turned himself roughly.

Standing behind him as he climbed up the stairs, a servant asked impatiently.

“My Lord! What shall we do?”

“What do you mean? Give her some medicine!”

“But if I give her any more….”

The Count turned his eyes coldly to the muffled voice of the servant. Then he left the
basement, closing the door with a bang.

The two attendants and I were the only ones in the basement.

One hesitated and approached me with a water potion in his hand. He mumbled in a shaky

It was so small that I couldn’t tell if he was talking to himself or to me.

“Don’t hold it against me ……. I’m just following orders.”

Would saying something like that ease his guilt a little? I looked up at him with a casual
glance and grabbed the water potion from his hand.

I stared at the somewhat cloudy and suspicious liquid, sighed once and swallowed it
straight down.
I felt the cold liquid enter my stomach where I hadn’t had anything to eat for a while. I was
used to it. The divine power expanded quickly from deep within my body.


It was not that I couldn’t use my new power in the first place, it was just that I didn’t want
to use it, or that these drugs wouldn’t work at all.

My body naturally shrank.

A large amount of power exploded at once, so much that it was hard to fit inside my body.


Once I realized that this world was the one in the novel I read in my previous life, I tried
hard to figure out who I was.

I even bought the novel collection, so the story was clear in my mind.

And yet I did not remember seeing the name “Evelyn Diego” in that book.

Why? I wondered.

My first thought was that everything was my illusion or fantasy. Or could I be an extra?
Who were the extras among the many extras? That thought made me wonder.
My second thought was that perhaps it was an extra whose name I couldn’t even remember
because it was described in the book in a different way.

Cordelia, the female protagonist, grew up in an orphanage under a temple with immense
divine power. Then she was adopted by Count Diego.

It was familiar somehow. Yes. Now, it was the same as my situation.

But I couldn’t be the heroine. Because I didn’t have brown hair to my waist like hers, or the
beautiful dark green eyes.

I didn’t have the enormous divine power, or the temple upbringing, or even the fact that I
was adopted by Count Diego.

In addition, she was 13 years old when she was adopted by a count. There was a difference
from me who was adopted at the age of seven.

What else?

At that moment, there was someone else who crossed my mind.

An extra who was adopted by Diego before Cordelia, but died after her divine power was

The extra who was used as an experiment and abandoned before the real female
protagonist was adopted.
It was an extra who, despite being born under the same conditions, lived the exact opposite
life just because she was not a female protagonist.

…… That was me.

As soon as I realized my role, fear struck me.

But no one had ever died from a lack in divine power before.

I had a moment of lightning realization.

I was the first victim to die from a lack in divine power.

It was a fact that a person with enormous divine power could die if they continued to use
their divine power after reaching their limit.

It was enough to make me laugh at the emptiness in my role as a lab rat to let Count Diego
and the priests use Cordelia to the extent that she wouldn’t die. I couldn’t believe that my
role was that little at best.

But there was no time for despair.

Cordelia was thirteen when she was adopted, and she and I were set to be the same age, so
if all of this was true, I was destined to die before I turned thirteen.

We were born under the same conditions, but one of us was abused and died when I was
less than ten years old, and the other met the male lead and had a happy ending…
Anger boiled in my heart. I didn’t want to die like this.

So I hadn’t used my power at all since I was ten.

No matter how badly they whipped me, no matter how many drugs they gave me to make
me feel the pain of burning if I didn’t release my new power.

… It was better than dying.


As if to wake me up, a servant tapped me. I woke up in a daze.

“Get up now. It’s time to go out.”

The basement door slammed open and two maids approached me. Their faces were a
mixture of fear and disgust.

They helped me up on both sides as I fell. I could suddenly feel their eyes looking at the filth
on my clothes.

I finally climbed up the stairs, pulling my unsteady legs.

Soon the basement door opened again. It was Diego, with dazzling, shimmering gold strewn
all around him.
The maids dragged me to the bathroom.

They scrubbed me until I felt sick and dressed me in clean, ill-fitting clothes. After a long
grooming session with perfumed oil, my hair, which had been scaly, was flowing glossily
before I knew it.

I stared into the mirror.

Except for the one that was a little thin from not eating properly, the woman in the mirror
couldn’t have been more beautiful. Her slightly pale green lemon-colored hair was
glistened to her chest. Gold flecks were like stars.

Her scattered blue eyes shone like a sea of golden sunsets.

‘Maybe when I’m older I’ll be more okay.’

If I could stay alive until then. I laughed self-mockingly.

“What shall I do with this?”

The maid looked at me with a sigh.

More precisely, she looked at the long scar on my cheek.

It was caused by the large ring on Count Diego’s finger when he hit me.
“… just say you fell down.”

It was also a scar that didn’t suit a Count’s daughter.

“Isn’t that clumsy!”

The maid frowned.

It was a dialogue that did not know who was the master and who was the employee.

“Well, there’s no other way.”

Eventually, I walked out alone with a scrape on my cheek.

The hall was filled with noble ladies in beautiful dresses. One of them noticed me and

“Lady Evelyn!”

I finally managed to raise the corner of my mouth into a crisp smile.

“It’s nice to meet you. Lady Cecile.”

Her eyes focused on me.

I was the host of this social gathering, so it made sense.

Moreover, today was the occasion of my birthday celebration. Of course, I didn’t know
anything about this social gathering, but Count Diego was a man who cared about

After I passed the minimum age to attend social gatherings, he would hold one every week.
At that time, I had to act as a perfect aristocrat.

But sometimes, like today, I couldn’t stand the frustration and I would get hurt.

“Oh my, what is that scar on your cheek? Lady Evelyn?”

Each time, the excuse was always my mistakes.

“I was clumsy and I fell.”

“Oh my.”

The Ladies lowered their eyebrows.

How could I have gotten such a scratch just because I fell? Maybe it was because they grew
up in a precious environment, they were really innocent children.

Indeed, they were all children no older than fifteen.

When I finally sat down with a tired look on my face, I caught Count Diego’s aide out of the
corner of my eye.

I smiled hastily and gave him an embarrassed look.

If I showed even a hint of unnaturalness here, well, tonight would not go well. If I finished it
properly, I would get a good night rest.


My expectations were broken into pieces.

Despite finishing the social gathering in a very natural and respectable way, the evening did
not go well. Usually it was once a day, but today I was beaten until the evening. Inevitably,
something bad must have happened to the Count today, I was sure of it.

I lay in my room and was barely able to turn my aching body. It was a good thing that they
took me to my room and not to the basement.

He probably was called to the imperial palace and embarrassed by the other nobles.

Money wasn’t the only reason he yelled at me to use my divine power. Of course, money
was the biggest reason, but it was also because of the rumors that openly circulated in the
social circles.

“A child with immense divine power suddenly has no power when she goes to Count
Diego’s family.”
The nobles began to suspect Count Diego. They thought there was a problem with his

Of course, they weren’t worried about me, they just thought it was a good opportunity to
ruin the Count’s reputation.

I stopped using my power and before I knew it, 2 years passed.

As a matter of fact, the Count had wanted to disown me since I was ten years old when I
first stopped using my power.

However, there was a law in this world that a child could never be dismissed after the age
of ten. I realized all this at the age of seven, and that was why I lived obediently and
breathlessly until I was ten.

I could not be thrown away. Because I needed Count Diego.

No, the seal of this house, to be exact.

[A young sun goddess with the scent of daisy flowers will break your curse].

Devan Lantimos.

Because I had to pretend that I was the person in the prophecy for him. So I had to be
kidnapped by him.
3. Chapter 3


In my previous life, I read a novel called “The Goddess of the Sun”.

Cordelia, a woman of immense divine power, was used by the Temple and the Count, and
was kidnapped by the mastermind Grand Duke Devan.

Devan asked her to lift the curse.

She lifted his curse, and he took revenge on the Count and the Temple for her. The story
was about two people who saved each other and love each other.

So the heroine of the prophecy was not me, but Cordelia.

I’m trying to steal Cordelia’s place.

Isn’t it unfair? Someone dies and someone lives because of a single word that no one knows
who will speak.

Of course, I really didn’t mean to take her place. Nor did I even want to marry the
mastermind, the Grand Duke.

I acted just like the original story, until I was kidnapped the year I turned 18.
I was kidnapped, and the curse was lifted as in the original story. However, what I
demanded was not revenge, but enough money and status to be able to leave this country.

I was sick and tired of both the temple and the Count. It would be better to run far away
instead of taking revenge.

Thus, I would forever say goodbye to the role that this dreadful novel had played in my life.

Every time I turned over in my sleep, a sound of pain came out of me. I was sore. I felt

Originally, I would have to die and disappear from this house next year, so Cordelia could
be adopted. But if I continued to be as unreliable as I was now, Count Diego would lose faith
in the temple.

Under such circumstances, it was clear that the count would refuse to adopt another child.
It meant that Cordelia would not be adopted here since I had decided not to use my divine

Would that change the prophecy? The future story may be distorted.

But even if that was the case, I had no choice………. I wasn’t going to sacrifice my life for
some faceless female protagonist.

I shook my head.

“At least there’s the male protagonist, so I’ll leave Devan for you. Cordelia.”
I vowed.


Since I did not use my powers until I was fifteen, Count Diego used another method.


He took a puppy hostage.

“Grab it.”

At the Count’s words, the servants beside me quickly grabbed my head. He made me stare
at the puppy in the Count’s hands, while the mother dog was tied by a collar beside it.

As if starting a funny joke, the Count wet his lips.

He had a look of madness in his eyes.

“If you don’t use your powers, this puppy will die.”


Without realizing it, a moan erupted out of my mouth.

There was a faint anticipation in the Count’s eyes.

It was an expression of amusement to see me react, since I had not been daunted by any


The mother of the pup, a big dog, yelped sharply.

Just a few days ago, she gave birth to her puppies.

I threw my gaze in that direction and gritted my teeth.

It was because of me that the Count had brought the puppy as a hostage.

It was a stray dog and often wandered near the Count’s house.

She was also my only friend.

I had to spend a lot of time in the basement whether I liked it or not.

In the basement, where everything was clogged, there was only one hole that connected the
outside, a very low window that could only be seen by lying flat on the floor.

It was also blocked with iron bars and all I could do was reach out to it.
It looked like a hole that was left open to prevent flooding, and not many people seemed to
know it existed.

But I couldn’t help but notice myself, always lying on the floor.

And the dog often approached that hole.

That time.

The Count and the servants were gone, and I was left alone on the cool floor, enduring the

The dog, as if it knew my situation, came over without barking, looking at me from the hole.

The round black eyes and the touch of the moist nose that I could barely reach were vividly
brought to life.

*Back to reality.

“From what I hear, that’s the dog you cherish, isn’t it?”

The Count’s eyes sparkled viciously.

Often, I hid my little meals and threw a little bit of food to the dog through the hole. This
was especially common after the dog became pregnant.
Someone must have seen it and told the Count.

My body shuddered, and a blue vein appeared on my neck.

Before I knew it, the stray dog was looking not at the Count, but at me.

My pupils, which were at peace with everything, shook violently.

“I’ll let it go as soon as you use your strength. Of course, with the mother.”

The Count sighed with exaggerated sincerity and regret.

I stared at him. I wanted to spit in his face.

Eventually, I used my strength to save the puppy. As soon as I encountered the round black
eyes, I gave off my strength like an explosion.

The Count jumped up and down with joy.

He seemed to think that he had unblocked my power.

He didn’t know that all my divine power had run out, or that I was deliberately not using it.
It was a natural reaction. What reason could there be for me to endure the torture and
deliberately hide my divine power?

He couldn’t have known that I remembered my previous life, and he had a foolish belief
that only a shock would unblock my divine power.

And I witnessed the servants digging deep into the backyard that night. The promise that if
I used my powers the Count would allow the puppy to leave safely was a lie. He had no
intention of letting the puppy live from the beginning.

After that, I stopped the nonsense.

That’s how I lost the three puppies. The Count even took the last remaining puppy one as a

Even if I used my divine power again, the dog would die anyway.

If I didn’t use my strength from the beginning, would anything change if the Count realized
that such a nasty threat did not work?

felt guilty even though I knew it was an inevitable choice.

“You gave up quickly at first, and now you’re not going to use your strength, are you?”

The Count took me by the chin and made eye contact with me. His eyes were glowing with
madness and lust. Then he forced my head to turn to look at the stray dog.

“You can’t even feel sorry for the mother who lost three children because of you.”
I couldn’t resist and spit in his face. It was an impulsive act.

“How dare you……!”

The Count’s eyes lit up with color. He couldn’t hold back his anger and hit me.

“Woof! Woof! Woof!”

At that moment, beyond the Count, I saw the pitch-black pupils of the dog looking at me.

Blind pupils with no resentment.

The dog was barking at the Count, as if to tell him to take his hands off me, to stop
tormenting me.

She was trying to save me, the one who couldn’t even keep her children alive. I bit down on
the weak flesh in my mouth.

I didn’t cry. Because I didn’t deserve to cry.


That day, I didn’t use my divine power until the end.

I wished this was the last time, but maybe it would continue.

The Count’s madness was becoming worse, as it had always been. It wasn’t surprising
where he would come up with another new move.

Rather, I shouldn’t have used my divine power from the time the adoption began. I
shouldn’t have given the Count any useless hope.

If that were the case, no innocent puppies would have been killed.

But I might have been the one who died.

I steeled myself to be weaker.

The original story had already started to go awry when I decided not to use my power.
Cordelia’s life, which was originally supposed to have a smooth happy ending, had already
been changed.

Yes, I made up my mind to survive, no matter what sacrifices I had to make. Therefore, I
must not retreat at this level.

‘No matter what he does, I will not use my divine power.’

I had to make the Count believe that I couldn’t use the power at will. My body went down

I could feel the reluctance of the maids who grabbed my arms on both sides against my
Before I knew it, I was in the second floor hallway. There was my room on the second floor.

The water was cold enough to wake me from my sleep, but I felt a little better knowing that
I would be able to wash soon.

Then I would be able to sleep. And tomorrow ……….

The thought of what was to come gave me a headache.

At that moment, the maids suddenly stopped their steps.

What’s going on? I blinked my unawakened eyes.

I saw a large figure standing in the hallway.

Seeing that he was big and in armor, I could tell who he was without looking at his face.

It was Killian.

“I’ll take her there.”

I heard a low voice. I could feel the maids fidgeting.

“She needs a bath…”

“I need to talk to her about something. I’m sure you don’t want to disobey my orders.”

“No, of course not. Young Master.”

The maidservants shuddered.

Then they left me with Killian, who approached me before I knew it. He picked me up with
ease. My head throbbed at the sudden rise.

Killian didn’t even care that the maids were stomping on the ground with panicked looks
on their faces.

“Send a doctor to her room.”

Not listening to the answer, he strode away.

As usual, he opened the door to my room and carefully laid me down on the bed. Only
today, my whole body was especially sore and weak. I couldn’t even open my eyes and sank
straight down on the bed. I wanted to sleep like this, but I could feel his eyes staring at me.

I was horrified.

I wondered why this family, father and son, did so many disgusting things.

I forced my eyes to open.

Killian was staring at me with lustful eyes, as if he wanted something.
4. Chapter 4


Killian stared at me with greedy eyes, as if he wanted something.

It had been that way since I was first adopted into this family.

He always stared at me.

As if he craved the love he never got from his parents.

From the moment I refused to use my power, his stare became more and more awful.

Staring, Killian approached the bed and kneeled on one knee on the floor.

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

Ha, I let out a small laugh.

“I’ve told you many times.”

He flinched at my hoarse voice.

“Kill the Count. That’s all I want.”

As always the case, he showed no reaction, as if he had not heard.

He just sat there as still as a giant rock.

“…You’re not going to help me?”

He was a coward.

I’ve told him many times, I only wanted one thing.

There was nothing he could do for me, but if I don’t ask, I won’t have any hope.


A bizarre laugh erupted.

He twitched his fingers.

Killian approached on his knees as if he were being led. I smoothed his silver hair as I lay on
the bed.

His golden eyes, so much like his father’s, looked down at me. There was a dim but clear
desire in them.
To help. What could this young man do for me?

Yet, he was also a minor who had not received a single title.

I raised my hand and patted Killian on the cheek. His lashes quivered.

“…… I know. You can help me.”

His golden eyes glittered.

After beckoning him to come closer, I whispered in his ear.

“I need you to do something for me. First……….”

Killian’s expression distorted as he heard the whisper that followed. He couldn’t have
known my intentions, so his expression was expected.

“Can you do it for me, brother?”

I hugged his neck with both hands, Killian’s body stiffened.

I smiled faintly.

His earlobe was a little hot.

I heard the sound of knocking.

Killian hastily pulled himself away from me.

He quickly cleared his throat with a hardened expression and said.

“Come in.”

It was the Count’s doctor who opened the door and walked in.

He looked at Killian and me alternately with a perplexed expression. I wasn’t allowed to see
him unless my life was in danger. If the Count found out, he would make a fuss.

What’s more, he was extremely angry with my rebellion today.

“Treat her.”

“Huh, but Young Master…”

The doctor shuddered frustratedly.

By now, the maidservants from earlier should have delivered their words to the Count.
Then he would rush in immediately. I didn’t want things to get unnecessarily complicated.
It wasn’t the first time I was wounded like this, either.
“It’s okay.”

“Treat her.”

Killian ordered the doctor without looking at me, and left, closing the door hard behind
him. There was no sound of clattering armor or footsteps. He seemed to be guarding the
outside until the Count arrived.

He will get hit soon. He’s such a fool.

When I was first taken to the basement, there were already signs that someone had been
beaten there.

Before I came to this house, Killian was the Count’s victim.

The sound of footsteps echoing down the corridor got closer and closer. It was the sound of
the Count coming.

The old doctor shivered and bandaged my wrist.

I heard a loud noise outside the door.

I pretended not to know and closed my eyes. A day passed like this, and the same
tomorrow would come.

The door didn’t open until the treatment was over.


Finally, at 18, the year of Cordelia’s abduction in the original story and the year I had been
waiting for for over a decade, came.

Very little has changed in three years.

I still went in and out of the basement more often than my room, and the Count tried
various ways to shock me.

However, I never used my divine power.

If there was one thing that had changed, it was my relationship with Killian.

The day I hugged him, I ordered Killian to spread the rumor.

‘KThere is a smell of rotting corpses in the air at Count Diego’s mansion. An epidemic of
unknown cause is spreading…’ that was what it said.

Killian obeyed the order better than I thought he would.

All the central aristocrats murmured. All of them were quicker to spread the facts they
wanted to hear than the truth.

In fact, it didn’t matter if there was a dead body or not, or if there was a contagious disease
or not.
The Count didn’t want the evil rumors to materialize. He didn’t want to give them the
satisfaction to get to him.

Therefore, he had no choice but to spare himself.

So, from that day on, there were no more innocent visitors to the basement.

No more basement……That was enough.

There was also another subtle change in the relationship between Killian and the Count.

Before I knew it, Killian, who became mature, joined the Imperial Kingsguard on the
Count’s orders.

With his extraordinary physique and natural ability, he quickly solidified his position to the
point where he was aiming to become the next captain of the Kingsguard.

As the Count grew older, Killian grew up faster.

Killian was still afraid of the Count, but ironically, so was the Count. He could not wield
Killian as he wished any longer.

Thanks to this, Killian was able to come home and spend time with me once a week on the
days when social gatherings were held. Each time, I would ask him for what I needed or ask
him what was going on in the system.

Today was that day.


Killian strode in, not even taking off his Kingsguard uniform.

It was a social gathering of noble ladies only. He had a distinct presence among the women
of my age.


“That’s him…..”

The noble ladies quickly turned their faces and stared at him, covered their mouths with
their fans, and began to speak in hushed tones among themselves.

I knew very well that most of the talk was about Killian’s appearance, body, personality,
and whether or not he had a lover.

Killian had a good appearance.

The only thing Killian inherited from his father was his gorgeous silver hair and golden

Sometimes I looked at him and thought of his mother, who died a long time ago. I’m sure
she must have been very beautiful.
His black uniform with no particular pattern looked like a gorgeously dressed banquet
dress when he wore it, and unlike his appearance, his expression was always blunt, which
contributed to his charm.

When he wore a light tunic, as he sometimes did after training, the stares of the people
around him were intense, and when he wielded a sword, there were exclamations from

I looked at him with an indifferent expression.

No matter how handsome he was, he had nothing to do with me.

To me, he was Count Diego’s son, an unrelated brother, nothing more, nothing less.

But I wasn’t foolish to let it show in a place like this.

I smiled brightly before the eyes of the ladies came to me.

“Welcome, brother.”

Killian flinched.

This was a show of sorts. A show to solidify the image that Count Diego had created.

I got up from my seat and fiddled with his uniform.

“Please go change your clothes. Have you been busy?

“……a little busy. As you know, the Princess is on far too many expeditions.”

I could feel the vein on his neck move.

It was because of my flamboyant appearance.

I was wearing a pure white dress that showed off my collarbone and shoulders, and a pearl
necklace. It was a cheap fabric, since the Count had never let me wear expensive dresses.

But every once in a while, my heart would move by cheap things.

Killian turned away from looking at me and covered his face with his hand. His neck was a
little red.

“Please sit down, brother. The tea will get cold.”


He politely pulled out a chair for me, made sure I was seated, and then sat down. After that,
he poured tea into my cup and pushed the tea cakes my way.

His movements, as if he was a skilled butler, made the young ladies buzz once more.

This was one of the elements that raised his charm.

I’m sure they all wondered what it was like to have a man who was this kind to her, to an
unrelated sister.

Killian got the crumbs from my lips and naturally put it in his mouth.

“Oh, my.”

They couldn’t help it but exclaimed.

As my gaze fell on him, someone opened their mouth.

It was Cecil, who had been a frequent visitor to the Count’s gatherings since she was a child.

“Really, I envy your relationship with your brother every time I see it. Lady Evelyn.”

I could see that the sentence “Not even blood related” was hidden. She smiled with her fan
in hand, and I responded with a smile.

“Is that so? I’m also jealous of which one of you will be taking my brother.”

The noble ladies who had been in and out of the social scene since childhood were more
sensitive to power than anything else. They intuitively knew who would have the upper
hand in the relationship with Killian.

I raised my chin and looked around them, as if I were going to decide who could marry
One of them asked with a flushed face.

“Has Young Master decided where to marry yet?”

“No, I’ve been busy with work. I don’t think my father cares yet. I should be going soon.”

Gently, I folded my arm around Killian’s arm. His body stiffened.

“Come to think of it, you’re all going to debut soon. Are there any of the young ladies who
haven’t decided on a partner?”

In this world, at the age of 18, they had to make their debut.

It was not a playful social gathering among young people of their age, but an event to
announce their existence in the society.

That was why most of the young ladies here would be making their debutantes this year.
Instantly, their eyes lit up.
5. Chapter 5


The eyes of the Young Ladies who had gathered lit up.

“Actually, I haven’t yet.”

“Oh, me too.”

“I was going to take it easy and decide.”

I smiled brightly as I watched the ladies talking in front of me.

They all blatantly wanted Killian.

The most courageous woman in the group popped out.

“By the way….what kind of appearance Young Master likes?”

It was a pretty bold question for a Lady this age. Killian’s gaze, which had been fixed on me
the whole time, glanced at her.

He stared at her without saying a word. The woman’s face flushed red.
After a long wait, Killian’s lips parted.

“…Not much.”

The tension, which had been lingering among the ladies, was relieved as if it were losing its

“But still, if you think about it carefully, I’m sure they’re there! For example, do you like
dark hair or light hair!”

The ladies didn’t seem to give up.

Killian stared at her once more, then he turned his gaze to me.

I purposely didn’t pay attention to him as I lifted my cup.

“The lighter the better.”

At his words, the expressions of the ladies with pale colored hair visibly brightened.

I laughed inwardly. He really was a blind man.

If I had dyed my hair pitch black today, he would have said he liked dark hair.

A woman with light brown hair held up her hand as if she were making an announcement.
Then she said in a voice that was almost a scream.

“Well, well, if that’s the case, Young Master. Would you like to be my debutante partner?”

It was a brave statement for a noblewoman like her, whose reputation was most important.
She closed her eyes tightly. Her face was already taut and red.

Killian looked at me as if asking for an answer.

“That’s a good idea, brother.”

Killian’s neck moved up and down. He looked at me as if he was trying to figure out if I
really meant it.

I smiled and nodded.

Then Killian said, his gaze still facing me.


The lady raised her hand and covered her mouth, and the rest of the ladies’ faces clouded
over. I raised my cup and took a sip. The tea with sugar tasted sweet.

The unknown and courageous always win.


“Are you sure you’re okay?”

Killian ran after me.

I didn’t answer and he followed me into the room.

I closed the door and made sure there was no one around before I finally opened my

“What is it?”

I sat down on the bed and gave him a cold stare, and he spontaneously took off my shoes as
he knelt in front of me.

“Debutante, you’ll have one this year too. Do you have a partner? Do you perhaps already
have someone else?”

He neatly arranged the shoes and looked up at me from his kneeling position.

I was confined to the Count’s house and never got to meet anyone else, except for the noble
ladies who come for tea parties.

Therefore, goods and news were also delivered through Killian. There was no such thing as
a partner.
Killian’s eyes trembled a little, as if he knew this and was worried.

I crossed my legs and looked down at him.

“I don’t need a partner.”

“You can’t have a debutante without a partner.”

“What’s more, what did I say?

Killian stopped talking and rummaged through his uniform.

“You are really not going to tell me why you need this?”


I held out my hand in lieu of a reply, and he sighed, dropping the yellow pendant necklace
into my hand.

It was the item I had asked him to get for me last week.

“Are you sure?”

“Good job.”

I held the pendant close to me and smelled it. It seemed certain.

I put the necklace on and nodded.

“You can leave. “

“Evelyn, the debutante….”


I sighed loudly, and he cringed.

I got down from the bed and crouched down beside Killian, hugging his neck tightly.

I could feel the stiffness of his body, the tightness of his muscles. His hot breath exhaled on
my neck.

I closed my eyes expressionlessly and counted to five. One or two………… would be enough.

I stood up and smiled like a harmless little sister.

“Thanks for the help, brother.”

He looked at me with a face that still hadn’t lost its heat.

“Please leave. I want to rest.”


I got up on the bed and pulled the covers up to the top of my head.

A persistent stare followed, and soon the door closed quietly.

In the room I was finally left alone, I fiddled with my pendant.

I had everything I needed.

The debutante was in three months, and if the story was true, Devan would try to kidnap
Cordelia before then. Of course, this time it would be me who would be kidnapped.

The only thing left to do was to use Killian to persuade the Count until then.

Make sure he wouldn’t take me to the basement until before the debutante.

Cordelia was kidnapped while she was sleeping in her room. So I had to do the same.

If I slept in the basement, all the preparations I had made for ten years could be for nothing.
The Count would be easily persuaded if it was debutante. Because it was on a different level
from other social gatherings.

The Debutante was an event which all royalty to high-ranking nobles would attend. If even
a bruise was seen under my dress, it would only take a short time for rumors to spread.
They wouldn’t be so naïve as to believe the words ‘I fell’.

On the ceiling, the Goddess of the Sun was smiling brightly at me. It was the seal of Count
Diego’s family. I stretched out my hand toward the sun, which was far away.

“The Sun Goddess……….”

I clenched my fist with my outstretched hand. The nails dug into the flesh painfully.

Despite having immense divine power, despite being reincarnated with the memories of
my previous life, I had never once believed in Gods. But…

“There’s nothing I can’t do.”

If I could live, I was confident that I would be a Goddess if I could get out of this hell house.


After I promised Devan Lantimos that I would lift his curse, I slept for a whole day. When I
woke up, it was the eyes of a lion that welcomed me.

The lion, who was dying with many arrows in his eyes, had pretty lively eyes for that.
Yes, this was the Grand Duchy of Lantimos.

A deep sense of relief washed over me. It wasn’t a dream. Everything was exactly as I had

The hellish basement, the horrible Count, and Killian’s tenacious gaze were not here. It was
all behind me.

“…why is no one coming?”

I quietly got up from the bed.

Even though the headache from being hit in the head was gone, it was difficult to get out of
sleep easily due to the drug they used to kidnap me.

My clothes were still the same when I was kidnapped. The dress was all crumpled.

I went to the window and opened the curtains. The dazzling sunlight streamed in.

“Is it already afternoon?”

Puzzled, I opened my mouth.

It was the first time that I slept until this hour. Normally, I was taken to the basement as
soon as morning came at the Count’s house.
“Don’t people usually wake me up around this time?”

There was something strange. Even though I didn’t grow up in a normal family, I knew this

Is this ignoring me, or being considerate? My stomach growled. I hadn’t eaten anything for
over a day, so it was understandable.

As I told Devan yesterday, I would sleep first, then wash up, and food would come last. I
was used to this level of hunger.

Slowly I turned the doorknob. There was a rattling sound but the door did not open.

‘It’s locked?’

I turned the doorknob a few more times. I even slammed it hard with my fist.

bang, bang.

But the door did not open. I panicked, my eyes fluttering. I was trapped. I was locked in a

It wasn’t the first time I experienced this. But that was why I was even more afraid. How
did I get out of that terrible basement and get trapped again?

After taking a deep breath, I went back to the bed and sat down.
There was no need to panic. I told myself.

Yes, in Devan’s point of view, it was natural for him to do this because he just kidnapped a

He was afraid that I’d run away. He would never have thought that I myself wanted to be

I had to talk to him. Apparently, there was a good chance that he did not properly
understand the deal I proposed last night.

I had to convince him that I was willing to help him.

Anyway, he needs me too, doesn’t he? So he would come without delay. He wouldn’t want
me to starve to death in a room like this.

At that moment, I heard the sound of someone in the hallway. I hurriedly approached and
knocked on the door.

“Excuse me!”

Through the narrow doorway, I saw a figure.

“Please open the door!”

The person, who I didn’t know who it was, stood in the hallway.
Looking at his hesitant attitude, I had a feeling it wasn’t Devan.

