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essonA eT gel a In your free time vocabulary | How often do you do these things? Complete the chart with the free-time activities in the box. Add your own ideas. eat out gooutwithfriends gotoaclub go tothe gym playa sport goon the Internet go shopping goto amovie have dinner with family text family ry ia Ce a a month _go on the internet | go to the gym eat out go shopping text family play a sport {go out with friends | go toa club have dinner with go to a movie family a Craig’s busy schedule oh ]A. Read Craig's weekly planner. Are the sentences below true or false? Write T (true) or F(false).. Then correct the false sentences. Poasag seni’ SUNDAY | MONDAY | TUESDAY | WEDNESDAY | THURSDAY | FRIDAY | SATURDAY 5 6 8 9 10 ul morning: | morning: : | morning: | morning: | morning: | morning: do the |) classes classes | go tothe |} classes clean the laundry! gym housel! afternoon: | afternoon: afternoon: go guitar tennis with shopping lesson Bob evening: evening: | evening: | evening’ dinner with dinner with |) movie with } club with Mom and Sandra | Jim Bill Dad three evenings a week once 1. He goes out with friends everyeveniag. 5. He plays tennis tase a week. F_ once a week ‘once 2. He goes to the library everptwy. F_ 6. He does the laundry tgamgees a week. F_ 3. He goes shopping once a week. T_ 7. He sees his parents on the weekends. 4, He takes guitar lessons on Wednesday 8. He cleans the house on Saturday mornings. T_ mornings. T 34 cemmor| B Now answer these questions about Craig's schedule. PMO Re EE How often does he go to the gym? When does he have classes? How often does he go to a club? What does he do on Thursday evenings? When does he go to the movies? What does he do on Saturday afternoons? He plays tennis Who does he play tennis with? He plays with Bill Where does he go on Saturday evenings? _He goes to the club with Bill He goes to a About you 1. You Friend You 2. You Friend You 3. You Friend You 4. You Friend You 5. You Friend You 2s] Write questions for a friend. Then answer your friend’s questions. Where do you go after class? Where do vow ao after cess I meet some friends and go to a restaurant for dinner. How about you? Igo to home to sleep How often do you text your friends? Tea your Friends) Every day. But | don't text before breakfast. How about you? also do it everyday What do you do in your free time at home? doin your Tes tne at home) or | just relax in front of the TV with a friend. How about you? I watch a movie on Nettlix [rent a movi Where do you go on the weekends? OL | go to a restaurant or club. How about you? I go out with my friends Who do you go out with? “so 0ut wid Oh, friends from school. How about you? Me too He goes to club once a weak He goes to the movies on Friday evening revune WE He goes to the gym twice a week He has classes on monday, wednesday and friday 35 a How often? A. Write the frequency adverbs in order in the chart below. Yalways —hardlyever never often sometimes usually (C always) (usually) (often) (sometimes) (hardly ever) (never _) B Answer the questions. Write true sentences using frequency adverbs. What's something you . hardly ever do before school or work? L hardly ever check my email before school, | always brush my teeth in the morning sometimes do afterschool orwork? ‘usually study for my classes on saturday never do during dinner? | never check my phone during dinner “ohei‘ae'h ihetevehingr Loften clean the house in the evening usually oon Satirlays? ‘Sometimes | go to my friends house after work a What kinds of TV shows do you know? wis] A Look at the pictures. Circle the correct type of TV show. always do in the morning? one wne talk show cartoon 36 B Circle the kinds of TV shows from part A in the puzzle, Look in these directions (>). Freetme OEM a About you hem a8 1 ‘Answer the questions. Give two pieces of your own information in each answer. Do you everwatch soap operas? _Y¢s,! usually watch soap operas in the afternoons. | love the stories. What sitcoms do you hardly ever watch? _! hardly ever watch Boca de Piano. It's not interesting at all How often do you watch documentaries? _! Watch documentaries at least three times a Monty What talk shows do you like? __l like the TED’s: They are very informative When do you usually watch the news?