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Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________Course/Year/Section: ___________ Score: _________

Directions: Write a three-paragraph essay regarding injustices and prejudice that occurred
during Rizal's time and are still occurring now. List some strategies for breaking our country's
poisonous and bad "culture." Use the rubric below to assist you.

Essay Rubrics:
Indicators High Proficiency Proficiency Acceptable Needs
5 4 2 Improvement
Writing meets all Writing meets most Writing meets Writing meets
Content- assignment content assignment content minimum assignment some/few
Specific requirements. requirements. content requirements assignment
Writing is clear and Writing is generally Writing is adequate Writing may
Purpose & appropriate for the clear and appropriate in terms of clarity be unclear
Support purpose of the for the purpose of the and appropriateness and/or
assignment. assignment—with for the purpose of the inappropriate
All evidence and some exceptions. assignment. for the
examples are purpose of the
effective, specific assignment
and relevant.
Ideas are coherently Organization of ideas Organization of ideas Organization
Structure & and logically is generally coherent meets the minimum of ideas does
Development organized with well- and logical requirement for not meet the
developed In addition, most being coherent and minimum
paragraphs and paragraphs are well‐ logical. Some requirement
effective transitions. developed and use paragraphs may be for coherent
effective transitions. well‐developed and and logical.
use effective Paragraphs
transitions while lack
others do not. development
and/or fail to
All sentences are Most sentences are Minimally acceptable Some/few
Language & well‐written with well written with number of errors in sentences are
Mechanics varied sentence varied sentence grammar, well‐written
structure and structure and punctuation and/or with little
virtually free of virtually free of spelling. variance in
errors in grammar, errors in grammar, structure

punctuation and punctuation and and/or

spelling. spelling. numerous
errors in
Maintains Tone, diction, and Tone, diction, and Lacks some
Target appropriate tone, vocabulary are vocabulary are important
Audience/ diction and mostly appropriate adequate for various qualities for
Point of vocabulary for for various modes of modes of writing. having the
View/ various modes of writing. appropriate
Originality writing. tone, diction,
for various
modes of
does meet

Assessment 1

Name: ______________________Course/Year/Section: ___________ Score: _________

Instruction: Give your comprehensive explanations towards the following statements and questions.
By reading the Modules, device answers through interpreting what is needed in every number. Each
question will be graded based on these five (5) points rubrics.

1) How did his family influence Jose Rizal?


2) How did Jose Rizal develop his early education life?


3) Why should we study the early childhood of Rizal?


4) How do you describe Rizal's early education and his family?


5) How does Rizal value education?



Level Description
Well written and very organized.
Excellent grammar mechanics.
5 - Outstanding Clear and concise statements.
Excellent effort and presentation with detail.
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.
Writes fairly clear.
Good grammar mechanics.
4 - Good
Good presentation and organization.
Sufficient effort and detail.
Minimal effort.
Minimal grammar mechanics.
3 - Fair
Fair presentation.
Few supporting details
Somewhat unclear.
Shows little effort.
2 - Poor Poor grammar mechanics.
Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
No organization of thoughts.
Very poor grammar mechanics.
Very unclear.
1 - Very Poor
Does not address topic.
Limited attempt.



Name: __________________ Course/Year/Section: ___________ Score: _________

Direction: Read the statement and write the correct answer in the space provided.

________________1. What is the complete legal name of Dr. Jose Rizal?

________________2. Who is being referred by Rizal as the "model of all fathers?"

________________3. Considered as Rizal's first teacher?

________________4. Rizal started his formal schooling in?

________________6. Rizal’s teacher in a private school in Biñan.

________________7. He is Rizal’s godfather, native of Calamba and close friend of the Rizal family.

________________8. Who was the older brother of Dr. Jose Rizal?

________________9. Who is the governor general of the Philippines when Rizal was born?

________________10. Rizal was the _____ of the eleven children born of the marriage of Francisco

and Teodora.

________________11. Who was the youngest sister of Rizal?

________________12. He was considered the brilliant Atenean of his time and pride of the Jesuits.

________________13. The school registrar of Ateneo who refused to admit Rizal because was sickly

andundersized his age.

________________14. When was the birth date of Rizal?

________________15. Who was the sister of Rizal called ‘Trining’, was the tenth child and the

custodian of Rizal’s last and greatest poem, "Mi Ultimo Adios”.



No Assignment for this Chapter


Learner’s Feedback Form

Name of Student: ___________________________________________________
Program : ___________________________________________________
Year Level : ___________ Section : ___________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________

Learning Module : Number: _________ Title: ______________________

How do you feel about the topic or concept presented?

□I completely get it. □ I’m struggling.
□I’ve almost got it. □ I’m lost.

In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?

Did you raise your concern to you instructor? □ Yes □ No

If Yes, what did he/she do to help you?


If No, state your reason?


To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?

How do you want it to be enhanced?


NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject teacher
(within the 1st week of the class).

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