“I need to talk to you.”

As I spoke calmly, I heard a rattling sound. Finally, the lock came off and the door opened.

Standing there was a gray-haired, old butler.

He seemed a little surprised, but he naturally bowed his head in greeting.

“Um, Devan,………so where is the Grand Duke? I need to talk to him. I think there has been a

The old butler said in a gentle and polite tone.

“His Highness in his office.”

“Please take me there.”

“I’m sorry, Miss, but that’s not possible.”

“…… Why not?”

He shrugged his shoulders.

“How can I, a mere butler, disobey His Highness’ orders?”

That meant Devan deliberately locked me up.

“So those orders are going to change, if I can talk to him.”

“I’m sorry, Miss.”

The butler bowed politely.

At that moment, I thought about pushing him out of the way and running away. However, I
wasn’t sure if I could succeed.

No matter how old I was, I grew up without eating properly, so I was weaker than ordinary

Besides, there was no need to provoke Devan. I could arouse even more suspicion if I did

While I was pondering, the door slowly closed.

“Wait a minute!”

At the urgent voice, the butler opened the door again and bowed his head.
“I’d like to wash up. Is it possible?”

“I cannot do anything that Your Highness has not ordered.”

“What about food? I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday. What if I don’t have the
strength and can’t use my divine power? I don’t think he’d like that.”

The butler, who was struggling for a while with his eyes downcast, bowed his head again.

“I will ask His Highness.”

Then the door closed with a bang.

6. Chapter 6


Devan did not come to visit me that night. There was no food either.

I fell asleep with a starving stomach, and when I woke up again, I finally heard a knock at
the door. I hurriedly got out of bed and opened it. Before I knew it, the lock was unlocked.

Standing there, contrary to my expectations, was the old butler.

Surely, Devon would have attacked the room on his own instead of knocking.

“Is it finally time to eat? It’s early.”

He smiled at my sarcastic tone and bowed his head.

“‘I have orders to bring the Lady to the Great Hall.”

“…The Hall?”

“Didn’t you say you wanted to see His Highness? He also said you can have dinner there.”

He said that I could do both if I went to the hall.

I pondered for a moment and then nodded. I had no right to say no anyway.

“…Okay. Lead the way.”

The hallway had the same atmosphere as in the room. It was clean and uncluttered, with no
fancy decorations. There wasn’t a single person passing by, which made it seem even more
so. It was different from the Count’s house. There were no butlers running around the
corridors, no maidservants, no one at all the whole time.

It was complicated because the roads were twisted all around.

If it hadn’t been for the butler who was leading the way, I would have been lost at any
moment. I wondered if he had locked me in this room on purpose.

At the crossroads, I went to the right, then to the left again, then up half a flight of stairs,
then straight ahead, then up again….

The old butler did not hesitate. I had to give up trying to remember the way halfway
through, because I was too busy following him.

When we finally arrived at the Great Hall, it was big. Really big. But it was desolate.

There was a long table plopped on the uncarpeted floor, and a large chandelier with no
pattern on the ceiling.

That was all. There was not a single tapestry on the wall, no flower pots or statues or
Devan was seated at the top of a long table.

“I’ve brought the Lady.”

The old butler bowed, then disappeared somewhere else.

Devan rested his chin on his hand on the table. He still had a black eye patch wrapped
around his eyes. I tried to sit naturally, but I hesitated. The way I looked was awful. I
couldn’t look in the mirror, but my messy hair and wrinkled dress looked unbearable.

“Um, I’d like to wash up first, if you don’t mind.”

“Let’s just eat.”

“But I haven’t been able to wash since yesterday. Since I was kidnapped.

“Washing up or not, I think it’ll be the same, just sit down.”

I stared at him absurdly. Devon, however, seemed to have no intention of changing his

Soon the old butler appeared, dragging a tray full of food. He looked at me strangely,
perhaps because I was still standing, then he pulled out a chair.

Do they really don’t mind me sitting at the table dressed like this?
While everyone seemed unconcerned about my appearance, I felt embarrassed.

Eventually I gave up and sat down at the table. The smell of food wafting from the tray was
also the reason why I sat down.

The butler began placing the food on the table. There was no sign of the time in the Great

“You don’t have any servants.”

In response to my sudden remark, Devan replied with a frown.

“I don’t think it’s something you need to be concerned about.”

Well, yes. I intended to finish the treatment and leave here as soon as possible. It was none
of my business if this old butler left this house because it was too much work for him to do.

The dishes were placed on the table.

It was the hottest soup I had ever seen. There was so much meat that I took a spoonful and
many came up all at once.

My stomach was growling. I made an effort not to behave ungracefully and took a full
mouthful of the soup.

…It was so good. It was the best thing I had ever eaten in this world.
I almost forgot my position. I released my tension and let my body relax.

“Count Diego…”

Devan opened his mouth, breaking the desolation of the hall filled with clattering sounds.

I put my spoon down, feeling nervous.

“I heard he’s a very rich man.”

It was true. The Count was one of the richest men in the empire.


“Why on earth do you need money?”

He was talking about the deal I proposed.

The deal where he would give me the money to leave this empire and a position in
exchange for me resolving the curse.

“That’s….I want to leave this empire.”

He didn’t even give me a chance to speak.


I could feel Devan’s gaze on me.

Is he really blind? I could feel his gaze was sharp enough to make me doubt that.

Besides, he had been eating skillfully earlier without any help.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at him, shrugging my shoulders.

“I don’t think there’s a reason why I should tell you my situation. I can lift the curse and
Your Highness can give me the money. I’m sure money is not a problem for Your Highness.”

There was no change in Devan’s expression even in my quite cheeky tone. He just kept
looking at me.

“Yes, I don’t need to know about your situation. That is, if you can really lift the curse.”

“You don’t need to worry about that.”

“What about the rumors that have spread through the Empire?”


“A child with immense divine power went to Count Diego’s family and suddenly couldn’t
use her power anymore.”
Oh, come to think of it, such rumors were circulating throughout the empire.


“You don’t mean to say that it’s merely a rumor. In fact, the number of patients who had
been in and out of Count Diego since eight years ago has been cut off.”

I bit my lip.

No wonder he accepted my suggestion so easily. He locked me up all day yesterday to

investigate my background.

“Or are you saying that you can lift the curse with some other power that is not divine

“That’s not it.”

“Then what?”

“…… It’s true that patients haven’t been in and out of Count Diego’s mansion since eight
years ago. But…”

I hurriedly continued.

“It’s not that I couldn’t use my divine powers. It’s that I didn’t use it.”
“You didn’t use it? Why?”

“That……………. I cannot say. But what’s certain is that I did not use my power for eight
years just because I wanted to. If His Highness were to lock me up in the room like he did
yesterday and prevent me from doing anything….”

“Then what shall you do?”

“‘It means I may not use my power in the future. I have endured eight years, and how many
of those days will be hard?”

He laughed as if it were funny.

“What if I threaten you? Torture you into using your divine powers and then lock you up?
Then what are you going to do?”

“If you want to try, then do it.”

I stared into his eyes. Or more accurately, where his eyes were.

Confinement, intimidation, torture…. After what I had endured in that basement, none of
that was a threat to me.

“No matter what you do, I won’t use my divine powers unless I want to. On the contrary,
I’m saying that I can fix the curse if I want.”
“I thought it was strange from the first time I saw it.”

“I’m simply telling you the easy way out.”

“……. Is that the deal you’re talking about?”

“Yes. All I need is money and status.”

Devan folded his arms and leaned back. He seemed to be deeply thinking about something
and I stared at him.

I wondered how much time had passed.

What broke the deadly silence, not even a rattling sound, was an unexpected question.

“Can you wash by yourself?”


I looked at him with a stunned gaze.

“As you can see, I have very few servants here. I’m saying there’s no maid to take care of
your bath.”

“Does that mean you accept the deal?”

Devan shrugged.

“Yes, I can do it on my own. Just tell me where the bathroom is.”


Devan lifted the fork again and began to eat. Staring at him, I also slowly lifted my fork.

It seemed that I had crossed the first barrier.


It was the old butler who took me to the bathroom after dinner.

Does he really work alone in this big mansion? I stared at him in wonder, but the butler
handed me some clothes.

“I could not prepare your clothes in time. After washing up, you can wear this gown, and I
will have it ready for you.”

“All right.”

The butler bowed and disappeared.

The scenery in the bathrooms was similar to the atmosphere of the hall I just saw earlier. It
wasn’t glamorous, but it was clean and had a luxurious appearance.

I took off my clothes and hung them on the wall.

A small yellow necklace shone on my naked body.

I took the pendant on the end of the necklace and clicked open the lid. The pendant, which
looked like a flat penny, broke in half.

I dropped a drop of the liquid inside it into the bathtub filled with hot water. In no time at
all, the bath was filled with the scent of daisy flowers. I hurriedly soaked myself in the
bathtub. What was in the pendant was a magically concentrated extract of daisy flowers.

Just one drop was enough to maintain the scent for several days.

It was a scent I was already tired of because I was not used to it, but I dipped my head into
the water to see if it would go away.


It was not until I was suffocated that I came out of the water. Then I held the small pendant
tightly in my hand.

It was the one I had asked Killian to get for me. Not a day had gone by since then that I
hadn’t smelled this fragrance on my body.

[The young sun goddess with the scent of daisy flowers will break your curse.]
There were two conditions for being the main character of the prophecy.

First, I had to be a member of Count Diego’s family who had the Sun Goddess as his seal.

Second, I must have the scent of daisy flowers.

Perhaps it was because she was a heroine, Cordelia really did have the scent of daisy
flowers coming from her body.

But it was not me. This pendant was my second way to replace Cordelia.

I immersed my body in the hot water again and slowly closed my eyes.

I finally got out of the tub as the heat of my body became unbearable. The cold air made my
body tremble.

Now I remembered that this was not the Count’s house. The magic tools for making hot
water were very expensive and I had never been allowed to use them before.

I hurriedly put on the gown that was hung on the wall.

When I looked in the mirror, I could see bruises all over my body through the open gown.
7. Chapter 7


I looked at the bruise marks in the mirror.

I did well for months, preparing for my debutante, but of all places, I was taken to the
basement on the morning of my abduction.

Needless to say, the Count must have heard some bad rumors among the nobility.
Fortunately, he sent me back to my room at night.

The thought of all the effort I made would have been for nothing made me shudder.
Looking at the bruises, it looked like it would last for at least a week.

I didn’t want Devan to find out before then. I tightened my gown as tightly as I could. It was
a bit ridiculous, but better than being discovered.

I followed the old butler’s instructions and hurried to my room. Right at the first
crossroads, straight ahead, half a floor of stairs, then right again to the room at the end of
the hallway. I remembered slowly and cleanly.

Even that was good, because the bathroom was closer to the room than the hall.
Apparently, the room I woke up in after being abducted the first time was my room.

It had a nice view of the window on a fairly high floor, and most importantly, the interior
was beautiful. It was a shame there was no goldware to steal and the maze of corridors,
Anyway, so what if there were no servants? Washing clothes was no problem for me since I
had memories from my previous life, but putting on the clothes was different.

Clothes in this world were impossible to wear alone from the beginning.

Aside from the complexity of the order, it was essential to have someone to help you tie the
many strings on your back one by one.

I wondered if the butler would do it.

I imagined him tying the strings with shaky hands, which made me laugh out loud.

It would be a good idea to change to clothes that wouldn’t require such strings. I was going
to live quietly as a commoner when I left this country anyway.

I didn’t want to stick to the complicated dresses that nobles wear.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

I hurriedly tightened the gown and answered it after a beat of rest.

“Come in.”

Carefully, the door opened. Surprisingly, it was not the old butler standing there, but a
young woman.

“I’m Hilda, Young Lady. Oh, oh, I’m going to take care of the Lady today.”

She shuddered, her body shaking, and her childish face was full of freckles.

“I thought there were no servants….”

“Well, that’s why His Highness……he suddenly ordered….. .”

So quickly?

I opened my eyes wide, looked at Hilda, and nodded.

“Yeah …… I guess. Did you bring the dress?”

“Yes, Miss.”

Hilda showed the dress in her hand. The old butler’s taste wasn’t so bad.

“Then can you help me change?”

“Yes, Miss.”

Hilda was better at her job than I expected.

She looked clumsy in everything, but she had me dressed in no time.

Sehe could clearly see my bruises there and she didn’t say a word. That’s what I liked most
about her.

“How did you get here?”

“Yes, yes?”

After putting in the dress, Hilda combed my hair. She didn’t stake much like earlier.

“The word that His Highness the Grand Duke was going to get married spread through the

“Hmm, marry?”

“I, ha, but, I, I, will never tell anyone!”

Hilda squeezed her eyes shut. I asked, blinking my eyes.

“What is it?”

“Huh? Yes, that’s why the Lady came to His Highness’ house… To marry…….”

At my shout, Hilda dropped the comb.

“I’m sorry, My Lady!”

“My marriage? Tell me in detail.”

I was forcibly kidnapped, but marriage? How in the world did such a rumor spread?

No, shouldn’t the abduction itself be a secret in the first place? If it was known that I was
here, it wouldn’t be good for him either.

Hilda, who was avoiding my puzzled eyes, hesitated and spoke.

“But …… His Highness the Grand Duke is an utterly cruel man,………. That’s why he hasn’t
married yet……………. Whenever a young woman is seen in this house, we think she is
forced to marry…”

Hilda’s story can be summarized as follows.

Devan placed an advertisement throughout his domain to find servants for a Young Lady.
Naturally, rumors spread that he had taken a young woman into his castle.

The rumor was soon misrepresented as Devan bought a woman from somewhere and
forced her into marriage.
I was too perplexed to continue speaking. Rumors aside, he had the nerve to reveal too
brazenly that there was a young woman in his castle.

If this fact were to spread outside the territory, there would be people who would be
curious about the identity of the young woman who suddenly appeared.

And what if the rumors of Count Diego’s daughter’s disappearance were combined with

There might be a few people who would suspect I was the Young Lady.

Of course, I didn’t think Count Diego would be looking for me.

He saw me as a nuisance and difficult to deal with, and was glad that I was gone. He
probably already held a funeral for me.

No matter how much so. I think the Grand Duke was too careless.

He was the one who kidnapped me, so why should I be more worried about him?

“Hey, young lady. By the way, um, is His Highness the Grand Duke really that cruel?”

Hilda shuddered, but it seemed to be curious.

Now that I looked at it, she was so curious about the rumors that she applied for the
servant job.
‘Yes, she did.’

I stared blankly at the mirror.

Cruel. I knew that such rumors were spreading throughout the empire.

There were also rumors that he was trying to drag his brother down from the throne.

“Don’t you think so?”

All I knew for sure was that it wasn’t my business.

I would be leaving this place altogether in a short while, and all I needed was money.


Devan Lantimos’ nerves were on edge.

It was partly because of the hope that perhaps the curse that had tormented him for so long
might disappear, and partly because of the fear that this time his hope might be shattered.

He thought of my voice, which was bold, not unlike the dry wrist he held in one hand. He
thought of Evelyn, Count Diego’s daughter, who smelled like daisies….

Devan was convinced that I was the hero of the prophecy. I was raised in the temple with
immense divine power and adopted as a Count’s daughter.
He was sure of everything, from the fact that the seal of the Count Diego symbolized the
Sun Goddess to the scent of daisy flowers wafting from my body.

He was not one to move without certainty. All the clues were pointing to me.

Certainly I was the main character of the prophecy.

Even though he thought so, he was still somewhat suspicious.


Devan slumped deeper into his chair and slowly stroked his chin.

It wasn’t just a rumor that I had lost my divine powers. It had been that way from the
beginning. The young lady was somehow different from what he imagined.

Of course, he couldn’t see my appearance, but he could hear my voice and the way I
sounded somewhat regal.

Moreover, even though I was kidnapped, I proposed a deal to him. It became wildly
ridiculous when he remembered that time.

Money and status to leave the empire.

In fact, some people had demanded him for money and power in return for lifting his curse.
But they were all dumb. They all claimed they were confident in their divine power, but
could not even pour divine power into Devan’s body, let alone cure him.

Those who really believed that Devan would later take the throne. There were those who
just wanted a lot of money and Devan’s power.

Evelyn, however, was different. She was the daughter of Count Diego, a wealthy and famous
man. She didn’t need to make a fortune or rise in status. Yes, that was the most ridiculous
point for Devan.

Money enough to leave this country. It was too little money for Count Diego and for him. It
was too little for the price of releasing him from a curse that had caused him a lifetime of

Devan shook his head after imagining one thing or another for a while.

What was certain was that it was none of his business.

As long as she released the curse, Devan could give her anything she wanted. Even if all she
wanted was his entire fortune.

Even if it was, he was ready to pay.

Devan shook his head, deeply buried in a chair.

He didn’t need to waste his thoughts. He decided to concentrate solely on fixing his curse.
He was waiting for Evelyn. To be exact, Evelyn’s treatment.
She washed and was fed as she asked, so it was time for the cure.

He also instructed the butler to tell Evelyn, so she would be here soon. He finally calmed his
nervous, throbbing heart.

Just then, he heard a strange sound in the air.


It sounded like a mischievous laugh. Devan’s eyebrows wriggled up.

<Are you having fun? >

Something continued to talk to him. But Devan couldn’t see anything around him.

He tried to ignore it.

<What do you think about her?>

“Shut up.”

Devan snorted lowly, unable to stand it. But the voice didn’t stop. He covered his face with
his hands.
It had been five years. Something unidentified was talking to him.

He didn’t know its identity or what it wanted.

He just knew that it was invisible to people.

Sometimes he thought he was crazy. Or maybe this was part of the curse. If the curse
disappeared, would the voice also disappear?

I heard a knock at the door. At the same time, the presence he felt in the void disappeared
in an instant.

“I brought the Lady.”

It was the voice of the butler. Devan quickly raised his head and took a deep breath .

“Come in……..”

Carefully, the door opened.

The familiar footsteps of the old butler were followed by light footsteps.

Devan slowly focused his mind. Soon things and people began to appear very faintly.

Only the frames of objects and people in the midst of all the blackness appeared to be dark
This was another ability that was created five years ago when the strange voice appeared.

He couldn’t say that he could see perfectly, but he could see a minimal shape.

This ability kept him from falling and bumping into things in an unseemly manner.

“I’ll be outside.”

The old butler left the room cautiously. Devan said to Evelyn, who stood placidly in the
middle of the room.

“Sit down.”
8. Chapter 8


Translated and edited by sleepypanda


“Sit down”

I stood still after entering Devan’s office. It was honestly strange no matter how much I
thought about it.

Was he truly blind?

I deliberately didn’t make a single sound to see if he noticed. Despite not making a noise he
looked straight at where I was standing.

“Aren’t you going to sit down?”

He noticed.

He moved seamlessly through the room, and even looked straight at me. As far as I could
remember, there was nothing like this in the original. It seemed as if he was extremely
wary of bumping into things here and there.

I stopped thinking after the last time he called me and sat next to him. When I sat down on
the sofa, he frowned a bit.

“Why are you sitting here?”

“I have to be physically close to you to treat you.”

He became quiet after I responded to him. This was the important part. It had been 8 years
since I had last used my powers if I excluded the incident with the dogs.

I didn’t think it was possible, but I was anxious at the same time. What would happen if my
divine power wasn’t enough to break his curse?

Closing my eyes, I focused. Within my body I could feel my power surging through me. I
grabbed Devan’s hands in that state, and could feel him flinch away.

“Before treating you, I have to create a space for the energy within your body. So for today,
I will create a vacuum for the energy to flow into you.”

“A vacuum?”

“In other words, it’s to fill up the blood that flows within you with divine energy.”

“What does that mean?”

“That’s not exactly what I mean, but it’s a metaphor to explain what exactly I’m going to do
right now.”

Through our interlocked hands, I felt the power that was swirling within me flow to Devan.
My face scrunched up as I felt nauseous. It felt like I was going in the opposite direction of
what was natural.


Devan was also struggling. A person’s ability to adapt to divine power differed from person
to person, and some found it harder than others to accept such power. Devan was probably
the latter.

I held Devan’s hand tightly even as he was flinching away. She had to at least fill up his arm.
Devan’s hands were clammy; I could feel the sweat accumulating on my forehead.


I could feel myself groaning. My body was trembling.

It was strange – at first, I felt like my reaction was due to the amount of divine power I had
accumulated from 8 years of disuse, but that wouldn’t explain the amount of resistance that
I was feeling, particularly as someone who had a high degree of affinity to divine power.


I could hear Devan call out to me in a strange voice. It seemed like I wasn’t the only one
feeling this way.
Despite last using my powers almost 10 years ago, my memory of healing others was vivid.
I had treated hundreds of people before. This was the first time I had ever felt this way
during a treatment.

I felt like all my hair was standing up. I didn’t know what was going on.

However, I couldn’t let go. The power had only just reached his elbow.

If I don’t reach my entire arm today…

“Are you OK?”

I felt him trying to let go of me, so I quickly strengthened my grasp.

I couldn’t afford to drag this on. I wanted to leave this place as soon as possible, and that
required healing him as fast as possible.

My hands turned white. Finally, the divine power reached his shoulder. This was the limit.


I breathed heavily and shook off his hand.

“Are you okay?”

As I opened my eyes I could feel his gaze on me. My head was spinning, and it felt like my
eyes were distorted.

“No… I don’t feel that great—“

That was the last thing I remember

Hi there 🙂

Something chuckled and talked to me.

Who is it? I felt the presence of something, but I couldn’t see or make out what they looked

What should I call this? It felt like everything was shaking…

You don’t have to try to understand.

That thought seemed to be beamed straight into my brain. Was it reading my thoughts?
It’s not just your mind.

Then what?

I could feel it laughing. I frowned. Who are you?


At that moment I opened my eyes. I could see a lion for the third time.

What was that? Was it a dream? My back was covered with sweat.

I could feel my memories fading. I heard that laugh again, and that was too vivid to call it a

What was it? And that laughter…

“Lady! Are you okay?”

It was Hilda. She suddenly came into my view – she must have been by my side all night

“No, I’m not okay.”

I didn’t know what to say first, so I just stayed silent. I was still in a state of confusion. What
was that dream?

Something that was at the tip of my tongue quickly seemed to disappear into a vortex that
was deep in my subconsciousness.

In fact, I seemed to remember how uncomfortable I felt the moment I started to heal

Remembering that incident, I asked.

“How is the Duke?”

“I’m not sure. Surely he is sleeping right now?”

“I’m asking about his treatment.”

“I only heard that you had fainted after the session”

Did that mean Devan was fine?

Why did I collapse? Was it because it had been so long since I last used my powers? I hadn’t
heard of anyone using their abilities after taking a multi-year break, so I wasn’t sure if there
were any side effects of doing so. I chewed my lips nervously.

At least we had reached his shoulders. Perhaps in a few days we could even reach his eyes.
“That’s not the important thing, Miss!”

Hilda looked anxious.

“What happened?”

“…That’s… The temple is looking for you, Miss!”


“The temple, Miss! The high priests are looking for you personally!”

My mouth dropped open.

I learned that Hilda, while I collapsed, got a lot of information.

She knew that I was an orphan with tremendous ability who was adopted by Count Diego.
She had even learned that the duke and I had reached some sort of agreement.

When I asked where she got that information, she winked, saying she could find out about

This amount of investigative ability was a talent after all. But even she didn’t know why the
temple was looking for me, so I asked her the directions to the duke’s room.
It was early in the morning, and the duke was in the room where we had our first treatment
session. When I opened the door and entered, the duke looked up at me politely.

“It’s me.”

“I know”.

Without waiting for his permission, I sat on the sofa. Yesterday, I didn’t even look around,
but from the traces and desk arrangement, this room seemed to be his office.

Surely he couldn’t see, and the duke didn’t seem to have any intention of getting up from
the chair.

“I would like to discuss something with you.”

“Is it about treatment?”

“No, not about the treatment.”

“Then let’s discuss over food.”

What was going on? I stared at him from the sofa. There was not a single piece of paper on
his desk. Instead, there was a round sphere. Devan had one hand placed on the object. He
would sometimes nod or frown slightly. Was it a magical tool?

I closed my eyes and focused my mind. I had divine power, but mana and divine power
were related enough for me to feel the flow of mana even if I couldn’t use it myself.
As expected, I felt power flowing between the object and the duke. I couldn’t see the
energy, but it seemed like he was receiving updates through this magic tool. Despite
waiting a while, the duke still made no move to get up.

Was he not curious at all? He seemed to genuinely want to wait until we ate to discuss.

It’s seven o’clock now, so there was about an hour left until the meal.

While I was waiting I got up from the sofa and walked around. Much like the rest of the
mansion the room was extremely bare, and fit well with Devan.

Looking around, I was distracted by a colorful sword that hung on the wall. I slowly moved
towards it. The scabbard and the sword were displayed separately, but even the sword
itself was dark black. The jewels – everything from black pearls to dark red rubies — in the
handle added to the sense of splendor. Despite their dark hues they seemed to glow in the

“Would it be alright to touch this?”

When I asked Devan, he seemed to wave my question away. It seemed as though he didn’t
care what I did or what I was referring to.

Permission granted it seemed. I gently put my hand on the sword. As soon as I put my hand
on it, blood poured from my hand.

Now that I think about it… I had an idea.

I put my entire palm on the blade and pulled with all my strength. I could hear the skin


I felt a sharp pain in my hand. The blood dripped loudly on the floor.


Devan jumped up from his seat and stepped up.

“What are you doing?”

He looked at me.

“It smells like blood.”

He grabbed my wounded hand and pressed on it as if he wanted to hurt me more.

“Are you interested in swords?”

Devan suddenly skillfully grabbed a sword hanging from the wall.

Only then did it come to mind that he was better at swordsmanship than most knights,
even if he was blinded.
With the sword in one hand, Devan frowned.

“My apologies for dirtying your floor.”

I muttered as if I were making excuses.

Devan stared at me.

“Tell me next time.”


“If you want to cut off your limbs, I’ll do it painlessly.”

9. Chapter 9


“If you want to cut your limbs, I’ll do it painlessly.”

Devan lightly turned the sword he was holding, then threw it to the floor.

It was a motion that wasn’t anything special, but it was graceful without any unnecessities.

On the sword’s handle, he raised his hands and stared at me intensely.

Of course, his eyes were covered with a cloth, but I could feel his murderous intention

“If you’re thinking of threatening me with your treatment as a hostage, you’re mistaken.”
I flinched. He seemed to have misunderstood what I was doing. I had taken the preemptive
step of harming myself, hoping that I would find out about my collapse during treatment

“I know what you misunderstood, but it’s not that. I had to test my divine powers.”

“A test?”

I touched Devan’s chest slightly. Then I closed my eyes and focused.

I felt an outpouring of divine power. A few moments passed, when I opened my eyes, the
scar on my palm had disappeared completely.

My body was also fine.

My head didn’t hurt like it did when I treated Devan, and I didn’t break out in a cold sweat.
There was some discomfort, but that was all.

Why did I faint yesterday?

If there was a problem with lifting his curse, I was in trouble.

The ten years I had endured might become useless.


Devan frowned as he put his sword back in place. The smell of blood was unpleasant.
I shrugged my shoulders. It seemed that I acted too impulsively. I should have done it
outside or in the bathroom. There was blood on the floor and my clothes were a mess.


“I heard the temple was looking for me.”

As soon as I sat down at the dinner table, I asked. Devan took a sip of the soup in front of
him and frowned.

“Who told you that?”

“Does it matter?”

He pretended to be unconcerned and started eating again.

“I’m sorry, I can’t send you home. Not until you lift my curse…”

“What? You’re sending me home?”

I opened my eyes wide and looked at him.

“The temple is looking for you. I thought you wanted to leave.”

“No, of course not. Never, never, never send me home. Don’t tell me the temple already
knows I’m here.”
“…… I don’t think so.”

I let out a small breath. It wasn’t the worst situation.

I thought slowly as I tossed my fresh-looking salad to the side.

‘How can I hide from the temple completely?’

No, it didn’t even have to be completely. Come to think of it, all I had to do was hide until
Devan’s curse was lifted. After that, I would leave the empire anyway.

I didn’t know why the temple was looking for me, but I was sure they wouldn’t follow me to
other countries.

“Excuse me.”

Devan’s eyebrows went up quickly with my cheeky tone. But it wasn’t time to care about

“Please be careful.”


“I heard that you sent out a notice to the estate looking for maids. What rumors do you
think it caused in the territory?”

“What rumors?”

He really didn’t seem to know. I was embarrassed to talk about marriage myself.
“You don’t have to know that. Anyway, there are many rumors that a young woman has
entered this castle. If the temple hears the rumor.”

“I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.”

“I’m worried. It’s my job!”

Devan put his hand on the table and rested his chin on it.

“I’m really curious now. If you need money, wouldn’t it be faster to ask the temple for it?”

I clenched my mouth shut. Because the temple would never give me money.

The external image of the temple within the empire was perfect.

|They gave a place to sleep to those who didn’t have a home, food to those who didn’t have
food, and medical treatment to those who were injured.

So no one would believe me if I told them what I went through there.

How the temple treated children with even the slightest amount of divine power, how
many children had to labor without rest to treat the injured, and what finally happened to
those children….

No one knew the other side of the temple.

Except us, the scapegoats.

“…… You can’t do that. For starters, we made a deal. I will do everything in my power to
break His Highness’ curse. So you must help me to leave this empire. Do you understand?
You must never let anyone find out that I am here. No one.”

“Even Count Diego?”

I opened my eyes wide.

It couldn’t be, but he was on target, as if he knew something.

When I did not respond, he shook his head lightly.

“As I said, I don’t care about anything as long as you lift my curse. But if you can’t…”

“Don’t worry about it.”

I felt like I was about to say something deadly, but Devan spoke first.

“When I saw you collapse yesterday, I couldn’t help but worry.”

“… That’s because I haven’t done that in a long time. But you saw it earlier”

I waved a palm with a completely healed wound in front of him.