__! always watch the new Like to be up How often do you watch reality shows? _! never watch reality shows _ 1 do not like them a “omplete the conversations with the questions in the box. Do you like French? { mean, do you belong to any clubs? Do you do anything special? | mean, do you know a nice place? Do you play baseball? I mean, do you go every day? 1. Lisa What do you do after work? Do you do anything special? __ Debbie Well, goto the gym. Lisa Really? How often do you go? [inean, coyouigoieverydaye Debbie No, not every day. 1 go Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 2,Howard Do you know the restaurants around here? I mean, do you know a nice place? Mary Well, loften go to a little place on Main Street. What kind of food do you like? Do you like French? Howard Yes, | do. | love French food. 3. Paul What do you do after school? I mean, do you belong to any club? Tom Well, yeah. I'm in the Sports Club. Paul Really? What do you play? Do you play baseball? Tom Well, no. We watch baseball on TV! Paul Oh. 38 Free tne WOE a Questions, questions [Write a second question for each question below. Then write true answers. 1, | What's your teacher like? Yes, she's very nice. She's friendly i mean, is she nice? 2, { Howoften do you have English class? ‘mean, do you take English class everyday? [yess rere rong seed 3, | Howdoyou get to ‘school / work? No, | go on foot mean, do you take the bus or train? ana ; es | Teese es oe uc nererin (esto. 199 out win my tends Do you read a lot? 5. | Imean, do you like to read? Wes, teed inimy:tree) 6 Do,you eles goto: cuts? Yes, | play basketball in the afternoon | mean, do you lke to do any extra activity? Yen play besketbad iy the effernocn_. a About you *)| Add frequency adverbs to make these sentences true for you. Then use / mean, and write more information. |_never _ go to the gym. mean, | usually exercise at home, - | haray ever get home early, —_Lmean, | usually visit my girriend after work | sometimes. see my fiends during the week, 1meen. Lardy eve . |_usually go on the Internet in the evening, | Mean, | often check social media in evening _ . | Mever eat breakfast at school / work. _!mean, leat breakfast before work them because they are working . | Mever _ eat out on Saturdays. mean, | usually buy on pedidos ya |. |_MeVer watch reality shows on TV. Lean, Lusually watch movies on Netflix: —___ Dever _ go shopping on the weekends, mean, ! usualy buy things on inteet 10. | Never _ study English after dinner, mean, | usually study English on weekends 1 2 3, 4, s 6. |_Mever_get up early, _Lmean, | usually wake up late because | work late % 8 9, 0, Lesson D 40 Chaorshous §— C] &orShours 8 or 9 hours PaulaT16 posted 2hours ago Technology addicts yY a Paula’s problem eosin] A Read Paula’s post to an online forum. How many hours does Paula spend online? {live with my parents and my two brothers. They say | hardly ever spend time with them. My parents say | spend too much time on my phone and in front of my computer, but | don't think that's true. | mean, | often get up early and check my messages, but we always eat breakfast together. | guess | sometimes text during breakfast, but | never call people then. After class, | listen to music on my phone, but | also do my homework. In the evening, | often log on to my social network to chat with friends. They're always ‘online. Sometimes | watch @ movie on my computer. | usually spend eight or nine hours online every day. | don't think it's a problem. What do you think? B. Read Paula's post again. Then answer the questions. 1, Who does Paula live with? She lives with her parents and her two brothers. 2. Issheastudent?___Yes, she’s astudent__ 3. When does she log on to her social network? __ She log on to social media after doing her homework 4, What does Paula use her phone and computer for? —__ some movies 5. What do you think? Does Paula have a problem? Why of why not? Yes, I think she has a problem. She's addicted to her phone and computer because she spend most of her time on it and do not interect with her family y a Free ive QE I need some advice! A Read José's post to an online forum. Complete it with and or but. José posted 2 hours 290 | think [have a probiem. | don't have a computer at home, but | use a computer at school, | usually go to school early, NG _| check my email. | send email to my friends in other countries, | often go oniine for fun, __but__ sometimes | study English on the computer ‘Then on the weekends, | go to school ___aNd __ write papers for class (on the computer). Do | spend too much time at school? B_ Write a post for an online forum about a problem you have. Write about a problem below, or use your own idea. “Iwatch too much TV." “I go shopping too much.” “I work too much.” “I stay home too much.” “(talk on my cell phone too much.” “I study too much.” think, | have a problem because | watch too much TV and also | stay home too much and | need to change my daily for doin mething different but | do not how | could begin Tee yea What can you do? Mark the boxes. ern) ve BUG Uo Sun Stross | SSG cue ences verte eS nee ao ELL luse frequency adverbs like sometim or | ee noe etd 44 and 45 | ea ec id Lee Coe US RIEU ya | Pete ie Oa eee | Ree ues Leu anaes

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