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Journal of Management in Engineering.

Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;

posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Applying Six Sigma to Quality Improvement in Construction

Kuo-Liang Lee*

Department of Industrial Management, Ching Yun University,

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Jungli, 320, Taiwan, ROC

Su Yang

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Department of Civil Engineering, Ching Yun University,

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Jungli, 320, Taiwan, ROC

*Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-3-4581196; fax: +886-3-4683298.

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Taiwan is in a seismically active zone, because it is located in the earthquake-prone

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Pacific ring of fire. The cracks in lightweight partition walls caused frequent

earthquakes decrease customer satisfaction and increase repair costs in the case

company. This research demonstrates a Six Sigma team how to determine and

improve the key input variables affecting the cracks in lightweight partition walls. A

case study methodology used in this research to illustrate the tools of Six Sigma by

using the project charter to define problems, by using a tools of process mapping to

display all the input and output variables affecting cracks in lightweight partition

Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

walls, by using the C&E (cause-and-effect) Matrix to select highly correlated input

variables, and by using failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) to identify causes

of the cracks. Unlike conventional Six Sigma, finite element analysis (FEA)
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simulation software ABAQUS was used instead of statistical tools to verify variables

and to identify initial causes of cracks because data collecting was time-consuming.

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The results showed that a 1 cm preset spacing between the board and the main

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structure substantially reduces cracks caused by earthquakes. A new earthquake-proof

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construction method has been developed based on the finding of this research and
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granted a new patent (M 431196) by Intelligent Property Office in Taiwan recently.
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Keywords: Six Sigma, lightweight partition wall, case study.

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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155


Because of advances in construction engineering technology, trends in building

high-rise and large-scale buildings, and the demand for reduced loading and
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construction periods, lightweight partition walls are being used instead of brick

partition walls. As Taiwan is located in the seismically active zone, a building

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damaged of varying severity by earthquakes is common. Although poor quality of

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lightweight partition walls, which are a commonly used in construction engineering,

does not affect the safety of a building structure, cracks or even collapses caused by
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earthquakes can result in customer complaints. This research demonstrates a Six

Sigma project of determining and improving the key input variables affecting the
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cracks in lightweight partition walls. This study demonstrates a Six Sigma project to
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identify the variables affecting cracks in lightweight partition walls. In this case study,
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an innovative method with retaining the original functions of the lightweight partition

walls (e.g., fire prevention, moisture protection, heat insulation, etc.), and improving

quality to minimize cracks was found.

Since the Six Sigma concept was first developed by Motorola in 1986 (Antony, Jiju,

2006), several companies, including, General Electric (GE), Honeywell, Bombardier

and Sony have reported significant benefits from Six Sigma initiatives (Antony and

Banuelas, 2002).

Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

The effectiveness of Six Sigma approach depends on business strategy, top-down

involvement, and customer focus and it has an impact on profits if it is successfully

deployed (Salzman, 2002). Harry (1998) indicated that Six Sigma is a serial analytical
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and statistical method for eliminating process variations and obtaining breakthrough

improvements in products or service quality. From a statistical perspective, the goal of

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Six Sigma is to achieve a rate of 3.4 defects per million (McCarty and Fisher, 2007;

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Aboelmaged, 2010); sigma is a term representing variation around the process mean

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(Montgomery, 2001). The Six Sigma scheme is a project-driven management
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approach (Andersson et al.,2006). A Six Sigma project must be carefully selected and
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planned to maximize its benefits. The project must be feasible, organizationally and
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financially beneficial, and customer-oriented (Brue and Launsbry, 2003). The project

should also be well documented in order to track project objectives, constraints, costs,
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schedules, and scope (Meredith and Mantel, 2000). The project must then be reviewed

periodically to assess project status and the performance of the Six Sigma tools and

techniques The techniques employed in Six Sigma projects include project

management tools and methodology, advanced data analytical tools, customer

requirement analysis, and financial result evaluation and report (Raisinghani et al.,