Oh, but he can’t see. I put my hand down again.

“Are you talking about the smell of blood?”

“Yes. There’s no blood now.”

“Are you familiar with wounds?

“…… No.”

I didn’t have to tell him that I had been beaten by the Count.

I just wanted to be a Goddess in a perfect prophecy.

“In the future, let’s refrain from such ignorance. I don’t even want to smell blood in my
house. If you really want, leave it to me.”

Devan gave me an uncomfortable look.

“Next time, I’ll do it in the bathroom.”

“Please don’t.”

I bit my lips in frustration.

Whatever I was going to do in the bath alone, there was no way he could understand, so I
said okay.

“From now on, the maid will help you with your path.”

Devan said as if I smelled bad.

How on earth would he do this if he didn’t like the smell of blood?

I glared at him and at the old butler standing beside him.

“By the way, are you sure there isn’t a single servant in this big castle?”

“We have. There’s your maid.”

“Not her.”

“I don’t like too many people.”

He said casually as he put down his tableware.

“Why? But, it’s uncomfortable. In many ways.”

I wanted to tell him that he was blind, but it would be rude, so I held back.

“It’s hard to remember the sound of footsteps when there are so many people.”

I made a careless sound and squeezed my mouth shut.

A somewhat awkward silence enveloped the hall.

I wondered what life would be like without eyes. I felt pity for him now and couldn’t help
but chuckled bitterly.

Why would I need to feel sorry for him?

At least he wasn’t destined to die under threats and torture. Who would feel sorry for

I raised my head, because I felt that this was really not the time for me to feel sorry for

“So, if this isn’t important, why is the temple looking for me?”

“I thought you knew…”


Devan slowly cut the meat and put it in his mouth.

“They said they needed you. They want to announce it throughout the Empire.”

The Empire at large?

That was quite unexpected.

It’s been a long time since they sold me out to Count Diego. The entire empire knew about

Even if it wasn’t in a negative way like mine, at least they all knew that the Temple hadn’t
spoken to me in over a decade.

“What is it? There must be a reason they’re looking for me like this….”

“It must be your power.”

But I didn’t use my power for eight years, and the temple knew that.

If I hadn’t used my divine power for such a long time, the temple would have thought that
my divine power had bottomed out.

There weren’t one or two children who had divine power and bottomed out.

I held the fork in my mouth and frowned deeply.

This sudden situation was completely unexpected, and I had no idea what the reason was. I
assumed that I was the child the temple had already abandoned. I refused to tangle with
them any longer.

“In fact, I was curious about it myself.”

“What is it?”

“Why would the temple suddenly look for you when Count Diego is keeping quiet?”

“So?” What did you find out?”

He put down his fork and knife.

Devan’s plate, was clean and empty, was now full of blood from the meat.

“A certain girl is sick. That’s all about the recent events in the temple.”

“A girl….?”

I felt as if time was slowing down. Devan spoke.

“She has tremendous abilities, just like you. It seems that the temple kept her hidden well
until now. I think her name is Cordelia.”

…… What?

I lost strength in my hand without realizing it. The fork fell down and made a loud clanking

The name that came out of Devan’s mouth had a lot more repercussions than I thought.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, I’m ….. I made a mistake.”

I swallowed a few times.

The old butler rushed over to clear the dishes. I couldn’t even say thank you, my lips
trembled repeatedly.
The butler looked at me with a worried expression.

“You don’t look well, Miss.”

“I’m fine.”

Devan frowned.

“Do you know the name? What does that girl have to do with finding you in the temple?”

Suddenly, I trembled.

“I don’t know.”

“Then why are you….?”

“Um, I should go into my room now. I’ll come for the treatment in the evening.”

After cutting off Devan’s words, I ran out of the dining room.


It was her, the female protagonist of this novel.

Unlike me, she was the true protagonist of the prophecy.

…..Cordelia. Her name echoed in my head.
10. Chapter 10


Translated and edited by sleepypanda


Cordelia’s appearance.

It wasn’t unexpected. She was the main character of this novel, so this was destined to
happen someday. In fact, it was strange that she hadn’t appeared yet so far.

But why do I tremble at the mere mention of her name? I sat on the bed with my hands

Maybe because her existence confirms the instability of my own, since I am a side character
who was supposed to be killed in the original. It felt as if the plans I had been working so
hard on for the past 10 years were going to be in vain.

Even though she hasn’t even done anything yet.

What will Devan do if he realizes that she is the real hero of the prophecy? His cold words
began to echo in my head:

“I hate lies with a passion. With that in mind, I pray for your longevity.”

With trembling hands, I felt around my neck for my small yellow pendant and clutched at it
desperately, its daisy flower scent soothing me.
As long as this remains safe, there is no other evidence to prove my lie.

I went back and laid on the bed.

I’ve endured 10 years so far; I can survive this too.

I closed my eyes and took a slow, deep breath.

Cordelia is not the issue right now. My main concern is the temple searching for me.

But why?

From the others, I heard a girl was sick.

My eyes snapped open. Cordelia is sick.

There was only one possible reason she was sick. She must have overused her powers.

Then, why is the temple looking for me? They already doubt my powers, so why?

At that moment, the answer struck me like lightning.

It was obvious.

First, they want to restore Cordelia to her rightful position.

Second, people with enormous power have a different body constitution from ordinary
people. So, thirdly, in order to heal Cordelia, you need someone with the same constitution
as her, as a test subject.

This is it.

As a child, all the potions that Count Diego fed me were made in the temple.

They often created new potions related to divine powers. Potions that would increase
power, length of effect, and more.

And I was the test subject for those that have not been verified so far.

Yes, considering their habits, such a theory isn’t hard to believe.

They think that my power is already gone, while Cordelia’s power is limitless.

So they were going to study me and find a way to fix her.

I felt goosebumps rising.

If I’m captured by the temple like this, I’d be stuck in the same situation as the original.
At this rate, I’ll be used as an experiment for Cordelia and then thrown away.

What should I do?

There’s no point in worrying about it now.

There’s only one thing I can do right now, and that’s to break Devan’s curse as soon as
possible and leave the country with money.

And for that to happen, I can’t let yesterday’s situation happen again.

Collapsing like that will only delay the treatment even longer.

It’s already been 3 days since I got here.

I could hear a cold wind blowing outside the window.

I absolutely must leave before it snows.


I breathed in deeply through my nose. I felt my heart beating fast.

After resting for a while and clearing my mind, evening came, and I headed back to Devan’s

Today I intend to release divine power to flow throughout his entire body. This may be a
little excessive, but it will make the treatment easier if his body gets used to the divine

Knock, knock

“Come in.”

Devan was sitting on the sofa. He seemed to have been expecting me.

I sat down next to him.

“I have something to tell you.”

Then I told him the proposal I’d been mulling over all afternoon. “Starting today, I’d like
payment for each day’s treatment.”


“So, I won’t ask for the money all at once, but bit by bit.”

“You can’t trust me? Are you thinking I’ll cheat you out of your services?”
Even though I couldn’t see his eyes because of the eye patch, I could tell that he was making
an absurd expression on his face.

“I just think it’s a fair deal. Payment for each treatment is less to worry about.”

I didn’t think he was going to cheat me. Besides, the amount I asked from him was very
small considering his position as a Grand Duke.

But with the temple on my tail, I need to save some money in advance.

It’d be incredibly problematic if the temple found me before the treatment finishes.

In that case, I would have no money on top of being dragged there.

“You won’t accept, then?” I asked, pleadingly.

Devan sighed deeply.

“I think you misunderstand your position. Realize I’m the kidnapper here.”

“You may be the kidnapper, but money is ubiquitous. What about your majesty’s curse? My
power is the only cure, is it not?”

Actually, I wouldn’t be here if I could get the money just anywhere.

In fact, Cordelia might be able to cure his curse.

I truck out a bluff anyway.

“Money is ubiquitous?”

Devan repeated, as if judging my words. I tried not to avoid his gaze.

He sunk deeper into the sofa and replied with resignation in his voice at this obvious

“…….Okay, I get it. I’ll pay for each treatment.”


I hurriedly changed the topic before he could change his mind.

“And there’s one more thing I’m curious about.”

“What is it?”

“What happened with those rumors circulating at the estate? You do plan to resolve that
issue, right?”
Rumor has it that there is a young woman here.

If this spreads throughout the empire, it’ll only be a matter of time before the temple comes

“I’m going to pretend that my sibling was visiting.”

“Your sibling?”

Did Devan have a sibling? Also, the rumors are of a woman… I thought blankly and then
raised my head.

“You’re kidding. The Crown Princess?”

Is he crazy?

At my shout, Devan made an impression as if he did not understand my language.

Astrila Lantimos.

She was Devan’s younger sister and the soon-to-be crowned queen of this empire.

The reason she became the heir even though she was younger than Devan was simple.

In this world, the position of the high priest was higher than the emperor.

The successors to the next throne were also decided by the high priest by the authority of
God’s will.

The succession ruling is quite odd, really. They gather the qualified descendants in the
temple, have them sleep overnight there, and then inspect their bodies the next day.

Those chosen by God have a new mark on their bodies as proof.

In other words, Astrila was chosen by God, and Devan was not.

It was for this reason that Devan was blinded by a curse. That day, he was not chosen by

What’s more important now is that Devan is trying to use her to silence the rumors.

Rumors of his potential cure should never reach her ears… Because Astrilla was insane.
Even more so than Devan.

“What would you do if she had really come? Why would the Crown Princess have a
commoner as a maid? There are so many other maids at the Imperial Palace! It just
wouldn’t make sense! And what are you going to do if the monarchy hears about it!?”
“They’re not interested in me anyway.”

“That’s not the problem!”

“I think you’re worrying too much…”

He shrugged his shoulders.

“Do you really think the rumors of this estate will spread that far?”

I went silent.

It’s true; this place is pretty out of the way.

This land was barren and far from the heart of civilization, making it tradition to graciously
bestow it upon a prince who failed to become a successor.

“But still… You never know. Why didn’t you just lie and say that it was because you were


“Oh, you said you didn’t like lying.”

“That’s not what’s important, but you… I guess you don’t care about my honor.”

At his tone of absurdity, I looked at him with an equally disturbed expression.

“Didn’t you abandon your reputation when you kidnapped me in the first place?”

“……When will you start the treatment?”

Devan turned around in annoyance. With a short sigh, I said,

“Now. Give me your hand.”

Devan held out his hand as if he had been waiting. Just like last time, I held my hands
together and closed my eyes.

I had just garnered concentration when he suddenly blurted out,

“I heard you have an older brother, too.”


I frowned at the feeling of losing my concentration.

Why did he bring this up all of a sudden?

Ever since the Grand Duke came to me, I haven’t really thought about Killian.

“I’m about to treat you.”

“Do you not want to talk about yourself? Or the story of Count Diego…”

“Focus. I’m going to infuse energy into your whole body today.”

“My whole body? Are you sure?”

“Don’t worry.”

“…I’m worried about you, not me.”

Devan seems to have lost trust in me because of how I collapsed yesterday.

That’s understandable, though. It wasn’t a very good show of confidence.

And actually, I’m still a bit afraid. Will it really be okay this time?

Reaching within, I could feel the divine power sleeping in the depths of my body.

It felt like an enormous and vast pool, an ocean great enough to even revive the dead.

It’s going to be okay. I won’t collapse this time. I checked it, I drew it into my palm, and I

Last time was just… Bad luck.

I cleared my mind and asserted with confidence, “Not this time.”


I shouldn’t have said anything.

When I came to, I was lying down on the bed again. I looked at the lion mantle that was
staring down at me that seemed to almost be mocking me with its gaze.

I fainted again. Why was this happening? At this point I was getting infuriated. The
treatment was going well, even if it was super difficult. My power was able to flow
throughout Devan’s entire body – that much was a success.

Just why was I fainting though?

“I wonder?…”

“My Lady!”
Hilda, overhearing my muttering, stood up suddenly from her spot next to me. It seemed as
though she had been staying with me all night.

“I wonder why I keep fainting.”

I was just asking out loud, not expecting an answer. Hilda looked at me with teary eyes.

“Are you feeling better my lady?”

“I’m so frustrated!”

I threw my pillow out of frustration. Hilda started shaking at my sudden show of temper.

“P.. Perhaps the Grand Duke also has divine powers?”

11. Chapter 11


Translated and edited by sleepypanda


“P.. Perhaps the Grand Duke also has divine powers?”

Hilda asked, stuttering.

“…Divine power?”

No, it didn’t feel that way.

After thinking about it, I shook my head.

“No. I don’t think that’s it. And it would actually be easier if your Highness had divine
powers, and I wouldn’t have collapsed… Wait.”

Is there something other than divine power?

For example, magic.

If so, then his body would naturally reject divine power. Rather than my lack of ability, my
difficulties have been caused by magic shielding me out.

So then it wasn’t my fault, but because of Devan’s constitution.

“Does His Excellency know magic?”

“I don’t think so?”

Right, as far as I know, he doesn’t.

I’ve never heard of him using magic in the original.

Then what’s going on?

If it’s not divine or magical, what is it?

I don’t believe Cordelia ever collapsed while treating him in the original.

Is it because I’m not the true protagonist for the prophecy?

Thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach.

I thought I could heal him even though I’m not the heroine because I still have a vast
amount of divine power.

But if my power is not enough compared to Cordelia, then…

No matter how hard I try, when I remember that I’m just an extra, I feel depression sink in.

“What about money?”


Hilda looked like she didn’t understand.

I had to get money from Devan. I jumped up from my seat.

“My Lady!”

Hilda followed me with a worried look.

“Are — are you sure you don’t want to rest more? You collapsed…”

I ignored her words and headed out of the room.

If I am not the heroine of prophecy and there is no cure, then I need more money.

Money, enough money to leave this empire.

That was the only thing I longed for right now.

It wasn’t that I never thought about leaving the Count and forgetting about the original

Shouldn’t I just run away from the Count’s abuse?

If I use Killian to get some money to last for a few days, I might be able to just run away.

That was my thought process back then.

Especially since 18-year-old Killian joined the Guard.

I’ve never been out of the Count’s cage, but Killian traveled back and forth between the
Isles and the Counties.

Unlike in the past, he must have the money I earned in the Imperial Palace, and he’ll likely
just give it to me without issue.


I used to have such stupid thoughts.

But Killian was a Diego. Killian Diego.

When I briefly talked about money with him, I could see the reflection of the count coming
through his gaze.

I felt anger at this show of rebellion against me — after all, I thought I had him in the palm
of my hand.

The imbalance of power I vaguely sensed became tangible, and I realized I no longer had
the upper hand in the relationship with Killian.

He seemed to obey me, but only as long as I continued at his pace.

I realized that this man would never let me out of this place.

If I ran without thinking, I’d be caught without fail. And not by the count, but by Killian.

So my only option left was Devan Lanthimos, the Grand Duke of this empire with wealth to

I had to cure his curse and get paid, because that was the only way I could survive.

I opened the door to Devan’s office without knocking.

“Can I help you?” I gave him no warning of my visit, but he sat there calmly as if he had
known I was coming. Perhaps he heard my footsteps down the hallway.
“Money. Give me money.”

“…Are you feeling alright?”

“I’m fine. Now I will take my pay.”

Devan got up slowly from his chair, walked over to me, and leaned against the desk.

He looked uncertain.

“I’m not worried about you. But if you keep on collapsing, how can I trust that you can
really cure my curse?”


“You said you infused my whole body with divine power, but all I felt was a momentary
pain. Is there really no way to know the progress of my treatment?”

I bit my lip tightly.

The reason I could stand confident in front of him was because I was the only one who
could cure his curse.

If I lose his trust like this, it’s all over.

Perhaps he was already suspicious that I was not the heroine of the prophecy.

“…Do you know how to use magic?”


Devan’s face wrinkled at my sudden question.

“Do you know how?”

“Yes. But why are you asking that?”

“Something… something is rejecting the divine power from entering your body.”

“So it’s not your fault?”

“…… Okay. This is an unexpected variable.”

Devon folded his arms.

He seemed to be interested in the story.

“But why magic? Does magic block divine power?”

“I’ve considered it. But if you can’t use magic, it’s probably not the issue.”

“I heard that there are people who can’t use magic, but still have magical powers.”

Of course, there are people like that.

I can’t be sure that Devan isn’t one of them.

But is the issue really magical? It’s still strange, no matter how I think about it.

I hurriedly approached Devon’s face.

“Let me see your hand for a second.”

Without waiting for his answer, I grabbed his hand.

“What are you going to do?”


He closed his eyes and concentrated.

I didn’t mean to drain my power like last time.

It was only to find something lingering in Devan’s body.

Unlike before, he concentrated on every single blood cell flowing through his body.


I could feel my face crumble into a grimace.

There was something on Devan’s right side. Something strange was flowing.

It wasn’t divine. Then, is it magic? But for that…

The closer I got to that strange aura, the more disgusting I felt.

It felt similar to when I poured out my divine power in him.

I feel like my body is refluxing. Something must be…


With a jump I suddenly dropped Devan’s hand. A horrid chill enveloped my body.

What was that?

I heard laughter, but I couldn’t tell where it was from.

It couldn’t be.

It was just me and Devan here, and it wasn’t my voice or his voice.

My legs lost strength and my body staggered.

“What’s going on?”

I needed something to hold on to. I stretched out my arm.

Startled, Devan grabbed my arm, and at that moment I felt disgusted again.

“Let go!”

I pushed him hard without realizing it. My staggering body eventually lost its balance and
fell to the floor.

My vision flickered and blurred. Then everything went white and I couldn’t see.

It was definitely a laugh; a strange laugh.


My body trembling, I could barely raise my head and look at Devan.

A black figure was floating around him.

A mist-like figure that was obscuring Devan’s face.

“……. Curse?”

“What? Here, let’s stand you up.”

“Don’t come near me!”

Devan tried to reach for me again.

I took a deep breath.

“…Call Hilda.”


Whoops – I couldn’t answer because I was breathing heavily. Because I thought he would
soon find out that Hilda was my maid without saying anything.

But Devan looked down at me with a bewildered expression and only waved the bell to call
the butler.
“Yes, your Excellency?”

The butler arrived swiftly and bowed on entrance.

At Devan’s command, he lifted me up and laid me down on the sofa.

Fortunately, nothing happened when the butler’s hand touched me.

“Shall I call a doctor?”

The old butler asked with a worried tone.

I hurriedly waved my hand.

It was not a problem the doctor could solve. Besides, I didn’t want more people to know
that I was here.

“What the hell is going on?”

Devan looked uncomfortable.

My chest was still heaving from hyperventilation.

Taking a deep breath, I glanced at Devan again.

The eerie black energy that had encircled him before was gone.

“……Let me… see your hand again.”

Devan hesitated. He seemed worried that I might faint again.

“I really think it will be fine this time.”

He hesitated, but gave me his hand.

I was also nervous, but I didn’t feel anything this time.

What was it?

“It’s my curse, isn’t it?”

Devan asked, holding my hand.

He had a face asking for an explanation.


The next instant, a black figure floated around him again.

It looked like it was going to swallow Devan and eat everything in existence.

For a moment I thought it was a curse. But was it really a curse?

He bit his lip and slowly released the hand he was holding.

Devan went and sat across from me. As he blinked, the wise old butler left the room
without a word.

He spoke after we were alone again.

“You must know about the curse.”

His curse.

No one in the Empire knew about the curse.

The curse that blinded Devan was a godly act. It was like an order from God himself.

The day after the absurd qualification test where they were gathered in the temple and put
to sleep overnight to find the sacred mark, a curse came down upon the failed successors.

It was a tradition that has been passed down since the establishment of the empire and the
temple’s successor ceremony.

The curse could be a physical disability such as deafness or blindness, like Devan.

Or it could be a more dramatic kind, such as being incapable of talking to someone for the
rest of your life, or completely changing your appearance.

God also gave prophecies with curses. These prophecies gave clues that could break the

[The young goddess of the sun, who embraces the fragrance of daisies, will break your

Except for me, who had read it beforehand in the original, only Devan could have known
the contents of the prophecy.

The shrine nailed this act to the perfect imperial power.

The cursed were destined to investigate their prophecies for their entire lives while in
search for the cure.

Their minds obsessed with the prophecies, they cannot even open their thoughts to
revenge on the God who had cursed them or even breaking the will of God and taking the
throne by force.
Stress engulfed them like a water balloon about to burst, or a long stick bent to breaking.

Thus they toiled for the only hope of salvation the temple provided them.

And above all, the prophecies were absolute.

Some of the imperial families who found the clue really were freed from the curse and lived
their lives content.

This is why the cursed thirsted for the prophecy.

So it was obvious why Devan suddenly cursed me.

“If you are truly the goddess of the prophecy, you cannot fear the curse.”

And why he was suspicious of me.

Am I the true heroine of the prophecy?

12. Chapter 12


Thank you Jasper for the ko-fi support 1/3


What I just did seemed to have set fire to the suspicion that was sprouting.

Devan crossed his legs and gently looked at me.

Of course, I can’t see his eyes, but at least I felt that way.

Devan was doubting me.

I agonized over how to avoid his suspicion.

“It wasn’t a curse… do not look like a curse.”

“It was a misundertanding?”

“…If it’s my credibility, I can easily cure the curse.There’s definitely something else.”

Devan sighed deeply at my determined tone.

What i said was true.

When I lived in a temple, I had treated curses.

God’s curse did not come down only to the imperial family. Regardless of their status,
those who committed injustice were often cursed.

The temple received money from them in the name of lifting the curse.

Of course, it was up to children who were born with great confidence like me to actually
treat them.

The curse on the imperial family was only a little more tricky because of the prophecy. He,
too, could theoretically be treated if he had enormous credibility enough to lift the curse.

Of course, there were no children as powerful as me and Cordelia before this, so they
looked for clues to predict. To find the girl….

But the dark and dangerous-looking energy that surrounded Devan earlier,

İt’s felt different from other patients.

“This thing… if you handle with this thing, it’s easy to treat…”

I nervously ripped the tip of my fingernail.

“since just now, you are saying something wrong with me.”

“….I don’t know if it’s a problem, but I’m sure there’s something.”

“But you don’t know what it is? What do you want to say?”

I closed my eyes and opened them.

Devan leaned toward me. He was already doubting me, and there was only one thing I
could do.


Devan’s nerves headed toward me at my firm words.

I swallowed my dry saliva.

“I’m sure there will be results in tonight’s and evening’s treatments. So, I’ll let you see at
least one eye.”

“One eye?”

He looked like he wanted to ask why.

I took a deep breath.

This was a gamble. Gambling to gain his trust.

“…everything has its own order.”

Devan’s adam apple moved.

Is that an expectation, anxiety, or is it just a physiological phenomenon?

A moment of silence passed by.

“…I got it.”

He replied. There was no turning back now.


No more excuses will work.

Before dinner treatment, I came out recklessly.

Hilda often walked after me.


“Yes, lady.”

“Do you know the paths of this castle?”

“Of course, lady! Everyone knows. Is there a place you want to go?”

How can Hilda be so confident when she came a day later than I am?

It was a little strange, but it was also reassuring.

“I just want to look around.I don’t know the ways yet.”

“Inside the castle?”

“Hmm…..No, let’s look outside first?”

“Then I’ll guide you to the main gate, Miss.”

She took the lead.

The main gate was quite far away, so I could see the interior of the castle as I went.

The castle was much bigger than I thought.

So far, the only places I have visited have been my bedroom, Devan’s office, and the Great
Hall where I eat.

It turned out that it corresponds to the eastern tower of the castle.

If so, at least the entire castle was more than three times the space.

Count Diego’s castle was also not as large as anywhere else. It was clear that I heard it from
the infants who attended the social gathering.

Compared to such count, this place was enormous.

Maybe it’s because there’s no one coming and going, and there’s a gloomy atmosphere in
decorations and furniture.

“That’s the main gate, Miss.”

It was when we moved to the main gate.

Suddenly, two soldiers blocked the front.

Except for the old butler, Hilda, and Devan, I was surprised to see him for the first time in
this castle.

“You can’t go here anymore.”

“What does that mean?”

The two soldiers silently overlapped two windows. It seemed to be surrounding at least.

I was surprised first that there was a proper soldier in the Arcduke’s castle and second that
they were blocking me.

A man appeared behind the soldiers. He was wearing armor similar to that of the soldiers,
but at a glance, his dignity was extraordinary.

Even to me, who had no idea about swordsmanship, it seemed that he was not an ordinary

The man walked past the soldiers and came to me and bowed his head.
The restrained movement was just like Killian.
He was a knight, so it wasn’t difficult to infer.

“Lady, you can’t go outside the castle.”


Knight scratched his head as if it were difficult to answer.

I wriggled my eyebrows.

His voice looked familiar somewhere.

“No way…”


He smiled more awkwardly.

He was the one who kidnapped me here by Count Diego and knocked me down on the back
of my neck to faint.

“It was you.”

“I did a lot out of manners back then. These was His Highness’ orders.”

I nodded quietly because I didn’t mean to blame him. | In a way, he was rather my savior.
Because he kidnapped me properly without getting confused.

“Is that also your highness’s order to say that you can’t go out of the castle more than

“He didn’t order it separately, but you’re in a situation like this.”

“…Did you keep an eye on me so far?”

Isn’t the timing of his appearance too exquisite?

The man smiled silently at my question.

As expected. On the first day, considering that he locked me up in the room, he said he
would let the castle be active.

It seemed that the soldiers were monitoring me in a place I couldn’t see.

I felt uncomfortable. I knew it was impossible for Devan to trust me completely.

No wonder. I stood quietly and looked around.

Even so, it was difficult not to go outside the castle.

I didn’t know when, but I had to escape this castle.

Of course, if things work out very well, if he doesn’t doubt me and send me to the temple
until I cure all of Devan’s curse.

Then you can get paid fairly by Devan and leave the castle.

It was hard to expect such a fluke.

From the unexpected difficulties in solving the curse, it was so just by looking at Devan’s
attitude today.

Didn’t he already seem to doubt me?

Furthermore, with the name of Cordelia, I couldn’t let go of his hand and stay still.

“I want to take a short walk. Will it be okay if I’m with you?”

I slowly smiled at the knight while drooping my eyebrows.

He seemed a little surprised by my attitude.

“You need His Highness’ permission.”

As expected, this much was expected.

I said with a friendly smile to the soldier standing behind the knight.

“Hey, can you go and ask?”


The soldier opened his eyes wide and pointed at himself. It was clear from his actions that
he had not been in this career for a long time, and above all, he looked young.

“Yeah, who else is there besides you? I can’t go back this long way again, and I haven’t
memorized the location of my room yet.”

“Oh… I understand, Lady!”

With a slightly red face, the soldier quickly took a step.

After confirming that his back was completely gone, I told the knight.

“So, how should I call you?”


He made a surprised face.

I said softly, with a smile that killed Killian.

“It meant I wanted to know the name of knight. Will you excuse me?”

“………No way. I’m Karen Webow, Lady Evelyn.”

“Sir Karen…… I see. That’s a great name.”

When I smiled once more, I felt Karen’s body stiffened a little.

Soon after, the soldier returned and reported.

“Your Highness allowed you to look around the garden with Lord Karen, Lady.”

Did he run here? He looked at me with a rough breath and a look as if he was asking for

I smiled and turned to Karen.

“Garden… Is garden big?”

“You won’t be short of a walk. I’ll take care of it.”

Karen politely reached out one hand. I put my hand lightly on it.

“Shall we go, Lady?”

“Okay, Hilda. You…… Hilda?”

I looked around for Hilda. But Hilda was nowhere to be seen.

When did she disappear? Hilda, who was definitely next to me when the soldiers blocked
the front, hide her appearance.
“Lady? What are you looking for?””

Karen looked back at me, who was not moving with a strange face.

……Well, she must have gone back because of an emergency.

“…Nothing, let’s go.”

Leaving my complicated mind behind, I followed Karen.


Going around the garden with Karen, I collected as much information as possible about the

For example, these were the things when I came out of the castle, a large garden was
surrounded by walls. When I left the wall, another river surrounded me.

It was a circle in a circle.

The only way to cross the river was a straight bridge from the gate.

The number of soldiers guarding the castle was not very much.

It was just enough to match the numbers, but there seemed to be a few knights as good as

If you get caught at least once, you’ll get caught right away.
So there was only one way out of here.

Crossing the bridge through the main gate of the wall without being caught by anyone.

If you reach the large forest at the end of the bridge, you will be able to beat the chase.

With a meaningful smile, I walked with Karen in a garden full of harmony.

Whenever there was a gap, I didn’t forget to measure the distance of the floor from the
window of the castle.

While thinking about how to reach from my room to the main gate without anyone being
13. Chapter 13


Thank you again Jasper for sponsoring this chapter 2/3


“The garden is surprisingly beautiful.”

Karen burst into laughter at my words to kill time.

When I ooked at her/him strangely, he/she said.

“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s definitely unexpected. Because His Highness is not good at decorating
the castle. This garden is all for the soldiers.”

I looked at the well-organized flower garden by color.

“There’s nothing to do, so everyone has a hobby like this.”

“I don’t think something big is going to happen to me.”

Karen looked a little bitter.

“Because it’s a whim. And the Highness …. He is not interested in imperialism, institutions,
or politics.”

He is not interested in imperialism, institutions, or politics.

I recalled a rumor that spread throughout the empire.

The rumor that he is trying to pull his sister down and take the throne someday.

But when I met him, I sympathized with Karen’s words.

He didn’t seem to be interested in such things. It was like his goal to just solve the curse
and spend the rest of his life in the Great Depression.

I thought maybe his situation and mine were similar.

The appearance of being stuck in one place because of a god and unable to move on
anywhere, suffering from rumors etc. that are absurd.

I shook my head in a hurry. It wasn’t time to get lost in appreciation.

He was the male protagonist of this novel, and I was just an extra. I can’t believe they’re in
a similar situation.

It’s a funny sound.

“Have you ever been out of the empire?”

