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The Everything Skit

The name for this skit comes from the concept that God is always with us, in everything good,
trying to reach us in the bad, seeking us and wanting us to do the same.

This skit is done without speaking and with music playing.

You can access the music on iTunes: Everything, by Lifehouse.

Jesus – dressed in a white alb
Girl (or boy if a girl is Jesus) – dressed in a white shirt with a black
tear-away shirt to start. (We bought one at Goodwill, cut it, and put it back
together with velcro.) Girl – hair tied back; Boy – hat.
Boy/Girl Friend – dressed nicely
$$ Person – lots of bling, fake money to throw around
Pot Smoker – oversized joint made from paper
Drunk – bottle of wine (empty)
Bulimic – dressed nicely
Cutter/Gangster/Gun/Suicide Pusher – dressed dark, a hoodie is great,
knife with fake blood on one side, toy gun painted to look real

Flow of Action:
• Jesus forms the person then the girl/boy are walking in a garden. Jesus is showing them
creation – good fruit, fresh water, a flower to smell. As they turn around to see all there is a
boy/girl friend breaks in-between the person and Jesus.
• Jesus is trying to get the persons’ attention.
• Boy/girl friend dances, lifts, hugs, then discards the girl/boy friend.
• Boy/girl friend walks away, blocks Jesus, arms begin to flow.
• $$ Person walks up, teases the person with $, & eventually throws it all down. $$ Person
stands in front of b/g friend; alternately waves arms.
• Pot smoker enters, offers the joint, b/g refuses, it gets pushed on them and then they cannot
get enough. Smoker moves off to the line-up.
• Drunk enters with the (empty) bottle of wine, drinking, offers it to the b/g, they refuse,
offers again & pushes it upon the person, it is taken, a couple of sips and then enjoyed but
empty it is tossed aside (gently of course). Drunk joins the line-up with alternating waving
• Bulimic enters, flipping hair (girl), showing off muscles (boy). Fix the hair of the person,
push at their belly (girl), 6-pack or arms (boy). Show them how to force a throw-up; they
continue to repeat the movement. Join the others. B/G is in agony and kneeling on the
floor. Jesus is really trying hard to get their attention.
• Cutter/Gangster/Gun/Suicide Pusher enters darkly, circles the person, shows them how to
cut themselves. They refuse but it is pushed on them. When the B/G does it they use the
side with the fake blood to streak across their arm; collapse again to your knees. The dark
one pulls out a gun, offers it, it is refused, then it is put to their temple and the dark one
pushes their hand onto the gun. Dark one joins the line-up; Jesus, jumping/waving.
• Agony is shown, back and forth with the gun, rise with agony, throw the gun away (we
loose a lot here to breakage). B/G runs toward Jesus.
• The “people/stuff” are in the way, trying to keep the person from Jesus but Jesus is
persistent, gets past the crowd, shield the person from them. There is a music count to
make the throw-off of the evil ones more dramatic. When Jesus rises dramatically they all
fall away.
• Jesus cleans the person off with the same motions as the beginning, hugs, then picks the
person up and carries them off.

This skit is a hard one to watch but it touches on the stresses our youth face in today’s society.
Other things could be added – a cell phone, bottle of pills, etc. if desired. It is a turning point
because it reaches the youth with something they have dealt with in school or with friends.
Everything Skit
Small Group Discussion Starter Questions

Where did you see yourself in the skit?

(Give time for silence…..some may share, some may ponder in silence)

Other questions as fit the responses.

Scripture: Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying a heavy
burden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Prayer: O God, you care for your creation with great tenderness.
In the midst of the greatest pain, you offer hope.
Help us, our spirits are sometimes lost and our souls in despair.
Heal our wounds and be with those who care for us.
Let us feel your pure love.
Let us believe in the miracle of rebirth so that we can
experience now a small taste of the happiness we hope to
know in eternity. Amen.

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