The define–measure–analyze–improve–control (DMAIC) phases of the Six Sigma

Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Management approach provide is a structured problem-solving procedure widely used

in quality and process improvement (Hu et al., 2005; Banuelas et al., 2005). The

DMAIC structure encourages creative thinking about the problem and its solution
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within the definition of the original product, process, or service (Montgomery and

Woodall, 2008). In define (D) phase, the business improvement opportunity is

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identified. Then the problem is defined along with critical customer requirements,

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project scope and preliminary project plan (Raisinghani et al., 2005). The project

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charter and Six Sigma improvement are established (Montgomery and Woodall, 2008).
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In the measure phase (M), data is collected and tools to be applied are identified
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(Raisinghani et al., 2005). Analyzing data to understand reasons for variation and
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identifying potential root-cause and establishing the relationships between different

variables and causes are established using sophisticated statistical techniques in the
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analyze (A) phase (Raisinghani et al., 2005; Montgomery and Woodall, 2008). The

causes of problem are identified, measured and analyzed, the experts generate and

select potential solutions in the improve (I) phase. The last and most important phase

of Six Sigma implementation is the control (C) phase. The ongoing process

management plans, mistake-proof process are in this phase to make sure key input

variables is monitored and maintained over a longer period of time (Montgomery and

Woodall, 2008).

Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Six Sigma methodologies were first applied in manufacturing; however, once

organizations realized the benefits of Sigma Six, it use was rapidly expanded to

different functional areas such as marketing, engineering, purchasing, servicing, and

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administrative support (Henderson and Evans, 2000; Rajagopalan et al., 2004;

Roberts, 2004). In comparison to other industries, the Six Sigma is a new quality

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control technique for construction industry. This case study applied the DMAIC steps

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of Six Sigma by using the project charter to define problems, by using a tools of

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process mapping to display all the input and output variables affecting cracks in
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lightweight partition walls, by using the C&E (cause-and-effect) Matrix to select
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highly correlated input variables, and by using failure modes and effects analysis
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(FMEA) to identify causes of the cracks. Conventionally, there are many statistical

methods and quality management tools are applied in analyze phase, such as Design
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of Experiments (DOE), Response Surface Methodology (RSM), Robust Design,

Statistical Process Control (SPC), Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Failure Mode

and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Capacity Analysis, Hypothesis Testing, Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA), Regression Analysis, and so on (Hoerl, 2001; Elshennawy, 2004;

Montgomery and Woodall, 2008). However, statistical tools cannot be applied to all

situations. Tang et al. (2007) indicates that common statistical methods for quality

engineering and quality management tools are usually insufficient for tackling many

Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

business-improvement related problems such as production and service planning and

scheduling, inventory control and management, supply chain management, operations

scheduling and workforce scheduling. OR/M techniques such as forecasting, queuing,

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simulation and modeling are suggested to be essential tools in the ‘Analyze’ phase

since system level analysis is usually needed in a transactional environment. In the

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‘Improve’ phase, queuing and mathematical programming techniques are usually

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needed for transactional environments (Tang et al. 2007). Montgomery and Woodall

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(2008) address that discrete-event computer simulation is another powerful tool useful
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in service and transactional business in the Analyze phase. Therefore, the suitable
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tools can be used to verify variables depend on the situation of projects. In this
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research, we are looking forward finding whether the cracks in partition wall are

caused by different setting of key input variables under certain seismic force. If we
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wait the unexpected earthquake occurrence and then collect data, it could take a lot of

time. Hence, the finite element analysis simulation software ABAQUS was used

instead of statistical software to verify the key variables. Finally, the control plan is

adopted to control and reduce the occurrence frequency of various key input variables

effectively for continuous quality improvement.


Conventional partition walls in Taiwan are mainly constructed from reinforced

Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

concrete (RC), brick and wood. However, due to the declining labor force, increasing

salaries, increased construction costs, and changes in the Taiwan construction

environment in recent years, conventional partition walls can no longer meet all
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demands. As traditional construction methods require heavy building materials and

large manpower, it has been replaced by construction method of lightweight, high

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quality, short construction period, and low working capacity. Therefore, lightweight

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dry wall systems have become the mainstream approach for building partition walls in

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office buildings. The three main lightweight partition wall systems are framework
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partition system, panel partition system, and block laid partition system. This study
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treats the framework partition system as an example. The example used in this study
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was the framework partition system. Plasterboard is the main material of framework

panel wall, as the material combination of framework panel wall has large flexibility.
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The technical data used in the Taiwan construction industry are mostly obtained from

the U.S. and Japan; thus, differences in materials include studding, fixed screw

spacing, and structural support. Figure 1 shows the work flow for constructing the

framework partition wall.