I asked Karen like a light passing by.

He began to talk about my story without any doubt.

“I’ve been out a few times for away games. Before I came here, I belonged to the Order near
the border.”

“Wow, it’s so amazing that I’ve rarely been out of the Count. I heard there is a beautiful
place in the north. Is that true?

In fact, I had never been out of Baekja-seong Fortress, not the Count, but I didn’t have to
say that.

“Are you talking about ELLYWOON in the north?”

“That’s right, that’s the name.”

Elly Woon.

The answer I wanted easily came out.

During my days in the count, I asked Killian to write a book about the nearby empire.

It was to find a place to leave this place and settle down.

And it was Ellywoon who finally found it. A place close to the Archduke’s, and easy to hide.
I clapped my hands and smiled.

Like an innocent count lady who is keenly interested in the outside world.
“Sir Karen, have you been to Ellywoon before?”

“Sure. In Elliun, it snows from heaven all year round. It’s a beautiful landscape that’s hard
to see in this empire, but it’s also hard to live.”

“If it snows that much, it would be uncomfortable to move.”

“Yes, I heard that residents usually stay in the house when it snows especially when it’s
rain heavily. They say it’s hard to ride horses or carriages. I also learned sledding for a
while when I went there. It was so hard even with my natural athleticism.”

Karen even talked about what I didn’t ask. Before I knew it, the topic went over to his
motor nerves.

I roughly responded to his words and recalled Ellywoon.

It snows in the sky all year round, and I usually play Chigger…

Karen’s story gave me confidence. The conviction that Ellywoon is a place where I can
devote the rest of my life to settle.

Just in time, in the corner of the garden, there were a lot of white flowers like snow.

When I stopped walking, Karen, who was ahead, also stopped there.


The name of rolling into the tongue was sweet.

If you hide in those eyes…

A white butterfly sat on the flower.

No one will be able to find it.

I bent down and tapped and bent the flowers without hesitation. The white butterfly flew
away in an instant.

Fluttering, I stared up at the sky where the butterfly flew.

At that moment, a yellow pendant tickled my collarbone.

What is it? I suddenly raised my head. Suddenly, my backbone became cool. I felt a gaze
from somewhere.
I looked around in a hurry. No one was seen except Karen.

So there was no way I could feel the gaze. But this feeling…

My heart was pounding.

The fact that I was trying to ignore it raised my head.


As soon as I thought of the golden eyes flashing with that desire, my heart sank.

Why did I suddenly feel this way?

Killian can’t be here.

“Lady, are you okay?”

Karen looked worried. Only then did I realize that my face looked bad.

I forced my lips’ corners up.

It was useless worry.

He is in the Count, and I am here. No, soon I will hide in a place where no one will find it.

I was at the end of a plan that I had prepared for 10 years.

There was nothing to fear. That’s how I tiled myself.

Two days later, without knowing that Killian would come to me,
After returning from the garden and taking a light bath, I headed to Devan’s room.

It was for treatment.

There will definitely be results in this evening’s treatment. So, I’ll let you see at least one

As long as I was so sure, I had to do it.

I clenched my fist and took a deep breath and opened the door slowly.

Devan was already sitting on the sofa, and he also looked a little nervous.

Well, either way, it won’t matter to him.

Hope that you may see the future that you couldn’t see. I wouldn’t dare to imagine that.

“Let’s sit down”.

Devan touched the seat next to him.

I took another deep breath and sat next to him.

“Are you confident?”

He clapped his hands together.

Strong enough to turn the knuckles that the bones pop red.

“I am.”

No, actually, I wasn’t.

I even noticed that my voice was shaking.

“However, I might faint again. Please understand that.”

“If the results are certain, there’s nothing I can’t do.”

“…Give me your hand.”

Devan reached out his hands as he has done so far.

“Just your left hand.”

He frowned gently, but he took his right hand back.

I grabbed his left hand with both hands.

My palms were sweaty holding each other. I couldn’t tell if it was mine or his.
“Your Highness, please focus too. Please try to feel the flow as much as possible.”

“The flow.”

“I’m going to treat your left eye. Please pay attention to that.”


I closed my eyes and began to concentrate.

The reason for treating only the left eye first was obvious. I could tell when I held his left
hand, strange energy was flowing only to the right. If that’s all the reason why I’ve had a
hard time treating him so far.

Then, wouldn’t the left side be possible?

I slowly let go of my energy. I could feel his credibility rising on the back of his hand.

It didn’t feel as disgusting as before. I didn’t have the chills, cold sweat, and trembling

As expected, this was the answer.

The divine power spread rapidly. It was the same level as when patients were treated in a

I felt like I hadn’t felt it in a long time. It feels like I’m treating someone with my own

Rather than disgusting, it feels cozy.

Riding on the back of his hand and wrist, he finally reached Devan’s left eye.
I felt a lot of curses entangled.

Treating the curse was to fill the place where the curse was. Even if it was filled, those who
had no credibility in the first place could not accept it. So, in the end, the curse of the power
disappeared at once.

It was cleaning, so to speak. This was called Jeonghwa in the temple.

He let go of his curse. In an instant, I felt my credibility filling the cursed spot.


It was then. Suddenly, I felt disgusting.

The forehead frowned at the temple.

Again. As I focused more on my mind, something was creeping near his right eye.

The mysterious black shape.

If I go a little closer, my strength will be eaten up. I had that intuition.

Earthenware gradually came up.

I shouldn’t have touched that place.

I hurriedly called in the divine power and took my hand off Devan’s body.


I took a deep breath slowly. If it was a little late, it would have been eaten by the divine
“What’s going on”?

Devan seemed embarrassed.

He held and unfolded his left hand.

It was only a blink of an eye that he felt.

I swallowed my dry saliva and stared at Devan.

Fortunately, the black shape did not flow around him as before.

Sneakily grabbed his left hand again.

I felt that all the curses on my left eye disappeared, and my credibility was full in it.

The divine power was also rapidly disappearing.

His body was going back to normal. Before his got cursed,
although it’s only the left.

I breathed a small sigh of relief and spoke.

“It’s over.”

“It’s over?”

He repeated my words blankly.

“I got rid of the curse on the left. Maybe, you’ll see your left eye soon.”
“…….Is that true?”

In a tone full of doubts, he asked. That’s understandable. Uncovering the curse did not
create a special feeling.

Perhaps it was physical damage, especially those who were blind like him.

“Your eyes must have been treated properly.”

He stopped his hand trying to take off his eye patch in a hurry.

“Just because the curse is gone doesn’t mean you can see right away.”

“What does that mean?”

“I mean it’s not completely returning it to its original state. For example, you can’t walk
right away by releasing the curse of a person whose legs have been paralyzed for 10 years.
You need training.”

“…What kind of training?”

He looked nervous.

My hands on his knees were white.

“First of all, you’d better start by opening your eyes in the dark. It’s dangerous to see the
light all of a sudden.”


“And it would be nice to call a doctor. I can only lift the curse, and I can’t help you

Even though he followed my words, he looked blank as if he had lost his mind somewhere.
14. Chapter 14


Thank you so much for the love Jasper! 3/3


Devan still had a blank face.

I didn’t even know that the curse, which had plagued me for more than a decade, had been
lifted so easily.

Then, he suddenly asked as if he had come to his senses.

“What about the right side? Can we release the curse on the right side tomorrow?”

I bit my lips hard.

The left side was the same as what we’ve been doing so far, but the right side….. wasn’t

Just imagining the black shape that I was chasing the day before was cold.

To treat the right side, you had to confront it.

Is that possible? Even if it’s possible, will I be able to win?

“Let’s take it easy for now. It’s not something that you can use all at once.”

Even with my gibberish excuse, Devan just nodded.

Since the temple monopolizes information, little is known to the general public about the
divine power.


Devan just meant that he had no choice but to believe me completely.

It was the first time I was grateful for the temple.

“Okay, then call the doctor right away. You can go back and rest.”

I grabbed Devan, who was about to get up from his seat.

“Wait. I lifted the curse as I said. Your Highness, you have to do what you have to do.”

He frowned, burst into laughter.

“Do you want money?”


I swallowed my dry saliva.

I treated his left eye, but now he may not feel much. So if he still suspected that I was
cheating, he might not give money. Devan jumped up from his seat.

Then, he naturally headed to his desk, unbelievably like I’m invisible.


He waved the bell and soon the butler came in.

“Did you call me?”

“Yes. Money…”

While talking, Devan looked at me.

“Do you like money?” Or jewellery….”

I pondered for a moment.

I remember my previous life, but honestly, I didn’t know the monetary structure of this
world well.
There’s no way that the novel would deal with that in detail.

After reincarnation, I lived in a temple and Count’s estate without such basic education, so
there was no way to know.

If money was gold coins as I imagined, it was too much to carry them and run away.

However, I was worried if I could cash in to ask for bail.

“Well, I actually don’t know much about money.”

After much consideration, I decided to go out confidently.

He thought I was a woman who grew up loved by the count. Furthermore, it would not be
very strange if you were a little ignorant of currency because you haven’t even made a
debut yet.

“So what?”

“So… What would be good to run away from this empire? Between money and jewelry.”

The old butler’s eyes widened.

The same was true of Devan.

After frowning for a while, he tapped the table I was leaning on with his fingertips as if he
was thinking about something.

“Run away from whom?”


It was only then that I realized I made a mistake. I shouldn’t have said I’ll run away.

“Just… I’m saying this because I want to leave the empire.”

“Is it an empire that you want to leave?”

It was a sharp tone.

“Didn’t I tell you before that you shouldn’t ask me that? Your Highness’ curse is lifted, Your
Highness gives me money, and that’s all.”

He knocked on the desk faster and faster.

“Where will you go if you leave this empire?”

“There’s no reason to tell you that.”

“…… Each empire has a different unit of currency. I’m sure you know this much, right?”

Devan raised his chin a little bit. He looked like he hit the nail on the head.

I hesitated for a moment and answered resolutely.

“You can change it enough at the border. Otherwise, what would you do with the
transactions between empires?”

Perhaps really, there was no way that there was no concept of currency exchange in this
world where empires had exchanges.

Devan was quiet for a moment in my attitude. Then, he looked at the butler and ordered it.
“Bring the money. And…..”

He put his hand on his chin as if he was struggling again.

Then he suddenly looked at me and said.

“What do you look like?”


What do you mean, ‘What does it look like’ all of a sudden?

I made a silly face at a random question.

Devan changed his opponent.


“Oh….Yes, your highness. So, the lady…..”

The old butler looked at me and chose his words.

“She has yellow petal-like hair mixed with green, sea-like eyes. Oh, it looks like the Milky
Way is scattered around her eyes.”

My face heated up red with the tone of the butler who was just like a minstrel.

I coughed for no reason with the back of my hand on my cheek. “So, blonde and blue eyes.
That’s it.”

“……That’s right.”
Devan summarized the butler’s long sentences in one word.

“A listening seat would be nice. There will be a brooch left by your mother. Go find it.”
“Yes, your highness.”

The old butler quickly left the room.

If it’s a mother, is it an empress?

I thought about it for a moment. I don’t know what Cheonggeumseok is, but wouldn’t it be
very expensive if you look at the Empress’s brooch?

Can such a precious brooch be converted into money? Wouldn’t it be easier to cash in on
several cheap gems?

“Here it is. Your Highness.”

“Not me, but to that side.”

However, such an idea disappeared as soon as the butler opened the lid of the box.

There was a luxurious glossy brooch.

It was dotted with golden spots as if someone had sprinkled gold powder on a blue
gemstone that was as dark as the deep sea.

There was gold like petals surrounding the gemstone, and jewels that looked like
diamonds were embedded in the middle.

On top of that, the pin for wearing a brooch was made in the shape of an arrow.

I frowned gently.
Hang on. Arrow?

“This is……”

“It’s something my mother left behind personally.”

I remembered Lantimos’ seal, a lion full of arrows.

Is it a simple coincidence that the arrow is embedded in the brooch? I didn’t know if I
could trust his words that they weren’t objects of the imperial family. If it belonged to the
imperial family, I didn’t know what would happen after selling it in another empire.

“…… It looks expensive.”

Devan’s corners of mouth went up after a very long time.

He asked the butler.

“Does she look good in it?”

The old butler looked at me holding the brooch and nodded vigorously.

“Yes, your highness. It suits her perfectly.”

“Okay. That’s good.”

I put down my brooch in both hands and stared at it.

It definitely felt similar to my eyes.

Well, it’ll be okay.

There was no way Devan would have handed me his precious treasure of the imperial
family. If you feel uncomfortable, you can break down the brooch and sell the jewelry

I nodded comfortably and carefully put the brooch back in the box.

“Okay, of course.”

“Oh, lady. We have a separate gold coin here.”

As I got up from my seat, the old butler handed me a package made of velvet.

There was gold coins in it, and it was also quite heavy.

If I had received all the price in gold coins, I would not have been able to carry it because it
was heavy.

I nodded again, thinking it was a good thing to receive it as a jewel.

“See you tomorrow. Don’t forget to call a doctor. Don’t take off your blindfold under the
light because you’re impatient.”


I headed straight to my room.

As soon as I returned to the room, I took out the box in my arms and opened it.

The well-setted brooch was shining brightly. Even if I look at it again, it was still beautiful.

…. If it’s this, wouldn’t I be able to leave this place right away?

I was tempted to do so.

I also opened the package he left as if throwing it on the bed and checked it. Gold coins
were quite heavy.

I didn’t know the monetary unit of this world well, but at least I could see that this was not
a small amount of money.

How long can this last?

Knock, knock.

I was surprised by the knock, so I hid the package and box under the blanket.

“Lady, it’s me.”

It was Hilda’s voice.

“…come on in.”

She peeked out her face.

“Are you done with treatment?”


“Shall we get ready to take a bath?”

After thinking for a while, I tapped my finger and made Hilda come closer.

Then I took a package out of the blanket.

“What’s this? Lady?”

When I opened the package and showed her the gold coins, Hilda opened her eyes wide.

“How much is this?”


“So, with this amount of money… How long can someone live?”

Hilda looked through the package and hit the gold coins.

“My family would eat for 3 months.”

“Your whole family?”

“Yes, lady!”

“How many?”

“There are four including me.”

It’s money that four commoners can live for three months.

That meant I could live alone for a year. In the first place, I was not raised by the count to
be treated as a proper noble girl. So, I live with the common people. However, there will be
no big problem.

I also had memories of my previous life, and it would probably cost a lot of money to cross
the border.

It was not common for this world to leave one empire and settle somewhere else.
Then let’s somehow get to Ellyun with this money and then cash in the brooch. And if you
get a job before the money runs out…

When there was a realistic possibility, I felt my muscles tightening.


Perhaps he felt an unusual atmosphere, Hilda looked up at me with a strange face.

“…Can you prepare a bath for me?”

“Yes, lady!”

Hilda hurriedly left the room.

I thought about it without moving in that position.

Can I heal his right eye?

Thinking of the black shape I just felt, my confidence dropped.

Then rather… What if I ran away right now?

I didn’t know when I would invade the temple.

Wouldn’t it be better to run away when Devan completely believes in me?

Even though I was thinking about that, when I thought of Devan’s eyes, I felt guilty.

If I runs away without lifting his curse, what will happen to him?
15. Chapter 15

Translated by suleblgc

Edited by Meh21


Sponsored by Jasper 💖(⅓)


As it was, I ran away without lifting Devan’s curse.

My heart pounded at the thought that came to mind.

If I disappeared, would Devan have to live under a half-curse for the rest of his life?

…..But Cordelia appeared.

If I disappear like this, Devan will try to find me somehow. Because he thinks I’m the main
character of the prophecy.

I ran away without lifting the curse, so I’m sure he thinks it’s because I’m a fraud.

Then, he would have no choice but to share information with the temple he visited, and
there was a possibility that he would meet Cordelia someday.

Then maybe they might recognize each other.

Although Cordelia didn’t have Diego’s seal, she smelt like daisies.

And they’re the main characters of the original. It could be led by fate.

I clenched my fist.

Isn’t this all my rationalization?

Could I throw away Devan to live alone?



I laid down on the bed.

An unidentified dark shape came to my mind on his right side.

My heart dropped as if I had been caught by something.

What in the world was that? There was no such description in the original.
Did something change due to my intervention?

I didn’t even know that was changing the situation between Devan and Cordelia in a bad

I clenched my fists until my palms turned white.

Still, from the ceiling, a lion full of arrows was looking down at me.

For the first time since coming here, the lion looked pitiful.


The next day. As soon as the day came, I moved diligently to examine the structure of the

When I looked around the garden with Karen, I remembered the walls that seemed
exceptionally easy to climb and descend.

I had to find out where it was inside the castle.

I don’t know when to run away.

There was smoke from the outside, so it must be the kitchen side. It’s still warm, so the
fireplace wasn’t heating up.

Without Hilda, I quietly headed to the Great Hall alone.

I’ve never been to the kitchen, but I always knew the direction of the butler serving food.
This way, right?

I went into the left entrance of the Great Hall.

When I turned the corner, I was immediately engulfed by the smell of food.

That was the answer.

There must be a kitchen across from here.

To escape through this place, I had to know the structure inside.

However, there was something else that was more important than anything else.

When kitchen servants empty the kitchen and how to enter the empty kitchen.

I had to figure it out.

But wouldn’t it be strange if I suddenly went in now?

What excuse should I make…..

It was that moment.

The door of the kitchen suddenly opened, and the blank look of the food ingredients came

Without time to make excuses, I was caught.

I blinked quickly and hurriedly raised my chin, pretending nothing was wrong.


“He-hello, Lady!”

The servant bowed his back.

“What brings you here……”

“Can I just look around for a second?”

“Of course, Lady!”

Servant rolled his eyes and slipped out of the door.

In any case, there was no reason for the Count Ladies to stop him on the outside.

The kitchen was crowded with staff.

Unlike other empty places, this place was so active that it was comparable to Count

The reason why the food was delicious seemed to be because Devan cared that much.
“The water is boiling over there! It’s not fully cooked. Grill more! You told me to go to the
warehouse. Why are you still…..”

A woman who appeared to be a chef was leading the way shouting around.

Then she widened her eyes when she saw me.

“Who…..? Are you that…. Young Lady?”

‘That’ Young Lady…

She wouldn’t have been able to talk about me, so she wouldn’t know that I was here to
resolve his curse.

If so, is there a rumor spreading among users similar to circulating on the land?

“I just came to look around.”


She looked a little curious, but nodded to see if she had convinced something.

“Of course. That’s possible. What are you curious about?”

I squinted at the more impatient attitude than I thought.

I thought my assumption was correct.

Rumors spread among servants will not be much different from those spread on the land.
‘So, she wants to check the kitchen in advance as the wife of this castle.’

She seemed to think that.

“Well, there are a lot of people in the kitchen. Does Your Highness pay a lot of attention to

“Yes, because he’s a gourmet.”

“Do you know what he likes?”

And for now, there was no reason not to use the rumor.

Her face turned into an exciting look as if she were listening to someone else’s love story.

“Yes, of course. His highness likes fresh salads and almost uncooked meat.”


I sneaked closer to her and looked around the kitchen.

The servants were in a hurry to avoid my gaze.

There were two windows in the kitchen, one of which was so small that people couldn’t

Fortunately, the place where the food smoke went out through the other, fairly large,

It was big enough for my body to escape. Outside the window, there was a wall that looked
easy to climb from the outside.
The chef glanced at me looking down.

I said with a little smile. So that she didn’t find a single harmfulness in my tone.

“Then…. I have one more question.”


The chef quickly blew out the information.

With just a little conversation, I could see that the kitchen was closing at 11pm.

The last person to come out was the blind-looking servant that first opened the door.

After getting all the information, I sat down at the table in Great Hall, pretending to come
down for a meal.

Devan seemed a little surprised that I came earlier than him, but he didn’t care much.

Soon, a luxurious meal was presented. I ate with an indifferent look on my face, and kept
an eye on the kitchen.

Will he leave the key to the kitchen to that young and blind-looking servant?

If it were me, I wouldn’t do that. There is a place where important keys are managed
somewhere in the mansion, and getting keys from there while commuting.

That was more realistic.

Then, where do you manage the key? Someone who can stay in this castle and be trusted….


At the sudden low voice, I swiftly raised my head.

Devan said, putting the dishware aside.

“As you said, all the curses in the left eye have been lifted.”

It seemed that he had discussed it with the doctor in the meantime.

I was not surprised because I already knew that.

“That’s great.”

“Is there no treatment today?”

“Oh……. .”

‘What about the right side? Can you solve the curse on the right side tomorrow?’

“Let’s take it easy for now. It’s not something that you can use all at once.”

Obviously, the treatment was delayed yesterday on the pretext of restoring my credibility.

It’s because I haven’t found any clue to how to deal with the strange shape on the right.

Devan was displaying some tension.

He seemed to have completely restored his trust in me.

It was understandable that no one had ever solved the curse.

But that was only the left eye.

If he hastily started treatment today and showed signs of collapse again, his trust might
crack again.

As expected, today was the time to postpone treatment and just opened my mouth.

“Oh, come to think of it….. I forgot to say this yesterday….. “

Even before hearing my answer, Devan changed the subject as if he suddenly remembered

“Is it important?”


I put the fork next to me and looked at him.

Did the temple find a clue about me, or maybe it’s a story of Cordelia. At least I had an
intuition that it was not positive news.

Looking at the old butler, meaning that he had finished eating, he quickly cleaned up the
meal and served black tea.

“What is it?”

“You may already know it, or you may not think much about it…..”
Unexpectedly, his introduction was long.

“Your brother Killian Diego has applied for a visit.”


I barely managed to resist spewing the tea I was drinking.

Instead, I put down the teacup with trembling hands.

The teacup and the base collided and rattled, making a noise that I didn’t want to hear.

Brother. Killian. Diego. Visit.

The words were not able to make sentences and were turning in my head.

What did I just hear?

“Since I didn’t let him know that you’re here… it’s not because of you, but I heard that the
brother and sister’s relationship is strong, so I can’t let you meet him, but if you want, I can
allow you to see him from afar.”

Devan spoke as if he had bestowed upon me great kindness.

I couldn’t talk with just my lips rattling.

“….what…… so…… why?”

It was a silly question that left my mouth.

“Why? If you’re asking me why you can’t meet him, I brought you here without saying any-

“No, that’s not it. Why did you ask me to….. participate?”

He shrugged that the question was unexpected.

“I know that he became the captain of the Astrilla Guard. It’s not strange to come to see me
at least once.”

Astrilla Lantimos, the crown princess of this empire.

Come to think of it, Killian was working under her.

It was exactly as I heard; he became a captain of the Royal Guard not long ago.

No matter how cursed he was, Devan was the only heir to the throne except for the Crown

There was also an ugly rumor.

On the surface, his meeting was not a strange thing.

But is that really why you’re here?

That can never happen.

How did you know I was here?

I bit my teeth.

“Can’t you not allow it? Then you might get caught as the one kidnapping me. I don’t think
it’s good for me to do either.”

“I wanted to refuse, but there was no justification.”

“What’s the justification?”

Devan buried himself deeply in the chair.

“If you refuse hastily, you may be suspected of trying to contradict the Crown Princess.”

He picked up his cup of tea and took a sip. He seemed to have no intention of reversing the

If so, there was only one way left.

Leaving here before he comes.

16. Chapter 16


Translated by suleblgc

Edited by Meh21


Sponsored by Jasper 💖 (2/3)


Killian was coming to find me.

Before he comes, I have to leave.


I jumped up from my seat, accidentally hitting the table with my knees

Collapsing and tableware poured out with unpleasant sounds.

“What’s going on?”

Devan’s forehead was deeply furrowed. I couldn’t afford to care about that.


Killian is coming. Tomorrow. To the Grand Duke’ place, to find me.

I remembered the chilling gaze I felt two days ago.

His golden eyes longing for love.


Why? How?

My thoughts were full of question marks.


I looked at Devan.

“Why, no.”

“Is it okay?”

“So… Can’t you postpone it?”


Devan did not hide his absurd expression.

It was impossible to change the schedule of visit, who had already appriveed it.

Furthermore, if it was tomorrow right away, it was highly likely that Killian had already
known I’m here.

Since the Great Colonel here was quite far from the Capital.

What do I have to do?

My head turned fast.

I have to leave here before he comes.


Steal the kitchen key,

Jump through the window,

Climb the wall,

Beyond the wall,

Crossing the bridge,

To the border.
To the Ellywoon.

My heart was pounding.

Just like a fish on the verge of death feels and flaps at its fate.

“What’s going on? If you don’t want to meet, you can do that.”

I stared at Devan.

Can that man help me?

No, for him, I was simply a means to lift the curse.

If I couldn’t solve the curse in his right eye, he wouldn’t let me go.

“Today….. I’d better treat your right eye.”

“What? What’s that all of a sudden……”

“Your highness, aren’t you in a hurry to get treatment?”

As if squeezing out my throat, I barely spit out my words.

I could feel Devan hesitating. His adam’s apple moved up and down.

“You’re not going to tell me what’s going on?”

“….. .”
“…I got it. Okay. Then, come to my room at the same time.”


Still absent-minded, I nodded slowly.

All I could think about was Killian.


After finishing the meal, I went out to the garden recklessly.

Then, I looked around the wall in the false pretense of a walk.

Karen in armor was looking at me a few steps away.

This, too, was proof that Devan’s trust in me had increased.

Unlike before, when we had to take a walk together, we had some free time.


I sighed automatically.

Killian coming here. Tomorrow, right now.

What should I do?

How on earth did he know? Did he collude with the temple? Or, did he notice the rumor
spreading in the Grand Dukedom?

He must have easily noticed the public’s lie that the Crown Princess was here because he
had done Astrila’s job.

I didn’t even know.

Does the Count know or is it Killian’s sole action?

What happens if I get caught? Will they drag me back to the basement?

Why don’t you persuade Killian to run away together?

I shook my head hard.

That was impossible.

Even if it was possible, I didn’t want to live my whole life alone with Killian.

My chest fluctuated greatly up and down. Even if I tried to avoid it, I couldn’t help it.

There’s only one thing for sure.

Tonight, I had to get out of here.

The route out of the castle was already memorised. The question wass whether it is
possible for me, who lacks stamina, to beat all soldiers.

I glanced sideways at Karen. If it’s Karen, she won’t stop me with one hand and break my
arms and legs.
Originally, I was going to make a more plausible plan over time… …but I couldn’t help it as
long as I knew Killian was coming tomorrow.

Today, I had no choice but to heal Evan’s right eye and get out with his help.

“Yeah, let us give it a try.”

If you succeed in solving the curse, you will be paid as promised.

But if you can’t solve the curse…..

You have to run away.

I stopped walking.

It was inevitable.

Even if I was caught in the middle because I wasn’t lucky, it was better than staying still
with my hands off.

How… How can I survive so that I am more likely to survive?????

“Lady, do you like Daisy?”

At that moment, I suddenly heard a cheerful voice from the back.

I was frightened and looked back.

It was none other than Hilda who was smiling brightly.

“You….Since when have you been here?”

“What are you so surprised about?”

“…… Didn’t I tell you to change all the sheets?”

Despite her fierce tone, she pouted her lips as if she were not discouraged at all.
“I just finished everything you asked me to do. I’m the only maid in this spacious castle. If I
don’t assist you, who will?”

I definitely didn’t feel any popularity.

I squinted and looked at her.

Hilda was still staring at me with a face full of freckles.

Suddenly, I thought it was strange.

From some point on, she did not make gestures or stuttering sounds in front of me.

-I learned that Hilda, while I collapsed, got a lot of information.

—When asked where the hell did he get such information, he winked, saying he could know
everything. Curiosity was also a talent.

-I didn’t know how she came a day later than I was so confident, but she was reassuring.

New memories passed by.

It was just because she was curious, and I thought she would be good at learning work, so I
passed on.

On second thought, it couldn’t have been.

She knew too much. My identity, my transaction with Devan, and even the movement of
the temple.

There was only an old butler in this house, and he could not have taught Hilda all the
geography of the castle in a day.

Of course, Devan couldn’t have told the maid these things,

Have I ever seen her… talk to anyone else?

Didn’t it suddenly disappear when someone else appeared next to me?

I got goosebumps all over my body.

Why didn’t I notice it until now?

“You… Where did you hear that the temple was looking for me?”

Hilda opened her eyes wide and laughed.

Somehow, at the chilling laughter, I took a step back.

“Why aren’t you stuttering?”

“Why, lady? Do you miss that time?”


Suddenly, she shrank, bowed her head, and looked sideways at me.

He looked scared no matter who looked at all. “Oh, oh, or you… Do you like this side of
She even trembled to a small extent.

The familiar disgust surrounded my whole body.

When did I get this feeling?

“You, you… What are you?”

“Oh, now you’re stammering instead of me. What a pity.”

I looked around in a hurry. Karen was looking this way from a distance.

But he would think Hilda and I were talking normally, and there was nothing to hear.

Ask for help, Karen coming here, and Hilda harms me.

Which one is faster?

It was a car that was measuring that.

“Don’t worry, Lady.”

Hilda came up and stroked my cheek affectionately.

< “Because I don’t want to hurt you.” >

My body is stiff.

As the two said, Hilda’s high voice and a playful voice were heard at the same time.
< “You catch on faster than I thought. I thought it’d be a little dull. No one noticed except
you. The poor man, the experienced butler, you grew up eating nothing but wits. If you
want to survive, you have to do that. Don’t you think so?” >

She giggled and talked to herself for a long time.

She looked intoxicated by herself.

< “Sorry. This was the only way to be around you.” >

Hilda put her hands together and winked.

The eyes and eyebrows were strangely drooping, and a sense of gap came over the
exaggerated movement.

I couldn’t say anything, only my lips were clinging.

< “And I’m sorry again. You might feel a little uncomfortable.” >


As soon as I finished speaking, Hilda lightly bounced her finger in front of my eyes.

There was a cheerful sound.

“Lady, do you like Daisy?”

