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What did you learn in this unit regarding the different topics?
Write from your own and unique experience and record it on a voice note. Then upload it to AVAC.
Is there any aspect you didn’t understand? Mention it.

 Share information about your abilities

The best way to say to another people if I have a special ability or explain the things that I can do,
even I learned how I can describe actions that I could do in the past like a sport or memorized very
fast the things.

Also I learned some adjectives to specify some characters of another people with the correct form
to “used to” and the simple present.

 A celebrity you admire

I learned how can I do a mini biography about someone, how I can describe your contribution to
humanity in the area of he/she with the correct for to the –ing/-ed adjectives for describe the
celebrity and her projects. Even with the vocabulary of technology I can explain more about their

 Your personality type

With the adjectives of personality I learned more about the words that I can use to describe is
someone is extrovert and introvert. I learned that the most of the people can be introvert and the
advantage of this personality.
Check in the empty boxes according to your self-observation.

How confident do you feel in every aspect?

Not Barely Somewhat Very
confident confident confident confident
Dimensions Unit aspects
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4
- Present perfect simple vs past
- Present perfect simple vs
present perfect continuous

Cognitive Vocabulary:
- Work words and expressions X
- Technology expressions

- Your abilities
- Someone you admire
- Personality types

The work was done without using

Procedural translators or information from the X
web as it is my own contribution.

I have followed all the guidelines

Attitudinal given and worked with honesty X
throughout the assignment.


NAME: Doménica Paulina Patiño Ortiz


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