This study improved the projects according to the DMAIC steps of Six Sigma. The

tools of traditional Six Sigma Management, such as Process Mapping, C&E Matrix,

Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

and FMEA were used in this research. Specially, the finite element analysis simulation

software ABAQUS was used instead of statistical software to verify the key variables.

Project initiation and definition

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The research scope of this case is the work flow for engineering lightweight partition

walls. Since Taiwan is located in a seismic zone, earthquakes often cause cracks in

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partition walls, which can result in cosmetic or even structural damage. According to

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the customer satisfaction report provided by the case company, the most common

customer complaint was cracks in the lightweight partition wall surface after
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earthquakes. The dissatisfaction rate of customer was 87%. Frequent customer

complaints about this problem resulted in considerable expenses for crack repair by
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the case company. The annual rework cost for repairing lightweight partition wall
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crack for customers is approximately NTD 1,700,000. However, the repairs did not
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help to prevent cracks in subsequent earthquakes. Therefore, the top management of


the case company established a Six Sigma project team to improve customer

satisfaction and reduce the rework cost. The project team used project charter to

define items, including reasons for selected topics, problem description, project goal,

financial benefit prediction, and scope of project. Table 1 shows partial contents of

project charter.

Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Factor Evaluation

Six Sigma quality improvement techniques are applied, and the operating procedures

are described as follows:

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Process mapping

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Process mapping is used to graphically illustrate the target process for identifying

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input variables (Xs), output variables (Ys), relationships between Xs and Ys, and all

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value-added and NVA process steps. Deficiencies in the lightweight partition walls
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resulted from variation or ineffective control of some factors in the process. Therefore,
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process mapping was used to identify input variables related to key process output
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variables (KPOVs) and to identify the causes of variation. Meanwhile, the

characteristics of input variables, including C, U and S types were displayed in the

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flow chart for further analysis. The meanings of C, U and S are shown below:
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(1) Controlled (C): those that affected KPOVs and were easily controlled;

(2) Uncontrolled (U): those that affected KPOVs but were difficult to control;

(3) Standard Operation Process (SOP) (S): those in current SOP.

The KPOVs of lightweight partition wall process are cracks, wall body structure

quality, and wall body surface strength. When the flow is analyzed and the


Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

cause-effect relationship is set up by process mapping, it is shown that the whole

lightweight partition flow consists of seven working procedures. Use of process

mapping to analyze the overall flow and cause-effect relationships showed seven
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main working procedures. The forty-nine input variables included thirty-five

controllable input variables and seven uncontrollable input variables. Of these, ten

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key variables and twenty-seven items had SOPs. It is worth noting that if a

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controllable input variable without SOP was identified as a key variable, the SOP of

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this input variable should be established. When the process mapping has been done
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(Table 2), the next step in the C&E Matrix is used for screening variables.
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C&E Matrix screens critical steps and influencing factors

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The C&E Matrix is then used to select the key input factors that contribute to cracks
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in lightweight partition walls. The project team put the input variables in the left part
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of the table and the KPOV in the upper part of the table. The KPOV was then

weighted from 1 to 10 according to customer requirements. The relationship between

the input variable and KPOV was then graded as 0, 1, 3 or 9 for (strong, moderate,

weak, and nonexistent correlations, respectively). Based on the C&E Matrix screening

analysis, the project team then selected 5 key input variables: U-runner fixing method,

construct as design drawings, joint spacing between panels, spacing between board

and main structure, spacing between studs. Table 3 shows part of the C&E Matrix.


Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Use FMEA to determine the causes affecting the key factors

When using the C&E Matrix to select key input variables, FMEA was performed to

determine the actual causes of key input variables with potential impacts on key output
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variables. After the FMEA method identifies potential failures in key variables, it is used to

reduce or eliminate their occurrence rate. After identifying potential failure modes of key

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variables, FMEA shows the causes of such failures and how they can be eliminated to

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prevent further failures. Table 4 shows part of the FMEA table.

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Factor verification
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Although FMEA showed several directions for improvement, the project team found that
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inspection and spot control mechanisms were insufficient preventive measures. The

project team supposed that two of the variables have great impact on the wall surface
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cracks, which are the joint spacing between panels and the spacing between board and
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main structure. Therefore, the project team used ABAQUS for simulation analysis.

The process of the simulation analysis is described below:

Model building

Since the self tapping bolts used to install the lightweight partition was 4mm in

diameter, the spacing between each calcium silicate board (dimensions 3m * 0.6m)

was set to 1cm, and the c steel spacing was set to 0.3m. Since the specifications


Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

required a spacing of at least 1.2cm, each piece was installed at a 15 cm interval. Both

boundaries of this wall body were assumed to be concrete columns to simulate field

conditions. A C-shaped steel frame, horizontal prism, calcium silicate board were used
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in this model. Table 5 shows the sizes of C-shaped steel frame and horizontal prism,

and Table 6 shows the material properties. The ABAQUS business software was used

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for analysis, and a 3D elastic beam element was used when simulating the C-shaped

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steel frame. A standard size calcium silicate board (3m high, 0.6m wide and 9mm

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thick) with 3D board element was simulated. The Center Point Flexure Test suggested
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by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D3043-95) was used to
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obtain the elastic modulus E of covering material and the force and displacement
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curves. The data obtained in this experiment (Fig. 2) were then analyzed.
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The transverse C steel at the flute on the model top was set as steel body element. A
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uniformly distributed mass M on the upper rigid element of the partition wall was

assumed when simulating the weight of the upper story. The degree of freedom at the

flute under the steel frame was set as the fixed end state, and an X-direction seismic

force on the ground surface was applied in this model. The designed seismic force

used in this research was maximum up to approximately 0.8g, which was the

aftershock intensity of the Chi-Chi earthquake measured form Provincial Puzih

hospital. Figure 3 shows the designed seismic forces.


Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Results Analysis

The model showed that the board yielded under a certain lumped mass. At this point,

the board was mass, at which point the board was destroyed. When the lumped mass
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was set to 40000kg, the board yielded. According to the stress distribution of board

under seismic force, the maximum stress was in the center of the board (Point 1 in Fig.

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4). This stress result was exported to obtain the maximum stress of 5.29MPa at this

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point (Fig. 5). Since the 5.08MPa exceeded the maximum yield stress of the calcium

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silicate board (Table 5), the simulation showed that the board was destroyed. The
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larger exported stress on the C steel is exported to determine whether the steel frame
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would be destroyed. Figure 6 shows the steel frame stress distribution and the output
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stress result. The maximum stress on the C steel was about 55MPa, which did not
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exceed the cold rolled steel yield stress 425 MPa listed in Tables 5 and 6. Therefore,
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in this case, only the board was destroyed.


The simulation showed that the spacing between the board and main structure would

cause a wall surface crack. In order to validate this deduction, the project team kept

the partition system 1 cm away from concrete columns at both sides, hoping to

improve this condition. Figure 7 is a schematic diagram of the modified lightweight

partition system. Figure 8 shows the stress distribution of the modified lightweight

partition system board under earthquake effect. The stress on the bottom of the board


Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

(Point 2) differed from that observed in the previous case. Figure 9 shows the results

obtained when the stress was exported. The analytical results showed that stress could

be reduced by separating the partition system from nearby concrete columns by a

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distance of 1 cm. Under the same condition, the maximum stress of board has not yet

reached the yield stress value of calcium silicate board, only half of the yield stress,

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2.5MPa. When the stress value of the position with larger steel frame stress was

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exported (Fig. 10), the maximum stress was 65MPa which exceeded the steel frame

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stress value of unmodified partition system. However, the C steel did not yield.
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These test results confirmed that the design effectively reduces, board destruction.
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The simulation confirmed that wall surface cracks could be reduced by keeping the
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board 1cm away from the main structure, where the spacing between the board and

main structure is a key input variable. Therefore, the project team suggested
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establishing an SOP for applying this approach in future construction processes.