Hilda, who approached me before I knew it, crouched next to me and asked.

When did he get here?

I think something just happened…

“All of a sudden… saying daisy.”

“That’s because you’ve been standing in front of Daisy for a long time. You’ve done that
before too.”

Only then did I look at the white flowers blooming under me.

“…is this burnt?”

“Yes, lady.”

I bent down and smelled the scent of flowers. It was slightly different from the scent
concentrated in the pendant, but the scent of daisy flowers was definitely there.

When I realized that, I could see that there were particularly many daisies blooming in the

Like snow piled up to the waist dance, it was as if it was suffocating.

Did they plant it on purpose?

When I thought of the curse, Devan, and Cordelia, my appetite was gone.

“I don’t like it that much.”


Hilda looked up at me. Huh? I frowned. Something kept getting caught at the back of my
I think I forgot one important fact…


In a strange voice, Hilda asked.

Looking at her eyes, somehow I felt like earthenware was going to come up.

A message rang in my head, such as a warning that I should not remember.


I avoided Hilda’s gaze.

17. Chapter 17


Translated by Suleblgc

Edited by Meh21


Sponsored by Jasper 💖 (3/3)


After having a hearty dinner, I went straight to Devan’s room.

It was a little earlier than the promised time.

I opened the door and said,

“If you’re ready, let’s start right away.”

There was no answer, and the room was very dark.

As the door opened, a dim silhouette was seen in the light that came in together.

Devan was with a doctor, who was tying Devan’s eye patch.

The room was lit up.

Only then did I realize that Devan was training.

It seemed to have darkened the room by breaking it to get used to the light.

When I opened the door and the light came in, a cold chill ran through my body when I
thought what if he hadn’t been wearing an eye patch.

If I were a little faster…

“That…I’m sorry. I should’ve knocked.”

Devan clicked his tongue and sent out a doctor with a single gesture.

He didn’t seem enraged.

“Let’s sit down”.

I hurriedly sat next to him.

“Are you feeling better?”

“…… As I said, the curse has been lifted, but it takes a few days to be fully visible. It would
be better if you could heal the right side and train together today.”
He was subtly urging treatment.

However, even that was a pretty friendly tone considering his usual personality.

Even though I opened the door without knocking, he didn’t frown once.

I felt how important it was to him to get rid of the curse.

“Okay, let’s hurry up.”

I grabbed onto Devan’s right hand.

Despite my urgent attitude, he gave up his hand silently.

“Focus like last time.”


“……but this time, it might be a little different.”


I moistened my lips.

The first few attempts were with his hands held.

Just yesterday, I held his left hand, and now only his right hand. So, this means that he may
feel more repulsed than in the beginning when his left hand offset it.

To me, who had no answer, Devan continued as if he was convinced alone.

“My eyesight has not fully recovered yet?”

He didn’t know that what I said was limited to the right.

Yesterday, he seemed to have misunderstood that I completely removed the obstacle by

treating his left eye.


I decided to live up to the illusion.

There was no need to complicate the situation by spilling the truth.

Devan nodded his head gently.

It was clear that he was relaxed after treating his left eye.

When I saw him completely trusting me and entrusting himself, I felt guilty.

This was the last treatment. Even if I failed, I was going to run away and never come back.

“Then I’ll start.”

There was no time. I hurriedly closed my eyes and focused my mind.

I felt disgusting from the start.

All of my stomach felt like they were changing seats on the contrary.

This was never an ordinary curse. I was sure.

I gathered as much power as I could. I felt a vast amount.

It was time to send it to the back of Devan’s right hand. An unidentified black shape
approached me.

It was several times faster than my stature. I’ll be eaten. When I try to let go of his hand,

< Kill, kill >

I heard a strange laughter.

It was when I was surprised by the strange sound.

The black shape quickly permeated me.

The hand held tightly could not be removed. Like someone is blocking it.

< We meet again. >

I can’t believe we met again. Where did we meet?

Is it because I’m talking to ‘something’ Somehow, the disgust was decreasing.

If I accepted this black shape, I thought I could be comfortable as it was.

< I’m sorry, but you won’t be able to drive me out. >

I was used to the playful voice.

I’m sure somewhere…

The black shape was trying to penetrate the deepest part of the body, where my vast
divine power was asleep.

If I accept this, my credibility disappears. I had that intuition.

…..…Wouldn’t it be okay though?

Suddenly, I thought that, and I lost strength in my body.

Can’t I give up all the nerves that have been bothering me so far and become comfortable?

This was used in the temple and tortured by Count Diego.

Why do you have to try so hard to survive?

It’s not bad to die.

Suddenly, I thought that death would not be all that painful.

……Okay, let’s die. I feel more comfortable.

< I’m trying to help you. According to the order… >

It was strange.

I was so drowsy that I couldn’t stand it, and I couldn’t think properly.

At that moment, I heard a puppy crying in my head.

‘Catch it.’

‘Kung! Kung kung!’

‘You must not feel sorry for the mother who lost three babies because of you, right?’

Count Diego’s vicious expression and the beast’s crushed cry came to mind.

Killian’s gaze, the terrible basement, which was hard to even feel pain anymore.

Above all……. The black eyes of the mother dog, who was blindly looking at me, came to my

I can’t end it like this.

I didn’t endure all kinds of pain for 10 years to lose to this creature.

I closed my eyes.

Boom- My power exploded from the inside of me.

< Huh? >

Once, the black shape, which had settled inside me, was quickly pushed out.

The languor disappeared in an instant.

The eyebrows frowned automatically.

I felt disgusting again, and the earthenware filled up.

This was better. Pain enabled proper thinking.

I didn’t mean to make the days I’ve endured so far useless.

I will not be eroded without even knowing the identity of this thing.

I’m going to survive. I won’t lose to anything like this.

I felt something spewing out of my body.

Just as someone lifted his eyelids, he opened his eyes wide.

There was a cloud of white lights in front of me.

Even though it was blinding and hard to see in front, a black shape was seen around Devan.

It was much larger than I had seen before.

As if competing for strength, my white stature and its black shape moved around in the
middle of me and Devan.

< Aha… You were a kid that didn’t end. So I couldn’t even start. >

What are you talking about?

I closed my eyes and did my best to drive it out.

I didn’t have time to care about anything else.

Moving around my side and Devan’s side, they exploded with loud noise.


My body collapsed, and I fell like a lifeless doll.

Only then did I notice that Devan was eerily quiet in these series of situations.


His body, which plummeted over the sofa, did not move.
When I barely opened my eyes, what I could see was Devan lying on the floor similar to me.

He closed his eyes and remained motionless.

What is this…


I felt pain in my abdomen. Exactly inside the organ, at all sources of energy.

No way….. Already…..
< See you next time! Don’t we need to say hi? >

A cheerful voice was heard, and my eyes gradually blurred.

The first thing Devan Lantimos thought of when he came to his senses was that he was still

I improved.

“Didn’t you say the curse has been lifted?”

“That’s true, but… What should I say about this? Me too…”

The familiar voice of the old butler and the doctor called from the castle for eye treatment
were alternately heard.

Devan tried to raise himself slowly, but somehow his body was unbearably heavy.

What’s the problem? If the curse has been lifted, why can’t I wake up?

“In theory, the case should be…..”

The voice this time was Karen.

Why is the knight here?

Devan’s forehead was deeply creased.

His chest went up and down significantly, and finally he lifted up slightly.

“As of today… Already… Your Highness!”

Karen was the first to notice the unexpected situation.

Karen quickly approached Devan’s side and helped him to get up.
“Are you okay?”

An urgent voice of an old butler followed.

Leaning on the bedhead, Devan slowly measured the situation.

“……What’s going on?”

As if he had fallen asleep for a long time, Devan’s voice was deeply immersed.

He slowly touched his eyes.

There was still a black eye patch.

“What happened……”

His head was pounding.

Evelyn Diego… He kidnapped her, urged her to treat him, and made a deal.

Finally, he succeeded in lifting the curse on his left eye and gave money in return.

He remembered up to that point. What happened after that?


Devan said coldly. Karen, flinching and shaking, slightly threw her eyes at the old butler.
The same was true for doctors. It was the old butler who lost the fight. With a small sigh, he
opened his mouth.
“That day… When she treated your right eye, I took the liberty of going to the office
because I didn’t hear anything from you even after a long time.”

“Just get to the point.”

“……..Both of you were lying down, and they rushed to call a doctor and a priest. But you
weren’t coming to your senses.”

Devan touched his forehead with one hand.

True, she said she would treat his right eye. They sat face to face in the office.

And… I can’t remember since Evelyn held my hand and told me to focus.

“So, what about the curse?”

“I got confirmation from the temple , and the curse was completely cured!”

The doctor intervened. It seemed like he was asking for a compliment.

“Can I see my front now?”

Devan raised his hand as if he would take off his eye patch at any moment.

The doctor, who quickly stopped him, continued. “That’s not true. First of all, you have to
train to get used to the light as before.
“And the curse has definitely been lifted.”

“Wait a minute.”

Feeling somewhat incongruous, Devan raised his hand and stopped talking to the doctor.

“In the past?”


Behind the stupid doctor, the butler closed his eyes.

“How long have I been unconscious?”

Devan’s voice subsided coldly.

18. Chapter 18

Translated and edited by: Sleepypanda


Sponsored by Misahrabalik💖 (½)


“How long has it been since I lost consciousness?”

“… about that”

The doctor audibly gulped. To ease the tension the doctor nervously shook his hands.

“Answer me”

Devan’s voice, which was lower than usual, sounded even more menacing than usual.

A moment of silence followed. Unable to stand it, Devan tried to get up. The old butler
noticed and hurried forward.
“Your Highness. The day Your Highness lost consciousness…”

The room was so silent that the sound of the butler swallowing could be heard throughout
the room.

“… It’s been a year.”


Devan opened his mouth with a blank look.

The butler attempted to avoid eye contact by looking down.

Karen took a step forward, licking her lips to try to stall saying anything.

“Your Highness…

“… Was there anything else?”

“Actually… Lady Evelyn is gone.”


(Evelyn’s perspective)
It was a strange sensation. My body was full of energy, and I felt like there was nothing to
fear at all and everything was under his feet.

I opened my eyes wide. I could see the ceiling again with a lion on it, and looking at the
window, it seemed pretty deep into the night.

I tried to recall what I could remember. The treatment had failed — that much was obvious
even in the midst of the confusion. I lost to that black creature.

So… I had to run away. Right now.

The kitchen was obviously closed at eleven o’clock. To escape, I had to cross the kitchen
and go over the fence. I slowly creeped out of bed to avoid Hilda’s watch. Holding a package
of brooches and gold coins in my arms that I had prepared in advance, I left the room.

Right next to me was Hilda’s room, which I entered without hesitation as the door was
unlocked. I quickly changed into Hilda’s clothes, picking out a black robe that was
nondescript. It was different from the colorful dresses that the butler bought for me, which
was inconvenient to go out in and would stand out in a crowd. Standing in front of the
mirror and checking my clothes, I took a deep breath.

It felt really strange. I had obviously used all my divine energy, but my mind was
completely clear. My body seemed to know immediately what to do, and I had this sense
that everything would go my way. Carefully I exited Hilda’s room and walked quickly down
the corridor, arriving at the Great Hall. To the left was the kitchen, but I had to stop
somewhere first to secure a key.

The only person that Devan would trust in this castle was the butler. The butler stayed in
the annex that was past the right corner of the Great Hall.
I tried to take a step towards the right and stopped. I felt an unseen pressure that was
pushing me to head towards the kitchen. It was extremely odd.

Heeding my instincts, I reversed course and headed towards the kitchen on my left. When I
reached the kitchen door, it seemed to open automatically with a metallic clinking sound. It
was odd — it felt like I had opened the door with my power. But while I felt weird, it wasn’t
scary at all.

Entering the kitchen, I opened the window and looked down. It looked dark and
frightening, but I had to do it. There was a step that I could use to climb down. Since
arriving at the Grand Duke’s residence, I had deliciously fulfilling meals so my stamina was
better than before. On top of that, I had divine power to help me out as well, meaning that
even if I got hurt, I could recover immediately so long as I didn’t die. Putting a gag in my
mouth to muffle the noise, I tried to be as quiet as possible to make sure that no soldiers
around me would notice me.

The feeling in my head started to talk again — did I really need that level of effort?

Following that instinct again, I felt confident that I could climb down this wall easily
without that much effort. Grabbing the window frame I slowly lowered myself, and
carefully stepped on the bricks that formed a landing for me. It was hard to believe that I,
who had never exercised properly in my life, could climb down this wall with such ease.

Carefully climbing down and holding the bricks that I formerly used as a landing. The
doubts became louder, and it was when I could feel the fear in my mind that I suddenly
slipped as I was stepping down on my right foot.

Losing my balance, I collided with the wall and stifled a scream. I could feel my heart
sinking. Trying to calm down, I took a moment and looked down — it was less than two
meters to the ground.

A single thought later, my body seemed to move through the air, floating gently and landing
softly on the ground.

I quickly looked around. I couldn’t see or sense another person around me. Now I was
facing the fence I had to cross as I had originally planned. The main gate was guarded by
soldiers and locked securely, so I had to swim over the fence and down the river…

But following my instincts, I headed over boldly to the front gate. As I thought, it was
guarded by two soldiers.

Thinking about what to do, I tilted my head as I blinked and opened my eyes.



“What’s this sound?”

“I think it came from there…”

A small explosion broke out in the garden on the opposite side, and the soldiers hurried to
check out the source of the noise.

Did I do that? I was definitely trying something like it…

I looked down and clenched my fist. It was strange, but now was not the time to worry.
Hurrying over to the main gate that was now clear of soldiers, I was confident that opening
the locked door would be a piece of cake.

Looking at the door something felt off.

“A barrier?”

Probing the barrier with my powers I could hear an unpleasant noise. It was unsurprising
— after all, there was no way the Grand Duke would have left the protection of the entire
castle to only a handful of soldiers. The barrier felt quite high level too.

But even this would be a cakewalk for me. I had the feeling that I could pierce through the
barrier quite easily. Slowly, I walked towards the barrier. There was a sharp rupture as if I
were ripping through a veil, but I couldn’t see or feel any wounds on my body. Leaving the
door I took a look back. Only one of the towers was lit in the dark with a pale fire.

It was Devan. I could tell as much from intuition. Had he woken up? Or did he not realize
that the butler was standing by him right now?

Had Cordelia met you in this state, she would have broken the curse and fallen for you

“…I’m sorry”, I muttered into the night. Suddenly I groped my neck, feeling to check if the
yellow pendant I had always worn was there. “The pendant…”

My heart was pounding. When did I lose it? Was it when I climbed down the wall? Perhaps
it was when I had slipped — it could have easily fallen off when I fell against the wall.
What should I do? Should I go find it again?… But calming myself, I realized as I shook my

I didn’t need the pendant anymore. There would be no need to meet Devan again, so there
was no need to smell of daisies in front of him anymore.

“Maybe this is a good thing.”

This would be the final goodbye to this place. Turning slowly, I suddenly heard the sounds
of horses and whipped my head around to look.

There was a bright red light shining above the hills. It seemed like a large group of people
were coming my way.

I hurried across the bridge, and into the forest. Today even the moon was covered by the
clouds. Luckily I didn’t have a single light so I couldn’t be recognized in the darkness.

Suddenly I could feel goosebumps rising on my skin. My body stiffened in fear. I could
barely turn my neck and looked in the direction of where I could hear the horses coming
from. I could barely see anything, but I could feel it instead.

A tenacious gaze. Golden eyes that were filled with greed. I had clearly said tomorrow –
why was he here now?


Dragging his immobile body, he seemed to be coming towards me. If I get caught now, it
was all over. Jumping up for speed I ran into the forest. The tall trees seemed to have a
foreboding aura and there was nothing but darkness, but I ran like crazy nonetheless.
Sharp branches tore at my skin and I tripped over some rocks but I couldn’t stop.

I couldn’t miss this last chance.


“Lady Evelyn is gone.”

Devan couldn’t understand what he just heard.

A year where he was unconscious, and Evelyn was gone.

“What do you mean she’s gone?”

“The night you collapsed — she disappeared without saying a word”, the butler replied.

“Hmm… Why?”

“What do you mean, Sire?”

“Didn’t you say the curse was lifted?” As Devan’s gaze turned to the doctor, the doctor
responded with a bow.

“Oh, yes. That’s right. The curse has been lifted.”

“…so she could have just collected the payment and leave.” So why?

Silence filled the room. What reason would she have had to leave in such a hurry after I had
collapsed? She had been so obsessed with money. Karen interjected as Devan’s confusion

“Actually… it would be more correct to say she ran away.”

“Ran away?”

Suddenly Devan remembered something that Evelyn had mentioned before about running
away from the empire, leaving with money and jewels.

“Run away? From whom?”

“Yes, sire?”

Was she really trying to run away from the empire?

“For what reason would she want to run?…”

Was she trying to run away from me?

Devan’s face contorted.

19. Chapter 19


Translated and edited by: Sleepypanda

Sponsored by Misahrabalik 💖 (2/2)


Karen continued to talk, whipping out papers that she was holding in her arms. She seemed
to have been holding onto these documents to report at any time what had happened a
year ago.

“So, Lady Evelyn seems to have broken into the kitchen and climbed down the wall.”

“Down the wall?”

“Yes, the kitchen window was open, and there were traces all over the floor. After that, I
think he passed through the gate.”

Devan barely held back his laughter.

“What did you do? Did I not order you to monitor her?”

“…I was with you, Your Highness”. Karen looked down at the floor.

“What about soldiers guarding the gates? And the barrier?”

“About that… I’m not sure what happened, but the soldiers said they were away checking
something that had exploded on one side of the garden, and there were signs that the
barrier was pierced through.”


This time, he couldn’t hold back his laughter.

Evelyn broke the barrier?

As far as he knew, the only ability she had was her divine power. But barriers were made
with powerful advanced magic. It didn’t make any sense.

Karen, noticing Devan’s confusion, continued on.

“We were also confused and continued to look into it. Perhaps it was something

“So by coincidence, the kitchen door was unlocked, the soldiers were suddenly called away,
and the barrier was broken? Does that even make sense to you?”
Karen hurriedly lowered her gaze at his anger.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness.”

Devan relaxed his gaze and sighed.

“As soon as I fully recover, I’m going to overhaul the security system.”

Karen’s face contorted as she realized what that meant for her.

“Your Highness…”

The old butler, who had been quietly watching, put something in Devan’s hand.

“What’s this?”

“I found it while searching the garden the day she disappeared.”

“A necklace?”

Devan calmly fiddled with the pendant. It was a yellow pendant that looked just like a coin.

“Have you looked into it?”

“It looks like a kind of magical tool, but it’s not dangerous. To probe further, we would need
to break the pendant, but we wanted to get permission from Your Highness first……”

A magic tool?

Devan clenched the pendant. Looking at it, it was a common pendant you could find
anywhere in town. He quickly lost interest and placed it on the desk next to him.

“Well, it doesn’t matter.”

“Will you leave it as it is?” Karen was puzzled by Devan’s sudden change.

“The curse is solved and all promises were kept, so there’s no reason to continue
investigating. On top of that, it was a year ago, so if anything had happened we would have
heard about it by now. There’s far more pressing things than that.”

Devan’s gaze turned to the doctor again. He felt the patch covering his eyes.

“So when will my eyesight return?”

“Your Highness, if you are in a hurry, it could be done in just a few days. However, you’ve
been unconscious for a year, so you must build back your strength through proper
nutrition. We had barely managed to keep your body through magic…”

“Okay. Starting today, recovering my health will be my top priority.”

Devan Lantimos trained nonstop for a few days. Originally he was fast at everything, and
this was possibly the most motivated he had ever been, so the training continued at a speed
faster than the doctors had expected. He spent a fortune hiring two more wizards, and with
the combination of their healing magic and delicious food served by his talented chef, he
had restored his health to a better state than even a year prior in just a week. With that,
they had begun restoring his eyesight and adjusting his eyes to light.

Finally, today was the day to remove the tiresome eyepatch.

The servants, doctors, and hired wizards gathered in Devan’s room, holding their breath.
Rejecting their offers of help Devan decided to remove the eye patch with his own hands.
While it was obvious that Devan would be nervous, he still maintained his poker face
throughout the process.

Slowly, Devan untied the knot holding the eyepatch over his face. The removal seemed to
take forever. The butler in particular was especially nervous, rubbing the sweat off his
palms on his clothing.

Throwing the eye patch on the floor, Devan opened his eyes very slowly. Blinking, once,
then twice. As he had trained, his eyes adapted to the moderate sunlight shining through
the room without any difficulty. His eyelashes trembled.

He slowly walked towards a large window in the room. He could see the outside scenery. It
was truly visible.

No one said a word, and simply stared at him. His dark black hair shining in the sunlight.
With the eye patch gone, his perfect features were even more prominent. They could see
his perfect eyebrows and dark eyes framed with long eyelashes.

Everyone, from the butler who had served Devan for a long time, to even the doctors and
wizards who worked tirelessly for the past few days, felt an overwhelming flood of
Suddenly, Devan stopped moving. He put his hands in front of his eyes.


Everyone in the room tensed up for a moment.

Devan’s voice was mixed with anger, not hope, joy, or happiness.

He looked at those gathered standing around him with a beautiful but cold gaze. The air
seemed to freeze just from the pressure.

“Is… Is there a problem?”

The doctor gathered the courage to speak. He took a step forward.

Devan held his hand in front of his eyes and clenched his fist.

“Why is it that my right side seems to see less clearly?”


The doctor replied stupidly. The butler hurried over to Devan’s side.

“Your HIghness, do you mean to suggest that your right side has a problem seeing?”
“Yes.” Devan covered his left eye to look. The butler shook. Of course it wasn’t the same as
when the Duke was cursed, but his sight was still not the same as before.

The doctor was in a hurry to rectify the situation.

“You haven’t seen in a long time, so it is possible that Your Highness’ eyesight may have
lessened from before. In that case, you will recover naturally over time.”

“My eyesight has gotten worse.”

Devan crossed his arms and sighed.


The wizards flinched at being called and hurriedly stood at attention.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“I wasn’t physically blind, but blinded as a result of the curse. Was there a chance that it
could have damaged my eyesight even after the curse is removed?”

The wizards exchanged glances with each other.

The doctor looked at the wizard with a pleading face, but the wizard who took a step
forward shook his head.
“While we are trained in magic, curses are a divine matter. The person best suited to
answer that question would be a priest. However…”

Devan’s expression, which had crumped, seemed to loosen up a bit.

“In our uneducated opinion… I believe it would be impossible unless you had been
physically injured in the meantime.”

After speaking, the wizard bowed his head deeply and went back to his group.

Devan glared at the doctor. The doctor was now trembling like a tree.

“…Your Highness!”

Suddenly, the butler made a loud noise. Everyone suddenly turned to look at Devan’s eyes.

“Your highness, your right eye…”

The butler looked at the Grand Duke straight in the eyes, ignoring proper etiquette. The
butler shook as he did so.

“What happened?”

Devan strode toward the mirror hanging in the room.

This is…
Staring back at him were two eyes in different colors. The left side was restored to what it
had been prior to the curse, but the right side was different. There were black figures
hanging above his pupils, as if it would cover the red eye at any moment.

The curse was not fully broken. Unlike before, his right eye was covered with black figures,
a fact that spread like wildfire. The wizards and doctors were in a frenzy to find the cause
and solution to no avail. Devan was furious that the cause was unknown.

After all, he would have rather had a perfect solution to his curse. Even if it seemed
impossible, all you needed to do was find the subject of the prophecy.

But with no cause, there was no way to find the solution.

And above all, he was slowly getting used to this state of affairs. Before he knew it, he began
training again with his sword, and was performing perfectly. Of course this wasn’t
surprising considering what he was able to handle even when he couldn’t see.

On the inside, he was pleased. He didn’t have to wear the tight black eye patch nor did he
have to concentrate on seeing what little he could see. There was no need to memorize the
sounds of the footsteps of the people around him. And above all, that eerie laughter had
gone away completely.

It felt like everything had gone back to normal. Even he had to admit that he was much
more comfortable now than before. Vaguely, he was anxious that he could in fact live like
this for the rest of his life. In fact he was adapting just fine to his impaired eyesight, despite
his own desires.

In the meantime, news that the Grand Duke had recovered consciousness had spread
through the kingdom, and that his curse had been lifted.
As soon as the news spread, Killian Diego showed up again.
20. Chapter 20

Translated by Sleepypanda

Sponsored by Lamii 💖 (1/1)


Devan was sitting in the drawing room with a letter in front of him from Killian. It was a
courteous letter simply wanting information.


He threw the letter to the fireplace with no hesitation.

In an instant, the letter disappeared without a trace.

I’ve been writing since Your Highness collapsed a year ago. Please respond as soon as possible.
The butler started preparing stationary to respond to the letter.

“You should write it instead.”

“You may get an earful from the Crown Princess if you keep speaking like that, sire.”

“You mean the Crown Princess who didn’t contact me for a year despite my comatose

Despite Devan’s sarcasm, the butler calmly continued pouring tea without a response.
Devan responded while nonchalantly gazing at the falling tea.

“Perhaps Killian knows where she is.”

“By she do you mean?…”

“Evelyn Diego.”

The butler’s gaze headed to a necklace with a yellow pendant lying randomly in the corner
of the desk.

“She would be able to tell me the possible cause of my eyesight deteriorating, if not heal me

The butler was silent.

Devan crumpled the paper and threw the blank sheets violently into the fireplace. The fire
burned furiously again, and the butler, nonplussed, prepared new stationery for Devan.

“…I’m aware.”

Devan began to write back in beautiful letters with ink on his pen tip.

“I’m fully aware that you ran away from this mansion like in the middle of the night
because you knew in advance that you wouldn’t be able to completely fix me.”


“That’s probably what you think. But…”

Devan looked down at the letter paper with a pen in his hand, and splotches started to form
on the blank sheet.

The butler skillfully prepared new sheets.

For a moment, the only sound that reverberated throughout the room was the sound of
Devan knocking on the wood.

After he realized that his eyesight had not fully recovered, Devan began to think. Why
would Evelyn risk such a dangerous and risky escape? His conclusion was that she had run
away because she couldn’t fully cure the curse.
She had an enormous amount of divine power, but she was not the person specified in the
prophecy. There had never been a case where the royal family followed the prophecy
without resolving the curse.

And on top of that, there was the case of the yellow pendant.

He had scrutinized the pendant to find her whereabouts.

It was a common item, but full of magical power. Magic that only allowed those given
access the ability to open it. He had commanded the wizards to open the pendant through
force, only to realize that what was contained in the pendant was the fragrance of daisies.

Unlike the bewildered wizards who were unaware of the prophecy, Devan was able to
immediately piece together the situation.

He was unsure of how she had heard of the entire prophecy, but Evelyn had clearly used
this pendant to trick him into believing she was the one mentioned.


Devan remembered Evelyn’s reaction was unusual when Killian Diego said he was coming
here. She had reversed her attitude and suddenly treated everything as if it were urgent.
Had she really had to run away in such a hurry? After all, even if she wasn’t the person
mentioned by the divine, she clearly cured the curse on his left eye. It would not have been
a problem to take more time and potentially more money.

“I think there’s another reason why.”

His cool eyes, like a dark lake, glared as if they were representing his feelings, as if they
were penetrating the letter paper on his desk.
To be exact, the name Killian Diego, written on the first line.


Devan Lantimos was uncomfortable. He was always like that, but it was especially like that

He looked at the handsome man in front of him who was currently in the middle of
drinking tea stiffly.

It was Killian Diego, who had bright silver hair and golden eyes. His manners were
impeccable to the point of being excessive. He was the eldest son of the Count, and even if
he did not enter the Guard, he would still be able to inherit the count’s title and live
lavishly. The Count was not particularly known for rejecting his own either.

However, Killian’s attitude was strange. It was more like a servant to his master and an
excessive degree of politeness for a noble.

“I heard it has not been long since you regained consciousness. Thank you for allowing me
the pleasure of your company, Your Highness.”

Devan reclined deeply on the sofa without an answer.

Despite his arrogant attitude, Killian was only facing him with straight-looking eyes.

“So, what are you here for?”

Contrary to his expectations that Bona Mana Astrilla would be mentioned, Killian hesitated
to speak. Devan’s eyebrows twitched.

“… I heard that your curse has been lifted.”

“Does that concern you in any way?”

Killian dropped his gaze. He almost seemed like a child who was about to be punished.

“Did you find the person mentioned in the prophecy?”

Devan frowned.

“I asked you if you were related to this at all.”

Clenching his fists, Killian closed his eyes. After a long moment, he began to speak.

“I’ve heard that people with great abilities… could lift curses regardless of what was
mentioned in the prophecy.”

“Don’t make me ask again”

Devan started to get up from his seat. Just as he was about to leave, Devan stopped as he
looked at Killian’s face, which was now turned towards him. Killian’s gaze seemed to be
filled with an unknown desire…

And with golden eyes, to boot…

What do you mean golden eyes?

Devan squinted and looked at him.


Killian avoided his gaze, and finally opened his mouth as if he had decided something.

“To be honest, I…”

Killian nervously licked his lips.

Was the desire in his eyes previously an illusion? Devan quickly lost interest. Killian opened
his eyes nervously and stood up.

Devan’s poker face collapsed noticeably at the sudden rudeness, but Killian was not
focused on the duke. He was staring at Devan’s desk. Devan turned to look at what Killian
was focused on.

What was he looking at?

There was nothing much on the desk.The magic tool that he used when he was blinded by
the curse, and the wax seal for his letters, as well as the yellow pendant necklace left
behind by Evelyn.

Devan tried to focus on what Killian was looking at. Killian continued to stare blankly. The
man looked like he was petrified on the spot and completely drained of any emotion. He
muttered in a small voice.



He was suspicious ever since he had asked about the curse. Was he really here to find

Devan looked at him as if observing him. Count Diego’s two children were known for their
good friendship, so it was understandable. After all, a concerned sibling might indeed ask
around and come all the way here to find their lost sister. That was plausible.

