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Ana Melikidze

The given bar chart shows the percentage of people who are obese in England in
1995, 2001 and 2007. Society is separated into four groups by age:16-44, 45-64,
65-74, and 75 and over. Whilst in 1995 the obesity of the 16-44 age group was
13%, in 2001 and 2007 it increased to 17%. As for the 45-64 age group, the obesity

rate increased from 22% to 28% and 32% accordingly. The 65-74 age group has
almost the same rate as the last mentioned group. From 1995 to 2007, the rate of
obesity in people aged 75 and over increased 16%, 19%, and 24%, respectively.
Based on these figures, we can assume that obesity represents an increasing
problem in England.

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