Control plan

In order to control the variation of various key input variables effectively, the control plan is

established at the end of after completing the analysis process. The control plan was turned

over to the process supervisor after the project so that the process could be used to obtain

improvements in future projects. The two key variables affecting cracks in this project were

the spacing between board and main structure and the cross nailing of U-runner. Therefore,


Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

the two items must be monitored in the control plan (Table 7). The field director must

carefully monitor aspects of other basic operation so as to effectively reduce the variation

occurrence rate.
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Six Sigma approach provides business a systematic and logical program to solve

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problems and enhance the quality and efficiency of products and processes. In this

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case study, the Six Sigma Black Belts - the trained engineers in case company

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measure key factors affecting the process by applying process mapping, C&E Matrix ,
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FMEA, logical analysis of screening key factors causing the cracks. The FEA
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simulation software ABAQUS was integrated into Six Sigma approach to help
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verifying key variables. The research results showed that a 1 cm spacing between the
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board and main structure effectively reduced cracks. After applying this innovative
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finding applied and following the control plans, the customer dissatisfaction of case

company decreased from 87% to 11% accordingly. The annual rework cost for

repairing lightweight partition wall crack is from NTD 1,700,000 down to 94,000

dramatically. A new earthquake-proof construction method has been developed based

on the finding of this research and granted a new patent (M 431196) by Intelligent

Property Office in Taiwan recently.

Although Six Sigma management has been widely used in other industries, it is a


Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

relatively new quality improvement method in the construction industry. Therefore,

the process of using Six Sigma presented in this study can bring new ideas and quality

improvement methods to many construction companies. The research results of this

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study can be used as a reference in the construction industry.

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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155


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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

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International Statistical Review. 76(3): 329-346


Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Raisinghani, M.S., Ette, H., Pierce, R., Cannon, G., Daripaly, P. (2005). “Six Sigma:

Concepts, tools, and applications.” Industrial Management and Data Systems, 105(4):

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Rajagopalan, R., Francis, M., Suarez, W. (2004). “Developing novel catalysts with Six

Sigma.” Research Technology Management, 46(1):13-16.

d cr
Roberts, C.M. (2004). “Six Sigma signals.” Credit Union Magazine, 70(1): 40-43.

te s
Salzman S, Rabeneck LT, Rabeneck SK. (2002) Comprehensive Six Sigma Reference

di nu
Guide. Corporate Document Services: Kansas City, MO.
ye a
Van Iwaarden J., Van Der Wiele T., Dale B. (2008). “The Six Sigma improvement
op M

approach: A transnational comparison.” International Journal of Production Research,

C ted

46(23): 6739-6758.
ot p
N ce


Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.

Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Figure 1 Construction flow of lightweight partition wall

Figure 2 Calcium silicate board load and displacement diagram

Figure 3 The designed earthquake force

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Figure 4 Stress distribution of calcium silicate board under earthquake force

Figure 5 Stress value of calcium silicate board under earthquake force

d cr
Figure 6 Stress value of C steel under earthquake force

te s
Figure 7 Schematic diagram of modified lightweight partition system

di nu
Figure 8 Board stress envelope of modified lightweight partition system
ye a
Figure 9 Board stress value of modified lightweight partition system
op M

Figure 10 C steel stress value of modified lightweight partition system

C ted
ot p
N ce

Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.

Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155
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Figure 1 Construction flow of lightweight partition wall

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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.

Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155



Calcium silicate board
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0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 2 Calcium silicate board load and displacement diagram

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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.

Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155




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0 40 80 120

Figure 3 The designed earthquake force

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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.

Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Point 1
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Figure 4 Stress distribution of calcium silicate board under earthquake force

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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.

Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155



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0 40 80 120
Figure 5 Stress value of calcium silicate board under earthquake force

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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.

Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155



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0 40 80 120
Figure 6 Stress value of C steel under earthquake force

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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.

Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155
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Figure 7 Schematic diagram of modified lightweight partition system

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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.

Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155
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Figure 8 Board stress envelope of modified lightweight partition system

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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.

Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155



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0 40 80 120
Figure 9 Board stress value of modified lightweight partition system

Accepted Manuscript
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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.

Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155



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0 40 80 120
Figure 10 C steel stress value of modified lightweight partition system

Accepted Manuscript
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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.

Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Table 1 the part of project charter

Elements Team charter

Case description Lightweight partition wall surface crack improvement
Problem Customers often complain about cracks in the
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description lightweight partition wall surface of this company

resulted after construction or an earthquake
Project goal Customer complaint about lightweight partition wall
surface crack
Financial benefit Annual rework cost for repairing lightweight partition
wall crack is NTD 1,700,000
Scope of project Lightweight partition wall construction flow

Accepted Manuscript
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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Table 2: the part of process mapping table

Output variables
Type Flow
Input variable (quality characteristic)
Accuracy of Setting out
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setting out line √

Set water line and
Scoring error vertical line in field
of infrared partition according to the
laser construction drawing
√ √ approved by architect
The supervisor should Crack
verify the setting out sign Wall structure quality
Proficiency of Wall surface strength
in the construction
process before
√ √ construction
Operation of
infrared laser √
Use of setting
out tool √ √
Type of
worker √ √

Accepted Manuscript
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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Table 3: the part of C&E Matrix table

Wall structure

Wall surface
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Process input
Process Step 10 9 8 Score
The first calcium Joint spacing
9 9 9 243
silicate board closing between panels
Spacing between
The first calcium
board and main 9 9 9 243
silicate board closing
Studs and frameworks Spacing between
9 9 9 243
assembly studs
Fix upper and lower U-runner fixing
9 9 9 243
U-runner method
Studs and frameworks Construct as
9 9 9 243
assembly design drawings
Position of grout
Filling mortar 9 9 3 195
Tamping device
Filling mortar 9 9 3 195
Studs and frameworks Construct as per
9 3 3 141
assembly design drawings

Accepted Manuscript
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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Table 4 the part of FMEA table

Key input Failure modes Effects causes Improvement


Joint spacing Too small Wall crack Carelessness Examination at

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between spacing of builder random after

panels construction

Too large Wall crack Carelessness Examination at
between board
spacing of builder random after
and main

Too small Wall crack Carelessness Examination at

spacing of builder random after
between studs

Unstable Swing, wall Straight line Change the

U-runner fixing of surface crack nailing cannot nailing method
fixing method u-runner bear shear (by cross
force. nailing)

Not follow Wall crack Without Establish

design quality post-construction
Construct as drawings inspection quality control
design mechanism mechanism
drawings after according to key
construction quality

Accepted Manuscript
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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Table 5 Numerical simulation model parameters of C-shaped steel frame

beam 3D elastic
n element
Graphic t

represent Y
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ation W2

210 GPa
C-shaped steel frame (column)
W1 W2 W3 t
5cm 5cm 6.25cm 1mm
Horizontal prism
wi dt h

width t
5cm 1.2mm

Accepted Manuscript
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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Table 6 Numerical simulation model parameters

3D elastic
n element
Density 9.7g/ cm3
Elastic modulus 205GPa
Poisson’s Ratio 0.27
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Material Yield strength 425 MPa
properties Density 0.8g/ cm3
Elastic modulus 4.767 GPa
Poisson’s Ratio 0.25
Elastic modulus 5.08 MPa

Accepted Manuscript
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Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.
Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted February 8, 2012; accepted September 12, 2012;
posted ahead of print September 18, 2012. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000155

Table 7 Control plan

Controlled item Operation Control Sample size Sampling

specification methods frequency

Spacing 1cm Checklist Full inspection Full inspection

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between board
and main

U-runner Construct as Checklist Full inspection Full inspection

fixing method u-runner
fixing SOP

Accepted Manuscript
Not Copyedited

Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Civil Engineers

J. Manage. Eng.

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