A year ago rumors spread that a young woman was seen at the Grand Duke’s estate. Devan
tried to veer the rumors towards the Crown Princess, but if it was Killian, captain of the
Crown Princess’ guards, he would have known that to not be the case.

The rumors about his cure also spread quite quickly.

Killian sat down in his seat again, with his face buried in both hands. It would have been
understandable had Killian heard rumors from elsewhere and came. Sure, it would have
been rather obsessive for such a brother to come searching for his lost sister, but that
would be reasonable.
But it was only a few days after Devan had recovered that Killian sent a request to meet
him. Was that even likely?

“It seems that you are unaware of court etiquette despite being the captain in charge of the
Crown Princess’ Royal Guard.”

Devan finally broke and spoke harshly.

Killian looked up slowly, his face full of anger, frustration and indescribable despair.

“Where is she?”

“What do you mean?”

“… Evelyn”

Killian’s voice was strained as if he were suppressing himself.


Killian seemed to have completely ignored Devan’s words.

“Evelyn… Where in the world…”

Killian jumped up from his seat, unable to control his emotions. Trembling with emotion,
Killian moved towards Devan’s desk.
Devan pulled out his sword from behind him, aiming straight at Kylian’s back. He was
entirely fed up with Killian’s lack of respect. Even completely distracted, Killian was unable
to ignore the threat. He slowly turned back around.

“I don’t think I’ve given you the leave to walk around.”

“…I apologize, your highness. I… I think I found something that I had misplaced…”

“What object of yours would be in my room?”

Devan, using the tip of his sword, slowly moved Killian away from his desk.

Devan leaned in front of Killian, as if covering the pendant. Devan’s eyes narrowed, lightly
wielding his sword with one hand.

“Do you realize what you’re saying right now?”

“… Your Highness, please… This is something more precious than my life…”

Devan’s interest was piqued. More precious than his life?

“Is that so”

He raised his sword towards Killian’s neck. Killian immediately stiffened.

“If that’s the case, lay down your life right here.”
21. Chapter 21


Translated by Suleblgc

Edited by Sleepypanda


Sponsored by Angela 💖 (⅓)


“Can you give your life?”

Killian’s chest went up and down. His trembling breathing filled the room.

Sneakily, Killian grabbed the blade of a sword aiming at the back of his neck.

As if he’s showing his determination.

Devan’s eyebrows curved.

“…….if I can’t find it……my life is worthless.”

“If I can’t find it. What?”

Killian opened his eyes wide.

“Your Highness, please……please.”

“So …..what?”

“…….Please give me back. Evelyn…….”

Devan’s quick smile burst into laughter.

“……Your Highness.”

“Ha, hahaha!”

Devan laughed out loud.

How big and pleasant he laughed, Killian’s forehead was crumpled mercilessly.

He put down the blade that Killian was holding and took a step back. Blood dripped from
his palm.

“Haha… haaah…”

Devan, who was smiling with a bend to his waist, suddenly raised his head.
Paat- He put a sword vertically on the carpet.

Before he knew it, his smile disappeared. Devan shined his eyes in a grand way.

“Whatever it is, you can look for it if you want. I’ll give you a week. My castle, Young
Lord….. You can search anywhere.”

Devan added behind Killian, who seems to run out right away even before the end of the

“However, if you can’t find it… You’ll have to give up your life.”

It was a cooler voice than a sword that touched the back of its neck.

However, Killian opened the door without setting up courtesy, as if it was a waste of time
to hesitate. As if all the polite attitudes up until just now were lies.

Boom- The door closed roughly and the sound of footsteps running down the hallway rang.

In the room left alone, Devan picked up the sharp sword again.

At the end of the blade, Killian’s blood was buried.

He threw the sword randomly, turned around, and grabbed the yellow pendant.

Devan’s expression when looking at it was full of resentment.

“Because of Evelyn.”
He recalled that Killian never referred to her as sister.

As if to break it, Devan held the necklace in his hand hard.

“Isn’t this like…. a warrior who came to save his lover?”

If so, his role is the devil who locked the princess in the tower.

Golden eyes? It was a kind of coincidence.

A fishy smile was caught around Devan’s mouth.


It was all over the place. It was blinding.

I closed my eyes and walked down the familiar street.

Every step I took, snow flashed and made a good sound.


The same breath burst out with a sigh. I rubbed my hands together and heated it up.

Otherwise, my hands will freeze first even before I arrive at the store.

Ellywoon, where I finally arrived, was a much colder place than expected.
Who said this place was a place where it snows all year round. Ellywoon was not exactly a
snowy place, but a place where snow piled up.

It was piled up, piled up, and piled up without giving time to melt.

How long did I walk?

The snow, which had risen to my knees, became ankle-deep, and a sudden bustling
distance appeared.

This was also one of the characteristics of Ellywoon.

Community life was taken for granted in this country, where it snowed almost every day.
Everyone lived together, and such a small downtown area was formed in the center.

“Hey, Leah!”

I heard a familiar voice.

As I looked around, Heron, the owner of the fish store, was waving his hand at me.

Leah was my new name here.

“Mr. Heron!”

I rushed toward him in a hurry.

Heron pushed the burning bonfire toward me.

As I squatted in front of it and warmed my hands, Heron held out a brass cup this time.

“Here you go.”

“Thank you.”

When I accepted it with both hands, the warmth quickly spread.

“Phew…. I’m barely going to live.”

“You haven’t been able to ride a sledding?”

“I’ll get used to it soon.”

“Didn’t you say that before?”

I looked at him laughing and smiled awkwardly.

People in this country used sledding instead of horses or carriages as a means of


I tried it again and again, but I still couldn’t adapt, so I used to walk a long distance from
home to downtown.

“So what do you give me today?”

“What’s there?”


Heron went into the store and heard the sound of searching this and that.
Since it was a cold neighborhood with so much snow, most of the food here was dried up
and used.

Among them, dried fish was the best ingredient.

What should I make for dinner tonight?

I warmed my hands while blowing my breath.

It would be okay to make stew or something. I was able to eat hard-dried fish smoothly
and melt my body.

Come to think of it, I think we’re almost out of firewood.

I looked over the shops I had to stop by on the way. As I bought a lot every time I came out,
there were not one or two places to stop by.

“I got good meat from my neighborhood. I’ll give you a discount. Will you bring it?”

In the store, Heron shouted.

The neighborhood next door meant an empire. So, the place where I ran away.

“….No. Just give me a cheap one!”

I looked inside the store and shouted.

I didn’t want to touch any fish.


I was on my way home with dried fish in one hand and dry firewood in the other.

Still, my eyes were up to my knees. There was a main road to go home and a shortcut to
break through the dark forest.
Usually, it was always the former, but today, the luggage in my hand was too heavy.

If I went home like this, I would have fallen down without having dinner and collapsed.

What’s the big deal?

I walked toward the forest with complacent thoughts. It wasn’t sunset yet, and most of the
beasts and castles in this neighborhood were gentle.

However, as soon as I entered the forest, I had no choice but to regret my decision.

Tall birch trees surrounded me, and the sun that showed a little bit of its face was
completely… covered it.

The wind turned sharper as it crossed the trees, and eventually, it made a strange whirring

I swallowed my gulp and dried saliva and took a quick step.

Fortunately, however, the trees were acting as roofs.

The height of the snow piled up on the floor was significantly lower than outside the forest,
so I was able to step faster.

“Well, it’ll be done soon.”

I talked in a cheerful voice for no reason.

Even so, the gloomy atmosphere didn’t go away.

Crunch- I was horrified by the strange sound from the bottom and played. It was the sound
of a branch breaking that I stepped on.

I had to admit that I was nervous to the fullest.

It was only then that I recalled the reason why I had to walk far and insist on the main

There have been more than once in a while when crossing the border, I went back and
forth between life and death because of the rubble.

“Why did I forget that?”

Creepy green skin, sticky mucus, and a body harder than a rock.
When I remembered the castles I encountered a year ago, my impression was wrinkled.

Of course, there’s no such thing in this forest, but…

“…….Let’s hurry up.”

I almost ran.

The snow piled up on the floor fluttered every time my steps touched.

It was still dark around, and the biting cold was also there.

The wind that made strange sounds continued, and my fear was the same as the first time.

It was then.

Boom- I heard a roar from the back. It was the sound of something falling.

That’s also something very heavy. There was a chill. My body became stiff as it was.

There was a strange cry that could only be said to belong to the beast.

It could be a wild animal. Like a bear. Is it a problem if it’s a bear? But it’s better than

Thinking uselessly as if escaping from reality, I turned around very slowly.


Tung– The fish and dry firewood I was holding fell to the floor.

Coming right in front of me, it was dripping yellow essence from its mouth.

It’s whole body was covered with hard-looking green scales, and there were two long and
disgusting tails.

There was nothing more to think about.

It was a magic beast.

This magic beast was obviously after me.


Elliwoon was famous for being a safe place. It was because it snowed a lot and it was
always cold, it was difficult for dangerous beasts or horses to survive.

Young people in the village even used the forest as a hunting ground.
But now… On the first day I came into the forest, a magical beast appeared?

Is this all just a terrible coincidence?

My cheeks are hardened.


The beast jumped high.

Towards me.


I quickly threw myself sideways with a fresh scream.

He put his face in his eyes, but fortunately, he didn’t seem to die.

What should I do?

When I slightly raised my head, the stupid horse was looking around. I felt like I was
looking for me.

Unnoticeably, I got up from my seat very slowly and hid behind the tree.

I had to think carefully.

I tried to remember a year ago, when the Great Duke kidnapped me.

A strangely powerful force to be precise.

I rode the walls, opened locked doors, and broke the barrier.

I clenched my fist.

The problem was… I didn’t know how I used it myself.


The tree I was hiding flew to the side.

It seemed that the beast was accidentally hit while turning its tail around.

I inhaled sharply.

The beast stared at me with creepy yellow eyes.

I got caught.

Without any hesitation, the beast jumped to the floor as if it were just following its instinct.

Do I die like this?

After breaking away from abuse and torture, crossing the border and barely setting up a
house to catch my breath.


I’m going to die like this? | I looked very slow as the magical beast attacked me.

It was enough to count the terrible scales on the body.

And I saw something flashing white in the gap.

White? That can’t be…

My whole body stiffened at the creepy thought of passing by my head.

22. Chapter 22

Translated by Suleblgc

Edited by Sleepypanda


Sponsored by Angela 💖 (⅔)


My whole body stiffened at the creepy thought of passing by my head.

It was when I closed my eyes.

Something hot poured over my body.

I opened my eyes for a moment.

What’s this?

I rubbed around my eyes with my hands.


There was a lot of red blood on my hand.

Was I dead? It didn’t hurt at all. Or did I get hurt?

Yeah, that magic thing looked silly, so maybe it didn’t kill me immediately.

But how did I not die when I was covered with blood? Why didn’t it hurt?

Thoughts led to the flow of consciousness.

It was that moment.

The sound of someone stepping on the snow and breaking it, and the sound of a branch
breaking was heard.

It was the sound of human footsteps.

I hurriedly wiped off the blood that covered my eyes and barely looked ahead.

Then, as soon as I checked the source of the sound, I fell into the snow.

It was a man with a horrifyingly beautiful appearance in front of me.

A man with cool eyes enough to think it’s better to die in the hands of a beast.

It was a gaze that I had never encountered, but I could see it at once.

Devan Lantimos, it was him.

Devan stepped closer to me, where I sat down.

The snow piled up on the floor didn’t seem to interfere with him.

He was in a black uniform and held a black sword in one hand, from black shoes to

It was a sword that I remembered seeing in his office one day.

Devan was also half covered with the blood of the beast.

To the point where I wondered if it was the same as the uncomfortable liquid on my body,
the dark red liquid went terribly well with him.

After shaking off the blood around his eyes, he said.

“You were here. How dare you run away from me?”


I stepped back while sitting.

Pook – Devan put a sword right behind my head. He was in an attitude that he would not
allow running away anymore.

Was it a dream?

Suddenly, I thought of that.

It’s already been a little over a year since I ran away from him. In terms of the number of
years alone, it was two years. I was already 20 years old.
But at this time, I can’t believe he came here.

I looked up at him with faint eyes.

Furthermore, he was different from what I had seen so far.

The black eye patch, which was always in his eyes, disappeared. So his eyes…

Devan bent down and came out to make eye contact with me.

The first thing I saw was the left eye, so red that I thought the blood of the magic that just
poured out went into his eyes.

Next was the right eye, which was spread black as if it were about to be sucked in.

He grabbed my chin with his blood-stained hand.

The corners of his mouth were drawing lines.

“What do you think? Is it exactly what you imagined?”

I couldn’t understand what he was saying.

When I blinked and didn’t answer, Devan tilted his head to the right.

“I mean these eyes.”

“……eyes, why?”

When he answered blankly, he burst into laughter and rummaged through the product.
Then he took something out and put it right in front of me.

My body became stiff.

He had a necklace with a yellow pendant in his hand.

The magic item, which was enriched with the scent of daisy flowers, that Killian gived.

“You won’t say you don’t know what this is.”


“The goddess of the young sun, who embraces the scent of daisy flowers, will lift your

As if reciting a poem, he spoke in a wonderful voice.

“I’m sure you already know what it’s about. I don’t know how you found out, but I was
fooled because I’ve never seen such a creative and enthusiastic person. I can’t believe you
even used a magic tool.”


My lips are very dry.

He noticed everything. That I cheated on him. That I’m not the star of the prophecy.

“No wonder I thought it was weird to fall down even if you used a little bit of your energy.
You can’t be the main character of the prophecy.”

It was not because of the curse…

I was making excuses now. There was no way that they would trust me.

A cool voice flew into my ear and stuck in.

“When you deceived me, you must have felt that determination, right? The weight of
responsibility won’t be light.”

Paat—Devan grabbed the sword that was stuck in the top of me and pulled it out.

I flinched and shivering.

The fear of death, which was just around the corner, rewound around my whole body.

I’ve only come this far. Am I going to die from this person’s hands?

What he said when we first met came to my mind.

‘I hate lying a lot. I pray that you will be alive for a long time.’

I got goosebumps on my back.

Did he follow me all the way here to take responsibility for my lie?

After a year? Really… is he going to kill me?

I recalled a vicious rumor that spread throughout the continent. He deserved it.

I hurriedly opened my mouth.


“However, it is clear that you are a great power holder anyway.”

I muttered as if I were talking to myself, and he looked down at me.

“Aren’t you?”

“… That’s right.”

I heard a low sigh.

He seemed to gauge something, and skillfully put the sword in the censorship.

Then he crouched down in front of me.

“……Can you fix this right eye?”

The right eye? I peeked into his eyes.

And when our eyes met, I trembled without realizing it.

He was super handsome when he wore an eye patch, but he looked even more creepy
when he took it off.

I even forgot that he was a man who could control my life right away.

In particular, his eyes, which I met for the first time, had a place to fascinate people

I swallowed my saliva.
“Don’t just stare at me.”

He spoke in an arrogant way.

Like you know what I’m thinking clearly.

Trying not to be conscious, I carefully looked into his eyes.

Unlike the red left eye, the right side was black.

“Can’t you see the right side?”

“I can see it faintly.”

As expected, the curse hasn’t been resolved yet? Even though I put all my energy into it…

I was frowning a lot, but he calmly said.

“The curse is all gone.”

I opened my eyes round. I thought for a while and opened my mouth.

“As expected, that’s not a curse. I told you before. There’s something. Because of that, this
right eye….”

“That’s why I’m asking if you know something.”

“…I don’t know. I didn’t know then, and I don’t know now. I just knew it wasn’t a curse.”

“Did you know that you can’t cure it completely?”

I lowered my eyes and only looked at my fingertips.

Once again, I heard a low sigh.

“You treated my left eye first. Saying that there’s an order in everything….. Why didn’t you
tell me then?”

I couldn’t have said it.

As he mumbled, Devan shook his head with an expression that it was understandable.

“You were afraid that lies would be revealed. Whatever the truth is, if I have a problem
solving the curse, I’ll investigate you in more detail.”

“……yes, but I wouldn’t have solved it whether I was the hero of the prophecy or not.”

This didn’t come out in the original, so probably.

Cordelia couldn’t have solved that either.

“So what’s the way to fix it?”


When he couldn’t answer and just bowed his head, he sighed for the third time.

Then, suddenly, I grabbed my chin and turned it around as if I were evaluating it.

“What- What are you doing?”

His eyes went down to my hair, eyes, nose, and mouth.

“The butler is right.”


Devan stared deeply at me when he said an unknown sound.

Certainly, seeing and not seeing eyes were at a different level.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s blood-colored.

Facing those eyes, it was hard to stick to the arrogant attitude I had taken toward him until

He gently pressed my lips with his thumb. My eyebrows frowned at the unfamiliar feeling.

“What are you doing…”

“You don’t know what it is, you don’t know how to fix it. So there’s only one way left.”

He cut me off and said drowsy.

“Marry me.”


Through the conversation, I found out that Devan had been unconscious for a year and had
released his eye patch a few weeks ago.
I also knew that the old butler, Karen, and Hilda were still living there.

That’s all he let me know.

Devan, on the other hand, knew everything.

He knew that I was not the protagonist of the prophecy, and that I was not the Count’s
beloved daughter.

It was because the old butler testified that he seemed to have seen a bruise on my body at
first glance.

He even knew that Killian was abnormally obsessed with me…

He even knew what I didn’t know.

“That necklace……What you said?”

In the wagon heading to the Grand Dukedom, I shouted back, forgetting my situation.

“You know that pendant is a magic tool. It wasn’t just the scent concentrated, but there was
a magic at stake to track the location.”

I opened my mouth wide.

It was only a year ago that I could see why Killian came to the Archduke so quickly.

Somehow, I said I would get a necklace, but I had everything in mind.

“I don’t think you did it.”

Devan smiled as if he knew everything.

“What about now? Aren’t they all being tracked right now?”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s tracked down or not. He would already think you were with me.”

“But if you knew that we’re in Ellywoon now…”

I closed my mouth while I was talking.

Devan was right. I’m already convinced of my position and came all the way to the
Archduke, but does it matter a lot whether I’m in Ellywoon now or not?

“…I still feel uncomfortable. You can just break it. Why didn’t you do it?”

“…It could be useful somewhere.”

He looked a little upset.

“Then Killian. Did you meet him?”


“What did you talk about when you met…”

“More than that.”

Devan stared at me.

He seemed to want to change the subject.

“I think you have to thank me first.”
23. Chapter 23

Translated by Suleblgc

Edited by Sleepypanda


Sponsored by Angela 💖 (3/3)


“I think you have to thank me first.”


I distorted my expression as if I couldn’t hear what he said.

He wants me to thank him for kidnapping someone who’s been doing well?

Why would I? This time, he was the kidnapper, and I was the victim.

“If I hadn’t come, wouldn’t you have already become the food for that beast and completely
“Oh……. “

“It might have been better to leave it half eaten.”

“What are you talking about?”

As he raised his eyes, Devan shrugged.

“Didn’t you like the smell of blood? If you want, I can lend you my sword again.”

He moved as if he were pulling a sword from his waist dance at any moment.

I hurriedly waved my hands.

I still remember cutting my hand with the sword.

“……..okay. Anyway, thank you.”

When the disgusting green scales and yellow essence came to my mind again, I thanked

“But that’s that, and this is another matter.”

“This one?”

“…….I mean that’s nonsense.”

As if he had already noticed and thought hard, he rubbed his chin.

“… Oh! Are you talking about marriage?”

Now that I look at it, he was a person with a sly side.

I squinted at him.

“If you don’t like it, there’s nothing I can do.”


Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes wide to gentle words, he smiled somewhat

“But I’m a little curious if you can go back and say that’s that and this is this even if I tie
your limbs in the forest.”

Squeak, I swallowed nervously.

It was never a joke. He meant it.

If I refuse here, he will really abandon me in that forest again.

“What’s the reason?”

Finally, I asked what I was curious about the whole time from the beginning.

“No, it doesn’t make sense no matter how much I think about it. You lost consciousness and
came all the way here to find me…… Wait, how did you know I was here?”

How did I settle in this village where it snowed exceptionally much and I couldn’t move
without a sled.
How hard I tried to play Leah, a poor commoner who lost all his parents in an unexpected

In a series of fast-paced situations, the forgotten resentment blossomed.

Devan kicked his tongue.

“You’re asking quickly.”

“How did you know?”

“So to speak, it’s a similar way.”

Devan still shook the yellow pendant in his hand.

My expression was colored with astonishment.

“Did you track the location?”

“I didn’t expect much, but you didn’t sell the brooch I gave you.”

“… Is that why you gave me a brooch?”

Devan, who frowned, crossed his arms.

“All the jewels made in the imperial palace have location tracking magic at stake for

“You said it didn’t belong to the imperial palace. It was your mother’s personal item!”

“How can the Royal family and the empress be separate?”

He was utterly shameless. I was speechless and laughed in vain.

It looked just like my eyes, and I was so upset that I kept the brooch tightly because it was
an item left by his mother there.

“……so what’s so good about it, I’ve had it so far.”

Devan muttered, turning to the window.

The attitude that seemed to avoid my eyes was ridiculous and my heart was stuffy.

Knock knock – knocked hard on the window with my finger. Devan just looked at me
because he made fun of me.

“So, why are you asking me to marry?”

He looked at me with a dull look. When I saw that expression, I felt like I was angry at

“The priests brought from the temple, the wizards who are the most competent in the
pagoda, and the best doctors of the empire do not know this curse.”

He tapped his right eye with his index finger.

They were strange eyes even when I looked at them again.

The ink looked ominous as if it had spread, and the bottom looked deep like an unknown

“It’s the same for me that I don’t know.”

“I think you’re the most likely one.”


“The possibility of treating this. Anyway, you’ve solved my curse that no one has ever

I glanced at the black mark invading his right eye.

It couldn’t have been, but it seemed to be moving.

So the day I did my last treatment, it felt like a black figure that fought against my physical

“It’s true that you lifted the curse, even if you’re not the heroine of the prophecy. It’s
related to something.”


“Don’t you really know anything about this?”

I lowered my gaze.
A year after running away from the Grand Duke, there have been words that have not left
my mind.

< Aha. You were a child that didn’t disappear. So I couldn’t even start >

The words that the black figure talked over.

Strangely, my memory was clear only at the last minute.

I remembered everything that it said to me and how it invaded me.

It’s not over yet.

I thought over and over again about the words for a year. What did it mean?

No matter how much I agonized, I couldn’t tell, but one thought didn’t leave my mind.

Isn’t it something to do with remembering my past life?

I couldn’t know the exact meaning, but that was all I could think of.

Perhaps it means that I didn’t finish my previous life, so I couldn’t die properly and start
my present life.

That’s why we haven’t even started yet.

I stared at Devan.

He waited without rushing my long silence.

I couldn’t tell him all this.

Because he couldn’t believe the vain sound that I have memories of my previous life.

“……I don’t know, but I’ve talked to it.”


His eyebrows went up high.

“To be exact, that talked to me.”

“What was it about?”

“That’s… I don’t remember. But at the end, it said ‘when we see each other next time… say
hello.’ “

“See you next time?”

Devan tapped the wagon handle.

“Then that something is interested in you.”

He continued with a satisfied look.

“Do you have any other characteristics or clues?”

“What’s with the characteristics?”

“It’s not just a substance, it’s a conscious being….. human or human-made.”

Hmm, Devan sighed as if he was agonizing.


“For example, someone who has a grudge against me sent it to me.”

“I don’t think that’s right.”

“I’m not sure what, but it didn’t feel like someone made it or was manipulated by someone
at all. If I were to talk about it…..”

“If you were ?”

He seemed to have lost his composure now. I said with eye contact with Devan with
anxious eyes.

If I were to talk about that…

“It’s superior to humans…”


I couldn’t say for sure, so I closed my mouth and lowered my gaze.

Somehow, the story seemed to be getting too vast to handle.

“But if it’s a god, can a human of great power like you not notice?”

“That’s true. For example, the stature and mana are so different, but the fundamentals are
the same. I don’t have any magic power and I can’t try magic, but I can feel it.”

“But my eyes are……”

“I have no idea. What it is.”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Then is it that he is not God, but a transcendent being comparable to the divine? …… The
more I hear, the weirder it gets.”
“I know.”

What is it? The playful voice and mocking tone.

But I thought it wouldn’t hurt me. It said It was trying to help me.

“Laughing in a creepy manner…”


Devan suddenly raised his head as I mumbled to myself.

“What did you just say?”

His forehead, urging him to answer, was full of wrinkles.

“What? …. It laughs in a creepy manner…”

Devan opened his eyes wide. He rarely looked surprised.


When asked out of anxiety, he blinked a few times.

His eyes shook, not focused.

“Do you know anything?”

It was on my side to urge me to answer this time.

Devan seemed a little out of his mind.

“Maybe… Perhaps I also know about it. That divine being.”


Grand Dukedom was still the same.

It was still unnecessarily large, and there was no decoration, giving off a gloomy

It was the same as before, there were fewer users.

The old butler greeted us with restrained movements, and Hilda stood next to us in tears.


Hilda ran down the stairs quickly. She clung to me as she cried.

“Where have you been? Do you know how worried I was? I missed you!”

Was our relationship this strong?

It was a little burdensome, but I stroked her curly hair without showing it.

Anyway, it was also true that I felt strange to think that I met him after a year.

“Welcome back to Dukedom, Lady Evelyn.”

As soon as I turned my head, there was Karen, fully armed in armor.

With a nice smile, he greeted me with restrained movements.

“You really had an incredible ability. I didn’t know you were like that.”

It was a sarcastic tone that did not suit etiquette.

Breaking out of this estate meant making fun of the commander.

“Somehow, that’s what happened.”

Devan stepped next to me.

“Let’s have a not-so-funny welcome party later, and let’s go in for now.”

Following him without hesitation, I also entered the castle.

As I sat in the familiar Great Hall, the old butler gave me black tea.

As expected, it was a familiar scent.


I had a sip of black tea. In an instant, warm energy spread to my body.

It’s less than Ellywoon, but it was quite chilly here, perhaps because it was in the middle of

“Now that I think about it, I sat at the table without washing up again.”
The corners of Devan’s mouth went up slightly.

“As I said, whether you wash or not, that’s not important.”

Now that I thought he could see his eyes properly, I was ashamed of my shabby
appearance. It suited Ellywoon’s “Leah”, but it didn’t match this castle.

Before he opened up more of me, I hurriedly brought it up. “More than that, that marriage.”


As soon as my words fell, he put down the teacup as if he had waited, and beckoned to the
old butler.
24. Chapter 24

Translated by: Sleepypanda


Sponsored by Zae. Thank you 💖 (½)


Devan beckoned to the old butler who had been waiting on the side.

Ever prepared, the butler naturally took out a bundle of paper.

… a bunch of paper?

“What’s this?”

“Marriage documents”.

I blinked.

“Who is getting married to who?”

“So you don’t want to?”

“I need some time to think.”

“Then why did you follow me all the way here?”

“Did I come here because I wanted to? There’s no way to get off a moving carriage, right?” I
looked at him fiercely — he needed me after all. Given how he had treated me in the
carriage, it didn’t look like he would kill me on the spot.

At least for now, it seemed like following him gave me the best chances for survival as
compared to being in the forest alone. What I wanted to avoid after all was not the Duke,
but Diego and the temple.

And… I was also curious about his eyes.

If I continued to investigate the situation, I might be able to learn what that meant by
“unfinished child”.

That being said, I was not thinking of marriage at all. It was more akin to a contract deal, so
I was going to try to get as much as I could for my end of the bargain.

Devan looked at me with astonishment.

“Don’t you know I’m the reason you’re still alive? You don’t have a choice. There are more
monsters outside than those on the estate.”

His eyes glimmered. I remembered the gate again, and felt a bit intimidated.

“…If Your Highness gains something from this marriage, I’d like to benefit as well.”
“I’ve noticed this for a while but you really like transactions. I said how you’d benefit before
right? I’ll save you.”

He was implying that my gain would be my life.

“Even if I refused to marry you, you wouldn’t be able to kill me. No one else is able to cure


“I’m the only one who can cure you, as Your Highness just said. That threat doesn’t work.”

His mouth twisted. It was an uneasy smile.

“It was like that before.”


“I told you that I think I have a connection with that divine being — one older than even

Devan started thumbing through the documents one by one. Suddenly he bit his thumb and
without missing a beat let some of his blood fall on the paper. The blood permeated
through and disappeared — it was a magical blood contract.

He beckoned to the butler to line up the documents in front of me along with a dagger.
“I know the reason you’re trying to flee the empire is due to the temple and Count Diego.”

I flinched when he mentioned their names. He really knew everything now.

“It’s been more than a year since you disappeared from the Count’s house, but your brother
hasn’t given up looking for you.”

“Do you mean Kylian Diego?”

“Speaking of which, he’s in the Royal Guard now.”


I stood up as I shouted. My knees hit the table and the teacup rattled.

“All the utensils in the castle must have broken right now.”, he mentioned.

“…Why?” My voice cracked as I asked the question. Devan raised his chin and looked at me
calmly. It was clear who had the upper hand now.

“Isn’t it because of that necklace? He came here to check it himself.”

“He came to check that necklace?”

“I didn’t mean to show it.”

Devan shrugged. His easy-going attitude made me want to punch him.

“That’s why I’m making a proposal. If you marry me, neither the count nor Kylian could
bother you.”

I continued to stare at him.

“I promise you your safety until you cure my eyes fully. Then, you can use the money and
status to leave the empire per our original agreement. Just like how you originally were…”
Devan trailed off as he looked at my clothes and picked his words carefully.

“…not wearing clothes like that, so you can live properly.”

“Do you mean to say we’ll get a divorce once your eyes are healed?”

“Of course.”

“So why marriage? I could just stay at the castle.”

“Why are you married?” You can just let me stay in the castle.”

