Theater Assignment

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Rawan Hage Hassan

THTR 260
November 16, 2020

Spatial Observation

For this assignment, I decided to go to a local coffee shop named B-Hive. I figured the

best place to do this observation would be in the outside area, where most customers are. For

starters, I noticed that people tend to be louder when entering this area, contrary to the way most

of them enter the inside area; a quieter area. Even though people use both areas to study, it is

clear that if given the opportunity not to be quiet, many will take it.

Moreover, one common thing I noticed is the way everyone claims their own space. I

counted seven out of ten people who entered had backpacks or laptops, and the first thing they do

is place it on the table. I tried looking for some tables were all of the people’s belongings were

next to them or placed next to their seat, but every occupied table I look at, there is something on

it. Some even had stuff on them, but the people were at the counter inside or standing away.

Nevertheless, that space was claimed by someone and people didn’t even take it. So in a way,

people tend to use non-spoken visual aids that basically act like occupied signs.

Weirdly enough, I noticed that different groups of people settle differently. Even though

they are in the same public space, basic etiquette is common with almost everyone; however the

way they settle and act is somewhat different. I mentally categorized everyone into different

groups in relation to this specific thing. Firstly, there are the quiet bookworms, people who take

out their books and tablets, and just read for an hour or more before doing anything else; barely

even interacting with each other. There are the “priority=food” groups; people that after putting

down their things, directly go order food and drinks. It seems working on an empty stomach can

be more difficult for some people than I thought. I also noticed that the older customers tend to

stick to themselves and enjoy each other’s company, and actually converse. Furthermore, there
Rawan Hage Hassan
THTR 260
November 16, 2020

are also groups who just take their time at the coffee shop as a break from their studies or work.

Some groups like to sit and rest with their peers, while others enjoy board games or card games.

However, one common thing between all groups is that when the coffee shop cat visits a table,

everyone stops what they’re doing so that they give her attention and pet her.

Generally speaking, I saw that people’s body language depends on the setting they are in.

For example, if a group of friends were on a table, and everyone is focused on studying, their

body language tends to be a bit quieter and somewhat calmer; not to interrupt the others’ train of

thought. Moreover, I observed a group of friends that seemed to be the loudest at the time, and

tried focusing on each person and their body language. As a group, they had sort of a school-life

dynamic; they seem to have been to the same school together. They get along well, and most of

their conversations seemed to be about their school classes and how those compare to university,

but I can’t tell for sure since I couldn’t hear them properly. From their facial expressions and

gesture, I can tell that they were making fun of their school and seem somewhat relieved that

they finished from it. One of them stood out and seemed to carry more hatred and negativity

towards the school than the others. This was shown by the aggressive hand movements and what

seemed to me to be foul language, because I saw that it just fits there.

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