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Speaker’s perspective on leadership:

present two different perspectives on leadership.

the survey on the most important characteristics of leadership
her perception of leadership differ from the views presented by the lecturer 
Compare these two perspectives, evaluate each and say which of them you broadly
agree with, personally
Leadership in the business world. Aspects to psychology related to business world.

Psychology of leadership

Inspirational leadership can be difference between outstanding organization performance and

disappointing failure.

Perspective 1

Great leaders guide organizations to success, they inspire and motivate the employees in their
companies and they also provide more standards for employees to follow. This kind of leadership brings
about change

In a world where genuinely-talented individuals are considered to be scarce recourse it’s not really
surprising that exceptional leaders are in even greater demand than ever. The risk associated with
appointing the wrong person to the top of the company are absolutely enormous

Poor leadership can cause considerable damage to the companies’ performance and in a very short time
to demotivating stuff by making them worthless resulting in loss of confidence and performance
ultimatelly destroing the value of the organization. So, it’s crucial, vital that organizations understand
the elements that contribute the great leadership. so that they are able to identify and develop this
leadership potential of inside and outside the company. and at the same time, they need to take care of
end develop the skills of existing leaders.

the most important characteristics of leadership :Leadership is about participation and

engagement. The very first ability for leaders is to inspire and motivate others. The second one is a high
level of emotional intelligence which is related to ability to empathize and understand people. And the
3rd important characteristic is a natural leadership, it is the ability of being natural communicator, driven
and ambitious. these skills are important. Great leaders guide organizations to success, they inspire and
motivate the employees in their companies and they also provide more standards for employees to
follow. This kind of leadership brings about change. Poor leadership can cause considerable damage to
the companies’ performance and in a very short time to demotivating stuff by making them worthless
resulting in loss of confidence and performance ultimatelly destroing the value of the organization. So,
it’s crucial, vital that organizations understand the elements that contribute the great leadership. so that
they are able to identify and develop this leadership potential of inside and outside the company. and at
the same time, they need to take care of end develop the skills of existing leaders.
Perspective 2

She highlights the abilities that introverts brings to the world and argues they should be
encouraged and celebrated.
It highlights the potential of introverts for the world and argues they should be encouraged and

We need to give them that autonomy, so long as they are held responsible for

their actions.
We must give them this autonomy As long as they take responsibility for their actions
‘And this is because solitude is a crucial ingredient often to creativity.
When it comes to leadership, introverts are routinely passed over for leadership positions even though
introverts tend to be very careful, much less likely to take outside risks which is something we might all
favor nowadays. Research has found that introverted leaders often deliver better outcomes than
extroverts do because when they are managing proactive employees, they are much more likely to let
those employees run with their ideas, whereas an extrovert can, quite unwittingly and get so exited
about things that they are putting their own stamp on things, and other people’s ideas might not as
easily then bubble up to the surface. solitude is a crucial ingredient often to creativity. the more
freedom that we give introverts to be themselves, the more likely that they are to come up with their
own unique solutions to these problems.
Perspective 2

It highlights the potential of introverts for the world and argues they should be encouraged
and celebrated. When it comes to leadership, introverts routinely move into leadership
positions even though they are prone to caution are less likely to take external risks which
we all support today. Research shows that introverted leaders often achieve better results
than extroverts because when they are managing proactive employees, they allow employees
to come up with their own ideas whilst extroverts can be so fascinated by things that they no
longer take into account the ideas of others and only make this or that decision on their own
initiative. solitude is a crucial ingredient often to creativity. We must give them this
autonomy as long as they take responsibility for their actions because the more freedom we
give introverts to be who they are, the more likely they are to make their own unique
solutions to different problems.

Perspective 2

the most important characteristics of leadership :Leadership is about participation and

engagement. The very first ability for leaders is to inspire and motivate others. The second one is a high
level of emotional intelligence which is related to ability to empathize and understand people. And the
3rd important characteristic is a natural leadership, it is the ability of being natural communicator, driven
and ambitious. these skills are important. Great leaders guide organizations to success, they inspire and
motivate the employees in their companies and they also provide more standards for employees to
follow. This kind of leadership brings about change. Poor leadership can cause considerable damage to
the companies’ performance and in a very short time to demotivating stuff by making them worthless
resulting in loss of confidence and performance ultimatelly destroing the value of the organization. So,
it’s crucial, vital that organizations understand the elements that contribute the great leadership. so that
they are able to identify and develop this leadership potential of inside and outside the company. and at
the same time, they need to take care of end develop the skills of existing leaders.

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