“Having something concrete is also of value. Think of it as a title that you can use.”

A title. If I married the Duke and became the Grand Duchess, I would have the means to
deny Kylian or the Count an audience. In this world, married children were partially
strangers to their family, so the Count wouldn’t be able to exercise parental rights over me.

“Isn’t this deal too one-sided?”

Devan interlocked his hands and raised his chin.

“Marriage is a contract that isn’t easy to break within the Empire.”

In other words he was worried that I would run off like last time.

“… do you really think I would be able to cure it? Why not find the main person mentioned
in the prophecy?”

It was funny to mention that now. Devan also seemed a bit taken aback by me bringing it

“Even if I were to find that person, how could I be sure?”

“The scent of daisy…”

“You also smelled of daisies. How would I know this next person was for sure the main
subject of the prophecy? They might be more creative than you were.”

“So… you’re trusting me because you can’t trust anyone else? Because now you know the
whole truth?”
Devan uncharacteristically seemed to ponder this question a bit.

“… Yeah, if you were to think about it logically.”

“And your actual reasoning then?”

I persisted in asking. I wasn’t sure why I kept on pressing on, but I felt like I had to hear this

“Well, just…”

Stroking his chin, Devan started to smile a bit.

“I guess I just want to trust you.”


After returning to the room, I lay on my bed and looked at the lion carved on the ceiling. At
one point, I looked at this almost everyday to the point of getting sick and tired of it, but it
had been a year since.

“You’re still the same.”

The arrows were still there, and it still looked like it was in pain.

Despite running, I was back here again. I picked up the papers that were scattered on my
bed. It was the marriage contract that I had yet to sign with my blood.


The more I thought about it, the better the proposal for me. Neither the money crazed
Count nor Kylian would be able to stand up against the Grand Duke. Because of how the
laws worked in the Empire, as Evelyn Diego I would forever be in danger of being
controlled by the Count again. Every little thing I did would be under his authority.

But if I were to marry into the Lanthimos family, they would no longer have any authority
over my life.

…that would mean the person controlling me would change from the Count to Devan.

There was also a clue to find out who “it” was.

When I fled to Ellywoon, I was still curious as to what triggered the power explosion on the
day I escaped from the Grand Duke. On top of that, I was still curious as to why I had
memories of my past life, and how this world fit the contents of the novel I read previously.

“…I can pay you back.”

Devan said he wanted to trust me. Instead of wandering in search of Cordelia, the true
person who would cure him, he would trust me instead.
My life was meant to be a substitute for someone else. I was meant to die for someone else.
Had I not remembered my previous life, I probably would have already died.

“So because of that…”

I wanted to pay back that trust that Devan had in me. He chose me instead of searching for
Cordelia. Until now… no one had ever said anything like that to me.

“Am I too complacent?”

Was it truly fine to act based on my emotions alone?

After all, it was through thinking and acting rationally that I had survived thus far. Not due
to luck or favor.

“Yeah let’s think about this rationally.”

I considered the possibilities one by one. First, if I were to refuse the marriage, he might tell
Kylian where I was, or file a complaint with the temple. Even if he didn’t kill me, he would
have no reason to protect me. That would set me back to step one. I would have to run
away again, which was a bit nerve wracking.

On the other hand, if I agreed to this proposal, he would guarantee my safety, and I would
become the Grand Duchess. Even without him, that title had power and authority.

There were just two big problems remaining. Would I be able to cure him? And as the
Grand Duchess, everyone would know my name. But frankly, these were not that big of an
There was nothing to be gained from breaking my promise to him. He wouldn’t propose a
marriage to me had he considered physical force an option, and it wasn’t like I had any
plans of marriage with anyone else in the first place so it wouldn’t matter if rumors spread
or not.

And when I considered Devan as a marriage partner…

His looks, his estate, his wealth…


I had to admit. He was a pretty good catch, just save for his personality.

On top of that, there was something else I had to consider. Just before Devan came to save
me, when the demons tried to kill me, I saw something between its disgusting scales as
everything slowed down and I watched it leap towards me.

It was something familiar, and if I wasn’t mistaken…

I ground my teeth.

If I wasn’t mistaken, those monsters were sent after me by the temple. To catch me. To
catch and kill me.
25. Chapter 25

Translated by Sleepypanda


Sponsored by Zae. Thank you 💖 (2/2)


If it was really sent from the temple…

The temple has not yet given up on me. Even though a year had passed and I had fled the
country. It also meant that they were still imprisoning Cordelia and draining her powers. I
didn’t know whether they were going to just kill me, or kill me and retrieve my body, and
dissect my corpse. Just because I had left the empire didn’t mean I was safe. I just
prolonged the time remaining until my death by a year.

I couldn’t avoid either the temple, nor Kylian.

I was also just exhausted. I was sick and tired of running away. One year of fleeing was
enough. If they really didn’t give up on me…
Knock knock

The sound woke me up from my thoughts.

“Come in.”

As expected, it was Hilda who opened the door and walked in.

“Lady, the bath is ready.”

“Okay, thank you.”

Hilda looked at me with a smile that was so bright it was suffocating. Was she really this
happy to see me again?

“His Highness has asked that you have dinner with him after your bath.”


“He mentioned that it wouldn’t be a normal meal, but rather a banquet.” Hilda seemed
more enthusiastic than usual.

“Banquet? What do you mean?”

“The marriage, my Lady!” Her gaze went for the papers still on my bed. Even though I had
yet to agree, the rumors seem to have spread through the estate, just like a year prior. It
was nothing new, so I just shrugged instead of affirming or denying it.

“That’s why I prepared this dress for this evening!” Hilda dragged me in front of the mirror
to show the piece with enthusiasm. “As expected, it looks fantastic on you!”

The dress was blue, with a design meant to accentuate the shoulders and collarbones. The
wavy skirt spread out with a hue that darkened as it reached the floor like the night sky.

“Did the butler change his taste in clothing?”

“No, my Lady!” Hilda exclaimed. “His Highness chose this dress and sent it along!”


The dress was chosen by Devan?

As if my astounded expression wasn’t on my face Hilda continued to beam and circled

around me.

“The Grand Duke mentioned that you would have a brooch to match this dress.”


Pulling out my luggage bag in the corner of the room, HIlda quickly found the brooch and
took it out.
“Oh my, this is quite the piece! Did His Highness give this to you too?”

“I guess that’s true.”

“So the marriage rumors were true! I didn’t know that you two were this deeply in love.
The atmosphere was a bit tense at the beginning after all.”

She seemed to have no regard for my status by saying such things. Rolling up her sleeves
she seemed to pump herself up.

“I will try my best, my Lady!”

She seemed to have a determined expression. I braced myself for my fate. With all her
might Hilda prepared me for dinner.

She seemed to pour an astounding amount of effort into my hair, which hadn’t been
properly cared for in a year. Throughout all this Hilda chatted nonstop.

“So His Highness was furious with Sir Karen. You saw him wearing that heavy armor earlier
right? Sir Karen has been wearing that ever since.

He almost poured half of his enjoyment to see if he would somehow restore his hair, which
he had not brushed properly for a year.

Combing her hair, she chatted nonstop.

“That’s why his Highness was so angry with Lord Karen. You saw me wearing heavy armor
earlier, right? He’s been going around like that every day since that day. And His Highness
employed so many different doctors and magicians! It was honestly too much for the butler
and I to handle.”

“Yes, my Lady?”

At the deluge of words I tried to change the subject.

“More than that, did you happen to see my brother?”

“Of course! He was very good looking. If I had to compare with His Highness, it would be
tough… But much like you I’m probably leaning more towards the Grand Duke…”

“Hilda, Hilda!!”

I tried to stop this conversation from veering into yet another direction.

Was she really like this before??

She seemed so timid and quiet at first…

“Oh, what were you saying my Lady?”

“Did you hear what they were talking about?”

“Hmm hmm hmm… And what if I do? Would you try to force it out of me?” Hilda said
playfully, her eyes clearly laughing as she spoke. If she was weird before, I did not
recognize this new person at all.

My brow wrinkled.

“Do you know something?”



She trembled when I started shouting, though she was doing it just for show as opposed to
being truly scared. I squinted and looked at her, an uncomfortable feeling starting to gnaw
away at me.

“I just overheard some loud noises, my Lady!”


Counting with her hands, Hilda started recalling the incident.

“Evelyn, oh my Evelyn… I’m begging you, hahaha! I heard a loud laugh, a thump, and a
running sound down the hallway.”

With every word she made an exaggerated gesture as if acting in a play. Gathering her
hands as if she were praying, laughing with her mouth wide open, rolling her feet…
Something was off. I have a strange and creepy sensation build up in me.

“…What are you doing?””

“Oh, my Lady. Did you notice again? Well, I didn’t mean to hide it this time.”

“…What are you talking about?””

“Don’t worry. After today, I’ll return all the memories.”


Hilda smiled. The corners of her mouth went up unnaturally.

“You… You’re not Hilda.”

“No, that’s not right, my Lady! Hilda is Hilda. Hilda was Hilda from the beginning.”

“What the heck does that mean?”

“Hmm… But you’d better enjoy the banquet right now. I think it’ll be quite fun.”

Hilda looked like she was staring somewhere far away. Her gaze was clearly staring right
through the empty wall.
What was she looking at?

“I see what you can’t see.”

I turned to look at her. Did I just say that outloud?

“I just told you so!”

Putting her face right up against me, I could feel her forehead against mine.

<“Did you think I could only just read emotions?”>

Tap —

Hilda lifted a single finger in front of my eyes.


The atmosphere of the Great Hall was strange. Looking around, it was easy for me to find
the cause.

The chandelier was clearly lit, and a colorful tapestry was hung on the wall. On the table,
there was a vase with candles and beautiful flowers.
What’s all this?

It didn’t seem to match Devan and I at all. Wasn’t it completely bare a year ago, no, even
yesterday? I was shocked that it could change this much in just half a day.

“You’re here, miss.” The old butler bowed.

“Oh… What’s all this?”

“They were brought in from the islands. In particular, that tapestry is to pray for the
happiness of the newlyweds. We paid a bit more than usual to get this in a hurry.”

“Not that, but why did you do this?”

“I ordered it.”

Turning towards the speaker, I saw Devan walking into the room. I was shocked.

Like the Great Hall, Devan’s appearance was different from usual.

He was wearing a white shirt, not a dark uniform or robe that he always wore. With it he
wore a roughly worn uniform jacket with a golden shoulder strap, under it sporting a jacket
with colorful epaulettes. I was at a loss for words and stood there with my mouth open.

I could feel the heat in my face rising.

“That dress looks good on you.”

Devan spoke up first, saying what I was going to say to him. His eyes went towards the
dress with the brooch I was wearing.

The dress and brooch matched almost as if they were made to go together.

I stood there staring blankly. Devan’s eyebrows rose.

“Why are you staring like that?”


Even when I opened my lips, I couldn’t find anything to say. It wasn’t the sudden change, or
that things looked out of place.

Usually, Devan had a bit of a stoic presence to him, particularly when he had his eye patch.
But now he felt completely different.

In fact he looked so perfect in his current outfit that it was hard to look at him. Before, I
thought black suited him perfectly but I was clearly wrong.

His face clearly suited any color.

“… What prompted the outfit?”

“You don’t like it?”

“You didn’t wear it for my pleasure.”

“That’s true.”


When I looked at him with an absurd look, Devan, with a wonderful smile, put his hand on
my shoulder.

“What are you doing?”


He turned me around. A big shadow cast over me.

Tap — I heard something fall and felt a familiar gaze.

Devan, whose hands were still on my shoulders, asked with a wry smile.

“It’s been a week since. Have you prepared yourself, Sir Knight?”

I could hear my heartbeat ringing in my ears.

Standing there, with gorgeous silver hair and shining golden eyes, was Kylian Diego staring
at me.
26. Chapter 26


Translated by suleblgc

Sponsored by hhv94. Thank you 💖


Devan Lantimos strode to the banquet hall, found a familiar profile and stopped walking.

“What’s all this?”

“They were brought from the system. In particular, that tapestry is to pray for the blessing
of the newlyweds. I gave him extra money because I was in a hurry to get it.”

Evelyn was talking to an old butler.

She looked around with an absurd look.

Devan quietly burst into laughter because the response was exactly what he expected.
He stood still there, crossed his arms, and carefully looked up and down at Evelyn.

He thought she looked good, and even more dazzling in this dress.

Well, the same was true of what he felt when he first saw her after the curse was lifted.

She was somewhat thin, but her subtle greenish golden hair and small face made her look
elegant enough.

This was the case even though it was covered with blood in old clothes and buried in the

Maybe that’s why he suggested marriage and other reasons.

“That’s not it. Why did you do this?”

“I ordered it.”

Devan strutted to her side.

Evelyn looked up at him with a blank look, and his round eyes were just as beautiful as the
Milky Way as the butler said a long time ago.

“It suits you.”

The dress that matched the color of her eyes and the blue-gold-stone brooch went very
well together.

He knew for the first time that blue and gold were so harmonious, and Devan smiled
From behind her, he could see a large figure approaching this way.

Evelyn didn’t seem to have noticed yet.

Devan naturally put his hand on her shoulder.

“What are you do-“


Killian, a large figure out of the shadow, finally looked this way.

The colorful silver hair was reflected around by the chandelier lights, and the overly
straight golden pupils were wide open and amazed.

Devan kicked his tongue so that he couldn’t hear.

He couldn’t adapt to those bloody golden eyes no matter how many times he faced them.

Maybe that’s why he doesn’t like that guy even more.

He spun Evelyn around and hugged her.

“It’s only been a week since yesterday. How are you prepared for that simple life of the

He felt her small body in his arms stiffening. His sharp eyes were on her cheeks.

Devan smiled fishyly.

Oh, it was again.

Killian was staring at Devan.

As if he was the Devil who kidnapped the Princess.

With Golden Eyes that resemble them.


I dreamed meeting with Killian again dozens of times.

Once was a dark cellar, another time was deep in the forest.

Once was the great hall of Count Diego’s residence, full of aristocratic children. And once
was Evelyn.

Among them, there were deserts with a blue moon that I had never been to in my life, or a
clock tower that was far too high.

But I’m sure, I’ve never had a dream like this.

I’ve never imagined Devan, Killian, and I coming together in this way.

It was like this, too, I couldn’t bring up any words and just my lips were chapped.

The colorful dress I was wearing felt like a shackle.

The same was true with Killian.

Without saying anything, he hardened and did not move.

“…what are you doing?”

Inaudibly, he looked up at Devan and asked.

My cheeks were hardened.

Devan raised his eyebrows, bowed his head and whispered in his ears.

Seeing that, I felt Killian flinching.

“He can’t keep making a scene in my domain forever, can he? I just wanted to get this over

“So, is this how you do it?”

Devan didn’t seem to be sorry at all even at my retort.

“I’m sure they’ll accept this marriage anyway. So I thought it’d be better to let you know

I closed my mouth and stared at him.

It was a marriage to get rid of Killian and the Count. I could also understand that the
sooner the better.


“There’s no need to be this sudden. Shouldn’t you at least give me a head up?”

“This situation is more fun.”

It was time to open my eyes and say something firmly.


I heard Killian’s voice, which was so familiar and friendly.

I was not confident to face Killian, so I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.


Afterwards, I exhaled and turned my head toward him.

He looked like he was about to collapse.

Devan put more strength on my shoulder.

I knew it.

It was all a show.

Such a show that I have done every day since I was young.

I was more familiar with it than he was.

As if I was surprised, I folded my eyes gently and smiled, facing Killian’s misery.

“Long time no see, brother.”

I didn’t forget to hug Devan’s waist.

At my sudden action, Devan smiled, and Killian suddenly stumbled.

“Why don’t you sit down? The banquet will start soon.”

Relaxedly, Devan pulled out the chair nearby.

Devan and kindness. It was an unsuitable combination.

Nevertheless, I sat down smiling.

As if we were very familiar with this.

He sat right next to me, not the upper seat he sat in every meal.

Killian was barely holding onto one side of the table and holding up his staggering body.

I could feel the gaze staring at me, and I tried not to look there.

Devan acted naturally.

Friendly swept my hair behind my ears and glanced toward Killian.

I just smiled with my eyes down.

“Won’t you sit down? We can’t start the banquet like this.”

Killian seemed to have a lot to say.

He moved his eyes unstable, and barely pulled a chair across from me and sat down.
“Evelyn, ……..Evelyn.”

I couldn’t ignore the voice that desperately called me.

“Yes, brother. Go ahead.”

I was gone for over a year. His face was distorted even more than I imagined, which was
hard to believe he was the same person.

“In the meantime……”

Devan lifted his hand.

As if cutting off the conversation, the butler skillfully set the food on the table.

Even with the appetizing food that filled my eyes, Killian’s gaze was only directed at me.

He moved his lips over and over again, but he couldn’t bring it up easily.

I couldn’t eat while feeling such an intense gaze.

I pushed the plate in front of me to the side.

“Don’t you have something to do before eating, Your Highness?”

Devan’s eyebrows wriggled up when he turned to me half-way and acted with a lovely

“I can’t wait to finish writing the pledge.”

I understand the contract marriage, so I wanted to finish this show quickly and go back.
His lips drew lines as if he had noticed the meaning.

“Hmm…… Before that, isn’t Your Highness too formal?”


I barely raised the tip of my lips that trembled.

He must really be enjoying this situation.

Devan turned to Killian.

“What do you think?”

Killian didn’t even seem to understand what he was saying.

Maybe he didn’t want to understand.

He only stared at me with a look of brokenness, and gave no answer.

I clenched my teeth. It was over only when I opened my mouth.


Kık, Devan suppressed laughter that burst out.

Unlike me who knew all the situations, for Killian we must look like a lovely couple.

“…….Let’s write down the pledge first.”

I looked up at Devan with a sick and tired look.

He finally ordered the butler to bring the pledge.

“……..Your Highness.”

Killian intervened as if he couldn’t stand it anymore.

“What’s going on?”

“… Didn’t you say you didn’t know?”


Killian shut his mouth.

Now he wasn’t looking at me. He didn’t seem to be able to look at it exactly.

He looked confused, as if he had no idea what the hell was all about.

Devan raised his chin and said arrogantly.

“What I remember is… Yeah, you said you wanted to find what you lost in my estate. I was
generous enough to give you a week, and if you can’t find it, you’ll get a dead end. I think I
did. Am I wrong?”

Devan spoke with strength and looked at Killian.

“……You knew it.”

“If I knew, what would be different?”

Killian bit his lips tightly.

He almost looked like crying. Was it because of anger or resentment?

“I think you’re misunderstanding…….”

Devan gently swept my chin and said.

“Hide…. I did not hide her. Evelyn hid herself from you.”

“……..there’s no way. Please return her…. Evelyn.”

“That’s funny. Because you’re Evelyn’s what?”

And what else am I?

“The choice was hers. Not mine.”

Devan did not lose his relaxed attitude.

Killian’s chest gradually went up and down.

His body trembled as if he was holding back something.

Then he eventually jumped up from his seat as if he couldn’t stand it.

” Evelyn… Evelyn, Evelyn!”

He only repeated my name as if he had gone mad.

Then he turned around and knelt in front of me.

“….What’s wrong with you?”

“Home… Let’s go back home, Evelyn. Huh? Let’s go home.”

An unbearable laughter burst out.

Home. I can’t believe he called there home.

He knew what happened in the basement.

With a cool gaze, I looked down at Killian.

Killian looked up at me with blind eyes. Whenever I encountered those golden eyes,
disgust rose.

I remembered a day that I could never forget.

27. Chapter 27


Translated by suleblgc


I was 18, and it was just a few months before Devan kidnapped me.

Until then, I had no doubt that I was using Killian.

He’d spread rumors about the system as I’d ordered him to, and he gave me a pendant that
smelled of daisies.

He listened to my request as if he was a skilled servant, and the price was usually a smile
or hug.

I thought it was a pretty good deal.

Until I saw that.

Thanks to my soon-to-be debut, Count Diego’s calls to the basement had decreased

I could at least act like an ordinary count’s child on the outside.

I could finally sleep and wake up in my room, wash with cold water, and eat twice a day.

I was satisfied enough and waited for the day when Devan would kidnap me.

It was on that day.

Without a maid waiting on me, I ate the hard bread that was meant for the servants.

After that, I was about to go back to my room. When would it happen?

Outside that day, I looked at a spot in the backyard that was visible through the kitchen

Three years ago, it was where the dog who died because of me was buried.

It was a hard crime for me to face, even more so because I couldn’t repent.

Even after turning back time, I couldn’t save my dog, or take revenge on the Count.

I was just in a hurry to survive.

So I pretended not to know. I tried not to face it, and rationalized that it was inevitable.
That’s probably the reason why I’ve avoided the grave these past three years, even though
it was only a few steps away from the back door.

I slowly head to the backyard.

There was no one in the kitchen, as all the servants were eating.

I couldn’t remember where the puppy was buried.

I only remember that it was under a large tree, but I couldn’t remember the exact location.

There were too many trees in the garden.

I sighed without realizing it.

Since it was unknown where they were resting, I couldn’t even pray for the life I’d killed.

I crouched down in front of the largest tree.

Without realizing that there was soil getting on my skirt, I hugged my knees and stared

I didn’t know where to look, so my eyes flicked around.

“…I’m sorry.”

I bowed my head and whispered.

My small voice disappeared in an instant, without leaving an echo behind.


I whispered one more time.

If I hadn’t grown close to you, if I hadn’t taken care of you.

If only the Count hadn’t caught me taking care of you…

Would you still be alive?

I gently put my hand on the wet soil.

I remembered it’s black and protruding nose, it was wet like this.

Unknowingly, I smiled and laughed, then hurriedly lowered the corners of my mouth.

I should’ve treated you harshly, I should’ve pretended not to know.

Then Count Diego wouldn’t have taken you and your children hostage, and threatened

We shouldn’t have met, it would’ve been better for the both of us.

I put my head on my knees.

How long has it been? I was about to get up and go back.

Then I heard the sound of the kitchen door opening.

Looking back, a human shadow was coming toward the backyard.

I hurriedly hid behind a large tree. It was full of bushes, so it was enough to cover my body.

I crouched down and slightly raised my face.

Who was it?

Someone sank near where I’d previously sat.

I couldn’t see his face because of the angle. I wasn’t even sure if he was resting for a while
because he didn’t want to work.

He’d casually come and play in soil, then go back in. I don’t want to be found, or have him
think I’ve played a joke on him either.

Yeah, I’ll just pretend I don’t know. I thought It was about time for him to get up.

When a low voice rang in my ears.


I lowered my body again.

What did he mean, sorry?

Was this also for the dog?

If you knew it’s buried here… I didn’t even know where the dog was buried.

I peeked out a little more to the side.

“…I know it’s because of me. But…”

The unknown man was blaming himself and there was sadness in his voice.

Only then did I notice that the voice was familiar.

My body stiffened.

“There was no choice. You know it too. So….”

The man got up from his seat and put something down on the soil.


The man mumbled, then headed back to the kitchen door.

I came out of the bushes and my eyes caught his retreating back.

Tall, wide shoulders, trim waist, precise steps, and neat silver hair.

It was him, Killian Diego.

I barely walked to the loosened soil and sat down in front of the tree.

What the man put down on the soil was a dry sausage, similar to what I gave the pregnant
dog when I took care of it.


I felt like crying, so I covered my mouth with my hands.

Killian knew about this sausage, he knew I was taking care of a pregnant dog.
He knew the dog was the only thing that gave me hope in this mansion, and that it was the
only weakness that Count Diego was able to use.

It was him.

Three years ago, the person who told the Count to hold the dog hostage.

The sausage that was crushed randomly.

Because of these things, that child died.

Because of these things…

On the day my dog died, I remembered that Killian had followed me to my room.

Unlike usual, he called a doctor to heal me and blocked Count Diego.

At that time, I think I felt a little sorry for him.

When I entered and left the basement, I knew that the number of days when he was hit had

I also knew that his longing for me was full of cowardice. I never blamed him even though I
knew it.

Because we were young.

I thought he was only using me, like I was using him, treating each other like that.

But this wasn’t it.

He didn’t have to be this selfish.

Everything was a pretense.

The appearance of buying me time to finish my treatment…

The expressions I saw while he was covering the door obediently…

What he said about the puppy made a mess in my head.

‘Please forgive me.’

His words that were full of self-pity made me want to vomit.


“Home…. Let’s go back home, Evelyn. Huh? Let’s go home.”

Killian was kneeling down in front of me, and looked up at me desperately.

I lowered my hand and stroked his fine silver hair.

Killian’s expression soon relaxed, and I took my hand and touched his face.

We’d never done this in front of anyone else, so I was very shocked by this situation.

Or maybe he was already a little crazy after I’d disappeared for a year.

I raised his chin with my index finger.

The blind and obedient eyes that looked at me were filled with a longing that couldn’t be

Now that I looked at him properly, he looked thinner and more exhausted than he did in
my memory.

His skin looked rough, and his eyes had deep shadows under them.

He was still handsome, but he looked sharper and more sensitive than before.

It was easy to see how crazed he would’ve been while I was away, without anyone to care

“Brother, you seem to be mistaken about something. I’ve never thought of that place as my

Killian’s eyes were filled with shock.

“So I can’t go back.”


Maybe he didn’t know I’ve been waiting for this day all along.

Today was the last day I could say these last words.

“I will never…”

I lowered my head and whispered, as if to wedge them inside his mind.

”…forgive you.”
Killian’s expression collapsed.

I looked down at him coldly. I didn’t feel as happy or relieved as I thought.

Just in time, the old butler arrived with the marriage papers.

I wanted to finish it as soon as possible and leave this place.

As I stood up from my seat, Killian, who was leaning against my knee, collapsed to the floor
as if he’d fainted.

“Let’s hurry up.”

When I looked at Devan with a cold look, he nodded without hesitation.

The old butler lined up the marriage papers on the table.

Devan had already signed with blood, so it was my turn now.

When I reached out to him, Devan handed me a dagger.

“Can you do this alone?”

I smiled at his absurd question, this couldn’t even be considered a wound.

It was just about to prick my index finger with the dagger.

“….Hold on.”

Killian, who’d been sitting at my feet, grabbed the hem of my dress.

“What…What on earth are you doing? Evelyn… Let’s go back home. Huh? Evelyn.”

He was almost crying, while he pleaded with me.

I looked at him, I’d won.

When I pricked my index finger without hesitation, red blood bloomed.

Blood droplets fell on the pledge and disappeared in an instant.

The butler coughed, and said.

“This establishes the marriage between the two. Once again, you can never break this
pledge until you draw blood. I’ll act as a witness in the case of a divorce.”

Killian’s arms fell to the floor.

His eyes were empty, as if something important had been taken away from him.

Just because it wasn’t pleasant didn’t mean that I sympathized with him.

It’s not me that he lost, but himself.

“…I think we’d better end the banquet.”

It was time for me to leave the hall without looking back.

Killian jumped up from his seat and blocked me.

I muttered like a sigh.

Now I really wanted to get out of here.

He’d already grabbed my shoulders with a half-worn look.

I tried to shake off his arm with a frown, but it wasn’t easy.

“What are you doing?”

“Please talk to me…”

“I have nothing to say.”

My shoulders, that were caught in his grip, hurt as if they were about to be crushed.


Devan tried to stop him, but I stopped him with a wink.

Because this was our problem.

28. Chapter 28


Translated by suleblgc

Edited by Baset


Holding my shoulder painfully, Killian opened his mouth.

He looked desperate, as if he was about to collapse.

“Home… If you don’t want to go home, let’s run away together. Huh? Evelyn… This isn’t it.
You don’t have to do this.”

Tears began to drop from his golden eyes.

His sad and beautiful appearance was captured in my eyes, while I watched with him

It was clear that he was mistaken about something.

He seemed to think I was punishing him as a test.

Or maybe he thought I was trying to fool him.

“I’ll help you. I’ll…”

“There’s nothing you can do to help me.”


Suddenly, Killian’s eyes shone.

He looked blankly at the air as if he had thought of something.

“I.. I can help you. Yes, I can help you!”

Killian seemed really insane, he kept fumbling inside his own head.

With that creepy appearance, I barely twisted away from him.

Devan stood next to me, and winked at the butler.

I gave a small nod and walked out of the hall. Killian, who I thought would hold onto me,
was just standing there. I wondered what he was possessed by.

“I can help you, I can help you.” he mumbled like that.


I woke up more refreshed than I thought I would.

Looking around, I’d only spent a few days in this room. I’d spent more than a year in
Ellywoon, but I felt comfortable as if it had become my own home.

Well, I’d always lived in Ellywoon with a certain nervousness. I was afraid Count Diego,
Killian, or the temple would come for me.

The temple.

My face hardened when I thought of that, and I quickly put that thought away.

In many ways, I was too busy to check into it, but I had to find out about any potential

If the magic was really sent from the temple, I needed some countermeasures.

I needed to meet with Devan first to do that.


I thought something was amiss, and I couldn’t find Hilda even when I looked around.

She usually stayed by my bed.

I got up from my seat and pulled the rope.

The bell jingled, but I still couldn’t feel her presence.

Hilda’s room was right next to mine. Usually, by this time she would have come out and
attended to me.

Was she still sleeping?

I looked out the window with a confused look, the sun was already in the sky.

I thought she might have been called by the butler for something urgent.

A pretty big incident broke out yesterday, so it might be hard to deal with it.

I left the room with a light shawl over my negligee.

I knocked on the door to the room next door, but I couldn’t hear anything.


The unlocked door opened easily, and sunlight poured in through the window.

I looked around the room.

But there was nothing there.

I left and closed the door behind me.

After checking my room, I opened Hilda’s door again.

It wasn’t an illusion, there was nothing.

When I escaped, there was no closet from where I secretly took out my clothes to wear, nor
did I have a mirror that showed my reflection.

I slammed the door and quickly went down to the Great Hall.

It was clear that the room had changed.

It had been more than a year since I was away, and Hilda’s room must have changed.

