Islamic Studies: Quiz #1

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Islamic studies

Quiz #1

Submitted by: Muhammad Talha

Roll No: 190277
Submitted To: Ms samina shah
Answer no # 1
In Islam, Jihad does not mean “Holy War”. And is not a declaration of war against other
religions and certainly not against Christians and Jews, as some people perceived it. its five
psycho -spiritual dimensions based on acronym, acronym, namely, justice, inner struggle,
harmony and humanness, action and Divine Unity and Da ‘Wah. Jihad literally means “The
struggle in the path of Allah” it can mean a number of things that a Muslim does for the sake
of Allah. Jihad should be accompanied by action, justice and inner struggle to cultivate
harmony and humanness, and establish divine unity and da’wah. Jihad cannot be declared
against one or more Muslims or a Muslim state or nation. It cannot be declared against a
community or even a person because they belong to different religions. Thus, the target of
Jihad cannot be the Hindus, Buddhist, Jews and Christians simply because of the difference
of religion. It is all means not that only Muslims have the right to declare the Jihad against
anything or anyone, but they can declare the Jihad under certain circumstances when it is
necessary so neither Muslims can declare the Jihad on the basis of their own issue against a
community, a state or a nation that has peaceful relations with Muslims and respect their
religion and promote peaceful relations with others. Jihad does not encourage the use of
violence against non-Muslims, but the fact is that it encourages peaceful relations with other
community. Islam guarantees the sanctity of life. To spread fear in any society or hurt others
or terrorize people all are considered major sins in Islam. it is believed that Allah would
inflict severe pain in the form of punishment for them. So, humanness is the basic philosophy
to be followed by all for maintaining harmony. All religious principles focus on the unity of
humankind which is natural. Seek justice for all through jihad. Establish a harmonious world
where injustice no longer exists.
'In its classical interpretation it was left to the Imam or Caliph who was the head of Muslim
polity to declare Jihad. The Qur'an says,
'O Messenger, rouse the Believers to the fight' and 'consult them in affairs (of moment)’

Answer no # 2
The Holy Quran was sent down in order as a Huda, a righteous guidance for people to learn
from and to utilise as a means to gain closeness to Allah (swt). Allah (swt) instructs us on
how to deal with one another with the best social ethics.
ْ ‫َواَل ت ََج َّسس‬
1- “And do not spy on one another.”
This one really is a no-brainer but is something so incredibly vital to so many of our modern-
day surveillance states. With this, Allah (swt) reminds us that for the best social etiquette, one
should avoid it.
2- “Oh you who believe; let not (one) people laugh at (another) people, perchance they
may be better than them.”
It is often we look down on people as we believe that they are lesser than us in some way.
Here we are instructed not to laugh or mock others, especially since there is a chance that
they are better than us in some way or another. This verse then continues to discuss name
And whoever is obedient among you to Allah and His Messenger and does
righteousness, we will give her her reward twice; and We have prepared for her a
provision noble.”
M orality in Islam is high so that every Muslim must possess the quality of good moral
character. It sets the way of life of a Muslim as well as defining his faith in Allah. As Allah
loves someone with good characters, it becomes our obligation to keep improving our Imaan
and morals. Positive moral values are important because they allow you to have an overall
feeling of peace and joy. A true Muslim is a humble person who submits his will to his
Creator’s wishes.

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