I tried hard to press down on the inconsistencies and headed out alone.


Just in time, the old butler was removing the decorations from the hall.

I ran towards him, while he rolled up some ridiculous tapestry.

“My lady, what’s wrong?”

He looked a little embarrassed when he saw me in my negligee.

“Where is Hilda?”


“Where is Hilda?”

I was breathing heavily.

The butler frowned at my words.

My head was pounding, and fragments of memory that couldn’t be mine came to mind.
“My lady, are you okay? You don’t look well.”

“No, I’m fine, so I mean Hilda. This girl Hilda—”

Swallowing my dry saliva, I touched my forehead with my hands.

“I’m sorry, my lady. I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“…What do you mean you don’t understand? What don’t you understand?”

“What? Well…”

The old butler said something very unlike him.

“Hilda… Who is Hilda?”


The memory slowly returned.

< “Hi there?” >

< “You don’t have to try to understand.” >

< “Will it be just your heart?” >

At first time it appeared to be a dream,

‘Oh? oh? or do you….. like this side of me?’

< “Sorry, this was the only way to be around you.” >

The first time I suspected Hilda was in front of the daisies.

‘Hilda is Hilda. Hilda was always Hilda from the beginning.’

< “Do you think the only thing I can read is your heart?” >

Until last night.

Unlike me, who’s forgotten memories were returned, no one else remembered Hilda.

Only that part of everyone’s memories seemed to have a hole in it.

“Who could’ve helped me take a bath!”

“Well… Come to think of it, there must have been a maid a year ago.”

“She was here until yesterday!”

The old butler looked confused.

“When I was taking a walk in the garden, she was next to me! No, she welcomed me at the
main gate yesterday, right? You really don’t remember?”

“That… I don’t know what you’re talking about. Lady Evelyn, are you making fun of me?”

The butler looked at me with a worried expression.

Devan was the only one who would believe me.

I recklessly stormed into his office.

I slammed his desk and explained everything so far.

“So you’re saying that there was a maid named Hilda? But none of us remember it, right?”

“That’s right.”

“And the maid was that transcendent being?”

“I think so… I thought Hilda came here by possessing a human being…”

I shook my head excitedly.

She said, ‘Hilda is Hilda’ from the beginning.

“I don’t think it borrowed a body, but I think it built a body.”

“….How far can it go?”

He frowned a lot and moved to the sofa.

Then he nodded for me to sit opposite him.

Even the sofa and office scenery remained the same as a year ago.

The old butler was not such a reckless person that he’d change his master’s furniture, even
if they’d lost their minds for a year.

“I told you that I had a connection with that transcendent being.”

I suddenly raised my head.

He’d definitely said that. I didn’t know if he realized that the author was God. As he
hurriedly shook his head, he lowered his eyes as if hesitating.

“…so, 5 years ago, no… 7 years ago, that thing first appeared around me.”

“What do you mean by ‘appeared around you’? Was it like Hilda?”

“No, it just existed around me. It didn’t even have a shape… It was just around.”

“How do you know it doesn’t have a shape? At that time… you couldn’t have seen.”

Devan nodded casually at my careful words.

“Yeah. I was blind, but when I focused, I could feel it’s shape for a moment.”


It seemed difficult to explain.

“So to explain, it would be here, or there. It would be on this couch and table… I could tell
its shape, but I couldn’t tell the pattern of its face or body.”

“How could you do that?”

“I don’t know, but I’ve been like that since 7 years ago. Yeah, that strange giggling sound
gave me strength.”

“Giggling sound…?”

I chewed my lips.
“Does that mean that thing gave you strength, Your Highness? Thanks to that, you were
able to understand the outline of things?”

Devan shrugged.

“I don’t know.”

“Then… Did that thing give me strength when I was running away from here a year ago?”

“Are you talking about climbing the wall, opening the locked door, and breaking through
the boundary?”

I glanced away.

“Yes, that one. Strangely, everything went the way I wanted it to. My whole body was full of

“Was it around you then?”

“No, it wasn’t. But…”

I remembered what happened that day.

To heal his right eye, I used all of my divine power and fought against something unknown.
Eventually, I drove it out.

“Maybe it came to me during the treatment process… I think.”

“It went inside you?”

“Your right eye had a black shape inside it. Because of that, I think some kind of energy has
entered me.”

Devan sighed deeply, and leaned back into the sofa.

“Then what the hell was it? It existed next to me for years without form, and was your
maid. It lived in my right eye and inside of you too?”

I didn’t understand either.

I thought carefully and opened my mouth cautiously.

“…..Divine strength is the power given by God. Mana is the power of nature.”

He nodded, as if to encourage me to keep going.

“It seemed to be fighting against my divine power. So… That’s a kind of power too. The
person we talked about is the source of that power. God in terms of divinity, Nature in
terms of mana.”

“In the end, it’s the same thing. Isn’t a transcendent being similar to God?”

“That’s what I’m saying.”

“You had to fight against a transcendent being…”

Fight… fight as in…

I frowned at the thought of brushing my mind.

“Should I…. do it?”


Devan had a strange look on his face.

“Do we really…. have to fight against that existence?”

29. Chapter 29


Translated by suleblgc

Edited by Baset


“Do we have to fight?”

Devan burst into laughter at my question.

“Then? How are you going to drive it out of my eye? Are you going to try to coax it out?”

Devan sarcastically said as he pointed at his right eye.

“But… It’s weird… His Highness also said that he could roughly see the front of the building
when it was right next to him. Thanks to that, I was able to escape this castle.”

“How can you explain that I can’t see with my right eye though?”
I stayed quiet.

Neither of them knew what to do, so there wasn’t any progress.

Naturally, the room fell silent.

At that time, I could see a paper placed randomly on the desk.

“What’s that?”

Devan looked at it with a blank expression, then he pushed it towards me.

When I opened it, I discovered it was a map.

When I looked through it roughly, I noticed without difficulty that it was the Great Colonel.

On the back of the page was a drawing of a castle, but it didn’t appear to be the work of an

“Did you draw this yourself?”

“Absolutely not.”

Devan quietly sighed, and said with a grudging look.

“Yesterday, he dropped it on the floor.”

“If it was him…”

He was talking about Killian.

When I first met him, I heard something fall. It seemed that it was this map.

“A lot of things happened, so I didn’t want to bother you about this.”

At Devan’s words, I lowered my eyes and looked at the smudged map.

There were X marks everywhere.

“I think he got the map from the butler, but the marks must’ve been drawn by him while he
was looking for you.”

I crumbled up the paper and put it back on the table.

“… Why don’t you give it back to him?”

“He doesn’t need it anymore. It’s unpleasant that he has a map of this castle and territory
around it.”

“Then burn it.”

Devan shrugged and threw the paper into the fireplace.

In an instant, the paper caught on fire.

For some reason, I stared blankly as it disintegrated, and Devan tapped the table in

“This isn’t the time to be spaced out. There’s a lot of work to be done.”

“What do I have to do? ….There’s nothing I can do right now.”

Devan had a strange expression on his face.

“There’s a lot that can be solved, and a lot that needs to be solved. Firstly, we’ll need to go
to the temple and hold a ceremony soon.”


“A Wedding. Since we signed those papers yesterday, we’re now a proper couple.”

At the sudden remark, I opened my eyes wide. What did he mean by a wedding? I can’t
believe it’s going to be held at the temple!

“I don’t really want to, but I’ll do it anyway. Still, is there anything I need to do until the
ceremony?” I asked.

“Isn’t it you, not me, who’s in trouble if there’s no news about the marriage and contract?”

I quickly closed my mouth.

It was definitely like that. Since I was married, it was important to announce it on a large

“…Does it have to be there?”

Why did it have to be the temple?

I’d already escaped from that place and now I had to go there of my own volition? That
wasn’t fair.

“Ah… The temple was looking for you, by the way. First your family, and now the temple?
There are so many places that you can’t go to.”
“If I can’t, I can’t. You said you’d protect me.”

I stared at him while I spoke, that caused Devan to pause, then he avoided looking at me.

“…You’re the Great Duchess. Even if the temple finds you, no one can take you where you
don’t want to go.”


I couldn’t help, but feel anxious.

The temple was much more brutal than he thought. If they wanted to acquire something,
then they did…


When I suddenly shouted, Devan looked surprised.

“What is it?”

“I just realized I have something I wanted to do.”

I forgot about it because of Hilda, but I had something to check on.

“Do you mean that monster in Elywoon?”

“Yes, that one! You took the Maseok from the dead body, right?”

“What do you think you’re going to need the Maseok for?”

“You didn’t bring it? Maseok is a source of power, and there could be clues in it.”

When the magic beast leaped toward me, it was obvious that there would be some reason
for it.

I’d seen mana that seemed artificial embedded between it’s disgusting green scales.

If what I saw was correct, it was evidence that the temple manipulated the horse’s body.

“When I was very young, I lived in an orphanage under the temple before I was adopted by
Count Diego.”

Devan suddenly frowned at the turn of the conversation.

“I was a child with enormous potential, someone who appears once in hundreds of years
or so. Besides myself, most of the children in the orphanage had some form of divine
power. Some had very little, and others had quite a lot.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“At the temple, I leeched the energy out of the other children. Do you know what happens
to a child who loses their power?”


“They don’t die, they just become empty.”

I remembered the other children’s empty eyes.

It reminded me of the children, who’d become worn out after being filled up. They were
brought back again and again to be filled, until they were finally sold.

“Do you think that the temple is related to this case?”

“At the temple, the children’s spirits were collected and stored in soulstones. It’s a jewel
that looks exactly like a mana stone, but instead of being red, they are white.”

“There are white mana stones?”

“…That’s right.”

I nodded, and Devan fell silent.

It was an incredible story considering the temple’s external reputation.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe me, please just look into the body. If it’s true—”

“Who said I didn’t believe you?”

Devan stood up from his seat.

I looked up at him blankly as he quickly stood above me.

“Send Karen to Ellywoon. Even if they’ve already disposed of the evidence, it can still be
found with a high-end mana stone. If it can’t be found… That means that the temple used
some kind of trick.”

“…You believe me?”

Devan rang the bell on his desk.

Then, he looked at me and smiled. He looked so aristocratic right now.

“If you’ve been mistreated by the temple, then I can also be quite formidable.”

Killian disappeared from the castle that day.

It occurred to me that it was bad that he just stood still and muttered.

‘I can help you. I can help you…’

At that time, I felt chilled and anxious.

What in the world is he going to help me with? All he could do for me was disappear from
my sight forever.


It was only a short while ago too. Then thoughts of Killian quickly left my mind.

This was due to the absolute lack of time I had to think.

“Do you like this or do you like that?”

I was presented with two white ribbons that looked exactly the same in my eyes, and the
tailor who’d asked me with a serious look.

I blinked listlessly and motioned to the right.

“Which one do you like better, these pearls or those pearls?”

This time, I didn’t even try to look at them and motioned roughly to the left.

The tailor, and her assistant, seriously listed and classified each decision.

It was a situation where a sigh would escape easily.

This was why I said I didn’t want to have a wedding.

Devan did everything quickly.

Perhaps it wasn’t a lie when he said that he would hold the ceremony in the temple/ He’d
sent one of his men to the institution that day.

Having the ceremony at the temple was considered a great honor to the people of the
Empire. It was understandable because you could be blessed by the High Priest, who held
more power than the Emperor.

So there were only a few people who could get married there.

They had to be from the Imperial family, or be extremely rich, with enough money to
satisfy the High Priest.

In Devan’s case, both were true.

All the nobles were excited, except for the two of us.

He left all the wedding preparations to me. It only made sense to pass it on to me.

He said he was too busy just governing the territory, but it felt like an excuse.

He must’ve found it too annoying.

It wasn’t incomprehensible because I was lazy, too.

A lot has changed since that day.

First of all, two soldiers always resided in front of my room.

Devan said it was for my safety, but sometimes it seemed as if they were watching me.

Second, I started studying about the Great Dukedom and the opposite sex.

I had a nominal elevation to my status, but I still had to do the work that I was given.

Devan had ordered it, so I stepped up to do it.

Third, countless people kept entering my room.

One of them was the tailor, who was now lining up dresses and robes with excitement. I
looked at the dress with a bored look.

At first, I thought they were pretty, but the more I looked about it, the more I thought…

I want to decide on my own clothes.

Even though I was annoyed, I couldn’t help it when I thought of Devan’s aesthetic sense.

He was the one who left even his castle’s garden to the soldiers.

I considered the desolate greatness, and knew that he didn’t have the greatest aesthetic

“…I’m sorry, but let’s stop today.”

The tailor looked visibly sullen. It seemed that she couldn’t even show half of what she had

There was nothing I could do about it.

It was dinner time soon, and I had something to ask at that time.

As I got up from my seat, a young girl with curly hair rushed to my side.

After Hilda disappeared, she became my new maid.

“Your name… No… You, stay here and help organize things.”

“Oh… Yes, ma’am!”

She answered with a big smile, and stood there and looked at me until I left the room.

The rumors that were circulating this time were burdensome, as were the envious looks.

Maybe the love story of the century was spreading about Devan and me.

She seemed to be hoping to become closer to me.

It was so obvious that I was rather reluctant to have her near me.

There wasn’t anything specific that I didn’t like about the maid’s attitude.

I was just afraid of becoming close to someone again.

Hilda was one of the few people I’d become close to.

I didn’t know if she’d betrayed me… or not.

When I realized that I felt betrayed, did I develop a certain level of affection without even
realizing it?

Hilda… When I thought of her, I felt scared, angry, and embarrassed, but I also felt like a

Where the heck was she…

Devan said that the formless existence had been following me since seven years ago, after
it disappeared when he came to his senses.

Hilda also disappeared from everyone’s memory a few days ago.

I can’t believe she disappeared overnight.

I needed to find out how to cure Devan’s eyes, but I had no clue where I should even start.

So, I would rather she appeared again, in some form.

30. Chapter 30

Translated by suleblgc

Edited by Baset


Sponsored by c011e 💖


“You’re here, madam.”

Upon arriving at the Great Hall, the butler bowed to me.

I trembled at the words that I couldn’t get used to. Compared to the other servants, I was
not used to the way the butler said my title.

“The Grand Duke…where is he?”

“He’ll be down shortly.”

I sat in the chair that the butler indicated, and he brought me a cup of tea.
“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Madam.”

At the end of each sentence, the old butler said the word ‘Madam’ like it was a punctuation


He told her that he’d been with Devan since he was very young.

He probably felt like I had married his own son.

Even though he knew it wasn’t a real marriage.

Whether it represents the feelings of the butler, the Great Hall has been splendidly
appointed since the banquet.

It was not comparable to other castles, but they would add things, like the vase that had its
flowers changed every day or a new decoration that I’d never seen before.

“I will serve the food as soon as His Highness arrives, Madam.”

After greeting me politely, the old butler disappeared.

“You came early.”

Huh— I turned my head.

Devan was alone and walked slowly towards me.

“I didn’t come early, it’s that Your Highness was late.”

“You seem particularly impatient today.”

As soon as he sat down, I asked.

“What happened?”


“With the manastone!”

When he tried to pretend not to know, and simply shrugged.

“You looked into it by yourself, right?”

“Who do you mean by myself?”


The door opened, and I heard the sound of clattering armors.

I jumped up from my seat.

“Sir Karen!”

She strode toward me and did not hide her embarrassment.

“My Lady, I didn’t know you’d welcome me so enthusiastically.”

“What happened?”

Karen blinked slowly, and alternated between looking at me and Devan.

When Devan nodded, she started to speak.

“Is it related to the lady? If I knew that, I would’ve been more careful. Do you know how
hard I worked?”

She limped towards the table.

“Can I join you?”

Devan nodded with a disinterested expression.

As she sat down on a chair, placed her helmet on the table, and she sighed as if he was
finally alive again.

“Sir Karen!”

“Don’t rush me, it won’t change anything.”

The old butler pushed the tray to the table, then placed food in front of Devan, myself, and

He put down an exceptionally large plate at the end and stared at Karen.

“Be careful with your words and actions to the Grand Duchess.”

“What? …What? The Great Duchess?!”

Karen knocked her helmet to the floor as if she was throwing it.


Devan crumpled his face at the noise he didn’t want to hear.


Karen left for Ellywoon the day before Devan and I made our marriage pledge.

Nevertheless, I wondered why she didn’t know about the marriage. She’d said she was
busy everyday, and that she didn’t even have time to sit down before going to Ellywoon.

From then on, Karen kept picking fights with me, leaving the knight inside of her
somewhere else.

I could see the reason for that.

It seemed that all the responsibility for my escape went to her.

While talking about it, she didn’t forget to stare at me.

For my part, I wasn’t very sorry.

In reality, it was true that the security was poor. I even thought about getting revenge on
her for hitting the back of my neck.

“Why did you get married so quickly? What about the ceremony?”

“We’ll be doing it soon.”

“Where are you going to have it? Are you going to System?”

While listening to Karen’s rapidfire questions, I nervously put down the tableware to see if
Devan was going to finally explode.

“Why do you want to know? Just tell me about Maseok.”

Karen closed her mouth and took out a bunch of paper from her arms.

“These are all the places we looked at, and we didn’t exclude any places that handled
manastone. I even went to the main distribution hub outside of Ellywoon. Maybe now… I
now know the geography better than the lady… or Madam… who lived there for a year.”

She talked a lot this time.

“So what’s the conclusion? Are you saying you found it or not?”

“I couldn’t find anything.”

She couldn’t find it.

My heart was pounding. The fact that she couldn’t find Maseok, even though she searched
all of Ellywoon, meant one thing.

That someone was intentionally hiding the manastone.

I looked at Devan, as he frowned deeply and said nothing.


Karen lifted the knife in her hand high.

She seemed to think I was disappointed because she couldn’t find it.

“It’s not that I haven’t found anything. Ellywoon is really cold and it’s snowing a lot in the
area, okay? I was able to find a clue after persuading, bribing, and intimidating my way all
the way to the very top person representing Ellywoon.”

“What did you find?”

“It was really a coincidence. No, maybe it was fate. It was just when I stopped by a store to
take a breather and drink a beer after visiting all the top people. As the moonlight fell on
the snowy streets…”

Karen closed her eyes and tried to tell her heroic story.

“Hey, Karen Webow.”

Devan pushed his own plate forward and turned towards the knight sitting at the table.

“Do you really want to die?”

“After a few days in Ellywoon, my brain must have gotten as soft as snow, right?”

While Devan was smiling, his eyes were cold.

Karen crouched down and bit her lips hard.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness.”

“Start over, and just get to the point.”

“So, there was a witness. He said he saw someone walk up to the monster that His
Highness killed and do something.”
“They saw someone do something? Did they see who it was?”

“He said ‘I didn’t see them clearly’, but he said the person was wearing long white clothes.”

“White and long… like a formal uniform.”

As I muttered quietly, the two pairs of eyes turned towards me.

“Did he say what they did?”

“They seemed to be recovering something. After that, I heard that the manastone wasn’t
recovered when the monster was dismantled. So it is correct to assume that the manastone
was taken.”

“Did he say there was nothing weird about it?”

Karen smiled, as if she’d been waiting for this question to be asked.

“There were two strange things. First; in order to dig out manastone, it usually requires
completely dismantling the creature. In this case, the body of the monster was almost
undamaged, except for the injuries caused by His Majesty.”

“What’s the second one?”

“The second thing… They said the person seemed to have done something to the corpse
before they left. I was told that enough black smoke was produced that it could be seen
from a distance. According to the witness…”

Karen had lowered her head and whispered.

Without realizing it, I leaned in closer to her, and Devan looked at us with an apathetic
Karen, who was looking around, finally opened her mouth.

“So it was like… It was like they used black magic.”

There was silence at the table.

I blinked slowly.

…Black magic? What’s that?

“What do you mean black magic? That’s ridiculous.”

It was Devan who broke the silence.

He was already staring at his meal indifferently.

“Your Highness! Don’t you trust me?”

“Of course, I don’t trust you. Nor do I trust the witness, who you just happened to meet
while drinking. It’s been a long time since black magic disappeared.”

“Well… that’s definitely true.”

Karen began to eat the soup along with Devan, as if she was only half-confident.

“So, what is black magic?

I asked what I was curious about this whole time.

Black magic.

Of course, I could tell that it was bad from the hints they’d dropped.

I was curious because there was no mention of it in the original book I’d read during my
previous life, and that was odd.

If it’s true that the temple used black magic, then it should’ve appeared in the book…

“It’s a relic of the old times.”

Devan summarized it in one sentence.

Karen seemed to suddenly feel hungry, as she almost drank all of the soup in one go, and
quickly cut into the meat elegantly.

“So my lady… or Madam, black magic means that someone signed a contract with a devil.”

Devan laughed at what Karen said.

“There’s no such thing as a devil.”

“Then what is black magic? All the magicians of the temple acknowledged it as that. It uses
spells that can’t be used with ordinary or divine magic.”

“No, to be more exact, it’s not clear that it’s even magic.”

“If it’s not magic, does that mean it’s a power?”

“It’s not magic or divinity, but something else.”

I put down the tableware and then asked.

“Then what is it?”

Somehow, I felt a sense of déjà vu.

It’s not magic or divinity, but some unidentified power.

“It means the source is different.”

“The source?”

Karen asked a question this time.

Devan replied by gracefully slicing the meat in front of him.

“The source of divine power is God. The source of magic is nature. If it’s not magic, but
something we don’t know about yet…”


Devan stopped talking and looked at me.

While I looked at him.

We were thinking the same thing, even if we didn’t say anything.

A new source, a transcendent being that we don’t know.

That might be…

“What? So, then what is the source of black magic?”

Ignoring Karen, who had a confused look on her face while she alternated between looking
at Devan and me, we jumped from our seats at the same time.

“Call on the wizards to begin an investigation into black magic.”

“I’ll look at the old books. Sir Karen, please return Elywoon and find another witness, or

“…What? Again?”

Karen blinked foolishly.

“I…I just came back though…”

She muttered with a wounded look.

But no one was listening.


Is Karen a man or a woman? Someone tells me. I guess she’s a female knight?
31. Chapter 31


*Okay it’s confirmed that Knight Karen is a man, so I’ll use ‘he’.


I said I would scour the old books, but the books in the Grand Duchy were not quite

Devan didn’t seem to have much interest in books.

Even if there were some, they were all about swordsmanship and military tactics, and if not
that, they were all about politics.

Fortunately, the wizards hired by Devan had lent him a few old books on black magic, but
they were also a collection of legends and nonsense hypotheses that didn’t seem to be of
much use.

I roughly piled the books I had looked through on the window sill and let out a small sigh.
Temples and black magic, transcendent beings whose names I didn’t even know.

Temples used black magic, and its roots were whatever I thought they were.

After all, the temple and its existence were related.

The problem was the fact that in all the years I had spent in the temple, I had never once
heard of black magic.

I had never even felt anything resembling a black shape.

So if they were using black magic in the temple, and even I, who lived in the deepest part of
the temple, was unaware of it……

If that was really what was going on, it must mean that the temple was keeping this strictly
a secret.

“My Lady.”

The door rattled open and the maid called out to me in a surprised voice.

She had just entered the room to clean and was surprised to see me.

“What’s the matter?”

“Have you eaten yet? Are you going to read? Shall I prepare tea and pastries for you then?”

She chatted with round eyes.

She had a beautiful face, but she was a burden and a bother. As I waved my hand, I
suddenly thought of something and asked.

“No, thank you for that. Is there a place in the territory like a library or bookstore?”

Her eyes became more round.

“Well, there is a bookstore, but ……… I don’t think it has what the Lady is looking for. It’s
mostly genre fiction.”

She said, glancing at the books I had piled up.

“Do you know how to read?”

“A little.”

She shrank her shoulders a little.

I didn’t know a commoner could read. Unless she had a lot of money at home or she was
very smart, but seeing that she was working here so it seemed to be the former.

A clever servant would certainly help.

“Good. So, have you ever been to the imperial city?”

“The Imperial City? No….”

“Do you want to go?”

Her eyes, which I thought would never get any bigger, grew wider.

In this world, commoners were usually the ones who lived the rest of their lives where they
were born. Living in the imperial capital was a new experience for many of them, and many
of them had never even seen it.

“Ah, yes, My Lady!”

An unnamed maid said, clasping her hands. Her eyes were full of expectation.

I jumped up from my seat.

“What’s your name?”

“Eunice, My Lady!”

Yes, if the temple was keeping everything a secret, all I had to do was uncover the secret.
Whether they were really in league with the devil, or there was no such thing as black
magic in the first place.

All that was certain was that the temple was hiding something.

So there was only one way to answer all the questions.


“Yes, My Lady!”

“We’ll go to the imperial city.”

I won’t run away anymore, I’m approaching them.


I ordered Eunice to pack and wandered irritably around.

I didn’t know how the job was progressing, and it was complicated enough to make my
head spin. I couldn’t believe that the temple used black magic.

The book I read in my previous life didn’t contain any of this.

It was all about Cordelia breaking Devan’s curse and being happy together.
Although the ugly side of the temple was shown, the story was mainly about the abuse of


I bit my lip tightly.

Going to the imperial city wasn’t just to find out about black magic.

Now that it was almost certain that the Temple had manipulated that demon to target me,
it was also clear that Cordelia was still suffering.

There was no other reason for her to seek me out in the temple, since It was said I lost my
divine power.

I had to save her. No, I wanted to save her.

It wasn’t simply that she was the heroine of the original story.

It was just that I was the only one who knew about her pain.

It may sound arrogant, but we were the only two people who could relate to that hurt. After
sending Killian away a few days ago, I felt that way even more.

I had sent Cordelia, who was in the same situation as me, to her death, and when she lived
alone she met Devan and even married him.
I didn’t have the right to blame him, because I was the one who fell into self-pity.

If I hadn’t intervened, she would be the one smiling happily here right now. It was all my

So I had to save her.

I had to go to the imperial capital and face the temple directly. I had to find out what the
hell they were up to.

Originally, the temple was a place to worship the gods and use their power to benefit the

If it came to light that they were using black magic instead of divine power to control the

If Cordelia and I were to testify there, and the many barbaric acts they committed at the
orphanage were revealed….

Maybe we could change all that.

Then I would go away and live the rest of my life happily, and Cordelia and Devan would
follow reason and love each other.

Saving Cordelia, that was the first step towards a perfect happy ending.

I told Devan that I wanted to leave for the capital first.

Since we were going to the wedding anyway, I wanted to get there first and investigate the
black magic.

I was worried that he would stop me, but surprisingly he gladly accepted.

Not only did he accept, but he suggested that we go up together.

He, too, was feeling limited in his ability to gather information from the Grand Duchy.

The situation progressed quickly and we were in a carriage heading for the capital.

The capital and the Grand Duchy were quite a distance away and it would take two full days
to get there by carriage.

The good thing was that the carriage was very big and we could rest and sleep in the
nearby towns along the way.

Devan was looking at some papers in the carriage. The carriage was enchanted so it
wouldn’t rattle, it was great for concentration.

“Isn’t there a big library in the capital?”

“There is an imperial library. Even though we didn’t have a wedding, we did take vows, so
you’ll have access to it.”

He replied without taking his eyes off the papers.

“What are you going to do now?”

“We left in a hurry, so there were more than one or two things that needed to be dealt

It seemed that Devan wasn’t lying when he said he was busy managing his territory.

My mouth agape, I skimmed through the papers and quickly lost interest in the paper-filled
feast of numbers.

“The one I sent to the temple has contacted me. It looks like the wedding will take place
next month.”

He shook his head again.

I thought it meant not to talk, but it wasn’t.

“Oh, really? Did you get permission from the temple?”

“What permission? They should bow at the honor, even that wouldn’t be enough.”
A sneer formed on Devan’s lips.

“But I’ve heard that even the royal family sometimes get turned down, especially those who
are under the curse.”

“I’m sure they do. Isn’t that why we spent so much money for?”

I nodded absentmindedly and suddenly wondered.

As a member of the royal family, it was natural for him to have a certain amount of money,
but if it was enough to be used heavily in the temple, it had to be more than the usual

“I heard that the Grand Duchy was a barren territory, where did that large sum of money
come from?”

“I was lucky.”

I stared at him with an expression that asked for an explanation, and Devan finally set the
papers aside and crossed his legs.

“I’ve been really lucky. I discovered a mine. It’s been more of a blessing in disguise that the
Imperial family has given me a domain that is the furthest away from the capital. The
location of the mine is also halfway across the border, which made it difficult for them to
claim ownership.”

“If it’s a border, then it’s Ellywoon?”


“Then didn’t Ellywoon claim the right?”

‘’In any case, the entrance to the mine is my land. They must still be unaware of its

Devan smiled in satisfaction.

In a way, it was a vile method, but I liked that. The country has abandoned him, so what’s
the point of trying for the country?

It was me who was sympathetic with that money, so I couldn’t help but like it even more.

“Anyway, it’s unexpected.”

Devan stared at me.

His still unaccustomed red eyes were beautiful on the one hand, and a little creepy on the

“What is it?”

“You suggested going to the capital first. I thought you were afraid of the temple.”

“I’m afraid……. It’s still scary. But …………….”

I turned my attention to the window.

We were going down to the south, where the capital was, and gradually I saw a lush forest.

When I thought of the temple, I naturally clenched my fist.

I didn’t even know if I was horrified or angry.

But… I didn’t even know if it was something I had been preparing for since I came back

Running away was not an option now, so I thought I should stand up and fight.

Devan was still looking at me, as if waiting for an answer.

I opened my mouth, facing the red eye with its shimmering black shape.

“I changed my mind.”

‘’You changed it? How?”

“Because you can’t solve anything by running away just because you’re scared.”

Devan didn’t reply, he just looked at me.

I turned to look at the window again.

The sunlight fell on the leaves and wrapped it warmly, and through the branches I could
see the sky.

As I stared at the unrealistically blue sky, I brought up the name that had been bothering
me the whole time.


Instead of answering, Devan looked at me.

“…… Do you remember the girl, Cordelia?”

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